NRA, w iMcuMar m I WujtiiiiuM Jwi ttv tax? jpb,Sji The best advertisraj medium published in Cartel e Co. f" PPiriTXTf! Ti TUP 1fTtn TCI tt rJ .nxu xw .LJiCi anmu HflAl HiAHiKUibE la TO THE B01 2. WATCH Your label and pay our subscription ' VOLUME XXIII EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 PR M SINGLE COPY Prosp ects Are Good For Carteret County Schools Increased Attendance Shown In Some Schools; New Prin cipals For Atlantic And Harker's Island; Five New Trucks Expected Within A Few Days r Bevy of Funny Clowns i With Circus Friday FISHERMEN WANT BETTER PRICES Meeting Held At Harkers's Island Considers Forrtiing Organization Nearly one hundred fisherman, con sisting of captains of fishing boats and their crews, gathered at Harkers Is land on Saturday afternoon for the I Although the big Almond and Conley circus, which will exhibit in 13EAUFORT, for one day only Friday PurPse of working out some plan or The schools of Carteret County September 28, carries a profusion of organization for their betterment re have gotten off to a good start for aerialists, acrobats, trained horses, garding the revenue that they are the session of 1934-1935, according ponies, dogs, wild animals and mon- .now receiving for the seafood..,they PURE-BRED PIGS CONTEST PLANNED Y. T. H; Farmers At Newport Planning To Improve Live Stock NUMBER 3tT R S3 er's Court CO nas Small Docket NEWPORT, Sept. 25 The Voca- After two weeks of lengthy sessions of Recorder's Court, cases this week drifted down to six with only three being tried. The case of H. E. Spenc er for reckless driving was continu ued. William Styron charged with injuring Inez Willis in an auto acci- CANCE ELECTION ON CONSTITUTION Supreme Court Says Would Ba Invalid; Bitter Contest Was Brewing By M. R. DUNNAGAN Raleigh, Sept. 24 The proposed new constitution, already developing week of the school year and sincerely to be present Tuesday. The family a controversy that had divided the tional Agriculture Department of dent will have his case aired next the Newport High School brings you week. Miss Willis has been discharg this column of timely hints each ed from the hosnital but was unable hopes that the column will prove ' affairs of J. C. Helms, who was chare helpful to you. If these 'rs any other ed by his wife with nno-support, will information you would like to have come up next week in case the mat- to all indications coming to the of- Kevs the clown department has not.."1"1 ana se" to tne several dealers concerning agriculture, the depart-iter is not adjusted before that time, fke of the County Superintendent. ?been overlooked and the promise is of the county. . jment will be very glad to help you Charlie Brown of the Mill Creek In most cases committeemen and,2iven that there will be plenty of For the Past three years or 'more, to the best of its ability. Write or 'section was accused by his wife of communities are more pleased than!fun for old and young alike, fishermen contend the prices they make a personal visit to our chapter, striking her with an oyster knife ever with their faculties and their! Under direction of "Brownie" Sil- nave been receiving for their product f The Newport Chapter of Young .while in a drunken condition. Brown enthusiasm is reflected in a general I verlake, producing clown, the fun has not evpn given them a ,'living Tar Heel Farmers are planning a said he had no recollection of the affair also stated that he at several times had been brought into court on charges growing out of his family er ot loung ; Dlannincr a way both by increased attendance i department of the Almond and Con-. wage, to say notnmg of the expense pure-bred pig contest this year. It of pupils and by a more enthusias- lev circus 18 ln capable hands and or tne necessary upkeep of boats and is our aim to ask each merchant and tic moral support by the patrons. tne manv new funny features m "8nJn gear. i lousiness man in Newport to contrib M .1 1 ii..... ... "I 1lU'n a ait" hnwA AyitAl ..itli 1 WHTDr I. Many of the schools hit their stride on September 17th, the day of the opening by or before the beginning of the present week practically all schools had perfected their organiza tion and settled down to a steady routine, the only major problems in some of these schools being congest ed classroom conditions and the slow ness of the parents in providing their children with text books. Comparing special reports submit ted by the principal at the end of the first weekthe reports for the first month of last year the follow ing may be of general interest: Beaufort The Beaufort School has an in crease of 43 pupils in the elementary ( school, with a decrease of only 4 pupils in the high school. The enroll ment at the beginning of the pres ent week for both the elementary and high school being 690 pupils. With 80 pupils registered in the 7th grade under one teacher, the State School Commission is being asked to allot an additional elementary teach er for that grade and Superintendent Allen has reason to believe that this request will be granted. Although the attention in the high school is slight ly 1ps thtfn. iatsttt4ulTAHiiina . seeui to indicate the necessity, cer-T tainly the desirability, of an addition! al high school teacher, which mat-; ter is also being laid before the State School Commission. Morehead City The enrollment in the elementary grades in the Morehead City School is 479 and in the high school 253 The opening spectable, "America" . with Charles Nelson of Harkors Is- bovs having the hie-hpst which precedes each clrpjy PfirffilDj- land to act as secretary. Capti' John 'senior class will be given the gilts. Clown alley" have attarcted unu- ! Walter Lewis of Morehead City ute a fund sufficient tn huv five nuro-i affairs that had nn fn.mHaUnn tk sual attentions this season. las named chairman of the meeting bred Duroc Jersev trilts. The five court decided that t.hirtv Hav in tho county jail would keep temptation away from him for a littie time. At one time in the case of Mark Washington, who was accused by Henriette Fisher with striking her with a fence paling, it looked as if the matter might be a draw. But with a bad wound under the girls left arm caused by a nail in the paling, that Mark swore he jerked away from the girl following a mixup be tween the two, Mark went to the roads for ninety days. The case against Guy Dudley, charged with having carnal know ledge of a girl under the age of six teen, was continued. The girl, Callie Buttry who claims she will not be fourteen years of age until some time next month swore that Dudley is the father of her unborn child. ance, is elaborately costumed and A. Nelson, representing the Fisheries histarically correct in every particu-1 Department of the state and Dr H. lar. Participated in by many beauti-'F. Prytherch, representing the Feder ful girls, trained horses and animals, al department in this section wore in it is one of the most colorful open-'attendance. & ings ever to be seen at the circus. I Capt. Nelson assured the fishermen The big free street parade at that the State Department would noon will be the mecca of sightseers readily assist them in any way'pos from far and wide. The colorful pro-;sible t0 better present conditions. cession will rival the panoplied pro-; while the Fisheries Department-has cessions of the kings of old and the regulating of all matters pertain-! purebred gilt. If there is a surplus Each of these boys will be required to give back two gilts to the agri culture department out of the first litter. These ten gilts will then be given to the ten most deserving boys of the junior class, and each of these boys will in turn be required to re turn two gilts to the agriculutre de partment. Thus in a few years every pupu taxing agriculture will get a wm ue participated in Dy people jng to the fishing industry in the from many lands and climes. state, it is in no way controls the Two performances will be given, filing or establishing of prices, at 2:00 and 8:00 P. M. the doors I Several suggestions were made by opening one hour earlier to give op- Capt. Nelson that if carried out portunity to inspect the menagerie J might be of material benefit and in and big circus side shows. Admission the future help to re-establish bet charges have been reduced especial- ter prices. Not only from a stand ly for this engagement. point of securing a more liberal in- The big show will arrive in the 'come from their efforts, it was early hours of dawn, on board its brought to the fishermens attention special motorized train of fifty huge that if they were properly organized motor ttrucks and the work si M- and under the direction of able of loading and erecting the huge tents ficers who could present their needs. List jof Cdtinty Teachers For 1934-'35 Given both before the' Fisheries-board as ,': iWell as in th State Legislatureat U dreadful word, but it spella death . j they; ;nVfttm'gfr' bene- WneaclTf re?" torbrs. If you notice of pigs the above mentioned contri butors will be given a gilt or a hog ready for the barrel; which ever they prefer. The remaining surplus will be sold and the money put in the Y. T. H. F. treasury. We sincerely hope the people of the community will give this movement a hearty support. I believe practically all of our local farmers will agree that purebred or at least grade livestock is a much needed factor in Carteret county. The names of the contributors will be announced later. i aradichlorobenzene may look like fits received through these sources For some time the Fisheries De partment has been trying to interest Every school in the county opened s,ome Iarge fish dealer to come into lart Monday with a full complement he ft., establishing a quick freez- J of teachers. Registration in many P'nt. f r thes torage of surplus 1 811 to ca . - stonk rinrinor tio vnr nno fr.ll oD I Km H H aHOWea tO CO, cases exceed those of former vears sloCK aunng tne various lull seasons on opening days. .of the year. For the benefit of our readers who ' LWlth a stron& organization of the lib-. f i- t.,u .uu i i fishermen of Eastern North Cnrnlinn . i i. n . i i i . v ic in mill stuuul mat- . ' (including 26 Commercial students), .ara Q WQ oa ,,,. t. . iback of such a project and nlede-ed a total of 732 pupils, which of the Kyml teacher9 q the count by their united and constant support, is 4 more pupils than was enrolled- are publishing the entire list f it w believed funds could be obtain ast year in the entire school during I county teacherg that hft3 been f urnjgh, ed from the government to build the first month. Mr. Joslyn and the d this offiee . Superintendent A. J. i8Uch a Plant that wo'd attract some county superintendent will confer Allen of the Count Department of ePeenced dealer to head up the Krfiipntinn. iiunteni. White Teacers 1934-35 Atlantic Frances Lucille Godwin, 1 and 2; tomorrow relative to a possible appli' Cation for a teacher to relieve any congestion in that school. Mr. Jos lyn has expressed himself as excep- . : 11.. it . . -.L i . nujiaiiy weu pieaseu witii nia pres- Myrte Morris 3 cm. xacuity, o 01 wnom are new teachers selected only a short time prior to the opening to fill unexpect ed vacancies. 1 Newport The most notable decline in the en rolment of any elementary depart ment was in the Newport School where the attendance reported was 323 as compared to 367 last year: Dr. Prytherch presented informa tion relative to an act passed by the last Congress that gives authority and 4: Mrs. Hester ifor the organizing of just such a co- D. Mason, 5 and 6; Fannie Robinson, lPerave organization that would 7th: Mrs. Vertie M. Jackson. Srienre; mect the requirements of the fisher- Anii Iielle Jones, English; S. A. Pnwdei, Math. Hist.; J. Albert Bat soh, Prin., French and History. . Beaufort Vireiria Howe, 1st: Louise Hud- any wax or frass on the trunk of your peach trees just above the ground, you may feel sure that your trees are being attacked by peach tree borers. These borers wil retard and possibly continue their destructive process. Ask any agricul ture boy for detailed information concerning treatment. Or see their teacher. A system of Vocational Education in the public schools of North Caro lina will help, rather than hinder, general education. It will supply in a concrete, practical way the motiva tion which, as far as the majority of boys and girls are concerned, has been so far either highly artificial or sadly lacking. Noe Hardware Store Now In New Location CHECKS MAILED TO BANK FOR TEN PER CENT DIVIDEND Office of the Commissioner of Banks, itaieigh, Sept. 20 We have just men, not only in this state but na tion wide. investing iacis irom tne statistics .written and mailed to the Beaufort for the year 1932 shows North Caro- Banking and Trust Company, Beau lina having 2,000 men eneaeed in fort. N. C, . HiviHon ,.,Di, m gins, 1st; Helen Proctor, 2nd; Cor-. nin' caunt some 62,000,000 per cent payable to 854 depositors vinne Willis, 2nd; Mrs. Florence T.Pounds. of seafo0(i during that year and other creditors in the amount of Hr-nnk. MrH. n..n d ,i.. oj. but only received on an average of $2V!?4n an n T3f r i.s i .1 i.i i ii " ' 1 . ' i. 1 1 1 iiuunt v, U.Ui : . r. . T , - w.ww, wcauiuili XJUIllillllf nowever, the high scroll department i,,, Arlington. 4th: Mamie Wolfo. ! ?167-00 man. There are no fig- . and Trust Comnanv. has naid tn thp has seen an increase 1 om 102 last 4tii- sn Rr;, Rti,. itjuv. ures on record to show what the 'dennsitn onH nrv, j;f.. 1. .nq , l ,l. - - , - v...,.. -vv.i..uAv. UH1, JJU11U ... . v'.i'-i tiruiiuta in- uo i Plimi j:ar, or an Lpwis 5th. Nel,ie Lewis, 6th; Elea- consumers paid lor this amount of eluding this divijend which is , l Z oil , -t "or Jones, 6th, Eng. and French; iy tourth paid, 30 per cent totaling school, where the 8th grade English, Lucy Bowers, 7th: William Potter Following a general discussion, en- $60,462.32. ' i ctjuii b tng. History; Mildred Salter, Science; KaKeu mosc prominent nsner- This bank was placed in liquida- arrange-, car na Wav. Math; Rmilv r.nftin men. wn were aided by Judge Paul:tion on Decemher an inai .,i h.. 6th, Eng.; Lena Duncan, Latin, Hist;:Webb in working out the executive paid Preferred Creditors $23,138.03 During the past week the Noe Hard ware. Company- moved from their lo-J cation to" theiF"hew "store located on the old Clawson property. This at tractive new brick block has been built by B. H. Noe and F. R. Bell. Mr. Noe has taken the west side for his hardware business while the other store space has been rented to J. C. Parson3 of New Bern who will open a Vogue Store in this city. Mr. Parsons has announced that this new store will open next Thursday. The new store of the Noe Hard waro Company presents a most pleas ing appearance. With added floor space a better display of the exten sive line as carried by this firm can be shown to better advantage. Mr. Noe and his associates extend to his many customers as well as all others a hearty invitation to visit the new store. Mr. Noe feels that he is in a better position to serve the people of this section, for with the added store space he will be able to carry a larger and more varied stock. states leaders into two bnHi camps, will not be voted on in thtf general election in November, be cause of an advisory opinion given by the N. C. Supreme Court in re ply to a question from Governor Eh ringhaus. The court, while the 1933 General Assembly was in session, was asked for and gave an opinion that; the legislative measure, then pend ing, would make the election it call ed for last November a general election and would tlus permit a vote on calling a convention, or no con vention, for repeal of tre 18th amend ment. Having declared that a "gener al election," the court now holds that that election was "the next gen eral election," the words the Consti tution uses in providing for elections to vote on constitutional changes. The result will be no election this fall, but the General Assembly of 1935 may call one for next year, or the year following. The proposal gave all evidence of becoming a bitter contest, to be wag ed in large measure between the pres ent administration forces and the anti-administration forces. It was be ginning to be a political line-up. Op ponents of the revised constitution contend that it would have been de feated by a huge majority, and there . is some ground for the belief that it would have been defeated, due in part to inertia and opposition to change. However, a strenuous cam paign would have been waged by the. proponents to inform the people of the provisions of the new document. Also, the opponents were organized to oppose, it is probable Just as well that the technical defect was found, anyway. It will at least give a chance to eliminate the most objectionable features and re-submit it, if that is desjred. Work For Apprentice CHECKS FOR BANK DEPOSITORS A system of apprenticesship labor training, sponsored by President Roosevelt and coming through Sec retary of Labor Frances Perkins to State agencies, is to be set up in North Carolina, as in otbrr states. The agency in this State will be head ed by Commissioner of Labor A. L. Fletcher, F. H. Shuford. labor com. plance officer of the NRA; George W. Coggin, director of vocational educa tion, and Capus M. Waynick. direc tor of re-employment, along with two representaitves of labor and two of employers. The apprentice will get 2,000 hours of work and at leasr 144 hours of educational training. He, or she, wlil be paid a certain percent of the pay of the full workers on such jobs, the pay to be increased as the workers learns, and the number serv ing apprenticeships to bear a rela tion to the number employed in any given kind of work, and tho of the; needed in such work. They will be divisions into sections if ments therefor can be effected. Uther loniolidated School R T r,in T- P..; mi. Attendance in the Atlantic, Camp (Continued on page eight) Glenn, and White Oak Schools is al- most identically the same, both in the elementary departments and in the high school departments, as last year, the most notable features of these schools at the present time be METHODIST ORPHANS WILL BE HERE SUNDAY details of the meeting, the appoint- and Secured Creditors $20,899.38. ment 01 delegates or representatives GURNEY P. HOOD (Continued on page eight) . Commissioner of Banks. Liquidating Agent W. A. Allen informs the News that checks for a ten per cent dividend will be avail able to depostiors of record oeauiort Hanking and Trust Cnm.'nl.,. j , . pany Saturday of this week. When 'will m. if the tbls Payment has been made a total .This system will be used in all in- 01 ou per cent win have been paid ; dustries under the codes, extending to depositors of the Beaufort Bank- to clerkshi ing and Trust Company. all k;nds 0f "1 T -- ing. The new workers will be under general direction of the State agen cy, insuring fair treatment. C C. CAMP APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED NOW There is no occasion which brings Greater Helicht tn fho nsnnln nt Run. ing the enthusiasm with which the fort. anH tho MofhnHut nonn i o.. teachers and communities have ap. 'ticular( than the visit of the singing proached the new session. C&S3 from thc Methodist Orphanage. uunng the last several years the I Thev will be here next Sundav nAiZ Vi L i , 7Z 1 Z irvy auiuanons attendance in th. Hark TalanH .... ttLW1"il-re S.?"da?.an ' that ha changed in the past be at a primary election School h shown . ..dual bntTLZ I However the registration books of steady increase, the attendance in the ..iw Aa.;" CL :::r v:"Zineiimtneai ""a county will be purged of all elementary school for th nt , 7 . , " "v' . actions maae an investigation 01 roeadwood" . wuuy is luviteu. i Vn4T rtAinff I H(l O a AAmnavafl 4A 1 fif) J wv Mm VUlUOiVU iUrf 1 - I Beginning October 1st to 15th, all boys who are eligible and desirous of entering C. C. C. camp tt this en listment report to this ofT.ce for ap plication. Boys to be eligible must be between the ages of 18 and 25; Vntor, nf Cnrtorof omm unll unto J . , .''- ana W1U- . r i mat at tne general eiec- ing for the r money to go to their at the general election to be held No- t.on a voter would not be challenged families. No boy who has ever aiend yember 6, under the old registration as to his party affiliations, as he could -H C. C. r. kf -oL 1. 1 J. 1 -1 J I il. .L 1 . . 1 "'K ucu auu V, BOARD OF ELECTIONS DECIDES NOT TO ORDER REEGISTRATION NOW ior tne nrst montn or last year and NEW PATROLMAN FOR DISTBICT i th attonHano, in th hi ..v,! Ko. 1 w KvUn An FOR PI3TKICI. suggestion was mad ing 38 this ymr instead of 31 last year The increase in the high school before the Nowmher alleged election irregularities in this , election. Orders have gone out to all county following tne June primary, registrars of the county to meet at e by this body to ( the regular places on Saturday, Oc- the County Board of Elections, that Patrolman E. G. McMullan, of the on onMroiw no- routrHon Ko mHo state hifrhwjiv nArrni vrht . hoi li . t . 1 . .1 . v . o" " tt V4 in tne rnunr.v npmrp rnt ffonprn XSrrtwSl V lection, also' that two or more pre- nt ". .y.. cincts be established in l,ll .l.rrf:l" , "."".r" : . :ss'Pea a transter to New Bern, to and Beaufort townshi nign scnooi teacner, instruction De- succeed W ev T. Crawford. wh ro. tooer 13 and prepare a list of all those not entitled to vote, with their names and addresses as appearing on the registration books, who in the Morehead j opinion of registrars are either dead or otherwise disqualified to vote. All ; and Beaufort townships. 1 Tu f i . T) j 1 1 iv ' 1 , . ing given on the Island this year for Gently resigned from the sen-Ve The 1 luVu,a f oa epwa tne aosentee voters names shall remain the first time through the 11th 'Snn u I T !S!Festlons' b"t.after. due cons.der-!on the registration books unless they ora.lo I,- l- 7"' . """"" anon, were 01 tne opinion that it, have died or are otherwise dimuali. Although th Smyrna School has at present 16 fewer elementary pu pils than were enrolled the first . ' , . ..-.. " , auon dooks tor tne Movem FEDERAL EMERGENCY RELIEF ADMINISTRATION, Beaufort, N. C. BIRTHS Born to Mr. and rMs. Bennie. Brooks of Harkers Island, Saturday,! September 8th, a son. Born to Mr. nad Mrs. Leon Mer rill, September 15th a daughter. MARRIAGE LICENSES 'be received with much interest. HARKERS ISLAND FERRY jers of the county to respond to a new .held in Carteret county a complete icK.auaui.ii wunin tne time auotteo. ;new registration will be required. ; Leaders of both political parties of R -istvation books for the Nove e Harkers Island ferry will be ion. out of Service Octohor 2. 1934 fni- . r .: .i. ... ,.. . d,! n,o n. i.. . t. .." t,,m. . , . ' " . """"""x matter to tne &tate 'f"c iiiuiim wa. jfCBl i pairs. vYiii De oacK m service Octo- Board of EWtmna n VW.w..u, time was. granted in the month last year, the enrollment in the high school increased from 135 ber tltion will be open Saturday, October 13 and remain open through Ulys Lee, Morehead City and Vir ginia R. Austin, Beaufort. Reuben Jones and Sally Ann Jones, Mansfield. Thomas M. Garner and Mary C. Golden, Newport. The majority of potato growers in T.. ...... 11 l tt, 1 ' tf ' I'imm 1V1 UCAL VVlll 9 Tyr.ell county want potatoes made a Joans. Attending the gathering wero: Imuio frnnl) f, .:V AAA L i i ... ... 6 Si.iirniij5 wern. PRODUCTION CREDIT MEETING Hugh Overstreet, County Farm Agent, was in attendance at New Bern on Tuesday with other Farm Agents for four counties in this dis trict relative to the Production Cred it Corporation. The meeting was held at the Gas ton Hotel with county agents and representatives of the production or ganizations in the four counties of this section, including Craven, Pam lico. Onslow and Carteret counties. A series of meetnigs will be ar ranged to be held throughout the dis trict to which the growers will be in vited. Details will be explained at these meetings as to how the grow ers will be invited. Details will ba explained at these meetings as to how the growers can secure loans for securing seed and fertilizer in stead of depending on the contrac tors for assistance. The purpose of the meeting was a discussion of the way in which tha association will handle its business next year, with plans for next year's (Continued on page eight) jber 3, 1934. to the State Saturday, October 27. Challange day basic commodity, with AAA contracts E W TZ V mg wero: extension of will be November 3 with election day 'provided 1'. I ' f8J ag!"tS a matter on 'on November 6. Countv Aeent H H H.' 8fcretary tor th Pdue- ounl'y Asent H. U. Hams. tion corporation n th.-a 0Afi-

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