The best advertising medium published in Carteret Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY j j ' W.A,,fC Your label and pay jour JubscriptioD VOLUME XXIV EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1935 PRICE 5c SI p E COPY o ' NUMBER 10 "Red Light District" Cases Are Scheduled For Airing Before Judge M. V. Barnhill March Terms of Superior Court Starts Monday; Criminal Cas es Will be Aired First of Wieek and Civil Actions Schedul ed to Start Thursday; Julia Nelson and Helen Finley Cas es Will Probably Attract Attention Morehead Bluffs 'red light district' j will be in the limelight next week ' when Superior court convenes here, unless cases against Julia Newman' alias Julia Nelson and Helen Finley, alias Ruth Hilbard are continued to; another session for some reason or! another. Both of these women are ; charged with prostitution and assigna . tion. .Both are the alleged operators of bawdy houses, one of which is "Blue Heaven," known far and wide for its reputation. Judge M. V. Barnhill, FUNERAL SERVICES ST. PAUL'S AT Beaufort residents paid homage to their late esteemed editor, William : Giles Mebane, Monday morning at '10:30 o'clock. Funeral rites were ! conducted by Rev. Lawrence Fen- 1 .vick, rector of St. Paul's church. Immediately behind the casket bear 'ing the body of Mr. Mebane into the 'church came his immediate family Our Editor Dies and then in a group the present and pi. recent employees of the Beaufort jwmjr I xt1. i- u: c :i nf n,rv- Mount jurist who has had some fam-,'8- 10 ..y-...jr. cu .... .!. j- vit! will nrPSidP,ane held always closest to him, his .. . , n , i-i 'new at the session ana ooncuor uave Clark will do the prosecuting for the State. Criminal cases will be aired during the early part of the week, with a number of civil actions sched uled for Thursday and Friday. It was Solicitor D. M. Clark who raided "Blue Heaven" several months ago, assisted by R. E. Chaplain, Sheriff Chadwick and T. M. Thomas Jr. This trial should be the head lin er of the week as curiosity seekers and patrons too are very interested in what the outcome of the trial will be. Included in the list of criminal cases that are on the docket facing Judge M. V. Barnhill in superior court convening here Monday are the following: George R. Willis, charged with false pretense; Henry Godwin, charged with seduction; Will Howland, charged with abandonment; newspaper, The Beaut ort News. The church choir sang the follow ing hymns: Hark, Hark, My Soul, 0 Love That Will Not Let Me Go, Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand and Mrs. John Brooks, sang a solo, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought." These songs rendered so beautifully by the choir and soloist were favorites of the late Mr. Mebane. Rev. Mr. Fen wick rendered the Episcopal funeral ritual and read the 14th Chapter of i St. John. I In respect for Mr. Mebane the; Carteret Board of Commissioners j postponed their regular meeting Mon- ; day morning until after the local ser-1 vices. The local office of FERA un-j der direction of Mrs. Malcolm Lewis , also closed for the services. j Pall bearers at the church services were: Hugh Hill, J. P Betts, Carl Gaskill, F. C. Salisbury, Dave Jones ISIWWIUIIJSIUltulllllJW -JW" WTtfA He To Se 3 ton Will Continue As Tax Collector Of Car ?J County Two Years 'Kid" Hill of Newport Almost Got the Job, Getting Two of Five Votes Cast at Executive Session of Board of Commis sioners on Monday ; Motion Passed Appointing List Takers For 1935 Tax Listing in Various Townships BURIAL SERVICES IN RALEIGH Reaching Raleigh about four o'clock Monday afternoon, the tuner- MOSTLY ROUTINE BUSINESS Alvah Hamilton was reelected as . tax collector for Carteret county by ' - 1 i r rw T . T J i. 1 M. P. Marshall, aiding and abetting ana i. m. inomas jr. lmmeamteiy Aririnn Sontt. phnrired alter the services in ceauion tne rl If, i. ' St 3$ i al procession following William Giles the Board of County Commissioners sembled at the Church of the Good Shepherd. From there the city pro vided a police escort to Oakwoid cemetery, where the Rev. Henry G. Lane, rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church in Richmond, conducted the buirial rites assisted in prayer by Rev. Mr. Fenwick, rector of St. Paul's in Beaufort. His body was placed in the family plot of Mrs. M-ebane in Oakwood cemetery. A special committee ot the iNortn Carolina Press Association, composed of John Park, publisher of the Ral eigh Times, Capus Waynick, chair man of the State Highway Commis- aimr Representative Fred Sink of Davidson and Jonathan Daniels, edi tor of the News and Observer, rep resented Mr. Mebane's fellow news nanerment at the service. Pall bearers at the services in Ral eigh included: Aycock Brown, Wil liam Hatsell, Earl Mades, and Edgar Weaver of the Beaufort News staff, F. C. Salisbury retired newspaper man of Morehead City and Dave Jones, long time friend of the late Mr. Mebane. funeral procession departed for Ral- m conspiracy; with larcenv: George W. Whaley, charged with larceny; Hollister Las-'.eigh. siter, carnal knowledge of a child - . . m i COMMERCEGROUP P. Marshall, assault with deadly weapon; W. N. Kellum, worthless check; Alfred Willis, trespass and larceny of clams; Clyde Peterson, nnpmtinp fltitn carelesslv and injury i w.eny Inree to personal prop arty; Elsie Bryan, violating prohibition law; Donald Mason, petty larceny and Harry Lynch, breaking and entering and a bandonment. Clerk of Superior Court Lawrence Hassell stated this week that several in the above list would not face the judge as they have either skipped bond or failed to answer capias' issued. W. G. MEBANE Civil cases scheduled follow: Thursday, March 14 Whitehurst vs Foreman. 30. Eyer vs Bryce Heirs. 37 Boggs vs W. J. Willis. 77 Mason vs Texas Co. (Def. pro test). 78 Morehead City vs Turner. 107 Mansfield vs Wade, (Arthur. 108 Willis vs Mansfield. Friday, March 15 124 Loftin vs Piner. 126 Dill vs Joslyn 127 Parham vs Arthu". 129 Ramsey vs Serpeh 134 Edwards vs Sca-'jro-Safrit (Def. protest) 136 Ramsey vs Rollison. 138 Levies vs Humphrey (Def. pro test). 142 Mason vs Singer Machine 143 Bunch vs Rountree. Otis Willis vs Mills et al. Saturday, March 16 MOTIONS 28 Bell vs Jones 32, McCausey vs Wiggins. 52 M. City vs Mace. 65 Lewis vs Chadwick. 70 Willis vs Houdiburg. 0 Hood, Comm. vs Taylor. Otis Wilis vs Mills, et al Hamilton, admr. vs. Phillips. William Giles Mebane edtior-'and famince county which was later sold publisher of The Beaufort New, for t$fbuthem Bell at a tremendous the bast 19 vears died- at 1 :30 o'clock profit. Later he was engaged in the I last Sunday morning in the Moreehad i mercantile business in Greensboro, 1 ...... ... I . . . i A :.4.A T7 J : - .. r,f City hosptial, following an umess oiiana men Decame assutw several months. He was sixty two ! the Greensboro Industrial News, own years old. ed at the time by Carl Duncan, a na About January 1 he was admitted j live of Beaufort. While in Greensboro to the hosptial in Morehead City for . he organized the Merchants and Man- rluh. the first business day; Another Meeting Sched ing whjch he went to sti Elizabeth's club in that city and which is still m uled for Tonight (Thursday) ;in R;chmond, Va., for an operation. I existance. Later he moved to Con- the Observer I XveCuVcriJlg buuiuieuuy iui ciic nijy .tuiu u ' . v iback home he returned to Morehead i j City hospital on February 9, where ihe continually grew weaker until, his death Sunday morning. At his bedside when death came MAKES PROGRESS New Members Added at Meeting Last Fri JOSEPH ROBINSON PASSED SATURDAY He Played Important Role in Activities of Carteret And His Homestead, Atlantic Elsewhere in This Edition of The Beaufort News is an Adver tisement That Should Interest Persons Having Rooms and Cot tages for Rent. And the Service if Free. Leaving the newspaper field for a vhile he traveled for the American Tobacco company. But on a visit to Beaufort in 1916, Morton, then owner of the Beaufort News, sold out were Mrs. Mebane, his two sisters, j tQ Mr jane. The News under his Mrs. J. T. Donoho of Asheville and . edtiorsnip became one of the outstand Mrs. E. S. Parker of Indianapolis weekly newspapers in North Car- it . mootn.i,u ;n:ana ma niece, mib. MC n,; sreatlv respected ana Old Topsail club rooms last Friday f Indianapolis and Mrs. Mebane s ,qnoted for its editorial policies. Thl3 evening 23 names were added to the sister. Miss Mary Robinson of Ral- Lewspaper while under his direction list of 42 members who have already .eh- They sur?71 & S ne ' 'became a member of the N. C. P. A. An active member of the Kepuou can party, Mr. Mebane played his politics in an upright and straghtfor Membership in Beaufort's newly or ganized Chamber of Commerce is; joined bringing the total number inGiles Yancev Mebane the organization to 65. New members are coming in daily. At the Friday night meeting bus- Mr. Mebane was born on a planta tion in Fayette county Tennessee, August 8, 1873, the son of the late ' ward manner, always quick to see the ines of a routine nature was discos-'William Graves Mebane, of North-: mistakes of his own party and never ed of including the reading of minutes Hampton county and Mrs. Emma Caro- dealing in personalities, and reports of special committees. ! line Mebane of Caswell county. Mr. Mebane served on Legislative Several letters have reached the j When Mr. Mebane was 11, his father Committees from time to time and Chamber of Commerce that have toadied. His father's death was due to ( until the past three or four years was do with new industries, needed im- an illness contracted due to exposure a faithful attendant at the N. C. P. A. provemer.ts and from prospective va- when a prisoner of war on Johnston's ; meetings in Chapel Hill each sum- cationists. stjortsmen and such like. Island during the War oi tne wn- ffie:, Dr. C. S. Maxwll is chairman of the federacy. He was an officer in the new industries committee. ! Confederate army. At the death of J. P. Betts is chairman of public his father Mr. Mebane moved to uas- ever given a Kepubiican in tne iniro relations and publicity committee. jwell county, North Carolina, where District. Seth Gibbs and Avcock Brown were he spent the remainder of his boy- He married on November 10, 1925 I appointed on a special publicity com-j hood on a farm in Caswell county liv-(to Miss Ruth Amelia Robinson, of 'mittee. iing with his grandfather Giles Meb- Raleigh, daughter of John Allen Rob- New Members added to the Cham-ane. , jinson, of Caiteret county and Mrs. ber of Commerce at the last meeting In 1887 he graduated with honors Emma Elizabeth Kness Robinson, included: ifrom Bingham Military school, then formerly of Bethlehem, Pa. Giles W. K. Hinnant, railroad; R. W. Sa- located at Mebane, under the direc-, Yancey seven year old son of Mr. Funeral services for Joseph M. Robinson, 62, were conducted Sun day afternoon from the home in At lantic. He died suddenly Saturday from heart attack. Rev. C. A. Line berger of the Missionary Baptist church iu Atlantic officiated at the services, assisted by members of the Franklin Masonic Lodge, of which the late Mr. Robinson was a brother. Mr. Robinson was held in high es teem by all who knew him, especially by his neighbors in Atlantic. He al ways showed an interest in Carteret county and his home town. He had served as county commissioner and also on the local school board. Surviving children are: Mrs. How ard Nelson, Atlantic; Mrs. Hugh E. Hardy, LaGrange, Mrs. E. G. Heath, Cove City; Misses Vera and Eleanor Robinson and Justin Robinson of At lantic and Carlton Robinson of High Point. The large throng who attended the funeral attested the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Inter ment was made in the Atlantic cemetery. A candidate for Congress in 1928 and 1930 he polled the largest vote Coverintf The WATER FRONT By AYCOCK BROWN ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Mebane was responsible for me coming to the coast to live. Back in 1928 when working on the Herald as police reporter, I wrote a letter to "the editor, Beaufort's Leading Newspaper, Beaufort, N. C," I did not know his name, nor the name of frit, lumber manufacturer; Albert tion of the late Major Kobert cing- and Mrs. Mebane is a pupil at St. his paper, but he gave me the chance Serpel, timber; C. G. Gaskill, feeds, ham. He was Captain of his class at Paul's school. 'to come down here and live and I seeds and fertilizer: J. D. Rumley, Bangham and a member of the Alpha. Mr. Mebane was a descendant of have been on salt water ever since. seeds and feed; Otis Moore, railroad; Tau Miga fraternity. In the same . the Graves, Yancey and Mebane fam J. H. Potter Jr.. grocer: L. T. Mathis I class at the military school with Giles ilies who played an important part in MnfM rfe- T.oslia P. Tlavis fishiMebane was ftODert serve for a period of two years at a salary of ?2,000 per annum. This was the most important episode of the Mommissioners' meet. It was gossip on the streets prior to the meeting that in addition to Collector Hamilton there were two other candidates out for the job. The Board went into executive session for the election of the colector. It is un destood from county officials that of the five present, three voted for re election of Hamilton, two cast votes for C. M. (Kid) Hill of Newport and none were cast for Wilbur Willis of Beaufort who was also said to be in ,the lineup for the office. Upon motion it is ordered that the folowing persons be appointed List Takers for 1935 Tax Listing. Townships Straits Gerald Whitehurst. 'Smyrna and Wiliston Geo. W. Davis. Portsmouth Mrs. Abner Dixon. Cedar Island T. L. Goodwin. Hunting Quarter J. O. Mason. Merrimon Hugh Salter. Beaufort Mrs. Maude Chadwick and W. G. Dudley. Morehead City C. V. Webb. Harlowe J. Raymond Ball. Newport G. E. Sanderson. White Oak W. F. Taylor. Harkers Island Clayton Fulcher. Marshalberg Earl Davis. The Commissioners will request S. H. and P. W. C to make improve ments in certain roads of county. .namely the Merrimon road, Merri mon township, McCabe road from Route 10 to E. W. Webb property, Old Wildwood road, Ball road, Har lowe, and West Beaufort road from Quinn's Fisheries to James White hurst's place ' Sheriff Chadwick's bond was ac cepted and he will be re-imbursed Minnie Hamilton will receive $5 from Jones Company will supply County home with food for month of March. Commissioner Chadwick voted 'NO' but four others yessed a motion and it was ordered that R. P. Oglesby's ( J. W. Oglesby) taxes be adjusted for 1931-32 on a basis 1933 valua tion, and in settlement of said taxes any surpluses shall be turned into Collector on 1932 and prior taxes. Fire policies will be renewed on county buildings. Teachers, script will be accepted for 1933 and prior taxes conditioned upon 1934 taxes paid in cash, same to be accepted subject to approval of L. G. Commission. Coun ty Audtior has been instructed to proceed with copying tax abstracts. The Steve Buck property in White Oak townhsip will be listed for past five years by County Audtior. The county will pay 50 cents daily on the hospitalization of Eddie Riggs now at State Sanatorium. Mrs Floyd Robinson, Mrs Tamer Willis, Mrs. I. B. Wilis and Mrs. James Golden be allowed $5 monthly from the poor fund same to apply on their taxes. Joe and Addie Lewis who have been receiving $5 from poor fund will now get $7.50 and Mrs. Minnie Hamilton wil receive $5 from this fund, half of which will be in cash to her, and half to apply on her taxes. With the approval of the Local Government commission, a contract of Abrahams and Whitaker and Car teret county will be accepted. Carteret county will pay $25 month i ily for office rent in Morehead City. He was a native of the up-state Bingham, . the early history of North Carolina. , hilly country just like myself. We dealer; J. W. Humphrey, dairy; Jas. 'present ambassador to Great Britain. He was the grandson of Alexander .had something in common about our W howlvir an, r rfln,iwr. v i Kumley, hotel; D. M. Jones, Noe's j Finishing school he moved to ura-. Aieoane, wno was a member ot the choice for living on the coast. It is J rZ Lri ;; 3 'Hardware; C. P. Tyler, meat market; ham where he worked with his uncle, Provincial Congress meeting in Phil- hard to explain in words something w...... v.. u.v , r..ji-.. en: Unit With in nsancmte he in- adelnhia after t.h Rpvnlntinnnrv okm. tv; n.v.ova Beaufort subject to the approval ofl A"e K"e' Tflue y, ""s - - " " ,7" , th. at. .thp BmPJ.iwffl: station; J. D. Biggsand Clarence stalled the first telephone line in Al- adelphia War. on May 7th. Willian H. Potter, Dr. L. W. Moore, Richr- i D. Whitehurst, A. T. Gardner, Clarence Guthrie. Beaufort, March 7, 1935. Styron, Modern Shoe Repair; Jack1 IWindley, Signs; C. H. Pope, insur-! FIVE MEN SENTENCED lance; Betts Bakery; William Hatsell, BY MAYOR TAYLOR MONDAY jEarl Mades, Beaufort News. ; ' j A total of M0 davs was dished out ! BISHOP DARST WILL iby Mayor Bayard Taylor in Police BE HERE ON SUNDAY 'cout Monday nit'ht. Each of the de fendants were colored, and local corn after the Revolutionary about this scheme of things down h re that held us. I say it is hard to 1 explain, bat from the office window v e get a view of Old Topsail inlet. Maybe that is the answer. Many tOTARIANS TO HOLD SETH PIPKINS NOW WITH PRITCHARD AND HOLLOWAY NEWS WILL CONTINUE Mrs. Mebane stated today that the Beaufort News will continue to operate for an in definite period under the pres ent management. Seth Pipkins who has the repair department been with of Sound BIRTHS The Rt. Reverend Thomas C. Darst, liqUor played no unimportant role in ; Chevrolet company for some time has gone to Pntchard and Hollow: y where he will be manager in charge of the repair department, according D. D. Bishop of the Diocese of East petting them up before the Mayor Carolina will be in Beaufort this, Willie Fulford, disorderly conduct Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Da-j week end. On Sunday morning con and drunkeness was given 30 days. vis of Marshallberg, March 3rd, a firm four, preach and celebrate the George Johnson for being drunk and 'to an announcement elsewhere in this daughter. iHoly Communion at 11 o'clock in St. fighting was given 20 days. Matt i newspaper this week. Mr. Pntchard Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eudy, Paul's Episcopal church. 'Bailey for fighting got 10 day3. Pope says that he feels fortunate to ob- of Morehead City, a son, March 2.' He will confirm three and preach in Johnson, drunk and disorderly was! tain the services of Pipkins who is Mrs. Wetherington of Peletier came The infant has been named William St. Clement's colored mission r.t 3 given 30 days and Luke Johnson on a classed as an expert automobile me-.into the office today. She was telling Ayden, Beaufort, Morehead City and Howard Eudy. 'o'clock Sunday afternoon. similar charge was given 20 -days. Jchanic. (Continued on page five) New Bern. ' taimes Mr. Mebane and I would be sitting in the office talking about bus iness and other things our conversa tion would lag and we would catch each f ther gazing out of the window i towards Old Topsail and the Ocean t,i.. t : i-rjujiu. i yuaty i am gating uut ui the window alone. But somewhere, Someway I believe he is seeing the view he loved so much, just as I see it today. INTER CITY MEETING Rotarians of the five cities in thi.i section will hold a group meeting on Thursday night, March 21, at Kins ton, as the second inter-city gather ing of the kind this spring. The first was held in New Bern some weeks a go at the Gaston hotel, with a large attendance. The program is being arranged by a Kinston committee, tach club m the group will be asked to present a stunt The five clubs are at Kinston,

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