THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1935 tAnr Tup-? .OUNty CORRESPORDEJICE Items for this column should reach the News office each Tuesday If your community is not represented write us for instructions and supplies. SMYRNA 'ma Dickinson, Daisy Springle, Irene I Avery, Beatrice Norris, Opal Merrill, , v j of Katie Russell, Madie Dickinson, Ruby Reverend Mr. Freeman preached at He,en Howlandi at the Methodist church here Sunday ,H e MMfei Spring, afternoon at 2 :30 o clock Warren, Phil Thomas Jr., Odell Mrs. Lida Davis is spending several ;M Leat(m Dudleyi Monzelle days at Gloucester with her sister , Foreman wilie PurLfoy, Elwood Miss Maggie Pigott. ' Warren, Clyde Merrill, Bryan Mr. Ben Taylor who has ben em- g , Cedl Jone3( Dickjn. ployed at Lenoxville has returned gammy char,ea Dud,ey home' , . n f Raymond Dickinson, Cleo Merrill Mr. Grady Willis of Atlantic spent Becton 0Nea M Geo Saturday night and Sunday here with . , . T . F,mo,. his sister, Mrs. Hancock. . J , , R . . rhnrlp. Mp-ni. k and , r ... . T tv i i Eiveren iuerriu ana ju i miner day. Iweek end at home with his family. Mr.and Mrs. Leon Simpson spent Saturday afternoon with their son and family. I Mr. Harold Simpson was a visitor here Sunday. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Foreman and Mi-, and Mrs. Harold Eussell, Mrs. children of Aurora spent the week Habbie Russell Jr., and L. C. Smith end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Tdith Taylor were visitors A. W. Foreman. !in Swansboro Saturday evening. Mr. ana Mrs. u. w. aaoiston spent ; jhiss taitn layior wno nas Deen on Mr. and Mrs James wi!lia and T :r rT T" 7..;" , . o Jl wViio 5nr,,io mmm,. Qf ,. hnmo tU siif list ; oKio t v.o sfrsiin u, . . - . irom tne Chilean rsitrate oi soda bd- c .u.v. "-"""j i. , - ....... u :vlr, ana iurs. narry wiuis spent of Mr. M. C. Dickinson. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Weeks, Sr.,'Sunday visiting friends and relatives Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dickinson mo-, Mrs. John Guthrie and son Max were'ot Marshallberc a i . - n l ci -1 i '..::. t i j r . i i I torea 10 oeauiurt aaiuruay morning . visitors hi mureneau viiy oaturuay, Mr. and Mrs. James Chadwic Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mears of Glouces ter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Chadwick Sunday evening. Mr. Vannie Willis of Morehead City spent Sunday night here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wil lis. Dr. S. T. Lewis and mother, Mrs. C. Lewis of New Bern and Dr. Lew is' uncle Mr. Theodore Oliver of New York City were guests Sunday and at dinner with Mrs. Herbert Hancock. BROAD CREEK teacher. We all sympathize with little Mary Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Taylor who is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. We are all hoping she will soon be much bet ter. Services will be held at Live Oak Grove church Sunday morning and Sunday night by Reverend R. H. Walker. Everyone is urged to attend. OTWAY Mr. Claus Mondine was a business visitor here last Thursday. i Mr. Will Dennis was in this com munity Monday on business. Mr. Fred and Edgar Lewis of Swansboro spent the week end here. Mr. George Guthrie and rMs. Cola Guthrie visited West Broad creek Monday. Mr. and rMs. Harold Russell spent Sunday night with Miss Evelyn Ad ams. Miss K&thleen Adams and Mrs. Gladys Dixon and Mrs. Mollie Adams visited Mrs. Alice Bell Wednesday. Mr. Winfield Lewis and crew left Monday for a camping trip, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clem Gilli kin a son, Sunday, Feb. 17. Mother and baby doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Filbert Golden and family of Morehead City spent a while Saturday afternoon with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dowty. Miss Quila Golden spent Saturday night with her cousin, Miss Olga Lewis. Mr. George W. Piner who has been spending some time with his family returned to his work Monday. Mrs. B. B. Lawrence is still on the sick list at this writing. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Law rence a daughter the 16th, Saturday. on a business visit. Mr. Neal Sabiston motored Crab Point Saturday afternoon. GLOUCESTER i, Mr. C. C. Dennis and son Clessie to ; and Malcolm Russell were visitors in Morehead City aSturday. L. C. Smith, 0. E. Smith, C. R. Mann were visitors in Morehead City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Russell spent If J -n w i- in . J.t Rev. F. B. Brandenberg filled his;aunaay wn wrs. itussen s motner regular appointment at the Taber-j8 Broad Creek. nacle church Sunday evening. A I Mr- and Mrs. Christopher Dennis large crowd attended. and B- F- Harrison spent Sunday at. Mr. Leo Whitley of New Bern,"-""1 visuing uecn uenms, road was the guest of Miss Lillian ' who was car wreck last week and Chadwick Sunday evening. !" n the Fayette ville hospal. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Meares of Beau ! Mr- Harold Russell spei t Monday fort are spending sometime with Mrs. jin ew Be business. Meares narents Mr. and Mrs. James Mlss Thelma Taylor spent the week The American Society of Agron omy announces an award of ?5,000 ucational Bureau for as tudy of the importance of rare elements of fer tilizer in agriculture. Mrs. Nacy Barker is spending a few days here with her parents Mr. I Caswell farmers have ordered 2, and Mrs. Luther Pittman. j 200 pounds of lespedeza seed coop- Mr. Allen Lupton spent the week : eratively to date, with other orders end here wtih relatives. being planned. w-v BOB H B Chadwick. end at Sea Level with her parents. Mr. Mi v:o p,w wh fcoo Wn m i nr- Bruce layior, Misses urace ployed at the CC Camp at Copper ,and Nina Tay sPei Sunday after Hill, Tenn., has returned home. noon at Newport. Mr. Albert Fulford of Wake Forest Mrs- Herman Taylor is on the sick college spent the week end at home. llst- Her many friends hope her a Mr. and Mrs. George Russell and.d.v recovery. little son George Miller of Russell's! Creek spent Sunday with her par- WIRE GRASS Carteret Countv LUMBER Goes To All Parts Of The World Scarboro - Safrit Lumber Co. Beaufort N. C. H. M. White- The Boys and girls club met at Mother and baby doing nicely. Miss Oliva Dixon Friday night and had a very fine meeting. Rev. and Mrs. Ganmins visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones Wednesday. Mr. Willie Rome has been ill for several weeks but we are hoping him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Reiley Dixon who has been ill with flu is much better now. Rev. Wade Bustle will fill his reg ular appointment here at the M. E church Saturday and Sunday. MERRIMON Rev. F. B. Brandin berg filled his regular appointment here Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Miss Elva Salter who holds a posi tion in the county auditor's office in Beaufort is spending some time at home. Miss Maldred Salter was here for the week end. Mr. Herbert Hancock of Straits is building a large stock barn for Mr. C. P. Jameson. Mr. Warren Piner of Wiliston spent a few days here last week build ing a flue for G. M. Carraway. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stallings were guests of Miss A. . Jameson Sunday afternoon. Mr. H. T. Banks of Lukens attend ed services here Sunday morning. NORTH RIVER Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Warren return ed home Saturday from Duke Hos pital. They were accompanied by their son Otis who has been receiv ing treatment there. Mrs. Roy Merrill and little daugh ter ow Wire Grass is spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Merrill. Mrs. W. P. Arthur and daughter Mrs. Clarence Noe spent a short while Sunday with Mrs. Clarence Willis of Morehead City. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Piver, Mrs. Sudie Wade, Mrs. P. B. Beachem and Mr. A. J. Longest spent Sunday with Miss Crissie Evans of Wire Grass. Mrs. Otis Willis and infant daugh ter returned to her home at upper North River Monday after spending a few weeks here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Warren. Mrs. Jesse Wade and sister Mrs. Thelma White-hurst spent Friday with frien9s in Beaufort. Mrs. H. W. Merrill spent the week end with relatives at Russell Creek. The North River club met with Mrs, Mrs. Neva Dail February 14th., with 29 present. We were glad to have that many but we hope to have more next time. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Arthur spent a short while with their sister Mrs. Clarence Willis of Morehead City Sunday night. RUSSELL CREEK Mrs. Vergie Lawrence spent a while Monday with Mrs. B. B. Law rence. Mr. Hugh Lawrence spent the week end with his family and return ed Monday to his work. Mr. and Mrs. Lola Lewis and son spent a while Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dowty. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Lawrence spent a while Saturday night with Mrs. Guy Gillikin. The whooping cough is in our neighborhood which most every one is sorry for. Mr. J. M. Phillips is getting a long nicely with his school class. Mrs. O. W. Lewis spent a while Sunday with her sister Mrs. Emma C. Lawrence. Misses Angus Lawrence and qui la Golden entertained a number of their friends in honor of their 17th. birthday last week end. ents Mr. and Mrs, hurst. ir n: 1 t XT1 ivieSSrb. 0,11 x ,Bn aim r-.n ""'j Sunday with Mr. and ville with Mr. Pigott's brother Mr. h M d Ue ,T fi 'Tom Norris motored ivir. ana :urs. i.eonara iNeison speni one day last week at Cedar Island. Miss Josie Pigott, a teacher of Newport spent the week end at home. She had as her guest Misses Minnie Nelson, and Rochelle Willis, teachers of Newport school. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harris of Marsh allberg spent Snuday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Chadwick. v Mr. and Mrs. Cullie Piner of Willis ton spent Sunday with their daugh ter Mrs. O. W. Chadwick. There are many cases of whoop ing cough in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Willis of As bury Park, N. J. arrived last Wednes day to spend some time with Mr. Willis parents Mr. and Mrs. James Willis. Mary Lettia, the small daughter of 1W nr.. r c: v.. - Messrs. Andrew and Luther Lup-i"" i,iu'""c ton who are employed at South River I e whooping cough at this writing. With ! a one wiiu iiaa ciuyivy- mem at tne mioreneaa L4ty nosptiai LOLA. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Merrill spent 1 Mrs. L. L. and Mr. to Kinston Sunday on business. Mr. Ira Lee Long and Mr. and Mrs. Norfleet Twell of Wildwood were visitors in our-community Sun day. Mr. Aleck Norris and family spent Sunday with his father Mr. Tom Norris. LENOXVILLE fi-MMiiii m WbVbVbV.W.VbVbV.V.Vb"bVbV spent the week end at their families. Mrs. A. W. Styron, home Mrs. mn.t J - X. U11Vla, M J 1U T,.iU. TMli J Day and son Mrs. Clyde Harris and . mu1V ruuna,. na son of Roe and Mr. W. S. Goodwin i dauhte TE1 a Grey sPent Saturday were vistiors at Beaufort Sunday. r d . " , ,, Mrs. Fulford Willis of Wiliston is ! ,Burtn' Mn",e1, .and Har" here spending a while with her par-, amel8 wh are fiinS e ents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Daniels & Bern spent the week end at Mr. Norvie Day who has been em- M ' P m , , . t M..i m... v Mrs- G- -W. Goodwin of Roe who r; ...i:irJ.:..r .IP. 'M been ill at the home of her nar- CORE CREEK ed last week to visit his mother Mrs. Rittie Day. Mr. Clyde Cherry spent the week end at Bettie visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Goodwin was in our community a short while Sat urday night. Mr. Bertram Willis who is spend ing the winter here with his grand parents spent the week end at Willis- ton visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. ; Fulford Willis. Mrs. Elmer Lupton and Mrs. Ar thur Goodwin of Roe were vistiors in our community Sunday. Capt. A. W. Styron and W. S. Goodwin made a business trip to Beaufort Friday of last week, ents Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Goodwin re turned home last Friday. Mrs. Ollie and Stella Dudley and Mrs. Rena Hunnings were the guests of Mrs. Monroe Simpson Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Monroe Simpson spent the PLAN FLOWER SHOW Mrs. G. M. Sabiston is spending the week at Crab Point with her sister Mrs. Joe Smith. Hf .j Hi- T71 i t-;i: i mi. aim una. r luyu uicKinson ana . ... , , . little daughter were vistiors at the aftf Sp.!ndlng week end ln home of Mrs. G. C. Langdale Sunday Miss Annie Gaskill arrived Mon- i Women of the Home Demonstra tion Clubs are planning a Flower Show for spring. A definite date has inot been set, but it is understood jthe show will be held some time in April. An all day meeting will be I held and an interesting program is (being planned. evening. Mr. Raymond Dickinson was a vistior at the home of tha Misses Dickinson Sunday evening. Mrs. E. C. Dickinson and children spent Sunday at Harlowe with her mother, Mrs. Lula Bell. Mr. D. W. Sabiston was a business visitor at Beaufort Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dickinson were business visitors at Beaufort Saturday. Mr. G. M. Sabiston was in Beau fort Saturday on a business visit. Mrs. Kate E. Goodinir sDent Mon- Beaufort visiting relatives, Mrs. Clyde Harris of Roe was in ! our community a short while Sunday afternoon BOGUE Mrs. E. S. Smith of Norfolk, Va., spent several days of last week with her mother Mrs. G. G. Taylor. Miss Grace Taylor of Baltimore, Mdd., arrived last week eo spend two weeks here- with her mother Mrs. G. G. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hancock, Miss FOR SALE Fertilizer Distributor Good Condition See, W. P. SMITH, Beaufort, N. C. CARTERET'S BUSINESS NEWS QUALITY HARDWARE, MARINE AND FARM SUPPLIES HOUSEWIVES Johnson's Floor Wax, lb. 79c Feather Dusters, each 65c Oil Mops, each 49c O'Cedar Polish, pint 49c Wire Clothes Lines, each 19c Cotton Clothes Lines, each 25c Family Scales, - $1.19 Electric Irons . $2.45. &up 5 Burner Florence Range, $39.95 Mildred Guthrie and Mr. Walter day in Beaufort visiting among her Smith paid New Bern a visit Satur-. check COLDS and FEVER Salve Nose Drop first day HEADACHES in 30 minutes 666 Liquid - Tablets FISHERMEN We are distributors of Wall Walk Laid Rope. Base price 23c lb. Net Leads 12c lb. Seine Twine, best quali ty 65c lb. High Quality Caulking Cotton 35c lb. Caulking Okuni 25c lb. White Lead 15c lb. White Paint and Colors $1.69 gal. 4 pk. Wire Fish Baskets $2.45 FARMERS Girl Champion Steel Beam Plows $6.95 Stonewall Steel Beam Plows $7.49 Wood Plow Beatns 95c Forged Steel Hand Axes $1.39 Brush Killers Sharp Both sides, Quality Guaranteed $2.95 Garden Plows Fully Equipped $3.95 Collar Pads 60c Cultivators $6.49 Trace Chains 98c pr. WOOLSEY'S PAINTS AND VARNISHES We have the most complete line of Marine and House hold Paints to be found in Carteret County. See us before you buy. Carteret Hardware Co. 'PHONE 14 Incorporated BEAUFORT, N. C, ((! Our Mid-Winter Sale Continues BUY A SUIT AND GET AN EXTRA PAIR PANTS FREE A New Spring Line PRICED AS LOW AS $17.50 HAS JUST ARRIVED .VVbVVbVVbVbVVVbV-VVVUVAV YOU WILL APPRECIATE THE CONVENIENCE OF A Sale Deposit Box Protection For Jewelry, Marriage and Birth Certif icates, Letters and Keepsakes. We have available a Number of Small Boxes at Mini mum Rental especially suited to the Requirements of the Public. M i THE COST IS ONLY A FEW CENTS A WEEK In : The young people's class of the Free Will Baptist Sunday school en-i tertained at a very enjoyable party Friday night, February the fifteenth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Merrill. Games and other amusements were enjoyed during the evening. A delicious sweet course was served. Those enjoying the evening were as follows: Missas Hilda Sr.biston, Thel- Johnson-Saunders I First Citizens Bank& Trust Ca i DRY CLEANERS 'Phone 2-J Beaufort Postal Savings Depository For Carteret County BEAUFORT, N. C. B H VmW. BIIBIIIQI I Bill I B

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