1 1 t I Mmtamf. I "WW j ; Wrt fill D) nsi nut lQ)l,AU 3 If ORTNEWS o VP fhe be-t ad, e tit! ng medium p-jbiished in Cartel et Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE Bl WATCH Your label and pay our imbscriptioa VOLUME XXIII e EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1934 PRU t INGLE COPY NUMBER 43 TOBACCO GROWERS ?-ofood fuh Not rqUSE-MEEKINS CASES CONTINUED HlK'E'TTOr.UAVnPC So Large Now As it Was, ..p..... urnorri v mir-on MEETING FAVORS CONTROL PROGAM The bit? run of food fish of various) sorts which has been in progress in this vicinity for about two months Large Crowd seems to oe slowing up somewnat Resolution Adopted Favoring ' "ardly any spots have been on the Continuation of Two Year , ocal T'i ,T!u W - Pre ram ! iarjie dealer told the News yesterday that he had nothing on hand except nTHFR FARMERS OPPOSE PLAN al'out lu bes ot small trout Herp Saturdav Heard Republican Speak ers PLEASE AUDIENCE MOSTLY TUESDAY Considerable Building Going On In Beaufort JtliJU rHJJLUUnVU lUUUlUl 1 tlUUai w nf rpt,aip work to residences and some new building has been go- Crowd Disappointed Because ing on and is still in progress in Blue Heaven i-ase was ujbbuiom. vai m'v - Not Tried pL'en erected and on nearly every street painters and carpenters either Although there were several cases i have been or are now at work, set for trial on the docket of Re- W. .V. B. Potter, large wholesale Minima hrnlc!pnrflr,i Pnnvt Tntsil:iv onlv two ; fish dealer here, is having a new i j i t i i t i i i , . , , . . i . - i. I t i. ., j ,n .v,.. Viriiao KniH nn h i water lot. in the nau ueen oiuigea 10 turn a own several , trie ice aaturaay witn a meeting ai : were aciuuiiy uitu. me uujuaj - " " " . ... : nrrlrtva f n-r c-rW A kino fisk onrl'U Ak f -k?,.k flmoUvr.vo rnnfi ti norl fnr nnP rPIlnn nr .Tai' of the office OCCUpied DV Dl'. V . D M K IJUNNAliAN , . o j. v. oyvto. .a. wiuv tioik wuu mc luuubjr tuuiuiuuov ol " mw ""-"viv , . , , , , m, ' . tint tit U..,w-U- 4- nl-4- l"-U: 1X7 r lr,l.:nr. e k n .innthnv Tlin tn-r trior! U-PPP rinvp'S. Chadwick on front street. inis about 500 strong, largely from u. , , ., . , , , laiaie executive comm.u a.iu ... . p-cu, The nolitical camnaiirn in Carter et county has been unusually quiet n'o tried were uave o. i.-nau n. vu i iuhi. aw ;... of Morehead City ' building, which is being built by the :. ' , " ...... "'-.,. .,. A though the repents of fish have Rnnse.. ReniiWican nominee for Con-! chareine larceny an:l that ot Umon,vis vuiisuucuun miu "v nnvr n nrn ma. n u w rn r s r na , 1 . - .. n- . -i ... , , . 1 iHr'-n vntVi tn 1 i fj-Vif 1 n vera, n 11 an ti t mc nf nvaca imq.Io cnooi ling lium viigiiiiu, cuutu .aiuuna - -J and Georgia, meeting here last Wed- uce" .-jB, eu u u auu u.c l.uu .... ... neaday, adopted resolutions asking m.cn c'ealfr estimated the receipts 'fested considerable enthus.asm by enc( b of liquor ' . ..... . nf shvimn Tnpsrlnv in Rpniif nrt- nnH liharallir nun aiiH.nu Vinth sTieakeriL Dave cell. ; the federal Agricultural Adjustment V "J & ----- Administration to continue the tobac Morehead City at 125,000 pounds County chairma, C H. Bushell pre co control program through 1938. Although the pnee paid fishermen for sided over tne meeting calling .t to "... ' ahnmn nava r nf Kaon hidrn fwn tf ' ehAnf w ofto nnAn qtiH intrnflllC The crrnwers pave ev L ence of desir- ,'"'v' gress made speeches. 1 he court room by fisher-, was well filled and the crowd mam cnargiiig larceny una inat ui uuiun 1 , Hill charged with reckless driving 32 feet wide by 40 deep. It has creo- . ... ... . . . 1 f. .,!,.., and driving while under the innu- suieu jmnig, wuouru iiamc, 6n.i" The growers gave evidence oi uesir- ' ' iv nt..t; ,k ,.M,.t three cents a pound, they nave made . ... , , , fV,,. good money by reason of the good two- year reduction contracts thru ,A j . ,. ii j f(. i. o catches they have made. A good many 193o, as originally drafted (2) in- , ...... . o- . oo 1 q ... of ot the boats with just two man crews creasing from 2o to 33 1-3 per cent ..,. ' . . tfcof the tax on non-signers, and (3 con- from100 ?150. Besides the! tmuation of the program for a lesa employed three years and longer f conditions to head J befin making Justlfy U- !good wages. J. B. Huston, chief of the tobacco ! The fine weather that has prevailed divosion of the AAA, was present andfor the past two weeks have enabled spoke, as did Congressman John H. ' sportsmen to get in some good work. Kerr, co-author of thet obacco con-1 Blue fish have been plentiful and trol measure. A resolution was adopt-j that highly prized game fish the cero ed thanking Mr. Huston, Mr. Kerr, or kingfish has been comparatively a Senator Smith, national legislators ; bundant. Cero at times are caught and others for putting the measure in nets but the hsn is not nigniy re ed Mr Rouse tha first speaker. Mr Rouse ba:-ed his speech on the Democratic national platform, several continrw nf which he took up and crit- i,.iapl Hp artru d that the New Deal administration had failed utterly to carry out the pledges of the platform. As instances c f this he cited in nlprio-P to redu e expenses and show ed that both expenses and the nation al debt have increased enormously. He mentioned ilso devaluation of the currency and failure to act on the tariff. He also stated that he would be glad to de ate the issues of the campaign with his opponent j. a. Barden He asserted that mr. caruni led iron sides and toD. The building LC llUUl. . . T)a vp RpIK an nbl nflVmlnr havintriwill be used for handling shrimp. i . i t: ... The finlf Refiinins' Coirmanv is ueen m cuun many Luiica, ao luii- i victed on the charge of stealing two j having a new wharf and warehouse pies and a loaf of bread from the uunt on u.eu- vwi iul vn auutu t.f..a e rt w Pnv n ATnvpVioa, siae oi rronc sireei. riazier anu and others for putting the measure m nei out uic uu i v aaracn ne asssiwu u --- over and county agents for carry-' garded for eating purposes and does .bought his nomination and for that .. .. "... :l ,not brinsr them onev which its kins- 'roosnn should not be elected to Con- in out its Divisions. lnot bring them oney which its kins While this meeting was being held, ! man the Spanish mackarel does. another was in session, the Fie-dmont Tobacco Non-Tax Association, organ ized to oppose and fight for remov al of the removal of the provisions of the Kerr-Smith measure. It set up units in eight counties, following a meeting of about 300 non-signers, who adopted a resolution criticising MAKING GOOD PROGRESS NOW ON FORT MACON HIGHWAY Since the good weather set in very good progress has been made on the rnflH from Atlantic Beach to Fort nr TUn n;n. Jo rtKMif finiallp1 1 .. ... T , . ,. . u iviacon. i iic giouiug ia tuu"" tne -unjust aim u.ci. t..- 'and the work of putting clay on top of the act. 0f it j8 going forward at good speed. "American Education Week' will ! At first.only 8 few trucks were haul be observed in North Carolina during j ing clay but now ught or ten are the week of November 5-11. as in doing it. The clay "brought from a o - o ' the t,t,s of the union. The 'point west of Morehead City. After week is sponsored by the United it is put on and leveled a very good States Office of Education, the Amer-: surface is made. Some day it may ican Legion and the National Educa- be paved. cm Sc." tiom Governor Ehring- The work on the Fort Macon road IZh i sued a proclamation, ask-; and on the fort itse f is hemp: done ing the citizens of the State to ob-, by the young men ot tne u.c , erve the week, in order to "make a' under the supervision of army officers roper appraisal of our situation and and the State Forestry Department. I re ourselves for the adequate A lot of money has been spent there, d scharge of the responsibilities in- already and more will be spent which volved." He stresses that the week is being supplied by the U S Gov- is "to stress the importance of our; eminent, ai me rave ue 8 problem " and asks the citizens to December. The restoration worK on fntrnTthenselves "of the problems! the fort and he .rea -round it will nMi f.hnnl and the great , JL LUf MM"4"" w - " " task of training our youth for the duties of citizenship." The State will receive ber 26 for an estimatic callons of gasoline, the r. departments, institutions gress. Mr. Rouse stated that he. is in favor of payin ? the veterans' bonus at once. He a. so advocated puDiisu ino. at the rourihouse door the names of all persons on the relief rolls. Mr. Meekins is a somewnat amei ent style of speaker from his father Judge Meekins but is a good talker and seemed to please his audience very much. He stated that the Repub licans are at wo -k in North varonna and that thex expect to-roll ur vote which will surprise their opponents. He ridiculed the olicy of the Govern ment's plowing under crops and said that farmers in :he long run would be hurt by the New Deal program. His reference to the low price of fish brought loud applause. Mr. Meekins closed by urging Republi can women to vote City. The testimony of one witness was that Dave was about two thirds drunk and that he took the pies and bread and j'ust walked out. Judge Webb fi-ave him six months to be worked under the supervision of the Board of County Commissioners. He will work at the county home. Guion Hill was acquitted on the driving while drunk charee and - - o j convicted of reckless driving. He was , let oft with the costs, prayer lor judgment continued on the hne .rle was convicted mainly on the testi mony of Chief of Police Longest and Sheriff Chadwick who testified that he drove recklesslv on Broat street and drove all across the road in the coun try where he was finally overtaken and arrested. Mr. Longest brought him back to town and said it was very plain that he was drunk. Other witnesses did not know whether he was drunk or not. A large number of men, both young and old, appeared to be disap-rminte-d and took their departure when two cases charging a number of women with prostitution were con tinued. Their attorney C. R. Wheatly presented doctor's certificates as to three of them stating that they were unable to be present. It was said that the absentees were sick with flu. It was decided by the court to wait until next week and try all the de fendants at one time. One was for Helen Finlay, Mr?. E. T. Brockwcll, Dollie Harris, Peggie Al Bradley of Richmond, Va., are the contractors. The wharf has a front age of 50 feet and goes back 65 feet to the harbor line. It will be ot nrst class construction. It is expected that this job will be finished in about twenty days. PUBLIC SCHOOLS HAVE NEW HEAD Clvde A. Erwin Succeeds Late A. T. Allen And Takes Up New Duties Raleigh, Oct. 24 Clyde A. Erwin, v,p otatp'a npw superintendent of public instruction, today plunged in to the duties of the office and an nounced that he plans no changes in nersonnel and will in the main follow for the present the general policies pursued by the department. Erwin succeeds the late Dr. A. T Allen, who had held the position for 11 vears. At 37. Erwin is one of the youngest men ever to hold a major state office, and he -is the only state prlnration head since 1900 without 3) Beaufort ACHIEVEMENT DAY TO BE OBSERVED Many Prizes Will Be Given; Mrs. McKimmon State Agent, Will Speak The annual Achievement Day ot the Carteret County Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs will be held in the Home Demonstration Of fice on Tuesday, October 30th, at 1 :30 o'clock. Mrs. D. F. Merrill, Coun ty ouncil President, will preside. ine program is as toiiows: Song America, the Beautiful. Collect of Club Women of Ameri ca. Welcome Mrs A. D. Ennett Minutes and Roll Call by Clubs. Club Report. Song It's a good time to get together. Baby Health Revue Babies. Presentation of Prizes to Babies- Mrs. P. N. Thomas. Inrtoduction of Speaker Mrs. F. N. Pinner. Address Dr. Jane S. McKimmon. State Agent and Assistant Director o Extension. Song We Believe in the South. Song Contest Clubs. 4, Talk and Presentation of Awards of Merit in ClothingMrs. Estelle T. Smith, District Agent, I Stunts. Presentation of Prizes and Gavel -Miss Minzette King. Announcements Miss Helen Dry, Home Demonstration Agent. PREMIUM LIST Morehead City, A. & P. Store 10 lsb. sugar. Dee Gee Bell, Jr. f lower vase. N. F. Eure Hardware Co. Kitchen Set. Fremans Grocery Store 24 lb. Sack Flour. Hufhams Drug Co., Box Station ery. Morehead City Drug Co., Com pact The Vogue Pair Silk Hose. UWWliiViiv.v'-'--- Monday night Republican in thisjHson and Robert Jones. The other county opened their speaking cam paign! C. H. Bushell, C. R. Wheatly and others want to Gales Creek; E. Walter Hill, candidate for Recorder accompanied by several other candi dates onnned the campaign at Sea Level. It is the purpose of the speak ers to cover practically the whole i county by election day. bids ESCAPED CONVICTS CAPTURED Or-tn- noinTiorl pnnvift were nicked inu .- , ;. 500.000 ',,n in the countv a few days ago by eds for all ! Sheriff Chadwick, Deputy R. E. and divis- Cnnlain and T. M. Thomas Jr., The ions of the government for the per- r-.n ",-ere Negroes one named Rich iod from October 26 to January 26, nrd iV.-lor and the other Barham 1935 The State has postponed con- pnttizrev.-. Pettigrew sentenced to tract'ing for gasoline for some time p-in for killing a man and Taylor , . . .. t.;.t;ai and mixun as a iv no rnnvicted of robbery. Taylor n o Irt 1111(11 Lullltlv M. ' & result of tne operauun m - and has purchased v.-.rfer the old con tracts, with some re -Nions and con cessions. In counties in which :. w registra tions have been ordered, voters are advised to follow the usual regula- icr n if the new legistra- !,.! ini liPn ni'df-i 'd. Ill a let-. ..wv -- va" fou-'d working for Brinson Lewis 0;vrv and Pettierew was captur ed in r hou?e on the Laurel road. Poth -vere taken Monday by State -ffee-s. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS MARRIAGE LICENSES case was that against Juua isewman Dorothy Johnson, SeJma Jean Parker, Libby Cain. Other cases continued by the court were those of Clem Guthrie, charged with violating prohibition law, ueve Norris same charge as Guthrie, Joe Fulford, colored, abandonment, W. H Riley driving car while under in fluence of liquor. Court will convene againn ext Tuesday. ,Ned Willis and Estelle Willis, M. City. , . . Rav L Gaskins, New Bern and lo- . . xr i nun sie Hardesty, lNewpon, xr Bert C. Meares and Margaret L. Chadwick, Beaufort. Sherman Copes and Georgia a. Parker, Beaufort. Cecil L. Nelson and Zilphia Webb, Morehead City. BIRTHS Rnvn fret Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis of Barkers Island, Monday, October 22, a daughter at the Morehead City hospital. Rom to Mr and Mrs. Alvin Willis college. Erwin said he would of course bring some new ideas of his own in- warrant to the direction of the state's schools "in due time just as any other man would," but for the present he will carry through plans set up by Dr. Alien. As chairman of the elementary Grant, 1 textbook commission since last No vember and as a former head of the North Carolina Education associa tion he is thoroughly familiar with school problems. Anions- the major matters he plans to press is the proposal for a eurri- culum revision. "We shall try to set up a cirricu- lum that will as nearly as possible -Miuin the children for the new and complex social and economic era in- j to which we seem to be moving, tr win declared. "Since 1920 there have been mo mentous changes. Prior to that time our schools educated the children to move directly into a busy, industrial- nlentitul. B. A. Bell Child's Silver set. Biggs Shoe Shop Cash for Club Pin. F. R. Bell Drug Co., Astor Pow- doi. Beaufort News one years Sub scription. Beaufort Furniture Co., Gravy ladle. Beaufort Barber Shop cash for Club Pin. Beaufort Depi Store Hose. Beaufort Grocery Co., 24 lb. sack Flour. W. H. Bailey Baby Bracelet. Carteret Hardware Co., Vollrath Boiler. Davis Brothers material for Silk Dress. R. Felton and Son Rayon Bad Spread. House Drug Co., box Coty's Pow der and Perfume. (Continued from page one) aO Credit BEAUFORT WILL PLAY Ideal Dry Cleaners i for Cleaning. Irene Beauty Shop credit for Shampoo and Finger Wave. lOllic itnf, ..v. ... p. . Ahtlfiftfl-Sdlin HflvB 1 ltr napn. . tober 19th. .(changing. There came the depression : a K0 nrpH;). . r,M ' n nr.. .! M,. r. ffnvH , .. ... i.i.. v.. 1 -r .,. .v b. DOIII U mi. ai'u i.i.o.. w, ang its laCK OI JOUS. luw we iioc Lewis of Beaufort, bautrday, ucio- silorter hours for work and more time mindnd world. Jobs were of Sea Level, a daughter, Friday, Oc-jgjnce, 1909, we have been gradually VANCEBORO HERE FRIDAY ber 20th, a son By William H. Potter, Athletic Director) to play. We shall endeavor to work Born to Mr. and Mrs. Luke Hill of I ,,f pr,.iculum that will teach the Otway, Sunday October 21, a daujrh- j children the best ways for utilizing (Continued on page eight) tcr 21, a wife acre C. R. Garner and ter by Attorney General D. G. Brum-, Clyde R. Cannon, 1 d from a Tnwnshin. for S50. m-ecinct or ward within four months j Atlantic Beach and Bridge Co., to : . .01,0 I,i.,f.tinn. h(,th with-.w r.rnnville Tavlor. 1 lot Atlantic n ni v in lu wv.vv...f 1 - the county, thcy should re-regia- B ach, for $250. ter Bt the old voting place anu wit Atlantic ueac ua..a -v,o,. t thv have lived in a pre- Frank D. Dilts and wife, 1 lot At- .!i,i countv for more than;iantic Beach, for $250 P t Mi' nn.l Mrs. T-lithlT LeW- A 'f .... l.Tinnino' the first four trames . r.... c i nti 9 u'vit-i. - is oi uavis, .-n iiuii.v , n their schedule to strong opponents , ct al to the Beaufort High School lootoau Ni'wp vt't 'team, better known as the bea llioo-s" tro into the lust half of their schedule here Friday, meeting an am bitious and hard fighting team from Vanceboro. The Vanceboro lads defeated More IKE SIMMONS HELD FOR ALLEGED ASSAULT ON PAL Monday night Bert Lloyd four months, they register and vote in the new precinct, Mr. Lrammiu advises. Infant deathi Increase Infant and maternal deaths both showed a marked increase in beptem J F. Duncan, Commissioner to u. V. Cowper Trustee, 1 lot Morehead City, for $2,500. T. C. Wade, Administrator to F. B. Klein, 1 lot Morehead City, for $283. Mabel Hill and husband et al to Citv Police Court . i ,.,.! tvio.i ntriiri l liui iik'--i head City 7-0 two weens ago - ' r .m;. Thev Alth,uKh B.(.rt h., l.t ,'$JS"Zrm to &.!T.niUkt h left t 1.1. - ,,aa fr, datP thp comDCtltlOll has UUlon nm " I o M..,ia 1 i 1 v- O a their added leisure time, both pleasure and profit," Erwin stated. Several meetings have been held over the state in the past year for a discussion of curriculum changes, the move having been started during Dr. Allen's term as education head. Other than this particular item, Erwin plans no immediate change in policy. I Erwin spent a full day at his office, signing vouchers, handling pressing letters and other matters, and in fa miliarizing himself with the routine. snowea a marKea increase m 1 mnuei - - -- ber, as compared with September of F. B. Klein, 1 lot Morehead City, for last year, the report of the btate cu- $425 reau of Vital Statistics shows. In fant deaths in September numbered 444 this year, and 321 in September of last year, the death rate having increased fnm 47.1 to 60.3 per 1000 live births. Maternal deaths increas ed from 3J to 49, a rate increase from 5.7 t3 6.6 per 1000 live births. Deaths in the State increased from nfor n SnhArer and husband to . 1. j -Bettie D. Davi3, 4 port lots Beaufort, for $1. ,t m George S. Hancock and wife to T. C. Gillikin, 10 acres Marshalberg, for $10. Japanese people use crickets as .vj. TViow nrA lcent in catres UCclllUS 111 i.cw.wmowu .vii. j WftttllUUK3' J " ' " . 2 275, a rate of 3.4 in September, and stop chirping if a stranger en- lyoo. to Z, 004 ueams, u mw: ui f. i iers aurnw wic ms"., ' . . J 1 . t ; it. - naA lence awaKening tne moatci. The American public paid more than $700,000,000 in gasoline taxes in 1933. in September, 1934. Births increased to 7,359, a rate of Zo.H las; Septem ber, from 6,817 births, a rate of 25.2 for the corresponding month last year. iT-u ; n,..,,, .llnVi oi-ia inflll- v. (looping cuupi;, uip. . - enza malaria and pellagra showed Electrical storms are less frequent : ca r dontVis mi a. n tne western nart of the united 1 niciases s i,nuc-j v nv.w..-, g - , gra from 33 to 37, while pneumonia States than they are in the central tontinuea on page eigni; anu cmihu p'"" - hepn severe. Four teams, bdenton,. Elizabeth City, Kinston and New Bern, coming in succession as tney did renresented too much strength for the hard fighting squad of local j youths. As usual the game Friday will be gin at 3:30 sharp and admission coninues at the low figure.. The schedule for the season. Sept. 28 Edenton at Beaufort, 14-0. Oct. 2 Beaufort at Elizabeth City 0-33. r.nt 12 Reaufort at Kinston, 6-19. Oct. 19 Beaufort at New Bern Oct. 26 Vanceboro at Beautort. Nov. 2 Ayden? at Beaufort. Nov. 0 Open date Fair week. Nov. 16 Snow Hill at Beauion. odor's Court on a warrant alleg ing driving a car in a reckless man ner and while drunk. At tbrpp o'clock Monday afternoon Ike Simmons was tried on the charge of assaulting Herbert Bond, also col ored, with a deadly weapon with in- therfordton and will return Monday to take up his work. He plans to move to Raleigh in tne TIDE TABLE Information as to tne tides at Beaufort is given in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for Varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that Is whether near the inlet of at the heads of the estuaries. next few weeks, but will wind up his High Tide . ... .1 1 -s J Low Tid affairs at his present home before do ing so. Tn a written statement, the new 26 urcu, win uc.j .. -i , - - . tent to kill. The two men live in : superintendent pledged his coopera n.nfAi and in fact have been room ing together. Herbert said somebody shot him on the inside of his left thigh but he didn't know who did it. However Mildred Sparrow testinea that she saw Ike do the shooting. Any way Mayor Taylor decided that there , .,,-nV.oViln pause and bound iks tion and support to Governor Ehring- haus in the development of the ed ucational program, to the teachers 01 North Carolina in securing adequate nrofessional and financial recogni tion, to the taxpayers of the state a school system founded on sound bus iness practices, and to the children 10:33 a. 10:50 p. Fridar. Oct. m. 4:07 a. m. m't 4:59 p. m. Saturday, Oct. 27 4:51 a. m. 5:48 p. 5:42 a. .Nov. 23 Kinston at Beaufort. You can help the boys by attend ing these games. Take the day off and join the crowd. over to Recorder's Court under a in training them for lite. 500 bond. On the charge of drunk enness Ike got the privilege of pay ing $5.00 or working on the streets 10 days. Less than one percent reactors '.. fr.nnd amoniT 2.034 breeding birds recently tested for Baccilary Erwin was sworn in at a brief cere mony in the governor's office this morning by Justice Michael Schenek of the Supreme court. 11:58 p. 11:58 p. 12:22 a. 12:44 p. 1:18 a. 1:37 p. 6:44 p. 6:44 p. ... i 1 ni.iwtnd rl Thirty-six Catawba County Jersey breeders have signed agree ments to have their herds tested for Bang's disease. 11:51 p. m. 11 :36 a. m. Sunday. Oct. 28 m. m. Monday, Oct. 29 m. 6:41 a m. 7:38 p, Tue.day, Oct. 30 m. 7:43 m. 8;tJl Wednesday, Oct. 31 2:24 a. m. 844 a. 2:36 p. m. 9:23 p. Thursday, Nov. 1 3:40 a. m. 9:42 a. 3:39 p. m. 10:10:p. m. m. m. m. m. m. a. m. p. m. m. m. m. m.