II ITU Beaufort Sews to .3 r1 The best advertising medium published in Carteret Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODy" WATCH Your label and pay our subscription - VOLUME XXII 8 PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1933 PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY NUMBER 23 Want National Forest In Eastern Carolina Director of Conservation J. W. Harrelson Re- Big Program Tuesday At Atlantic Beach Celebration of the "Glorious Fourth" in Carteret county will be for the most part at Atlantic Beach. The postoffice will be closed in Beau District Club Women Have Good Meeting GREENSBORO BUSINESS MAN DIES IN MOREHEAD HOSPITAL As a result of injuries received in an automobile accident June 16 near Mansfield, John E. Hardin of Greens boro died at Morehead City. Hospital in the early hours or Tuesday morn By ANN MASON Home Demonstration Agent Thursday, June 22 the second an nuo! moot in it nf thn Twplfth District fort, also the office of the Clerk of of the North Carolina Federation of ng. e had several ribs Droicen ana Home Demonstration Clubs met at otner internal injuries wnen me car Atlantic, TWh TVip mPPtino- was in which he and two other men were called to order and presided over by S a ire explode and the YOUNG DEMOCRATS FAVOR REPEALING 18TH. AMENDMENT Report U That Meeting Next Month Will Adopt Wet Resolution sustained the Court and the County Tax Collec ts. Tf ia nfnknlnln , t V. nutate I hnr .ann rSf r'urenauf'n in r.aRtern hi. , iin,,8 ..;n fnr noif Cf- F Fnretrv Pumoneu Council of !a day if not a11 dav- There wil1 b a'Mr3- Alvin Garner- Vice Pident of ' overturned. Harry Dribben of REYNOLDS WILL Section ror roreStry rurpOSeS, V.OUnCll OripreUy genera, pxodug of the towng the 12th District. Mrs. Bennett of New Jork was killed and Richard YIN ULU5 WJLL Otate if ledges OUppOrt for IVlOreneaa llty I population to Atlantic Beach to enjoy Morehead City extended a word of Prtff Tmier Wirri Rental Frnm Atlantic !the surf bathinS. eat hog dogs and welcome to the visiting counties. 1 kt S ., j Kenlal8 rrm AtlanllC see the fireworks. Mrs. N. A. Day of Onslow county And N. C. Railroad , , , gave the response. Greetings from manager oraon nas piannea a,the Federation of Womens Clubs I program of much interest for the ! were brought f rora Mrs. J. G. Allen, expected multitude of visitors from of Beaufort. The Harkers Island 4-H TT 1 n TJ TT T TinrilTTim , ""-'"7-" """"club gave a vocal numDer "i Liove HAS h I L I Mil KKI lthe SU be the pnncipal attrac- Thee Carolina." Mrs. Estelle T. IinO 1 UJjli UVjlUL tion. In the afternoon those who en- Smith) district agent from State Col joy aancing win nave tne opportuni- lpe paeih rave the main address By M. R. DUNNAGAN RALEIGH, June 26 Federal of ficials are being urged to purchase lands for national forests in eastern North Carolina, all such lands so far purchased being in the mountain a- rea and primari sheds, Director the Department of Conservation and Development renewing the request in view of the $20,000,000 which has JUDGE PAUL WEBB lv intended for water-All-day Session of Recorder's M to indulge in this pastime from jwhich dealt with the ration-wide cot J W Harrelson, of! Court Tries Seven Cases three to. nye 0 clock. In the evening ton gituation. She also brought 1 and Continues Anotber ? brief message of inspiration to the mUS1Cf"nnlshe.db.a fi"e ohestra, Club women of the twelfth disftrict. Evidences of incompatibility and lr -outo i.ou a. m. 'o notea Miss Lornia Langley of Pamlico tiepn nnnrnnriat-pH for Durchase of , drunkenness threaded tneir Way;--j county thanked the club women for land in the eastern part of the Unit-! through the abandonment and non-!ny mosoy wm entertain the their ,iberal support to the Jane s. La sttP. DivirlpH enuallv. North'support trial in Recorder's Court ball room crowd with a varied series McKimmon Loan Fund which is en- ' ' . . ... .. ,. nP r, A '!!, . . . .. Carolina would receive $1,000,000,1 Tuesday in wnicn narne vyicKizer.j" - ----- - aDling her to receive a college ea ! 1' , voun? Morehead Citv white man. was display of fireworks will be given 11Pa,.w Thu inan fanA stairtpd i. Z nurchase of ar areas On any the defendant. This case was remand; under the direction of the Rozzi December; 1927. The fund wa3 to be I other basis of distribution, this ed to the lower court from the June 1 Py company 01 iNewlused ag an educatioal loan fund to StatS woufd receive an even larger erm of Superior Court by Judge! York. Th1S organisation has put on;aid rural girl3 , purcuing their rtu. Srt of the total fund. Director Har- Henry A. Grady. Charles W. Stevens several fine displays here on previous die3 in home economics at college. kson points out. "We believe it Represented the defendant, and - Each county represented at the meeting gave a report irom tneir County Federation. These reports Mitchell of Greensboro some minor injuries. Mr. Hardin was one of the leading men of Greensboro in business and civic ife. He was 57 years old. He was the secretary and general mana ger of the Proximity Manufacturing Company and the Revolution Cotton Mills. He started wit hthe Revolu tion Mills in 1899 as a bookkeeper and by his ability and integrity work ed himself up to the important posi tion which he held at the time of his death. He is survived by his widow and three daughters, his father and several brothers and sisters. Funer al exercises for Mr. Hardin were held at the First Presbyterian Church in Greensboro Wednesday afternoon and was attended by an immense throng. and E tourtns. ah in an prospects are that! m . .1 , 1 o 11 w 11 iror mil u?H 1 iir t n h nriuHi h riniK - ---- ..... v w r tair that tne eastern pan 01 me; - r- r- . . . ..... t ti . . opntinn A nloa rtf nnf (rniltv wn a pn. His at 1116 ledLn. State be permitted to snare in ue-"- -- e j benefits of National forests and shall erea. continue our efforts toward bringing I M wirkiipr. wife of the defendant, stated to the court that it about.", he said. showed much activity being carried on by the Club women of 'North TWIN.CITY MINISTERS HAVE PICNIC AT ATLANTIC BEACH Carolina. The following counties gave 'reports: Pamlico, Onslow, Lenoir, Six ministers of Beaufort and ( Craven, Jones, Carteret, their families went on a picnic' to Mrs Alvin Garner was elected as the beach Monday morning, and re- ,:,!- . of ttl6 district fpHpriitinn cizer saia mat ner: ;j iV, j t -u ,.ir : . March i,,,.; 1... not iWA with hpr nnHi",a":c" ""?fc wi " , , ' " for the coming year. Muw.iv ...... -- norrion q n n on oninvan a rima waa n .. 1 ....vu t,.j-,.v ine federation cluos wish to During May 563,444 individuals, , sbe bad been married eight years and or 18 per cent of the State's popu-j3 the mother of two children, a boy lation were aided by the relief funds. nad a gri During the past ten During April 21 per cent of the pop- weeks, Mrs. Wickizer said that her ulation was aided, and in eiy,it4 individuals, or o fi ik nas only sent aDout eignt aoiiars Mij t bav bpn bad bv tho ni-pnph-V, . " ' ,A i: oiQ oi ! . L. L cm.- 3&m 10 nave Deen naa Dv lne Pieacn ;than Mr. Cordon. Manaa-ar of the 01 tne emu , puyumwuu, -'Tiworin 01 groceries to oer nome. one ers and their famiiies, Some twenty- Atlantic Beach DroDertv for his us Stanly county had only 4 2 per cent has had to 8Uppiement this meagre five were on the icnic. Those attend ! tvBJrTkJ t ' on the aid list and has had the small- allotment of food by taking in wash- ; were. Rev. aPd Mr R. p Munns Je ccme san;ndfhan4hoea est percentage all winter. Stanly and ingi she said, and by getting some of Rsv and j P Harris Rev and ne f success and happiness tor all. Cleveland had less than 10 per cent h r meals at her kinsfolk3- homes. In j gS vL h Vkker anT'Rev! Trl S00 Z7Z gSs c ub of the population on the aid list in j addition to this, she Wormed the .Mrg. H. A, Welkei. of Beaufort and eet ;nf; f eciJ 1 2 fuenied April, but 17 counties had less than court that her husband has been on Rev and M, w p Watkins and -1 I ! around JUO attended v i. M In I 1 ,ivev. anu iuis. v . r. aums auu .the Federation meetinor. 10 per cent rcwivuiK "-'several sprees 01 intoxication. Rev and Mr3 A. p. St6.Vens of More- cluding Alamance, Cleveland, Colum-I !npari ritv bus, Harnett, Haywood, Hyde, Lin-1 Other witnesses for thep rosecu-;neaa coin, Martin, Northampton, Pasquo-tion were: Mrs. W. H. Guthrie,, voiiNr foiks HFRE tank Rockingham, Rutherford, Stan- mother of Mrs. Wickizer; Mr. and DURHAM YOUNG FOLKS HERE lv. Surrv. Union. Warren and Wilkes, wrs. varies loison; nazei uutnne, the Federation meeting. CHIMNEYS FALL IN WIND Miss Lois Lee of Durham is enter- The seven or eight remaining chim neys which were standing in the re mains of the Atlantic Hotel in More' head City were blown down between REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS -. j. i... 1 1 OA 1 .Mt 1 WnVipr nf thp nrnspf lit.riy ! .Inp Slade : ..ff1!?' "".J!- . JraVrll. Wi " Wlt.r' FrPpman taining a number of her friends at a OI lta DOUUlatlUIl receiving aiu m " w i , April and 22.5 per cent reeciving aid , Henry Noe; and Sylvester Gibbs, msy, Party a h summer home here ,ten and ten thirty Monday ev&ning in May the relief report shows. ior of Morehead City. week, and the paryt wi continue by high winds that accompanied sev. in may, tne renei repuiu uua. . ., through the Fourth. Miss Lee's erai electrical storms in this virinitv Three special judges, those nowi Charlie Wickizer contended on the frien3 guests are Misses Harriet An- A eCn coLpsed S :,i: ,m .nnorlnr rnnrts. havp stand that h s wife is so micooatible n-i... T.--tu.: . i "tvu olner emmneys conaped during gleaming u..i 1 - . , -. Rier, Virginia caruec, rvatuernie thp hln7P that ripstrnvpd tno ViAtol j v., r.nar.r,nr. Pnrino-himij that tpn wppks aco it hpcame lmnos- 5, ,' T . , , . xne Dlaze lnat destroyed the hotel. ueen iiamcu uji . & - " . , uoie, Liiny uuKe Elements, Margaret to serve for two years, beginning , sible for him to continue living with :Ann Knight) Jessie Ormond. Chap July 1. They are Clayton Moore, her. Since he left his home a"d erons are M,rs. e. Frank Lee and Williamston; C. Vernon Cowper, .went to live with his parents, he Mrs E F Knight Kinston, and Frank S. Hill, Murphy. ! stated that he has had very little1 ' J Judge Moore was named first by, work and that he has spent the;. Turnase is bulidine the first Governor McLean and he and the greater part of his earnings for gro- "na8 ' b"',d'nn 7 nm other two were named by Governor, cedes for his family. He admitted ;trench sll for Durham County- Gardner. ! possibly taking a drink 01 wnisney Under the present special judge during the ten-week ' interval, but act, the Governor was required to denied that he had been "complete name four judges and was authorized ly intoxicated." in his discretion, to name two others, j Other witnesses for the defense with eaual east and west representa-i were: Capt. and Mrs. Wickizer, First Cotton Bloom Makes Its Appearance In "old times" considerable cotton was grown in Carteret county but in recent years very little has been plant ed. About ten years ago truck grow ing began to become popular and Hhen the boll weevil tame along and that caused most farmers to abandon the cotton patch for potatoes, cab bage and other truck. This year cot ton shows signs of coming back and a considerable acreage has been plant ed. The first cotton bloom of the seas on that the News has heard of was brought to the office Tuesday by Dan Hill who has a farm on the North River road. Mr. Hill has 10 acres in cotton. It is now nearly waist high and looks very good. He did not use any fertilizer at planting but is now giving it a dressing of nitrate of soda. He hopes that the boll weevil will not give him trouble and so far has not been bothered with the weevils. SPEAK Replacing Beaufort's Telephone System Now A crew of a dozen men arrived here last Friday and are completely replacing the street lines of the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company here. This will require a- ibout six weeks to do. Many new S. E. Tilton to B. B. Sugg et al, 1 tract Newport Township, for $10. Catharine C. Bell et als to Guy C. 1 notes will be Dlaced on the streets. Gillikin, 40 acres Straits, for $300. tion, although only three have been 'father and mother of the defendant ; in the News last week calling for a serving for about a year. Under the Ely Mizzell; Victor Wickizer, broth- meeting of the R. F. C. Relief Coun new act, effective July 1, the Gover-jer of the defendant; and Chief of ,cil and inviting the public to attend nor is authorized to name as many 'Police James Willis. lit, a crowd that pretty nearly filled as, in his discretion, are needed. This case was tried before the re-'the court room was present Friday Another western man may be added. cess for lunch, and on account of the night. Some of those present appar The Governor and Council of ( perplexity of the case and his de-ently had come expect' ig to hear State have adopted a resolution pledg! ner agreeable to both the prosecu- something of a sensational nature, ing to put before the net session of trix and defendant it was decided by if So they must have been dosappoint the General Assembly the proposal Judge Paul Webb to hold the case ed because the Council was not in to help the Morehead City Port Com-1 in abeyance until later in the day. session more than fifteen minutes be mission guarantee payment of a Just before adjournment at five- f0re it adjourned and departed for $400,000 to the R, F. C. for port and twenty o'clock, Judge Webb stated in the office of County School Superin terminal facilities, by pledging rent-'open court that he would wait until tendent J. G. Allen, als from the State-owned Atlantic the next session of Recorder's Court, i The meeting was called to order Mnrtri Carolina Railroad, to the which will be held Wednesday of bv Chairman. Dr. C. S. Maxwell. He R. F. C. RELIEF COUNCIL WALKS OUT ON CITIZENS AT COUNTY COURT HOUSE In response to a notice published iter Gibbs of Morehead City, was put and carried. Before adjournment Messrs. Wheatly and Webb had a slight tiff when the latter said that as a citizen of the county he had a right to get the information he want ed. Mr. Webb replied that the "cit izens of the county had nothing to do with the R. F. C. Council." The members of the council compased of W. M. Webb, Mrs. Charles Tolson, I new cables, wires and conections will be installed. It is said that this will result in a much better service to the subscribers here. This complete ren ovaiton of the local telephone wiring system is said to come as a result of plans made some five years ago by the company. One of the garage buildings on Craven Street is being used as a repair and storage place while this work is going on. JACK NEAL WILL OPERATE NEW HARDWARE "TORE HERE The sale of the hardware a-.d fur niture stocks of the Gaskill-Mace Sylvester Gibbs, H. L. Joslyn of More Hardware Company was confirmed hand Citv. f!. .S. Mavwpll. Mi Lillian by w- Hassell, clerk of the Super- Duncan. Mavor Bavard Tavlor. r,.iior Court- here Monday, and J. H. By M. R. DUNNAGAN RALEIGH, June 26 -"Shush" is the thought the "old Democrats" seem very anxious to get over to the young Democrats," but the young sters seem just as intent upon not getting the idea at all when it comes to the matter of the repeal of the 18th amendment, at the meet ing of the young and old Democrats to be held at Wrightsville Beach July 8. The older heads are supposedly ad vising against making a political is sue of the repeal proposal, on the ground that it is not a political mat ter, and that there is no need for the party to get tangled up in it. They fear results, and seem intent upon trying to keep the matter from coming to a vote. But from all re ports, that is just what it is going to do come to a vote and, also it seems most likely that the young Democrats will favor repeal over- whemingly. Reports are that several resolu tions will be introduced, with vary ing degrees of condemnation of the prohibition provision of the Consti tution, and all seeking repeal. Why evade the issue? Why straddle? Why duck? Why not meet it face to face and cope with it as it is found? These are questions the young one are asking. They are not bothered so much about political expediency, or the effect such action would have on the party. Fomrer Governor Woodring, of Kansas, now assistant Secretary of War, will fly down to speak, Post master General James H. Farley, Democratic chairman, sending him, since Farley cannot remain in the State, following his Greensboro ap pearance. State Chairman J. Wallace Winborne and Miss Isabel Ferguson, the young Democrats' secretary will also speak at the morning session. Governor Ehringhaus and Senator Robert Reynolds will be the banquet speakers. Senator Reynolds, it is as sumed will open his repeal campaign. Other older speakers are expected to remain quiet on the wet and dry business. Charles E. Ray Jr., engineer with the division of water resources and engineering Department of Conser vation and Development for eight years and chief engineer for about a year, since the resignation of Thorn dike Saville to go to New York Uni versity, has resigned to become as sociated with his brother J. Wilford Ray, in the mercantile firm of C. E. Ray's Sons, at Waynesville, Direc tor J. W. Harrelson announces. Mr. Ray has been a valuable man in wa terfall, hydraulic and other surveys, Director Harrelson said. Governor Ehringhaus has issued a proclamation setting aside thi9 week, the week beginning June 26, as Cot ton Reduction Week and calling upon the people of North Carolina for their full cooperation in the move continued on page eight) (Jack) Neal became the new proprie tor of the business. Owing to the fact that the stock has to be replen ished, the store will not be open for Y.pnoirYiont fnnH. Rpnrpspn. nf .Tnlv pominor on Tuesdav. to final-!pH a Hpsire to know something about ! resolution wan nasspd nraiVrp- thp business for ten days or two weeks. T.thor Hamilton, nf Carteretilv settle the case. So Draver for'the work of the Relief Council and, work of Mr. Allen as director of the,Mr- Neal until recently was employ- W. Huntley, Rev. R. F. Munns, R. L. Fritz, J. G. Allen, then repaired a- cross the way to Mr Allen's office and entent they may be needed to sup- next week on account of the Fourth stated that some citizens had express-1 held their meeting. At that time a countv. prepared the resolution and judgment was continued until Wed- that if any one had any questions tolrelief work and giving him the au-le,d.b7 the Noe. Hardware Company the Governor and Council of Statenesday of next week. 'ask he assumed that some member ; thority to employ any help, needed ana has many inenas in ueauiort promised to try to get the proposal j The case of Larry Williams, young 1 0f the board would give any inf or- and to dismiss any one whose work and Cairteret County. It is not known through the next General Assembly. Morehead City colored man, charg- mation desired. In response to this has not been satisfactory. The. citi- at he Pnt time what name the Tntt sota Snhni'Jir:nmTiiissinri apt H with the larcenv of naint. was con invitation J. F. Duncan arose and zens meeting in the court mum onn. business will be operated under. up school districts in about 40 of the tinued until next week upon requestSaid he knew very little about thejtinued for a short time thereafter' 100 counties at its meetings last' of Attorney Charles W. Stevens, who I duties, responsibilities and workings the council members had left. C. R. FORMER (BEAUFORT WOMAN states. In addition to this work, the ( daughter, Leah Willis, of assault on work in a cemetery that he wanted commission had before it two or a female and damage to personal . done and would like to know whom week at its two-day session, but it represented the defendant and desir- of the council and he would like to Wheatly was made chairman and F. will be a few days yet before the led more time to prepare his case, know who is running it, what it does; c. Salisbury secretary. A resolution .nmnlpta outline ca nbe sent to the and bond was set at $100. land so on. C. R. Wheatly followed 1 was offered by J. F. Duncan which ex counties, Secretary LeRoy Martin1 Joe L. Willis. was charged by his Mr. Duncan and said he had some! pressed in vigorous fashion and at considerable length the opinion of the meeting as to the relief work, the action of the council and so on. For lack of space this resolution is not printed at this time but will appear next week. The folowing committees were appointed: Resolu tions, J. F. Duncan, F. C. Salisbury, F. R. Seeley, W. P. Smith; Committee of three to go before the oBard of Education and ask it to define its ac tivities, C T. Chadwick, H. D. Good win, R. B. Wheatly. Committee to three county superintendents whom, local citizens or members of the com mission thousrht, should be question ed as to their attitude toward the new school Uw and their willingness to seek to carry out its provisions, property on June 5. This case cameto apply to for aid. He said he had up once before,- but the prosecutrix 1 been unable to find out who was the failed to come into' court. Before! head of the institution or any thing court convened Tuesday Judge Webb! about it. The chairman then suggest- received a letter from . Miss Willis j ed that J. G. Allen, who is the head asking that the warrant in the case of the relief work in the county, lSnm' of the superintendents, it is.be withdrawn. Judge Webb stated in'migh furnish the desired information. Mr. Allen said that he did not care to make any statement at that time DIES IN CHICAGO TIDE TABLE Information as to the tides at Beaufort is giren in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's famished by the U. S. Geodetic Surrey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that is whether near the inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. dtated. have said they oppose the I open court that law suits 01 this n&- law. that it cuts the schools tooiture had to be stopped, and that much, wlil not work, and that they propose to tshow it will not work by when a warrant is issued and the prosecutor or prosecutrix fails to ap- spending all the money availbale in : pear, that he or she be taxed with a few months. A few of these have the costs. Nol-prossed with leave. been questioned by the commissicn, A. B. Morris, appearing for Elmer Following the discussion mentioned above W. M. Webb of Morehead City, member of the council, arose Word has been received here by friends of the untimely death of Mrs. W. H. Hallenbeck of Chicago a few days after the birth of a daughter, June 15. Mrs. Hallenbeck was form erly Miss Dorothy Simpson of Beau fort where she is most pleasantly re membered. She was a very attractive young woman and had a host of friends drawn to her by her own friendliness and charm. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Simpson formely of Beaufort now cf Wake Forest. I . . T J f " and after saying the proceedings S tne uoara 01 vommiMiun- were "the most disorderly" he had rs and ask them that some definite , 1 ,1 . 1J i.i T , j i. sw. ,A TWWr trnnnff Trhio mar. nf Mara- Avpr stPPn mnvp.d t.hnt. tha council action D6 taken in "weiiare mauer J whether or not they are proper p-- head City, charged with the trans-'ajourn, go to Mr. Allen's office and fj Duncan, Rev. Worth Wicker, . sons to administer the laws. It is portation of a half gallon of whis- go into executive session. This mo- H- aBiley. (Continued on page eight) '.Continued on page five) tion was seconded by Mayor Sylves- (Continued on page eight) L. Huntley of White Store, Anson County, says he considers soybeans one of the best hay crops. Properly cured, the hay is relished by mules as well as dairy cows and Mrfl Hunt ley kept his mules fat on the hay last winter. High Tid - Low Tide Friday, June 30 12:35 a. m. 7:02 a. m. 1:17 p. m. 7:53 p. m. Saturday, July 1 1:26 a. m. 7:53 a. ra. 2:11 p. m. 8:55 p. m. Sunday, July 2 2:25 a. m. 8:51 a. m. 3:13 p. m. 9:56 p. m. Monday, July 3 3:30 a. m. 9:49 a. m. 4:16 p. m. 10:58 p. m. Tuesday, July 4 4:35 a. m. 10:51a. m. 5:17 p. m. 11:29 p. m. Wednesday, July 5 5:38 a. m. 11:58 a. m. 6:16 p. m. 11:54 p. m. Thunday, July 6 6:cf a. m. 12:55 a. m. 7:13 p. m. : 12:54 p. ra.

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