WtDOOtaMM The Beaufort rsn . mi. Am . m mir "1 (5?' The besi advertising medium published in Cartel et Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BOD V WATCH Your label and pay our subscription VOLUME XXIII eight pages this WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 19, 1934 Judg S : Be Sc SINGLE COPY S3' NUMBER 23 J e Parker Discusses New State Constitution RECORDER FINDS lANALYSIS GIVEN SEVERAL GUILTY Eminent Jurist Talks To North Carolina Editors About The Proposed Constitution; Dr. Dick inson Talked About The "New Deal." Addresses Made Eight Cases Tried by Judge Paul Webb Tuesday Morn ing for Various Offenses OF CONSTITUTION Continuing the pressure of bus iness which began three weeks be fore. Recorder's Court trier! pifVit Other cases and continued three, giving several defendants road sentences. I George Murray Thomas, charged Institute of Government Gives An Exhaustive Study of Pro posed Constitution CHAPEL HILL, July 17 All of the issues involved in the proposed Constitution for North Carolina are presented from a non-partisan point of view and are subjected to a seai ch- gFTHE BAT: V A. R. RICE Completing Legal Work Before Beginning Pel The Port Commission r:i tracts and bond order is r--v - .'prepared by the legal departn)"t i Wills of the Raleigh Service Co., the PWA aid will likely be foward 120th Infantry pitched one run ball Jed to Morehead City latethis week, and allowed five hits as his mates 'it was announced in Morehead City made seven runs on six hits off thejyesterday afternoon. This is a sort combined hurling of W. Davis and;0f contract whereby the Morehead Pake here last Friday to snap Beau- City Port Commission assumes legal fort's winning streak which had recah responsibility to the Federal Govern ed four straights. The wildness of the;ment for the proper expenditure of locals' flingers, some timely errors the port terminal funds and the liq- By m. r. dunnagan Commission BANNERS ELK, July 17 With the majestic Grandfather mountain as a background and many other tow ering peaks around this remarkable ...: u .: - i. t- i- i ': i..-.:- ai. . : -t- find a rfllln p nr time v hasp knnr-ks mrluf ,r.n rf tu,, T..nl Iaa. . ;vilu updating a mui-or verncie in a iiik analysis 111 ine iiiunciii ui r i m ....... VA w.c i tuciw iuau. Appraises reckless manner nn the hiirhwavs of ,"Ponular Government." the ofiieialiwas the winning margin. j rarr p.reivpr nrl Allen pt. Port Terminal Site the state' and IhilliP Thomas, charg- organ of the Institute of Govern-! rae a,lu ui-e 01 me winners, and ,ed with assault, were both continued ment, which has jjust been received j catcher and first baseman, respect-;hav d architects, of Baltimore, Md., have hppn PTnTllovpH tn Hn ono-i . , . , . . ., until next luesday, upon request of iby local county and city omcials andi1"1 f"1"'11 "uy. nu uy uie neenng and architectural work on A hearing took place in the office i ah r. t . , , av. helnorl Rpnufnvt- t its Snnv'.i , m . , . . n 4 .i i t nr it vnoriiey . n. v neauy, wno was many mtmoers oi tne oar. . " - -r tne ron rermmai. engineers Irom I The study was made by Dillard S.I" , , 71 thls concern are now on the scene of Gardner and Henry Brandis, associate j o . i. -ii i t nr tt :itvwincjf j, xv, f ncauv, wiiu v aa nciv nitiuucia ui tuc uai, rlpvplnnment of Lees-McRae College .'ol...uPel or ourl u. v . nas- . t N Bern on rnt hns- Tl. 44 u orphanage and hospital of the Pres- i"-. GaVrand' Hery B.ss J.. Port Terminal in Mo'reWdCi byterian church and the handiwork oi Xermini, A commission com A- L- Howe. who was charged directors of the Institute. The com-" ,BV,."tt "r.8t on ?" el rr f"Q , making preliminary surveys. Edgar Tufts, the North Carolina DW MortlSl W t1" of am.fr vehicle'preheMiv. and fair treatment given "" uh,t1and p0trl The State ghy and Public Press Association held one of the0 sed , ? V Webb1 under the influence of intox-,thep roposed basic law has evoked i Ca"ght hlSK hurie' T h W8S the. Works Commission tentatively agreed most dei.gnuui ana successiui oi us. - icating liquor, failed to answer to his much favorable comment from those . ",:i"T, 1 e--tnis weeK to loan a hydraulic engi- annual meetings last week tor three l" " " Ih' ; ""1 name. Case continued. ;who have seen advance copies of the lw" " ?l ' !"p,e: days. The attendance was fully .j,and ownerg AttJorney's in the'case Lawhorne Barnes, young Newport publication. the largest in years. I were J. F. Duncan and Luther Hamil-, man Paded guilty to a charge of) It required 150 pages for tlm is- , ton for tho Pnrth Torminoi c. p .stealing an auto jack from the au-isue ot the booklet to teJl the full State and national problems conditions were delivered notable a mong which was that of Judge John J. Parker, Charlotte, giving a discus sion of the proposed Constitution of the State which every citizen should Wheatly for S. F. Campbell W. O. tomoDUe or w- Wadsworth, Jr., Stevens for G. D. Canfield and wife,'of New Bern' on June 23rd. Wiley C. L. Abernethv Jr.. for C. L. Aber-lHoward and the defendant testified. nethy !Sr Some ten or fifteen acres of land erty and litigation to settle the ques- have heard, reeardless of his belief s. j are involved in the prospective site Dr. John Dickinson, assistant Secre- j for the terminal. There are various tary of Commerce, wa3 the outstand ing outlof-State speaker, discussing ably the "new deal." The State's Walter "Pete" Murphy, attorney for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corpor ation, discussed the results of insur ing the bank deposits. Senator Rob' The verdict was not guilty. Thomas Earl Elliott, also of New port, was charged with the larceny of a radiator cap from the same auto- U , J -r claimants for ownership of the prop-1 .T.V"! "T: testified in this case. The defendant story about the Constitution. It be gins with an historical outline of the Constitutions of North Carolina past, present, and proposed. It com pares the provisions of the present and proposed constitutions, the prin cipal issues involved and the main considerations urged for and against it by its advocates and opponents. The booklet is divided into eleven It is reported that some of the inter ested parties are not satisfied with case they have 20 days in which to file their exceptions to it. ert R. Reynolds gave a brief resume .establishment of the port terminal of the recovery and social legislation enacted by the recent congress, and phases of thre Roosevelt program. Coleman Roberts, active head of Carolinas, Inc., inspired his hearers with his complete summary of the hopes and ambitions of this organi zation of Carolina men and women to "tell the world" of the good things these states offer for tourists and home-seekers, at the same time striv-1 praised the property at $17,500 from ,day, rad "? T" which it deducted $2500 for benefits '"" " Kwuu . , i . - lor and not violate any law for two accruing to the land by reason of the ... ' , ,. jf tut o auu bjic ajr iiicitb ui bile tuaia. Harry Murray, of Oxford, pleaded guilty to an officer to a charge of op ering the matter the commission ap-: r, "i""! 1 " " pn, , ' Legislative Department," "The Ex ecutive Department," "The Judicial Department," "Revenue, Taxation, and Public Debt," "Suffrage and Eli gibility to Office," "Education," tbY annr. ii nS tw Z v" erating a motor vehicle whileu nder "Homesteads and Exemptions," "Pub the appraisal and that being the i , . . . . ,,v wif, TncKt;n., j r.,. nppr n frhp Pnrt Tprminnl Pnmnnta- The New Bern All-Stars were setigion for makin, snnHinr t. deter- down Sunday 8 to 2. Eleven base !,: hB jBfv iha will v,nvft f knocks rattled off Beaufort's bats,be sunk in order to insure a good xeaturing mree irom rage, ana two foundation. ach by Willis, Hatsell and K. Hassell. Morris allowed only five safeties as he had the invaders at his mercy, fanning eleven men and was never in danger, no one player getting ov er noe hit. Fuller throwing them in for New Bern, was wild, walking seven and his mates were a bit ragged behind him. After the second inning the visitors only got three men to first base and they all died there. Page caught for Beaufort and Lupton for Ne-w Bern. the influence of intoxicating loquorilic Welfare, Institutions and Punish- on July 12th. The defendant was fined $25 and costs. Jack Wallace, young colored man of Havelock, pleaded not guilty to a Appear Before Mayor 'cnarge of transportation and posses- OIUll 111 lll(.UAitClLlllg 11UUU1. Dill Three Old Offenders Wright Stanley, who has had a Willis, Jack Wallace, E. D. Wallace, and Simon Sterling testified in this of their opportunities and improve the natural resources. He announced that a series of stamps will be issued, the first in August, the complete set " . . T - Ik. .iiwAnDkin n n ati ll d Uokit a vnnninn nmnU iiritlt V I In... lllg 111 llltrnc uic iu.i.ciiauil wiioviuuo ui iuumu mini nic i. JpvolnnpH thoft Vlo. 1 u r -nr r j t 1 colored man was merely riding along not go before Mayor Bayard Taylor. ... . ,. , ' . ..b , R B . . . . j' . J I with Sterling, who owned the auto- in an intoxicated condition to ans- ,., " , , , . , , . . , , , , ,, I mobile. The defendant had just re- wer a charge of drunkenness. When , . . , J ...i.. v -ii j:i iv.. ii.:. j nf !-.. : nr.... i""" " umin.ua cci 111 uh OI vnicn will uepici. Liie iholui itai 1 11113 uuuuneu luunuuy cvtruiu, th nc ;i :4..1C,4 .mi Uri. .u. f t ! lne evennui riae, . . .f,fo ,oa v,p ..hvp'tv,- Ko K,,,-.Kt ;fimended the warrant to "aiding and " " wwivu ...... ..... wu6... k4; T..Ja W.U. ik. J. evening fori. .fx.,. ments, " "Agriculture, Industry and Miscellaneous," and "Amendments, Existing, Laws and Offices." "The ;, Institute of Government neither sponsors nor opposes the pro posed Constitution," said Albert Coates, Director. "It does propose to stimulate free and open discussion of young this thorough-going revision of our fundamental law in free and open forums throughout the state. In Strong Likelihood of Paving New Bern Road The fact that the State Highway and Public Works Commission will recommend to the Federal Govern ment the hardsurfacing of the Old New Bern Road from Beaufort to the "Steel Bridge" along with other proj'ects that will Joe submitted in the near future, is the best news that the residents of the section f Vi -v n ocVi nrVi J V Vn I o rn A --n r a Viagra Two tenfic clouts for four bases heard in SQme tim each virtually gave Manager Potter, Duri the latter d of he re. the distinction of single handedly de- cent session of Congress an appro. f eating the Service Co 120 th In- iation of about four hundred mil. fantry of Raleigh 13 to 12 yesterday dolars was ma(,e for rQad con. to even thet wo game series These struction in the fort ei ht tateBt It blows came m the eighth and ninth, . . ,m . . M ... . . W A. AV Vlll 1I.UV At. V 1 14 J vw vuiiu the- first with Willis and C. Hassell on theJ base paths and gave Beaufort a 9-9 tie. This wallop went into deep right field The second came as I the state roads a few days before Solicitor Davis a- of G. O. Gillinghan, of the Washing ton office of the information depart ment of the Tennessee Valley Author ity, who outlined the work done and that planned for the development of the Tennessee river valley, to cost $150,000,000 to develop power espec ially, with its incidental development of soil erosion, flood control, refores tation, mineral and other projects. Dr. J. H. Stallings told in interesting and graphic manner of the value of the soil erosion projects being carried Police Court Monday trial on the former charge of drunk enness. Alonzo Fulford, colored habitue of Police Court, was heard on two counts, assault on a female, and throwing a brick through the window of a private dwelling house. He was sent to Recorder's Court on both counts. Alonzo Fulford the larceny of a hundred the store of George Stanley fendant not guilty. Simon Sterling, middle-aged Have lock white man, pleaded guilty to the possession and transportation of a quantity of corn whiskey on July 12th, but denied firmly that it was for the purpose of sale. Bill Willis, ing of the New Bern road or N. C. route 101 will come. The deleeation from Carteret that wpnt frrt Polpo-iVl Tn "oritur frt AAnfan Frank Merr.well stunt. Raleigh scor- wjth the road officialg eoncerning the ed three in heir half of the ninth to babilit of tu a t of Hi h. ead 12 to 9. Beaufort came m for m d was made of Coun. their ha f and the last. Rice hitJ, .-, . .. , . the effort to make this analysis fair!stole and tallied on Pake's safety r rff and impartial Mr. Gardner and Mr. which made. the score 12 to 10. The 1 ' lc ""u iBrandis have (1) discussed itw ith its i0Cals needed three runs to win. Itinammon- leading advocates and opponents, (2) , looked hopeless. Willis was safe on studies their public utterances, (3) thethird baseman's error. So was C. suomitted the results to them in man- Hassell. Potter then uscript form for further suggestions and criticisms, (4) quoted from their CHARLES HENRY BARKER own arguments in their own words, and (5) sent advance copies to rep- 3 1 1- proceeaeu ioi rwi. H.. slam out one over the centerflelder's at noon Saturday at his home at Lu. head and far down the doping em- ken3. deceased was eighty-three M"em 1,1 ueeP center, une naaivftP!, nf Pnn.ni ,or:0. wo,a What a j,,4. j 4t,. i40 um 4 ii been retired at the time. resentatives of groups of officers and ,blaze of glory and what a fitting cli-l , , Tc a a "T a a? citizens throughout the state in or-' ax t0 ageam saw t2 1 d fe" r'toBd bT aer to incorporate an point or view shift several times. of Morehead City, testified that he into the final printing. Other issues I Wills, the visiting flinger also hitl e3' and Sergeant A. T. Moore, of the and points of view which will inevi-tWo homers into the foliage in "deep MiMi a large gathering of friends and rel atives. sllrvivpd hv fwn Hnno-lif oi-a ianu aergeani a. i. Moore, ot tne ana points oi view wnicn win inevi-:two homers into the foliage in deeo nV- " U , Tt 'state Hirhwv Patml sronn stpr. table develop H!5,nn, Mj.lJ. 4 , . "ee? Miss Minnie Barker, of Lukena. and Was also tried for 7. . : , '' "rl I . . , , , r a:i. iu am some lauureis ior nmi- Vf., fliar-leo T awU nf T onnvtrilU. W ndred dollars from !" ?5?.the Carterfet County ,w,ll be correlated and set forth in seif, but these laurels were complete-' c"1 5 e Stanley on Mon- "d that h ear contained one subsequent issues. ly washed away under the locals' i mU " h C S 'S 111 J on in Guilford and Anson and Union j day. Probable cause was found and counties, with its value in saving -the defendant was sent to the Super land, as well as preventing filling of ior Court for trial. In this case, it reservoirs for city and industrial water supplies. Few addresses have been as clear, complete and convincing as that of Judge Parker on the proposed Con stitution. He spent an hour taking up sections, of the present and proposed constitutions and pointing out the im provements in the new. Many news paper men were heard to r"mark that he had given them compkt? under standing on points not pieviously DR. BENDER WILL COME TO clear, and many who had been ques- BEAUFORT ON WEDNESDAYS tioning the proposal were "sold" on Beginning next Wednesday July the proposed basic law. 1 25, Dr. E. L. Bender of New Bern D. Hiden Ramsey, Asheville, was ( will come to Beaufcrt and will be elected president for the next year; here every Wednesday afternoon F. Grover Britt, Clinton, vice-presi-thereafter until further notice. Dr. dent; Miss Beatrice Cobb, Morganton, ! Bender is a baby specialist. Those was said that Stanley recovered later recovered off the person of Fulford about ninety-seven dollars of the hundred stolen. Luce Johnson, another old-time colored offender, was convicted of cursing and disorderly conduct, and was given the privilege of paying a fine of $2.50 or serving five days with thes treet force. secretary-treasurer: Bill Arp Low- ranee, Charlotte, historian. Members of the executive committee, in addi tion to President Ramsey and Secre tary Cobb are as follows: C. C. Coun cil, Durham; L. C. Gilford, Hickory; Talbot Patrick, Goldsboro; Man ton Oliver, Reidsville; Jonatha.i Daniels, Raleigh; T. J. Perkins, Lincolnton, who wish to consult him will find him at the offices of Dr. F. E. Hyde. CCC MEN SHOULD REGISTER IF THEY WISH TO GET WORK John E. Manning, State Education al Adviser Civilian Conservation Corps, wishes the News to sav that Under changes in the constitution ; all discharged CCC men should regis- of the asiociation, the new officer tef with the National Reemployment ty residents owned ' 200"' passenger will take office as of August 1. Thes jOfflce. In this way thy may be able automobiles and 400 trucks on July cnanges were maae to coniorra to tne to obtain regular employment. Also iast. as compared with P50 cars and ten-gallon keg of whiskey, along with two half-gallon jars and one pickle jar filled with the intoxicant. Sterling claimed that he was car rying the whiskey to the gun club for a man who was to pay him five dollars for the service. He claimed that he had been in "hard luck" for FATHER OF J. H. STUBBS DIES catcher's smashes. Information was received here Tuesday of the death of Mr. Archie fort heaving. ivi. oiudos wnicn occurred at his Tomorrow, Friday, the Service Co., nome in rarKton monday nignt. He Morehead City, and Nacey Barker, i nf Tjilfpni and hv nna Ki-aHioh Voiam FnoU foDm f 10 V,i4 !4a t . ' r . " r M, 6" 4U .1., vju.vc icn i barker, of Lukens. going ior extra Dase-s. Pake and L. Davis did the Beau- BIRTHS 120th Infantrv nlavs hprA fr.hp lacf i . . .. i . was about 70 years of age. Mr. J. H. time thU 'n tW br 7n 'f. , ln. "corfn? the birth of a several years, unable to get work Stubb, , of Beaufort, a son, was at .the campment. Every one 'is urged t0 J r. r tsh ou h- e p ng aw y " ""Tf ''I'f ? rga"izaHti0n ? ton of Bashelor, at Morehead C ty p 5 v -a Kf C4 uu oni! 1? the-St tlme' the Hospital, Thursday, July 5 a daugh- Besides his widow Mr. Stubbs is sur- 22nd Chocowinity comes here for a'tef vived by three sons, J. H. Stubbs of game. Games start 3:00 P. M. Ad- ' . Beaufort. J. A. Stubbs of Clio. S. C. 'missions IS and 9Z ! Boyd Stubbs of Durham, five daugh- Every Wednesday is free for la ters who are Mrs. Frank Oglesby, dies. Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Angus Jernigan, most of the time and being incapac itated a part of the time. Last Thanksgiving his right foot was shot badly while out hunting; since then he has been unable to work, he said. At the present time, he claimed that three of his six children wewre sick with a favor, and another with colitis In view of the fact that Sterling had a none-too-good reputation in reference to liquor, Judge Webb was not inclined to let Sterling's fluent tongue play upon the sympathy of the Fayetteville, Mrs. Dan Hasty, Meb- ane; Mrs. Yancey McColl, Clio, S. C; Mrs. Angus McLaurin, Johns, N. C, and a step daughter Mrs. Mamie Stanton, Clio, S. C. Also several broth Melon Crop Greatly Curtailed This Year TVia ...a4a-a1a 1 4l - - - - ) ' ' i 4 iic watci uiciuu iiuu cailtaiuujjc court. The defendant was given a six- ers, 23 grandchildren and other rel- crops of the county are only about months raod sentence, suspended atives, (Cintinued on page eight) CARTERET COUNTY AUTOMOBILES HAVE INCREASED OVER LAST YEAR half this year of what they were last, County Farm Agent Hugh Overstreet announced Wednesday. This, he said, is due to the unusually wet spell that was experienced early in the season, the dry weather since then, and the lice that have greatly dam- By M. R. DUNNAGAN hides than were registered one year aect the melon crP3- Al30 now at RALEIGH, July 18 Carteret coun ibefore, July 1, 1933, the number the harvest time, worms are taking TIDE TABLE Information an to the tides at Beaufort is giren in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's furnished by th U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that la whether near the Inlet or at the heads of the tttoarlaa. requirements of the code under which the publishers are operating, includ ing provision for allies industries. information may be had at first and second class postoflkes as to civil ser vice positions. Mr. Manning urges commercial p inters, to become mem-j that CCC men who have not register- oers ii tney so aesire. Miss Cobb ed already wi already with the National Reem- 385 trucks on the same date a year ago, and 1,000 automobiles and 350 trucks three months before, April 1, according to the quarterly count in the office of L. S. Harris, director of ten having been divided into 262,214 the ripening melons and ruining Higb Tid. was elected secretary-treasurer forlployment Office proceed to do so at the Motor Vehicle Bureau. 41. - 1 IlL 4: TT- ' J 1 A a . 1 1 uie 1 01.11 time on rnuuy, me lain. 'once. Memorials paid tribute to the lives of the late J. B. Sherrill, Concord, for 32 years the association's secre tary and its president one year, this in charge of R. R. Clark, Statesville, while the late T. J. Robertson, Madi son, and R. C. Rivers, Boone, were ! MARRIAGE LICENSES Fred Ernul and Roseanna .Bell, Newport. John T. Willis, Morehead City and Lela Guthrie, Beaufort Grady J. Bullington. Graham: and paid tributes by Santf ord Martin, Moselle L. Hancock, Gibsonviile. Winston-Salem, and Wade H. Harris, Abbott Salter and Lydia A. Mason, Charlotte, the latter read by Mis Sea Level. The count is made of the cards on file in the office by counting a few hundred cards used in register ing motor vehicles and with that measure making measurements for the various counties. It is within a automobiles and 57,143 truueks, with 1,875 can owned by non-residents, and 855 motorcycles. Motorcycles increased about 200 in the year. Three months ago, April 1, the State's citizens had 334,714 motor vehicles, 278,638 cars and 56,076 trucks, registered, by which it is seen that nearly 50,000 motor ve hicles have been registered in the past three months, nearly 11,000 j trucks and more than 39,000 auto mobiles. Guilford leads the State with 21, 175 automobiles and 3.300 trucks; m. them. So far no carload shipment has 1-26 been made. All of the melons have 2:11 been shipped by 01 .-of -state and lo cal trucks and freight boats. The 2:24 watermelons have been netting the 3:i4 farmersf rom. fifteen to twenty-five cents each in the Held, while the 3:30 a. m Low Tida Friday, July 20 m. 7:42 a. m. 8:56 p. m. Saturday, July 21 m. m. 8:41 a. m. 9:57 p. m. Sunday, July 22 Cobb. (Cintinued on page eight. 1 James E. Willis, Morehead land Evelyn Grant, Greenville. dozen of actual. The State as a whole had 384,438 ; Mecklenburg is second with 18,325 motor vehicles July 1, of which 317,- automobiles nad 3,130 trucks; For 137 were automobiles and 67,301 syth had 15,475 cars and 2,200 Iwere trucks, with 1,036 motorcycles trucks;. Wake, 12,700 cars and 3,000 City and 1,850 cars owned by non-resi-'trucks, and Buncombe, 11,660 and dents. This is 65,081 more motor ve- 1,900 trucks. cantaloupes have been bringing from 3:19 p. m. two to tnree cents each. Uespite tne crop snortage, Mr. uverstreet thinks 4 :37 a. m. that the two crops will net the grow ers about as much t s last year's full crop. So far, the d mand has been unusually good, it is said. 9:45 a. m. 10:57 p. m. Monday, July 23 10:50 a. m. 5:21 p. m. 11:15 p. m, Tuesday, July 24 5:40 a. m. 11:57 a. 6:21 p. m. 11:54 p, Wednesday. July 23 11 win oe necessary to measure j o- 6:42 a. m. li::53 a. 000 tobacco fields in Surry County to 1 7:17 p. m. 1254 p. survey the acreage affected by the Thursday, July 26 adjustment contracts signed by 7:40 a. m. 1:44 a. m. growers. , 8:11 p. m. 1:53 p. m. m. m. m. m.