THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. DSCEI.'-rr. 13, 1934 PAGE FIVE I - , , , ti iaai Rutherford county larmers are cnecKing son eruiiun wrcre enum- T, would doubtless rebuke us for supi- nard, 1881. BU" J ,7 V o-i t v. showing interest in methods ior sizeo. Hnwel s "Rise nf Silas LaDnam. 1884. Personal Ni TELEPHONE 16 'ness and neglect, whetcer we occupy bumble places or sit in the seat of the mighty. They would warn us afresh that no people can or will ever be fully free who are unable or unwill ing to educate their children proper ly." North Carolina should deplore the fact that she deliehts in b isistine of the number of automobiles that she has per capita when at the same time she is neglecting her duty to wards her people by continuing at the bottom of the list of states in numbers of books. In 1925. Mass- Dostoyefsky, "Brothers Karama zov, 1880. Sudermann. "Dame Care," 1888. Verga, "House by the Medlar Tree' : ) 1890. parents Mr. and Mrs. NT. l Mr. Henry Hatsell will arrive homo Mr. ana mis. run rtuin-n ... , . . .. ,. mi. on aj lappmes3 and social well-ebing. ,., " . T,t,.:-.-. A: this meet ng, Dr. Kn ght, of the, . ,t , , , , r, atmpa hnl wlavs with Mrr. Patnc.-vi . . .' . lachuse.tts had two volumes Der Der " - , I niversitv facultv. hrniiTht. mil- tho . .. . 1 W. layior. ,... , " .son while Worth Carolina had eleven . nprsnna lnr vnmmA At tno nrrspnt "Schools and libraries in North j tim.e Nor'h Carolina has raised her .ratio 10 nve persons per volume. IV A Remit nrt i nnlv a verv nmAIl Dart V 1 1 1UA . . 1 , 1 w. 1 .1.1. V..1 1.1 .n kava !.. . f ?c.iool system was established nearly , in Beaufort try to work togetner and Mrs. John Dill and daughter John- a nundred years a(?0 During that help bring North Carolina up from ise and Mrs. Minnie Lewis spent t..e century ortn Carolina, along wi'.h'the bottom of the list of states. Let day in new uern euneaua, tne rest of tne country hag witnessed ping. 'several clearly defined economic cris- is. But, in all of the other depres- Miss Lillian Duncan arrived home sions cducation not guffer it Monday after spending several .ays has suffcred in this one. and Mr. nenry nmi wm . "Schools and libraries in Nortn Saturday to spend the holidays with Carolina during the present depres his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hat-Bjon j,ave faced more djfficuit days sell. !'.han at any time since the public visiting friends and relatives Greensboro and Raleigh. "We can have in North Carolina us build up a library here that will be an institution that we can be proud of. Due to the short winter days just ahead, the library will be open from 1:30 P. M. to 4:30 P. M. beginning Monday, December 17th. To the ist of Great Novels of All Times, add the following ten: Hardy, "Return of the Native," 1878. Meredith, "The Egoist," 1879. Zola, "Nana," 1880. Destoyefsky, "Crime and Punish- as much education and as manv libra- Mrs. James Noe, Mrs. Ralph Hov-;want tye can estabHsh and maintain land, Mrs Johnson and daughter Ruby nere educational opportunities of spent the day in New Bern shopping. hign xceience) if we reany wisn to do so. But we must restore in North Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mebane and Carolina some of the idealism and son Yancy spent the week end in the fa;tn ftnd tne ,.,,,,, v,p huiM Washington, D. C. I ers of our schools, some of whom, ifment," 1886. jtney could return to North Carolina Miss Helen O'Brien and Elizabeth, SrrT withriends Inrektives!4 -fovfeviV frl Rr$e-$W a m "ir, Mrs Thomas Thomas of Rocky , Mount arrived here last week end to visit Mrs. Nannie Thomas. BOOT; FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Sizes 3 to 6 VALUES $2.50 SPECIAL FOR 97c SMITH THE- DEPRESSION IS OVER France, "Crime of Sylvester Bon- Mr. John Rumley of Norfolk spent j several days here this week with rel atives. i s Mrs. Ed. Hancock and Mrs. Will. Pierce are spending the day today in , ' New Bern on business. Mr. Earl Moore of Charleston, S. C, spent several days liere this week with his family. Mr. Jack Warren of Washington was in Beaufort Murnday on business. Messrs. Cecil Brooks and Walter ! Moore returned home from New York Friday night Mrs. S. H. Thomas returned home Sunday night from Kinston whehe she has been receiving treatment. Mrs. Pressley Goodwyn of Dur ham spent the week end here visit ing Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Hyde. Rev and Mrs. C. T. Rogers arrived here last Thursday from Williamston. Rev. Rogers preached his first ser mon here Sunday morning to a large congregation. Dee Gee's Shop The Gift Center If you are looking for gifts that are un usual as well as being practical and sure to be acceptable you will find such in our offerings of domestic and imported novel ties consisting of : COSTUME JEWELRY GLASSWARE LAMPS both wood and metal CARVED NOVELTIES We Are Featuring A Line of Gifts From 25c to $100 Gifts That Are Different, Yet Inexpensive We Invite Your Inspection Dee Gee's Shop We are reviving our old-time custom of giving away ABSOLUTELY FREE Our Three Christmas Gifts, just as we did for Eighteen Years This Christmas Eve we are giving: A BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND RING white or yellow gold (as you prefer) A SPORT WRIST WATCH A LOVELY MANTLE CLOCK a i Viae hpf.- mir rnatnm in Dast vears. we are giving a ticket with every purchase DRY GOODS CO. Front St. Beaufort . , CHOOSE THE ONE GIFT THAT ONLY YOU CAN GIVE Next Door To Herald Office MOREHEAD CITY N. LIBRARY CHATS 1 1 4' $. By Clyde Duncan In last week's library notes, men tion was made of the meeting, re cently held in Chael Hill, of the Cit izens' Library Movement, the purposs of which is to build a system of libra ries which will serve every man, wo man, boy and girl in North Carolina and .which will provide opportunity and encouragement: To educate them selves continuously; to improve their ability to participate as useful citi zens in activities in which they are involved; to keep abreast of prog ress in sciences and other fields of knowledge; to make such use of leisure time as will promote person am rn ra a I -for a tempting holiday table . . FANCY FRUITS & NUTS HEAP high the festive bowl with our offerings: FRUITS. 10. IS. 20. 25c doz. Basket Apples 5c lb. Delicious Apples, doz --50c Tangarines, doz 10-20c NUTS English Walnuts, lb 25-27c Almonds, lb. 27c Pecans, lb. 27c Brazil Nuts, lb - 18c Cocoa Nuts, ea. 10c 3 for 25c ALL KINDS OF CANDIES AT REASONABLE PRICES Owen Bros. 4 Ti 0 ' I More than 1,000 dainties of unusual beauty and quality .... at a Saving 1 ' of up to Wo Make an appoint ment to have your pic ture made at night, while the entire fam ily is at home by the fireside. Take Dad's in his chair, Mother with her knitting, and Jr., ready for bed. This is the kind of pic ture we all like. It costs you noth ing, buy only the pic tures you like. Make this a Jewelry Christmas Our Stock is Complete Our Prices Reasonable DID YOU KNOW That I will sell any article in my line Watches, Clocks Jewelry, Silverware, Etc., the same identical article for TEN PERCENT Less than any mail order house catalog either wholesale or retail or any other dealer? Try it and convince yourself as others have done! B. A. BELL NEXT TO POSTOFFICE BEAUFORT, N. C YOUR JEWELER FOR 24 YEARS ... , . miraMTiniiWH iiti A rich HOLIDAY delight . . . FRUIT CAKES ROY EUBANKS 110 Gordon St. BEAUFORT, N. C. Fresh-bake and heavy with cherries, nuts and all the other delicious ingredients. 12 AND 4 POUNDS SIZE BEITS BAKERY FRONT ST. BEAUFORT A I N T I L Y finished Lin gerie . . slim cut after the new fash- . that will prove an asset to your Autumn silho uette. Of a silken : beauty and color feminine nature simply can't resist. - Many items rich ly lace-trimemd or 'embroidered. 75c to $2.95 All Shades $ FREE 20 SILVER DOLLARS Gifts For Christmas DIAMOND RINGS with the newest Design Mount ings as little as $25.00 up, in sets white or yellow gold. WATCHES FREE E. D. Martin & Co. Front St. .Front St. Eeaufcrt Beaufort Gift Suggestions RINGS WEEK END BAGS BRACELETS r COMPACTS BILL FOLDS BUCKLE SETS AND MANY OTHERS DO NOT FORGET THE 20 SILVER DOLLARS GIVEN FREE ON CHRISTMAS EVE Wm. H. BAILEY, JEWELER X A large stock of the best made watches. Elgin, waitham, Ham ilton and Gruen, ( , , , .