A. Ij M rLgSS; O) n ("ft ? ft U 1333 y3ftK F5K. iJ ii J ll . r w ll Ji ll X Li &2z0 ii 11 The best advertising medium published in Carteief Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY j , WATCH Your label and pay our subscription ' VOLUME XXII EIGHT pages this WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1933 price c Jungle copy O 5 NUMBER 34 Con! ere nee Held On County Indebtedness Representatives of Insurance And Fraternal Organizations Hold 35 Per Cent of County o i- i i- n . r i Donas moRc i ropusmon io ouniy Doara; Utter to cancel $iou,uuu Worth ot Coupo T -I AAA ror q,uuu. ANTI-REPEALERS ; START CAMPAIGN NEW POSTMASTER NOW IN CHARGE i Enthusiastic Meeting Held Sun? day And Vigorous Cam- paign Is Planned k '""5 Weatr gf In August Was k newhat Mixed ,72. C ) 'onsidevabk' ram in this anil vie- There Wiley H. Taylor Wins Ap- "ty dun--.e mimi au ti. pointment Over Several j Information furnished by the local Applicants Weather Station on P.yer Island (that a total of o.o4 inches of rain Determination to win the vote of Beaufort has a new postmaster. ?"d that there were i aaj on Carteret countv for the eighteenth jEverybody knew of course that there men me me.cu.y ium-iu - ... c amendment i the constitution of the would be a change but probably very The hottest clay was the 1-th ami ' i .. n i .i t .t. i. i j . v,a u-fl4 rpriirii l i ii. n;i. i t tates wag empnaticaiiy ex- iew Knew tnaz me cnane wouiu w - , . ,. . ... 'I . r, ?.r vntn AcrMI v 1V H ATI tnP J.iflf. WhL'l SCHOOL EXPECTS RECORD STUDENT BODY THIS FALL Eight Hundred Expected to Attend Beaufort Graded School This Term l IllCU. LULtf!. ils tllll.m(llll...ii - ...it" uiui mv vt.w.iv " w . nc . . .i ' I ... r-i . ... it o in ip.st vain nc purred on the Jol'd. wnl.'n iio itiasori snnrinr atrpvnnnn ar me i:ur su suuu. ruui uislui t. n iiimi mass mpptinc in the eountv court jy. whose term would have expired l-"0 inches. l-.' l t v., i aa i... Thpip was considerable cluodint loom, .-utnougn it was a veiy ,ucai uao utcu auunucu k ; - - . , Mr. Whpat.lv rp- during August and a good ni iui a i.iiu luai wmij t . . .... j ... .. , .... i 1- l ., , i i.i i: j t ..,..., n, pf;..Q shower but there were also li clear ' ine room was on nana ior uie mcci-.tcDcu a iciiucsi num iuswh flnan VantAmKav 1 Rth T3..r..i. .i r. if n.n.f r..r n.natinn n fBw days and seven partly cloudy ones. furnished most of the crowd but var-. days ago and sent it in Tuesday. At .The wind blew from the southwest With thp mention of White Oak. Sous parts of the county were repre .the request of Mr. Taylor he will : 12, northeast 8 days, east four days, lons aiong simuai mics cic ai5u - - - - - - - - CQfQj ' stav in the office for a few davs un- soutneast two nays, souin iour uays . j j .u. :.ju.j-.. r all Carteret Countv Schools wil onen sented. " sla ln lne oiute ior t it uajs uu , . maae in iesaiu iu mr muCU.cu..c , , . tw. ..HaJ ah). til thp now nnsCmaster iret acauaint- nortn one nay i ! i . - u c ... Tnr infl Ta .p5inn on a nn av . i nc iiitciiiie, r a vwuv-m w vv . --w x " - USE LOCAL TEACHERS A start was made this week, small County Schools Will though it may be, towards straight-; ening out the tangled web of Carter-; et County's huge bonded debt. Ef-; forts alonsr similar lines were also lutort and .uoreneau uj. ei-""":""a"r ,V,Vr' a, fu,.OD k r.v .T P TfarHs-Vd with his duties. i fa...,a. l.t,vn vonroionta- morning, oeptemoer icin. me mie i. i".ir w.n. .. tlL in iicicuiis wii"i. . v . - T .. . .. T:..t n .i 1 I, c i ill Ui LUC ..-uu auu aitnic uauiHvt tives of a group of bondholders and Oak school will begin on rr.day, pasior in i ,. s napiiM Postmaster Taylor is well known WBS doe to crops but not much other- A right storm visited this section on the September loth. The News has been Beaufort He stated that ne was a. Beaufort and Carteret county and ' . ,n.hiQ tn coniiro a i-nmnlptu list nf appointed that a speaker of state- , ..... t j I two cities were neiu anu leiiinj " - r . . . , , . , .nas many menus uu ajc iicocu at discussions and arguments took place, the teacher, for the various Carteret appointment. He has been in the Many statistics as to debts, reve- school i.uS ee uul ouii, - o-- - - - wholesale grocery business tor many the two nmriii s ni tne countv anu ine r'""'- ...... ...... - - - r onnint-aH that a anfinVfir ClT STjlLB . cities were held and lengthy unaoie to secure a complete usi ui." - ; has many friends who are pleased at se. nues, taxes and expenses were pro duced. A three hour session of the coun tv commissioners and the bondhold ers reDresentatives was held in the J. G. Allen has promised to have this,:-aie t"'Kess, nc ... , in time for next week's issue. erai local speaners wno coverw. t.e ,county-wide teachers' meeting in the stated that the campaign would be a appears to have had the necessary has been active in bus- civic and political circles. for There were several applicants ,-ouia De a iL . y T,.i.... iiw...., v-- o . , , , tilt? pUSLlllHStClSllUJ UUL .,11. Ajii7L ri.t Hn.,io oarh voai- nn thp Sat.ur- non partisan afrair and no body need , , , ers representatives was neid in we ----- , - nolitical reward aPPears 10 ,mvB l"e Countv Auditor's office Tuesday day before the opening of school, , expect to geta n political rewara g he ition Hi? LT.V:AT..1.Z i,., .,, ul but this vear this will be dispensed fro m.t. He said North Carolina ought ! . ? . . . a temnorarv t. This was attended by all the but this year this will be dispensed ?- - appoint t i called atemporary board members. Charman W. M. , 't uS m e ...u ... . , , keenin liauor off Front 'one anu 8 CIV" servlte emma"" Wehh. Martin Guthrie. W. Z. Mc- the various schools at 2 o'clock, he f ed Keeping liquoi on i tro t fce caHed in wh,ch others may :c..i...j.. ri (..Umhii. lKth atreet. ne toiicu uuuu . 1 c- IT 1...1nl.a w t 'ViMith 'oaunuav ai.ie.IllUll, ucunmiii - The temperautre figures for day follow: Max. County Attorney Luther t.t.;h for the Durnose ot acquainting Icy UULUCl A.ailli.tiii, - - Auditor J. J. Whitehurst and Clerk teachers witn ineir year . wo. i.- 1.1. U-J TmM rtotn'a Thnoo rifoa. A VU LllC UUalU liii faio. a uvsw i.v-' rt VAVtolf at fVia Vrndhfildpr ter C 11 U VII LltllBH vi ww , were Thurman Plantz, chairman of f the the committee, representing Koyal Neighbors and Modern Woodmen. P. R. Matthews, secretary of the com- the street, ne caned upon nev . r. The gak . Munns pastor of Ann Street Metho-1 ofmacfon uBro ia .23no Ipss ichers with their years worK. r"" . " ' "... Ithe 15 per cent economy red A meeting of all principals in Car short speech in which he said millions ..h affecU m Federal et county will be held in the office, were being spent to put out liquor em County Superintendent at , propaganda ana inux we pf :3 a. m., Wednesday, September nruuse tncu.e..cs ...u u. ... j 13tri ja K majority ior tne ary sine. ! The News has been informed that, r mittee and representative of the En-;.vuchers amounting to $10 each for npy of Beaufort was called -on and A.ar, pn Pnrnnration of the the extended term of 19J1-1932 have . b iefl but f01.cefuiiy. He said Am.rin Ugion Charles A. Hines recently been issued and ma led to commandments were frequent ffi er n ha -The Woodmen of the World-J. T. ,those who taught m the county that ,y vjolated but had not yet b en re-1;, both Dem. Clifton, auditor of the N. C. Munic. year those work-L'i and Republicans, say that lie ipal uouneil, . k. uray, executive i "f. , . , super- .ele ?m""u' j T .""has made an efficient and accomodat secretary of the same organization , ng i the office , of th 0U"tJ trying to repeal them and he saw yh , .g he thin , ir ti Tn.. intendent wil be busily engaged wuni -aatir,n fnr mnpalintr the nrohi- s . . . : and lnaries oi. juhusuu, iicauic. ... " r , of North Carolina matters relative to the opening ot biUon laWg because they are brok- f Pit, nnMd the discussion the schools no scr'P wl1 be, lssuet.d en occasionally. He remembered the Mr. Plantz opened the discusbion .& of September 8th-.. of thp b room and saw n0 cv staling mat nicy tit !t ,. otfj fh a wook . . .. t confer with the county omciais ior . . .. , .. white Oak school will be transferred to the Swansboro High School during the ensuing term. On account of the fact the purpose of working out some plan that would be helpful to the county and also to its creditors. He stated that bondholders wanted 10 ;thta tne Swansboro school begins cooperate with the county and were September 15th. the White Oak school will also open on date. 'good in liquor. If the prohibitionists want to carry this county though he j stated they would have to organize and get to work. Rev. W. P. Watkins, pastor of the Ex-Postmaster Wheatly took charge of the office in Beaufort in July 1921. Prior to that time he had been with the U. E. Engineering De partment for a number of years. ing official. Mr. Wheatly is the third member of the postoffiee personn to resign since the new i tion went into office, Messrs. Dewey Guthrie and ' James Noe having re signed several weeks ago 1. 90 2 90 3. 90 4 88 5. 85 6. - 82 7 83 8. 88 9. 90 10. 89 11 91 12 94 13. 91 1 14. 89 115 89 jl6 86 IT. 89 18. 88 19. 88 20 83 !21. 88 22. 87 '23 86 24. 87 25. 89 26. 90 27. 91 28 93 29. 92 When the Beaufort Graded School onens its doors on the morning of ! September 18th for the autumn term, an I .. ix i j i :i :n 1... SOlue eiglll nunuieu imn win "is enrolled, which will be about a hundred more than the even seven hundred that attended the school last year. During the previous aes- .cinn thnrp wprp nnlv fiftv two first- violentp , ...... , , t t grade pupus, out miiL-ipm i. Fritz stated to a News reporter re cently that there will beat least one hundred begin-ners this autumn, judging from the pre-scljool clinic held last spring. Min. All teachers for both the elemen 77;tary grades and high school have each 30 l 85 86 willing to make necessary sacrifices to do so. He hoped something mutu .. , , ....ii i. ...A..i.nr js.if any neipiui couiu ue nuiivcu Mr. Matthews spoke along the same line. He said they would like to work out a plan for the current year and if possible something permanent next year. He said they understood the difficult position in which the county finds itself and that they had no purpose or wish to hurt it in any way. They would like to see a tax rate adopted which the people could and would pay. The county's credit would be improved if the bondhold ers could collect something on the in terest due them. He said this would probably be helpful to real estate anA that nresent conditions were harmful M. E. church at Morehead City, was .the next sneaker and he spoke very ' earnestly saying that every Christian! ;man, every moral man ought to have .MTcorm ,n P AFF.TERI A -somt-thing to say about this impor- SEE MRS. J G. ALLEN nt question. He said hat he nq uor pi.obem Would not be settled in , . ... I November but would be a problem There being a possibility that he He sUUe(, that Woman's Club will again conduct a , h . .JO;or, fhrnnvy. ta CARTERET COUNTY HAS i NEW GAME WARDEN NOW of iNew Bern, earn warden L. E. Warrington I has been appointed for both Carteret and Craven coun ties, succeeding Blakely Pond, of Davis, as same warden for this coun APPOINT F. F. LONGEST NEW DEPUTY COLLECTOR Cafeteria in the Beaufort School . of Wood. for the session of 1933-34, any one ,.' , ., nf ouimn ,f rt.c-f aA n rnansnriflff sianifl Will ... . . . i IldrUware . . r iiaLtfi etna auu ucti civi. itw please get in touch with me at once. had & mQnl glump gome folka have ill 1 3. a vi tin MASONIC MEETING 'shifted their position on prohibition 'Liquor, he said, is an outlaw and ai jvote for repeal is a vote for liquor, i Othe-r sneakers were Rev. J. M. P C Scott Asst. Grand Lecturer 'Carraway of Merrimon, who made an Win'bp'at the Lodge Room of Frank-.earnest appeal for the prohibition . . ...... --j...:-.- f,.i-u ' . . .r m a t? 1 iu inonsa nnri ranrjim r.iiffenp leuma is harmtul. a statement setting iun... ,jin i,0dge sso. iu r. anu .-i. i. , T , , the bondholders' position was read;from Monday, Sept. 11th, to Satur- who promised that Harker s Island and discussed. Questions were asked da Sept. 18th, for the purpose of would give a big majority for the r... run; o WoW. Cnnntv Attorney 'ji.,ntinn. tv,fl mpmhprs in the rit- amendment. A rol call of the von- Hamilton, Auditor Whitehurst, mem- ualistic work of the Order. All mem- ous county precincts was made and ber of the board W. P. Smith. eTS are invited to avail themselves jt was found that Sea Level, Marsh- The substance of t.9 proposition 0f this opportunity to become prone- allberg, , Mernmon, . Wire Grass, Beau made bfthe bondhol.1e:,' committee, iet in the work of the Order. ;fort Morehead City, Harkers Island made by tne i doi sentative j. R. Jinnett, Secretary, and Merrimon were represented. as understood by the 'fc';;.e"iaJ"f1 j I Chairman Harris called for nom- 0f.thiNT; ere-;" its 1 SEVENTY. NINE. YEAR. OLD ination3 for a permanent chairman bonds and notes, that it shall reduce TTTYlx .ate "of 1.50 Mrs. Mary Frances Fulford passed Morehead City who wa? elected by j,t. ... - t v.. hnmo nn Frnnt Street acclamation, ne responuea witn Frank F. Longest, prominent local citizen, reecived notice last week of iis appointment on the 29th of Aug ust to the position of Deputy Collec r of Customs here. A day or two ty. The following people and firms after receiving this, Mr. Longest was will sell hunting and fishing licenses J informed by John Bright Hill, collee- in th? various communities ot iar-,tor oi Lusonis ior tne oiaie oi :uu teret: Mrs. W. E. Jackson, at Bogue; 'Carolina, that the appointment of the Julian C. Bell, at Newport; Eure local man would have to have the Company, at Morehead ' sanction of President Franklin D. City; Noe Hardware Company and Roosevelt before it would be official. Carteret Hardware Company, and D. On account of the fact that the pres- T "lr.,..;, ot Ran n F nrt Allon T"a vi . ' i .1 pn t 's sio-natnrp will have to be at Davis; and Cecil Morris at Atlan- ; procured, Mr. Longest will not De. science c.s.u.i tic. Hunting licenses are somewnat sworn in until tne latter pan ot tins ---'- ... .... I . Miss Vnvini niontn. been selected. The entire high school faculty is from Carteret County. Eiffht of the thirteen teachers of the q 1 elementary grades are from Carter- 67 jet County, three are from other sec- o ton! of North Larolina ana two are from out of the state. Miss Virginia Howe, of East Rad ford, Va., will teach piano. Public school music will be continued, taught by one or more of the regular school teachers. As was the case last year, home economics will not be taught this term. The first teachers' meeting of the autumn session will be held at the school Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, September 16th. The teachers will be as follows: Elementary School First Grade Miss Virginia Howe, of East Radford, Va., and Miss Louise Hudgins, of Beaufort. Second Grade Miss Hele-n Proc tor, of Davidson, and Mis3 Louise Fletcher, of Gibbson. Third Grade Mrs. John Brooks and Miss Sunsan Rumley, of Beau fort. Fourth Grade Misses Lessie Ar lington and Mamie Wolfe, both of Beaufort. Fifth Grade Miss Esther McNeill fit Lumberton, and Miss Edyth Lewis, of Marshallbcrg. Soxth Grade Miss Nellie Lewii, of Marshallberg, and Miss Emily Loftin, of Beaufort. Seventh Grade Miss Lucy Bow ers, of Heath Springs, S .C. High School Assignment of subjects to high school teachers has been made for the present cn a tentative basis, and these are as follows: William Potter, of Beaufort athletics, civics and English. Eighth trade home room teacher. Miss Mildred Salter, of Merrimon grade home 79 78 78 70 72 73 78 76 74 77 78 73 72 72 71 70 72 73 09 77 To 74 71 70 cheaper this vear than they were last; resident licenses r.ow sell for sixtv cents, whereas they sold for $1.25 last season. MARRIAGE LICENSES Roy Ellison and Oaessa Joyner, Beaufort. Arthur Banks Roberts Jr., More head City, and Laura Privett Eure, Beaufort. Miss Varina Way, of Beaufort . r, . , v.-c o 'matnematics ana nome room teacn . The Customs Department has a . , m i, v,, nf er for the ninth grade, lease, on office space in the home ot , , , nA cfat Knt Miss Eleanor Jones, of Beaufort Rov Eubanks on Gordon fetreet, but ' TT-ii 1 . .f;.,f o -Q 'French, English and home room nr. nm s iu '" " ' ; ;teacher for tenth grade lease of the lease contract with Mr. Eubanks so that the local Customs office may be moved to the bulding on West Ann Street formerly used as a store by Mr. Longest. Announce ment will be made later in this pa per when Mr. Longest is sworn in, and the location of his office. LADY DIES HERE MONDAY for the campaign and C. R. Wheatly , I arre Quantities Of tottered the name oi v. a. nuns oi " - , . . Fulford passed Morehead City who was elected by CraDS tSeing onippeu 1 ( 1 -f "J J M T1X I 1 L. FT J vivvi !. 1UMI .7 ---- - - . . . I was suggested, of which 25 cents was 'away at her home on Front Street acclamation He responded Was SUggesieu, u. ,,. spvpti chnit snppfh in which he nlf Miss I.pna Dun an. of Beaufort history, Latin and home room teach er for eleventh grade. Principal R. L. Fritz, of Beaufort ma the ma tii's. Owing to the recent storm along the Atlantic seacoast, which damaged the Marvland crabing industry to a Recorder Finds Man Innocent of Charge The case of W. L. Hancock, charg ed with following the trade of con- -n v.o used for operating e sc nere iuu......6 - , , . , ,u. , , t o,fr debt service. The a- .'clock, following an illness of sev-self to do every thing possible to l',,:;7n he raised for debt service 'eral weeks duration. She had been .carry tne election ana cauea on the Maryland crabing industry to a r Morehead city (lu. -nn d be $85 000, of which $34,000 M for about two years. She was a to neip. ne suggesteu as a UUK . considerable extent, tne soit-sneu j 30.33 ithout would be S fo interest on bonds'few months beyond her seventy-'They shall not pass." Other nomi- c rabbing here in Carteret County re-1 Je J M haJ would pe paiu i v,0':-n. ki,rio,r hnvitny been born in nations all of which were elected un- ce ved a noticeable boost. During u'f ' , .B ..., . . 1933-J4 ana fui.uvu v,u ,mum u.. -- -, , , . - , n ,,.,, i of i, ,, . . . , . peen continued over u pt-nuu m c. 7 . , ..v. tv and used to buy Beaufort June 7, 18D4, tne aaugnter arumuusiy, CiC . . .,.., .... lne montn 01 august i,u- uucS u. 1 1 c ii.. :...3 ; T? n Vonf hv the COUncy " uscu auiui - u -,.. ,-"- ., , . , . t tvt,,,mc1 oj i " ,T , . erai wee-KS, was nnany ineu 111 ud bonds being offered at greatly be of Henry and Elizabeth Lews via .express, here TueeJay morn. i u, nar prices For the $34,000 the Mrs. Fulford was the widow of the vicechairman; Mrs. J. C. Taylor, from Beaufort, which was an increase , . D A Free. hnndho ders would surrender $180,-!iate eGorge W. Fulford. .Morehead City, was made secretary over the same month last year. Last."; 'He di(, not iitl of coupons. The commit- Funeral services were conducted and Miss Lillian Duncan of Beaufort, fall around 2(000 boxes were hip- wa. much about the cas9( en it was stated, represented 35jfr0m the home at rour 0 ciock won- ireasu.. ,. r pea aurinK t .e muutu . . hi h a appeaied fr0!n th ... 0 the outstanding Dona3 day aiternoon Dy tue xvev. - - . .-"u .k .3 v... P Sved other bondholders would Wicker, rector of St. Paul's Episco-nd preparations made for a vigor- very Hkely exceed these figures, ana bene Mm,t. if thev Li v,rpVi a larire attendance of lous campaign. judging by the shipments so far onme MtO ine ." " . f" ' ... 1 7 ... ..... .. i HH.nAHnH i j i nf ire. wflpo nrpoonr. i .mnnp. rannrrs thirty-six cents for their crabs. TIDE TABLE Information as to the tldta at Beaufort is giren in thia col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on tables furnished by tha U. S. Geodetic Survey. Soma allow ances muBt be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that la whether near the inlet o? at the beada of the estuariei. ,nie mto te "s- - r - would not accept tne p , f ij i y "Ir " """' l I " T 'pishop DARST WILL BE thev could stay out ana wou.u ..u IOr tne last rues .m ....., , - -... SUNDAY tpfanv thing. The committee sug-jal designs attested o he esteem AT ST PAUL S SUNDAY IstpH that the county's budget with which Mrs. r'uitord wa3 nem. i i x.e.. gested ,oaann ..,. seemed r..,-... wflS in Ocean View Cem-ihop of the Diocese of Eastern Caro- orv llina, will deliver the address at the i61"1 . . ... o .... j... : 4. Or P.V. The deceased is survived by one unuay mm mug S"vilb t m, Should be $2 ",888.00. which seemeaj .to be several thousand dollars less j than tne do... a -- r v,tn nt Roflnfm.t-'Knisconal are now per dozen getting straight Church. A i. a popsspH Tuesday son, ueorge vv. r uuoru, ui oeauiuit, j.i.v,.... - , . The board J met again two sisters, Miss Charlotte Smith and class of some twenty-five or thirty ed during the first riit at about 10:4o and met aga n t this members will be presented to Bishop weeks of the seasc night at about iu.o k M Henry W. Noe, both of this members will be presented to Bishop Wednesday afternoon at four o clock mi s. nen y . Rey Worth Thp same matters we.e u.a- - - nffprnoon meeting. The operat Although quantities of soft crabs ares hipped from Carteret county from earlv in the spring to late in confirmation the fall, the bulk of these are market month or six weeks of the season, or until the soft-shpll crab indust:? gets under- Poli.-e Court of Morehead City. Charles W. Stevens, who repre sented the defendant, moved for non-suit at the opening of the case on the grounds that the Morehead City ordinance read "contracting plumber' and that the warrant read only 'contractor When this was re fused because the warrant also gave the number of the ordinance, the case was continued. The solicitor, however, was unable to prove that Mr. Hancock was a 'contracting Low Tida fUUUIlUIUlJ ( Mill. wjr v.. . ... i .v o. o w om;tr, nf Rpanfmt. Wicker. Members and friends of the the afternoon meeting, ine opei - . . o m eM ,nvited tQ attend Ml ing budget proposed byhe commit and uapt. morning service and hear Bishop ah tee was discussed and objection. ,pon. , h raised to some oi its said the Plantz features. Mr. pnmmittee did not Mr. Seymour Guy, of Smyrna, was s gam uc , . .he Potter Emergency fv mere Z wtehe "to keen th.' Hospital to the Johnson-Willis Hos get, they merely wu. e Richmond. Va.. Monday in . rats low ana iiuukuh s i - tax rate low " . uu aj ,R in omh.ilancp. , - nnn, nn naore nvei n" u..-...v way at Crisfield, Maryland. When plumber," and so Judge l'aui ueon " . ilit til. 1.1 xiiiHit Maryland producers begin, local ;iounu tne ueiemumt nut ku... inments decrease rapidly. During the past two autumns storms and var- Wilkes Counyt dairymen are dig- ious other natural causes have re- ging trem n snos aim iemuuc.i.. duced the Crisfield crabbing indusbarns as a part of the new program the Carteret of dairy framing in tnat county. BFAI -STATE TRANSFERS t M T?onnll or.,1 t.fir'a tn Mildred trv to a noint where L. Brewer, 5 acres Newport Town- crabs have been caught and marketed I ship, for $10. 'at a profit. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS H;h Tide Friday. Sept. B 10:51 a. m. 10:50 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 11:07 a. m. 11:30 n. m. Sunday, Sept. 10 6:00 a m. 7:03 p. m. Monday, Sept. m. m. Tuesday, Sept, 1:20 a. m. 1:55 p. m. Wednesday, Sept. 13 2:24 a. m. 8:55 a. m. 3:01 p. m. 9:56 p. m. Thursday, Sept. 14 3:41 a. m. 953 4:09 p. m. 10:49 p. in. 11:46 12:14 112:29 1:00 a. m. p. m. 4:33 a. in. 5:20 p. m. 9 5:13 a. m. 6:09 p. ra. 11 6:53 a. m. 8:00 p. m. 12 7:54 a. ra. 8:58 p. m.

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