I HE BEAUFOR B rsih IX 11 UL II e : The best advertising medium published in Cartel et Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY j W J your label and pay our subscription VOLUME XXIII EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1934 PRICE 5c SINGL Y NUMBER 37 Tax Collector Hamilton Shows Office Income Facts and Fgures Given Show ing That Office Does Not Pay the High Salary Reported, Believes Rene. -t .Will Clear up Any Question in the Minds of the Taxpayers That Office is not a Gold Mine Beach Season Closes Lot Sales Continue Will Move Soon Into RURAL WOMEN CAN New Business Location! run WINIM USE B. H. Noe of the Noe Hardware I Company, who with F. R. Bell are erecting the new brick business block on the former Clawson property, states that the west half of the build ing that will be occupied by the Noe Donate Thousands of Cans of Vegetables to be Used For Undernourished Democratic Women Plan Fall Roundup Mrs. Charles W. Tillett, Jr., of Charlotte, who was recently elected vice chairman of the state democratic executive committee, succeeding Mrs. Thomas O'Berry, visited Craven, Pamlico and Carteret counties during the week-end to confer with demo cratic officials as to the early begin ning of the fall campaigns. In Carteret county she conferred with Luther Hamilton, of Morehead City, chairman of the Carteret dem Hardware company will oe reaay ior, Many an undernourished child will The season's activities at Atlantic ! occupancy about October 1. benefit this winter through the work Beach were about brought to a close I Preparations are being made to of country people who have prepared with the dance on Saturday night, move the stock from the present thousands of cans of vegetables and with Vincent Travers and his orches- store just as soon as the modern fruits during the past season. rY.rwiflpmhlp pnntrnvi.rv Vimj W.n ' tra furnishing the music. In sDite of shelving and store equipment is in- i T tu ,,i, ,,f tha r.mmtv going the rounds of the county tolthe bad weather the latter part of .stalled. Added floor space in the new ; Home Aj?ent ;9 over 3000 cans of 0cratic executive committee; Mrs. A. the effect that the office of County the week the altair was very well at-garters win give mis concern one 01 vegetables that have been given for"- ul , ' " V me most moaern ana Desr. eauiDDea '.i.:.. tu:. i u: ; cnairman; anu w.n. ecu, oi "'u""! ta'":l" "'ed from the farm women in exchange not inthis part of the state. ifor cans and rubbers supplied through nesiaes giving mis nrm me auvan- th w.lfilre Department of the coun- Tax Collector is netting the collec tor an enormous income at the ex pense of the taxpayers. To let the people know just what the office is paying annually and in an effort to clear the wrong improssion in the minds of many. Collector Hamilton renders the following statement: Editor Beaufort News: InnKt trAii aa a tavnairpr anI r.,ti,pn nf this o'ntv. , wpII ! while the promotion is on tended. Due to several late reservations the hotel has been kept open later this year than formerly. It is expect ed to close for the season within the 'tage of added facilities for the in"jty. No given amount was demanded next week. Selling activities of the, creasing growtn ot tneir Dusmess, :Qf the canners but in cases where building lots at this development willjthis new block is a valuable asset to j the Department furnished the cans Thethe business district ot Beaufort. 0i , sunnlies it wa, understood that a donation was to be made in return. The donors have been most liberal continue on through the year- office of the firm handling the sales announcement as yet has been made will be maintained at the beach ;as to what firm will occupy the store space on the east side. newspaper man and seeker of truth, have heard some discussion concern ing the present profit accruing to the tax office under present conditions. Whether you know it or not, a few ill-advised citizens have gained the impression that the present tax col lector is getting rich. A few enemies (and they are very limited) have tried to create an impression that the present tax collector is making more money out of the tax collector's office than ever before. If that were so, I wonder who would be to blame? Cer tainly not the collector himself. Cer tainly not the present county com-'ATTENDING ANNUAL FIELD DAY missioners, who had nothing to do . with tax laws passed forty or fifty) Several farmers from this county years ago, and under which we are with County Agent Overstreet are operating today, and who have cut 'planning to be in attendance at the the fees allowed the tax collector 1 18th annual field day and basket pic more than forty per cent. Who theninic of the Coastal Plains Agricultural would be to blame if the tax collec- Experiment Station to be held today REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Vast improvements in the attend ance at the Beach this year has been noted over that of last year. The hotel has been operated at capacity W. C. Gorham, Trustee to Gurney all the season while the dances and P. Hood, Comm. of Banks, 1 lot' other attractions have drawn thous- Morehead City, for $525 port, a member of the state democrat ie committee. Both Mr. Hamilton and Mrs. Rob erts showed much interest in Mrs. Tillett's plans for the fall, particular ly in trying to get out a large demo cratic vote in the November election. Mrs. Roberts will go to work shortly in completing the list of precinct FIND NO CAUSE ABDUCTION CASE IN RICE MATTER Captain Elijah Lewis Cleared of Serious Charge in Court Hearing; Large Docket Before Judge Webb FEW ESCAPE SENTENCE In some cases twenty five per cent of !ice chairmen, some of them having ands wbo have not been in the habit ! of spending their vacatinos or week ends in this section. Recent purchasers of lots at the Beach in many cases are planning to erect cottages during the winter and spring months in readiness for next years season. tor were getting rich? As a matter of fact, however, the tax collector is not only not getting Tich, but is making considerably less than any man who has collected tax es for Carteret County in the last twenty-five years, as my figures will near Willard. Coastal Section Escapes Storm of Last Week Atlantic Beach and Bridge Com pany to C. R. Young, 1 lot Atlantic fieaeh, for $500. Atlantic Beach and Bridge Com pany, to J. McGilvery Powell and Al fred L. Powell, 1 lot Atlantic Beach for $500. the things canned have been given in. In cases where only a small a mount was canned, such persons have not been permitted to make dona tions. In addition to the number of cans been elected at the precinct meetings Invitation was extended to all dem ocratic women to attend an all-day institute in Raleigh later this month or early in October, at which there will be a study of the New Deal, with some of the leading statesmen of the turned in by the rural folks, some 500jtate Qn the progranl. It is hoped to WESTERN CATTLE ARRIVE IN COUNTY Cattle from the drought section of the west, numbering eighty head ar rived at Beaufort the past week and were placed on range. Forty heads were put on pasture on lands of K. W. Wright and the other forty heads at Mrs. Mildred Pinner. This is the first consignment of cattle to be re- cans of vegetables. cans of tomatoes have been put up at the office of the Home Agent. This work has been in charge of Miss Min zette King, also Miss Dry kept a watchful eye over the canning. The tomatoes were secured at a very low price by the relief department and under the able work of Miss King present a most appetizing display. Seventeen leaders of the Home Demonstration Clubs of the county headed up the canning program. Much credit goes to the two leaders who had the work in charge that took in the Broad Creek and Wildwood section for this group turned in 1,000 Coastal North Carolina received show later on. This being so, I hes-j heavy rains and the outer banks were iate to ask you to give this article j swept by high tides early Saturday as and these figures a prominent part in the tropical disturbance moving up your next issue, but knowing, as I the coast passed by at sea. do, that a great many of our tax-pay- Strong winds were felt inland, but ceived in this county. Other ship ments are expected at a later date, IMPROVEMENTS AT CCC CAMP Constiuction of new barracks at the CCC camp at Fort Macon was completed about the first of the month allowing the boys to move into their new quarters which are a big im- have been misinformed by one were not of sufficient force to do any provement over the old accomoda maj or two men lacking in character, 1 1 major damage. think if only fair to let the tax-payers j The Cape Hatteras coast guard of this county know what their tax station reported the wind reached a collector receives for his services and j velocity of 64 miles an hour about responsibilities in connection with 7 p. m. and small craft and light the office. If the handling of hundreds frame buildings on the banks com of thousands of dollars worth of tax munities suffered damage, receipts and records and tens of! Records made in this section show The work of canning is not over with for it is planned to put , up Jjnany more of the late vegetables as well as some Irwrttfe-oetoreiae-can ning program is brought to a close !t is expected that some 5,000 cans will be in storage of winter relief. Most of this material will be used for lunch es at the schools of the county where undernourished children are given a noonday lunch. This work speaks vol umes for the efforts of the Home Demonstration Liuos anu incir awe thousands of dollars of taxes (this (Continued on page eight) TERMINAL PROJECT STILL HANGS FIRE that an even eight inches of rain fell during Friday and Saturday. Some crops in the North River farms show the effect of the beating rains and high winds. Many of the dirt roads of the county suffered by washouts which will keep the highway boys busy for several weeks. The South River road is reported to be in very bad condition. SEABREEZE THEATRE MAKES IMPROVEMENTS Senator Bailey Still Confident, Will Work For Improve- I ment in Beaufort Harbor 1 MAYOR'S COURT IS j , SHORT AND SNAPPY Before leaving Morehead City last I I." J".' week after spending a short vacation! Four cases were on the docket in in that city, Senator J. W. "Bailey Mayor's ciurt at the weekly session stated that he was definitely assured Monday r.irht. Eugene Bell and John of the Morehead City port terminal 'Grrrish were found guilty of being and that the contracts i the PWA 1 ri-v.n!: rnd were given five days on bonds would be completed soon. Final completion of the matter hinges on further information asked th- ?trc?ts or a fine of $2.50. Luke Johnson pleaded guilty to a charge of driving while drunk and for by Secretary Harold L. Ickes, 1 Henry Turner, Jr., admitted that he PWA administrator who has request- beat up a female and resisted arrest. tions. All ol xne Duntiing.-. are comp.eteu lcaderg and assistants except the fourth barracks and rec-1 reation room. A laundry is expected to be in readiness by the first of October. The new barracks are equip ped with electric lights and other conveniences. Sleeping bunks for fif ty men are arranged in each barracks. Eight men have recently been dis charged from the camp bringing the total attendance down to 175. have the national vice chairmen there from national headquarters. After a luncheon at the Woman's club, there will be a reception at the Governor's mansion. Accompanying Mrs. Tillett on her tour of eastern counties was Miss Frances Douglas, of High Point, who is to be at the state headquarters at the Sir Walter hotel for the campaign. FAIR BOOSTERS COMING After making a tour of a part of the route of the State Special, of ficials have announced that arrange ments are complete for the boosters' visits in 51 Eastern Carolina towns Opening of Recorder's Court on Tuesday morning and which extended over to Wednesday, had every evi dence of a Superior Court calendar for there were seventeen cases pre sented for trial. Domestic difficulties, alleged to have been existing between Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Rice of this city, came to a focus at this sessions of court when Mr. Rice brought charges against Capt. Elijah Lewis of Marshallberg under a warrant charging that Mr. Lewis "did felonisously abduct and or elope with the wife of L. F. Rice . . . and aided and abetted Mrs. Rice to leave the State of North Car olina causing her to abandon her hus band." This case was called for trial Tues day afternoon but for lack of an im portant witness from Norfolk the case was recessed until Wednesday morn ing. Mr. Rice was the first witness to take the stand. He told of an affair that occurred at h;s home a week a go Sunday night when Mrs. Rice was said to be sitting in a car parked in front of their home. That Mr. Lewis came out of the Rice home and when confronted by Mr. Rice, he asked Mr. Lewis how long Mrs. Rice and he had been married. Rice then struck Mr. Lewis but was prevented from , following up the assault by interven tion of friends. Mr. Lewis is said to have entered the car in which were Mrs. Rice and two men unknown to Mr. Rice. Lat er Mrs. Kice and child are said to. on Sept. 27 and 28. The boosters are I scheduled to be in Beaufort at 5:30 .have boarded the freight boat oper- ACTING EDITOR On account of the illness of Mr. Mebane, who has been sick for sev eral days, Mr. F. C. Salisbury of More head City is kindly acting as Editor of the Beaufort News this week. Citified in every respect is the ap pearance of the exterior of the Sea breeze Theatre since Manager Paul has built a most pleasing marquee ov er the main entrance of the theatre. In addition to the advantages of af fording the patrons of this show house protection for the weather, the marquee offers and advertising medi um for the film attraction for large adjustable letters across the front and ends can be arranged for an nouncing the attraction being played. p.irr At Morehead City, where the car avan will make an overnight stop at the Villa Hotel, a large vacant lot in the heart of town Will be used for a special program by the boosters, by arrangement with Mayor Gibbs. A concert by the State College Band, an address of welcome by some Morehead citizen and a speech on the fair by a member of the Raleigh par ty will be included on the program. Potato Growers Will Study Needs COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESENT HERALD'S CRITICAL ATTACK OVER ADJUSTMENT WITH TAX COLLECTOR ed Frank Wright, head of the railroad section of the PWA, to get up a re port on the traffic expectancy of the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad. The secretary, has asked for this report and two others, one each from the legal and financial sections of the PWA, prior to decision on the contract for the loan and grant of $425,000 for the construction of port terminals at Morehead City. The loan will be offset by receipts from the port, it is believed by ad vocates; and in addition a ten cent ad valorem tax on all Morehead City These cases were sent on to Record er's court under bond. RETURNS FROM MEET OF DISTRICT AGENTS Miss Helen Dry, county home dem onstration agent, was back at work in her county office Monday, following attendance last week at the district encampment for agents in the south eastern district of the state held at White Lake. Miss Dry reports a most profitable and enjoyable time at the . district Dr. K. P. B. Bonnc-r, Chariman of allowed the Tax Collector for service the Board of County Commissioners gendered is fixed by State law; part takes issue with the editor of the ly by special act applying to Carter Carteret County Herald published at et county only and the balance by Morehead City regarding what the ' General State law. The rate of corn chairman calls a 'critical attack up- pensation is made mandatory and is on the Board of Commissioners." For in no sense left in the discretion of the benefit of the citizens of the the Board of Commissioners. These county who have been following this statements being true, it naturally Several representative potato grow ers of the county, in company with Hugh Overstreet, County Farm Agent, will be in attendance at the meeting of potato growers called by Congressman Lindsay C. Warren for September 20 at 10:30 A. M. at the John H. Small school building in Washington. A. E. Mercker, potato expert of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, will be present and efforts are being made and have Chester Davis, head of the Agricul tural Adjustment Administration ad dress the gathering. Mr. Warren wishes it understood that it is to be a growers' meeting and held in their interest. He has been advised that delegations are coming from Virginia, South Caroli na, and Alabama. Governor Ehring haus has been invited to be present. "The plight of the potato growers, due in main to" Ae contract system, is tragic,," declared Mr. Warren. Mr. Overstreet states that he feels ated by Mr. Lewis that was tied up in this port at that time. The alleged charges of abduction against Mr. Lewis were based on the taking of Mrs. Rice and child to Norfolk on the freight boat. When the boat docked in Norfolk, Mr. Lewis was apprehend ed and brought hack to this city un der the charges as stated. Another wit ness swore that he did not see Mrs. Rice in the car as stated by her hus band. Previous to the departure of Mrs. Rice for Norfolk on the freight boat, Mr. Rice stated that osme time in August upon his return to Nor folk from Texas, as he entered the house where Mrs. Rice was residing, he saw Mr. Lewis come out of Mrs. Rice's bedroom. Also that later in the day she departed with Mr. Lewis in a car and did not return until late that night. The facts as presented to this court was for the purpose of a hearing to determine if there was sufficient evi dence to bind the defendant over to (Continued on page eight) Death of Fred Mosher Claims Good Citizen Following several weeks of illness, Fred Mosher, age 58, died Sunday at the U. S. Marine Hospital at Norfolk where he was taken the week prev ious. Mr. Mosher was born at Leola, j Wis. Most of his life was spent in I Wisconsin. Some ten years ago he came to Carteret county with the dredging firm that had the contract present resentative of the County Board. To the Editor of the Carteret County Herald: that this i a vprv imnortant m.Ptm.r for the cutting of the drainage can- controversy over the matters of follows that the recent attack by the and hopps a larf?e legation of Car- als m tne open pounds. After county tax collector we are glad to Herald on the Board of Commission- !t..et farmPVS w;'ii nva;i .thenwlvps'nf tnat work was completed Mr. Mother esent Dr. Bonner's views as rep- ers in general and the Tax Collector, j, opportunity to assist in a move- cntinued to reside in Beaufort. Ha bounty Attorney and L-nariman or ! ment h stuolhatd ce cmf wa3 alwavs interested in the "open the Board of Commissioners in par-nt that" should mean much to them. grounds." At one time he had charge ticular was in reality an attack upon -i0. ,n n m tof .of the property and Buckhead Lodge I have been following closely and the general tax laws of North Caro-1 j.... when it was taken over by the Wal- with interest the recent discussion in lina; a condition that this Board is, If .: h RH11. ton League. the columns of your newspaper rela- powerless to correct. Even assuming ! fort by 7.30 a m ;n or(jer t0 readh I Tnose associated with the decsas tive to the tax collecting policy of that the commission and fees allowed Carteret county and the conduct of by law are excessive, which we do nrnnprtv i offered. Tha Iiwaim from mpptinr Mra Flotpllp Smith listoiit ' .v. .4 tt.. Polio w Tt nnf itmif it n.nt,ll Via s KMiiiJaraKlu the Atlantic and North Carolina rail- agent was in charge and there were!wa9 not until the article appeared in stretch of imagination to visualize ia 0 1 mt fPFai-aA on aatuvrif if Kitt I thraa afata nnnni'aliafa malm4- milk ' 1 1 J .!. L I VI T J - : . I L. the PWA is afraid of this as the lesse, the Norfolk Southern railroad, now is two years in default of rent. The PWA has asked that the state's stock in the railroad be pledged but this could be done only by the legislature. the courses. Seventeen agents attend ed. DISTRICT M. E. MEETING your last issue, in which a severely this Board of Commissioners as hav critical attack was made upon the ing sufficient power to make the Gen Board of Commissioners, that I felt eral Assembly of North Carolina it necessary to reply, and at the same J change its tax laws, that have gone time give the public the actual facts (through a hundred and fifty years of in the case. This article in question , development, to suit just a small A conference of ministers of the single out the Tax Collector, County group that thought they were all was Attorney and Chairman of the Board .wrong .. Now a few words as to the compen- the meeting on time," ASKING FOR BRIDGE BIDS trestle bridge. Advertisement for bids New Bern Methodist district Senator Bailey stated to a repre- held Monday at Queen Street Metho-'and states unqualifiedly that these sentative of The News that the- re- dist church in Kinston, with Rev. three were solely responsible for no sation allowed the Tax Collector. Un-;on the project were published sever- quest of Beaufort for an increase in I nomas M. Grant, presiding elder, in action being taken by the Board of the height of the breakwater and the 'charge. Lunch was served by women Commissioners at its recent meeting; deepening of the channel leading to of the church following the morning the city dock would have his atten- business. tion. While the city is asking for a In attendance from this county . ceased during his residence in Beau fort speak of him in the highest terms. In his business dealings his word was ever sufficient that he would meet any obligation. As a husband Bids will be opened on September and father he shared the love and re 1 for the construction of a hydrau- spect of those most near and dear lie fill and bridge trestle connecting to him while to his fellowman he was Pivers Island with the mainland. lever considerate of his duties as a Specifications call for the construe-'citizen and neighbor. His passing tion of a hydraulic fill incident to leaves a host of friends to mourn his the construction of the 280 foot pile- going. The remains were brought to the family home and accompanied by der the special act appb''n& only to al weeks ago. the widow and son Clinton Mosher, Carteret county, the collector is al- It is understood that the bridge were taken by train Monday after action that would have changed or i lowed a flat 2 per cent on all taxes and fill will" be located on the north- noon for Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., modified the present situation. 'collected. Under the general State ern edge of the island and will inter- where burial will take place, i For the information of the Herald ! law, tax colectvis are alowed 5 per link with the highway at a point sev- Surviving besides the widow and channel of 12 feet Senator Bailey were Rev. C. B. Culbreth, Beaufort; j and its readers, will say that a very, cent on the first $50,000 and 2 1-2 j eral hundred feet below the Beau-, son Clinton, also one grand child of stated that he would see that the Rev. R. W. Barfield, Atlantic; Rav. careful and detailed investigation hasper cent on all collections thereafter, fort Draw bridge. this city are three brothers and two channel would be dredged to 20 feet. D. M. Sharp, Morehead City; Rev. E. been made during the time that this j This being true, it is obvious that At present the only means of get- sisters who reside in Wisconsin. Mr. He is very confident that this w.irk H. Measamer, iNewport and Rev. W. agitation has been under way. It Carteret county is collecting its tax at ting to and from the Island is by way Mosher's parents who are dead came will be done at ai early date. A. Tew, Ocracoke. ha.i been found that the compensation 1 (Continued on page eight) of boat. Hungary.