1 THE' BEAUfORTMNlEWS Is . The Lt advertising medium published in Carte. et Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO Ti f )Y j WATCH Yo.r label and pay our iubacriptum r P 5 " ; . 3 VOLUME XXIII eight pages this WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1934 PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY gw NUMBER 33f Filling Engagements Kept Governor Busy Governor Ehringhaus Flew From Coast To Mountains And Elsewhere To Fill Speaking Dates. Resignation of Major Allen From Industrial Commission Brings Out New Candidates By M. R. DUNNAGAN Raleigh, Aug. 20 Governor Eh ringhaus interrupted his month-of-August vacation with a busy period last week, traveling on land and sea and in the air to meet speaking en gagements from the "land of sky" to the "down by the sea what ha s been termed a sort of Money Available Now For Improving Homes DREW BIG CROWD -:OFF THE BAT: By A. R. RICE " i Defendants From Many Parts of The County Were in Court Tuesday Much Food Is Canned Under FER Direction Carteret county people's food sup plies, in the way of canned vegetables and preserves, has been considerably augumented by work done under the AGAIN Beaufort won from Hark- ii t i la fv,0 o 'auspices of the Federal Emergency sive score of 11 to 1. And another a-. r , TT , ,. .. , lL i i ,. .,j . Relief. Under the direction of Miss ain: trie recuru-uieaiviiiK wiwwu w:.,. . n . Th0 ,nntv nn,.rt mnm looked like'Ii. tu-. y, ' M-inzeue King ana uoumy ..v. " ' j v line eauii uiai ow owmv v"" . f . . u .r ing and instructing women in the work of canning and preserving veg etables and fruits. In order to obtain employment for neople and to increase the demand ' for materials of many sorts, the tVina mnlco more pmnlovment. a unit and County Horn line season mar. saw doiiic viuua . . ... TT . , ... i H Intnl. n n himn ii v. it wi iKri a session ot bunenor Loun mignt moot ti.-n SnnHnn na-n wns pven sur- " : 7 " have been in progress Tuesday in-! passed. The attendance, with fans stead of a sitting of the Recorder's from the losing team's community a Court. The room was well filled with gam making itself conspicuous by its spectators, witnesses and defendants. presence) was the largest of the sum A half a dozen or more lawyers were mer baseball year and second only to present to take part in the proceed- the largest crowd that has eve been ings. Judge Paul Webb presided ov- jn the iocai High School park the er the court and Solicitor M. Leslie Hish School Mav Dav Exercises be-lQrw4 maw nnceiklv trn frirntlOrVi nnfit.hp-T 0 . , 1J fev uavis represented tne state, cogue, ing the largest. week Up to thig jg 32i232 jars Mill Creek, Morehead City, Beaufort, Lf fd i.v. W nucked. Of this immmt 9ffl(1 iara hnvp hppn flonat- ,d ,"" 'he f t ., ? .rfc"!eJ for ,oM u.e, that i. for vinB OPENING DATE OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS HAS BEEN FIXED Will Have Same Number Teachers As They Had Last Year of The FER canning work started the last week in June and has continued up to and including the present week Otwayand Sea Level all had reprsen- Harkers Island got only tour nits f u i t ,i r, ...: i. tu,eu ior cnooi use, uii ivi okuus hander of the Beaufortonians. In the . , , . . ... The case on the docket that at- meantlme he w33 fanning 10 batsmen lunc,nes t0 0Ola-J i"1" tracted the most attention was that and getting his usual three safeties in of the PWA called The Federal Hous a oftpt T a. i j i : . . . ... . . B r n;Vf n ... i j: I " . - "... uai. .hiwj """"T "'"V ! x. I,der way- n aoes not . e , "'"ithe Otway community, was tnea on j outciaS3ed in every department every i iuuu.vh '"jrect to the public but it insures loans the charge of aidlng and abetting m :the and never s;riously threat- ithe robbery of the store of U. W. . th ly run coming from a will not hurt if he successfully hur- have been made by banks, dies the 1935 General Assembly and hundin? and loan associations and decides to seek Senator J. W. Bailey's other prjvate lending agencies. Mon seat. ey for improvements to homes, dwell- Appearing from the States sounds ing3 and pretty much any sort of at Wilmington, he flew to Charlotte building3 can be seCured. Not less and spoke to the State's firemen in than $10o nor more than $2000 can convention assembled, was capped, lbe borrowed on the plan mentioned, pnotographed and made an honorary j The Federai Housing Administra rrember; he rushed on to Ashevilla tion jg se.parate and distinct from the for a meeting of the State's ciuntyHome owner's Loan Corporation, commissioners, getting there in tin.e JTne latter lends money on distressed for a speech before a hold-over meet 'propertythat is on mortgaged prop ing of the State Federation of Labor ;erty which is in default and in dan for that purpose; then he rushed back igef of being sold out The H0LC has spent the night at the executiva man-be,en in opera.tion for a year or more sion and returned to Wilmington, Lj m.j. manv inan a consid- but appeared at Fort Raleigh, I c ""'bmMb omnnnt of monpv Koanoke Island, Saturday to speak at .d in Carteret county by this has been the celebration of the 350th anniver sary of the landing of explorers, Am acias and Barlow. organization. It also lends money for the numose of reconditioning homes. He had hardly left the home port thingg a3 repairSi remodelling and ai p' . a u t i. 'modernizing. Painting a house, put Lewis, well known merchant ana larm jbage on balls to Edgerton and a base er of Otway. The principal witnesse-s by Bailey. against the defendant were Tommie F th ffset tbe outc0me was in- Gillikin, 14 years old, and Bonnie !evitable. Beaufort tallied one in the Piner 15 years of age. Tommie firat on a alk to Rice) c. Hassell's was easily the star witness. He de-.buntand Ralph Hassell's hit. Another scribed in detail how the robbery ..,. in tn. fith nad from there on was planned and executed. He said the gan)e wa son ice The 0th inning Guy Lewis gave him 25 cents with . produced the largest scoring orgy which to buy a hack saw and that he j when R0ger9i the starting visiting and Bonnie went there on the fourth fljng6rf wa3 driven to cover under an of August early in the morning and iavalanche of wallops that added to stole $48 in money and a check for four and br0Ught Fulcher to his res- $200. He said he gave all ol the mon- ; the accumuiative damage being used in packing the food were fur- . . . -nicViorl frpo of rhnrap hv the FER were completely , ' : i j ,t-o t anu Hie cannera weic asivcu iu inav OI I ... . . , . . j a gift of a part or wnat mey pacneu to the schools. Most of those who did any packing complied with the re quest. The things packed were string beans, tomatoes, soup mixture, kraut, beets, butter beans, berries, peaches, figs, corn and peas. Also some pre serves were put up. SEPTEMBER 17 IS THE DATE MUCH WANTED CRIMINAL ARRESTED IN NORFOLK the State's Fisheries fleet, the John A. Nelson, before he was wanted on the matter of a temporary parole for ting on a new roof, hxmg windows, floors, plumbing and various other things can be done. Bath rooms and Col. Luke Lea, whose son, Percy, hd toileta can be installed and old hous been killed in an automobile accident. !eg can be modernized. No more than He will have to announce soon heg0 cent of the appraised value may have made the appointment al-of the propertyi nor more than $14, ready of a successor to Major '000 can be borrowed from the Home Matt H. Allen, chariman of the State ;0wn.r9. Loan Corporation. Industrial Commission, resigned, to enter practice of law at Kinston. The GREENE COUNTY YOUNG MEN vacation wil probably end this week ' TRIED IN JUSTICE'S COURT and Governor Ehringhaus will go to Greensboro early next week to speak I Two young men from Greene coun to the American Legion State con- tu ora friftH Kpforo Justice of the ey to Guy Lewis, that Lewis gave him back $20 and that he gave Bonnie $6.50 of this. He said he bought a bicycle, some cigarettes and candy with his part of the swag. The check was hidden in his home but he said he had not been able to find it. Tommie was on the witness stand for quite a long time and was put through a severe cross examination by Attorney C. R. Wheatly on behalf of the defendant. He stuck to his tale though and was corroborated in most of it by Bonnia Piner. The de fense did not put on any witnesses. Probable cause was found and the court held him for Superior Court under a $250 bond. The boys being under 16 years old were remanded to Juvenile Judge L. W. Hassell. vention. Allen Start Something Major Allen's resignation from the Industrial Commission has start ed the "faithful" to work for them selves or friends for the post. The chances are that Commissioner J. Dewey Dorsett will be named chair man. He represents industry and Commissioner T. A. Wilson represents labor. Maj'or Allen was the non-class member. The east-west element will doubtless be considered. Wilson is from Winston-Salem the west; Dor sett from Siler City, the center, and Major Allen from Kinston, the east, and by territory alone, the new mem ber would come from the east. How ever, about 80 per cent of the work is in the west and piedmont, and that may enter. Also, although Gov ernor Ehringhaus has made 120 ap pointments in the west and 91 in the AOof a miKltno rVstitf li s U a n a ittcuv auiYcv i.iuv3, tie lias , , .r nln, n f,,nMi..;L ! marker s Island people want the jobs and only five westerns. That, Ci..ucMter-Harkr s Island ferry too, may enter into consideration. ' re coanged to Lenoxv. le-Harker s Mention for the placj are A. McL. I1 "' " .....- Graham, Clinton, member of the Iff New. man here last Saturday. State School Commission; Charles iHe had lnon Wlt. ht names of Whedbee, Hertford, member of the more than 100 peop e on it asking Highway and Public Works Commis- tot change He also had another sion; Harry McMullen, Washington, petition which he proposed to get director of assessments of the Reve- Beaufort people to sign, nue Department; Thad Eure, Winton. t The petitions will be presented to collector of escheates for the State State Highway Commission very James S. Messenburg, uviuiw Peace Henry W. Noe Monday on traffic law violations. They were C. F. Suggs and Ed Smith of Hookerton. The arrests were made Sunday by Highway Patrolman J. A. Merritt. The charge against Suggs was that of operating a car without proper registration. Ed. Smith was charged with driving the car without its hav ing proper brakes. Smith admitted that the brakes wouldn't work good. Suggs said he bought the car in Snow Hill and thought the men he bought it from should have attended to the registration. Justice Noe gave them the option of paying the costs, l$4.CJ each, or going to jail for 20 days. Tiiey chose the former alterna- PET1TIONS ARE CIRCULATED FO.i A NEW FERRY ROUTE five runs. Just to keep things moving, four additional tallies were put on I the score sheet in the 8th on five hits and the final official reads 16 blows for Beaufort. Edgerton hurled to the last man to face his Harkers Isla. ers and he popped oat. McCready led the winer's barrage with-four for five to be closely fol lowed by Longest and Morris with three each. J?ake hit two for three. For the losers, Bailey was the only one to get two bingles, The box Harkeri It. Ab A. Willis, If - 4 D. Yeomans, ss 4 Edgerton, 2b, p63 Matthews, 3b 4 Bailey, lb, 2b. . 3 Guthrie, lb ... 1 Information was received here a few days ago by Sheriff Chadwick of the arrest of Burwell Colson, a somewhat notorious character for whom Sheriff Chadwick had been on the lookout for several months. A telegram from the detective bureau of Norfolk, Va., stated that Colson had been arrested there. With him at the time were another man and two women, Earl Boles, Frnace-s Yearby and Estelle Walston. rulcher, cf, p. D. Willis, rf . Rogers, p, cf Totals Beaufort Rice, If Davis, If Other cases tried were as follows: James Collins, colored, Beaufort Russell, c 4 charged with cutting Arthur Chad- wick with a knite was conviciea. ne was sentenced to work four months at the County Home. Hanson Peterson was charged with an assault on Henry W. Noe. Testi mony of Mr. Noe was heard and the case was continued to next week. Mr. Noe stated that as he was driving past Mr. Peterson's store on Broad Wilson, if l street that the latter called to him to C. Hasnell, 3b 2 stop and that when he did so Mr. ; McCready, lb Peterson cursed him and threatened Hassell, rf, to attack him. The defense offered no Longest, cf testimony and Judge Webb continued Morris, p the case until next Tuesday. G. Willis, c C. C. Dennis of Bogue was tried Ray Hassell, ss .. on the charge of injuring personal Pake, 2b 3 property and real estate belonging to his sister Miss Eula Dennis. The defendant was acquitted. Milton Lewis of Beaufort charged Score by innings: with the larceny of $30 from Ambrose Harkers Island ..000 001 000 1 Roberts was acquitted. (Beaufort 100 015 04x.ll Roy Dowdy and Duffy Arnold of iwo base hits: Matthews, McCready, 32 Ab . 1 . 1 R H O A E 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 114 3 0 0 110 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 5 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 5 24 10 2 R H O A E 1 0 0 0 0 110 0 0 110 0 0 2 0 3 2 1 0 4 6 1 0 0 10 0 0 13 10 0 1 3 3 0 0 0. 0 10 0 1 2 2 3 1 0 2 113 0 Colson was accused of boating and robbing a man named Meares in this county last April and Sheriff Chadwick was after him on this charge. The Sheriff made several trips looking for the man and one time was hot on his trail but he es caped. The Norfolk police turned Colson over to Federal authorities who also had warrants for him. At nine o'clock on the morning of September 17 some 5000 Carteret county boys and girls will pick up their books and with more or less pleasure resume the business of get ting an education. An exception to this however will be the White Oak school which will begin Thursday the 13th. This opening will be in conform ity with the opening date of the Swansboro High School to which school White Oak high school pupils will be transferred. The public schools of the county will have 136 teachers this year, which is the same number as last year. The number of teachers is bas ed upon the attendance of pupils. Some counties have lost some of their teachers because of insufficient attendance. Instructional and sani tary supplies for the schools have been purchased and are in hand. The budget of the school board was submitted to the Board of County Commissioners at their special meet ing Monday and was approved by that board. Ah audit of the accounts of the educational department, which is being done by O. O. Hewitt of A. M. Pullen Company of Raleigh, start ed Wednesday. The budget for the schools amounts to $37,957.50 of which amount $21,600 goes for debt service. A tax rate of 45 cents will be levied for school purposes. Under the direction of the Federal Emer gency Keiiet necessary repairs are being made to the school buildings. Ht appears however that unless there as a considerable increase to the working force that the work will not be finished by the opening date. ; ATI COUNTY BUDGET ADOPTED AND TAX RATE FIXED Totals .-36 11 16 27 7 2 the Mill Creek section submitted Dlea of guilty to the charge of lar ceny of some clams. They were giv- sentences of six months in jail, (Continued on page eight) or of the Lenoxville route is that it University; James b. messenourg, i for the State ERA, and Robert T1 greatly reduce the distance be Wilson, Yanceville, 1933 legislator ! tween the is and and Beaufort, More. from Caswell. And there will be .n.eaa "ew .De or scores of others before the appoint ment is made, even if early, 3. Sacrifices: Davis, C. Hassell, 2 Left on bases: Harkers Island, 5 Beau fort, 8. Struck out: by Rogers, 1, by Fulcher, 3. by Morris, 10. Base ('Continued on page five) HARBOR IMPROVE MENTS PROGRAM ENDORSED B Y SENATOR BAILEY where Beaufort's chances for some needed harbor improvements were considerably enhanced as the re getting .'with the main channel leading to the ocean. This wold permit vessels of considerable tonnage to come dircct- A special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was held at the courthouse Monday for the pur pose of adopting the county budget for the ensuing fiscal year. In the ab sence of Dr. Bonner W. P. Smith of Beaufort presided over the meeting ofthe board. Commissioners Fulcher, Guthrie and McCabe were present. Several people came before the board wanting to have the valuation on some of their property reduced but the principal business of the board was the consideration of the county budget and the school budget, both of which were adopted. The same tax rate as of last year, $1.50, was levied. BEAUFORT POSTAL RECEIPTS SHOW GRATIFYING INCREASE The News is informed by Postmas ter Wiley H. Taylor that the receipts of the Beaufort postoffice have aver aged an increase of more than $100 a month for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934 over the nrevinua year. The receipts for the year re ferred to were $9819.51 while they were $8,583.10 for the fiscal vear ending June 30, 1933. When the receipts of the Beau fort office dropped off so sharply, probably due to the depression, it be came a third class office. On Julv 1 of this year Beaufort went back into the second class. It is thought that if local business continu&s to im prove that postoffice receipts here will show a corresponding increase. CORRECTION MADE Mullet Run Starts, Fishermen Get Busy Much activity has been in evidence along the water front of Beaufort for the past day or so as a result of some good catches of mullets which have been made. Not only have the fishermen been benefitted but many men and boys have found employ ment in cleaning and packing the fish. The money which the fishermen receive and that of the workers also I amount to a large sum and will soon begin to circlulate in the channels of business. The shift of the wind to the north day or so ago started the muu.t In the News last week it was er roneously stated that Captain Bonner Willis was in command of the men haden fishing boat Kingfisher when she returned from Florida. This should have read Captain Brodie Willis. Captain Bonner Willis is in charge of one of the boats of the Wallace Fisheries and is still at Fer-nandina. MORE SNAKES KILLED Bank Collection Fo Lawyers who, not being able to get into the fees paid in liquidation of banks largely, put through the last riono-rl Anupmhlw an act rAnuirinir rv.v,miinnr of Banks finrn. P. John T. Small of Beaufort E F. D, Hood to make semi-annual reports of adding to hia snake killing. On Mon the amounts naid attorneys. learn . day of this week be killed two on his that only 1.234 per cent of the a- place. One was a red leaf and the mount colectel went in attorneys ' other was a rattler about four feet fees during the seven and one-half j long. The latter was discovered in un Wa Janaarv 18. 1927. to' some weeds near his garage and in June 30, 1934. However, lawyers, at that, got $412,240.86 in that period, of the years ago. RUlt OL B LU111C1 CULt MVl : A KflQ 11T A T-f 9 wnflFVPCl in n AfPS' . . I t , . , ' J " ' - - i- run ana ine nsnermen weie v.. eveniwr a week ago, so those who it -ireiijv 20 feet, so it was sa d ti,d ior-.t else west. Another advantage claim- Present M'lh7! !nJ !by aome of those P"t. and tho catches the News has heard of were ed is that the road to Lenoxville i9' with Senator J. W. Baileyi ana asjwork could be done at comparatively! de b Captain Brodie Willis and small expense. Senator Bailey aftid'crew 0f the Kingfisher and Captain all paved and therefore will be much better in bad weather. A in the countv court room instead 'of at the Senator's temporary resi dent in Morehead City as first plan ned. Mayor Taylor caled M. Leslie Da vis to act as presiding officer of the meeting and he asked any one who wished to say any thing to do so. tKa discussion was informal and Par ana U. S. DREDGE ARRIVES The U. S. dredge Comstock has ar- that North Carolina had never got ten as much for rivers and harbors as some of the other states had and he intended to do everything in his power to see that hereafter North Carolina gets her share. He express ed a great deal of interest in the Moreehad City port terminal project and also in the proposed harbor im provements for Beaufort. He stated recently talked with and that the several questions o-Pt the monev annronriated for the about Beaufort, work. He suggested thata competent Mayor Taylor has appointed the committee be appointed to confer conference committen asked for by with himself and U. S. District Engi- Senator Bailey and the following are ticinated in by several citizens e..i,t. R.iiot, liimaalf Thfl Sena- k n inrmnathfttic 'hat he had I practically the same spot where Mr. with the undertaking and said he ' president Koosevelt 'Small killed a large rattler several would gladly do all in his power to President asked him Bob Lewis of the Deutchland. On Tuesday the Kingfisher brought in 48,000 pounds and Wednesday she caught 19,800 pounds. The Deutch land brought about 18,000 pounds here Wednesday. Early in the day the Deutchland made a set and caught a very large quantity of fish but the seine caught on the rocka and was badly torn and the fish got away. The small boats have been busy too and some of them have caught as much as 2000 pounds. Some of the fish are shipped fresh but most of them are salted. They are a very nice quality of fish and ought to sell well. TIDE TABLE Information as to the tides at Beaufort is giren in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and baaed on tablsi furnished by th U. S. Geodetic Survey. Soma allow ances must ba mads for Varia tions In the wind and also with reepact to tha locality, that ia whether near the Inlet of at tha beads of tha astMrla. High Ttfe Friday, Aug. 7:23 a. m. 7:54 p. m. Satarday, Aag, 1. $32,615,186.32 collected by the Bank-j ing Department in bank liquidation. . tn r,n .io79 on sd auditor nf rived and the News understands will neer Col. Revbold of the Wilming- on it: C. T. Chadwick, John Dill, Les the department not $50,835.55, as begin dredging operations today or ton office. lie Davis, Seth Gibbs, Hugh Hill, W. In Rowan County, growers of les fees to the department In the six tomorrow on tne Dig port terminal; benator cauey suggestea mat u nawen, v. u. lueuaue, . peueia aim uuvci mc wm yiv- mnnrtiai nprinH lawvora opnf $1 ni ifil.- nroiect. The plan calls for a 30 foot chanel from the inner harbor of , ton, W. O. Noe, W. V. B. "otter, F. duce from two to four tons of dry - . , . . tv, ono T)t,t .v.n.,l4 .nonJ 9(1 R, SpaIpv. WIIpv TT. Tavlc i the hav an acre. All farmers are endeav- f vo 1 71 xees, independent auunors gou uannd nvm mc - ici u ouvuiu v v. t, . , . . . (Continued on page eight) Morehead City. ieet totne DUiKneaa so as 10 connect iuyur wuo js en-umciu vwumw, u""s " nay yuasiuie. 8:21 8:44 9:12 9:33 9:59 10:21 10:47 10:49 11:07 11:35 11:52 12:23 m. m. Low Tid 24 1:22 1:40 . 25 2:09 2:33 m. m. Sunday, Aag. 26 a. m. 2:54 p. m. 3:25 Monday, Aug. 27 a. m. p. m. Tuesday, Aug a. m. p. m. Wednesday, Aug a. m. p. m. Thursday, Aug. a. m. p. m. a. m. m. m. 3:39 4:15 28 4:23 5:08 . 28 5:10 6:02 30 6:00 a. m 6:59 p. m. m. m. m. m. m. m.

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