ftto. V ft a la 11 Is I 11 lj READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BO WATCH Your label and pay your subscription VOLUME XXII 8 PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1933 PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY NUMBER 23 NO DECISION YET ON APPOINTMENTS College Students Study 'Marine Life Hereabouts More than a dozen Davidson Cm- RV THE rnVPRNOR ilege students arrived here Monday DI lnij IIU I lilinVll and during the ensuing five weeks . jwil study marine biology under the Candidates Still On The Anx- u.r,vision of. Prof' ' Porte,r' a ious Bench; State Notes P Professor who is spending Renewed I summer months here. These stu- J I dents are from as far north as New DRY FORCES ORGANIZING' Jy fnd 83 far south 39 Mi" ami, Flordida. By M. R. DUNNAGAN During their stay here they will OSCAR WIGGINS RECEIVES FINE Possession of Four Gallons of Whiskey and Ten Gallons of Beer Results in Fine The possession of some four gal lons of whiskey and about ten gallons of beer in his home at Pelletier, re sulted in a fine when Oscar Wiggins came before Judge Paul Webb in Re corder's Court Tuesday morning. He was also charged with having the liquor for the purpose of sale in ad dition to the possession. Charles W. Stevens was the attorney for the de- T. M. Thomas Jr., C. G.. Holland, have the use two or three times a RALEIGH, June 5 Governor Eh- week 0f the "Sandpiper," the Piver's ringhaus kept them all on the "anx-;Tsiand Bureau of Fisheries yacht, for ious seat" a3 to appointments over the purpose of collecting the many the week-end, but with the hope that specimens of marine biology that are he would name officers for half a teeming in the waters in the vicinity flnipn nr more imnortant noffts and r,f Tif.-- T ari,i;t;nn t-n v. - " 1 VA UCOUlVlbi Ilk dUUIIrlVII IU W1C CJV"I , , . , j some 400 minor members of boards, norlin commissions and the like probably by will have class from eight in the ('Sher Elbert M. Chadwick raided the middle of this week. morning until three in the afternoon.!6 Wfn ome Wednesday, "ay -lOlis trip to New York on State fi-with time off for lunch. Regular col-1 30 and found the intoxicants Ac nances, where heand Treasurer Chas. lege credit will be given for thia ! cordl"8T to the witnesses, the whiskey tic tu 1 !,. -.,.i, m. i ,;n u,: u j was found locked up with some cloth- interest rat on some SG.000.000 in ucational. but it will also be verv rec-!lnS ln a trunk in the badroom of the ciuded in the list of items to short term notes would be reduced to reative and enjoyable, it is said. j defendant, while the beer was found 5 per cent, and possibly 4 1-2 perj In addition to Professor Porter,!?11 what was said to be the smoke cent, as the North Carolina bankers the party is made up of: C. M. Wild-,house or some other mediate ut had promised to do' for about the man, of Miami, Fla.; R. E. Herman, nouse' same amount of notes they hold, and of Mt. Airy; J. C. Daffin, of Genads- , N plea was entered by the de the University trustees meeting Sat-; town, W. Va.; M. Reeves Pope, of en?ant through his attorney at the urday, interfered somewhat with ' Talladega, Ala.; D. F Herring 0f jbgrning of the trial, but after the .' .. tj, ,. w w t C4.f evidence was given, Mr. Stevens en- iously awaited. Va.; John Stevens, of Winston-Sal- jte.red a Pea of nol cntendere to the N. C. RELIEF WORK RECEIVES PR AISE Diamond Mystery Case Comes to Trial Again i. A two-weeks mixed term of Super ior Cnnrt. will convene here Mondav Method of Handling Money Is!m0rning, with the Hon Henry A. Grady, of Clinton, judge presiding. The first three days of next week will be devoted to the trial of crim inal cases, and the remainder of the Satisfactory to R. F. C. By M. R. DUNNAGAN RALEIGH, June 5 An investiga tor of the Reconstruction Finance term will used up in the trial of civ-!Monday when the Board of County BOARD DISCUSSES LAND VALUATION Proposal To Reduce Values Fifty Per Cent Debated; Action Postponed A good many people were on hand Corporation recently report lauding ;i suits. the manner in which relief work is, handled in North Carolina, and par-! Comparatively few criminal cases ticularly the way the funds are handl- are docketed for trial this term, and ed, Mrs. W. T. Bost, commissioner with the exception of the Frank Bul of public welfare, reports. lock "Diamond Mystery Case," they ' r ' t K. r..ll1. The funds are placed in the coun-:ar.e P1 minor .mpon. r. uuu. ty treasury and are paid out on or-1ried a "he, October term of Super- The more important positions to m' d "1 eeptad by he solicitor. Judge Webb be filled by him are chairman, and H . H Hodgin of Red Springs, J . L. defendant nt of L. nn,latne;! session, which was accepted by the JT UUllC V UI R3 llIllI119i3lUIlt l-williuio- " ' t " - sioner of Revenue; commissioner of New York City; and Felix Gee, Jr., paroles, assistant budget director,, of Charlotte. With the exception of adjutant general, director and four! Professor Porter, these are all stop members of board of Conservation ping at the Manson House. Miss Eliz- and Development, also game and fish.abeth Huntley, daughter of Mr. and warden and fisheries commissioner ( Mrs. George W. Huntley, of this com director of purchase and contract; munity, is also taking the course in one member of Industrial Commision; marine biology. up to six special judges; supeiinten-1 dent of buildings and grounds. llVfPW OR Fi TNf A lVff - He also is to name the trustees of W " UllllilttlU;LfO all educational institutions, except theg reate-r University, and all boards of charitable and correctional insti tntUm ovnonf tVin SnlHiprs' Home. LUllUU-3, V I' " i - ' - . , th Unovrlo nmnViprinc from five to a Milk kfVWAv." i. ...... - --"O dozin; ight boards of professional' registration, as accountants, engi-; neers, barbers, and the like; five - mombprs of the State Board of ! A resolution was adopted Health; five members of Local Gov. Inspection And Bathinsr Suit Regulation Adopted By City Board solicitor. Judge Webb found the de fendant guilty of possession and ren. dered the following judgment: the defendant was given a ninety day jail-and-road sentence, to be suspend relief director when countersigned ment and misappropriation of what by the county auditor. The welfare I WM sald to have been approximately workers handle no money, thus pre-1five thousand dollars worth of dia venting possibility of mishandling mond ewelry entrusted in his care funds and allowing the workers to ;las summer while he was night clerk give more time to relief work. !attle Cherry Hotel in Morehead at iU ... .... . iCity by Mrs. B. S. Sheppard, of Farm muie timii ituu cuiiimuuiuics aic 1 ville ided in the list of items to be i bought b ythe Division of Purchase! Only one juror voted against ac and contract on bids to be opened quittal, and so a mistrial resulted. June 15 and to be used by the State's ( The case was then docketed for trial 28 charitable, correctional and educa- at the March term, but owing to tional institutions during the quarter, j various and sundry reasons, it failed July 1 to September 30. The provis-to come up for final settlement. Con- ions will not be as extensive as dur- Isiderable interest was manifested in ing the other three quarters of the Beaufort, Moreehad City, Atlantic year, since the period represents the and various other sections of Carter vacation time of the 14 educational' et over this trial. institutions. ... It is said that no important civil The question has been raised by!case9 ar(J docketed for trial next well-versed lawyers of the State elc and the week after, to whether a single one of the 1400 COMPLETING was not properly or constitutionally POTATO HARVEST i'Two Hundred and Twelve Car loads of Irish Potatoes Have Left Carteret This Seas on by the : Board of Commissioners Monday ernment Commissioner; one member night which provides for an inspec- Davjs M of Historical Commission; five of tion of milk sold in the town and a'n-Joe L' iState Board of Elections; three ot uuier wmcn ioroius any one irom ap advisory committee to Banking Com- pearing in bathing trunks only upon missioner, and a legal adviser, which the streets. These matters were dis has not been filled since creation; cussed at some length and neither two members of Advisory Budget was passed by a Unanimous vote. It Commission; three of board of Agri was the regular monthly meeting of culture; nine on commission on im- the baord. Mayor Taylor, Commis provement of the laws; vocational sioners Gibbs, Glover, King and Rum educational board. lev were present. The Governor also approves the( Archie B. Freeman and B. L. Jes commissioner of charities and public SUp( representatives of the State welfare; is a mmeber of the board of (Board of Health, attended the meet three selecting the State Librarian; jng and urged the adoption of the approves thed irector of standards milk inspection ordinance. Commis and inspection-labor department; ap-ioner Rumley offered the motion to proves as to salary, the State high- adopt and stated that G. R. Arthur way engineer; and members of the jT.f 0f Moreehad City had agreed to State Board of Charities and Public make the necessary tests of the milk Welfare, Also, under public-local for $25 a month. Commissioner Gibbs and Private laws the Governor names took the position that the dairymen probably 25 county officials, such as would derive benefit from the inspec judges, accountants and the like, and tion and ought to pay part of the ex is a sort of mayor of Wrightsville , pense. He declined to vote for the Beach. He names or approves the j resolution unless this could be done, two sets of railroad directors and of-. The motion prevailed, ficera, j Commissioned Rumley opposed the The steering comn.ttee of the bathing trunk ordinance on the United Dry Forces met in Raleigh ground that it might keep visitors a last week and, behind closed doors, ,way. Commissioner Gibbs, who back named a central committee of 150, ed the proposed ordinance, said that from which will be elected an execu- lt did not apply to the ordinary bath ed upon the condition that he be of i constituted. The Constitution directs good behavior, violate1 no laws, pay the the senatorial districts of the a $25 fine and the costs of the ac- State berearranged and that the rep tion. resentatives be reapportioned among Anderson Taylor, a young white -the counties after every federal enum I man, was sent over from the Beau-eration. The 191 General Assembly fort Police Court on a charge of as-idid not do this and, it is claimed, tonltlmr Fnrl fiarnor nn PlO-ht-VPar- : y,t-V,; rlv,n V,r tVio 1 QQQ Kr.rKr itrl-irVi old local boy, by striking him down. was not formed as the constitution!, One hundred and forty hve car rww v stovona ronroaentpH Tav. ';0 ;0 0f;f,,t;ni iloads of Irish potatoes have left Par lor. On account of the fact . -that I The retail merchants have stated teret Cn& ndriTiern 'markets Mayor Bayard Taylor has the juris-' at times and by groups that they will fnce lne la ue 01 tne Tpf f diction to deal with cases of this resist the three per cent general jbundred and thirty-seven of these kind, the case was remanded to the sales tax imposed by the last Legis- :aYf ne Wjhe orl ?lk:Souhe local Police Court for final settle- lature, and it is likely thrt, if action ailioad and the s bv N. ment. is brought to resist it, the unconsti- j B- C- 'ht boatf- t Thls morn'nS Ar.f.nvrlin(r tn Snlif- trr M. Lesl 6 tnt-mnnl nntnrp nf tho P.Pnpral AS.;l"B was 4t-'llS iss Leah Willis, daughter of sembly will be used as one argument e.s ' lrmJt: 10 $V Danel' Willis, of Moreehad City, to show that the sales tax is not 15 "UU"V, ,e T 1V!,,C constitutional. All of the other laws, 31 si iiiursuay. unnff lne R.ovon,,A. AnnvnnHstinnfi. MachinPW. ery Part ot the Week the price ad- . -7 ' came to him Monday and rather tear fully told her tale of woe. This re sulted in a warrant being sworn out, with Miss Willis as prosecuting wit ness, charging her father with as saulting a female to wit: herself by striking her in the face with his fist and destroying and otherwise ma liciously injuring certain personal property and furniture belonging to, would hold. Mrs. Fannie L, Willis. (Continued on page eight-) School Machinery, and all public n"d somewhat on the potatoes, public-local and private laws, would if " be unconstitutional, if a case should has nw reached the point where it reach and the N. C. Supreme Court : was last week this tn The total hold, that the General Assembly was number of barrels shipped from the not constitutionally constituted,, as,county this year by rail and by boat some of the lawyers claim the court exclusive of those that went by illicit now uiuuuius io uaneis. Repeal or No Repeal lssexl weK W1U see m0l 01 tne Pota" Repeal or no repeal of the 18th:toes harvested, amendment is expected to come up; Owine- to tno drnoht in mainr BIRTHS ;at the annual meeting of the North h., nrnH,ir.in statpa tn thP smith nf Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Gil-'Carolina Clubs of Young Democrats, North Carolina and the bean beetle Commissioners convened in their regular monthly session. Most of those present were asking for finan citl assistance or relief from tares. There wa9 a considerable discussion by board members of the matter of reducing the valuation of real prop erty. Some weeks ago a horizontal reduction of one third was ordered. Commissioner Smith took the position that it ought to be cut one half. He said that if this were done a better settlement could be made of the county's bonded indebtedness. Ac tion on the marter was postponed. Commissioners Webb, Smith, Fukher, Guthrie and McCabe were all pres ent. A motion offered by Commissioner McCabe was carried which ordered deduction of the value of the Atlan tic Hotel, buurned some weeks ago, from the assessment of the Norfolk- Southern Railroad. Commissioned Guthrie offered a motion that the bond of Alvah L. Hamilton in the National Surety Corporation be accepted. The motion carried. A motion adopted authorizing the removal oft hebod y of Elias Lee, Federal soldier, from a lot at the corner of Pine and Marsh streets Beaufort, was made by Commissioner Smith. C. R. Wheatly owner of the lot is to pay all expenses connected with the removal. The work of remov al is to be done under the supervis ion of the health officer of the coun ty. Commissioner Smith offered a mo tion which was adopted that Caesar Rose, colored, of Beaufort be allow- . ed $1 a week from the poor fuad lot .four weeks. . ,' ': X motion was pasfsd, offered i Commissioner Guthrie fchs.t T. W. Davis of Marshalberg, Be relieved of poll tax on account of physical infirm ities. Commissioner Guthrie moved that Fred Gillikin be allowed $1 a week for four weeks. Motion carried. On motion offered by Commission er Fulcher and carried J. G. Allen was elected County Superintendent of Public Welfare. The board recesesd to meet Mon day, June 19. likin, of Bettie, at the Moreehad City Hospital, Monday, June 5, a daugh ter. MARRIAGE LICENSES Gordon Lee Willis and LiHie Da vis, Davis, N. C. Alexander C. Curtis, of Morehead City, Kansas L. Gabriel, of Beaufort. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS L. H. Oliver to Eliza A. Oliver, 300 acres White Oak Township, for $1. Eliza Oliver and husband to J. A. Bedford and wife, 495 acres White Oak Township, for $1500. Kemp B. Arthur to Mr3. Isabella Arthur, 4 acres Morehead Township, to be new at wrigntsviue ceacti . Virginia, the beans produced this fnr .Tnlw 8 nt whir-h finvprnnr J. C. B. . lor V100- - - year in arierei county are now sen- r t r:n:t.: j i. r. , . . L,ee uray, 1 lot Cape Lookout, for Til 1 1 Ct i Tl - 1- --.J. annngnaus ana senator novei-. .jing at a premium in northern mar Reynolds will be the principal speak-kets xhe price remains steadily at ers- .,, ifrom $1.75 to $2 per bushel hamper. President J. Dewey Dorsett said heIt is said by those who know tat a had heard that resolutions would bejbughel of beans can be produced at (Continued on page eight) ,preSent costs and freighted to market ;and the commission paid for about " I seventy-five cents. All above this is LIGHTHOUSE KEEPER C, W. CLIFTON d to be profit It is understood ni RETIRES AFTER 35 YEARS SERVICE those who planted the two hundred and fifty acres in the county made ex tive committee of 15 to name a direc ing suit but was intended to stop the .in the lighthouse service, the last dent3 have been averted by the stead- In addition to te many tor secretary and other officials, in: practice of bathers appearing in a 'twenty-four of which he has been fastness of Cape Lookout's light paving ttie county, large ' (Continued on page eight) nude condition from the waist up. stationed at the Cape Lookout Light hous6 keeper. Through tempests and beets are still being sni (C THIS WEEK'S ADVERTISERS The attention of readers of the News is respectfully called to the list of advertisers inthis week's issue. The list embraces a considerable num ber of Beaufort and Morehead City firms and some of the country s larg est manufacturers. The list follows: Wm. H. Bailey, Jeweler. Barbour's Machine Shop. B. A. Bell, Jeweler. F. R. Bell, Druggist. Betts Bakery, i Beaufort Lumber and Manufactur ing Company. Chevrolet Motor Co. .Charles E'.lis and Company. Henry Fcrl. Freeman Brothers. Joe House Drug Store. Ideal Dry Cleaners. Johnson-Saunders Dry Company. C. D. Jones Company. Loftin Motor Company. Mathis Cafe. Noe Hardware Company. Paul's Machine Shop. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Sea Food Cafe. Standard Oil Company. Wade's Theatre The ordianance was adopted. J. 0. Barbour came before Aftsr more than thirty-five years ipi,.n. v,,,,,,!.?, nf marine acci-i c&llent profits on their bean crops. in auuiiiuu iu ie many ueuus now amounts of hipped, and through calms, through warm weath-there are bringing from seventy-five er and through damp, freezing weath- lu a u""Jl a uux- uasn aim a er, through rains, snows and fog, number of other agricultural prod Captain Clifton remained ct his post "et3 arf aIsc beins shipped in sma'.l so that others might use the Atlantic Quantities. ocean with safety. 91. S. H. Styron Sr., to S. H. Styron Jr., 4 acres Sea Level, for love and affection. Poison ivy is not ivy at all, but was so-called by Captain John Smith who encountered it with unpleasant results, and thought it resembled the English ivy. TTnuse. CaDtain Charles W. Clifton the 'came home Monday to begin a wen- board and asked for a permit to put earned rest, following his retirement upa gas tank on the dock in the rear. May 1st on account or aisaonuj. of Barbour Bros, shop and a pump in Owing to the fact that an inventory front. The application was filed to be had to be taken and various papers acted on in 10 days according to the and documents written, Captain Clif iiQiml custom. I ton was unable to leave the keeper's . . . .. . . i y if J t i Charles Hatsell,, Chief o the ire home at tne iape unui monuay i .. account that he was re- Mrtor d tr i ire riivne r"4-: nbbici runvj For the past year or so Captain BEING DISTRIBUTED JUlton has oeen in in neaan, aim u Department, stated that considerable trash accumulates in the rear of the stores on Front street and suggested that it ought to be cleaned up three times a week. The matter was refer red to Chief of Police Longest for at tention. A motion was offered and passed reelecting Lon Hill and R. B. Wheat ly to the Beaufort school board. T5 t X rinnnnnnn n4-;A1 VrtTir Viqt ho has ,in untton enlisted in me , -f . . ptiinv ViimsMf H5. uuc v ict vuumjf January 24, 1898, and until n , " Receives this week the first of four CATCHES LARGE GREY TROUT this week, Captain Clifton enlisted service October 1, 1909 when he was sent 2'" "rtt .T-f h U hea 1th would !mstalments ot 5'uo-00 aUotted to to Cape Lookout-he was MonAti county for Junerelief, the Gov- Bt me TV nUc villi TIDE TABLE Light House, which is located near the mouth 0f! ' l"e 5erve tu fc,ks out to county treasurers June le "kint1. ThraiftoB-g; dectuinhClSnteis ? wel - ike 6' .1.. s pi: ui. n;i Ar.. me- Ptm Pinion is weu'' . instalments aa the mnnth A twenty-five-inch grey trout was Cleaning landed near the Beauf ort-Morehead ; there until he attained man's estate, City causeway last night by Mrs. j In his leisure time at the tape, Mitchell Clark, of Burlington, who is Captain Clifton tended a sizeable spending the summer here at her cot- flock of Plymouth Rock chickens, and tage on Live Oak Street. Numbers of lis was with deep regret that he dis- grey trout were also caught by oth- j posed of these at the time of his re ier members of the fishing party, jtirement. During the last two doz ! which included Miss Elizabeth Clark 'en years at Cape Lookout he has me. vspwin "c" I instalments as the month passes. ana nigniy regaruea uua i North Carolina win have ?651i30o community and a tt(!di"J available for June, about 13 per cent of the Ann Street Methodist Church . ' . . .y.. , , Nit TT' U L Uiltt YT3 1 CUUCJCCU Ul ttlC XWC- out. A native of Washington County, 1 "uu" ' ' . . th t hi construction Finance Corporation, Captain Clifton continued to lSSSii" 2 per cent less than the , , w . 9 . i. $odd,uuu receivea ior may. family resided in Elizabeth City dur ing Captain Clifton's stay at Wade Point, but removed to Beauofrt when Captain Clifton came to Cape Loot Information as to the tides at Beaufort is given in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that is whether near the inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. 8:45 a. 9:17 p. 9:43 a. 10:11 p. days and that it will give him more. "Reports from all sections of the ,.. , ""' State indicate a considerable im- religious activities of the community. , , . , , 6 ua o ' provement in employment, the re- So far, no one has been sent to port said. The lesser amount avail take Captain Clifton's place as keep-! able is expected to be sufficient to er of the Cane Lookout light. Hejtake care of the more pressing needs turned the light house over to his especially in view of the general re- lmprovement in employ- and the Rev. and Mrs. H. A. WTelker. tended the light that has gguided , first assistant, I. V. Willis, of Koa-:pois of iJudeinarbv the results of this fishing thousands of mariners and their pas-'noke Island. The second assistant is' ment. itrip, good fishing may be had in this sengers and cargoes as they travelled J. A. Newton, of Cash Corner, Para-; J , 0 . ilHCHUlOl) WWMIlJ up and down the Atlantic coast. : lico County. READ THE WANT ADS High Tide Low Tide Friday, June 9 m. . 2:45 a. m. m. 2 :55 p. m. , Saturday, June 10 m. 3:45 a. m. m. 3:50 p. m Sunday, June 11 10:40 a. m. 4:38 a. m. 10:45 p. m. 4:49 p. m. Monday, June 12 11:06 a. m. 5:32 a. m. 11:37 p. m. 5:15 p. m. Tuesday, June 13 12:01 a. m. 6:28 a. m. 12:33 p. m. 6:56 p. m. Wednesday, June 14 12:56 a. m. 7:24 a. m. 1:34 p. m. 8:02 p. m. Thunday, June IS 1:55 a. m. 8:16 a. m. 2:39 p. m. 9:03 p. m.

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