Or The best advertising medium published in Carteret Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THEr "' Tj WATCH Your label and pay jour subscription VOLUME XXIII EIGHT PAGES this WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1934 E 5c SINGLE COPY NUMBER 11 3 Two Murder Cases Tried cwa workers are;motor vehicle Here In bupenor Lourt Charlie Chadwick of Be auf ort Convicted of Sec ond Dcgrc3 Murder; James Foscue on Trial Charged With Murder of His Wife. A Good Many Cases Tried, S ome Not Sentenced Yet. Coourt Is Still In Pro gress A very unusual feature of the ses- Weather Makes Change In Baseball Schedule 5 3 This Week 62 Will Be Laid Big Gain In Sales For February Off; Will End March 1934 Over February 31st. 1933 The CWA in North Carolina, and other Southern states, is on its last By M. R. DUNNAGAN Ralegih, Mar. 12 More than regular monthly meeting of the board of town commissionres, postponed from Monday night the 5th, was held Friday night the Oth at the city hall. Those present were Commissioners Maxwell, Gibbs, King and Glover. In the absence of May or Taylor, Commissioner Maxwell HIGHWAY FUNDS SOON ALLOCATED Contracts Will Be Let To Use Up AH Money In Sight By M. R. DUNNAGAN Raleigh, Mar. 13 Probably with in CO days, certainly within 'JO days. ' . , i - iL i . ....... . i i - - Tirnswii'ii nv t rnp met'Limr. legs. was ruse announce.! mat tn.s uwee as many new moeor v nice . ofi North Carol'- vill have under con- department of the Federal govern- were purchased by North Carolinians c jnjtti r of '"f , : J eJ'" ' t ract sufficient hiirhwav nroieet, to sion of Superior court now in prog ress here is that two murder trials took place. The cases had no relation to each other but both defendants were Negroes and both young men. The first one tried was Charlie Chad- ment's activities would cease Mav 1st in February than were bought but later it was decided to end it in February last year, and about the South by the first of April. This , more were bought in the 28-day week 5000 in North Carolina At one time over 000 men and wo- of the motor vehicle bureau, shows. men were on the pav 'rolls of the I February sales reached 2,830, on no 'and Trust Company was brought up i utilize ,a of the $2,201$ in emer and discussed. A motion was passed "'m v "'frnway lunus, as well as prac ucauy an oi tne regular lederal aid. by the first of April. This , more were bought in the 28-day I jn favor 0f enositni"- the moru v in ticaly M of the regular fed workers are to be laid off month than in the January preceding, ! " f Tc-mrtth j allotted to this State. Chai 'arolina. i the report of L. S. Harris, director ,the geneial lun.1 act, unt tint. B Jeffreys of the. St., re Hio-h I ,i- - ..... - . ... .... I Thpre was some discussion as o bJ("less' 01 the- Mate High By A. R. RICE Due tothe inclement weather e nm one nea.u n ,u u. fc cnfofced inac nek of Beaufort who killed Charles 1 wu.,n ,. ; uu Wesley also colored anda resident of Beaufort. Chadwick was tr'd Tuesday and after the examination of several wit nesses attorney C. R. Wheatly repre- senung u.e a R iu.ua uneicu , ,ocals. firgt game to be played here mil xo a veruici. oi Ktcunu m-gicc $104 a year and it was decided to keep it in force. A motion was passed to have the taking note of criticism that this State is lagging in the use of those funds. Several terns enter into what is man E. There was some discussion as to ! " " oi me-aiaie nignway ana whether it was worth while to car- umi; works Commission, states it . .... . .,t iWnnino-tnn nnnrni-ns tli ri-.rr,..i m rwr : a:. . . , , . o o i -. i mi i i , rv laoilitv insurance on me small ; o . w.t r'fc'"' , -i. in una tuuilLV. r.acn W?eK lor l,i I'tipt-imtM lair, uuu on li u.as, ; - - lcr,,v,a t;, i, i i u. . i. ,,.j .;v, 1 qoci 1 nooihre truck or not. The insurance costs -wtnt. nine LUC IIUIIIIJCI IlclS Ueeil I e- "3 v vulval c-LI WUll J.,tju.', Ul X, W' of!duced and last week it was cut to cars and 230 trucks, in February, 388. This week 62 more will be chop-1933 and as compared with 2.345 tivity of baseball teams in this sec- Ped off and by Saturday the 3 1st no vehicles, 1,417 cars and 028 trucks tion, the schedule of the local team ; one will be lett, s0 in? Ncvs i; r.i- in January iyj4. read about a week later than an-!f?ency Relief will go on and maybe shown when the first two months of was done with the understanding that nounced in last week's issue of this , some other sort of organization will this year are compared with the first newspaper. The schedule shows the , carry on some work. A few weeks ago two of last year. In January and congress passed a bill appropriating i'elnuary, 1033, the sales reached 3, $950,000,000 for relief and CWA 233, or 2,601 cars and 032 trucks, work. A good many projects in this while in the last two months sales county are still unfinished and work ' reached 5,154, or 3,622 cars and 1,- St. Paul's School electric light bill apparently slow use of the funds, but charged to the city's account. This vl.r- Jress asserts that this State win not oe uenina long, even in spite with Smyrna the 23rd. Coaches Bob Fetzer and Bunn Hearn will be here to make talks at the Athletic Program Monday night, in them is being pushed as much as 532 trucks I the 10th at 7:30. Who among the old-timers doesn't ! remember that torrid summer day possible with the reduced force now l In the leaner years since 1020 available. Last week the pay roll in 'there has been a great drop in the the county was a little over $6000; number of automobiles bought new, murder. Solicitor Clark said that as there was some doubt about the pre meditation of murder by Chadwick that he would accept the- second de gree plea. Judge Daniels then im posed a sentence on the prisoner of not less than 14 and not more than;. ,. . 1091 .., n,, ithis week it will be- considprahlv less, ibut the mirchase. of trucks come near 20 years at hard labor in the State's ,em in fr Beaufort aRainst More-1 er holding its own. A reversal is now prison. The trial of James foscue, hgad c-ty jn the M Hammock Hm FARM HELP EMPLOYMENT 'seen. While automobiles increased a charged with killing his wife Nellie j Park? And th& Kon of that p ... . ! bout 500 in February, over January, Foscue on December 31 was taken upj4.01d stuff t it on them t the C. B. Waao, Manager National Re-;trucks deeiinei from 928 in January at noon today. Attorney E. Walter; f 3 2 employment office is asking all per-!to 5M . Februa,T. Hill and raui vvcdd were appo.nxea c . p althouh not as em-.f , .'.ereu as nav.ng, In number of new cars sol( to defend toscue. j Judge Frank A. Daniels of Golds- Hearn, is a national figure as a track boro is presiding over the court andn of the United States. His Solicitor David M. Clark is prosecut- SQUads have repeatedly won the at ' - ... ft T n f m DVnor nnr-a and tirh. vini... . . . . . . inent in local sporting activities as , t, . ,. ' , 1 1 February, Chevrolet with 821, rord - u , .. .!, that klnd of Private employment to;wn9 sppnnH wifu K)9 nnA PWmnuih advise him by mail or otherwise in'Third with 417. other brands sold in- oruer tnat tneir cams may De placed ,ud p tiac 96 Dod 73 Buk.k G0 ing the docket. W. C. Murdock was:tentjon of tj,e. nation and he, as well made foreman of the grand jury. as i,ejnff Head Coach in Track and ' iM," T...1. t-:i. ...u l 1 : tu . . . .. .. . ... . Wim ouuge L-auieis, wuu nun sri vcu in ti.t- Assistant f oothall (Joach at tne Um capacity of a Superior court judge iversity of North Carolina, emphasiz for nearly a quarter of a century andcs scholastic as well as athletic abili who will retire at the end of this ty year, delivered a charge to the grand I Anyone missing the personality of jurv which was listened to very at-1 these two gentlemen may as well tentively not only by the jury but the mark 0ff seVcral years' experience in huge audience that filled the court their love for' sports 8s well as 'gen room. After explaining the duties of jera everyday knowledge, the grand jury and stressing the im- j To get down to cold facts the en portance of the office he dwelt upon time population of the town is urg such evils as gambling, prostitution, i rc to be in the High School auditor making and selling liquor and warned i jum at 7:30 Monday night, the 10th. the jury and all others of the great j The- baseball schedule as revised harm caused by such misdeeds. For; shows: the prevention of crime he suggested j Smyrna here, March 23. tion. Landowners having idle land' ... o. on m.. -...i-i ...UI l :J 1. -I i: s 11 are asked to advise his office under , PiercArr0Wf Lincoini Hupmobile which of the following agreements ;am, chryslel. uit-jf vail inasv a idiimy. ouiie num ber of acres available: First As share-cropper with land owner furnishing teams and farming implements. ... Second As share-cropper "with DONALD PERRY DIES FROM landowner furnishing teams, imple- EFFECTS OF SCALDING ments and running expenses of tenant. the school would reimburse the city for whatever the electricity may cost. City Attorney Mason was instruct ed to look into the matter of deposit that were in the Bank of Beaufort and the Beaufort Banking and Trust Company at the time they closed and see what can be done about it. There was a good deal of discus sion about the street work being done for the town by the CWA forces and it was decided to push this work as much as possible. The board then adjourned. j In truck sales, Chevrolet also led I with 338, Fords 136, Corbitta 60 and Internationals 27. Third As share cropper with land- of a number of handicaps to the prog ress of the work. Probably the main drawback, especially in the municic ipal highway work, on street work, is due to delays, often necessary, in coming to terms and agreement with the local street car track owners in several of the larger cities and towns. In several instances this problems re volves around continuing or abandon ing street cars, he said. North Carolina's highway system was probably more nearly rounded out than that of the average state when the emergency program start ed. The result is that this State has had to prepare, not long and costly roads, which would eat into the .fund deeply, but short stretches and of the cheaper roads, largely oil ed gravel. It takes as long to prepare the plans, and is as much trouble, as if the roads were to be of con crete. New York, Mr. Jeffress points out, has spent the bulk of that state's JlllntniPnt. in nn uvnnncivn ........n ... r- V r T,;,oa tr Mmrv "" -"l'-""" l""6'm , : t i r V i close around New York City. M. Wade, 1 lot Morehead City, fori $110. ! The 1033 General Assembly de- Gurney P. Hood, Com. of Banks to creed that North Carolina should F. C. Salisbury, 1 lot Morehead City, i build no new roads in the following for $700. jbiunnium. The result was that the Mary E. Nelson et al to t.rnest - Highway Division had not made and the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Mary E. Rhue, widow, to M L. and M. A. Rhue, 100 acres White Oak Township, for $10. Atlantic Life Insurance Co., to George C. Gorham, 1 lot Morehead City, for $10. Morehead Coca Cola Bottling Co., to D. B. Willis, 1 lot Morehead City, for $10 Nelson, 3 acres H. Q. township, tor plans tor any new roads, Little Donald Francis Perry, son of : $10. Ipiogiam had to be worked out from Mr. and Mrs. F,. F. Perry, Beaufort I Thomas Bragg, single to Jodie Sty- j the beginning. Other states had con- that following the principles of the Christian religion was the best rem edy. In fact those- who heard the Judge were of the opinion that he really preached an excellent sermon. At the present writing the follow ing cases on the criminal docket have been disposed of: Clem Willis, abandonment, contin ued under former order. J. R. Piland, worthless check, ca pias issued Whiteville here March 28. New Bern here, March 30. Newport here, April 3. New Bern there, April 6. Newport there, April 11. Seventh Grade Exams Take Place Next Week The State-wide Seventh Grade ex- Geo.' R. Willis, charged with false ' animations will be given in the Car- pretense, alias capias and bond of $200 required. Edw. Moore, abandonment, alias capias. Henry Goodwin, charged with se duction. Continued under former or der. teret County Schools as well as in the schools of the other ninety-nine coun ties in the state, Wednesday, March 21. The forms for this examination arrived at the office o fthe county superintendent, J. G. Allen, Wednes day, and will be- delivered to the prin- and tenant furnishing food and cloth-1 R, p. D., died Sunday in the More-Iron, tract Portsmouth Township, for in? for himself and family. head City hospital as a result of be- j $40. Fourth As share-croper with land ig scalded. The child fell into a tub lord furnishing the land and the ten-!0f hot water on February 7th. He F?V i"q-tC1 ExDCCted ant furnishing teams, implements and j was two years and nine months old. i " r " j running himself. jne ;s survived by his parents and two j 1 O Hear UeClaiTiatlOnS I' ntn as snare-cropper with land-, hrnthpid nniln Uter i . Funeral services for little Donald I A large audience of interested pat- lord furnishing the land and running the. tenant with tenant furnishing teams and implements. were conducted by the Reverend Worth Wicker at the home of the No part of the Government pro-; parents Monday and interment was gram of relief is being stressed more.j,, Ocean View cemetery. "Living for the Charles S. Wallace High School just at this time than that of put-:jesus and "The Old Rugged Cross" , of Morehead City tomorrow, Friday rons and citizens of the respective communities of the county are ex pected to gather in the auditorium of ting rural families on their "feet" we-re sung at the funeral by Misses James Edgar Warren, charge aban- j this week. Supt. Allen is urg- AlsQ Budozer operator and any person having information . Rowena and Florence Smith. A large concerning families who would like to go back to the farm are asked to get in touch with Mr. Wade. The employment office is asking for names cf persons who are shove! operators and wants details as t length of experience, kind of shov el operated, whether steam, gas or I cas- air and names oi lormer e.n crowd attended the services. BIRTHS. Born to Mr. and Mr3. Tom Morgan of Beaufort, R. F. D., at Morehead City Hosptial, Monday, March 12, a son. donment. Defendant not taken, alias capias and continued. M. F. Hodges, charge, worthless check. Continued unde. former or der. Wayland Gillikin. abam'-mment. capias issued. Continued under form er order. Will Mason violating stock low. ing that this examination be given in strict accordance with the printed in structions and other mimeographed instructions sent out from Dr. J. Henry Highsmith, State School Su pervisor, and from the county super intendent's office, in order that this test may be in fact, as well as in name, a standard test. Distributor drivers Distributor op;-r- Spreader ( As- night, at 8:00 P. M., to witness the second annual high school boys inter-scholastic declamation contest be tween the five accredited high schools of the county, whose subjects and re resentaives will be as follows: Atlantic, "The Chivarly of Lafay ette" Paul Gaskill, contestant, Man ly Barfield, alternate. Beaufort, "Youth 'Speaks" Tom Davis, contestant; George Culbreth and Claud Wheatly, tying as alter nates. Morehead City, "Diplomacy of Good Will Charles Stevens, con Guilty and allowed to June term to'. ;VUfc" " "?."" ' from the seventh grade to the high ,,,CH,STS' ... .,, , , ; school is not based wholly upon the W . H. Tuttle. worthless check ,, . 1 . , .,. . , .. , results of this test especially since it charge. Alias capias and continued. . . . . .. .i I tt 1 tui v, 1, i i 18 Kvc-n two months prior to the cos- jesse uaruy, wu.uui. ...in. ,...,.. . . a,,hnnl tllia tf ,,..,.ti,,,,,,0, w tors, Blade grade operators, Motor Oiaving) Raker or Grade Operators, Mixer operators, phalt). (asphalt) Paver Operators, (concrete Number of persons who have reg- testant. Jack styron alternate. KOIier operators, giving kihu oi iiwi- isieieu lor cuijiiuyuieia up to hum chine operated and state whether week is 3010, number of persons card steam or gas, and give names of now active files 1252. former employers. Concrete Finisher, i struction plans under way and had merely to shift them to the public highway program. Still another drawback is among the contractors. With programs go ing on in all states, only North Car olina contractors are left for North Carolina roads. The State has suffic ient contractors in normal times, but there is a limit to the amount of construction a contractor can have go ing at one time. They have to take it on gradually, as they can handle it. The municipal program is the most serious, but in most of the cit ies this is gradually being worked out and wll soon be under wav. LOCAL CAMP MACCABEES TO HAVE OYSTER SUPPER MOSQUITO ERADICATION WORK FAVORED AT ROTARY MEETING Newport, "The Supreme Menace" Harry Simmons, contestant; Roy Thomas Garner, alternate. Smyrna, "The Home and th? Gov ernment" Quintin Lewis, contest ant; Eric Lewis, alternate. This contest will be unique in Car teret County in two respect;-. it is the first contest, so far as is known At their meeting next Thursday, March 22, the local camp of the Mac cabees will have- an oyster supper. District organizer Ricks of Kinston will be here. All members are in vited to be present. Hall over House Drug Store, third floor. "Mosquitoes can be exterminated teret county would be of great bene- to the writer, in which there will be play an important part in meas-'at a relatively small cost" said Dr R. fit to the people in financial and oth- no announced decision and in which Not taken, alias cpaias, W. A. Wiggins assault with a (lead- . ., n,,in,,mr,f r, fll ,,,, 'v. I.eibv. State Kntomoloa-ist. Tues- cr wavs. Dr. Leibv said. He has great the audience will be left to ' e,ich its ly weapon. Not take-n, alias capias. (ui,in(, tne year anj in determining day night before an audience com- faith in coastal North ('arolina and own judgments as to merit? of each Will Howland, abandonment. Con- the abiitv ()f the sevt,ntn grade stu-! posed of the Beaufort and Morehead thinks in a few years it will be a presentation and, second, it is the tinued under former order. 'dents to do well the work of tho'City Rotary clubs at the American great ground for the people of this first contest in the county in which Harold Fulford, seduction, con- . , ... raj T(. : .:mv inna. Lpirion hut here. In addition to the state and other states. This develop-1 each contestant receives a prize. The tinued under former order. therefore that each seventh grade ' Rotarians county commissioners K. ,ment he said is greatly hindered by M. P. Marshall, conspiracy, aiding : ehild who entertains any. hope what-! P. B. Bonner, Ed Fulcher, W. Z. Mc-; the presence of hordes of mosquitoes, and abetting. Continued to June e.Ver of being promoted to the eighth Cabe, and W. P. Smith were present. New Jersey summer resorts have term. in-T-ndn ot tVio onH nttha ooooinn ni,oii T)r Ronnpr nresided over the meet- been crreatlv helned. Dr. Leibv said, Tillman Taylor, assault with a . roQB wrinji.r u.h oit ino There, were also Dresent several deadly weapon, to wit an automobile. ; in his local school to ta'ke thig examl 'citizens from the towns and county Noll prossed with leave. 'ination. Parents are nrod to mal'who are interested in the mosquto Adrian Scott, larceny charge, not taken. Capias and continued. Doily Willi.! and Stanly O'Neal, breaking ami entering and larceny. Plead guilty. Sentence 12 months in jail, to be .v.r.pended on payment of costs and payment to Harrell Broth ers of $44.34 and be of good behav ior for two years. Hollisterl Lassiter, carnal know ledge ofa female over 12 and under 16 years of age. Instanter capias is sued. Alonzo Fulf ord, temporary larceny of automobile. Guilty, not sentenced yet. Dave Mason, larceny. Plea of nolo (Continued n page five) every possible sacrifice to this end even though the child may now be out of school temporarily assisting in the serious business of helping to make endn meet. BISHOP DARST TO eradication campaign Dr. Leiby stated that up to March 1 the sum of $28,648.53 had been ex pended for salt water marsh drain age and that 108.5 mik'-s of ditches had been cut. The work was stopped so suddenly that the projects were by drainage work such as was start ed here. He thinks it a matter of the greatest importance to the people of Carteret county that this work should continue. He said unless the projects are finished that the work done will be only a third efficient whereas if it is finished it will be 05 per cent efficient. By a rising vote the meeting went donors of the prizes, together with the n..mes orf those receiving them, will be published in next week's pa per. The Morehead City High School Band and the Morehead City High School Glee Club will enrich the hour's program with enjoyable selec tions under al e leadership. The pub- lie is coruiau .nivacu. n TIDE TABLE Information as to the tides at iteuufort is given in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that is whether near the inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. left partly unfinished and he said ; on record as favoring the comple- BE HERE SUNDAY tlat by spending $10,000 more the tion of the projects started for mos- ! projects which had been started could ! quito eradication and on motion of The Right Reverend Thomas C. ; be completed and great benefit ac-;Dr. B. F. Royall a committee compos Da rst will visti St. Paul's Episcopal j complished thereby. The work is still ! ed of tha mayors of Newport, More Church, Sunday March 17. At the 11 proceeding in Craven, Brunswick and head City, Beaufort, the chairman of o'clock service, Dishop Darst will; New Hanover counties, although on the Board of County Commissioners preach, and administer the Apostolic a reduced scale. There was some op-land the president of the Carteret Rite of 'Confirmation and be cele- position in this county and the work County Medical Association, was ap brant at the Holy Communion Ser- was completely stopped. ! pointed to devise- ways and means to vice. Eradication of mosquitoes In Car- -ontinuo the work. NEW CA IER IN CHARGE Mr. C. L. am arrived here last week from O 'ton, N. C. and is in charge of th ft ocal branch of the First-Citizen;-' ank and Trust Com pany. Mr Bei,Cl succeeds Mr. Peter son who has 1 turned to Smithfield to resume hi-' uties there with the main office of le banking company. Mr. and Mrs j im and two sons will occupy the he e on Front street owned by Mri 1. A. Hornaday and which was fori rly occupied by Mr. XV Scth Gibbs. High Tide Low Tidj Friday, March 10 8:54 a. m. 2:34 a. m. 0:14 p. ni. 2:i)3 p. m. Saturday, March 17 0:30 a. m. 3:28 a. m. 9:55 p. m. 3:34 p. m. Monday, March 1 10:17 a. m. 4:13 a. 10:36 p. m. 4:16 p. Sunday, March 18 10:56 a. m. 4:57 a. 10:58 p. m. 4:58 p. Tuesday, March 20 11:17 a. m. 5:43 a. m. 11:35 p. m. 5:45 p. m. Wednesday, March 21 11:59 a. m. 6:35 a. m. 12:16 p. m. 6:37 p. m. Thursday, March 22 12:46 a. m. 7:30 a. m 1:02 p. m. 7:37 p. m. in. m. m. r.i. y- . (Ml ft :

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