' F BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1934 Mail For Santa Plan I p.... x . - " , Bogue, Dec. 17, 1934. My Dear Santa Claus, l am expecting you to visit me am a very nice little girl and very Christmas. I am just a little bov not cvllr." writing you to be my lnrre enough to iro to sr-bnnl W I , . ior nrsl year- " not large enough to wish. I want you to bring me a knife, a truck, and a toy T? t i. n - """" "ec- 1934. rfnll hh ,, . """j iu ui tuurso luta vi van Dear Santa. day and fruits. am a little e-irl nno t PAGE sVEN I gun. uon t lorget to visit every lit tle bay ond girl. Your little boy, Gordon Smith. Bogue, Dec. 17, 1934. Ml Dear Santa Claus, I am a little girl 9 years old. I am in the 3rd grade at school. My teach er's name is Miss Thelma Taylor. She is very nice. I am expecting you to visit me Christmas and leave a book sack, a pen and pencil, and gloves. Please don't froget to visit me. Your little girl, Esther Smith. . t JWMi. 11 HI HUfc asking too much, I want a kitty cart, ,a rubber doll, and lots of other things Your little gril, Nancy D. Russell. Bogue, Dec. J, 1934. My dear old Santa Claus, I am just a little boy not large enough to go to school. I am expect ing you to visit me at Christmas and leave me a knife, a toy gun, and a dump truck. Don't forget to visit oth er boys and girls. Your little boy. Sammie Smith. Bogue, Dec. 17, 1934. My dear old Santa Claus, I am a little girl eleven years old. I am in the sixth grade at school. My teacher's name is Miss Myrtle Watson. She has fixed us a Christ man tree in our room. I think it is very nice. I am going to tell you what I want for Christmas. I am expecting you to visit me Christmas and bring me a pair of gloves, a book sack, and a pen and a pencil. Don't forget all the other little boys and girls espec ially the sick and poor. Your little girl, Eleanor Smith. Newport, Dec. 18, 1934. Dear Santa, I am a little boy three years old. I want you to bring me a velocipede a teddy b"ar, some apples, oranges, nuts and candy. Don't forget little sister. Your little boy, Gordon Hardesty, Jr, Beaufort, N. C. Dec. 11, 1934. Dear Santa Claus, I want a Dair of skr'-oo o ,,; set, a bracelet, a tooth brush, tooth paste and anything else you have for a little girl like me. Do not forget my little cousin Earlie and Darrell Lupton. Be sure to bring my little brother some tovs. I am eight years old and in the third grade. Your little girl, Azalie Lupton. Beaufort, N. C. Dec. 11, 1934. Dear Santa Claus, I want you to bring me a pair of skates, a sewing set, a bracelet, a tooth brush, tooth paste and any thing else you have for a little girl "Ke me. Do not forget my little cousin Earlie and Darrell Lupton. Be sure you bring my little brother some toys. I am a little girl nine year old and in the fourth grade. Your little girl, Alma Gray Lupton. Beaufort, N. C. Dec 11. 1934 Dear Santa Claus, I want a little .doll, a tooth brush. a tube of tooth paste, and a tea set, a pair of scissors, a stove and some clothes pegs. I am five years old. My name is Daphne Beryl Lupton. Your little girl, Daphne Beryl Lupton. I am a cnod little cirl. Ei-ma M. Styron. Beaufort, N. C. Dec. 17, 1934. that you can and I will appreciate it iyery much. Your little friend, Carol Deane Bessent. 618 Ann St. Dec. 17, 1934. Merrimon. N. C Dear Santa Claus, t I am in the fifth brade. For Christ-Lu T'.r" 8 . " ".ual l"ree yeas mnQ T wn,,ij i j . iulu- want you to Dnng me a cook mas i would like a bicycle and a pair1 , . ... . . , of skates I ove' some cooklnS things, a tricycle Thank vou canay, nuts, oranges and wl.!leu- iet mv little brother eight months T: i; . i . . . juiu. enng mm any tning nice tnat you have to spare. Remember my dad, nuts, and bananas. Lovingly your little friend, Rosemary Bessent. 618 Ann St. imother and little cousins. Your little girl and bov. Betty Lou and Billy Pittman Straits, N. C. Dec. 10, 1934. Dear Santa, I am a little girl and I want a real rubber doll, a rocking chair, some blocks a little wagon. My brothers say please don't forget them. Hoping you a Merrv Christmas my and a happy new year. Little Estelle Chadwick. Beaufort, N. C. Dec. 17, 1934. Dear Santa Claus, Please bring me a saxaphone, and a I. i.i . i - .,,,. iuui oj. i-iuiiies, ana some' u-v t . . . . fruit and nuts, and candy. Please 'Dpar - Jft Point Dec- 16 1934" don't forget my mother and daddy , ' 'l'" f,? ?USl . , . and other poor children. ! .am I'6 lrl mne n old Your little p-irl i . ln the hlgh fourth and a smart Marparpt M MW hl ,PI?ase 'Mickey Mouse jwaccn, norn, skates and two games. T..f- vr P Eunice Weeks. Dec 17 ' W3 i L Hih Point Dec' 16' 1934. Dear Santa Claus, " De" S'B J?U"' Please bring me a bicycle and a !in I ltl le oy years oldJa,nd pair of skates Please brin Jaunt Rose ?nd a ver good and daddy something nice. Thank i." TL? L , ia cowboy suit. VK1U1 lOVe, ' -,.. nr... Anna Robinson. Beaufort, Dec. 20, 1934 Hello old Santa, Gee ! I am so happy that Christmas is almost here and too, that today I am four years old. Santa Claus, I am a little cirl and I want a tricycle, a mama doll, an iron and a little cook stove with the sooking things to go with it. I don't have any sisters or brothers but please don't forget my mama Effie, papa, John and mother and daddy. Hope you will have a real nice hristmas. Your little paj Patsy Sabiston. o xt n ! Beaufort, Dec. 1, 1934 Smyr"a' N C. Dear Santa Claus, Dec. 14. 1934. t . ' . .. Dear Santa Claus, ha f Please brine me a doll and crih ' !. ' " ! "'"' "u 8U iar you nav? for her to sleep in. Please bring me'am"J T yea- ? a toy watch and fruit. anH nvt.hir,,l-"" ;j. B ' iuI "u lo . . ' o.tume mis vear. Kioooo k yn j that you would like for me to have, With love, Jaunice Earle Willis. 309 Live Oak St. Beaufort, N. C. me and brine me a hahv Hnll will open and shut her eyes, a set of dishes and a bathrobe. ,with powder (but no rouge Im too ourgj and a small bottle of perfume . 117 10,. i' " ; "u " BUlau uome oi periume Nov. 17, 1934. and please dear ,Santa dont forget Newport, Dec. 18, 1934. Dear Santa, I am a little girl two years old. I want you to bring me a child's rock er, a big mama doll and a carriage, and some fruit, nuts and candy. Don't forget my brother and the other lit tle boys and girls. Your little girl, Louise Jones. Newport, Dec. 18,1934. Dear Santa, I am a little girl three years old. I want you to bring me a table and two chairs, a big mama doll, and pia no. Bring me some confectioneries. Dont forget my sister and brother. Your little girl, Edna Gray Whaley. Straits, N. C. , Dec. 10, 1934. Dear old Santa, I am going to send mv letter in early, so you will have plenty of time to get my things. I want a rubber doll, her name is Toodles, and I want her clothes, a baking set, a chair, and a little bed for my doll and a little doll house, a stove, piano, a ring, a laundrv set. and a little tea set for two. Thank you. Marian G. Chadwick. Dear Santa Claus, 1 . . ... i am a little girl lust two vears old. I stay with mother while sister and brother are at school. I want you to bring me a red rock er, a little baby doll and blanket, an some oranges and apples. Please dont forget mother and dad. A little brown eyed girl, Margaret Ann Lewis .vuoc utai oan Lit UOll I IOrget ... AtMiiiivjr auu nuc, .my stocking full of candy, oranges, ' Annie Rumley, dated the 1st day of Caucasian Race Hypersensitive The Caucasian nice is hypersensi tive to a wide niiige of substances. At lenst 10 per cent of It contracts asth ma, liny fever, hives arid eczema from enting certain funds such ns i's, milk anil berries; liy tnklny certain drugs such ns quinine; niul by lnlisilinn such things as pollens, wnnd Must, mil null iliii!ilrnrf. flour iiml talcum powder. tVllici-'s Weekly. O Fine Friends of Suicide On the theory that they must have known about It and therefore could have prevented the deed, all friends and relatives of nny suicide In Afghan istan are brought Into court and fined. The law Is rigidly enforced. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred bv Deed of Thust exe cuted by Jamea Rumley and wife, March, 1929, and recorded in Book 63, Page C-21, in the Officn nf th Register of Deeds for Carteret Coun ty, Jefferson E. Owens, Substituted Trustee, will, at twelve o'clock Noon on MONDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1935 at the Court House Door of Carter et Countv. in Beaufort. North Caro lina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the follow ing land, to -wit: Part Lot No. 49. Old Town. Beau fort, N. C, according to map of said town; beginning at the Southeast corner of lands of David Ireland heirs on West side of Queen Street: thence Southwardly with Queen Street 48 feet; thence Westwardly parallel with Front Street 132 feet to H. D. Norcom's line; thence with Norcom line and parallel with Queen Street Northwardly 48 feet to line of David Ireland heirs: thence with Ireland line and parallel with Front btreet tastwardly 132 feet to the be ginning; same conveyed to Jas. Rum ley by trustees of Ann Street M. E. Church S. Beaufort, N. C, February 26, 1927, see book 50, Page 502, Register of Deeds Office. This sale is made on account of default in payment of the indebted ness secured by said Beed of Trust. five percent (5per cent) Cash De posit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This the 8th day of December, 1934 JEFFERSON E. OWENS. Jan. 3 Substituted Trustee. TAKE ANWAY'S CROUP and COUGH SYRUP . . IPS BEST 309 Live Oak St. Beaufort, N. C. Dec. 17, 1934. Dear Santa, . I am a little boy five years old, I go to kindergarten school and am in the first grade. I want you to bring me a two-barrel gun, a cow boy suit, siz 6 years an also some confec tioneries. I hope you will treat all the other poor little boys and girls the best you know how. Your little friend, Alex Delmas Lewis. I r a 4 BICYCLES A New and Rebuilt. Tricycles, Carts, Skates. Jt Parts and Repair Work. I BEN'S BICYCLE SHOP j PHONE 97-J BEAUFORT Beaufort, Dec. 11, 1934. Dear Old Santa Claus, I am a little girl ten years old and in the fifth grade. I am not asking for much this Christmas. Please bring me a Big Bad Wolfe watch and a pair of gloves, i ' ' ! . Your loving little friend, Hildred Carraway. . Beaufort R. F. D. Dear Santa, I am writing you a letter to tell you what I want you to bring me. I want you to bring me a tool set and Borne candy, apples, . oranges and nuts. And Santa Claus don't forget my brother, his name is Roy G. bring him something too. Your little ' oy, ' ' Bedford C. Dvty. Straits, N. C Dec. 10. 1934 Dear Santa. Here I am aeain telliner von whnf. i want tor Christmas. First I want is a real doll, she is $1.98, a doll car riage, dolly tea set, a table and chairs, a ring, some story books, col oring set, and a . sewing machine, price 98 cents, candy, apples, and nuts. Margaret M. Chadwick Lola, Nov IS, 1934. Dear Santa, I am a girl thirteen years of age. I want a book named "Our Gang," a dress, a coat some underwear, rocket book and any thing you feel like you can bring me. Your friend,' Esther Styron. P. S. Please don't forget my half brother who lives at Roe. Give him something n'ce too. : Roe, N. C, Dec. 18, 1934 Pear Santa, I am, a girl 12 years of age. I want ydu to bring me a sewing set, a book; name "Fiv Little Peppers Grown Vfo.'' I want a coat, and all so Borne (Candy, and fruit. Santa, 4on't forget my little sister and brother. -I want you to bring them something nice too. , r! r Tour friend, s.-'a , . Blanche Daniels ' " Strait M C Dear Old Santa,' I am a litle girl 4 years old. 1 want you to bring me a little rnckino- chair, a rubber doll, and her clothes, a carriairo. a metal tea et. nn imn. ing board, an iron, little broom, a piano, laundry set, some fruit. My name is, Vivian Chadwick. Beaufort, N. C. Dec. 17. 193d Dear Santa Claus, I am in tho second grade. I want a pair of skates and a bicycle. Please bring me a tricycle. Thank you, Jeane Mary Robinson. 309 Live Oak St. Beaufort, N. C. Dec. 17, 1934. Dear Santa, I am a little girl nine years old and am in the. fourth grade. And every one says I learn real fast. I want you to bring me a nair of skates, a book bag and some pencils and also some confectioneries. Dear Santa please be kind to mv mother who lives out in the country. Yours real friend, Revata Katherine Lewis. Beaufort, N. C. Dm. 10, 1934. Dear Santa Claus, I am a little boy 20 years old and have been real good all this vear. I have minded mama and daddv and I love my teacher. Please bring me an airplane just like Julius Duncan had. Bring me a little sro d and Mack "Model T" with a horn and real lights. Don't forget the candy, nuts. apples and oranges, and confectioneries. Your good little boy, Henry Wilson Hatsell. P. S. Merry Christmas to you and don't forget Carl and Francis. , .; : Roe, N. C, Dec 18, 1934. Dear Santa, .1 am a little girl 3 years old. I want a doll house, a crib, and a doll. I want a ball, ABC book. Santa I will not ask for more, but if . you want me to have more you can give it to m?. . ' : Sani'i don"t oVgie rfl'y'aef and mother bring them something ni too. ' . Beaufort, N. C. Dec. 10. 1934. Dear old Santa Claus, I can't hardly wait for Christmas to come.I am a little girl only 4 years old.I go to St Paul's school. I am in the first grade. I want you to bring me a three wheel bicycle and a nrat ty dollbaby and candy and of course lots of fruits. Your little girl, Marie Styron. j Beaufort, N. C. Dec. 10, 1934. Dear Santa Claus. . . 1 I have heard of vou still I am only six vea Box, N. C. 1 Route No. 1, Box 128 Dear St. Nicholas. Lean your ear this way, and listen to my story I am going to say. 1 have been hanging mv stockinc every Christmas eve night expecting you to bring m a pretty doll, and you have disappointed me so bad. I am six years old Santa and I never have owned a doll. I love dolls. they are so sweet in the shops that I almost cry for one. Santa I am not mad with you be cause you have never brought me a idoll, I love you just as good, will love you better if you wil bring me a doll. I don't expect you to bring me an ex pensive one for I want you to carry the other little children something. Please don t forget me. I will hug your neck so sweet. Your little friend. Ila Mae Gillikin. Beaufort, N. C. Route No. 1. Box 128 Dear Santa, It has been my greatest desire and prayer ever since I have been old enough to remember, to want a wag on all by myself. I am seven years old Santa, and you forgot me last Christmas. I guess I must have been playing hide and fceek when you were taking names, instead of playing this time I am praying for you Santa to bring me a wagon. I will be a good boy and love you so good. Your pal, Elton V. Gillikin. AMAZE A MINUTE ) SdENTIFACTS o BY ARNOLD Ladies and Misses Ties and Pumps, black and brown all lasts. EEEto AAA FIT ANY FOOT W. P. SMITH DRY GOODS CO. Front St. Beaufort IV I WWII Inventive Swiss Swiss people, man k MAN, ARE MORfi THAN THRU TIMES as i nventive as germans, four times the French, wve times the British, and six times more in ventive than Americans. " Potato water THOUGH A POC1ATO APPEARS QomtoutLirts COMPOSED MORE THAW THREE QUARTER OP WATER. I I MY HEART BP ATS Every twenty-four hours one's heart beats 100,000 times. Beaufort, Dec. 1, 1934. Dear Santa Claus, x I am a girl seven years old and I go to school. I am in the second grade. Mother said I am a good girl and so I want you to be sure and come to see me and my- little sister too. Please bring me a bathrobe, and a IWIU Flossi&'iFlirr, and a nice warm quite much I coat.- and a nair of doves and lots. HP ir 5ft 3W oMCgvX J1F wwsve.jn. attt m!'. a dont want "you To tnmk i am sei-i ourhtflV ir?rl.' the second srrade now. I want, vnn tn fih hnf T nlan want Int. f smnd'os! Joyce Daniels , bring; me a three wheel bicycle and to eat. Please bring me all of these 1 1 .vKL 11 First-Citizens Bank & Trust Co. BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA Wishes to thank each and every customer and friend for the business relations we have enjoyed the past year and will endeavor to make the coming year a more congenial and successful one. COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE All Deposits Insured up to $5000.00.

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