MMOMMSI t Beaufort Iews fhe lest adv.-tish.j medium published in Carteret Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY 1 ' j ' WATCH Your label and pay our subscription VOLUME XXIII EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1934 PRICE Sc SINGLE COPY NUMBER 23 Civil Service Needed For State Employees Several Workers In The Revenue Department Have Been Dismissed Recently; This Causes Talk That Civil Service Might Help; Ap pointments Are Usually Made For Political Purposes COOLEY MAY RUN ENCAMPMENT IS AGAINST BAILEY NOW UNDER WAY His Friends Discuss "Wonder The Annual Encampment of Boy's Chances For Sen ate By M. R. DUNNAGAN RALEIGH, July 3 Harold Cooky, sometimes described as D. the The 120th Gets A Good Start CAMP GLENN, July U Its work of setting up camp all finished on Sunday, the day of its arrival, the By M. R. DUNNAGAN RALEIGH. July 10 Recent dis-i missals of revenue department em ployees again suggest that civil ser vice in the State employment should be adopted, along with retirement pensions. However, politicians think! the Satte iobs are Dolitical plums and . can reward the faithful that way. But,C0NDUCT FUNERAL SERVICE THIS WEEK'S Obituaries it is too bad when administrations change, or as in the present case, there is effort to reorganize for ef- FOR MRS. FRED SEELEY, SR. Following a comparatively long aw i.a ficiency and economy. Many who got Jife of service devoted to her family, sey Warren of the First N. c, dis. jobs for political reasons have to go since politics change, and in some in stances those holding jobs are not a ble to deliver the goods. Present ef forts seem to be for efficiency and economy only, since two members of the State Democratic executive com- mitee were allowed to go, and one her neighbors and society in general, Mrs. Alice Chrissinger Seeley, wife of Fred R. Seeley, Sr., passed away at eight o'clock Friday evening in Duke Hospital in Durham. it r, , ill t mi i,i . iii lu occ nun lie is ucwi Mrs. Seeley had been in ill health 1Q,, roI i,i... tni ohnnr rnralirn ifnaxa ku him Irm " ' iv uts.'Ui, htcivc jenio, UUt IlCi A1I1U' ly disposition and likeable- nersonali-- iiiiLcc wcic aituncu few auu vnw - pmninvu. -ahr. u Hafinitplv and nn. ty enabled her to carry on in spite of onlv an Ehrimrhan, man. PVPn while 'this condition. Late in the spring her i m v i mi ! nhvaiPfll frAIlhla hnnama tvnva a rrrr a . florKing lor candidate Maxwell, ine j' "'T j t TZ v 7 7 the race in opposition ..mi . . . vnrpn and rn I una sth aha waa toLrl ' "wonder boy" who came up through ; 20th. Infantry of the North Carolina seemingly great odds to win the National Guard, here for its annual Fourth district congressional nomina-' encampment, put in a full day's work tion in the first primary over four today. Rifle and machine gun ranges, candidates, including George Ross the drill field, the schools and the Pou and Jere P. Zollicoffer, is now mess halls were all the scenes of great being discussed for a wider field of activity as 20 companies of North action that of United States Sena- Carolina's citizens soldiery began its tor to oppose Senator J. W. Bailey two weeks of intensive training, in 1936. i Preceded by the advance detail Senator Bailey has no opposition hat thet camP site in readiness, now, although there is much talk. He 'the reeiment began arriving Sunday may or may not have an opponent mo"i'ng, and by late afternoon had when the time for running comes. ts .h"uslkeePlng arranSents per- Chances are that he will. Talked of J lne, "niantary, machine gun, ocivite ami oiner companies mat make up the regiment comef rom all parts of thes tate, from Waynesville in the west to Henderson in the east. The regimental commander, Colonel Don E. Scott, has been in command since the reorganization of the Na- Associate ,tional Guard, following the World iai, aau was Lieutenant oionei 01 the war-time 120th. Second Battalion on Range The weather today permitted the carrying of the- training schedule in every detail. The 2nd battallion, un- Several Defendants Given Road Sentences This Week Recorder's Court Tries Nineteen Defendants in Two Sessions This Week; One Sent to Super ior Court; Ex-Convict Given Twenty-Four Hours in Which to Leave County. :OFF THE BAT:- By A. R. RICE trict, who may or may not be inter ested; Governor Ehringhaus, who says not a word, but apparently does not discourage the talk, and who will wait to see how he is handled by the Justice W. J. Brogden, who is apar ently less interested in it than are his promoters now, although he had his announcement written to enter to Senator old Salary and Wage Commission was ! ' t " , '.' "TV Simmons some four years ago; Rich-,every aetau. The kind battallion, un a step toward civil service, but it n the forehead City Hospital d T Fountain gUbernatrial aspir- der the command of Major S. B. Dol urns nnnAamnaA hrr omnlnuooa anA rn1 treatment. iticians alike. The Personnel Division , Ten days later her condition war is another step. Finally, possibly, pol- ranted her removal to Duke hospit itics will permit civil service and al. There she at first seemed to re long service pensions. Then employ-' spond to the treatment, but durinj ees can feel more secure, with jobs .the last four or five days the ebbing on their merit. of her life was noticeable, and hence her passing was not altogether un- Last of the negro secret fraternal expected, order has gone. Judge W. C. Harris Funeral services were conducted has signed an order naming a receiv- from Ann Street M. E. Church at er for the Loyal Knights of King. 10:30 Monday morning. The Rev. C. tne de- ant against J. -C. B. Ehringhaus, who!1' of Gastonia, went on the rifle gave the winner a close call, and is now thinking seriously of giving Sen ator Bailey a race for his seat, it is stated by his friends. Also, there is another prospective candidate, who has let little intima tions slip which may be taken to range for preliminary practice firing, and was able to complte it. Record firing will begin on Tuesday. Com pany H. the machine gun company of the 2nd battalion, also went on the range for practice firing, and will fire its record on Tuesday. Strenuous - . trainine is nrescribeH fnr the rPPmit, mean a willingness to get into tnat T. n ' . . , . . . TW is .Tndc M. V. Barnhill. I . ' . 5"8au aim order, ceased, was holding that Mr. "'..II 4.L it a. . VJUIU"U1' lne Paslor O! l"e de- if U. JOPiHfl. t aV fr, hno. fh : -"""" Ui wcu?-. - a series ol r i--;i 4v rf.;i , functioning smoothly. The Morehead r .... t i. J"u"-'"' '": ""', Pit,, aiiQ u:v. V.J viuwjc( icaabiiig un which la a yearly event in the life of the 120th soldiers, is plentiful and good. The crops in this section are good, and the quantity of fresh fruits and veg etables available supplement the ar my ration of bacon and beans. Athletics Important Feature The policy of Colonel Scott for sev he did those of the Fourth district. His is the psychology of success, a gainst odds, and it is claimed that he by his spectacular campaign. uavid, uurnam, for many .years leading and thriving negro From many thousands of members jvival services in Hyde County, but J thi mpmhprshin is harplv 1.000 All cavp nn tho rMnainrlar nf ttucn mJi of th nptrrn fraternal nrHon ha'Hrnvo hnmo aia fJnnrlow niwlif orrlt,. I Promoters of the idea previously gone, all into receiverships, ing here early Monday morning, in Coole.v the man point to his suc Negroes coming on now, are not 'order to conduct the last rites for "ss .ln th,e re,cent Pnmary 83 an in" joiners as were their fathers, Insur- the late Mrs. Seeley. lcauon mat ne can tnus captivate ance Commissioner Dan C. Bonev i n f ,.,..n, i,. ,. - Jthe PeoPle of the State as easily as , xt naa uvtcuuimj wiiatf aiuic it i9 says.-As the older ones died out the j not customary for the ministers of youngsr ones would not take their the Methodist Church to make eulo- places. He attributes part of it to bet-1 gistic remarks at funerals, the Rev- ter education and enlightment for j erend Mr. Culbreth paid a high trib- the younger negreos. However, he ute to the exemplary life led by Mrs. thinks the same thing, to a lesser j Seeley, mentioning her devotion to extent is happening to the white se-.her church work, her civic activities, cret orders too. Some of that he at- and her brilliant mind and keen tributes to civic luncheon clubs, sup- sense of humor that was responsible planting the lodges. jfor her popularity in this and other o-j t e l i n communities in which she has resid- Bid For School Buaiet Plans have been made by the State . ' School Commission f o call for bids In keeping with her love for mus- this week for const' :tion of bodies ,c- Mrs- Seeley's funeral service era- of 750 to 800 new school busses to'bodled several beautiful selections. be put in operation in the schools of .Milton Carlton, of Atlanta, Georgia, ho Star this fail. Th Post will ha ang a solo, "Beside Still Waters," about $600,000 of which the federal and M- Les'ie Davis rendered "Raise aie jesus, wnicn was a last request of the deceased. "Come Ye Disconso late," also by request, was sung at the church. At the graveside in Ocean View Cemetery "Oh Love That Will Not Let Me Go" was sung. A race, Rocky Mount, who is will give them a run for their money, TU.'"C1":' l j .j . i . v v vuiiiiuauu oi iieut. a. u. Aliora. 13 a nan n am frt aaoIt rn nnnM rha ' tiiiiit i i ... ... I Recorder's Court this week assura (ed the proportions of a Superior Court session, in that nineteen cases .were taken up and disposed of Tues- ' J l Ttr l ... aay ana weanesaay mornings. Wright W. Stanley, colored, was T lD tPe hl:!0ll. Bessie Stanley, with a deadly weap! Bel- and the locals clothes on, Beaufort defeated haven, Sunday 14 to 5, here. "Dick" had his drop working to perfection and was seldom in difficul- was sentenced to ninety days in the county jail, to be assigned to work on the Court House square. Wright 1 n ft t n A an onnaal 4- Cunamnw f1Mi ty. The winers attack was featured so Judge paul Webb changed the by five stra.ght hits off the bat of Ray llast part of the sentence to te roada. Hassell, four off Ralph Hassell's and I ,t;flj onn mice iiuui nie wiiiow oi iworris. Potter went on a rampage, also, hit ting one to the far reaches of center field for a circuit clout and another for a triple. All together, 19 safeties rattled off the bats of the locals and 11 off the visitors. Dail, P. Jones and Whisnant form ed the losing mound staff and Shav ender the receiver. ed. Russell Willis, of Morehead City, was charged with the operation of a motor vehicle on the thirtieth of June while under the influnce of in toxicating liquor. The defendant peladed guilty. Patrolman J. A. Mer ritt was questioned concerning the offense. Prayer for judgment contin ued upon the payment of the costs. W. B. Wadsworth, of New Bern, pleaded guilty to a charge of speed ing on the highway on June 23rd. Dis missed upon the payment of the costs. Sam Mills and Woodrow Waters, of Maysville, pleaded guilty to be ing drunk and disorderly on the pub- Beaufort increased its winning streak to four games yesterday when it defeated Oriental 12 to 0 back of the superb pitching of Willis and JBritt. The invaders garnered only two hits off these two flingers while ine locals Still on a Roman Batting 'lie hiphwavs and tn riistnrbino- the Holiday hit for seventeen safeties peace on the evening of the Fourth off Salter. 0f jujVi Patrolman Merritt testified Potter set the pace for the winners' in the case. Dismissed upon the pay- auacK witn lour lor lour to be close ly followed by Caffrey with three straight base knocks. Raleigh comes her. Friday and New Bern Sunday. ment of the costs. Langhorne Barnes, of Newport, charged with stealing an auto jack from the car of W, B. Wadsworth, cr.d Thomas Earl Elliott, , also of NevvDort. was charced with the larce- MUSINGS OF A BENCH WARMER ' ny of a radiator cap from the same- car. Uoth pleaded not guilty, lhis case was continued until July 17th. j To the general layman, what goes I on in the dugout is a mystery, wheth er he knows it or not and one that would surprise. The bleacherite who jsits back enjoying himself doesn't realize all that goes on down there Joe Kllpatrick, of New Bern, plead ed guilty to a charge of possessing a quantity of liquor on July Cth, but denied that this was for the purpose ' eiui vears uhsl naH npen .rn mairo am- h. Knv.;M j....r tt. . .1. has won the admiration nf th Stataii 1 7 7 1 7 , c u..n.u mc si;eiit.- svuu ne 01 sale, witnesses in mis case were nas won the admiration or tne btate Metlcl an Important feature of the an-1 probably doesn't know that th tPm Sheriff .ChaHwinW Rill T.u P1. wnv j. 4v . -rtrt.v . - . "... ' ' " i iiuoi uiicanmmeiiLS ni rne lzutn m jon the field is a well oiled machine, " - laniry. inis year provisions nas Deen every player in it a cos. each tro its accendency, nominate elect him to the senate whila he is .young and train him into the office, so he can become a leading figure in (Cintinued on page eight) and i j t I -----.v., , ,y LUS, eava go- an",niade for an even greater emphasis ing through his numerous duties with man usual, in place or one athletic ; clock-like precision, every play be- omcer, mis year mere are tour. Lieu j ing directed from the bench. Notice, der the supervision of the State tenant Henry Johnson, of Ralogih, ! for instance. Coach Potter's lads iHizhwav and Public Works Cnmmisu man Merritt, Joe Kilpatrick, and Of ficers Clarence Pelletier and Iredell Salter. The defendant was sentenced to serve four months on the roads un- (Continued on page four) CONSERVATION CAMP YOUTHS RECEIVE M ERIT CERTIFICATES government isp roviding about $180, 000, as a work fund. The commission has agreed on a basis for allotment of about $2,080, 000 for plant operation, transporta tion nrtA pltripl holn frtr thft onhnnla for 1934-35, of which $1,000,000 is bined choir from the Episcopal, Bap for nlant. nnoratinn. J1.000.000 fn tists and Methodists churches render- , I . . , com- transnortation and about $80,000 1 . 1 i. i fyu . i a i. I jr clerical neip. me b:. imeni was not made definitely by th. board at its meeting last week, btu is await ing further information on the news selections. A large gathering of friends were in attendance at the last rites, and a profusion of flowers were sent by the many friends of the deceased. Three Carteret County enrollees( Alvin R. Dunnaway, Raleigh; How are among the 65 youths who are com 'ard M. Rudd, Wake Forest; Rolan pleting their periods of service with Gordon, Zebulon; Linwood Shehdan, the Civilian Conservation Corps camp , Raleigh; Pat D. Gray, Cary; Clarence at Fort Macon and who will receive F. Smith, Raleigh; Robert M. Har certificates of merit at the comple- ris, Raleigh; Edward E. Smith, Golds tion of their enrollment on June 30. boro; Robert B. Hawkins, Ayden; Ce- This group is part of approximate-' cil Strather, Zebulon; Percy B ly 25,000 enrollees assigned to emer-, Moore, Raleigh; Harold H. Sufgs, gency conservation work in National Raleigh; Coley Wilson, Wake Forest; when they go to bat. Notice how j sion. This sentence was suspended they'll keep looking at Potter after upon condition that the defendant practically every pitch to get their leave the county for a period of one cue as to what to do. Whether to j year and pay a fine of fifteen dollars, hit away, bunt, or what-not. Probably Brooks Willis, of Morehead City, there is a man on base. The signal pleaded not guilty to a charge of dis will be given for a steal or hit-and jturbing religious services at the Pen tecostal Holiness Church in Morehead City on the night of July 1st. H. L. Langley and William Ellis Whitley run, etc. The nine players have just come off the field. We are all sitting back 'testified. Continued with prayer for waning ior our oauer to come to ; judgment for six months upon the bat, the opposing team to get in gear, I payment of the costs, etc. Someone of our gang lights upl Walter Warren, colored, of Mans a cigarette, which of course shouldn't field, who appeared to be a part-time happen when a bunch of athletes are preacher, was charged with assault and State narks to receive such cer-; Fvprott. TVrrv. RaWh- riv p in training but who can curb a batch: with intent to kill on Ada Smith tificates on the above date. There are 1 Arnold, Raleigh ; Reuben Tyndall, Poetically un.nbursed youngsters? 270 ramns working in Stat narks Pint Hill. WlTioL r P.,,n, Pol I Before he gets tWO puffs, the fag IS - ; .......... . ---'"-. . u.tuj u - f v:. All (Cintinued on page eight) i T. r r n inf.nliAHa dmiI fun rf ntex , ' ftUUU IllktilVIUIIt) OIIU UX IUU13C. j"have 'er" or words to that effect. ;And so on until about all of the 15 men on the roster, the Business Man ager, and yours truly have had a draw or two. Not cleanliness, we admit,' but with every nerve on edge due to the heart-rending excitement of the raging battle, there is at least an at om of excuse. Sometimes a cigarette is thrown from one end of the bench to the other. Along comes the cold drink boy yell over the country under the supervis- eigh; Ewin L. Upchurch, Raleigh; ion of Conrad L. Wirth, of the Na- James A. Griffin. Morehead 4-1 t 1 nnn nnn :n v. . - Pallbearers were: J. G. Allpn. .Tnspnh tinnnl PnrW Sprviro T V TV'olUo Pulniirh. William I iiiai iiuu,viuu win oe Hvanuuie ior 7 7. 77 7 7 i .itii . ..o.., , ........... school purposes in the State from 1 IIouse' N F' Eure- J- S- Gutsell, Wm. The certificate is 10 1-2 inches tall C. Farrar, Raleigh; Joseph Walters, federal agencies. The allotment can Ba,lev Graydon Paul, B. A. and 8 inches wide; printed on heavy LaGrange; Thadeus S. Ferree, Jr., be easily completed when definite in-, Phelps and F. R. Bell. white paper. Tint-printed in the Ralegih; Willis B. Williams, Cary; formation is received regarding the Mr8, Seeley W8S brn Dubuque, background in a soft olive drab is Owen T. Keith, Raleigh; Ralph J. federal funds, LeRoy Martin, secre-iIowa' May 11 1870' the daughter of a crayon drawing from life of a CCC Raper, Raleigh; Louis A. Oliver, Ral Ury, said. jIsaac and JosePhine Parkinson Chris-. boy in great coat and goloshes, walk- eigh; Guilford B. Flowers, Knight Two Men Electrocuted finger. She was employed for a time, ing in the snow at a state park in dale; Edward L. Allen, Raleigh; How Ion the Chicago Blade and Ledger, New York. It was done by a PWA ar- ard T. Batts, Stantonsburg; Coy E. Two convicts, Clyde Ferrell, white, 'and her interest in journalistic acti-ltist, L. R. Gustavson, of Westport, Brewer, Holly Springs; Lawrence E. 25, of Durham, and John Lewis Ed- vities continued throughout her life. J Connecticut. Bridges, Raleigh; Harold E. Bryan, wards, negro claiming to be 17, Char-! On November 28, 1895 she was mar- Over-printed in black engraver's Raleigh; David Buffaloe, Raleigh; lotte, were electrocuted at State's , ried to Fred R. Seeley, Sr., in Chi- Old English are there words: "By this William S. Byrd, Holly Springs; Ben- mr rauruer, ooui main-j-au. ail Will Know (IName) Served nis lam n F. Gannon. Po ncksv p: En- "TWo ,. .l,, taining their innocence of the crimes ' At the age of fifteen years she be- country well as a member of the Civ- is B. Chappel, Creedmore; Albert board During one hot Sunday game for which they died Ferrell was con- came a member of the Presbyteran ilian Corps, that magnificent Army Corbett, LaGrange; Robert E. Cox, the writer drank no less than four- ncted of killing Thaddeus Tilley, Church. Later when Mr. Seeley be- of Youth and Peace that put into ac- Kinston; Lewis W. Dean, Neuse; teen Durham filling station opreater, in a came a Methodist, shs follov.-ed and tion the Awakening of the People to Mack C. Edwards, Morehead City; About this time- Johnny Brooks, holdup at night more than a year became a member of that denomi.ia- the facts of Conservation and Recre- James D. Gray, LaGrange; Robert the guiding genius of arranging ago. Edwards was convicted of the tion. Sh was an accomplished pian- ation; and that will all honors he M. Hadnott, Pollocksville; Bryant C. 'games and other duties makes some riLr t' W',BTn',-m0t,I "I m V- ,th'rtyfiv5, completed his tour of Duty at- Harrison, Knightdale; Norwood Hold-Use crack that sets the whole squad conductor, oa lonely line late at years san in thee hoirs of the van- Camp on Date of Discharge ." ford, Wake Forest; Wilbur E. Hor- laughing and he can make 'em. SK V? S" " VeW-r"U,teS -,cus in which she lived. The camp at Fort Macon is engag- ton, Raleigh; Henry M Jones, Ral- Just a bunch of happy-go-lucky L-ii a , , " "C4. '"c- "V?- T,ea ln tne restoration or tort Macon eigh; Henry W. Jones, Holly Springs; ! gentlemen out, fighting " . " " J icuu .v.-v ... situatea at r on iviacon rarn wnicn is Tom Kimball, Zebulon; Vernon W. minister saic Ferrell did not confesi. Kentucky, Alabama, MUsissippi, under the administration of the De- Mattox, Wendell; Carlis May Zebu- I m not guuty. They talked me into , South Carolina, North Carolina, Flor- partment of Conservation and Devel-ll0n; Stewart McLendon Raleigh; it, ' he quoted Ferrell as saying just 'da and Virginia. Mrs. Seeley came opment with the work under the di- William Merrill, MoreheadCity; John ueiore ne aiea. i-ere io live in i;u, wnen Mr. see- rect sunprv s nn nf St.nt Fnrpntpr J. I A m;,ii i.. a ur ii ...... 1 w - . , . . . .TAii,.iicii, iriaiDiuic. i.uv n. .nunc. .Human ma h na n tt , ... ....... a art. cary a. noimps Wl a an pnmn ota thp hlo-n Ma... Will. r-i I ... .uw ......... - - o - -, v iai ruic Liurnuer jomrany wav from thp MnmhsnH r ant p n, xr...t di:i.. ti imi. tn j. , ' : .-i. ,u , uuinmu "n"i, xvaicin, uuuu : cniia s piav running a Dan team, its Charles S. a big responsibility, in fact. To re- Payne, peat a former write-up: A large guar Carv.'sntpp has to ba assurpH nnv t.pam to a program of reforestation on this Walter W. Pullen, Raleigh; Connie '. perform here. It costs 'money for have received 2,014 checks amounting 1926. In 1929 they returned after liv- F n v , U .Z' Wake Frest; Buck B' Rich' wires' 'elephoiie calls, and letters. If to $74,000 for their part in the to- ri in Viiini, H ul.J01 are ?nro le?9 wh are 77rds Zebu,on: B fio is rained out, we lose. Balis bf.cco adjustment campaign. (Continued on .V! I recet,ve rir cert,ncates Urane- bats, water for showers, upkeep TIDE TABLE Information at to the tides at Beaufort is given in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that is whether near the Inlet or at the heads of the estuaries. High Tide Low Tid ' Miss Ruth Mizu and Mrs. J. W. Cook of Burlington spent several days with Rev and Mrs. H. A. Welker. Surry County tobacco growers ley !of the Carteret for every break. Of course we lose games, but so do the Major League outfits. We win some also and win or lose our bunch goes down fighting. Morgan, Zebu- As has been said before, it's no and later as secretary-treasurer of Beach causeway to the State park. W. Parker, Pink Hill; Char ine Beaufort Lumber and Manufac property which was started by the 'Parnell, Raleigh; Robert T. tm-in? Company, vhich- succeed Civil Works Administration and start Raleigh; Edward B. Poplin, the former concern Ihe fceeleys remained hpre. until discharge on Juns 30: (Continued on page eight) Friday, July 13 9:21 a. m. 3:18 a.m. 9:30 p. m. 3:19 p. m. Saturday, July 14 9:57 a. m. 3:54 a. m. 10:05 p. m. 3:57 p. m. Sunday, July IS 10:35 a. m. 4:27 a. m. 10:40 p. m. 4:36 p. m. Monday, July 16 5:00 a. m. 11:11 p. m. 5:19 p. m. Tuesday, July 17 11:15 a. m. 5:33 a. m. 11:47 p. m. 6:06 p. m. Wednesday, July 18 11:55 a. m. 6:08 a. m. 12:29 p. m. 7:00p. m. Thursday, July 19 12:38 a. m. 6:51 a. m. 1:15 p. m. 6:56 p. m.