PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1934 A. DuPlantv, said Dounaeu anu unuiuo I . , i i 1 . .1 : U rffna nf KpcnR- 7-t i -m.ii a TAO k 1. A certain tract or partei u. aeea recuiucu m ,-- W X A I f land lying and being in Carteret Coun ' ter of Deeds of Carteret County, in " "- ----'K- . x.' . ,i;0 aA sifnated on Rnnlc 3fi. nam? 18. to which reference ly , uiui i the north side of Bogue Sound and is hereby made. on both sides of Public Highway I 9. Tract Four: It being the east leading from New Bern to Morehead 'ern One Hundred feet of Lot Num r;t hnnnHp,) nn the north by Morse her Two, Section One, as appears in land' on the east by the Hoffman the plat of ground bought by Oscar THE COST IS SMALL USE THEM FOR RESULTS RATE: One cent per word, Initial, Utter, Figure. All want ads Bald in advance. No want ad taken for lest than 25c. them in. DUplay Ad Rats on Requet Telephone No. 16 anu Known uy me . . .. il tract of land being 100 feet Mail land' on the south by Bogue- Sound kissam of B. J. Coleburn and wife, ' - : . , t i . i ti and on the west by the Munice lana and described as follows: Beginning on Bogue Sound at the southeast corner of Muncie tract of land, and running north 10 degrees 20' East 3797 feet to an iron stake; thence North 79 degrees East 1712 feet to a stake by a cart path; thence North 55 degrees East 1093 feet to a stake; thence South 88 degrees 45' E. 292 feet to a stake: thence South 5 de- WARRANTY DEED 3, MORTGAGE : grees 4o' west 0200 ieet 10 .. Deed. Deeds of Trust. Chattel Mrt- on Bogue Sound; thence with the lift BE DfilUlUK iWaiClO Ui twu.... wv en gage blanks for News Office. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS AND AD. ning, containing auu acres, more or less, as will appear by reference to map of said property made by B. M. ilng acWne pper t tno Beaufort , p)tt6r q E j ; junC( 1925 Now offieo. MILK COWS FOR SALE APPLY to H. C. Jones, Beaufort, N. C. t f FOR SALE - AUTOMOBILE TRUNK Apply at Beaufort News Office. FOR SALE NICE LOT AND RES- idence on Live Oak street; five rooms with bath. Two blocks from water front. For further information call at the Beaufort News office, or write. 12-20 FOR SALE ANY ONE WANTING some good draft horses or mules. Breeding ewes, feeder lambs, vacci nated shoats or stock cattle, come to Iowa. We have as good quality as grows. Harry Ball, Fairfield, Iowa. ITS NOW TIME TO THINK of Chrstmas. The goods are here. Shop Early. Select now Our Lay-Away Plan makes it possible for you to get your choice. A small deposit holds your item until any time be fore Dec. 20th. BEAUFORT FURNITURE CO., 415 Front Street. 12-20 HOLIDAY GOODS N O W SHOWING Gifts or any extra piece Furniture makes more comfort for home and is always welcome BEAUFORT FURNI TURE CO., 415 Front St. 20 Mnrtapnst mmer at nn Iron stake in TOYS GIFTS FURNITURE. the line of fence and runs n. 40 30" Add comfort to the home. None 2508 feet to the Atlantic Ocean a finer at the price in Afnerica. long a marked line of trees, then S. BEAUFORT FURNITURE CO.. 89' E. 2278 feet to an iron post on 415 Front St. 12-20 (the Atlantic Ocean and being th I southwest corner of Chadwick land, ithen alone the Chadwick line N. 1' wide on the shore, and runs back 300 feet. Said plot being recorded in Book 8, page 518. Register Deeds Office, Carteret County better described as lows: Beginning at an iron stake at the southwest corner of the lands con veyed by Oscar Kissam to S. A. Du- Planty and on First Street running thence eastwardly with First Street 100 feet to an iron stake; thence northwardly parallel with Ocean Ave nue to the Waters of Bogue Sound; thence westwardly with the waters of Bogue Sound 100 feet to an iron stake; thence southwardly parallel with Ocean Avenue and along the line of S. A. DuPlanty lands to an iron stake on First Street, the beginning point. Together with the buildngs and improvements situated on said lands and formerly known as the residence Mrs. Martha K. Smith and George E. . Smith her husband, on Bogu Banks, Carteret County, N. C, be ing the same property conveyed by Martha K. Smith and George E. Smith to S. A. DuPlanty, said deed recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Carteret County in Book 37, page 29 to which reference is hereby made. And being the same property conveyed to A. Hoffman by S. A. Da Planty and wife, by deed dated April 12, 1927, and recorded in Book 55, page 551, office of Register of Deeds of Carteret County, N. C 10. Beginning at a cedar post lo in 2. A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Morehead Township, Carteret County, North Carolina, beginning at a stake on Bogue Sound, E. H. Muncie's south west corner and running in a north erly direction with E. H. Muncie's line and George E. Howell's line to Den nis B. Turner's corner; thence north wardly and with said Turner's line 1000 ft. to a stake; thence ina south erly direction and parallel with the Muncie Howell line to a stake on Bogue Sound 1000 feet from the be ginning thence in an easterly direc tion, 1000 feet to the beginning, con taining sixty acres, more or less. And being same tract of land convey ed to T. D. Warren and others by George E. Howell and others on 20 th day of May, 1925, which deed is re corded in office of Register of Deeds of Carteret County in Book 4 J, page ' of the TriDod erected by the tlOn W1U De paiu ny un.-. E. H. Cranmer, Judge Presiding. 'T T W. Hassell Clerk of the Su perior Court of Carteret County, do hereby certify that the foregoing and above judgment is a true copy of the judgment rendered a ttne June icrra. Carteret County superior toum 1927. Witness my hand this the 24th day of June, 1927.. L. W. Hassell, Clerk Superior Court. Filed for registration at 1 p. m. nVlnflf on the 24th day of June, 1927 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret Coun ty, the 24th day or June, ivti, Book 46, page 2b. R. W. Wallace. Register of Deeds. 1? Bpeinninir at Youpon Point at the Sound, running South 2 1-2 de grees W. 200 poles to the Sea, thence with the Seashore east 266 poles thence north 2 1-2 degrees test lot. poles to the Sound, thence to trie do- . O A A n mntA ginning containing ovu or less. Being the same lana conecu by S. P. Hancock and wife to Mrs. A. P. Hoffman by deed dated Nov. 16, 191 . and registered in Book 32, page 202, office of Register of Deeds of Carteret County. 13. Situate in Morehead Town ship, Carteret County, N. C, adjoin ing the lands of David Bell heirs, on West Railroad right of way and W. Fuller and C. Monroe on North wa ters of Bogue Sound on the South, E. B. Willis on the East and others, and bounded as folows, vis: Begin ning at an iron stake on Bogue Sound the corner of the lands conveyed by E. B. Willis and wife to S. A. Du Planty running thence northwardly along the line of E. B. Willis lands to the E. B. Willis corner on the old f land, in Morehead Township Car teret County, State of N. C, adjoin ing the lands of Oscar Kissam on Bogue Banks; beginning at the inter- section of Ucean Avenue, anu oclumu Street, it runs with Second btreei. westwardly 210 feet thence south par allel with Ocean Avenue 200 feet; i recorded in Book 40, page dita, we thence eastwardly parallel with ec w;n on Saturday the ond Street 210 feet; thence nortn-1 12 DAY OF JANUARY, wardly parallel with Ocean Avenue! 2 o'clock Noon 200 feet to the beginning, the corner iat tj,e Courthouse door in canere. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by Henry M. Car raway and wife, Vera M. Carraway, An the 18th day of May, 1923, and a? said Ocean Avenue and Second Street, containing 1 acre, more or less; together with all and singular tho tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wis? appertaining. Being same land convey ed by Sheriff of Carteret County to Alice Hoffman by deed dated f ebru ary 11, 1928, aid being registered in Book 27, page 66, in office of Regis ter of Deeds of Carteret County, N. C. 15. Also any other lands owned by defendant, Alice Hoffman, in Car teret County, N. C. The aforesaid tracts of land being the same described in deed of trust from Alice Hoffman to J. K. Warren, County, Beaufort, N. C, sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of J. M. Car raway on the N.; Beach Island Swamp on the .; cuuy s reen oi the S. and W.; Beginning at a pine in Hunters Gut running S. 69', 30 mins. E. 1584 ft. to a Gum in Beach Island Gut; thence S. 21' 30 mins. W. 660 ft. to a bend in the Gut or swamp; thence S. 29' 30 mins. W. 462 ft. to a crook or bend in the swamp; thence S. 47' 30 mins. W. 363 ft. to the mouth of the Gut; thence S. 80' W. 297 ft to Cully's Creek Bridge; thence N. 89' W. 1650 ft. to the bend in Cully's Creek; thence down Cully's creek; to the cated on Youpon Point near the East , highway; thence westwardly with the 407. 3. Adjoining the lands of W. S. Chadwick on the East, Joseph R. Johnson on the West, and others, on Bogue Banks in Morehead Township and known as the Hoop Pole Creek lands, formerly belonging to George W. Styron and bounded on the North by the waters of Bogue Sound; on the South by waters of the Atlantic Ocean ; on the West by the lands for merly belonging to Jos. R. Johnson and on the East by the lands of W. S. Chadwick and described as fol ows: Beginning at Jos. R. Johnson's FOR RENT ROOMS OR APART- ment with hot water. Felton, 113 Queen St. Mrs. B. Poultry was bred for fighting ex hibitions for more than 1,000 years. Breeding for egg production has been the trend for the last 50 years. Legal Notices United States Government and now standing on the North Shore of said banks or island; thence running due South, true meridian, across the banks (along what is known as Low enbergs line, which line runs South 3 1-2 W.) 8,333 feet to the high water mark of the waters of the At lantic Ocean; thence westwardly a long the various courses of the high water mark of said Atlantic Ocean 35,277 feet to a cedar post (said ce dar post being at a point where a line running due North and South true meridian from a point on Bogue Sound, 7,250 feet west from the Church Spire at Gillikin, N. C, will intersect the South boundary line of said tract) thence running due north true meridian 1353 feet to a cedar post set at high water mark of the waters of Bogue Sound; thence- run ning eastwardly along and with the various courses of the high water mark 0f said Bogue Sound 40,086, 1-2 feet to the point of beginning, save and excepting from the description heerin the following tracts or par- Alice Hoffman by Crescent Land eels of minor acreage: any, dated September 14, 1920, and (a) Lots Numbered 1, 2, 3 4, E. 4800 feet to the waters of Bogue Sound, then W. with Bogue Sound to the beginning including the marshes and islands, containing 600 acres. Beine the same land conveyed to old highway to a stake which is Cic ero Monroe's Corner; thence north wardly to an iron stake on the right of way of the A. & N. C. R. R. Com pany; thence with said right of way westwardly about 400 yards to an iron stake; the corner of Dadie Morse lands; thence southwardly along a marked line which is the line of Da- di" Morse and David Bell Heirs a- bout 2500 yards to the waters of Bogue Sound; thence eastwardly with the waters of Bogue Sound to the be ginning, together with the water front and all riparian rights contain ing 170 acres, more or less. Being the same land conveyed by Alice Pelletier to Alice Hoffman by deed April 3. 1924, registered in Book 41, page 451 in office of Register of Deeds of Car teret County, N. C. 14. That certain tract or parcel trusts, (luted Jan. 1. 1929. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds'mouth of Hunters ut; thence up the of Carteret County Book 65, page 346j said Gut to the beginning, contain and in thea ttachment proceedings ! ing 60 acres, more or less, and certificate of sheriff of Carteret This sale is made 1y reason of the ounty dated 12th January, 1932, re- failure of Henry M. Carraway and corded in Judgment Dockit 5, page 74 wife Vera M. Carraway, to pay off office of the Clerk of the Superior and discharge the indebtedness se Court of Carteret County, North Car-j cured by said Deed of Trust, olina. to which deed of trust and cer-1 A deposit of 10 per cent will be tificate of the sheriff of Carteret ' required from the purchaser at the County reference is hereby made. The aforesaid tracts of land will be sold as follows: Tracts Nos. 1 and 2 above described being the same de scribed in the deed of trust from Alice Hoffman to J. K. Warren, trustee, will be sold first, and the remaining prop erty heretofore described being tracts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 will be sold in parcels until sufficient is sold to py said debt, in terest and costs. Tracts 1 and 2 will be sold free of encumbrances. Tracts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 will be sold subject tot axes and prior en cumbrances. All will be sold subject sale. This 6th day of December, 1934. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORP. Substituted Trustee, Durham, N. C. Graham W. Duncan, Attorney, '(Beaufort, N. C. Jan. 3 Pena'i L.t Will William ivmi wrote his last testa ment while fert'red nnd in tuiste. It led to a series of complications In bis fnmlly and In the Colony of Pennsyl vnnln which lie founded. But It Is a wise provision of Hie religious society of which Perm w hs n member to recom mend: "Krli'iMls nre nrnestiy auviseu to confirmation of Superior Court of j to Insect Mie xiate of their outwarJ Carteret County. affairs nt Imst -nee n year to consider The highest bidder will be requir-l carefully whilst In health the Just dls ed to deposit with the commissioners position o' tl-.clr estates by will or an amount eaual to 5 per cent pur-' otherwise." chase price as an evidence of good j faith. This 6th day of December, 1934. Jan. 3 W. C. GORHAM, J. K. WARREN, Commissioners. READ THE WANT ADS The cornerstone of the original U. S. Capitol was laid by President Washington on Sept 18, 1793. Sow spinach late and cover with a mluch. This will give you the ear liest possible crop next spring. c n d n a d a a a a a a u o recorded in Book 32, page 203. 13 and 16, Section 1 and lots num- 4. Beginning at a roc, the same j beref 1, z, ana 6 ana 16, section i being J. J. Wolfenden northwest cor- ( one acre sold by Oscar Kissam to W. npr nn thP north side of Central G. Young and J. Wheeler Glover j Highway Road, anJ running thence I westwardly with the said Highway 'I Road, seven (7) poles and ten (10) Book 17, page 53, said areas being found of record in Book 8, page 518 each book and page reference here ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE North Carolina, Carteret County, Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Fred Moshier, deceas ed, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beaufort, N. C, on or before the 15th day of November, 1935, ,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebteded to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day of November, 1934. CLINTON MOSHIER Administrator of the estate of Fred Mosher, deceased. Dec. 20 links to a rock; thence southwardly given, referring to lecords in the with the center of the Old Cart Road (being old cart rond running from said highway road to Bogue Sound through Alice W. Pelletiera farm) two hundred and nine (209) poles to Bogue Sound, thence eastwardly with Bogue Sound thirty (30) poles to a stake on J. J. Wolfenden's West line; thence with said Wolfenden line northwardly to the beginning, con taining 24 3-4 acres, more or less. Office of the Register of Deeds Car teret County. North Carolina, said areas hereby excepted being the por tions of land on Bogue Banks, or Bogue Island conveyed by John A. RoyaH et ux to Oscar Kissam, and the only areas not reconveyed by said Kissam of record to said Roy all. (b) That tract of land containing one-fourth acre conveyed by John A. Royall et ux to D. J. Willis, et als, stiBBBEBDCBBDaaanuFJu a u a H 4 WmWmW a b Home Loans 5 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE North Carolina, Carteret County,, Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Susan J. Dickinson, deceased, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Beaufort, N. C. on or before the 22nd day of Novem ber, 1935, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This 22nd. day of November, 1934. EARL DICKINSON, Administrator of Susan J. Dickin son,. Dec 27 Beina- the same land conveyed to A, I Hoffman by S. A. Duplanty and wife. ' Hook lb, page 27b. I dated October 31, 1923, and record- (c) That tract of land on Sam ed in the office of Register of Deeds, Smith Point or. Bogue Sound, on Carteret County, in Book 36, page Bogue Banks, being approximately 457 1 420 feet square conveyed by John A. .5 Tract One: Being Lot Number , Royall et ux to Harvey Willis, Book Sixteen (16) in subdivision known; 19. page 95. as "Abonitia" on Bogue Banks, and (d) That tract of land on Bogue being 100 feet wide and 150 feet 'Banks, being 315 feet by 189 feet deep; beginning at a cedar stake onconveyed by John A. Royall et ux to Wfu.H .Street runninc thence north : Board of Education of Carteret Coun- COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to the power conferred upon the undersigned Commissioners in that certain judgment rendered in the Superior Court of Carteret Coun ty December Term 1932 in an action entitled H. P. Whitehurst, T. D. War ren, Eastern Bank & Trust Company, Catherine Bell, Executrix of Julia A. Bell, Mrs. George E. Howell and Mary S. Warren vs Alice Hoffman, the un dersigned Commissioners will sell at public auction for cash on MONDAY, JANUARY 7th, 1935 at 12:00 o'clock noon at the court house door t in Beaufort, Carteret County, North "Carolina:, the -following described" tract or' "parcels of parallel with Ocean Avenue 150 feet to a cedar stake; thence west paral lel with the second Street 100 feet to a cedar stake; thence south par ty, Book 19, page 314. Said lands being the same convey ed to Alice Hoffman by John A. Roy all and wife, by deed dated Septem- allel with Ocean Avenue 150 feet tolber 11, 1917, and registered in Book Second Street; thence eastwardly with Second Street 100 feet to beginning. 6. Tract Two. Lot Number Ten (10) in the subdivision known as "Abonitia" on Bogue Banks, being 100 feet wide and 200 feet deep. Beginning at a cedar stake on First Street, running thence southwardly parallel with Ocean Avenue 200 feet to a cedar stake; thence eastwardly parallel with First Street 100 feet to a cedar stake; thence northwardly parallel with Ocean Avenue 200 feet to a cedar stake on First Street; thence westwardly with First Street tod feet to the beginning.. 7. Tract Three: Being the south west corner of lot Two (2) " in the subdivision known as "Abonitia" on Bogue Banks. Beginnig at the south east intersection of First Street and Ocean Avenue at a cedar stake; run ning thence eastwardly with First Street 80 feet to a cedar stake; thence northwardly parallel with Ocean Ave nue 150 feet to a cedar stake; thence westwardly parallel with First Street 80 feet to Ocean Avenut; thence 46, page 296 11. All the land described in the within judgment: "John A. Royall vs. Alic Hoffman. This cause coming on to be heard at this term before His Honor E. H. Cranmer, Judge, upon the complaint and demurrer; and being heard it is considered, ordered the adjudged that the 'deed in Book 46, page 296 from Royall to Hoffman be a.nended or changed So as to contain," immed iately at the end of the dsecription and effective as of June Term, 1923, of the Court this provision: "This ded is subject to the terms and pro visions of that certain judgment at June Term, 1923, of Carteret Super ior Court in the action entitled "Alice Hoffman vs. J. C. Lewis et al" record ed in the office of Clerk Superior Court, Judgment Book, 3, page 308, Minute Book 7, page 444, which judgment is made part hereof. The Clerk of this Court will certify copy of judgment to the Register of Deeds for Carteret County and said Register You can get money now for repairs or improve ments on your home to be paid back in monthly install ments over a period of years. Building Material prices have been reduced to meet this situation and are probably lower now than they will be again for years. Paint up ! Repair your roofs ! Repair your home ! Add that extra room you have wanted long ! so You can do this and pay for it as you use the im provements. WE SELL EVERYTHING NEEDED of Deeds shall record same with the southwardly along Ocean Avenue 150 . original deed, or if not so recorded feet to the betrinnincr. then he shall note on the record of 8. Also all the land formerly own- this judgment reference to said deed B, ed by Oscar Kissam on Bogue" Banks, tnd on record of said deed reference Beaufort Lumber & Manfg. Co. "EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" 'PHONE 66 I nig utstijucu unci or parcels oi ea Dy uscar lussam on isogue Banns, cna on recora oi saia ueea reierence rnanBBfl HIIIHfllllllSlil'aataii.iiiaaa land situate in Carter i r.r.J being same property conveyed by Os- to this judgment. The costs of this ac- ummm9 in B Th Mliassg B VbV B ( Wtratrtrwrmartnrramm