Caswell Traini'g School Superintendent Buildlr.gj Grounds THE fiEAUFORf wW3 THL ..AY, APRIL 25, 193-t t'no hospital bt very thin ice. We are skntin on: School Class somewhere who Will a idont thi chil l and scout aroani and flitters of pigs annually !bo full 'fed durir.s.' th:- la; i r it!- d a yeeond band whoel chair for! six weeks 01 tne 'j.-n r.'.j ue:iu . , .1 ;! r . vi nM i that she miirht surr.iy her ovn bod she should The p'? intended fs be kept fsr a five or home meat supply next wiiuer s.i:usi. receive a limited feed until time to jiurh the for t!;:'.ig;!it---:'. NOTICE TO ALL CASES RELIEF By F. M. REGISTER Building &. Ground We hope to beprin real soon on screening oar buildings and finish repairing and painting all buildings. There are thirty-four buildings at our institution. Our grounds have cuv Junior lutL -ill time I sc Ward, we have a who cannot walk. ; her, she begs me Visitors th: rot had the attention b:i' v. e have been so b y with farm and sr.'.rden work th ;t we have not been aide to get tot hem. Here's hop ing that we can do a lot of beauti fying by fall. To Welfare Office I know the Welfate OflkvM and other County ottieia's are wondering why they can never get a child in Caswell Training S.-luml. For the same reason, that when a pitcher is full of water you cannot get another drop in it. N expansion of this in stitution in about four years. We now have seven hundred on waiting list. When we do have a vacancy by death or parole, this vacancy has to be filled by a child of same sex, age and approximately same mentality. Then, too, our maintenance appro priation is almost exhausted. On ac count of the small appropriation and great rise in prices, we have to take those who can pay something. We had a little space at the beginning of the year in one building, but no beds and no money to buy beds, so from time to time we have borrowed a bed from the Hospital and on entering new children, we have asked them to furnish a bed, so we could replace j sweet . livery I to go: her a wheel ehair so she can L-et out and enjoy fresh air and sun shine. This little girl is cjuite bright, i. ,il it u... ..u ...:n l... no l-l,, i u L vil, J'ttfc It'll l., . ill j 1 - ing to be put off from tune to time. Class f rom Battleboro She would have had a w heel chair :on? ago, but for lack of funds. sing v. i'.h g "Vviil there Crown." eat hope of reward be any stars in my as v.-eii as that of the littt necessary nutriments." I i Hos.eta-r points out that where !t:. sow is fed bv hand, the pigs '-ivi!H be allowed ac j j AH Relief Cases must have s . l About 100 par rent of ths raster-, land prepared betore tney con plants recently set in Caldwell pd. , 11 '' county are living and the growers . v L'CeSS lO BllCiltvj - . . .,. in addition to what are beginning spring cultivation. deserve, i WOi,der if there is aot a Sundav r...- M- St,ov-..-? y.n,; wifp o . . n e r, r l i : corn in a creep in auuiuon iu h.. . W m ntrton: Professor Barefoot andi-''1-' , ' , , , iiuc, ..I... t.-- -y . - , sul.ry County peach growers re- I Where the sow is f ed from a sel f-. J & feeder, the may eat with her and P the Will netU IIO auuiu'iimi iccu CHEAP GAINS MADE BEFORE PIGS WEANED MODERN SHOE RERUILDERS establishes a Modern. Shoe Service We call for and deliver in the city with no extra! charge. All return postage paid By F. H. Jeter Raleigh, April 23, A.t no time in a pig's life will he make as cheap gains as when he is properly fed- dur ing the suckling period. "One should be guided in feeding spring-farrowed pigs by the use to be made of these pigs when they ar" readv for slnuehter." says Earl V. Hostetler. in charge of swine re ! search for the North Carolina Exper lir. :t Station .it State College. "Dur iing the -u.-klinjr period howerer, all pigs should be fed ;he samt regard less of how soon they are to be mar keted. If the sow is to farrow two During the period before the pigs are weaned, it is important lor tne ; sow and her little .to have ample and I fresh, succulent grazing. This will j stimulate the- milk flow and encour-. age grow th in the young pigs. The corn or other carbohydrate fed should be supplemented with an ad equate supply of protein, such as fish ! i ; i . .:;:", Hosieikr says. freezing weather of late wintei MRS. MALCOLM LEWIS ! Local Administrator i . THE NEWS $1.50 A YEAR a t: ib 1' shoal, -:!! for '.o trait. :. r. - T'.v-s pi ok. intend'' 1 ns uteeit mala should also be full fed diev weigh about To pounds until each, General then the grain ration may be limited. on out-of-town work j s r!:J33r3naL3f3lllS!6t3 n o n i-i i i n ei b i-a 4 a a n -j ft t a Look For The Green Front ! Phone 88-J Front St. Beaufort, N. C. I. a a 7 a nmor f ai ncc crD I ccc 171WlLi V 7A li J kJ A Vl M-ilJtJ MONEY WITH HIGHER QUALITY B SlTRniMr.HFART . fC M DOG FOOD, 1 lb. can d WHOLE MILK - Cheese lb. 15c a MOTHER'S GENEVA SALAD STRING DRESSING 2c Qt. BEANS mother's No. 2 cans 9QC Relish, qt. . . . 23c L 3 Santa HILLSDALE Broken Sliced Clara PINEAPPLE PRUNES 9 lrg cans 9QC L ? Champagne 2 Lbs. CAKElrg8ize33c CALIFORNIA Assorted SARDINES Flavors 0 lib cans ??C 5 -z JELLO Triangle Sweet Mixed FXPkg. Pickles, qt. . . 19c O WHOLE GRAIN D. P. RICE Blend a COFFEE 27C Lb. 5 lb'- 24c FIRESIDE COOKIES, lb 10c Life Buoy Soap 3 for 19c For Whiter Clothes RINSO 2 for 15c d KEG & NAILS THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1934 Published in the interest of Beaufort Morehead City and Cartel et County by the Noe Hardware C B equipment and ser vice. -ompany. H. NOE, Editor. Mr. Farmer you no doubt have seen the potato Bugs, so be sure and see us for Arsenate of Calci um 11c lb. Ar senate of Lead 17c. Lead is cheaper than in 10 years. Mr. Home Owner in' securiag your I Govt. Loan, you may recommend Stag I Paint, as the Govt, j wishes you to use the best. See us for particulars.. gals. $3.15, 1-2 cheap and still a gals, and qts. also Ready Mixed paint, all colors, gals. $1.69 paint brushes 10c up. Ladies come in for j a free demonstration of our New Kelvina tors, all Electric Refrigerators are j advancing, see us , while we can save The Modern Shoe you money. Rebuilders paints their front with Mr. Boat Owner we Stag, they say they still have some of want the best, in that good New Jer keeping with their sey Red Copper in Fli3 are here a gain, and so is our Screen Wire, bring U8?3ur screen order and: let us give you are estimate, long screen springs 5c Hinges 15c, a good automatic screen door closer NOE HARDWARE COMPAN V Beaufort, N. C. Electric Should build the best Electric Refrigerators IT U to be expected that General Electric would build the refrigerator that ii universally recognized as the standard of excellence. This great corporation it the world' largest electrical manufacturing company. They have devoted millions of dollars and unequalled facilities to electrical re search through half century. From the famous G-E House of Magic have come die major contributions to th present electrical age. All General Electric'! vast resources were available to the scientists and engineers who first developed and perfected the Monitor Top mechanism, the all-steel cabinet and other features that revolutionised household refrigeration. Today, with an unparalleled record for dependable, attention -free performance at low cost, the General Electric refrigerator offers greater value than ever. Be sure you see and compare General Electric values before you boy any refrigerator. There is a cample) line of Genessi Electric Monitor Top sad FWt-top models site tad price for erery borne. See them her. Terms As Easy as $10.00 Down And $5.44 A Month t ( TIDE WATER POWER CO. . MORr.HEAD CITY. N. C. i .. j s THE GGA;KA'TMXRADILI CHARIOT RACE 1 V yJr "" 1 tM 9 Sw 1 nam f I'JiUt -5-r,-V- 6 I'll Conflicting claims gas vendors use r Are very likely to confuse; "But," says the owl, "all doubt's removed t A'i 1 ! .1V i urz n wj;- , tin 7 TO .3 fe'Tk- J&sMaf 1 4 When by your tests the FACTS you've proved!" 9 Judge Essolene by performance, .not promises. Get the facts by testing it yourself in any way you please. The worlds leading oil company sfands "squarely behind Essolene's guarantee of smoother performance. It makes no claims but rests its case on your personal experience. Essofufre Motor Oil in the crankcate enables Ettolene to do itt very best GASOLINE PRICE ftt tF A - : l! P tuta&r&e&0 Smoother Performance STANDARD OIL COMPANY BUY AT THIS SION This in ideotiBet SO.000 Eito Stationt and Dealers from Mains to Louisiana who represent th ervicea and products of th world' leading oil organization. OF NEW Copr. 1934. Emo, Inc. JERSEY