El . ! PAGE EIGHT THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1933 YOUNG DEMOCRATS FAVOR REPEALING 18TH. AMENDMENT fConinued from page one) ed by a cil: 7 to 4 vote of the coun- 'Be it Resolve.1, by the Carteret '. County Relief Council in meeting du- ment. He seta eut thac the move- called and assembled this the 23rd merit is under instructions of Presi-! of June' 1933' dent Roosevelt and that the State i "That the Council do hereby go on College extension division has been , record a sexpressing Its aeep appre drafted to handle the campaign. iciation of the untiring, unselfish, and Also, Governor Ehringhaus as j capable services of J. G. Allen as di the first to sign the cotton reduction! agreement, for application to State owned farms. The 25 o 40 per cent of land to be cut from the usual cot ton acreage is to be laid out by George Ross Pou, superintendent of State's Prison, convicts in which pro duce the cotton. Meetings will be held on Wednes day, Thursday and Friday of this week for the purpose of furthering plans for consolidating the North Carolina Bank & Trust Co., the Page Trust Co., and the Indepen dence Trust Co., Commissioner of Banks Gurney P. Hood expressing belief that a new bank to be formed from them will be in operation be- f oro or by the middle of July. !j. Electors representing depostiors j 1) win meet in n.aieign june 0, tnose rector of relief in Carteret County; lief work in the county; "That we recognize him as the re sponsible head of relief work in Carteret County and, realizing the ant being 'responsible to him only, we accord to him his right to em ploy or to discharge employees accord "mar. we nave iuii laitn in his in tegrity, good judgment, fairness, and concern for the best interests of re- "That we have found in him a man I of decision, possessing the courage ' of his convictions vet whom wp a Council have found to be consider ate and cooperative in his attitude i and dealings with others; ..;..;.;;..;..;..;..;.j;..;;;V X New Paragon )eot. Store CARTERET COUNTY'S BEST STORE INVITES YOU TO VISIT THEM DAILY. COME AND SAVE of the Page bank at 10 A. M. and the N. C. Bank at 2 P. M. in the Cap itol to elect four representatives, the stockholders meeting the next day to elect two representatives, and the R. F. C. naming one representative, and the Independence Trust Co., elec tors and stockholders will meet in Charlotte on the same days, The representaives elected will meet June 30 to organize, name the new bank, fix the number and name the direc tors, select the place for the home bank, and perform other duties look ing toward opening the reorganized bank, as soon as the details can be worked out and operation started. Governor Ehrnighaus has, at this writing, made most of his important appointments, but still has several others to make, especially the vari ous examining boards and institution al trustees. More important ones are director of Conservation and Devel opment, with five or six board mem bers; director of purchase and con tract, with two members at large of the Advisory Budget Commission; one Industrial Commissioner; three members of the Advisory Committee to the Commissioner of Banks, and two sets of railroad officers and di-1 rectors. MORE ABOUT RELIEF COUNCIL (Continued from sayx oc COUNCIL ENDORSES ALLEN The following resolution was adopt Womens black and white sport OXFORDS $2.00 values $1.49 Just Arrived the best assortment of Voile and Organdie DRESSES you ever saw -for 98c Also New Pajamas FREE FREE with every one dol lar purchase yard goods we will give a Spool of Cotton FREE LINEN SUITS Hurry ! only twelve to sell at this low price $4.95 Men's Full Cut UNION SUITS 4 FOR 95c ing to his best judgment." Mr. Allen engaged W. L. Stancil, who began Monday, June 26, an ac curate and complete audit of the records of the R. F. C. office from !:tho hpcinninp- thvoutrh June 30. and !the report of this audit will be filed v with the council. The News understands that Mrs. Hilda Kite, who has been case work er for the' council since some time last year has been removed from that position to take effect the last day of June. and Charles G. Rose, Fayetteville ; Clifford Frazier, Greensboro; Mrs. J. M. Hobgood, Farmville, and Dr. R. L. Moore, Mars Hill, vicepresidents. Organization attorneys are E. T. Cansler, Charlotte ; Thomas J. Hark in?, Asheville; Clyde R. Hoey, Shelby Judge L. R. aViser, Lumberton, and R. N. Simms, Sr., Raleigh. The exe cutive committee members include Dr. Poteat, Mr. Rose, Mr. Frazier, Mr. Ruffin, Mr. Sims, Mrs. Hobgood, Dr. Moore, Z. V. Turlington, Moores ville; Bruce Craven, Trinity; Mrs. T. W. Bickett, Raleigh; Guy Weaver, Asheville; A. V. Plyler, Greensboro; John D. Langston, Goldsboro; N. E. Edgerton, Raleigh; Mrs. W. B. Lind sey Charlotte; Geo. J. Burnett, Greensboro; Paul J. Barringer, San ford; Miss Winnie Ricketts, and Rev. J. S. Farmer, Raleigh; F. O. Clark son, Charlotte, and Isaac C. Wright, Wilmingtno. The organization is non-partisan, having among it? officials Republi cans as wel as Democrats and mem bers of various churches and organ izations. They seek to prevent repeal of the 18th amendment. A. MEN - If you want some real white Shirts come buy some Manhat tan. They cost no more than ordinary Shirts Comfort without Extravagance. For the Man Who Cares we have add ed FLORSHEIM SHOES HOSPITAL NEWS George Lynch, of Smyran, is now ; improving alter a recent operation , Yifor appendicitis at the Potter Emer- TT ?A , I gency nospnai. Joe Willis returned to his home at ! Harkers Island after receiving treat-1 i merit. Mirs. John Basden and baby return ed home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Roosevelt Whitehurst was taken to the hospital Sunday morn ing, but is now getting along nicely. T Tir.Mi- j mi Tl'Ml." j-.ucy w mis aim inei esa vv uns, i A i two Winston girls, underwent tonsil jj j operations Tuesday. WANT NATIONAL FOREST IN EASTERN CAROLINA (Continued from page one) i likely that a "talking to" will be sufficient in most cases learned about. United Dry Forces meeting in Ral- j eigh last week perfected an organizal tion by naming a central committee of 229 dry advocates and selecting an executive committee of 22 and five legal advisers, in addition to four vice-presidents. Dr. W. L. Poteat,! Wake Forest, is president; Charles, Ruffin, Raleigh, secretary- treasurer, I HOT WEATHER NEE LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS FOR THE WARM WEATHER SEASON. WE HAVE A NICE STOCK OF BATHING CAPS SUN BURN REMEDIES SUN TAN ACCESSORIES COLORED GLASSES High Quality Soda Fountain Drinks and every thing kept in a first class drug store YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED JOE HOUSE DRUG STORE SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS o tyew Tetragon 'Dept. Store Sam Adler, Mgr. MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. Join The Parade To I f frHa . . . ... 1 1 H i i Hi 1 1 1 si i n r rn A. J L3 u L3 m SPECTACULAR BSPLAY OF FIREWORKS Ibluov . StagecTby Rozzi Fireworks Display Company i r.i it 9jj9 9:00 P.M. n oi te.di re ;j-;ariT I $ftnoon Dance 3;00 TO 5:00 P. M. f -si no bo A An iv ?. 4 Gentlemen 50c plus tax Ladies Free igni uance 9:30 TO 1:30 A. M. JmmriViiyi Ladies Free rn in LfU in PECIALTY DANCES BY HOWLE FISHER AND DOROTHY MOSBY 1 il THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY, as leader of the Industry, Is helping to bring It down to put gasoline advertising on a sensible basis. You cannot clothe yourself or buy food for yourself or run a car on exaggerated advertising claims or misleading ratings of gaso line efficiency But, if you believe the nonsense that seems to be the fashion In today's gasoline advertis ing, you can surely let yourself In for disappointment and waste your money We guarantee smoother performance. And remember, this guarantee comes from the Standard Oil Company of New -Jersey, the world's largest oil organ- -lxation. From a company which has pioneered in new developments and Is fully aware of the Importance of such a guarantee from a company which is the Industry's recognized leader This company stands squarely back of Essolene as a great advance over gasoline a new goal for all gasolines to attain. We urge you to try it once when your tank is cleared of other fuels. Do this Judge Essolene for yourself with no exaggerated claims and descriptions to confuse you, and we will rest our case on your decision. Essolene Is sold at all Esso Stations and Dealers from Maine to Louisiana. Colored Orange t to Prevent Substitution AT REGULAR fTj GASOIINI PRICI 9 (Usso) 'ticuxuitees Smoother Perforrnanco EmoIom rnnka protected br U & Pat IWiof EMolcna, Eo, nd Ewolub th 5 Star Mow Oil, an told at Bno 8taHont and i""1"!- "P'1 lupplled by the followlnfl companlat th Standard Oil Con. pany of Kn im,, th. Standard Oil Company of AnniyYranla, th. Standard Oil CoS! pany of Loulslaoa, and th Colonial Beacon Oil Company, Incorporated.