R Wl DOOM Ut DIRT Mews The best advertising medium published in Cartel et Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY j WATCH Your label g g ay our subscription VOLUME XXIII EIGHT PACES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1934 PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY 5 NUMBER Z? State Election Board Issues Instructions PRISONERS PAY TO GET PAROLES New Registration of Voter Ordered For Carter et County; Instructions Given As To Absen iee Voting; To Vote In A Primary Hereafter One Must Declare His Party Affiliation; No Corruption Found As To Recent Democratic Primaries Nothing of a sensational nature was RprORWFR TRIES developed at the hearing of the State lYlAAJlXVLOX 1 UlLiU Board of Elections here Saturday. TI Til I7T AT TO P A ' No actual corruption was charged or ii U itliliiU U O LflOiJlJ ; proved. There was evidence that Re-j publicans voted rather freely m the 1 June Democratic primaries and aeverai Lawyers And Others Have Charged Prisoners To Get Freedom For Them By M. R. DUNNAGAN RALEIGH, July 24 Most of the TOBACCO FARMERS ASK INFORMATION Saturday Is Last Day For Sign ing Reduction Contracts By BEN KILGORE RALEIGH, July 21 letters frob tobacco -A flood of farmers has smoke cleared away, leaving a little, ! poured into the Tobacco Section of 5a sV2 Will Replace Clavgj n Residence With Commercial structure Soon : " il -:OFF THE BAT:- I nan Dirr I Within the next few days construc tion of a two-store building will be started on the lot on the north side of Front Street formerly occupied by the Clawson residence. This lot is i owned jointly by Blythe- H. Noe and Behind the very effective hurling F. R. Bell, and it is these two local but enough to cause some of the .the A. A. A. since the passage of the'of "Snoozy" Morris who gave uplbusiness men that are having the smoke, as a result of the report of ;Keer-Smith Tobacco Act. Since this Commissioner of Paroles Edwin Gill 'far-reaching and pioneering measure only four hits, the locals won from Chocowinity Sunday 2 to 1 in eleven Ralph Hassell furnished building constructed. Each of the two stores will have an inside measurement of about twenty two it was shown that the absentee ballot ; law was not carried out strictly in accordance with its provisions. No! evidence of bribery o? other law vio lations was presented. Trials Drew Large Crowd to Court Room; Three Cases Rather En-tertaning to Governor Ehrinehaus on the alleg- appears to be uppermost in your innings. ed diabolical "parole racket," of minds right now, I'd like to give you the fire works in the eleventh when-b njnetv feet and will be modern in Weeding helpless prisoners by "shis-my ideas on some of its important he singled to score Hatsell with the every detail. The Noe side of the ters and fixers" who would make 'provisions. You can disagree, if you 'winning marker. building will have two entrances, like promises of bringing influence to, like. This is a friendly personal visit The visiting club had tallied one in ! trio store occupied by W. P. Smith; bear to get them out of Mate s Fris-jand not an oihcial lecture. tne tnira to leau me locai warn u (and the Bell front will have one en- on. Human nature forges to the front the consequent winning team came trance, like that of Richard Felton "Candor compels me to say that I in most of these letters. Non-cooper-i back to tie the count in the fourth jand g'on.g store The front of this have not found any violation of the ating tobacco farmers are seeking a and tne resultant victor in tne utbi criminal law in connection with these I loop-hole to escape the tax and arejframe. payments," Mr. Gill said, referring j asking that their case be made an Reddick collected three of the four to the payments madef rom funds of exception. A great many of these are hits his team contracted with. Mixon prisoners, deposited with the prison doomed to disappointment. If they, and Sawyer formed the losing bat- warden, and paid out to lawyers and can secure an equitable base under itery. There are two kinds of biting, the The hearing was held in the coun- tender and affectionate biting of lov- ed circumstances wnicn may or may not disclose unethical conduct on the contrast with the f e-, y csunivu i. uu r; .v , . iVlJ Dart 0f attorneys at law." he said. rnriniis iiiliiiit ui uiics cucinji io --- - bv the chairman of the board Major j rocioua biting of ones enemy, is the' L. P. McLendon of Greensboro. Oth- opinion 0i Juoge raui weuu, . ... . . . j - Tt J 1- Toa- er members of the board were w. a. jpresseu in :r -i t t of th&ir funds in the war. T.H.QO nf WiUnn Adrian Mitphpll of dav morning, and a person should be . ... , . ... ... , :. Winton, J. H. Sample, Asheville and sure which variety of biting he R. C Maxwell, secretary to the board, should employ, he added. This opm Messrs. Maxwell and Mitchell had ar- ion, which drew laughter from the au- . t m . i .1: .. Anmn JumnM tVia aan f an ri n or rived a coupie oi days in advance oi uicm-c, come uu....s v.c . "Jlator and the others and made a preliminary oi mormon .r "'"I $635 from six prisoners, all in 1931; investigation. Chairman McLendon on two charges: (1) the : non -support these lgoners received dem Stated that the board had received a'of his wife and Infant child, and (2) , fiye are word number of complaints as to tne me Dealing aim mtiug ui methods used in holding the Demo-'a spirit of animosity. cratic primaries and that it was the After hearing the evidence in the . duty of the board to investigate the 'ease, Judge Webb announced that he matter. He said the board wanted to! could not find the defendant guilty Mr. Gill recited that such pay. den's hands were made by 21 pns oners in three and a half years, to 14 lawyers, one lawyer, Walter H. Powell, Whiteville, former State sen- now nominee, receiving help improve conditions in Carteret county and wanted all elections in the State held in such a manner that the people would have respect and confidence in them. The first man examined by the board was D. E. Langdale, chairman of the county board. Mr. Langdale said that he always instructed the pollholders as to how to conduct the elections but that they did not always carry out his instructions., was in structed that in future written orders for absentee ballots must be taken and receipts for absentee ballots must be taken from agents applying for them for others. Mr. Langdale said that there hahd been no new reg istration in Carteret county in many years, he also said he thought that the Beaufort and Morehead City vot ing precincts were too large and ought to be divided. He was asked as to why such a large vote was polled in the June primaries and why so many Republicans voted. Mr. Lang dale said it was not unusual for Re publicans to vote in Democratic pri ' maries and that an extra effort was made to get out the vote for the re cent primaries. S. J. Scott, former chairman of the board of county commissioners and a life long Democrat, testified that he challenged the entire list of absentees at Beaufort precinct be- of non-support, because the defen dant's wife testified that her hus band spent what money he was able to make for the support of herself and child. However, upon the testi mony of the wife of the defendant, he was found guilty of assault on a female. He was sentenced to serve ency, war veterans, making payments out of government compensation. Of course, Mr. Gill could not find out how much was paid by prisoners or relatives or friends from funds oth er than those deposited. "No greater slander was ever spoken than the statement that po litical influence and the corrupt ex penditure of money is necessary to secure a hearing in matters of ex ecutive clemency," Mr. Gill wrote. ly states they will not be allotted tax payment warrants, unless they sign a contract. Large growers, especially, who wish to escape payment of the tax, should take advantage of the ex tension of time to sign a reduction contract. The final day is July 28 or thirty days from the signing of the bill by President Roosevelt. This seems fair enough to me. I see no logical reason why large or small growers who can qualify for an equitable base, should fare bettw than cooperating growers, who haye reduced acreage and have made high er prices possible. In my opinion these growers should sign up or should take their medicine without complaining. Every effort will be made to take care of small grower who, through Ray Hassell and Potter caught for Beaufort and together hit for eight safeties. Frank Rice featured in the field, saving- seven (balls. The Roanoke Rapids Blue Sox, one of the strongest amateur teams in North Carolina Invade Beaufort for two games Saturday and Sunday at 3:30 P. M. The locals play New Bern Wednesday at Kafer Park in New Bern. If Beaufort wants their base ball, turn out for these games. Four Persons Rescued From Burning Boat Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz White of Ral eigh and Captain Charles Powers of Morehead City had a narrow escape Satiirrtnv the 9 1 at vhpn thn 32 font circumstances beyond their control, Tommy Mack Jn wbjcll were unable to quilify for an equi table base, under the reduction pro gram. This is right and i3 the hu man thing to do. After all, the "New un vAimi v t t n a it r it a t n ur nauo F on n I . . . aw ., in iM. to be assigned to I"" ""V." r. ' '7. "".:.:"! Deal" stresses human values and the - ; --- -- mane ana are Deing maut to prevent worK tne roaas oi tne state unuer frnm mit flln(ia to supervision of the State M get their cases before him. He ha had posted on prominent places in prison 'and prison camps notices which con tain snch statements as "Ther is -lit-,tle excuse or justification for the ex penditure of money in connection with the securing of executive clem ency," insisting that the prisoner or relatives may present his case, and and Public Works Commission, this sentence to be suspended upon the conditions that the defendant be of good behavior for two years and support his wife and child to the best o'f his ability. When Mark Washington, young local Negro, was questioned concern ing whether he had ever been on the roads, he grinningly answered, "six times," and added that he was tired of that form of punishment. Mark told the court that he had only been home about two weeks from the were fishing caught fire, burned to the water's edge and finally sank. Mr. and Mrs. White jumped over board and succeeded in grabbing life preservers which were thrown to them by Captain Powers. .'that it will be given all attention the limited office force permits. Isolated cases are disclosed in which thereh as been efforts at trick ery, and conduct of some of the law yers is questionable. The .records col- roads. He pleaded not guilty to throw jilted will be available to the N. C. ing two minor boys, Charlie and state Bar officials, who have already Montrose Debrix, overboard, beating started a very vigorous campaign look greatest good to the largest numbers, Contracting growers will receive, without applying for them, tax-payment warrants to cover their pound age allotment under their contracts. AddiHonal allotments, up to six per cent of those issued to contracting growers, will be issued to non-con- arrived "in a few minutes and carried tracting growers, who could not qual- them to Morehead City. Mr. White ify for a fair allotment. Non-con- had one of his hands burned right tracting growers tenants or land-. badly and had to spend several days Several other fishing boats were fishing near the Tommy Mack, which was just oft Beaufort Inlet, and one of these rescued the three people. A Coast Guard boat from Fort Macon building will be of face brick. Plate glass windows will extend up to thir teen feet six inches above the side walk. These windows will be set in chronium steel frames, the first to be used in buildings here in Beaufort. The interior of these stores will btf plastered and all the shelves and oth er furnishings will be constructed specifically for the type of stores this building will house. In addition to the large windows, several sky lights will be used to -furnish suf ficient light. The builders of this duplex store have purchased the rights to use the walls of the two adjacent buildings, as far as these walls extend backward. Brick wall extensions will be erect ed in order to obtain the desired depth. Quite a number of workmen will be employed on this construction job, for it is hoped to have the build ing ready for occupancy by the mid dle of September or the first of Oc tober. Julius H. Whitehurst will su pervise the construction of this build ing. Immediately after this is complet ed, the Noe Hardware Company will be removed to the Noe side of this building. Mr. Bell is expecting to rent his part of the store, and although he has received several applications, has not rented it so far. Several have applied for thes tore room now occu- jpied by the Noe Hardware Company, but it is said that Mr. N. W. Taylor, who owns it, has not rented it either , at this time. owners should maKe application im mediately for these taxi payment war- in the hospital. Mrs. White was not hurt but was badly shocked by her rants to their county agent or their experience. Captain Powers was not county tobacco committee. Two-thirds of the warrants to non-contract sign- injured. The boat belonged to T. J. Rosemond of Spencer, N. C. Willie them, and throwing bricks and cit rons at them. Witnesses were: Mont rose Debrix, Charlie Debrix, Walter Wigfall, Francis Fenderson, Regi nald Hawkins and the defendant. Mark was found guilty and sentenc ed to thirty days in the county jail, to be assiggned to work on the court cause many Republicans were on it house square, and further said that one absentee The lengthy and at times hum vote, that of Henry Ricks, had been 1 0rous trial of El Gillikin drew a voted without Rick's knowledge or ' large portion of the Bettie and Ot- ing toward purging the legal profes sion of "shysters" and "leaches" who bring it into disrepute. (Continued on page eight) ers shall be to small growers, whose Lewis, engineer on the Mack, said allotments are 1500 pounds or less, the explosion was caused by a clog- The balance can go to small growers, ged oil line. also, if theh county tobacco commit- RHODE ISLAND MAN KILLS BIG RATTLER consent. Richard Whitehurst, Beaufort reg- way population to the court room, El was charged with assaulting a istrar, said the primary vas conduct-.female, Maggie Gillikin, with a dead ed as usual, that some of the absen-jiy weapon, to-wit, a knife, and with tee ballots were not signed, eight striking her and C. A. Honeycutt, were not sworn to. Asked what heand with the use of profane and in- thousrht of absentee voting, he said i decent language. Witnesses were: thath is personal opinion was that it ought to be abolished. C. E. Mann, registrar at Newport, testified that there was no trouble at Newport and that only three absentee votes were polled there. He said 32 Republicans voted in the primarie-s. W. H. Bell of Newport, Democrat ic precinct chariman, made a talk in which he said that Newport elections were always fairly conducted and that he resented anv intimations to the Maggie Gillikin, C. A. Honeycutt, Caudius Honeycutt, Kenneth Willis, the defendant, Metro Gillikin, Elbert Gillikin, Brady Gillikin, and Leon ard Gillikin. The defendant was found guilty and given a ninety-day road and jail sentence. C. R. Wheat ly, the attorney for the defense, gave notice of an appeal to the Superior Court, and bond was set at $250. Archie Williams, of Newport, Mr. J. B. Riggs, of Newport, Rhode Island, had an unusual experience last Sunday afternoon, while visiting his sister, Mrs. W. C. Gillikin, in Ot way. Upon leaving to return to Beau fort he discovered his car which was parked only a few feet from the front door, was in full possession of a fourt foot Rattler, which boasted 9 rattles pnd a button. As Mr. Riggs approached his car the reptile prepar ed for battle, evidently not aware of the fact his opponent was well vers ed in the art of warfare. A rake was procured and the battle was on, it only took n couple of well directed jabs before Mr. Snake was sprawled full length on his back and was count ed out. Then Mr. Riggs and his niece Miss Alma Gillikin motored to town and tees so recommended. If I understand the temper of to ( Continued on page eight) Mayor Gives Offenders Long Sentences Mond'y Six defendants faced Mayor Bay- SLIGHT DAMAGE RESULTS WHEN CARS RUN TOGETHER When Jude Small, of Core Creek started to turn his car into Tom's Service Station at Highland Park a bout seven-thirty Saturday evening, his car accidently struck the auto Vnnhile. driven bv Louis HooDer. young ard Taylor in Police Court Monday llocal man. A large Saturday evening Local Merchants To Enjoy Half Holiday Beginning theis coming week, all dry goods stores and Beaufort's only furniture store will close for p half day each Wednesday afternoon. This will give the proprietors and their employes an opportunity to enjoy a half holiday each week throughout the summer months. The hardware stores have shown a disposition to follow the lead set by the dry goods stores. A movement similar to this has been the subject of much conversa tion during the past two months, but the sponsors of the mid-week half holiday have just been able to ar rive at an agreement among the local merchants. evening, nve of which were convict ed, one on two counts, and one was sent to the Superior Court for trial. John Croker, colored, of New Bern, charged with drunkenness, found guilty and was given the priv- lige of paying a fine of two-fifty or serving five days with the force. Elijah Hardesty, colored, drunken ness, seven-fifty or fifteen days. Bad East, drunkenness, five days or two-fifty. crowd auickly gathered. Little dam age other than bent fenders was done, and no one was injured. ADDS NEW DELIVERY TRUCK SINGING CLASS HERE The Odd Fellows Orphanage sing ing class will be at tht First Baptist Church Wednesday evening, Aug ust 1st, at 8 p. m. A new half-ton Dodge delivery street truck was put into commission here Wednesday by the C. D. Jones Com pany. During the past few weeks two commodious electric refrigerators hava hpen installed bv this firm and 'other improvements have been added. counts of cursing and disorderly con- over to the beach, where the evening duct, was given fifteen days on the was spent in promenading along a first count and twenty days on the Calvin Stanley, colored, drunken- This new delivery service will com ness, thirty-day sentence, to run con- pletely modernize this firm's meth-, currently with present sentence. lods of doing business and no doubt! W. W. Stanley, colored, up on two, will meet with the approval of its - i many customers. JUNIOR ORDER INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS MONDAY nleaded guilty to driving a motor ve- contrary. He said that R. S. Tilden hide in a reckless manner on the high beautiful moonlit walk and inhal- second count. who was one of those bringing charg- ways of the state on July 22nd. Pa- ing the balmy air from the broad At-1 W. W. Chadwick, charged with se es. was disgruntled because he was'trolman J. A. Merritt testified in the lantic. Mr. Riggs says he has visited cret assault on Clyde Owens, was I At the regular meetin? Monday not appointed County Game Warden. I case. Prayer for judgment continued every resort from Maine to Florida sent to Superior Courtf or trial, boni night Beaufort Council Jr. O. U. A. mmm " He also said that Tilden voted for up0n the payment of the costs. and that he has found none to equal was fixed at $200. M. installed the following officers: High Tid Hoover in 1928 and for the Republi-l The cases of Philip Thomas, charg-, in courtesy and hospitality as he has Councilor, B. H. Noe, Vice-Councilor, can nominees for the board of com- ed with assault on July 15th, and found in the twin cities of Moreheod SWIMMING INSTRUCTIONS lEarl Mason, Chaplain, J. D. Biggs, TIDE TABLE Information a to the tldta at Beaufort is given In this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based oa table's furnished by tha U. S. Geodetic Surrey. Soma allow ances must b mads for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that la whether near the inlet o( at the heads of the estuaries. Low TUU not George Murray Thomas, charged with City and Beaufort, and the drive ov- ! ..aMahh A t vt m m iha o o m a H a V ' oi" h a. KtiHna rt if a haaurif ill ho r h missioners. Mr. Tilden was i -1 At. l : present uv mo ueaiiug. C. V. Webb, registrar at Morehead I were consolidated for simplicity of ing beach is exhilerating and certain- City stated t..at he did not know of j trial. Witnesses were: Garfield Suggs, My refreshing. any absentee frauds at his precinct . Will Nolan, David Felton, John Da WILL ELECT OFFICERS Carteret Post 99 of the American and did not know how many Repub- jvis, Benny Day, Joshua Piver, Phil licans voted. The absentees he said i Hp Thomas and George Murray were mostly for sick people. He Thomas. After hearing the testimony Legion will hold a special meeting in thought the Morehead precinct rath-0f the witnesses, the cases were dis-'the Legion Hut on Turner Street at er large and also thought a new reg- missed. 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening for the istration in the county mighth help. A. L. Howell, of Atlantic, was purpose of electing new officers for Stacy Wade, Secretary of State, charged with the operation of a mo-j the ensuing year. All members are attended the meeting p.nd he asked to j tor vehicle while under the influence ( being urged to be present at this im be allowed to say a few word-?. Mr. jof an intoxicant. Continued with rwrtant meeting. Wade paid a glowing tribute to tht prayer for judgment as to fine, upon ' . homsty and character of theh poop. 3 tha payment of the costs. j M. H. Palmer pleaded of Carteret county and did rot hc.- Braxton Lupton, of Merrimon, ' driving a motor vehicle lieve thfre was any truth in th.i ca'i- charged with reckless driving, con- der the influence of an (Cintinued on pag eWvt, linued until next Tuesday afternoon, zr.i was fined $25. NOW BEING GIVEN DAILY , Warden. R. K. Dunn, Conductor, Life saving and swimming instruc-' Steve Stanley, Inside Sentinel, C. C. tions were started here Tuesday by I Guthrie, Outside Sentinel, P. B. Eric Tucker, of Greenville, which are Beachem, Treasurer, J. H. Ives, Fi being conducted under the auspices nancial Secretary, C. P. Tyler, Re of the American Red Cross. This cording Secretary, W. L. Hatsell Jr. will continue through Saturday. The life saving classes are held each morning, while the swimming instruc tions are given each afternoon. WILL HAVE PICNIC FRIDAY MARRIAGE LICENSES guilty to while un-intoxicant, Genrg-e Johnson and Annie Dennis, Beaufort. Henry Gaskins and Elizie Allison, of Beaufort. Frances Lee Stroupe 27 8:38 9:03 10:25 10:47 The Ruth Bible Class of the Meth- 11:16 odist Sunday School will have its an-j nual picnic at Atlantic Beach Fri-, 11:35 day. All those who attend quested to carry lunch. are re- 12:05 I A slight infestation of boll weevil ; is reported in Richmond County Crossnore, farms with a few farmers dusting i and Margaret Elizabeth Pierce. with calcium arsenate. Friday, July a. m. 2 :33 a. m. p. m. 2:46 p. m. Saturday, July 28 9:33 a. m. 3:21 a. m, 9:56 p. m. 3:41 p. m Sunday, July 29 ' m. 4:09 m. 4:36 Monday, July 30 11:00 a. m. 4:67 p. m. 5:33 Tuesday, July 31 a. m. 5:46 p. m. 6:32 'Wednesday, Aug. 1 a. m. 6:38 p. m. 7:32 Thursday, Aug. 2 1:15 a. m. 7:33 1:57 p. m. 8:33 a. P- a. P- 12:2r) 12:58 m. m. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m.

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