s I I I i The best advertising medium published in Cartel et Co. r READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY J WATCH Your label and pay our subscription VOLUME XXIII SIX pages this week THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU RSDAY, JAN. 18, 1934 PRICE Sc SINGLE COPY NUMBER 3 Educators Chosen For DEPT. OF REVENUE BAILEY -REYNOLDS rT.... . . IS REORGANIZED MAY RE OPPOSED utilities oiniiiissioii Dr. W. L. Poteat of Wake Forest and Prof. F. W. Hanft of The University of N. C. Named Two Main Divisions Created Commissioner Maxwell Mates Building A Fine Highway by cam Morrison 1 o Historic rort Macon By M. R DUNNAGAN RAT.EIGIT. Jan. 15. Reortran- On Important Commission. Utility Cor-;izati"n. of tt,e Department of Reve- . -v j i . t-m i . -Iniii? with two main divisions, that of porations Ordered to tile Inventory of i.wswnts and collections and ihat of Accounts ati.l Records, with lesser shifts and changes to be made hy Commission It Is Rumored That Morrison Would Like to See Both Senators Defeated Physical Properties. By M. R. DUNNAGAN RALEIGH, Jan. 15. Dr. William Louis Poteat, president emeritus of Wake Forest college, and Prof. Frank William Hanft, of the Uni versity of North Carolina, have been named by Governor Ehringhaus as members of the State Utilities com- Cape Lookout Highway; j ZuVl Meeting Here Tomgli'. of .-verai conniciini j represents a compromise reached In order to further the cause of lVr m-.ny weeks of conferring and the m-onosed highway and brid.ro vi ni.; mid taking. from Beaufort to Cape Lookout, via Tlarker's Island, a citizen'." meeting MV VARSER AND HOEY MENTIONED mission to sit with Public Ul-Cc-m-mmler Stanley WinV.rm impo: tp.t-.t cases that will be u; heavinj when and if iv.vled by Wiai Di ed I an-' thrill r V ft- U op!- of to tV of the V.pait c, Ur i'e i-y. v. hii i.i kan:l; ;f lh? s's 1 an i car , C--v.. .a U)iy la ... itiesjhas been called. The meeting v.al! in take place tonight (ISth) at the for j county courtlnu.se binnins? at 7 Mr. je'clock. Given !a v.! sieau-1 by X, or B.iyard Taylor of lSe-iufjil have v1;- ,boon printe I and distributed. ..;! The mass mwtnijf U'lri.'.Y. i t. L.' a,-.d wi! I' S'a-ii fr.-Ueh By M. R. DUNNAGAN RALEIGH, Jan. 16. Interesting, if not exactly strange, is the polit- is the product l-epuil, aupiJWM-uiy turning iiui" conflicting minds and I sources at least close to lormcr uovernor - benator Lameron Mor rison, that this "wheolhouse of De mocracy" will give support to Judge Ji. R. Varser, Lumbcrton, as an op ponent to Senator J. W. Eailey from the east, and Clyde It. Hoey, Shel by, as opponent to Senator R. R. Reynolds, from the west, when the The A ,-sos -meats and Collections o will be in charge ot harry ll-n, up to now rales tax di- I'M'Vlslon r'tance, i license Engineer H. L. Oxley In Charge of Constructing Road Has 108 Men at Work. State Will Have 100 Foot Right of Way Which Will Be Beautified. Many Other Projects Going Forward In the County. Floating Museum Will Never in the history of Fort how Here Next Weeki;'lIaco" ;nvllich dat's .b"k for m?11'0 to drive there in a wheeled vehicle. two incumbents The on v i! i r vn; he-, Si M'rrhw, 'iil .my-w 1 1 ( C l.-va can-i1 :-.:! W ark I re-election ippoiatcd of the '!'. bv a to ate 1 r Ik-aufort is to have a visit next week from a very unusual craft, ac coiding to all reports. The vessel, a two masted schooner, is a very old cue and was used as Confederate hlockr.de vunaor durin r th- Civi: War. She is aai :ntere,.in; relic h'-v-se!f aid is filled with re'ics and rar Siieciatens of marine life. In fact tiie f.:ii: is a Heat Of course it has been possible to (hive fairly near there on the beach at low tide. This difficulty of approach is now bein overcome and in a few months visiting motorists caa il. ire over an excellent road ri.i-:'t no under the frowninff ram- ,t is ;ep. i.iU- Ma in (! museum. the iare ot a whale) a (.' i, i'l isf.oric oh suprvi; n.l the ir. In-ina: 1 structure. aon of the pec La- up. iiiinjrfi: ins, To of Tl"t fa-h a ,.i ..tii nej c que ; Winborne the oi!'iei : befoj'e him, ;ts liivojvins; neannas :;3,00') or r.ore, the u the pub'ie interested way the two commissioners to sit, Vv'ii.boine may call them in f iiiss if and when ha .sees ti! are on a pait-time basis, wii arv limit of ?!);'0 a year. i.i l ,il pis !e.,l LO ti'tat a m 1 T of a foil Oil defja!', 1W- Senate new ' hue i or' f;c-: t i v ieekk, 1 jf 1 Sittifdav of thia It" xvlll-behore MoTirlnyr vCl rClVJ" T" to t; A- eta in- Cciii.nissio!ur Winborne has just i--suea an order requii-inj? nJI uiili ties nperatinar under jurisiiiLiaou of the commission, inchulintr art iH'.-ia.l gas, street railway and ttlr-iihune, to file a com; ventory of its physical prop.; actual use and such other (liKM.-lfd bv it to be factors i tti';ni:i;-t!S the rata hs,e of t he ity, on or before April t, lit;;.! as of Dee. 31, 1U.Q3. and anav poits are to be fihn! tlicrea I'. , -. taininr; enumeration of all : v i rr -Gt' ' A day r d t.-h ;lv.va: an lira ver ill n of -f the lb- h litt! lie i c J a , "ce : la eive ' ',. ; i : ; h r-i! v ay I; the . a I- a:.-!.i;-a.r p a-a i -a and - i; v.-;, 1 l.c a ;-.,.:.) caaal hhrh-;-';'...' t'.hnk that cvor.tually -he a'.'..'., -,:.".' t ,h ' r cr h z h?'h'1iTG ..f-.-nej, PS,.,.., l-j.j;-.,! -;;, abalish tll9 t"i2 The sides of the TPa'd-wtii-v-j beautrfiefrirfixS"! Mr. Oxley has secured 50t;0 youar oak trees from Louisiana which will as pleat,! hy the side (.f the road. C la in ; I .tiie ir m 18 to lh u re Aa-erican I.ei-n al lacal huh. Caiitahi T. th )s.:.,::..':; of Xcw I'ciai, who is the State Can: siaader, was 'a-oasi.l and nraie f,c nrincipal m sivecii. About 3 Lc'doiuirc 'w ' from ew Iharn c..: jliim. ihj I'o:l Corv-iiinde id I opened the liie- tin- w i I i m j.'aniei: iti,i;int !ia'':io; r.nn iui ;'-1 hia vcoik in behalf of the veterans' i:e avc ;ted tl: 'A r aa! ..la s of spa-t t of tae is it And i dovn Tt. Hur.h ii'ill an! Keveren:! d-.ht, of the aha-:hn, Mr. Frank Ptnilai). !r. Scoit and It. budget bureau. C D ihiai: J- ,) r'EUNKSNNESS ONLY CHARGE IN POLICE COURT MONDAY tes added and ad withdrawn t';umainl his patriotism Captain fixed capital duriar the year. I Daniels, in speakins of the we:k The inventory is to be broken confronting' the ex-service men in clown into individual items, showing i the various communities, called the age of the prop : ties, location j attention to wrongs that should be and other details by v ich the com-j righted an emphasized the im-; oeienciants were m trouble on mission can check up t :!y. In case j nnrtanen nf tbo T.pn-inn nnsts tak-intr fl((;'our't of drinking too much liq- Four cases were tried in City Po lice court Monday night. All of some or all of the prop..'v is out side the state, separate ia '-ntories are to be filed for that part if out side. This information is sought so the commission can better arrive at proper rates for the various utili ties. All liquors, winea, cordials, bran dies or other distilled . or reeitified spirits held for sale or use in other products on aJnuary 12 must be in ventoried and recorded for the fed eral floor tax to be paid with in 30 days from date of enactment by Congress of the "Liquor Tax Act of 1934," Charles II. Robertson, N. C. collector, announces. This will ap ply primarily to druggists, the only class that may have such supplies legally in North Carolina, he said. Such supplies must be recorded by alcoholie content and, as Mr. Rob ertson understands, it does not ap ply to this state's legal 3.2 beer and wine, but only those liquors having 14 per cent o more of alcoholic con tent. The t; : is $2 a gallon of 100 proof liquor and an additional 10 per cent for each 10 proof higher. Tax on a gallon of 110 proof would bo $2.20; on 190 proof, $3.80, he points out. (Continued on page six) mi ii i ji i an active interest in trvina- to im-luul- aa ""eu mat . tney prove local -conditions. He urged ; ve.1'?) g Buster cities, counties, stat H nation ,!cu oeK anu "gnting, IJ U 1 l 1 that the veterans fiirht for their; . u ", co,oreu, cnarg- 11 .1 J il. . H . i they did against the enemy in 1917, " we ngmmg part out acmit and 1918. i other. He was given the i privilege of working on the street The third district was announced j force for 15 days or paying $7.50 as the second district in the state! into the city coffer, to complete its 100 per cent mem- Ernest Smith, colored, plead bership quota, and the district was guilty to the charge of drunkenness also said to rank well n other re-j and got the same sentence as the spects in comparison with other above as did Guy Fair colored, and districts. A determined spirit was: George Newkirk, white shown to keep up the record par-; ticularly during the state com- FIREMEN QUELL BLAZE mandership of Capatin aDniels, j . AND SAVE EURE HOME who was formerly district mander. jBeaufort Trio Will Broadcast The Beaufort trio Troy Johnson, What might have been a very dis astrous fire but was prevented from After the business of the meet-.being so, occurred at tfcf home of ing had been finished the visitors ! Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Euro on Ann and others in attendance were re-!R;,TCt Tuesday. An oil heater in galed with a fine lot of roasted oys-the kitchin was turned over, pre fers ;.nd accessories which all : LU1mably by little two year old Tom seemed to greatly enjoy. j,,,i0 Eura who was in the room alone j at the time. Mrs. Eure and a ser- THERE WERE NO TRIALS vant detected the blaze, the fire TUESDAY RECORDER'S COURT j alarm was turned in, the firemen re- .-.ponding quickly and extinguished Only one case was set for trial j the fire. A considerable quantity of in Recorder's court Tuesday and j clothing in the room was burned and that was continued. The case was some damage was done to the house. that against Henry .Loom ot JUore- C.OM?ETITVE EXAMINATION jwhan a c ,v '- FOR BEAUFORT P05TO:7nCE 1 and otlu r p j waiting for v.er This newspaper 1 as lu-en nl'orm. : employed may I. etl by the U. S. Civil Service Com 1 lission that an open competitive ex amination for the position of post master at Beaufo.t is to be held and the iNews is requested to announce ! tbo incomes of this fact. The date of the exam ination will be announced later. Applications have to be properly executed and filed at Washington, D. C, prior to the close which is February 2, 1934. Persons who are interested in the matter can obta;n information and application blanks at the postoffiee in Beaufort or fron the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C. h-al, l! a ot The result i-i that hours of voik may be cut as low as lh bun a week, instead of ,'U) hour-', a- lis been the case, with the resuli that workers in thcs ' .;'.:: ah. ml to h'.ciha. '-eat weak, sa veers, h play j; aaiunds, houses -anitary privies and e la-in.? forward and ic-p, oi.li it ve BIRTHS Eorn to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Har ris of Roe, at Morehead Citv hos pital, Saturday, January 13, a daugh-ishal Ford S. Worthy renart ter, Jean Carol. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Davis of Davis, Tuesday, January 16, a son. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dudiy of Davis on January 18th a son. U. D. C. NOTICE MARRIACE LICENSES Oliver Lucas and Betty Lou Moss, head City charging him with hav ing liquor in his possession for pur pose of sale. His :ttorney, A. B. tiMi!. tr mi iTT'ti: i . i i .i . i oiuie iving layior ami v iniai-i uuorris, statea to tne court tnat no Newport Willis will broadcast again from th had not had an opportunity of pre-! Wendell II. Nelson and Madeline Wilmington studio at 3:30 Sir day paring the case for trial and asked .Willis, Atlantic, afternoon. They have .rang; -h. . for the continuance which was gdv- Charles A. Clifton Beaufort and several times previously. cn until next Tuesday. St:!ln Willis, Davis. Daughters of the Confederacy are requested to meet at the home of the president, Mrs. C. A. Clawson, Friday, Jan. 19th, at 9 p. m. A three act drama will be broad cast byradi o from Arlington Man sion, General Lee's former home, which will be presented by profes sional artists, entitled, "The Three jbwords of Lee." This drama will jbe enacted from th? room in which Lieutenant Lee wa3 married Juv.e 30, 1331 ,to Mary Ann Randolph Curtis. y siaiM expanse to the county or ary ' el' the towns. In ellaufort under the supervision of Y. T. Davis two city docks are being constructed. Ill tlli'S ' (),, ,,f tW ol Uio fonf nf Tuvev smaller towns may also be reduced. ; t c c-t. will be 20 bv G5 feet. The As figured out, it will result general-1 otlu,t. is locatcd at tjle cot of Cr:,v ly in work about 17 hours a week'f,n ,t,t,t,t amj win be 30 by 65 feet, and the employment of probably ;u)i):j;ot;i are hcin built of good heavy where 500 were formerly employed. : ilIln!,cr and wi! be atronff enough to Many larger cities and towns have1 bear the weight of heavily loaded been asking to be allowed to use 'trucks. the "stagger system" in order to , CouIlty Dil.ec.tor Bypd Wade of pass the work around more, but the the National Reemployment Service administration refuses to accede to jnn.ms the News that up to vester that demand, because of the higher d;ly 2787 people had registered, living costs usually. jMcre than 80!) have been emploey ' More than 800 have been employed Counterfeit money bobbed up in and under the system of rtnf coring Durham Greensboro and Danville, employment, that is w rking t ru- uiuing me nonuays, u b. .uar-, l0vecs 15 hours a week instead of Sta'ir.i 30. a p-nor) m.Tnv i-iln'-o will p-et lea; his information si that the (li,trih,i- The st: vverinv ."oes not apply to turn is made by cn oi-inisad gan;T t"tose vim live in t e,vns of 2500 or which mamtainei hcaduai ters in'mtrP, v.hich nppli.s to Ucauf.ri Durham for n time and paid much'and Morehea.;! Ci'y The pav roll of this money, $20 and $10 bills, forjast week amounted to $14,890.1.". liquor. Federal officers have been Mr. Wade v'.nini to ti r '.n- t''- concentrated in Danville several , hPs nlU-a v.-wii t v,.i:, fa, ..,.., days on the case. Also, forged N. getting workers and tenants and al C. State warrants continue to comedo to help persons who wish to get ' into the state treasury, on state j work on farms. He would be glad ' forms and with names forged. More; if all such persons would come in than $500 has been received in such land register. wan-ants during the past few weeks, i (Continued on page ix) , Approximately 1400 of the more' LOCAL GIRL ELECTED than 2600 lawyers in North Caro-; MANAGER OF TEAM lina had paid their 1933 dues of $3 Miss Laura Mace, Beaufort girl, to Henry London, secretary, last now student at N. C. C. W., Greens weekk, and a few had p.ii i 1hcl934 boro, has been elected captain and dues, now due and required to be manager of the .. basketball team paid by July 1. These dues m,:..; he there, being chosen out of 500 stu- paid for both years, unless the law- dents. M:ss Mace also broadcBstol : yers failing may be deprived of last Sunday from Guilford col-' -" (Continued on page six) on athletics.

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