i TV! Is3 o) t v LJJ EMJFOW MEl i ii i .CO r READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TC 3 BODY J WATCH Your label and pay your subscription VOLUME XXIII EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1934 PRICE Sc SINGLE COPY NUMBER 2f F edera! uovemmeimt AMocates WO Port Termiea Superior Court Tries Few Criminal Cases This Term 400 CARLOADS OF SPUDS HAVE BEEN SHIPPED ALREADY Five Divorces Were Granted, With Custody of Minor Children Awarded to Mothers; Numer ous Civil Cases Tried; Grand Jury Makes Favorable Report on County Home and Jail Reccomends Minor Repairs to Latter Struc ture. Comparatively few criminal cases (Local Lady Severely have been tried at this two-week's, TllrnpJ When Cannint? term of mixed court, which judge Durnea vy nen panning Frank Daniels opened here Monday, Beets Late Saturday June 11th. Usually there are numer- , ous criminal cases, and quite a few while using a pressure cooker at of these are of serious nature. This K home here ate Saturday night, term, however, only a few relatively Mr3 w G Me,bane had the misf or- unimportant criminal cases nave Deen 'tune of having the cooker explode Farmers Now Busily Engaged In Setting Out Sweet Potato Vines FINISHING UP SPUD CROP Expect Work On Carolina's Greatest Port Development Will Start at Early Date tried. About two dozen cases, many of which have been hanging fire for several months up to a number of years, were continued until the Oc tober ter mof Superior Court. As us ual, a number of divorces have been granted. Edward Swindell, charged with op erating a gambling device, known as a slot machine, pleaded guilty. The defendant was fined $100 and sen tenced to serve sixty days on the state roads, the imprisonment sen tence to be suspended upon the con dition that he refrain from operating and scald her severely on the left side of her face, left arm and left side. Mrs. Mebane was cooking beets, using two pressure cookers, one with an accurate pressure gauge and the other gauge known to register inac curately. IShe gauged the cooker with the inaccurate register by the accu rate one. About eleven-thirty she let the steam out of the cooker with the ac-. curate gauge, and shortly after the needle pointed to zero she removed the top and took out the canned Close to four hundred carloads, or about 77,600 barrels, of Irish pota toes have been shipped from Beaufort this spring by rail, boat and truck. Shipments, including those of today, numbered 343 carloads by rail, a 35 by boat and about ten by trucks. Although the season is drawing rapid ly to a conclusion, there will likely be well over four hundred carloads to l Ipavp Cavt.prpt. this snrinc nerhans as many as 425 carloads. Last season there were approximately 250 car loads in all.. While the price has been unusual ly low, the crop yield for the entire county was between twenty and twenty-five to one. Last spring it was a bout 11 to one. This is the largest po tato crop ever produced in Carteret County. Eleven hundred acres were devoted to the production of Irish cobblers this season, and the late Ten Years Ago THIS WEEK The Methodist Sunday School pic nic which was to go to the beach to morrow has been postponed until Wednesday week, July 2. The post ponement was caused by the Baptist Sunday School Picnic from New Pern, which will come down about 500 strong on tomorrow. w!XLtoSJ nL HUNDREDS MAY BE In Sunday Encounter EMPLOYED DURING I NEXT FEW MONTHS The hot wave which began last week and spread over a large part of the country struck Beaufort but was not quite so bad here as else where. According to the report of U. S. Weather Observer Charles Hatsell the highest point reached by the mer By A. R. RICE Beaufort split its two games of last week, winning from Marshalberg 4 to I O ,,! lsoirm. t nrionfcil 11 tn S. Hatsell pitched the locals' win and R. Hassell caught. R. Willis and Babbitt were the vistiors' battery. Beaufort scored three in the fourth when Hatsell was safe on an error, Chadwick and G. Hassell were hit by pitched balls and Pake singled. The final run tallied in the seventh on a hit and two fielders' choices. Marshallberg scored one each in the second and ninth on an error and fielder's choice and two of the five winter and other climatic conditions j- W8S 90 degree9 on Saturday and were evidently as near perfect as "g8. Sunday. Several towns a little possible, judging by the unprecedent- further back in the interior and some gambling devices in the future and beets. She said she then though that keep the laws of the state. Anthony Dudley, Linwood and Le- she turned the steam petcock on the other cooker and let the steam escape. Roy Guthrie were all similarly charg- A few minutes before twelve o'clock ed and each drew similar sentences she went to remove the top from the and fines. I second cooker and the lid blew off and George Foote, James P. Lewis, I the steam pressure blew hot steam Clarence Golden and Bernice Allen, all colored except Golden, were charg ed with breaking and entering and larceny. This case had been appealed from the Recorder's Court. Eleven and boiling water all over her left side, resulting in a painful scald After removing her steaming cloth ing as hastily as possible to keep 1 l. U.J jurors voted for acquittal and one "om e'n& more senous.y scmaeu, for guilty. A juror was removed and;Mrs- Mebane telephoned a local drug a mistrial ordered. This case was re-ftorf for n anti-scald remedy. Short tried next day and an acquittal result- j 7 thereafter neighbors summoned e(j the family physician. Sunday Mrs. Five divorces were granted, all on Mebane was removed from her home the grounds of separation. Harold,?" Moore Street to, e ""den" of Guthrie was given a divorce from his D. ?nd Mrs- E. Hyde, where wife. Sadie Guthrie; Thomas Ann I she 13 belnS cared f or the absence ed yield. Yields of twenty-five' to thirty-five to one were common places this season. Those who have harvested their Irish potatoes, are now busily en gaged in setting out their "sweets." Already a good many number of ac res have been set out, and hundreds of other acres will be planted dur ing the next ten days or two weeks. After the sweet potatoes are set out there will be a gradually slowing up of agricultural activities until the watermelons nad cantaloupe3 jpomiJ off. ia.thep iedmont section also report ed temperatures of 100 degrees and more. Here there has been a good breeze practically all the time and a person who has had nothing to do ex cept to sit in the shade could get a long very well. Will Bring Prosperous Days to Carteret County Again WASHINGTON, June 20 Two al locations totaling $1,955,00 for devel opment of a deep sea port at More head City were today formally adopt ed by the cabinet public works board. Ordinarily, such allocations are not hits Hatsell gave up. Beaufort got but ! president( but in Morehead City three hits, but the visiting hurler al- case the President expressed his ap- lowed 10 free trips. Inrnval in Avaa Tn foot tha Sntor. Sunday Oriental spanked the of-,Mt of President Rooseveit in the pr0. ferings of three Beaufort chunkers , , nec to overcoraeb. to all corners of the lot, getting 23 ljec,tiong t the p als on the t smashes for the 11 to 3 verdict. They jof Waf Department board ofn. got at least one hit in every inning ; incm who wm haye ch with every man of the regulars get-, improvement to the harbor ting one or more and Haskins four. Morris was quickly sent to the show-) The Morehead 'City proposal com ers and Pake soon followed suit andprises two separate projects. A di his successor, Willis, fared little bet-jrect grant of $1,555,000 was made to tor. Beaufort led 3 to 2 until the 'the War Department for dredging seventh inning by bunching five of its ; Beaufort Inlet and channel to More- total of 6 hits and playing a great head City. All of this expenditure will The jail is now surrounded by an eight foot wire fence and the prac- building talking with their friends ! defensive game but from there on it be done directly by the federal gov- Guthrie from Wallace Guthrie, with the plaintiff getting the custody of the minor child and the defendant or dered to pay the plaintiff $8 per month for the support of this child; Foy E. Salter from iSamuel Salter, the custody of the three children, Houston, Anna A and Louis Salter, awarded the plaintiff and the defen dant assassed the costs; Sam J. Pick ett from Laura Pickett; and Carrie Parker Warren from J?.mes Edgar Warren, plaintiff given cv. tndy of the two minor children, Anna K. and Bertie Lee Warren. Clayton Earl Willis and father Clayton G. Willis vs. F. G. Farinholt ! and Morgan Millworks Company. Plaintiff to recover $500. It was ordered that the Bank of Beaufort and its liquidating agent, W. A. Allen, recover from Mrs. D. M Denoyer from the Commercial Bank of Raleigh and its receiver, L. A. Lentz, $2080 with interest from Sept. 11, 1930. Luther Smith vs. Simeon Smith, W. R. Smith and J. H. Lee, trading as Bay River Fish and Oyster Com pany. Judgment of $385.38 with in terest from June 10th 1932 awarded plaintiff. The Great Atlantic and Paeifio Tea Company vs. Gurney P. Hood, N. C. Commissioner of Banks, agent of Bank of Beaufort. Dismissed ; plain tiff taxed with the cost. M V Marsh ill ts Bank of Beaufort. Dismissed; plaintiff taxed with the costs. (Nellie Lep?r Gilliktn and George of Mr. Mebane, who is recuperating in Asheville from an operation. Mrs. Mebane is recovering nicely now, but the painful condition of her face, left arm and side still keeps her confined to her bed She will per haps be out in another week or so. it seems will have to be discontinued. The fence cost about $800 and was put up by a Cleveland, Ohio, concern and a man representing the firm came About a hundred and fifty persons journeyed to the Beach Tuesday on a picnic given by the Masonic and REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Atlantic Beach and Bridge Co., to Kinchen W. Cobb et al 1 lot Atlan tic Beach, for $100.. Carrie Robinson et al to Fannie Robinson, 1 lot Morehead City, for $10. O. B. Wade to Mattie Davis Wade, 2 half lots M. City for $100. THIS IS THE LONGEST DAY IN TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD ,here and superintended the work. Today, which is known as the "summer solstice," is the longest day in the year. This morning the sun rose at 4:57 a. m. in the vicinity of Raleigh and will set in that locality locality at 7:34 p. m. This is also the "official" beginning of summer. To night will be the shortest night in the year also. Day and night on March 21st and September 22nd are of equal length in this part of the temperate zone. December 22st is the winter solstice and is therefore the shortest day and the longest night in the year. From now on until the time of the equinoc tial storms along about the latter part of September, the local people will likely have their "fill" of warm weather. was just too bad. Paul went the route for his nine with Spruill doing the receiving. Potter caught his Singers. The local club is adding new mater ial in order to strengthen the team for future games and is holding up a bit on home games. ! They play away from home this week, going to ernment. In addition, the board today approv ed a $400,000 loan and grant to the Morehead City Port Terminal Com mission for the building of port term inals. Of this amount, $120,000 is a grant and the remaining $280,000 a loan, to be repaid by the commission Oriental Saturday w'th the taxing power of Morehead Beaufort C'ty and the rentals of the !State-ovvn- I County All Stars, an organization ;ed Atlantic and North Carolina Rail- eastern star orders eW al and Belhaven, Sunday. The Beaufort City and the rentals of the. 'State-own-five-meee orchestra. After music and , , .,. '. ' . ,. ai.,.,1.;., .i tj.:i - , . ,1 J some dancing me P''" si'le-' from around Washington, comes here !road which operates from Goldsboro a dinner that was bountiful and, u npailfort nieHsrpri tn snniY,ont bjuiiunji u uiv j.oii auu it'iiia en m x w i' f il -" w .M f K oil Affot Jin-i U1 Kreuy vades Beaufort July 8th, Ilcl till luun tuv m.v. not a few of them rested any too comfortably Tuesday night, on ac count of being somewhat blistered. However, everyone seemed to have had a big time. after May 14th, 1934, commissioners may sell property in question. L. B. West vs. Waldron Bailey Sr., Marie Bailey, and T. C. Wade, admin istrator of E. H. Gorham, Trustee, decased. Plaintiff to recover $8,650.-05. Two Local Young Men Successfully Obtain Pharmacist Licenses The home of Mrs. N. F. Eure on Ann Street was the scene of a hap py gathering last Saturday after noon when Miss Lucy Forlaw was given an announcement party for the purpose of informing friends that the honor guest will be married to (Mr. Arthur Winfield Daniels next I Saturday. Misses Lena Duncan and Other games receipts from the port terminal ware are being booked for mid-week of the houses to be erected. next two weeks. I ; iU. . , i iana lur ueepening me cnannei call for a 30 foot chanel for the en tire distance of 2.2 miles. A combi nation of jetties and sunken boats filled with concrete will be used to keep the channel open. Will Select County Beauty Queen Early Part of Next Month The Beauty Pageant and Corona tion Ball, which will be held at At lantic Beach July 2nd under the aus pices of Carteret Post 99 of the American Legion, is expected to be one of the most gala events of the L, B. West vs. Waldron Bailey, Sr., Trustee for Waldron Bailey, Jr., Of the eleven who took the assist ant druggist examinations in Chap el Hill Wednesday and Thursday of last week, only four were successful, and of these two were from Beau fort, and were the proteges of F. R. Bell. Mr. Bell is proud of the fact that two of his "graduates" made up half of the successful candidates. Battle Move to Approve The motion to approve the More head City projects was made in tha board today by a native North Caro linian, Turner W. Battle, who sits on the board as the representative of Miss Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, to whom he is executive as- whole eventful summer. The young ftlnrivs fhaHwick were the hostesses I lurk- wVi.t win this mffcnnt nt tho that entertained about thirty-five Ijjeach will be given a free trip to j sistant- There is also another North guests and presented the guest of I Greensboro, where she will have ai -,aroiina member on the boar.1, As- honor with a beautiful serving tray, chance to vie with local contest win-i 8lsI-anc citor general Angus V. ners from all over the state for the ac Lean' who rePresents Attorney Will Give Civil Service Postmaster Exams. Civil service examinations will be eiren those desirimr to become post- These were: Clarence Guthrie, son of master of the Beaufort Post Office, it and G. B. Cowper, Trustee. Plaintiff . Mr and Mrs. Clarence Guthrie, Sr., ' has been announced, must file appli to recover $4,069.29 from Waldron of Beaufort, and Robert Munns, the'ation at the local postofflce not lat Bailey, Jr. I son of the Rev. and Mrs. R. F. Manns. leP than July 5th. Postmasters appoint Universal Credit Co., ts. M. S. Lee formerly of Beaufort nad now oi . ed by the president are not in the and Lula Lee. Mistrial. Richmond Engineering Co., rs. Bogus Park Oil Go. Plaintiff to re cover $400.32 with interest from June 22, 1931 Durham The assistant druggist license car ries with it all of the pririliges of a classified civil service, bat the exam inations are held in order to certify tha result to the Postmaster General. registered druggist license, with the. Of those taking the examinations, exception that an assistant cannot the three highest will be submitted bers of the grand Jury made a re- ways has to work under the enpervis- E. Gillikin vs. M. L. Mansfield. Town port to the effect that they had vis- ion of a registered druggist. Mr. of Morehead City, and W. . Gorham, ' ited the County Home, found it clean Guthrie will continue with F. R. Bell, Commissioner of the Court. Title of land adjudged to belong to M. L. Mansfield. Plaintiff assessed costs. Sam Lipman and Son vs. Beaufort (Bankinsr and Trust Company, W. A. Before being dismissed, the mem-. own or manage a drag store, bat al- to the Postmaster General who will in turn submit one to the president for nomination. All who care to take this examination may receive full de tails from the local post office. At this same time examinations for substitute carrier-clerk will be given, and the prspects must file be fore July 5th. and the inmates well cared for. They : Druggist, but Mr. Munns will be env also reported that they visited the ployed m Durham. jail and found it clean. Several min-! Mr. Guthrie was graduated from or repairs were recommended to the , Beaufort High School with the class jail. C. A. Bell, of Newport, was the of '28, has attended the University of Allen, Liquidating Agent. Appealed I foreman of the grand jury, and Her-1 North Carolina and a pharmacy to the Supreme Court. ibert Forlaw was thegrand jury of-'school in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Munns Craven Foundry and Machine Co, ficer. Solicitor D. M. Clark reported , received his diploma from the Beau et al vs. Taylors Creek Fish Scrap that he had inspected the office and fort High School with the class of '31, and Oil Co. and Taylors Creek Fish books of tha clerk of court and and has since attended E. C. T. C. at Scrap and Oil Co,, vs. R. E. White- found them apparently well conduct- Greenville, and the University of hurst, Trustee. Judgment. Sixty days ed. North Carolina. title "Miss North Carolina 1934." Out-of-town judges will decide upon the winner at this Pre-Fourth-of-July spectacular pageant, and the decision will be made upon the following five traits: physical perfec tion, facial beauty, personality, poisa and dignity. This event will start promptly at nine o'clock Monday ev ening, July 2nd, and after "Miss Car teret 1934" has been decided upon, the Coronation Ball will begin and will continue until about one o'clock. This selection of a beauty queen for Carteret County is not a local af fair, but entrants from all over Car teret County are being solicited and will be given a hearty welcome to at tend and enter this eventful contest. Hundreds from all over Carteret are expected to attend this Beauty Pag eant and Coronation JtJall and see the colorful selection of "Miss Car teret 1934." General Homer Cummings. Mr. Battle and Mr. MacLean, in conjunction with Senator Bailey and the North Carolina delegation in Con gress and others have been working for more than a year on the More head City proposal wwhich is expect ed to save hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to North Carolinian by reason of lowered freight rates. As a result of today's action work on the Morehead City development will begin at once and will be com pleted some time next year. MARRIAGE LICENSES GARDEN PARTY The ladies of St. Mary's and St. Catherine's chapter of tha auxiliary Thomas B. Kehoe Jr., New Bern, ' of St. Paul's church will give a gar- and Cathryn Bradford, Eastville, Vo. den party at the residence of Mrs, James K. Vann and Lela Fulford, Beaufort. Lawrence Hassell next Friday, 29th, afternoon at 3:30. HONOR PAST COMMANDER OF LOCAL LEGION POST Surprise was paramount when Dr. H. F. Prytherch arose just after the meeting of the Carteret Post 99 of the American Legion was called to or der Tuesday evening and presented the Rev. Worth Wicker a Past Com mander pin. The Reverend Mr. Wick er served the local post as command er for two years prior to last July. This pin, which was beautiful in ev ery detail, bore the emblem of the American Legion on a small plaque, upon which was inscribed the words: "PAST COMMANDER." ..... . ....