Largest Circulation in the County The Best Advertising Medium Published in Carteret Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BOD 'ATCH Your Label and Pay Your Subscription MMOUIIIMt c p 4 J-4 VOLUME XXIV EIGHT PAGES this WEEK THE BEAUrORT NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1935 George Kirby Bonn To Superior Court Buckshot Victims d Over Suffer This Negro Who Ran Amuck and Shot Nancy Debrix and Bert Thomas Last Thursday Waived Examination When Brought to Trial Before Mayor Taylor; Police Court Monday Was Lengthy Affair With Corn Liquor Being Cause of Most Cases on Docket George Kirby, considered a bad Negro' by many of his race, and al so local authorities, waived examina tion when given a hearing before Mayor Bayard Taylor in Police Court Monday night, and he was bound ov er to the June term of Superior Court under bonds totaling $2,000. Unable to raise the bond he was turn ed over to Jailor Chaplain who will be his guardian until court convenes. Kirby is the Negro who ran amuck last Thursday morning and with a 12-guage single barrel shotgun, shot Nancy Debrix through the leg and Bert Thomas in the back and heel. Despite the fact that he was shot in the heel, Thomas is still alive, but in the hospital. Dr. Lewis removed 15 buck shot from his heel, stern and back and the man is still in a some what serious condition.. Nancy De brix who has a French sounding name was asked by a News reporter if she or her ancestors hailed from some of the French West Indian islands. She replied that her parents came from West Virginia. The buckshot from infuriated Kirby's eun penetrated her leg, going clear through making an ugly wound. Dr. Chadwick, her phy sician said that if complications set in she would probably lose her leg. That would bring a charge of 'maim' against George in addition to the rather serious one he now faces, to CANDIDATE I I Burning of Two Schooners Make One Good Story When two schooners burn at sea in practically the same location, al though two years apart it is a coin cident. Especially is it a coincidence when the schooners were owned by the same man, when both carried the same cargoes and the castrophes hap pened almost two years to the day at practically the same latitude and longitude. But such did happen and the owner of the crafts was Capt. John Day of Oriental who passed through Beaufort last week enroute to Cedar Island where he is interest ed in considerable property. He stopped by the Beaufort News office to see the editor. The editor j knew that Capt. Day had made a tale J about the sea to tell, if he would just ; talk. He did talk a bit, about those two schooners. ! The G. J. Cherry, 3 master, Capt. Long, bound from Charleston to New lYork in November 1927 caught fir and burned at sea, 231 miles East of Cape Hatteras. In 1929, the Adelaide Day, 4-mast-er, bound from Georgetown to Bos ton with a cargo of lumber, caught fire 250 miles east of Cape Hatteras and was lost. The month was Novem ber. Both ships were owned by Capt Day of Oriental. The Adelaide Day was the last seagoing vessel he own ed. Maybe someone will think this is not much of a story, but the writer thinks it is and he knows that it is only secondary to some of those in which Capt. Day has played an im portant role. Edgewater Visitors Praised Our County C H. BUSHALL He is one of the three candidates in fho fioll frw yn fR.-. f iur..- wit: assault with a deadly weapon M'- Bushall, promfses if elected, to ' ' s. ' N" week afer with intent to kill. "make Beaufort a better town for stoPPin? over at the club as the guest us people to live m." Also in the lineup for this office are Bayard Tay Expressing theirselves as being de lighted with Edgewater Club and , with the coastal country of the Car Iteret peninsula generally, Jerome V. '.Terome, Mrs. Jerome and their son l J. E. Jerome left for their home on Long Island, N. Y. this week after British Explorer On Hatteras With A Sea Going Auto Or that is what the headlines over a story in the New York American of Tuesday would indicate. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mitchell-Hedges now res idents of Park Avenue were photoed just before they took off for a "per ilous honeymoon" on "shifting sands" Cape Hatteras. They told New York reporters that they would make a mockery of that ancient mariner's ditty: "When the Bahamas you do pass Then look out for Hatteras." They left New York Wednesday night, by motor, "bound for the treacherous Cape Hatteras, twenty miles off the Carolina shore." "To get there, the explorer ex plained, they must wait for outgoing tides to drive over the infinitesmal arm of broken sand stretching out into the ocean. Near the end lies Hatteras, a colony of 100 Deonle. They are mostly, he said, descendants of victims shipwhecked on Diamond Shoals." "Our last stop on the map," said Mrs. Mitchell Hedges, "Is Whale bone Filling Station. From there we make our own road." "The trip will be both a honey moon, and a fishing research expedi tion, with Mitchell-Hedges nlannine to record shapes and sizes of native nsh. His bride has her olans tnn. She is going to use the hitrh velocitv rifle her husband gave her to shoot wild hogs, deer and ducks." (editor's Note: Hatteras villa has over 500 residents. Whalebone is the name of filling- station at Roa noke Island bridge. Other places on map between Whalebone and Cape Hatteras: Rodanthe, Salvo and Avon and Buxton. Never heard of wild hogs on Hatteras of late vears and thP season is closed for duck and deer hunting. The fishing should be though.) ct as uu 5c SINGLE COPY NUMBER 13 George Null, Federal Housing Ollicial, Will Speak at Mass Meeting In Beaufort April 5tb. BEAUTY SHOW BOUND Kirby in police court said little oth er than that he would waive exami ci man Liitii He wuuiu waive exami- c uojaiu xay nation. Sitting crouched on the front lor for re-election and N. H. Russell bench, he looked like a cornered ani- who announces this week. mal. As a matter of fact he was! cornered with Chief Longest standing nTDUfTADC' METT ' nearby and Sergeant Gherman Hoi- HUlijlL 1 lHO iTlILFil ianu guarding tne stairway, (Continued on page eight) Carteret Sports By BRAXTON ADAIR SET FOR TONIGHT Commerce Group Need Sup port of Every Beaufort Citi- zen if Plans and Program is Accomplished BICYCLING A great many cyclers are looking . i rt j .. :i i. . l. The directors of the Chamber of Commerce will meet tonight in Dr. 'no trouble encountered of Floyd M. Simmons, manasrinsr di rector of the organization. As a sportsman, Mr. Jerome is na tionally known, being president of the Long Island Association of Sports man's club, Brooklyn Game Protec tive Association, East IsIi'd Anelers and Boating Association, Inc., and Brookhaven Field Trials club. His ser vices are in constant demand as a judge of Field Trial running dogs. He stated that conditions were ex cellent in this section for field trials for running dogs, beinsr far sunerinr to sections where clay soils makes it impossible to stage same excent nn clear days. In Carteret regardless of weather conditions there would Maxwell's office. This is tZ!l0.?Sr,J: fathering of the group since the first March be one of the biggest events in this section on that day, or promises to be. A brand new bicycle will be giv en away to the cycler who makes the round trip from here to Atlantic, with smaller prizes to second and third place winers. Ben Jones who is fathering the race has a chance to make this a big event r.nd one that will attract state-wide intention, be cause of the distance. will probably be discussed. One of tlie important matters before the Coiiisnerce body at present is to com pete the organization's membership. With less than 70 members at pres ent, many of whom have failed to be in running trials, he asserted. What would make this section ideal is the fact that the general terrain of the county would make it possible t0 run trials in eith er wet or dry weather with plenty of birds available. The Jeromes were en route home after three months in Florida. Bertie cotton growers have decid- BIG REAL ESTATE DAL IS RECORDED The Interstate Cooperage Com- pany, a subsidiary of the Stand ard Oil Company of New Jer sey sold approximately 25.000 acres of land in western Carteret- county this week for $139, 000. This is the biggest real es tate transfer recorded here since Irwin W. Davis became Register of Deeds and probably the larg est ever executed in this coun ty. The land will become a part of the National Forest park lands thep urchaser being the United States of America. Much of the property is located near the nine foot road in the Newport section and from thence west towards the Craven and Onslow county lines. One hundred and thirty nine dollars in Revenue stamps were attached to the transfer papers, Mr. Davis stated. MISS SADIE MOORE "Miss Beaufort" left today for Winston-Salem to enter the state wide beauty pageant to be staged there tomorrow. Miss Moore was se lected winner of the local contest here several weeks ago. The winner in the state-wide contest will be giv en a trip to New York to seek other beauty laurels. ' k- . - He Will Tell The People of This County How They May Borrow on Liberal Term For Repairs and Mederniza t ion Work for Dwellings and Farm Properties FHA PROGRAM BEING CARRIED TO FARMERS ON HONOR ROLL so.j iha treasurer, Wiley Taylor, and i r,.marfli mi nn dnps. flip mpmVjnr. 1 CT -i i- -7 ..w jn wivi iiuuui nui: shiu drive will be resumed and also d on the Cleveland 844-4 strain as for the winter collecting of dues. Ie major variety ot cotton to be a dispatch receivp-d horP frnm , Norman Chadwick of Straits, a stu dent at the Appalachian State Teach ers Lollege was on the Honor Roll Featuring the mass attack on the housing problem in Carteret County, George Nutt, Farm Representative of the FHA, will speak at the Court House, Friday. Anril fi. 7 when he will tell people living in the rural sections of this important county how they may borrow on lib eral terms for repairs and modern ization work for dwellings and farm properties. A cordial nivitation has been extended to everyone, both ru ral and urban communities to attend. The drive to carry the benefits of the FHA program to rural families, is being forwarded by farm and home demonstration agents and vocational agricultural teachers, according to Miss Cora A. Harris, Field Represen tative, and Publicity Agent for the FHA of North Carolina. Miss Harris is assisting N. F. Eure, Chairman Carteret County Better Homes cam paign; Miss Helen Dry Home Dem onstration Agent: Hucrh Ovprst-reo Farm Agent in promoting the Bet ter Homes Drive in this county. She is urging every nronertv owner tn attend the Mass Meeting where the entire program will be fully outlined by Mr. Nutt. "There is a desperate mppH fm farm rehabilitation," said Miss Har ris. Continuing she said: "A total of more than one-half hillinr. rfniiar was needed at the close of the year tor repairing, modernizing and replacing farm houses in certain ag ricultural sections in the United States. The Southeastern rural area shows the greatest jlina, South Carolina and seven other I southern States, are included in the group of a deplorable condition of farm homes. The sum necessary for restoration and building in this group of states amounts to $186,300,000. now is the time ofr all good men to Carteret County; Come Here1. "Thel. Progressive Faier, who From New Bern I .eeps abreast of modern crop produc- Ition methods, realizes th noccacifw :onnectedlof weI1 kePt buildings and attractive ........ ou.ii.Uiiuiii6a, n souna Duna- ing improvement plan increases the worth and value of his property. Ren ovation of his buildi manufacturers, conrtactors, building supply dealers, and fiinancial institu- U.GOSSARDTO BE HEAD WORKER Will Supervise Case Workers in mr. uossara has been c with the NCERA with headquarters m Jew Bern for the Dast t,-n vPar In Carteret county he will supervise under the direction of the District NCERA office in New Bern all rliVf affairs. Mrs. Lewis who has hPpn cwio wmi i as nppn m- v ....tuuncii iiinnLti- rector of the CWA and FERA will 10ns are cooperating in Better Hous- suuu ua iiansierrea irom this district mcaii a nennue nnan- it was stated this week. Under her cial savinS and forestalls more costly direction thousands of needy in Car-later on" c uue unai every property own er we mean owners of any building will attend the meeting where Mr. Nutt will noint nnf nva oi It is the plans of the directors to Planted this year. i engage tno services ot some young FISHING T , , . ,. , . ... i engage uiu services oi some youns l ocal ripalprs are disnlavinr their , .. ----- ------ - - -' iiauy in town to assist m the collec- fishing tackle. It will b only a short tion of dues becaus, on thig time until the fish will ba running ;important matter the success and hundreds of people will be com- or faiU vj of th(J oranization which ,ng to Carteret shores to cast their is really showi activit B, ma lures for the salt water beauties to jne3- be found in adjacent waters. BASEBALL Beaufort High school baseball Rtitution's publicity department. team started practicing this week for the coming season, with about thirty candidates out for the team. The team having lost only three reg ulars from their last years squad is expecting to have a banner season. With most of the practicing time being devoted to hitting and fielding, the boys appear to be in first class condition with the exception of sev eral members of the team having minor ailments all of which are ex pected to return to practice shortly Manager Claud Wheatly says that there are six rrames already schedul ed, three of vhich are to be played at our home p irk and three of which are to be phjd away from home. He says that he expects the team to play ten games before the season is up, with our nrst game to be play- Much correspondence addressed to'on Bogue Sound are reaping a some the Chamber of Commerce has been what rich harvest of hard crabs for handled by Aycock Brown the sec- markets natives of the Marshallberg, retary during the past two weeks. Harkers Island and eastern areas are Hugh i Sullivan who would establish a making preparations for the soft fish by air freight service continues Crab season. Already a few soft crabs to write for data. Several persons have been caught and shipped from from this and other State have writ- that section and next week the in ten about boarding house, hotel and dustry Which brings thousands of apartments and cottages available dollars to eastern Carteret each year here for summer visitors. One firm should be off to a good start, has information pertaining to The crustacean delicacy has al the establishment of a lumber con- ready appeared on the menus of centration plant in this section and)80me of the better restaurants in Northern Interests are seeking inf or-1 Beaufort. Mathis was featuring them me eautousnmem; oi a;, day or two ago at 60 cents an or textile plant in Beaufort, if tlipir ro.j , ... SOFT CRABBING INDUSTRY STARTS IN CARTERETAS SPRING ARRIVES While the residents of Salter Path. .ti, iiuau jccr oiia uuiici wuilliuuilltius textile plant in Beaufort, if their re quirements can be met. J. P. Befcts, chairman of the Adver- der. which seems auite hicrh. but as the season advances these prices will drop. Present indications point to j -it. -cu. if , , " w'wiuiues anu inciaently ed with Ft. Macon CCC today (Thurs- j urges all citizens of this town and , intern Carteret county to support The boys are very grateful to Mr. the Chamber of Commerce. Chas Hassell for devoting his time to ; the coaching staff of the Beaufort' NOTICE TO EX-SERVICE MEN High School. I Any ex-service man who wishes to SKEET SHOOTING g0 to CCCamn ti'ease sp T V. B. H. Noe started auite an en-II v. f!nmmnnrJa p., r,1. a T.lSinE' nnrt nnhlioitir ,,;.. j.i.j . . f,. , .x -"w7 . wards a good season for those en- S 1 J . 13 -US " Pl3ns ed in th( soft crab industry, fish f or an advertising campaign that will eries officials believe, help tell the wor d about Rpnnfnf t. . i . , ., . ., j i, . ... , . n is unuerstoou mat tne nrst craos Mhe r opP. rtumtle n.d wcidently caught or shipped this season came trom the Marshalberg area. It will not be long though, until the other teret county and manv imnnrtant work projects were helped and ac complished. TU 1 J -ue new neau ca.'ie worker IS not , "uu every angi a native of North Carolina. He comes, Federal Housing Program." 1. J! f 1 . ueie irom uni0 wnere he has been connected with I "v.un; auu lY.M.C.A. work for a creat manv vears. He was pYnpcf-ori tn i,.- I .wwwv.v. i,w tiouiHK: Ills duties with the local office today. Assisting Mr. Gossard will be the same case workers who have hern in the county heretofore. They are: Mrs. A. if. Koberts, Mrs. Ruth Mebane, I ' Miss Ruth Roberts and Miss Sara : NEW JOB Speaker Robert Grady Rumley. Only a few changes have Johnson, presiding officer of the pres taken Dlace in tb lnnal volit.f m Ucf ltnnon r Wo..i-:.. : :j i - ...w viju..-. -iwu.Tt- vl iiupicaciiiaiivt-a, is saiu stage when they are placed in floats, I The office and field wnrV the crabs enter the 'buster' stage andlthe exception of one or two whn wr 'hio-her msrks Tlio rari.f foil, transf erred t0 New Bern, will be the ' round Raleigh is that he will toss his same in Carteret county. jhat into the ring for Lieutenant Gov- It has not been announced to where ernor when the primaries roll around Mrs. Lewis will be transferred. She next Spring. The head man of the will remain in Beaufort for several I House isn't having much to say a- aays neiping Mr. Crossard to get fa- bout the matteT for publication these THROUGH STATE Capital Keyholes By BESS HINTON SILVER an hour or two after becoming a 'buster' they emerge a larger soft crabwhich if allowed to remain in salt water soon becomes a 'paper- shell' and then a hard crab. To people who have never seen the transfiguration of these crustaceans, it is a novelty well worth ttoine to the crab centers to witness. It is hard to realize just after a soft crab has emerged from his shell just how it came from such a small covering. But that is nature's way of allowing these delicious delicacies to grow. At one time soft crabs brought approximately 100.000 dollars into Carteret County each year." That was during the boom days, however, at present prices, hundreds of people in the crabbing centers will have an op portunity to make good American money without expecting handouts from the Relief organizations. April is considered the best month of the year for the soft crab industry, a miliar with this office and his work here. days but his friends will tell you that he is getting his ducks in a row to srive the other bnvs n nm fnr fVioTn NINETEEN IN COUNTY (money in 1936. There are some who MAY JOIN CCC FORCES say that the name of Johnson on the I ticket for two offices in one election Nineteen boys in Carteret county might not be so hot but do not be whose parents are on direct relief j surprised if State Treasurer Charles may apply for service in the Citizens M. Johnson, a cousin of the Speaker, Conservation orps between now and ' finds other fields in which to graze Monday, according to a statement .before next Democratic primary day. issuer una wees py jars. Malcolm AriAMUy 'nends of Clvde K. R. Hoey, brilliant Shelby Demo crat, expett him to annonuce his candidacy for Governor in the Demo cratic primaries of next year almost Lewis. The requirements are that the applicants be between the age of 18 and 25. and that ,t.hev are thp anna of parents on direct relief. They may . ...j, lQJI w, yumcmca 01 next year almost apply to Mrs. Lewis in Beaufort and any day now. They will tell you that ...ill U n - i. - Trr:i.:A j. I. . o ft -' - - j ' Vl .UQ DUlb ii au communities on Core Sound and the great many people think. adjacent bays and rivers start. In these communities composed of 'Sea Level, Stacy, Davis, Wiliston, Smyr na and Harkers Island the crabbers who have not already started opera- i-onunuM to page four) er of the FERA before April 5th. Soar ready and some are already 11T1 .1 M .1 ... . wnen taKen irom the "noats or 'sheds' they are packed in dry sea weed, (if wet was used the soft body would change to peeler or hard crabs) and they are shipped to mar ket via motor truck or railway express. will be sent to Wilmints-on trance examinations. Two alterna tives will also be taken in by the lo cal office. ( Eight new orchard and garden demonstrations have been started in Person County as a beginning of greater food production by tobacco growers. ne can command at least 90 per cent of the votes of his native Clev land County without even issuing a command. Still there are a lot of people who would like to see him rua for the Senate against "Our Bob" Reynolds in 1938. Mr. Hiey is accus tomed to making up his own mind and fighting his battles in his rw (Continued on page four)