THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934 AGF THRFP. .mNTi r.DPPF.wnnnFnr'F Items for this column shoul.1 reach the Xev.s ofTco each If your community is not represented write us and supplies. vjjV. ..ons PELETIER Mrs. Fannie Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Rh"e and 80n Roy spent lhe week end in Newport. Mr. Dayton Lanier of Maple Hill visited the community Saturday night. , Miss Geneva Meadows spent the v -nrl in Morehead City.. Messrs. W. B. Meadows and Wilbur Morris were business vistiors at Mays ..;u Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wiggins were business vistiors in Morehead City, Saturday. Mr. S. B. Meadows visited More head City Saturday. Messrs. R. A. Dean, Glen Marshall and Buster Brown of Colfax, return ed to their home Friday night after spending a while at the Breezy Point club house. Messrs Walter and Det Mooney and Lee Bowman returned to Kern ersville, Sunday after spending two weeks hunting in this community. Messr9. L. G. Strong, R. A. Smith, L. T. Parrish, J. C. Doggitt and C. L. Scarlet of Greensboro spent a while here last week hunting with Mr. S. B. Meadows. Mr. and Mrs. John Norris and Messrs. Fred Norris and Fred Hol land were business visitors in More head City Monday. Mrs. M. M. Norris is ill at her home now. Rev. Warren of Newport preached his first sermon at the Peletier Meth odist church Sunday. Th Peletier home demonstration club held its regular monthly meet ing Friday afternoon. at Roe. Mrs. Whealineton Robinson and little son Wildon returned home Mon day after spending some time at Roe with relatives. Mr. John B. Styron of Morehead City was the guest of Miss Mattie Gilgo Tuesday night. BAY VIEW Rev. F. L. Jones of Beaufort will fill his reeular aDDointment at Gra ham's chapel Saturday night and Sun day. Rev. J. G. Crocker of Pine Level spent a few days here last week vis iting friends. Quite a number of the people from this community attended ser vices at Morehead City Sunday. Mr. A. L. Winberry of Wilming ton spent the week end with his fam ily here. Messrs. G. C. Cuthrell and Charlie I Freeman of Russell Creek were visi tors in the community a short while Thursday afternoon. list. We wish for her a very speedy recovery. Mr. Harry Bell left for his home at Spartanburg, S C, Saturday where he will spend the Christmas holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bell. Mrs. T. P. Tosto and brother Mr. finv Sahiston of Beaufort SDent a while Sunday afternoon with their parents Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Sabiston. Messrs. Charles and Leo Whitley spent the week end at Leechville with their sister, Mrs. Bennie Harris. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dickinson and daughter Miss Roxie motored to Beaufort Saturday morning. Mr. R. P. Gooding of North Riv er spent a while last Tuesday with his mother. Mr. A. W. Foreman came very near losinar his home last week when the kitchen caught fire. By the help of neighbors they succeeded in saving it. The inside of the kitchen was badly burned. SEA LEVEL week end at West Beaufort visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Chaplain of West Beaufort were visitors at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Graham Sunday afternoon. Mr John Bennett of New Bern at tended services at Graham's chapel Saturday night. Misses Jovce Dail Fodne and Ros alie Wallace left Saturday for Geor gia where they will spend Christmas holidays with Miss Wallace's father. Mrs. B. A. Oglesby who has been very ill is able to be up again. OTWA Mrs. Preston Lawrence and chil dren apent Sunday with her daugh ter Mrs. Maxwell Lawrence. Mrs. Filbert Golden of Bettie spent a while Sunday with her broth er and family. Mrs. Raleigh Gillikin spent a while Monday night with Mrs. B. B. Law rence who is on the sick list. Mrs. George W. Piner who is em ployed on the dredge Currituck spent the week end with his family. Mrs. 0. W. Lewis spent a while Sundav with her sister. Mrs. Frances Gillikin of Kinston spent the week end with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie D. Gillikin of New Jersey spent last week with his sisters. Mrs. Teanie Lawrence spent Mon day with Mrs. B. B. Lawrence. Mrs. Lionel Gillikin and daughter Le-ta Pearl spent Monday and Mon day night with her sister Mrs. Alton Gillikin and children. Mr. and Mrs. Willie B. Lawrence and children of Bettie spent Sunday with his mother Mrs. Rebecca Lawrence. Mrs. Norman Gaskill who has been receiving treatment at Greenville hospital returned home last week. Mrs. Presly P. Goodwyn of Dur ham who has been visiting her moth er of Stacy made her sister Mrs. Kooch Taylor a visit Friday, bhe was accompanied by her mother and Mrs. Merdie Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor and sis- n. TTva Mi1lfo4 Taulfti mora vilitinrH lui auttjr miciifvuii. .si mil . - - -- Miss iThelma Graham spent thejin Atlantic Sunday evennig. xur. anu uirs. jMaiuy xuyiui uo vis iting Mr. Taylor's father and sister. Mrs. Mollv Willis is snendinir the Christmas holidays in New Bern with her son Mr. David Willis. Mr. Floyd Willis of Atlantic was a vistior in the community Sunday. Mr. Larry Hill who is in the navy came home for the week end to see his mother Mrs. Maude HilL Mr. D. W. Garner preached Satur day and Sunday night at the Free Will Baptist church. A Picnic The members of the Sea Level rlnh pave a nienie Monday at 2 o'clock in honor of Miss Helen Dry. They had lots of good things to eat. After the dinner was served all the members sang many club songs. Then the members drew names and gave each other a present. Miss Dry said she enjoyed herself fine. All report ed a good time. . and one delinquent can undo and up set a years work. An article in one of our best magazines classed Cas well as a correction institution along with Jackson Training School, East Carolina Training School and Morris on school. There is no other school in the State that Caswell can be com pared with. The school is intended to take young children and "Bring tnem up in the way they should go. (3 A creah many people do not mifWstand how the people who work in this school become attached to the children here. We find that a person who does not love and become attach ed to these children is a misfit and should become detached from the in stitution as soon as possible. (4) There is an idea among some neoDle that everything revolves a- j round the employees and that the children are a secondary matter, i ma i. not true. Children first, always. The school was built for the children and not to furnish employment for any one (5) There is another idea prevalent that our children are not alert and do not remember wings and do not appreciate what we are trying to do for them.-Just the other day, a supposedly intelligent person said, "Why fool with getting toys and Christmas presents for tnese cnnaren, in five hours they will forget all a- hout. whether thev reecive presents or not." There is no greater fallacy than this. Santa Claus has no greater worshipers than the children here. He is their Patron Saint forget him never. Call any of our children and ask them what Santa Claus brought them last year and they can name every article. Normal children grow ur, and would foreet Santa Claus on ly for the fact that their children or some one else's children keep them reminded of the fact that there is a 'Santa Claus." Our children never arrow away from Santa Claus. He is the one person who is always kind, jolly and never, Many people, even Welfare officers, forgets a little child, no matter how poor or ragged, or how the yeais pilo up. On tho 25tn of December, they know he ra-. not forgotten for hi.s gifts are in their stockings to verify the fact of his visit. cannot understand why they cannot get children into Caswell. The reason is very simple, no room. When a ves sel is fall it cannot hold more with out running over. There is only one Caswell in the State. V When Uther Presents Are Forgotten Slippers Still bay Merry Christmas LOLA. ROE Miss Esther Daniels was a business visitor in Beaufort Saturday. The young folks from here attend ed the play over at Atlantic Saturday night. Miss Pearl Davis, teacher here spent the week end at home with her parents at Marshallberg. Mr. C. B. Harris spent the week end in Atlantic. Mrs. Sophia Lupton's daughter Cal lie and sons Jimmie and Allen spent the week end at Beaufort. Mr. C. T. Gillikin spent the week end at Cherry Point. Mr. Milton Goodwin who is employ ed at Beauofrt was called home last week on account of the death of his sister Dollie Gray. He was accompan ied by his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ooodwin and aunt Mrs. Luther Pittman. Mrs. Clyde Harris is spending a j.m nrifh her narents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of More head City visited Mr. Smith's mother Sunday, Mrs. Mary Smith. Mrs. Charlie Styron and Misses Banch and Alma Daniels and Evelyn Gray Lupton attended Sunday school Sunday, also Messrs. Wilbur and Har old Goodwin and Carl Daniels. ( Arrived too late for last week's issue) Rev. Herman Wooten filled his reg ular appointment at the F. W. B. church Saturday night ana bunaay Mr and Mrs. J. J. Day and daugn- ter of Oriental were vistiors nere Sunday. Misses Mattie and Millie Day were visitors at Roe Saturday. Mr. Jimmie Lupton and sister bai lie and Mr. Leo Lupton were visitors at Beaufort Saturday. Quite a few of the young people of Roe attended church here Sunday night. Messrs. Charlie Day, James Lup ton and Walter J. Goodwin were vis itors at Roe Sunday. Mr. Bertram Willis of Williston spent the week end witn his grand Mr. and Mrs. Louis Daniels. v - . ji Mrs. Helen Lupton ot Koe is spenn ... . . XT-- ing a few days witn ner son mr. nui- wood Lupton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur boodwin ana daughter of Roe spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Good win. Messrs. Luther and Andrew Lup ton returned home Sunday from South river where they have been employed for the past week. Capt. and Mrs. A. W. Styron re turned to their home from Ocracoke last week. Capt. Styron has been in the Coast Guard service there but is now on the retired list. Set our new line of Daniel Green footwear THOMPSON SHOE STORE NEW BERN, N. C. w& Gifts for The Whole Family AT SMITHS DRY GOODS COMPANY UPPERS MERRIMON Mr. J. E. McCleese of Oriental is visiting relatives here. Rev. F. B. Brandenburg filled his regular appointment" here Sunday morning. Miss Elva Salter spent the week end at home with her parents Mr. .nJ Mrs. H. E. Salter. Mrs. W. B. Cannon of South Riv j ' er spent Monday with her sister, j Mrs. Joe Blake. I ' Mr. C. P. Jameson and Mr. and t Mrs. E. S. Martin spent Wednesday week in New Bern shopping. Mrs. T. P Smith spent the end at home. Mr. Robert Ball of Newport News. Va., was over last week visiting rel atives and friends. Men's Classy Models in Soft Kid, novelty contrasted with patented open sides $1.-$1.95 CORE CREEK Misses Minnie and Irene Sabiston and Thelma Dickinson went to James City Sunday afternoon to see tneir uncle, Mr. W. F. Dickinson who is sick. Mr. anH Mrs. D. W. Sabiston were in New Bern Tuesday where he has treatment from Dr. UL CII ' O R. N. Duffy. Mrs. J. H. Dickinson and daugh ter Miss Margaret, were in New Bern Tuesday shopping. Miss Marie Dickinson spent a few days last week at Harlowe with her m,.t Mr. Rnv Mason. flMIU - - J Mi3s Roxie Dickinson motored to. Caswell Traini'g School iBy F. M. REGISTER, M. D. Supt. CASWELL TRAINING SCHOOL'S PLACE IN STATE Beaufort Friday with Mrs. 0. C. Bell being cared for n-e-u relieve n- Mr. Douglas Sabiston or Aoamr ,cr men w , Run S. C, spent the week end with such a heavy Durcen ana his 'parents Mr. and Mrs. G. M.'to carry on in a much better way. his parents, mr. u think jg fl Sabiston. . I , ' . J vtu.rt . X i. a fauf n HCf 1 OT UCU 1UUC 119 va w r v. - - sister Mrs. T. 1. iosto. , , onnl. I- piacc ncre lui nBoo v j"1"! PORTSMOUTH l Arrived too late for last week's issue) Mr .nH Mm Jesse Babb and two daughters Marian Grey and Edna Earl, spent Saturday night with Mrs. n.kv. .;,f.F Miss Nora Dixon. uauua Mrs. W. T. Gilgo returned home Monday after spending some time at Mr. Elmo Gilgo spent several days at Avon last week. Mr S. S. Fulcher left Sunday to spend a few days at his home at i-Tis- Mr. Roland Styron returned nome Thursday after spending a few days at Beaufort and Davis. Mr. Walter Goodwin returned to the Coast Guard station Monday af ter spending his liberty ct his .v.ra TV. mv enntRfts with teot'.e all ov er North Carolina, both by personal contact and by correspondence, i fin tW there are many erroneous conceptions about Caswell Training school. I want to clear up some oi these impressions. (1) A great many people think this school is exclusively a custaiai school This is not true. A great many of our girls and boys are capable of learning how to live, how to be non ock nH lawabidins. They will never be great scholars, but they will learn how to hiake an honest living ana take care of themselves with very little supervision. There are probably one hundred and fifty here who will hn here as lone as they live, and will never be able to learn very much, but 1 i -ii VHt:Wts: -r. "51111111 MMjn- Kv I, I 1 III II LS. XJM A IMS 4 0rjMWm J " ui.00 to wfMmmm) TIES Ties men go tor, Silks and Satins in new modern pat terns 25c-55c-$1.00 Half a dozen of these snappy beauties for Christmas will get his cheery "O. K ... - i- SHIRTS OUR GIFT SPECIAL Which does he favor? Neck land Collar attached or collar to match? They are all here. iSnappy patterned Shirts of tach Madras or Broadcloth, nifty dots, all overs, stripes, pre-shrunk and colorfast some values at this low price $1.00 to $1.50. Mr. Kat K. Gooding spent won- iul . f,. , . ... A .. . - day .7 Beaufort with her friends. 'JiS tte$-r6 Mrs C E. Dickinson is on ma sic i 6iv - . R Rlm iTFXndIefF-IYou MighTFool A Lie Detector But You Can't Fool A Brain Detector sis ssa , fmmM CNK-ANDr l I I CANT STAHD JESEEE: v. LMWW ii TfSpf XJ x " -