3 Mew ki vwi " te,ei Co f pf I Anmr. TH THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCI' IS TO THE BODY j M WATCH Your label and pay jour .uWiption The best advertising medium published in ourteret Co. iu xan . .u QNO COPY WUMBtK VOUMETlcxil 8 PACES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JULY201933 PJCSIWOU, ' , . , . . ,w mmtlirn Jlir Ifnnwn A f 1-ir ATI NI7r.RnMANPIIIK TflllNTY GETS NEW CARS AINU TKUUI& "TZ,: vL ' TAX COLLECTION DISTRICTS HAVE BEEN APPOINTED State Will Have Sixty Four Men Collecting Sales And Other laxes WILL START WORK THIS WEEK To Discuss Budget At Meeting Monday At a meetin gof the Carteret County Board of Commissioners which wil be held Monday morning in the Court House, the tentative budget will be gone over item by item by the commissioners and it will be discussed as a whole and by noch inilivirliml fitrure. This will bo RELIEF DIRECTOR 1 ARE INCREASING Mrs. Malcolm Lewis Succeeds Registration Show 'Decided In J. G Allen and Mrs Hilda G. Kite in Carteret County a win rif .urs .i;i.H-n in Ltniai iuiuivhj i , . r... tr;-K'a . euc.i ..iu..uu. Ku.c. ..... - - U-rJrtH in North Carolina June U Dark Continent, uoctui o... n. - , pnmmunitv. and found two hall done in order to ave everytmng in pianteo, nas oeen 'i-- - standing throughout the world, . . . ' . in the bed. shape for adopting a permanent ceea j . An .TG r" Vi," w,;. d trucks numbered Us attested to by the fact tha he is a- . M . Amos son. The I. .1 i. ..4. i-U r(..fin.i thd'Af thu hufinrfl IMnel'LTenC V iveucx aim ihuijuij wx..-, . , , . t. OUUKei UL Uie icguiai 11. tci.. ..& vi - c . , l.Vw,,.rVi thp im'S. imomhpr (It The IWIVai ueusrauiui. .J"- crease N. C. In Autos And Trucks n nllMKI AT AN By IY. tv. fVJiiiirt"" i una ' . 1 . - , nead llty police uiucur, waiuicu w nm-inif I ,,1,, 1 H - A iitnmnVlilf'S riisrnvpn.il eouatorial regions ol tne , , , . . r-. i:.... r.. 1 Jn.,..i, rm( nont Tlni-tor Smith 3 KC1- . ... r j x v.i registered in Noitn carouuo uui.c inynn. w v-- - Dr. A. Donalson Smith, world trav I eler, African explorer, cartography q Half.GaUon jar8 Found to and autnor, is now sfc"u1"s " days here at the Inlet Inn. lhe great er part of his three score years has Ibeen spent in exploring unknown cor ners of the earth, especially tne un- Contain Water as Officer Takes Man in Custody Keren tlv Iredell Salter, a More- head City police officer, searched the 3y M. R. DUNNAGAN D .unr.H .Tnlv 7 iFiftv-four sub divisions of the State, designated as tax collection districts, and 62 men who will be engaged in collecting the State's taxes or all kinds, but pri marily sales taxes, have been an nounced by M. C. S. Noble, Jr., ex 1,c.istai flnmmissioner of eCUMVe Revenue. The list of men includes 18 former State tax collectors, who will be des ignated as old seniors and receive $1500 a year; 36 new seniors who will receive $1300 and eight juniors who will receive $1080 a year. The men are all subject to shifting from iivint tn another and will col- n tavps in their respective dis trict, but principally the three per i -oi coins tnx. The cost of cent sc"cl"4 4.1, ' collection will be prorated among the , several kinds of taxes collected, mi. Noble said. , ah nf tiPP men. along with the members of the State Highway Pa trol and the six gasoline and oil in spectors, are going to school this week at Chapel Hill, where instruc tion will be given them by Commis sioner of Revenue A. J. Maxwell Division Director Harry McMullan, Mr. Noble and others in the depart- . Tumi aro BYnppt.ed to be m the district to which they will be as signed and at work by the latter part of this week. The counties forming the 54 dis tricts, divided on the basis of popu lation, work to be done, and size, are as follows: 1. Camden, Currituck, Pasquo tank, Dare; 2, Chowan, Perquimans, Gates; 3, Hertford, Northampton; 4, Bertie, Martin; 5, Beaufort Pamlico; 6, Washington, Tyrrell, Hyde; 7, Craven; 8, Carteret, Onslow; 9, Le noir, Jones; 10, Duplin, Pender, 11, Wavne; 2, Halifax; 13, Pitt; 14, Edge i . r urn n 1 combe, Iasn; io.wiison, uhtuc, first. Mr.ndav in August, as required hv law. The tax rate may be set at the meeting early in August, or the Commissioners may wait until the last day for this or the third Monday in the month. The commissioners will also take tt... .... 1J ohfl iwinnth; npTnrp-. u 1 n uli.-. " . . .... - . . jMiiersei! "".i'".ur'r ' .... .u u ... .! k, f , Rnval Geosrranhic So- " t- ' 4. UA tt-i , n T.-:i ,. ..rto nf ,iiv x more, even uhjuk.i i -.nit..... - nmcer men cot panics u j uui m Z yeentency.Th automobile registr ition is 21,737 ciety of London, England, and or(ered him t(, dress in prepa. the same goveinnenuj ln other the young colored Tuesday and is getting acquainted more than a year ago, figures m tne countries. . .fl ;ly. ! 1 hpf nrp Mrs. Kite office of L. P. Harris, director of the He has als0 been awarded five med- strHv. Mrs. Lewis has Motor Vehicle Bureau, show 'eight years of experience as a relief , i ..mitlc frti Vila va- ale tt trpi.irri iiiiiu au...b. ..." - 1UM.1 . ....v . uj o"o l The figures show that tne automo-!ri( up the revaluation of property, the individual items which have been in vestigated by J. J. Whitehurst, the nA,.n,t miHinr sinpp the board sat vvuui'j " - oa t.ho Rnard of Eaualization and Re view about the middle of June. Ac tion will be taken on these items at this time. NO PEDDLERS TAX ON FARM PRODUCE Growers And Their Agents Can Sell Without lax Brummitt Says man into custody. When James got about half dressed he laughed ana told the officer point-blank that the latter was not going to carry him to te city's lock up. Ten there was an .ensuing argument which culminated npp-n nameu anei mm uj - in inp. coioieu uian aan-uiK tn v.wv Jf .4 l.ot Tllf'V I... 11 T.lJ:4:w-alrliTierTU1TTrt . . 4.L. 4 4Af4-Vtia-fa Uol a year Deiore, anu tinc woriu. in auuiuuu w jl0 examine tne tuuwuis w stration June lo was oi.no', 3;erous specimens to tne collection when officer Salter opened tnem ne no..pi with 42.875 three months uv Smithsnnian Institute and the!f1,r.j mnrh to his surorise water I before and 54,477 a year beiore. !severai museums in New York uty, xhis was brought out in the trial This compilation does not mciuae Doct0r Smith's various dooks ana of Amos and James Davis m Kecora- io-!:rt ovnlnrflt.ions into hitherto un- VLrZ Z::ZT;Ze regon in the State June 15.explored region, Many of the ani- 1 j o0 t Tortorpt Conn- bile registration m .-" expiorea regiuna. ia..jf worker and come to Carter C was 262,214, as compared with 227,l Pls discovered by Doctor Smith have J Wf nfthorou three month, before, and 284,- been named after him by the scien- tion for being thorougniy competent , truck .., u t n A, im num for the position here. Fnor to her ap pointment as director and case-work er for this county, Mrs. Lewis held a similar nosition in Sampson County. During the greater part ot tne past year Mrs. Kite, whose home is in Fayetteville, has been the case-work er in Carteret, and J. U. Alien, - , t0 be larger. Smith calls Scotland ty superintendent ot schools, was tne the depression per- Carolina his home, .ropfnv n tho work. In recent . . , , roC. Au i.i Ur. krt q vnnnnp.fi ,uua """" 1 , miiriLiis Liitie iiua utcu -Pm tViD - ....: ,.1 n Va lnr-rPHSPfT reffTSLIilLiUll awi. -" mnfrfl7 HP. articles a i c Hv.v,vivv- A-.g half-year, starting July 1, of either !throughout te scientific world as au-they were both charged with the pos- year, but those the past lew weens th0riative. For the present, uoctor , session 0f a quantity of accepted I ,.. Court Tuesday morning, when liquor within the local relief ranks, and as By M. R. DUNNAGAN les showed increases, while automo- n i n AllTTT?nOTlTTI : " "h f thia n, Rnv M. Brown. Pues were "ull:: 1 " a i"u'i -i - , : H v. r !ie nrooaoiy to iue uouh vi Technical Supervisor of the federal j the family car into a farm P4I.KIOH. .lulv 17 "The grow er nf farm Dorducts may himself carry such products about, to any nlapp within the State ani sell them in thp wav commonly known as "ped dling," without being liable lor tne peddlers tax imposed by this section (Sec. 121, Revenue Act of 1933); nor would there be liability for the peddlers tax where the sales are Kir a hnn: fide asrent or em- 1I1C1UC Ul n,... - ployee of the grower, by carrying1 them about and selling them from nlare to nlace throughout the State in the way commonly known as "peJ dling." This interpretation is made by At torney General D. G. Brummitt in answer to an inquiry from Comrnis- sioner of Kevenue rt. J. Emergency Relief in North Carolina, and Miss Mary Ward, district super visor, made an investigation ot tne local situation several weeks ago. Upon leaving here at the end oi this week, Mrs. Kite will go to Hert ford where she will become both di rector and case-worker for the Fed eral Emergency Relief for Hertford County. In the absence ot a tun time welfare officer for Carteret County, Superintendent Allen will continue ex-otficio in that position turning the family car into a farm or delivery truck. loads with 18,875 auto mobiles for the last count, followed by Mecklenburg with 16,87o, ror syth with 13,720, Buncombe with 11.000 and Wake with 11,015. Guil ford also leads with trucks, .2875, followed by Mecklenburg with 2750. Forsyth with 2300. Wake with Zduu and Buncombe with lsisu RATHER COSTLY License And Gas Taxes In N. C. j Higher Than Is Most states By M R. DUNNAGAN for nf sale. Amos nlead not guilty through his attorney, Charles W. Stevens, and James plead not guilty to the "for the purpose of sale" but guilty to the charge of po session. ' After Officer Salter found the two iars rnntainin? water, a complete search of the house and premises was made. In an outhouse, the omcer found, hes tated, about a bushel ot pint bottles. Beneath a secret trap door in the floor of an oia-iasnionea toilet a short distance to the rear of . . t..,.. i o tv. n 0,,,0-p ithe Davis home was found four half North Carolinian owning a car paidon J- of l.qnor iu ijwin.vi"yv j i ACCOrQinK TO ine eviuenue uiuugm. Carteret county, the figures show, ,$51.51 cents in taxes, license and AmQg ha(J nQ knQw had 850 automobiles registered last; gasoline, to the State last year, oiny whisky, but on his own June 15, as compared with 1000 au-Six states receiving more per car tnan, testimony of Officers tomobiles a year before and 700 au wa, paid in this State, these being PJ eLoujs Judge Paul niwiM-tinn (cl. Section 121, Warren, Vance; 17, Wake, Franklin ; 1 Revenue act, relating to pedd"" 18, Johnston; 19, Bladen, Sampson; iwhien suD-secnon ........ . 20 New Hanover; 21, Columbus, Nothing in this section shall apply to Brunswick; 22, Harnett, Lee; 23, the sale of all farm products raised Cumberland; 24, Robeson; 25, Moore on the premises owned or coccupied t, .1... . on n.-civillo Person: 27. hv the person, firm or coi portion, These changes in the local relief work jtomobies a year before and 700 au-lwas paid in this State, tnese oeing Ju(Jge paul was made by Ronald B. Wilson, State tomnbies three months before, and ..Florida, Arkansas, Georgia, lennes-i dcfendant james Director of the Federal Emergency had 385 trucks June 15, as compar-jsee, Mississippi and Vermont, l he av I rf possession,' but dis- Relief. The information in this news with 325 trucks a year before and.erage North oaronnidn paiu 1'4-V1:missed the action against Amos, story was given a reporter of this pa-g25 trucks three months before. , for his license plate, this S.ate rank-jJameg was seritenced to serve four per by a member of the Carteret) These figures are. obtained by.ing 2!rd in trial respect, and paid , th -n . n and. to be assigned to County R. F. C. Council, m the ab-; countW a given number of cards, ,di.uz cents tax on nis ; , ,. t t road but on ac. sence of the chairman of that body. :Aen measuring all the cords in the five states collecting more. ""!count of the fact that this is his first mi; XJL cav..i """"JJ i . -m m m m. i , . ; j. '4.1, : .r. 1,;c, Cf,,fn ht new school Uistncts For Carteret Countj1 nnvhnm. Orance: 28, Guilford; 20, Alamance, Caswell; 30, Rockingham 31, Forsyth; 32, Randolph, Chatham; 33, Richmond, Scotland; 34, Surry, Stokes; 35, Davidson; 3G, Anson, Montgomery; S7, Union; 38, Cabar rus, Stanly; 39, Rowan; 40, Yadkin, Davie; 41, Iredell; 12, Mecklenburg; 43, Gaston, Lincoln; 44, Burke, wlc Dowell; 45, Cleveland; 46, Catawba; 47, Alexander, Wilkes; 48, Alleghany Ashe, Watauga; 49, Caldwell, Avery, Michell; 50, Yancey, Madison, Hay wood; 51, Buncombe; 52, Rutherford, Polk; 53, Jackson, Henderson, Trans ylvania; 54, Swain, Macon, Gralvvm, Clay, Cerokee. Fifty-seven of the fi2 collectors are announced as follows: Seniors, old men; R. Edenton; Edwin Jan:--1 ville; L. V. Stcphcnso:. J. Lamb, Whiteville; to Oxford; C. B. Bogart, J. R. Russeau, North his or its bona fide agent oi- emp.oyo. (Special to The News) Raleigh, July 18 Carteret coun-; ty's foriiu"- 22 school districts hm'c j been consolidated into 10 now . iliv- tricts by the Stat" School Coni:n:.-' sion, none ol' the town in the coun-; file for each county, and computing Carolinians owned Jio.uio cars ana, sentence was suspend- the number, and is correct within a trucks, this State Oemg utn m . . J dozen, Mr. Harris reports. j Union in numbers . o. cars owners, on he be of good be. i"", . i vJ: " " l havior and observe the laws for the Causes Girl 8 Arrest. North Carolina had 10,380 miles' seliirg the same. "Normally," Mr. Brummitt con tinues, "it will not be difficult to de termine whether a particular person is actually an employee or a grower. Difficulty may, and possibly, will a I rise, in determining whether the I person who is so engaged in peddling ,.v. form nroducts as a 'bona fide aui.ii 4...... r- agent' of the grower. I think that such a gency could exist wunm i" meaning" of the statute only if the ti tle of the farm products is retained by the person actually growir.g and raising them." m.. n i-ii m milt, noints out that tins 4.11 . j . I 'neddling" section does noc apply w T-,nle I t any person, fnm or corporation l. luaio, ,r-,. aol,. nooks. WI10 sens ui uncio 4... - periodicals, printed music, ice, coal, Uvnnd for fuel, fish, beet, mutton, i i i nli.ti nroducts 6f ,j . pOlK, ureau, Loivi .ji i . ..... i ified The a. city ariiiv vv districts arc Camp Glenn, i ty being v;w trativo ur.ils. as follows: 1. Beaufort. 2. Mcrehead City. -Iter Pi.th. 3. Newport. .White Oak. Merrimon, South River. Lukens. Atlantic. Cedar Island, Sea'cv el, Stacy. 8. Smyrna, Davis, Marshalk-er;: Otway, Bettie, V.'illiston, Straits. 9. Portsmouth. 10. Hai'kers Llanci. Lucille Dudley, young of Mor.ohead City who i: t;-r of Ike Dudley, was :eM,ed by the Moivhca.l lor I-'' arceny of more .l-.llKvs worth of clothia ; of highway .r.l.ii-prl c.-iri 1. 19.So, or t.Vio daut-'h-'cent o next two years. One of the most confusing cases tried here in r scent years was that in the State system Jan. n .which Sa(Ue Monroe and Dave Bell, almost exactly o per , n,.u,i the 37a, Ubl miles in an sy ol f Morehe-..d City and ':r ' tems of all 48 state lv mnre but had slight i rather well-known in court- circles, recently ai lv i-,irirr than 3.37 Per than twenty the pavea miles in the United States, i : i . fnfyn nt nf !hp. total of 108.430 r ana jcwei- were charged d with the larceny of jiy from the home of Col 1 Manninp. After tne arri it is s; John Hall was made miles in the nation. This State also ,-., 1 ri",r. n.iloa cui-fi.ieei! and trtat- alil'that the girl, who claims -ed, 419 n les she will be sixteen in September, 4. 5. G. 7. Chief of Police J place where the clothing' and jewel-1 State sy Ml) L w'ed. 4.7J1 miles graded and sanaclay d and 295 uninmproved miles in tne Willis to the :t.PT ry was conceaita, ai;u evcij i - was recovered. At teh time the News went to press fiio ..iri w still in tie moreaeau No Abjer.tea :1 to be 'ants be allowed a tthe polling p!a , Roberson Raleigh; R S. Mavs. I ' i Wihipsboro; the dairy or articles of their own indi LOCAL FISHERIES STATION GETS $3,000 FOR REPAIRS -i 1...4 o,. o, n w'an ? ne ai oweu a removed to the county jail wnete snt-at t:.e ei.u uu , Hn' i will remain until a hearing is had: of the 18th Amenam c, I before Clerk of Superior Court L. , General D. G. Brummitt h. las. O. - ; W Hassell, who is ex ofilcio judge oi;a person physically unable to enter a vv. nueii VW.U K.m'lntb or mark his ballot can recti ve ooru, , Jtt,..i W. C. Hammond, Asheboro; Jonn dicine d,ui,s or articles assem Morrison, Rockingham; cv J. Rose- man, Salisbury; J. C. Reid, Charlotte;; medicines, drugs ralliiTvi Crrpensboro; W. r;. jvooiicu, tucn nSc.. .....,--- . .. UD0T Kiinston ; Tom Rollings wo -th, Gr,en-being ; subject to the peddler s tax ,1 N . ' .... i..v, n,mrinrnnr I Mr. Brummitt points out. A person , Hugli Zdi on 7Ao; T d ! is a peddler who carries his goods a Herring, Snow Hill; A. N. Shew, bout with him, 'tout having a defi WilmiSton; Garland McPherson, nite purchaser therefor, Mr. Brum High Point; John McCaulel, Jr., Chap mitt states el Hill: L. R. Morris, Atlantic; E. W. ! ".,.,, DCt wit i Summerell, New Bern; C. E. Wilkins MARSHALL WHITEHURST Will. rw.M.h.ro: A. E. Powel. Fayetteville: PREACH AT BAPTIST CHURCH It was announced through the Rt:itP nnners Tuesday morning that tlannlvithe U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Station but shall apply, : . ,. .i,i SR.. at rivers isituiu i.umu .w,. 000 for repairs and improvements as a result of the public works program sponsored by the present administra tion, which proposes to spend $3, 300,000,000 in various ways through out to country. The nature of the imnrnvpments and repairs at the "laboratory" could not be learned by ews. reporter this morung that tms is th, arista - , -- - third time the girl has been c:.i'.fT'.u, cniy iiov.i and that he is communicatiW vith states. The registrars , who acted the superintendent at theColoved t e genera ecu u ; ; Girls' Industrie School at t-tianu to as ies'' , ; , I -u see if th y have room for the Dud- '.county boards of election will r.ppomt Wiirl When he hears from the new poll holders or judges one far, Scho 1 th, hearing wiirV held. Vable.the other unfavorable, to re- . peal, Mr. Brummitt states. END OF ENCAMPMENT Simphiying tne app ica. on cu iae IS DRAWING NAK tnrte per cent geiieiai on.) t., , arrangements one composite schcdul? . , nnnW to all mcrchant.i, is beir.;; Cent Of all Of . ,,. ;t . ,v.int frnm thp stnvn of N. F. Enre Building Material Com pany and the receiving of goods known by them to be stolen. These surfaced and untreat-' j "sometime in April." Beth de- 1.1 .... ,1 - ... fendar.ts plead not guilty, sauie was represented by E. Waiter Kill. According to the testimony, Chief 'of Police James Willis and Officers "SHr.v snd Clanvnce Pelletier went to oarch S:id':e'3 home several weeks :t-o. At that time, it was said that the officers that it there was any paint in her home it was a little left there by her father, said to have been dead some half dozen years. When the search was made, a gallon and a quart of paint and a Absentee ballots will not b H-ofl. nnr will markers or per-; r. i-t- ees 4.1.1 auie ujiu (Continued on page eight) I TIDE TABLE FLOYD EUBANKS BREAKS LEG WHILE OUT FISHING MONDAY Tv.nrv.no TTnmpr. Rurlinirton : S. T Honeycutt,. Smithfield; S. R. Clary, Fairmont; J. W. Spears, Lillington; J. P. Brassfield, Raleigh; M. B. Kib ler, Morgantc:; B. C. Clement, Mocks ville; M. H. Jones, Rutherf ordton ; C. C. Huett, Claremont; Bob Sereet, Charlotte; II . P. Erird, Albemarle; E. K. Carter, Aaheville; R. A. Hoyle, Morchnll Whitehurst. a first year ministerial student at Richmond While preparing to go out fishing Monday afternoon, Floyd Eubanks, of Sanatorium, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eubanks, ot wire rraec had the misfortune of slip- Timw nnrt fraeturinc a bone in his j,...,, - -io-hf W mat above his anKie. Mr. vcai iiiiiiiow-. virrnr po College, will preach a tthe morning j Ebankg wa, near the steel Bridge up ssrvitf a no Church Sunday. Mr. Whitehurst is the grandson of Mrs. Same witen hurst, and is spending several weeks here visiting her and other relatives, r, Asnevuia; . "inere visiunu uw on" Shelby; J. B. Robinett, Taylorsviue ; i During his stay here air. wnneuuis Carl Buchanan, Sylvia; Arthur Fulk,ji3 teaching a class at the Baptist ina niH New Bern road when he tried n null the small boat up to th wharl tied with. The i ... , 9 4Vn Knot ,rf. wpt. nnil Mr. OOltuiu ". . . . ' . 4 -11 Eubank'a feet slipped, causing himineas aving occurrea t bh. n fnll nnd ntam the Iraeture. mr. pnt Maintain: T. J. Mauney, Mur phey; Mrs. Sam. Huskins, Burnesville; a Hoyle Johnson Jr., Aeheville; Dan C. Fisher, Bryson City; Joe Cavineas, Lillington ; . i c.,aol TliirVinm : juniors; Clarence 1 tciiucu iu c. k Julian ' Phipps, Rocky Mount; Lynn an( near Mr. Whitehurst Mclver, Sanlord; J. . wpdd, '- rboro; William A. Baker, Raleigh; SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS Charlotte: M. L. x um i -iv. w- Sunday School, and at the request of te Rev. J. P. Harris, pastor ol tne churc, he consented to deliver the sftrmon at the morning service Sun day. A cordial invitation has been extended to all to attend the service Information as to the tides at Beaufort is given in this col umn. The figures are approx imately' correct and based on tables furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that W whether near the inlet ot at the heads of the estuaries. n Tile annual eucamiMuu.it, . . p 120th Infantry N. C. National Guard considered by Commi.sioiiei of LcV s drawing to a close. The two weeks enue A. J. Maxwell and Division Di wh eh ac-rding to custom, the regi- rector Harry McMullan for romul ment spends at Camp Glenn every gation before August I 1 ht ex cj ... , r.4..j.. tv m m t r rnnnsel ot tne IN. iue.' c n.i.'.is year will enaowuru-,. I" V7 mo, lnst week with rev- entrain for their homes oaiuruaji in-"'""" - . . entrdni iui i.iiv.4 n::i ,i n mnm v acrreea ;i,f r,r oilrlv Snndav morning. enue omciais a..u , - In snite of considerable rain the upon the one composite scheame to training schedule of the soldiers has :app y to . mer . . , Low Tide been very well ma.nta.nea uru , ; ea , - f- . j"- Fr;day, July 21 target practice and otner routine pKI- ui v-j ,np .. 1:29 a. m. formed' A regimental dress parade saon.r Maxwell hope to have u an a. n, took place this af Urnoon . x ? " u " ' reffulations Saturday. Jul, 22 o'clock. Governor nnng.u. - r.fiPtd to flv from Ra egih to matte an dbioib . . -----pectea to uy iru.ii xw. 6 month onlv and address to the regiment, ine neaiui - - , of the men thi. year has been excep- are subject to change as better plans are wuimu vm-. 8:00 a, 8:12 p m. m. tionally good, no serious case of ill- IS INJURED AT BEACH Eubanks came down Saturday from I AUDITING R. f . C. BOOR.S - boardwalk at g.24 p. m. 3:23 p. m. the State -Sanatorium, where be TT.,u. nf Atlant.io Beach Monday afternoon, a T-e.l.y, July 2S employed, and he intended to pend H. U rr.ee, oi ' p ihlic nlank eave away beneath Mrs. Mil-I 9:55 a. m. J a. uu ffc5;k in .nort flshimr. but the R. L. Price and Company, Public ,plank gave away nen 0Hnn.ns n. ml 4:02 p. m. eid.ni brought an early conclus- Accountants, arrived here Wednesday : ton kto and Wed-day, Jul, 26 ion to this intention. At the ume oi.ana is auua. - --- . - Mrs. m. 4-ui7 m. 2:05 p. SnndaT. Ju'V 23 8:38 a. m. 2:45 a- 8:47 p. m. 2:43; p. m. Monday, July 24 o .it; 3:22 a. m. (Continued on pag$ ejghtX i. $1.50 A YE.AR, thA misfortune. Mr. Eubanks was a lone and had to drive his ea Irom tthn ariikint to his parents' home, two milea. m. m. 1 . . . , ...1.4: i -i in.QA a m 4:27 a, F. C. which is now knowna9 the skin and hru.se ner rign , v; 4:44 p Ml Mi .W ri I Sta . - Thursday. July 27 feidont lo his itlng Is be ng done on account oi w i t.iC - ----- 5:00 a. m. S of director of jMoad., MIjj-g h beacon- U. JO a. m. ill I

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