Beaufort C S rhe best advertising medium published in Cartel et Co. f READINGTOTHE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY j g TCH Your label and pay jrour subscription mm i VOLUME XXII eight pages this WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1933 PRICE 5c SI1 COPY NUMBER 48 Many To Be Employed On C. W. A. Projects More Than 500 Men Will Be Put to Work; Some Already at Work; A Number of Projects Have Been Approved And Others Are Being Considered; Many Here Seeking Jobs . $ UlTOBM oXLM FORT MACON ROAD DEFENDANTS GET IS NOW CERTAIN I ROAD SENTENCES ments To Be Made At Fort Also Many Touchdowns In Friday's Game By A. R. RICE Beaufort's Green Wave complete ly massacred the invding forces of Fremont, Friday by the overwhelm ing score of 64 to 0.. With the first half starting off tamely Beaufort quickly found their scoring togs to annihilate Fremont under their steam One I roller attack. I Coach hotter used every man on I his squad and all came through mag- j Inifieently, the second stringers show- More projects have been approved by the Civil Works Administration authorities for Carteret county so far than for any other county, so the News was informed yestreday by Mrs. Malcolm Lewis, who is the ad ministrator for Carteret county. Mrs. Lewis is also Director of Relief for the county, which position she has held for several months. Many of those persons who were getting Fed eral aid will now be transferred to the CWA pay rolls. The employment allotment for Carteret county is 539 people, wom en will have jobs as well as men. However far more men have applied In The State 3 Per Cent More Families Receive Help; In crease In Carteret By M. R DUNNAGAN Ralegih, Nov. 27 October regis- Many were here also yesterday. It is reported that some men who had jobs have given them up and made application for CWA jobs. Mrs. Lewis informed the News represen pay roll who gave up his job, will be fired the minute he is found out. The jobs are for people who are really out of work and who want to work. Mrs. Lewis also said that no political pull or church influence would have anything to do with a person's get ting a job. Politicians and others who may want to try to put some thing over are warned to keep hands Work Will Start Next ; Improve Negro Bootlegger Gets 60 Uays; (vnite wieiaer viv en 90 Days Definite assurance was given a two aeienuants were given 'representative of the News Monday sentences Dy ouuge veuu ivci-wiu- 1, Stnto Poi PstPi- J. S. Holmes that er s uourt luesuay munimB the road to Fort Macon from Atlan- was a liquor charge and the other tn Rosu.h uill ho constructed and was assault witn a deauiy weapon. that quite a bit ot work will De aone ; .me u, ,uu? , pvCeDtionallv well in this the the area around the tort ana in mn'i oi - w. ,.nr!ll nrrv nf the vear for &. ' . Beaufort and their total 140 points as against only seven for the opposi tion. Friday the doubters of the strength of the locals completely turned an about-faced and avowed that they really had that quality that is some times referred to as IT. When run ning plays failed and seldom did a beautiful aerial attack was resort ed to, to push up first down after first down. It was really a better game than the score indicates, was cleanly fought and the spectators said the value of their money was received to merely watch the crushing drive of the fleet backs and, at times, linemen who were shifted back to augment the horsemen. These selfsame spec tators saw some of the greatest blocking they've ever witnessed. A brief look-in of the scoring shows that Ray Hassell trotted over three times, Ralph Hassell and Moore twice each and Boorks and R. Thom as once apiece. Conversions were, made by Ray Hassell, Beveridge, Brooks and Moore. Lineups: Po Fremont L.E. Davis 'MANY UNEMPLOY'D WILL SECURE WORK MRS. O'BERRY SAYS thp fnrt nrnnp-r. Thus one of the chief charge of having cut Sylvester Hes points of historical interest in North ter also colored and from Morehead Carolina will be made accessible to j City. According to the testimony of the public and far more attractive witnesses there was not much of a than it has been for many years, j quarrel. Cornie said Hester advanc Mrs. Thos. O'Berry, head of the CWA , ed towards him in a threatening man in the State has approved the pro-,ner and that he cut him for that ject. reason. Hester denied this and seem- Jed to think Cornie cut him without A few years ago the State Depart- any provocation. At any rate he was ment of Conservation and Develop- 'cut in the chest and spent several tered a three per cent increase over ( ment planted a good many trees on days in the hospital. The Judge gave September in the total number of the fort reservation and did somelCornie 90 days and told him he hop North Carolina families receiving aid j cleaning up under the direction of t ed this experience would be a good from nublic relief funds, of 52,2621 Mr. Holmes. Not much money was 'lesson for him. families in October and 50,587 fam-; available though and so the amount ilies in September, figures released by ! of work done was limited. Now by . v. ... i: e r-i Ti,n was in Beaufort Monday looking for show. et county through the Civil WorKs - y raB u aB,c- " work and a still larger one Tuesday. Destitute families, however, show! Administration the present program uoi, apoui nan a gauon, was luunu Robert Rayner, Morehead City , .. i j .. m,... -N.T, .j.!:v. I f u oiit-t-pri rWei-w Negro, was tried tor possession oi By December 15 It Is Expected 63,000 Will Be Em-ployed ed variations in the 100 counties, will be put into effect. A road 18 to from 100 per cent increase in three! 20 feet wide will be built. It will counties, to 50 per cent decreases in! not be paved at first but will be a others. Hertford county's increase 'good dirt and sand road that can be was from 200 families in September! used at any time of the year. H. L. by Chief of Police James Willis and Officers Pelletier and Salter in the rear of the house where Rayner lives with his step-mother. He said it was for his personal use. The officers tative that anybody who gets on the 'to 412 in October, while Macon coun Oxley of Greensboro will be the .said that he had the reputation of be ty increased from 64 to 139 and supervising engineer in cnarge m .s " Wilkes doubled the number. Ithe work. He has been in charge of a many jars and other containers . that On the other hand, Jackson coun- C. C. Camp all fall and also used towelled like whiskey. Judge Webb ty reduced the number from 126 fam be wtih the Department of Conserva-! decided that 60 days on the roads ilies in September to 64 in October, 'tion and Development. He was with might have a salutary effect on Rob Sam rpduteri from 434 to 194 ' Mr. Holmes Monday and the two'erts future conduct and gave him and oJnes reduced the number from; went over the project. S10 to 157 families. I Tt ia nlanneH to Dut about fifty The increase or decrease in desti- men to work next on the Fort Macon'; a colored girl of about sixteen who tution canot be placed in any section ieb next week nad those in charge ; seems to have had a ratner cneciter that sentnece Lucille Dudley of Morehead City off, or they may .do their friends ! of the State, but both are found in hope to have 100 men working by the j ed career, was charged with using a more harm than good. The minimum rate of pay for those working on CWA jobs is 45 cents per hour and the maximum is f 1.10 cei.ts. Some will draw compen sation in between the two figures but of course most will get the 45 cent rate. Men will work 30 hours all spctions. Mecklenbunr leads in ! fniinwina' week. Carteret county men knife on John Anderson also colored numbers of destitute families in Oc- Liil he used. It is not planned-to4 arid a resident of Beaufort. Lucille tober with 4,113, Guilford had 3,349, j maintain a camp on the work as was Wake 2,674, Buncombe 2,500, For--'rumored would be done. Besides the svth 1.792. New Hanover 1.380. Dur-'vnnrt work auite a number of pine ham 1,062, and Catawba 1,044. and cedar trees will be planted on true but he still bears a scar on his tmtv had fi7fi 1 thQ lanH Thp insiHp of the fort! arm. Judge. Webb decided to send denied the knife but said she used a finger nail file on him at any rate John got cut, not very badly it is L.T. L.G. C. R.G. R.T. R.E. Q.B. L.H. R.H. F.B. families in September and an in-; will be celaned up and put in good e. men win wur u "uuia - .... n,.!. l,.H. r.l rnn fit- IWowe - 'eforVeu, and other $13.50 per week. It is estimated that wWch .njured or ; Mi L A sharpe of the Nation destroyed homes or working equip- al Park Service was here recently ment. 'and inspected the. proposed project Carteret county had 28.0 per cent and it isu nderstood that he approv of its population on relief rolls in'ed it and that the authorities in Wash October as compared with 23.7 per ington also favor it. The road will this county will run from eight to ten thousand dollars. It will keep many folks at work through the winter. Miss Ella Davis of Beaufort has been appoinnted Disbursing Of ficer for Carteret county by Mrs. O'Berry, who is at the head of the CWA in North Carolina. Mr Ernest Waters of Beaufort assisted Mrs Lewis in getting bids on projects and in other ways. Mr. George J. Brooks has been getting up information for Mrs Lewis' in regard to proposed woTks all over the county. When cent in September. I be constructed on the side of the ! banks next to Bogue Sound in or- I nro-P CmwA Arrpnrlf d der to avoid high winds and storm E. L. McCain's Funeral Lucille to jail for a few days where she could reflect on her past life and he would have time to make a decis ion as to her immediate future. The case of Milton Woolard, charg ed with non-support of his wife, was continued. There will be a special session of court Saturday morning to try a larceny case. tides. 93 YEARS OLD, HE MARRIES STEPMOTHER Funeral services for the late Eze- kiel L. McCain, whose sudden death; was told in last week's issue of the j When a man marries his step MrD nlnno of thp ppmetprv in mother, that is news, but when he is application for a project is put m, Saturd afternoon at two 93 year old, that makes it still big full deatils about it have to be sub-i . was member ger news. W. P. Shew, who lives near nutted to the Raleigh olhce. bo there of Methodist Episcopai church but, Call, is 93 years of age, and he was is quite a lot of work before a pro-,in thj absence of his pastor the ser- married yesterday to his stepmother, posed project can be submitted to vices were conducted by the Rever- Carolyn Shew, who is only 77 years Raleigh. The local office has been,- A p gtevens pagtor of the Lf age rushed with work trying to get pro-, Morehead city Baptist church. Mr. The '"happy young couple" was jects approved and to get n organ-, kg highly of the charac. ma(Je one at ,the office of ization m smooth running order. ,1 . wroin onH auowpj that ! Sif f t w Rpttlo with As stated above quite a number of ! death is not to be feared by those Magistrate C. M. Tevepaugh, officiat projects have been submitted to the'who f0now the teaching of Jesus ing.- (Wilkes News) Raleigh office from this county. 1 i Christ. Several appropriate hymns j Those approved up to yesterday in- were sung j,y a choir of ladies. A j Gaston farmers report the best elude: The Fort Macon r.1 and oth-gg number of people were pres'qUaijty 0f sweet potatoes in years al er improvements there, imp. rvements ; ent for the funeral, some having though the crop was short. Practical at eBaufort graded school for col- comef rom New cm, Beaufort, More jy all of the crop has been placed in ored, construction of docks at Beau- head City and elsewhere. storage houses, fort, draining, grading and beautify-, 0n October 24th this year Mr. ! ing grounds of Beaufort school for McCain had reached the ripe old age j the white race, building grand stand of ;5 years. He was regarded by those ! and bleashers, painting fences, giad-' wh0 new him as an honest, sincere ing athletic field at the school. Plac- aT1 courageous man. He was outspok ing clay on certain streets in Beau-;en jn expressing his views about pub-! fort. J lie matters and private conduct. For, At Mnrphoad Citv projects have a number of years he was corres- Beauofrt Chadwick Styron Wheatly Ralph Hassell Beveridge R. Thomas Bloodgood G. Hassell Ray Hassell F. Rice Moore MANY SMALL PROJECTS By M. R. DUNNAGAN RALEIGH, Nov. 28 Proably 15, 000 unemployed North Carolinians wil beat work this week under the Civil Works Administration, includ ing about 10,000 formerly employed in work relief, and about 63,000 are expected to be employed by Decem ber 15, with aggregate incomes of a bout a million dollars a week until February 1, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry, Civil Works Administration, announc es. Thousands of small projects for improvement of highways, walkways, school properties, county and muni cipal buildings and grounds are ex pected to be approved and started within the next few days. Men will be employed at a minimum of 45 cents an hour for common labor and as high as $1.10 an hour for a 30- hour week, while women are to be emloyed at wages in line with those paid in their communities, but in no event at less than 30 cents an hour, National Administrator Harry L. Hopkins has advised Mrs. O'Berry. A survey made of unemployed women shows that there are 10,472 in 92 of the 100 counties, by groups as follows: Seamstresses, 4,474; cler ical and professional 1,490; nurses, 575; janitoresses 685; school lunch workers 255; miscellaneous 2,993. Women workers employed in nurs ing services, sewing and canning cen ters, vocational and adult education, nursery schools, and the like, are to be paid, not from CWA funds, but frmo local, State and Federal relief funds. Working with the CWA, the high way division plans to have 500 to 750 projects, largely minor ones, but ranging in cost from $1,000 to $12, 000, ready for work soon, many of them htis week, Chairman E. B. Jeff- Aycock Best Daniels Boswell Hooks McCall Peacock Hayes Chapman Watson Substitutions: Fremont: Not available. Beaufort Hill, C. Rice, E. Potter, G. Potter, P. Thomas, Taylor, Conway, Paul, ress announces Capus M. Waynick Hooper. Youthful Escapade Is Cause of Sensation Federal director of re-emploMment in the State, announces htat he will have offices operating on all of the 100 counties this week to enroll un employed persons seeking civil works josb. These offices have been operat ing previously in 66 counties, but Floating Theater Will Visit Beaufort Soon Beaufort will have a visit soon from Hunter's Floating Theater. This boat is quite a famous one. It was built in Washington, N. C, usually makes its winter headquarters at Elizabeth City and in summer plies the waters of estern Carolina, Vir ginia and other states along the coast. Edna Ferber spent some time on this vessel and wrote her well know story "The Show Boat" on it. The floating Theater will arrive December 11th and will show for a week. The company has 30 people in the cast and will produce a repertoire of plays. An agent of the company is expected here next week to adver tise the theater's attractions. The boat will tie up at the Inlet Inn dock. An occurrence that happened here last Saturday, which is now regarded . will now be open to handle the new as a youthful escapade but might have been very serious, caused a i commotion in Beaufort for about I THE BEAUFORT NEWS $1.50 A YEAR. FEDERAL LEGISLATION ASKED FOR INSOLVENT COUNTIES AN DTOWNS two days. Prentiss Longest,, 19-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Long est, certainly set the town talking when he disappeared Saturday with between five and six hundred dollars in money that belonged to firms and individuals here. Some thought he had been kidnapped, some that he had been killed and robbed and some that he had absconded with the cash. However none of these theories prov ed true. Prentiss Longest works at Mosher's pool parlor. He has a car and quite frequently he has made trips to New Bern carrying checks and mon ey for deposit and to get money for change or pay rolls or something. Some times he caried a thousand dol lars or more. He has always attend ed to the business satisfactorily and j so when he disappeared Saturday nat-1 urally there was a lot of talk. According to information obtained j by a representative of the News the j young man went to New Bern Satur-; day morning, got his checks cashed j and started to Beaufort. He got along j about to Duncan's filling station andj there met some other young men ! work. North Carolina is also included in the new national forest, entomology, plant industry, animal industry, chem istry and soils and soil erosion ser vices annuonced by Director Hopkins which will employ about 60,000 peo ple, Entomology work will include efforts to control mosquitoes in 36 states in which these pests are con sidered menaces. Veterans Should Register Huert P. Williams, U. S. Depart ment of Laor employee, but attached to thes taff of Major A L. Fletcher, State Commissioner of Labor, Ral eigh, is looking after the interests of the World War veterans in connec tion with the Civil Works Adminis tration, operating through the State (Continued on page eight) TIDE TABLE By M. R. DUNNAGAN (conditions. This is regrettable, he t.,i;li V.,r 97 PVHprnl lpfrisla- hut. an actual condition and ' ...i.:u ,"u ,it Wnl units Lnnt ho u-nrkpH nut. until it is ros- from Beaufort who said they were hepn annroved for improvements to!nondent 0f this newspaper and whil whif.h are in default ' sihle to brinff in minority bondhold-; bound for New York whereupon he ... . , J. nthloHi. i-I i I,:, ,..,.;tinira thoVO WL ' . ... . .. ., , . ... public scnooi grounus mm -isome uiu not jikc m m..,... ...-.- .. jjttje hope of paying their ers and put them on tne same nasi? field, repairs to city nan, repaid wcve many wno approveu ui - ,3 in full ; the future to settle with others willing to settle sewers, street impiuvcmc - wroie. an: u-"" - v.ith bondholders on a basis ot par- work on the city hosptial. ' large number of children and grand- ment is used by state Treas- Other projects are: Improving children. He left seven daughters, one CharieS M. Johnson, as director exhibits U. S. Biological Station on sm 47 grand children, four great (f LocaJ Governmenti in a letter to Piver's Isalnd, repairs to road from grand children, a brother, D. N. Mc- North Caroiina delegation in Bogue to Stella, Cedar Island, haul- Cain of Newport, and various other ConreS3 ing sand and peat for four mile road ! Natives. The daughters are: Mrs., JohnPon.s suggestion would, in across the tidal flats, hauling clay to D. w. Garner, Mrs. C. L- Lckey;effect, permit units hopelessly in stabilize sand between Inland Water- j Mrs v. B. Garner, Mrs. I. S. Garner, to be f oreclosed and g0 ;nto re wav and Crav?n county line, 5 miles. Mrs. B. E. Garner, Mrs. J. R. Garner hi-3 an(j a basis of payment Work has alv::idy started on some of !an 0f Newport and Mrs. J. r. ocKey t worked out by vvhich they could fi- Usuallv a majority of the bond holders are willing to make an ad justment, on a basis the units can decided he would do the same. He turned around and started north. Near Fredicksburg, Va., he ran up with some Beaufort men and learn ed of the excitement that his travels t 1 - it J V.ff!V. 1 I the project' nd next wees a large 0r JNew tiern. ahowci uaus" number of r, n will be at work. (Emma Gainer died some years ago. (The st Guy McCain is a resident LOCAL SOYS BROADCAST J0f Newport. In addition to his large (family circle Mr McCain's pasing a- Last Sunday morning three local :way i3 regretted by a great many boys gave a delightful radio program : friends. ... m w r n n,.opn villi1. ! over station v z and were well received. They wi.lj . ii rn,nnirrr;vinr afternoon. ,?ive anotner x uoui"6 , King layiui, n'.tlly come back, instead ot having the bonds in default still hanging ov er them, and in such amounts that tax rates which would raise funds to them would be confiscatory. pay, but there is usually a minority were creating and decided to return group which will not cooperate, hop-( ing the others will make an adjust ment nad that they will ge the. face of the onds in full. Often there is enough of this class to prevent ad justment. It is these minority bond holders for which federal legislation is desired, Mr. Johnson states, as they cannot be reached and brought into an adjustment otherwise. "It apears to me that after a ma- pay He went to Washington and wired the money to hia father and on home reaching here a little after mid night Tuesday morning. He has gone back to work and doubtless wnen he starts on another trip he will give plenty of notice as to his plans. Information as to the tides at Beaufort is given in this cor umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's furnished by the U, S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind nnd also with respect to the locality, that is whether near the inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. REA' EST f E TRANSFERS MARRIACE LILCENSES ioritv reaches an aareement the mi . . . . . . . ... , . -:.. f tosn iillS IS Hot 3 COmmUUl lUUUU UlUJ IIUHL.V ouuum J V " .... l, in North Carolina, but is nation-wide, j Mr. Johnson writes the L ongiessmen ?.?.A should be remedied, he points out. and senators. V.'hilp there as some counties and j "Ihere is no element oi repuaia- W. A. Allen,xLiq. Agt. to Garfield ! Hopkins, 50 acres, tBaufon Town- High Tide Low Tida Friday, Dec. 1 :3S a. m. 7:52 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 8:15 a. m. 8:27 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 8:50 a. m. 9:05 p. m. 1:12 a. m. 2:02 p. m. 2 1:53 a. m. 2:41 p. m. 3 2:13 a. m. 3:19 p. m. t , j .,1 4- i.: : 4.1. : nn,nn n A if , , ,vmitl nfl Alno Robinson, municipalities in temporary ueiauiL, uun m uu3 u.c, '"," ""r Early Willis and Aino rtoo-. ' , ith M John. b h better for tmeh the untis) " . lil H. ' . . .. .. . Wiliiam Willis and Troy Johnson. . ian , Ful. :., aid, working out their problems to grt on the basis tnat tney can pay Billie King Taylor both sings and ac- James K. Henry anu counties ftnd a numbe,r 0f and pay it, than to continue to re companies the trio with his guitar, -ford, ,nd Roberta Jones', towns that can never pay their prea- main hopeleaaly in debt," he conclud- . I Allison naicneu nu a un(Jer as)Tmtl eg SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS Stella. OTICE. Monday, Dec. 4 9:26 a. 9:45 p. 10:03 a. 10:26 p. Tuesday, Dec m. m. Wednesday, Dee. 6 m. 4:21 a, 3:08 a. m. 3:52 p. m. S 3:43 a. 4:37 p. m. m. Reve.'end F v. Munns will conduct his usual ser ';es at Ann Stteeli . 10:42 a. Methodist Ch. -.h Sunday, December 10:51 p. m. 5:17 p. 3. Mr. Mun.'"' expects to be in Thursday, Dec. 7 Beaufort a fi v days longer before 1 11:10 . m. 5:01 a. taking up his new duties in Durham. 11:19 p. m. , (5:00 p, m. m.