Tito I'.rt:-?f!g n dum puclihcti Li Cartel c Co. READING TO THE MIND 13 WHAT EXERCISE IS TO TJ1E BODY 1 WATCH Your label end pay our subscription VOLUME XXIII six pages this week THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1934 M Disposes Of any tases luesday . i PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY NUMBER 27 MAXWELL RESIGNS BEAUTY PAGE g FROM TOWN BOARD Thirteen Defendants Tr'ed by Judge Paul Webb in All-Dcy Session of Recorder's Court; First Court in Several Weeks; One Man Twelve Months on State Roads June Brought Balmy Weather Hereabouts Dr. Clifford W. Lewis Appoint ee! to Succeed Dr. Maxwell As Town Commissioner MONDAY EVE i COLORFUL A Dr. ('. S. Maxwell, who was both member oi' the Town Board of Given :'"n,nl'"'s'("K1's and Mayor pro tem of Pea u fort, resigned his office Monday evening at the regular Julv meeting Miss Evelyn Duncan Chosen byOut-of-County Judges as "Miss Beaufort 1934" More than three hundred people viewed the elaborate Beauty Pag After several weeks of inactivity, due to the pressure of the congres sional campaign, Recorder's Court was convened here Tuesday morning with the largest docket it has perhaps had since its establishment here, and ten of the dozen cases were disposed of by five o'clock in the afternoon. Arthur Midgett pleaded guilty to a fh:rao of ilrivinw a motor vehicle on the 1st day of July while under the Lro,n sixty-eight to ,. . : ., " . , ivieweu the elaborate tseauty lag- ol the Loarcl . The board unanimously jeant aJ. Atlantic Beach Monday ev passed a resolution expressing the ening which was 9ponsored by Car- iy rten's n ommation Won in Warm Contest Graham A. Barden Polls 1,500-Vote Majority Over Lusher Hamilton, in District's Most Heated Race; Cartel et County Polls 5,149 Votes, Largest Primary V ote in History of Primary Elections Here. regret- ai receiving me .uaxweii re nation. The month of June this year was ninety degrees. influence of intoxicating liquor. was lncnes 01 rainian. Witnes?es were: Patrolman J. A. The wind blew from the southwest on Merritt, and Officers Iredell Salter 14 davs irom the south on nine, and Clarence Peletier. This was said h'om the, southeast on six and from to have been the defendants second the northwest on one. There were similar offense. Judgment: Ninty-day .twenty-five clear days, three partly road sentence suspended upon condi-!1-'0"1' and two cloudy- xemperuiure summary ior uic month as recorded at the Bureau of jteret Post 99 of the American Leg- Commissioner Seth Gibbs made a personable younjr ladips r(lpre".j motion. SPf'finnPfl hv tmmivicmnnv . . . tvnical of the same month r,f m-f-vi- T ' , . J . " '... .! sented as many merchants and bus uainv:a nuuuey, lo appoint ur. iimora ous years, in that the temperature W- Lewis t0 aucweA Doctor Maxwell. was mild, the majority of the days; Commissioner Seth Gibbs, upon re sunshiny, and withal a very pleasant quest of the Boar( was inte1 thirty days. The- temperature ranged Mavor nrn tpm hv MllV(, Tll . tion that the defendant be of good j behavior for a period of two years succeed Doctor Maxwell. A committee composed of Commis sioners Lewis and Gibbs, and Clerk T. M. Thomas, Jr., was apointed by the Mayor to look into the matter of the Inlet Inn dock and do whatever is necessary, or as the committee thinks best. ! The Inlet Inn dock was built in inesa houses. This pageant was said to have been the most complete, dramatic and beautiful one ever staged in this section. The attractiveness of the ev ening gowns, coupled with the elabor ate setting in the ball room of the At lantic Beach Casino, produced an ef fect that was decidedly pleasing to the hundreds who attended. The Out-of-county judges were em -:OFF THE BAT:- By A. R. RICE SPORTS SCRIBBLER MIXES BASE BALL WITH ROMANCE The following story deals with ev erything from baseball to a few freckles. In fact, it is baseball, a shattered romance, the tale of a few telegrams, a note, a nice boy and sweet girl, the two Davis boys (and ployed in the impartial selection of therein hansrs a storvl from More- ,tjhe winner. After twenty-three of the ;head City and the name of Beaufort's and pay a fine of $10. was i-eturned to the custody of the sheriff until payment of the fine. In addition to the above, the defendant, is not to drive a motor vehicle for ninety days. John Bunyan Congleton, released some weeks ago with a one-year road sentence hanging over his head, was haled into court to answer to numer ous charges. Upon testimony of Messrs Charles Scott and Hansen Peterson, the suspended sentence of the defendants was automatically put into effect. John was turned over to the sheriff, who in turn released him to the N. C. Road officials. V. W. (Cooch) Chadwick was charged with using indecent language on May 12th, cursing and swearing boisterously and loudly, and throwing from his window1 or door refuse of the bowels at the back door of Math Owens' store, and with disorderly conduct. Witnesses were: Clyde of two years " ? by the Dock Commission of the jiming girls had been eliminated, Miss Beauty Queen, a girl who is as The defendant ;tlsnL'llts laboiatoiy at Fivers Island Town of Beaufort on the property of 4 Evelyn Ducan, Mary Taylor Hin-as she is beautiful. sweet 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. 7. i 8. I 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. !15. 16. 17. ; 18. 1 19. 120. 21. Max. ...79 ...80 ...80 ...81 ...82 ...82 ...82 ...81 ...81 ...83 :..84 ...84 ...83 ...84 I the Inlpt Inn. Trip., with tho nriHar. nanf anA TTanl SVnvi-on vomoinarl fiS standing that the dock was to remain ' After much deliberation, the judges the property of the Town of Beaufort ! finally gave the honor to Miss Evelyn tas long as it was used solely for! Duncan, who represented F. R. Bell, tourists and vacationists, hut. tho iram ' nrninris.1 ' " : ership of this dock was to revert to 73 74 72 76 73 74 75 , the Inlet Inn, Inc., whenever therft ; lne conation ban, winch was was a marked degree of loafing oi'said to have been one of the best the dock or it was used for mooringr dances ever staged at Atlantic Beach, : commercial boats. The contract wasfollowed the Beauty Pageant. Miss made by the 3oard on May Brd,.' . , . ... 11926, and the Mayor of Beaufort, ' CVjiD?,ncan W1" be given a free tr,p by j R. Wheatly, and the proprietor of the the local Legion Post to the state Inlet Inn were appointed members of convention in Greensboro, where she ?2 the Dock Commission. 68 ! no Ow- ens, Matthew Owens, Arthur Lenox, 25. 26. 27. 28. 20. 30. Cooch Chadwick, Grayer lludgins, Clarence Whitehurst, W. R. Longest, and Gherman Holland. Judgment: Prayer for judgment continued upon the payment of the costs. W. W. Pierce, of Chapel Hill, was charged with operating a motor ve hicle while under the influence of in- j toxicating loquor. Pleaded guilty and j was fined $50 and costs. j C. D. Porterfield, of Graham, plead- 80 89 90 87 ..90 .90 88 m 88 87 88 89 89 89 88 89 73 A committee composed of Dr. C. 71 S. Maxwell, Robert L. Fritz, : J. i F. 75 ; Duncan, Joe House and Bayard Tay-J 76lor was apnontepLto endeavojUp, get.Baauty PageanU ia itiie u. s. kngmeeenng Department to 69 ! raise the breakwater on the Bird' pal Dry Cleanors. But to get on with our story: Beau fort won the game 9 to 1. The win ners collected 15 hits, the losers 9 off Leslie Davis and Springle of More head City, the former retiring in the second when his great pitching abili ty awarded him a contract with Wind sor. Then Springle, an old 1927 fav orite, took up the burden and his drops and four double plays com pletely baffled the visiting Beaufort County nine. It was as pretty a game as Ye Sports Ed has ever witnessed, all will vie with winners of local contests lus 0f scintillating plays throughout the state lor the title: "Miss North Carolina, 1934." The following are the business firms and their representatives in the Mary Powen 73 Shoal in front of Beaufort, and oth' 70 ; er necessary harbor improvements. 77 I 71 73 77 77 78 78 78 NATURE PLAYS PAINFUL PRANK ON OFFICAIL OF CARTERET COUNTY COURT Brooks'; Paul's Garaee, Louise Bailey; Carteret Hardware Co., Eldivd Hill; I Botts Bakery, Hattie Lee Humphrey; I Margnrpt's Peautv Shop, Emily Clyde Parkin; F. R. Bell, Drucgist, Evelyn jDunenn; Joe Hono Drug Store, Mag j g'e Arrington; Beaufort Furniture j Co., Marianne Taylor: C. D. Jones Recorder's r.n Maw TnvW TTmnnit- V,, TTnvH. ware Co., Marguerite Dickinson;; Those who attended Court here Tuesday may have been tuuUl u tno u" all unuiain.iea .Irene's Beauty Shop, Mabel Truiit; manner in which Solicitor M. Leslie ; a,ifv, rw nnn,ic n i?ino w,,. jl. N. Moore, Mildred Johnson; J'lhn I son-'?nunders, Laura A. Mace; Rich- made, the visitors themselves pleting three double plays. The romance was knocked to piec es, several telegrams were sent a cross the way and a note to the girl but it all took no effect. Mr. X is just as nics as Mrs. X is sweet. This ks getting to be sort of a con fessional, but the few freckles WERE beautiful on each side of her nose. Tin- ulhtr Davis boy, Kemp, was the one who informed the distracted localite of his demise (and laughed at it). Evelyn Duncan is Mi:s Beaufort. Carteret County folks went to the polls Saturday and stacked up the largest vote ever cast here in a pri mary election, an even thousand more than were cast in the first pri mary the second of June. Luther Hamilton, native son of Carteret, rolled up an overwhelming vote of 4,630 here in the county, to Graham A. Barden's 519., for the Democratic nomination for Congress from the Third Congressional District. This is the first time in the mem ory of many Carteret people that a second primary, with only two candi dates running, that a much larger vote was cast than in the first race. This campaign for the Democratic nomination for congress from the Third Congressional District was by far the most heated one in many years. So far, the official vote for the dis trict has been unavailable, but we are printing later in this newsstory the vote by counties as near correct as possible; reports from five of the nine counties are said to be official. This semi-official count gives Hamil ton 14,410 to Barden's 15,979, which gives Barden a majority of 1,569. It is very significant that Barden only received 519 votes in Carteret County, but Hamilton polled 1,873 votes in Barden's adopted county. being com- This is said to have been the results Hamilton in Craven. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS i Davis sat in his respective chair. I The truth of the matter was that So- It TOV I ' II f.nii I am it I'.iviL-a n 1111,11 1 I ? M V 1 s Will f niVP Wl Tl P n m 11 f rl i t- i. i - Yi i t i ed .ruiltv to carrvino- fnn,W'., V." ' "t V" i . , , " ' i a "'-'"V -lonnson; , . , Moreneaa city Properties Inc., 1 lot ramer stooci at mat lime, ine reason weapon. Prayer for judgment contin- j Morehead City, for $500. for all this was due to one of those ued upon payment of the costs. Atlantic Beach and Bridge Com- Painful "boils" that persists in crop- Winneld Webb, of Morehc-a.1 City, tn Kofi,r t.,h0,i 1 AfJnino- nut. on tht nort nf hi nt.wv d guilty to u.ing a trailer af-;iA r u j omo ' i hot nnrmnit,. ; v,t..h ,,-iiv, (chair when he is seated. Solicitor ! Davis thinks that he will be. physical- pleaded guilty to u.-sing a trailer af ter dark without a rear light. Patrol man J. A. Merritt testified in i Atlantic Beach and Tirirlce Com. this ' qase. Prayer for judgment continued ; tic -Beaeh for $1"00 s 10 ine upon payment ox tne costs.; interstate Trustee Corporation to Odell Adams Garland Willis and ,N. c. Joint stock Land Bank of V i bert Lewis, of Bogue, pleaded notiDurham 102 acres Morehead Town guilty to breaking and enteiinjj store 'snip; for $500. of Asa James Dixon at Broad Creek' interstate Trustee Corporation, and the larceny of $25 or $30 in mon- .Trustee, to N. C. Joint Stock Land ey and property. Witnesses were: Bank of Durham, 66 acres Morehead Asa James Dixon, Wylie Lewis, Leon .Township, for $500. Lewis, and Arnold Salter. As the val- j Lillje R. Perry to F. R. Bell et al, ue of the stolen probity was placed 1 ot Beaufort, for $400. in excess of twenty . liars, charge j Marie Hatsell et vir, et al, to F. R. was a felony and the Rec : ler's Court Bell ct al 1 lot Beaufort, for $800. rs. Lawrence to Kicnard 1. Law- Hamilton stated to a reporter of Ithe Beaufort News this afternoon' in Mere-head City that he had been urged by friends all over the district to contest the vote in numerous pre cincts in various parts of the district. He stated that he had no intentions of doing, this or permitting his friends to do so. Hamilton said that he saw that Barden had won the nomination, so he. wired him congratulations, and he further stated with emphasis that he was sportsman enough to abide by the "rules of the game" and the results. J The Beaufort News prints herewith YtsUrday Beaufort won its second: the official vote for Carteret County game of the week, lacing it to Farm-, procinct-bv-nreeinct. as it was com- jWm. IT. Bailey, Jewels, TTfwn Rkar-lville 15 to 6 before a holiday crowd 1 piled bv the Board of Canvassers of !ren: THE BEAUFORT NEWS, Hilda that w.nt wild over the good pit jh- the County Board of Elections. Fol , Taylor; Modern Shop RvViiHera. Ju-; jng of Waiter Davis, who held the in- lowing that is a table giving the lia Whitehurst; Beaufort Department 'iVadtvs to just 8 hits and the contin-j sc-mi-officfel vote of the Third Dis Storc, Alberta P:tvkin; Tidewater . ued great defensive work of the lo-jtriet by counties. I Power Co., Marjorie Humphrey; El- Cals. The winners also went on a bat- i ' , .wood Willis, Eelva Gillikin; Hcnder-iting rampage getting 19 bingles off i son's Garage, Ruth Lewis; Sam Lip-'three visiting fiingers. The pace was man and to., Lilly l-lell Modlm: K. led bv Potter. Morns, R. Hassell, Hat-1 Martin Co.. Sarah Bell Herring; cell and the hurler. himself. Each Motor Co., Helen Henderson; member of the winning nine got one I BEAUFORT WINS FOURTH OF JULY GAME 15-6 ly able by next Tuesday to resum the dignity his office perforce re quires. Although it does his painful t-. area little good, he has the sympathy ,T 'ff. u: 1 1 i 11.. '""-wi i it iiita 1 j l e Holly Grove Dairy, Lota Lee Dawkins, past been similarly troubled. 1 CARTERET COUNTY'S VOTE sat as a committing magisi. 'to. Judge Webb found no probable c.v.se for holding the defendants for Superior Court. James (Jim) Chadwick, local col ored man, was charged with on the renee, 5 acres Straits Township, for $100. Albert Styron and wife to Adelaide Day, 0 acres Cedar Island, for $15. W. C. Harding. Commissioner to seventh of June of stealing lumber Adelaide Day, 30 acres Cedar Island, and building material valued at less 0r $1400. than $20 from the property of F. R. , Bell and B. H. Noe, and also trespass ! on said nronertv. Witnesses were REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL Geroee Hav. niht. watchman; John! NOMINEE BEGINS CAMPAIGN S Bonner and all Dill, J. A. Piver, and C. A. Clawson. ROUTINE MATTERS OCCUPY ATTENTION COUNTY BOARD Two Men Allowed Admission to County Heme; Ask State To Take Over and Maintain Ro ad at West Beaufort ; Two Wo men Placed on Poor Fund; Tax Matters Taken Up or more hits. ! It was another good ball game and one that was threatened to be held up by rain, but it cleared up, the sun , came out ana a goou time was nau by all. Belhavc-n comes here Sunday. First Cotton Blossoms Announced In County As far as the News has been able to determine, R. B. King, who farms the Vernon Marshall place out on North River Road, had the first cot- Considerable routine business wasjAbner P. Willis and D. F. Willis, transacted by the Carteret County cash settlements shall be required. Board of Commissioners at its regu- The Board passed a resolution re- ton to bloom. This first blossom was lar monthly meeting here Monday questing the Federal Government to seen first on Wednesday, June 27th, morning, with Chairman K. P. B. . reestablish a reemployment office in 'and since then many more blossoms four commissioners .Carteret County. 1 present. I The tax colector was authorized ... ... . . . ... ... Case, dismissed. I W. B. Rouse, New Bern attorney, After a physical examination nan ana directed to prepare ior adver- Jim and Shederick Reel of Merri-'wn was nominated by the Republi-; been made, the admission of iSamuel .tisement and advertise 1933 delin wm. w yar.voA wifv, r'nnaino. nn ' can party to run for Congress from Boyd Wilkins to the County Home quent taxes as now provided by law, of with sale to be made on the : Monday in September 1934. years ago, is a graduate of the law! Works Commission was requested in cept from L. C. Carroll $60.00 as full: sent to the News by the young Mr Earj school of the University of North 's resolution to take over and main- settlement of taxes for E. W lggins, Graham. The youthful farmer states County land of Miles Jones after being for- tha Thlrd Congressional District, has, was ordered, narry r.. rnsoie, hidden f An j n, io besrun his campaign. Mr. Rouse was i Davis, was likewise admitted. of a vear-olH shnat KBlnno-inr tr, ' born in Craven County forty-seven The State Highway Mack Moore. Not guilty. Vino.Hasket and Wilford have been seen. Mr. King says that he is now "laying by" h;3 crop of four acres. Second honors, as far as we know, go to Preston Graham, sixteen-yeai-- first'old Newport RFD school boy, whose TOTALS 4 630 nrst blossom on nis one acre 01 coe- ton was seen on July 2nd Hamilton Barden Stella 36 4 Peletier 57 3 Bogue 47 4 Broad Creek 69 2 Wildwood .. 89 19 Newport 116 31 Salter Path 91 0 i Morehead City ..-1403 50 Beaufort C13 244 iWire Grass 37 11 iHailowe 71 9 Merrimon 59 12 : Long Pine 31 4 iBettie 69 15 iOtway 102 2 Straits 103 6 Harker? Island ... 301 21 Marshallberg 156 14 Smyrna . 52 4 Williston 6 0 Davis 204 0 Stacy 101 2 Sea Level 250 16 Atlantic 418 0 Roe 03 40 Portsmouth 26 6 519 This was 1 THIRD DISTRICT VOTE Mann, of Newport. Dleaded not iruiltv Carolina, an ex-soldier and wounded ; tain four-tenths of a mile of road White Oak Township, for years that this is his first year in fanning Carteret Barden 508 to larceny of flash light, kodak and in battle, was presidential elector Reading from the West Beaufort pub-. 19J9, 1930, 1931, 1962 and 1933. .for himself, and that he hopes to pick Craven 3,974 other similar articles from the car frora the 3rd district in 1928, has 'lie road to Gallant's Point. It was ordere-d that the telegram :a bale of cotton from his one acre. Duplin ..3,001 of Francis R Burch. while it wfl, ' practiced law in New Bern since 1917 i It was order&d that Nancy Smith be of Attorney Hines, representing the; He i3 a student of the Agriculture ' Jones .... 1,120 narked in M -ehead Citv Wit,ooa.a with the exception of his war ser- 'placed on the poor list and allowed ?4 Woodmen of the W orld, a letter from Class of the were: Iredei: Salter. Gin p0na. vice, is a Methodist and teaches the ! per month. the Bond Holders Committee, I apers 1 School. tier, and Frincis R, Burch. Found Men's Bible Clas3 in the Centenary! The County Auditor was ordered by .served in the Ben Hur Life Asoeia eiutv. Prave: for iudgment'eontinnoH Methodist Church in New Bern. ithe Board to refund F. L. Bell $2,tion, be referred to the County At- unon condition that defpnHnnf ha t ' I Poll tax, paid through error charged ,torney for attention, good behavior for two years and pay costs. PAYING DIVIDEND NOW to D. W. Bell 1929 tax, which was FoV piling used during the Atlantic ,'paid by F. L. Bell. Beaufort highway, it was ordered I Mrs. Annie Rose was placed on the that Lewis H. Taylor be paid $30. W. A. Allen, Liquidating Agent noor fund and will be allowed $5.00 1 It was ordered that raachers' serin for the defunct Bank of Beaufort, is per month. ;be accepted in payment of 1932 tax- Yes, this is a high-speed era but now paying a, ten percent dividend,; The assessed value of the Clawson jes, provided that the 1933 taxes be we think that our fathers had just as which is the first this bank has paid, jhome, which is now being torn down, ' paid in cash. Newport BIRTHS m.ich fun holding kands oehmd eight- Mr. Allen requests the Beaufort was ordered to be taken from the tax mile-an-hour Dobbin as we have News to inform its readers of this, books. grabbing necks behind the wind- and asks that all depositors call by It was ordered that in the settle shield at sixty miles an hour and it the Bank of Beaufort building for ment of the tax foreclosures of John was a lot safer. their dividend checks. M. Lewis and Brother, Monroe Willis, County Auditor J. J. Whitehurst Born to Mr. and Mrs. Agnew Willis, of Williston, Wednesday, July 4, a daughter. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Cope land, of Beaufort, Tuesday, July 3, a son. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Tay lor, of Harker3 Island, Thursday, Consolidated Onslow '..i 603 Pamlico 760 Pender ... 1,692 Sampson 1,751 Wayne ....... 2,570 Hamilton 4,686 1,873 77a 993 1,669 812 697 639 2,263 was instructed to make arrangements July 5, a daughter. for the construction rf toilets in the Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, County Annex Building. , I of Bachelor, Wednesday, July 4, a daughter. TOTALS .15,979 14,410 A cotton crop that is two weeks late and prospects for the smallest yield in years is reported from Har nett County. In Moore County, the stand of cotton is poor and on some farms there is so much grass that the crop is hardly worth cleaning, says the county farm agent.

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