fHE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JAN, 25 1934 "1 PAGE THREE Newsy Trip Around Newport Wins Three Games y Elizahttld Saunders Ik-pih' the fact that his brother u-ilk-l him r.0,000, Claude Jones, i;ti(m:in for a toll-phone company at ('. hiwat -Mioli-, is still at work. . In some pavts ol Mam uie jungle mmea riKht up to the rail way line, the jungle growing with such astonishing rapidity that pe riodically men have to cut back the branches of trees and bend aside the immense snoots 01 threaten to impede traffic. Robert Berkey of Wichita, Kan., after pleading guilty to stealing a car, was freed because he had a per fect Sunday school attendance for 10 years. V ! NEWPORT, Jan. 22. The New port High school basketball team was successful enough to win the three games that it played last week. The games were with St. Paul, Beau fort High school and Jasper High school. The game won from St. Paul is the second game that the Newport High school team has won Ifrom the Carteret county champions of last year. The line up for the following games is as follows: Henri Cortland, rich widower of Boulogne, proposed marriage to his cook of fifteen years service an I was accepted. A room and all its furniutre have been made from beer tubs and bar rels at a Sydney (Australia) brew ery. The room itself is a huge vat, one used for brewing, entered by a concealed door. Newport (22) G. Mann Hill ---Li.. key . McCabu 1. I" The second game with the Jasper Friday, Jan. ISth, at Jasper. The ' only in practice prior to this game. High school has not been arranged suore was 17 to 10. This was New-; However, they exhibited good team for at this writing. ,, . , , . T. I work and furnisn:.' Jasper real op- : port s first contest this year. The, 11 The girls of Jasper High school majority of the team was made up j Position. won a basketball game from Newport of first year girls who had played) New "Knee-Action" Chevrolet Gives Passengers , Ride Like a Glide Forward E. Mann For three days E. J. Washbrook, of Hastings, Eng., was unable to use his back door because a swarm of wasps got drunk on beer he had set out to cool Forwai d Center Guard Guard (21) 'Iho'.nas Longest Marshall ! . Harrell Fifth Avenue, New York's fash-! ionable thoroughfare, was not al-: ways well regarded. There was a time when it was used cnieiiy oy the thousands of squatters who liv ed in huts on what is now Centrol Park. They collected bits of food fiom barrel's in the residential ' sec tions of the lower city and carted it back up Fifth Avenue in wagons drawn by dogs. This was to feed hundreds of animals kept by the squatters in their settlement. An oddity of East Greenwich, R. I., is Drum Rock, a big boulder which was may easily be rocked by hand, but which can not be overturned. When thus moved i tproduces a deep, bell-like tone. Indians, according to tradition, used Drum Rock to call councils and spread alarms. The climbing perch nothing more than a fish can climb a tree as well as junior, and without tear ing his pants either. This species of perch, found in India, Ceylon, Bur ma, and the Malay Archipelago, can not only live for long periods out of water, but, with the aid of its spiny fins and gill covers, can actually climb a palm tree. A temperamental green Mexican parrot that can sing "Dixie" has been discovered at the St. Louis zoo. The parrot, which has been namej "Lora," doesn't think much of men apparently, since she will sing "Dix ie" only for women. Reappearing after an absence of several weeks, a hen belinging to Mrs. Harry Rettberg, of Divernon, 111., brought with her 15 chick:;. She has hidden her nest and hatched 1" eggs. 0 During the tattooing ordeal which always precedes a betrothal cere mony, a native woman of Paraguay who weeps or cries out because of pain is looked upon as a disgrace to her family and as not worthy of a husband. Substitution for Newport: R. Gar ner for Lockey, Millis for iUcCabe, and C. Garner for E. Mann; for St. Paul None. Newport (17) Beaufort(5) G. Mann Chadwick Forward Hill Lockey Millis E. Mann Forward Center . G. Hassell 1 Hill K. Haskell; Guard i Potter I Guard j Substitutions for Newport: It. i Garner for Lockey, MeCabe for Mil lis; for Beaufort: Bloodgood for Hill. I Newport (17) Jasper (7) M oney Savers AT- The Library of Congress, in Wash ington, is the largest library in the United States. It has in its collec tions some 3,200,000 printed vol umes, and in this department is the third largest in the world, exceeded by the Biblotheque Nationale of Paris, and the British museum, Lon don. The collection of music in the Library of Congress is the largest in existence. Accused of stealing 30 eggs from a farmer obs a dav for 30 days James Waller was sento to jail at Boise, Idaho. Because his teacher kept him in school after the regular session for .1J r J wnispermg, v - year - oiu nayniunu Goodman of Billings, Mont., hanged himself. England has a law that prevents a person convicted of cruelty to a dog. from ever owning or having the custody of another. Four youths were fined a total of 9248.00 in Manistee, Mich., for sing ing "Sweet Adeline" on a street corner early in the morning. In Wilmington, Del., Miss Florence Kelly was fined $1 and costs by Judge John F. Flynn on a charge of crying on a public street. Mrs. Gloria Craig, of Salem, Ind., who claims to be the only woman submarine painter in the world, has invented a special process which en ables her to make colored paintings of sub-ocean scenes while she is un der water. In Paimpol, on the coast of France, all the cemeteries contain numerous empty graves, marked with memorial crosses and monu ments, for the sailors and fishermen of the town who have been lost at sea. Relatives believe that the spirits come back to rest in them once a year on All Soul's Eve. A loggerhead sponge, about the size of a washtub, was found to con tain 17,128 living fish, worms, shrimps, and other small creatures when examined by the Carnegie Institute. Freeman Brothers MOREHEAD CITY 4 lb. Beef Pork Roast, 1 lb. Pork Sausage, 1 lb. Butter, 1 Dozen Eggs ALL FOR 95c T-BONE STEAK 20c Lb. SIRLOIN STEAK 19c Lb. ROUND STEAK 18c Lb. RIB STEAK 15c Lb. CHUCK STEAK 10c Lb. RIB ROAST Boned, Rolled and Tied 18c Lb. FLESHY STEW BEEF 8c Lb. Fresh GROUND HAMBURGER 10c Lb. WHOLE FRESH HAM 12 l-2c Lb. FRESH SHOULDERS 10c Lb. FRESH SIDES 10c Lb. LEG OF LAMB 20 Lb. PRIME LAMB CHOPS 30c Lb. VEAL CUTLETS 22c Lb. NO SALES TAX ON MEATS G. Mann Grady Forward Hill . Jones Forward Lockey Humphrey Center Millis Murphy ; Guard ' E. Mann barefield Guard j Substitutions for Newport: R. Gamer lor Lockey and McCabe ior 'Millis; for Jasper: Register fur Jones. ! j Games that have been scheduled j with the various hih schools is as ' follows: j Jan. 23 Bridgeton a. Bridgeton. I Newport, 2:30 o'clock. Jan. 27 Jasper town team at Jan 2'J Eridgeton at Bridgeton. Feb. 2 Smyrna at Smyrna. Feb. G Atlantic at Newport, 3:30 o'clock. I FpVl. 1 ftwnncVinvn at Vtjirnni'l 3:30 o'clock. Feb. 13 Swansboro at Swans boro. . Feb. 10 Snow Hill at Snow Hill. Feb. 23 Snow Hill at Newport. Other games are to be scheduled and added to our list of games to be played here and away from here. iri(iv H. - - M . r-r' 4: AMSiL In the design end development of the new 19)4 Chevrolet, particular attention hai been given to driver and paMcnger comfort, all annoying sensation of disagreeable sound and feeling having been eliminated. The upper photo shows the new Chevrolet coach with its long, sleek tines. Wind rush has been eliminated by the Fisher No Draft Ventilators and the new streamlined bodies. Chevrolet's "Knee-Action" wheels enjoy the advantage of being completely enclosed in a weatherttght housing; the coil springs and shock absorbers ride in a bath of oil. William . Holler. Chevrolet's general sales manager, is shown at the left holding a chart winch shows the internal construction of the system. The radiator of the new car has added beauty through Its graceful and sharply pointed design. Smartness has been the theme in every line of this year's Chevrolet. The driver and passengers in the new 1934 Chevrolet get a ride like the glide of an airplane. One of the main factors in improving the riding qualities of the new car to such a great extent is the "Knee-Action" or inde pendently sprung front wheels, to use the technical term. So much has been written about independent spring ing that the public has doubtless concluded that it is something too technical to understand. As a matter of fact, there is nothing complicated about either the principle involved or the construction of the system. Chevrolet's "Knee -Action" enjoys the advantage of being enclosed in a welded weathertight housing in which the entire spring mechanism and shock absorb ers ride up and down in a bath of oil. An automobile gives a perfect ride when both the front and rear springs have the same "frequency," or tension. Actually this has been impossible to carry out in the past because the front springs had to be over twice as "stiff" as the rear springs in order to hold the front axle, wheels and brakes in place. In independent springing, the wheels and spring mechanism are rigidly attached directly to the frame and there is no front axle. By relieving the front springs of the task of carrying wheels and axle, therefore, it became possible to make the front springs as "soft" as the rear springs. When the new Chevrolet strikes an irregularity in the road, both front and rear move up and down with the same frequency there is no inclination on the part of the rear end of the car to leap into the air and throw the passengers forward and upward. Chevrolet's "Knee-Action" has additional advantages all contributing to a comfort in riding never before thought possible in a motor car. There is a decided improvement in handling, steering, safety at high speeds and tire economy. In design, the front spring is a neat, compact and efficient unit, as Mr. Holler points out in the above picture. The entire spring mechanism is attached rigidly to the frame. From this enclosed unit the wheels spring vertically at the ends of strong, steel horizontal arms. -i AMAZE A MINUTE SCIENTIFACTS BY ARNOLD $ FAST AS THE EARLY AUTOMOBILEI M HORSELESS CARRIAGE FROPEUED BY SAILS WAS BUILT BY 5TEPHINUS W HOLLAND IM THE l8tM century." Carrying eight passengers it main tained AN AVERAGE OF 24 MILES PER HOUR. m ka Hair growm on a. SWATCH GlA& rYoOL REUAKCM KvORH-tRS HAVE GRAFTED GUINEA PIGS SON FED WITH BLOOD PLASMA ON WATCM CRYSTALS TO STUDY ACTUAL GROWING HA.IW. I . ,R's liNvssieu: weight W.;:x th;- sarohetes measures a drcp OF BUT TV.; If.CHJS, AS IT HAS BEEN KNOYi TO oo in as n;.-;;y I'.r-uas. a loas of z million TONS IS REHatO FRJM EVEFy SQUARE mile OF, LAW kWi V N tjfcfSCi 0 Naturelle Blanche Rachel PRICE 50c ft -N, mm I if 1 iTX V, 4t 0 yVhen You A lust Look Your Eat Mavis Face Powder is preferred by smartly groomed women everywhere because it gives a petal-soft com by VIVAUDOU plexion on any skin, with the appearance of not wearing powder at all. This clinging, su perfine powder, in ex actly the blend for your POWDER, skin, costs only 50c. MAVIS FACE MUTT AND JEFF As A Sandwich Man, Jeff Is A Tea Merchant By BUD FISHER London's most modern office building, the Shell-Mix housefi con tains 1,486 windows, 700 wooden doors, 365 steel doors, and over 20 miles of hot and cold water pipes. The lifts can carry 10,000 people an hour. W CoMe on. jeff .tcr job WS-i!?!! Slutz, i waist vou , just ths type -) t . now All you have to do ttoRVtW' Trtls ! IS lrrp M fePWH i T0 rtEET MV PAL, JEFF. J HtCrt HAT AND r- j 6LUTZ H S WAIX t ,MK ;m tWIW. THIS IS ACKAiMCe Fc fST 11 ' fM SUM HE'S THE r" SviPRYTrtlNS' 1 i rl,rme,u l L ACROSS MAIN JVECT- W US T CET BACK ON OURfEEDy g i MM l? fc&S ?"2fi 1 1 ill " . r.nruA ( hello, miss ose t -y. I 60T A MAH -OCNT fORRY . 0 ytJOR AWCRTrSEMEUT WIU. I A 6 et plenty of ruBucfrvi ' IU HAVE KIM HIT Y , X I 3 - Xg':" i ft X'. VmW mm m i k