w o)n ' MJF "" a 5 fhe tt d.crtjsitg mdium published in Cartel e Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY .3 WATCH Your label and pay our subscription VOLUME XXIII EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934 PRi SINGLE COPY NUMBER 46 RELIEF PROJECTS ARE GOING AHEAD Sweet Potato Crop In I County Rather Short i I The sweet potato crop in Carter- Projects Completed t county has practically all been harvested now. ine acreage this ye-ar , was somewhat lower than it was last '. year and the yield is said to be only 1 about half a crop in the county as a whole. ' A few growers got very good yields this year. On eight acres of!shows, Some Some New Ones Started; Seme in Carteret County By M. R. DUNNAGAN Tuberculosis Deaths For North Carolina Raleigh. Nov. 12 New relief pro Jects started under the North Caro- By M. R. DUNNAGAN Raleigh, Nov. 12 North Carolina had 2,110 deaths from all kinds of tuberculosis during the year 1933, and 1933 deaths from tuberculosis of the respiratory system, of which lat ter 116 were of non-residents, the "Health Bulletin," for November, is sued by the State Board of Health, ASK RELIEF FROM TAX ASSESSMENTS The tabulation shows the deaths by counties of white, colored and Indian, and both the place of death and us- land Earl Camnen eot a yield of lina Emergency Relief Administra- 140o bushels. The Gibbs brothers who tion during the month ol beptember farm near Beaufort raised a very numbered 541, while work was con- good crop an(j so did Ban brothers in tinued on 816 projects which had not the Harlowe section. The South Car- been completed up to beptember l, 0iina Sweet Potato Association has shown for certain counties in which IdO projects started under the torm- been buying some potatoes in thejthe tubercular go for treatment. Of cr v. v.i wen? lumujicicu iium n COunty ana nave been paying lorty 1 to September 1, and 61 projects cents a bushel at the farms and they started under the CWA were complet-, furnished the baskets. However the ed under the ERA during the month crop is to be short in various of September. ; part3 0f the South and some growers These figures are contained in a are holding their potatoes for high report made by the office of Mrs. ' er prices. Thomas O'Berry, State ERA direc-1 F. E. R. A. EXHIBITS Board of Commissioners Has Usual Requests For Chang es; Jury Drawn Docket Keduced Some In Recorder's Court LEGISLATURE HAS FEW REPUBLICANS A considerable number of cases were disposed of in Recorder's Court 1 Tuesday. Some of these had been Democratic Majority Large But carried over from previous sessions1 of court. j Ike Simmons, colored man of, Beaufort, alleged to have cut Her-' bert Bond several weeks ago was in Republicans Gain A Few Seats tor, which also show that 742,328 man hours were used on incmoplet ed projects in operation during September. Asheville led in number of new AT FAIR VERY GOOD ual place of residence, in order to ve-.have adjustments made in their asses move the unusual numbers of deaths ments. A jury was drawn for the De cember term of court. the 1933 deaths in the State, 828 teaufort and says that this is stm A recessed meeting of the Board Beaufort, alleged to have cut Her-' Bv M- R- DUNNAGAN ,of County Commissioners was held i bert Bond several weeks aeo was in Raleigh, Nov. 12 The 1935 Gen- Tuesday at the courthouse. Commis-1 court but not tried. The principal eral Assembly of North Carolina will sioners Bonner, Fulcher, Guthrie, j witness in the case, Mildred Spar- be composed of 48 Democrats and McCabe and Smith were all present. row, went away some time ago and two Republicans in the Senate, and As usual several people were on hand the State could not make any head- 107 Democrats, one independent asking to be relieved of taxes or to way. The case was noil prossed with Democrat and 12 Republicans in hte Garments made in the FERA sew ing room at Beaufort under the di- ERA projects approved in Septem-, rection of Miss Minzette King were ber with 19. Other units leading in mng tn most attractive exhibits new ERA projects approved in Sep-( the fair. These garments are ex tember are Cabarrus county 16, Rob-( cellent Irom the standpoint of tech eson 14, Richmond, Union and Vance iquo and design. 13, Anson Cumberland and Perqui- An(jthfcr exhibit tha g not mans 12 Hahf ax, Surry and Raleigh 'on to the bnfc 11, and Chatham. Clay. Franklin and n , n , - , - , . r ., n rrt Mil . A3 WCll UCLBU3C JL UIO VllVIJ. III fll' 1 . ... , ml.- T J " Moore 10 each Ten State Projects f h six whites and one negro. The Indian storm and further to transfer the urn inplnHori in fhia nlaaoinnaf i nn . . ' Hpfltha lirfl mnnnpri trt Jflflf RATI. SwAin 1 1 il. . r i; - -" " ... " t-fnnA Th; ,t -j v tiT7i? a . ----- . - i lauu usieu in LiiH name or i ,anmnH were of whites, six of Indians and 1,099 of negroes.. Of the deaths of the 1,817 persons resident in the State, 735 were whites, six Indians and 1,076 negroes. The death rate in the nation from tuberculosis for 1933 will be shown to be between 56 and 70 per 100,000 in the United States, an address pub lished in the "Health Bulletin" shows, a reduction from 186 per 100,000 only a few decades before. Carteret county had seven deaths from tuberculosis in 1933 within the Carteret county had seven deaths from tuberculosis in 1933 within the county borders, consisting of six whites and one negro. This county had seven deaths of persons who us ually resided in the county, including Styron home washed leave to take up at some future date. House of Representatives, a complet- George Turner of Beaufort, color- ed compilation of the returns from ed, was tried on the charge of cut- the November 6 election shows, unof ting George Byrant. The latter did ficially and subject in one or two in not seem to want much done to stances to State Board of Election George. He said George Turner was review. drunk at the time of the cutting oth-: The Republicans have Senators from erwise he would not have done it. the same two districts they had in Turner admitted the assault. He was! the 1933 assembly, the 24th, repre given a suspended sentence of six sented by Joe Williams, Yadkinville months on ther oads, with the under-! and the 30th, represented by J. P. standing that he would pay Bryant's j Gibbs, Burnsville. The Republicans hospital and doctor's bills and be of gained a net Qf four seats in the good behavior for two years. House, recovering six and losing Lee Dudley, Morehead City color-!tw0- . , J ed man, charged with assault on a fe- independent Democrat elect- male and breaking and entering was c" to ule "ouse 13 - ua, oi his home, was present at the meet ing and asked to be admitted to the County Home. His application was re fused and he was very indignant at being turned down. It seems that for a time he was in the county home in Beaufort county but had been dis missed from there. The board here took thep osition that Mr. Swain is not a resident of Carteret county and has not been for a number of years. A motion was made and carried that the county auditor be instruct-1 convicted Praver for iudement was ' Po' wll serv&d several terms as the ;ea 10 reiuna Adelaide Day an adjust ment in the amount of $16.04 on pay ment of her taxes, to reduce the val uation on home on Rumley's Island continued for six months on condi- mocrauc representative ol that tion that defendant pay half court ;ouny- He was declared the nominee costs and be of good behavior. The,"' LUUlllv "ru oi elections ai 4.asf;n.nn ; tv, .ooo woo mn mi. i ter the June primary, but on com- burned in 1933 in the amount of I flictinir and Dudlev Droved a trood pla'n-t, the State Board of Elections 1 Ann from nn i i . 01 I " J r 6 u 1 j a i ... 1 i ?uu.vu reuueuon on nas- character tntiveu, uuen uui numoera oi aa- away 1933 Iredell, with four, led in number of j workers under the direction of Miss projects started under CWA and fin- King last summer.. ished during beptember under the ERA. Of the projects started by the CWA and completed under ERA from Premium List Best .Specimen Scarf Mrs. M. T., April 1 to September 1, Carteret led .on, Sea Level, with eight and Cleveland was second Best specimen Tatting Mis. Will with six. iDail, Beaufort RFD. Asheville also ed, with 28, in the Best specimen Scalloping Miss number of incompleted projects on M. King. Beaufort, RFD. whchi work was carried on during Best specimen Feather Stitching September. Three counties were sec- Miss M. King, Beaufort, RFD. -a.- on in tnis filassificatiQn with- , 22 i - Best -specimen Monogram on Lin ""projects each, Henderson,, Iredell !en Mrs. W. S. Savage. Beaufort, and Lee. RFL'. The summary of the various classi-' B.it specimen Card Table Cover fications of re-lief projects shows that Mrs. F. E. Hyde, Beaufort. Carteret county had the following:! Best specimen Home Stitching number of new ERA projects approv-'Miss Varina Rose, Beaufort, ed in September, five; number of j Best specimen Knitting Mrs. Al incompleted projects on which work.vin M. Garner, Morehead City, was carried on in September 21; us-1 Best specimen Crochetnig Mrs. ing 6,160 man hours, projects start- M. T. Mason, Sealevel. ed under CWA and completed under Best specimen Bead Bag Mrs. El- ERA during September, one; and len P. Savage, Beaufort, RFD. Best specimen Smocking Miss Will Dail, Beaufort, RFD. Best specimen Platted Rag Rug Mrs. R. E. King, Beaufort, RFD. Best specimen Hooked Rug Mrs. Eliza Salter, Davis. Best crocheted Rug Mrs. George Russell, Beaufort, RFD. Best specimen Any other Rug Miss M. King, Beaufort, RFD. Pickles Best specimen Beets Mrs. W. M. King, Beaufort, RFD. Best specimen Green Tomato and Robeson counties. BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. I- P. Sprin gle of Russell Creek, November 10, a daughter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Skin ner of Russell Creek, November 12, a daughter. Emory to Adelaide Day and correct listing of said land to 1-4 acre at a tax value of $37.50. Upon motion duly made and car ried tne uounty Audtior wa3 in Viola Roberts, colored Beaufort woman charged with assaulting Vic tory Powers with a piece of paling was convicted. She was given 90 days in jail, judgment suspended for two years and pay costs. W. N. Riley driving car while un-j sentee ballots and declared his op ponent, Carroll Rogers, the nominee. Mr. Cloud's name went on the Re publican ticket and he defeated the Democratic nomine. The two counties won back by the Democrats are Montgomery and der influence of liquor pleaded guil-1 CIay- The, seven tnev lost are Cataw- CWA projects completed from April 1 to September 1, 8. LOANS FOR FARMERS Hugh Overstreet, ounty Agent, wishes to annonuce that his office will be ready to take applications for loans to farmers for crop produc tion through the New Bern Produc tion Credit Association beginning Monday, Nov. 19th. Mr. R. T. Allen, of the New Bren Production Credit Association, will be in Mr. Overstreet's office Monday, Pickles Mr3. W. M. King, Beaufort, and will be glad to meet any farm- RFD. ers who will need money for crop Best specimen Onions Mrs. W. M. production within the next few Iling, Beaufori, RFD. j tretervet j Bes; specimen Mrs. W. S. Sav age, Beaufort RFD. I .uest spiciruen Watermelon Rind Lup- Mi-3. W. M. King, Beaufort, RFD. j Lest specimen Peach Mrs. W. S. Eva Savage, Beau Tort RFD. Best specimen Fig-s Mrs. W. S. Savage, Beaufort RFD. months. MARRIAGE LICENSES Kay Reagan and Lou:;: E. ton, Beaufort. K. A. Haney, Newport r.rd Holland, Raleigh. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS R. P. Fulcher and .wife to Simon Smith, 16 lots Morehead City, $1200. R. A. Cherry and wife to Frank B. Klein, 2 lots Mori head City, for $5000. Samuel Salter to M. L. Yeoman, tract Harkers Island, for $2. S. I). Ford and wife to Jo??e Pa It er and wife, 1 lot Beaufort for S700. J. II. Potter Sr., to Jesse Parker and wife 1 lot Beaufort, for ?25. EIG CATCH OF MULLETS Lucy Fodrie property from $750.00 to $500.00. A motion made and carried that Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roland the county AuditoHbe instructed to Swain of Beaufort, November 11, a adjust the listing pf Isaac Taylor daughter. --stodTof merchandise from $1200 to $200, error in listing. It was moved that the county aud- Jitor be instructed to reduce the val- Troy Johnson has re.itcd the store uation of moving picture house of room formerly occupied by Owens has. S. Willis, from $1000 to $200 Brothers in the Chadwiek building af for 1934 only. the corner of Front and Turner I A motion was made and carried streets. It will be known as "Troy's which ordered that Nettie M Place" and will carry a line of con- lor tract of land be reduced from NEW STORE WILL OPEN structed to adjust the valuation of tv W Riri he fnlcn n small ouanti- ba Cherokee, incoln, Randolph, Ruth- ... . - i 1 j ri t y- it 1 1 i. ty of liquor several hours before he oampson, ana roiK, me iat- was arrested. Patrolman Merritt who ter to an independent Democrat, made the arrest, said he appeared to ! The S1X counties sending Republicans have been drinking but that the!two yea" a?o and which will have steering gear of his car was defec-!6- aSaln next tlme are Avery, tive. Prayer for judgment was con- Davf Madison, Mitchell, Wilkes and tinued and must pay $10 and costs. I Yadkin. All are normally Republican Glenn Guthrie, violating prohi-! counties, -even though some of them KiHnn lalv PnnHmipH tr, npvt Tnp.s.:went Democratic in 1933 and other day j in 1931, and a few have been in the Clcve Norris, violating prohibition ; Democratic column occasionally be- law continued to Tuesday. G. E. Sanderson reckless driving,, fore. fectionery. fruits and so on. Owens $200 to $100 .error in listing. Two years ago the Republican rep- Tav-' continued to Tuesday. ieSeni,auon onw0 senators and eight Alfred Willis takin? clams Irom an "'nCu au ovstcr bod. asked for jury trial and i I'recductable minimum," several us- Brothers have moved into the store formerly used by Davis Brothers on the south side of Front street. KEEP THIS ISSUE People in Carteret county who are interested in politic, and apparently tereral thouaand are to interested, would do well to preserve this copy of tha News for future reference. A tabu lated official statement of the county election appears in this issue and contains valuable in formation. ARTHUR SMITH CHARGED WITH ually Republican counties having gone Democratic in the Roosevelt AGRICULTURE CLASS WON jcoupe. Democrats tried to hold them, PRIZES AT FAIR LAST WEEK;butw itn litt!e hoPe- However, the j Democrats will have a very strong Newport, Nov. 12 Members of the workinf majority, and considerably Newnort Vocational Atrriculture class more lnan ln ly. wtlen about one- Upon motion duly made and car- case continued. ried the countyauditor was instructed to adjust the listing of property of Leonard Robinson $600 for 1932-34 on account of burning of residence. The following men were drawn for head City; G. W. Parkin, Beaufort; ! were very much enthused when theyourth of he170 members of both Earl Davis. Marshallbere: Chas. S. learned that their Seed Corn Exhibit use.s,.of the Genera Assembly were Willis, Marshallberg; Geo. M. Dan- j won first plcae at the County Fair last j KeP"D"cans. , u-o. ... itt,iUi u.t.,r ' . - lw!Tixilxtr nrrnvrDmi.r. farm pvhihir. fnr whirh a nri7.A nf : v - v uwTtminiLni Jodie Styron, Portsmouth; C. D, Taylor, N. Harowe; Joe Williams, prize $5.00) was offered for first place. IN SESSION AT RALEIGH fniaiaorl Pifw P M Pnaaall Ti-tn TKa rlnaa n1m wnn twpntv fivo rAnts Guy Dixon, Morehead City; Mason! (-25) for the best ten ears of white' c.C.ha'rman1 P- McLendon of the Fulford, Harkers Island; N. F Eure corn The five dollars reward to the btate oard of Elections has sent out ' I . .... ,n nan tr -ill -,... 4 . . ue , oeauiori; an u. Simmons, iNewport; Leslie Whitehurst, Beaufort; Andrew ATTACK ON HIS WIFE, Nance, Newport; J. M. Robinson, At- . lantic; B. W. Piner, Peletier; G. M. It was rumored on the streets ; Sabiston, Beaufort; Chas. S. Wallace, here yesterday that Arthur Smith who ! Morehead City; J. Harry Davis, New lives in the western part of the ( port, RFD.; D. M. Salter, Merrimon; county near Bogue, had stabbed his M. M. Chadwiek, Straits; Cicero wife to death. Upon investigation the. Gray, Newport. News learns that it is alleged that I he attacked her and inflicted serious The Rotary Club of Asheville is 'cupied by M. Mann & Sons. The ex wounds upon her, .sponsoring a 4-H pig club in Bun-hibit will be on display all this week. The latest information obtainable combe Conntv with pure bred 1V1:.-m1 It is hoped that many farm: is will teacher who carried the largest num-a tau 10 au county election omcials ber of children to the fair on school ,10. attend to the meeting of the In day went to my class. I provided ! t't.ne Lof Government in Raleigh way for 103 pupils to attend the fair! wf!!, beglna ton'ght- The meeting Friday afternoon. !wl11 last through Friday and Satur- Show Window Exhibit ! da'- The Pubiie 's a'so invited to at- The Newport Vocational Agricul-ifpnd- Speakers of national reputa- ture Class will display a seed corn tion will address the meetings on exhibit in the show window of the subjects pertaining to county govern- brick store in Newport, formerly oc- ment. Capt. Brodie Willis brought 30,000 pounds of mullets Monday a board the Kingfisher. The. fish were mostly roe mullets. is that on Saturday the 10th whilo China hngs as the breed seKetod. riding in a car about a mile from New Bern on Pollocksville road, ho ,Side-d' pssing com with nitrato of . 'struck Mrs. Smith several times with soda In OaM .(! County incma'ti'd tlv '0,0 hnifa If id olii.rfPt nl-1.1 Hinf IV.. n n i ,. v!i,l ,1 1., 07 l..l.,,l, o n,,,. HOG KILLING AT COUNTY HOME There will be no lack of meat fori inmates of the County Home for5 pome time if all goes well. Superin- j temlent George W. Lewis this week; killed 13 fine hogs the total weight of I which was about 2000 nounds. One I A new attorney has hung out his of the animals weighed over 300' Russell who was in the car at thy the county agent, time attempted to defend Mrs. Smlt'.i ! and was cut on the arm. As far as the CAPTAIN W. I . HATSELL'S News is informed Smith has not bvn FUNERAL LARGELY ATTENDED arrested at thii writnig. As the r ! ' fense was committed in Craven coun-1 Funeral services for Captain Wil- take notice and in the future rrive more attention to seed corn relection. In selecting corn for seed it s';,r.i!,l always lie remember.' i that ''like p;o duces like." C. S. Long, SIX DEFENDANTS TRIED IN POLICE COURT MONDAY TIDE TABLE by Mr.y I'.I .iinbv iv- NEW ATTORNEY IN BEAUFORT shingle in Beaufort. Mr. Charles Lam- pounds, Bert fcKarren, who has lived in Wash Six defendant s v, eve tr ty the responsibility for making an liam L. Hatsell, whose death was or Taylor in Police Court arrest is upon the sheriff of Craven, told in the News last wc.k, were ening. They were, held from the home Friday afternoon i Viola Robe; t., colored, a-sauit M. E. CONFERENCE NEXT WEEK at two o'clock. Reverend C. B. Cul- with deadly weapon. She was bound - , breth, pastor of Ann Street Methodic! over to the Recorder's Court. The annual North Carolina Confer- church conducted the services, which Sadie Hodges, colored, ciisc.r lcr.y ence of the Methodist Episcopal were attended by a large number of ; conduct, profanity and so on, fined High Tide church will take place in Washing- relatives and friends from Beaufort $2.50. ! .. AT r. ..l . 1. TU . . ' r J i 1 1 n TT T T I . 11 1 .. - f .!. . 1 I - . ,.,, "J . W a i-,i. r fi j ....j- j i , , ...-.-.--., . ion, i. vy, next wuen. i nu vuiixci- unu oilier Places, mr. xieury naiseu rtivin vun:iei,uii, uiuumnu, u.u a, mgton, D, C. and studied law there WESTERN CATTLE SHIPMENT L ... ...:u -r, i... :ut .j . , x,...f. ,r. :j i . or nn i, m jo .io lint u.lin is o r -it;,o ri, r . , . ' KiiLe win ut-'Ki" i uwiuay niKiib i'u a Droiner 01 iNorioiK, v a. ana mrs. lente 10 yn.v fj.vv ui nmn i ua,, .-,.. j..- j.. decided to te"t; leVe . Hli offlc. bl I the following ( Sunday. jM. T. Beverly, a sister, of Roanoke, 4r,a M irr i -,.Ti i, , . , , J31BHOJI i aui a. ivurn, now living in v a., were nere ior me inniiai over ren L. her , a u.iai .i i)n,j,re expecting to attend the tonter-: '1 er.;l Kind y Lutn. lennysons Information as to tne tides at Beaufort in given in this col umn. The figures are approx imately correct and based on table's furnished by the U. S. Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that is whether near the inlet or At the heads of the estuaries. "T. Bone" Wallace, colored, drunk j and disorderly, $3.00 or 10 day3 on 5:00 a. twm i- fK. oi r, . . . V ' . i jreensDoro, win preside over me ins lnnerai rues were in accora-.ine sireei lorce. u.io v i'avis 1 . there Store. Mr. Skar- Carteret enuntv. infnrm fhi. . ' .. .. . .. . . , ., ... n .-i. fP...i. -i i Mtn ;,. e f i . .. ;" ' onierence. .v large auinuanca r anee wnn tne ritual r.i tne ivietnoiiit i rrann la.viur, uniiiKmiKs, f.uv qw- Ah f 8f- at 7? attle WCre brUght t0 the', expected. Besides Reverend C. B. church and were simple and impres-'or five days. 5:52 a Mamn . .4 has many friends county last Sautrday. These cattle ! Culbrcth and Mrs. Culbroth and a con'sive. Hymrs snn? by the choir at j J. B. Shumate, guilty, $2.50 fine or 0:09 p e who wih wish him success in his were mated on the CnrtPivf T.m1. i, v ... i. . ...... ,. j.. rr.... ...,,. . ...;.' , - " Mueruuie iiumoer oi ucauiorc people me nome were vinuie wnn .vie iiniijiive uajs. xu une vn luuiinu- Friday, Nov. m. m. Saturday, Nov, m. m. Sunday, Nov. m. m. Low Ti ls 16 10:10 a. m. 10:21 p. r.i. , 17 11:11 p IB 9:15 a. 12:07 p. m. profession. WILL SELL PIES AND CAKES to The Lina Bumpas Bible Class of the Methodist church will sell cakes ind pies irim Bell's Drug Store baturaay afternoon o'clock. beginning at READ THF ACS af which we iv- transferred here from other counties. Another shipm T.t of cattle is ex pected here this weok; No dairy civ have been received. However aboui 0 dairy heifers have b'.'t-n rc-ciivH and later on these will be distribut ed among relief families in th: county. total (it 8.8 Inrn rvunnHnir to nfii.nrl t!r- Pnnfcr. v..,-, .ju.iij, ' i i'-.ence. noem "( rossmff ll.o :.:r ' was also Strawberries In November jreaJ by Reverend Culls re th.. At the Kinston, Nov. 1-1 Cold weather ' hmv? "Thy Will be Dona" ' and hasn't readied Pungo river yet. Dr. , 'iNcar?r My God to Thee" were ren Ira M. Il.irdy Tuesday exhibited dcred. The active pallbearers were ftrawberries he bruoght from Leech- C. W. Thomas, Guy L. Jones, W. A. Monday, Nov. 19 ed. ,6:39 a. CORRECTION OF ERROR In last weeks issue of the News an error was made- in giving the names 7:23 7:41 12:05 12:58 20 12:53 1:44 m. 6:57 p. m. Tuesday, Nov. m. m. Wednesday, Nov. 21 of pallbearers for the funeral of Miss 8:07 a. m. 1:37 viile, on the river at the line between Pierce, Frank L. King, W. J. Moore, Mina Willis of Williston. The pall- 8:24 p. m. 2:27 Eeaufort and Hyde counties. He said J. B. Jones Jr. A profusion of beau-bearers were G. P. Willis, Thomas C. ! Thursday, Not. 22 he found quantities of the fruit in a'tiful flowers atteted the esteem in j Willi, Walter Willis, !vexU Willi, 8:49 a. m. 2:20 garden in the village. , wfciah Gap tain Hataell was bald. Charlie Willis, Je Piaer. 9:64 p. m. 3:09 a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. ui.

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