... : . iJ$ . s - p . rrr f:t THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY. MARCH 23, 193r irrnnn irim ,mm , 1 - 1 VIorehead City News C. G. Station was discharged on March 21st. Ed. Collins (colored) Beaufort was discharged on March 2oth. j Delia Henderson (colored) was dis l charged on March 21st. ROBERT DAVID BAREFOOT Funeral services were heid Sunday morning at the home- of Mr. and Mrs. Barefoot on Arendell street for their little fifteen-month old son, whose death occurred Saturday morning at the Morehead City hospital of mas toiditis. After the service, which was conducted by Rev. A. 1 Stevens of the First Baptist churhe, the body was carried by motor to Benson for in terment, the former home of Mr. ' and Mrs. Barefoot. ' phrey, dressed in light blue with navy I blue accessories and each carrying : boquets of snapdragons, stock and j tulips then entered. ; Following the brides maids Personals Miss Frances Mae Klein, who nurs es at Duke Hospital spent the week- 1 1 1 -mr n i came; ""a nere wnn ner iainer, mr. rranK and Mayor Taylor took into consul- eluded in the colored list were: Joe case, that of a drunkeness charge a eration that bhirlee apparently did rullord, IU days, William tfrown lu not want to prosecute the youths and days. Cases against Calvin Stanley, thus be forced to send them on to Re- Ellis Baxter and Corney Chadwick corder's court. So the theft charge were continued. was stricken out, whereupon Chief j Far be it from the Beaufort News Longest nonchalantly walked to the to jeave any one-s name out 0f tne Judge's bench, requested a blank war-'paper although the police court story rant, filled same out charging Shirlee ast wcefc was crowded to this edi with drunkenness, served the war- Hon, Tt follows: WILLIAM GASTON HEADEN Mrs. Charles N. Bennett, matron of Klein. honor dressed in light blue crepe with Billie Chalk, a student at State navy blue accessories carrying an College, returned to his work Mon arm boquet of snap dragons and talis- day after spending a few days here man roses. Little Buck Matthews with his parents Mr. and Mrs. S. A. dressed in navy blue preceded the , Chalk. bride bearing the ring. The bride' Miss Catherine Wallace of Greens wearing navv blue crepe and carrv- boro spent the week end with her jing an arm boquet of pink brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wal roses, valley lilies, gardenias and lace- ferns entered with her brother Rob-1 Miss Jeanne Salisbury spent the At 3 p. m. this afternon funeral Moore Wallace who gave her in weeK-ena in wew fsern, tne guest ol services were conducted for William 'marriage. Rev. A. P. Stephens, pas- Miss Jane Gorham. Gaston Headen, 22 at the home of jtor of tne church officiated. Dr. Gates McKaughan of Lumber- his mother Mrs. Mary Headen on Ar- Immediately after the ceremony iton sPe"t the week-end here visiting endell St., Morehead City. He died in!ttu'b nJ-1 and groom left by motor j Inends the hospital there yesterday after- Ior a weeding trip. Upon their re noon following a lingering illness. ; Ulrn they will be at home in Beau- Besides his mother he is survived by:01' T T xt. ; e - 1 head City. N. C. Louis Morris of More: lhls wedding joined two of Beau-jfort-Morehe-ad City's popular voung- Miss Bettie Salisbury, a student at E. C. T. C. was here a while on Sun iday. Miss Eudora Moore, who has spent the winter at Port Reading,. New Rev. D. M. Sharpe of the Metho- er set Mrs- Potter graduated from Jersey with her husband is the guest dist church and Rev. A. P. Stenhensitne local hlSh school and then attend of the Baptist church officiated at they'd Louisburg College. Mr. Potter is funeral. Interment was made in Bay- the son of Mr- and Mrs- W. V. B. view cemetery. Potter of Beaufort and is a graduate The dead youth was the son of the of .the University of North Carolina, late Dr. Headen, prominent physician fnisin school he taught for a year in Morehead City for many years. in. Newton and for several months l tins year ne was a member of the faculty of Beaufort High School, re signing to operate a fish business he owns. Following the rehearsal Monday night of this week, the bridal nartv and members of their families were nv.f-n4-n: J 1 Hr T-l . ... t-uvcitaineu oy mrs. jsen ftoyail at a reception. guest of Mrs. J. W. Wallace and Miss Fannie Davis. i B. F. Royall, Jr., returned Monday j to resume his work at the University at Chapel Hill, where he is a student this year. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freeman spent Sunday afternoon in Richland. 'rant and the Kentuckian was found I guilty and given his choice of five days or $2.50. He chose the latter. I The Springles were given 10 days on the drunkeness charge and Glover, 1 because it was his first offense was 'given five days, or their choice of 'paying the fine on a 50 cent a day basis. Ed Bullock Henry, one of Mayor J Taylor's regular patrons was up a gain on the same old charge, drunk and disorderly. As he usually sleeps n jail, (according to an officer pres ent) whether he is doing time or not his sentence this time was 30 days on the street. Others in cou;t answering charges; of drunk and disorderly conduct and I the sentences which can be stricken ' out if paid for at rate of 50 cents per day were: Johnnie Wiley, 5 days, Albert Ingram 5 days, Fred Lloyd 10 days and Hiram Springle 10 davs. : The foregoing were white men. In- Seven were found guilty. One gainst George Turner, colored, was dismissed. Other cases, the charges and disposition follow: Glover Har desty, fighting, five days; Cornev Chadwick, drunk, 10 days; Duffy Rhodes, drunk, 10 days; Andrew Stewart, drunk, five days; John D. Cope, drunk, 10 days; Sadie Fuller Sparrow, brawl, five days and William Presley, drunk and assault five days. Used Car GEORGE KIRBY BOUND OVER TO SUPERIOR COURT (Continued from page one) HOSPITAL NOTES MRS. LASHLY ENTERTAINS On Thursday evening Mrs. John Lashlcy and sister, Miss Lillian Frances Giddens, entertained a num ber of friends honoring Miss Eulalie Wallace, whose wedding took place on Tuesday, March 26. Tables were arranged for contract and other games, which were indulged in until a late hour, when a delicious chicken received an attractive novelty cigar-1 Mrs. Laura Smith of Salter Path, ette box. jwas admitted on March 25th for 1 'treatment. POTTER-WALLACE . Mrs. Monroe Adams of Broad A wedding of unusual beauty ami Creek was admitted March 27th for charm was solemnized in the First treatment. Baptist church here Tuesday after-,' Master Gerald Murdock of Wild noon when Miss Eulalie Wallace, only wood was discharged Mmvli -'"iili From evidence presented in May- or s court it seems that Eugene Snrimrlv Srti'ino'lo T ntkr,. Baby Bernard Nelson of Atlantic Glover and Porter SWW tfcu daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O Wallace became- the bride of Mr. William Hollister Potter of Beaufort. The church was beautifully deco rated with snap-dragons, hyacinths, tulips and ferns and other Spring flowers and lighted by the soft glow of candles. Tall white tapers in Ca thedral candelabtas placed around the altar completed the decorations. Nuptial music was rendered by Mrs. A. P. Stephens, organist, Mrs. R. T. Willis, James and Reginald Willis, sololist, David B. Webb, violin ist, and G. L. Arthur celloist. James Willis sang "I Love You Truly," "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" was sung by Mrs. R. T. Willis and Reginald Willis sang "O Promise Me." "Be lieve Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms" and "Here Comes The Brido" was rendered by the choir. As the party marched up the aisle Mrs. Stephens at the organ ren dered Mendelshonn's Wedding March. lhe ushers, James H. Potter ami James D. Potter preceded the bride-j groom and his best man, Richard; Whitehurst. Miss Cora Ward wearing' a dress of rose beige with navy blue j accessories and Miss Hattie Lee Hum-, CHARITY SHOW SUNDAY MARCH 31 WADE'S THEATER Matinee 2:30 Night 8:45 Admission 10c 25c "Death Flies East" with d'.nrad Nagel, Florence Rice AJ.so Musical Comedy ALL PROCEEDS GO TO CHARITY Miss Jesse Powell of Beaufn last Saturday night. Burins? t.hp party, which was staged in Shirlee's room at the Russell House, some, of the boy's started dressing up in Shirlee's clothes. Anyone knows who has fooled around much with liquor that after several drinks one might P'et into a consuming mood. Anyway tne three guc-sts of Mr, Shirlee wprp ort RFD arrester nn fVi;irora r,f Am-n,. ii'ia ;nnU.. 3 - Tic i ... : -o- - .i.tmivoa -.- uisumigeu on Jiarcn -itn Mrs. Rupert Salter Atlantic discharged on March 25th, and also for the theft of wearing ap- was parei valued at less than $20. Each npfpnrlanf QilmlfnJ Mr. Clarence Rose of At antic wms rivmtc .Kki, r , j;,,,,!,-,, . , , . ilt...viuSu nunc were convmcea discharged on March 21st. thp wo -,w .....u u::ir ivt i . imic wuuiu tail aoso- Willie Nelson of Fort Macon, lutely drunk. Each denied any theft. Mr. " . .... mwu,. nJ .1. r II II PHONE 45 OR 6 Wade's MONDAY & TUESDAY "Let's Live Tonight" with Lillian Harvey, Tullio Corminali and Comedy and Newt Mat. 10-20c Night 10-25c WEDNESDAY 'Girl of My Dreams" with Mary Carlisle Chreighton Chan ney Also Comedies 10 20c THURSDAY "Enter Madame" with Cary Grant, Elissa Landi Also News Mat. 10-20c Night 10-25c FRIDAY "Maybe It's Love" with Gloria Stuart, Ross Alexander Also Stan Laurel and Oliver Hard Comedy and News Mat. 10-20c Night 10-25e 1 SATURDAY 'Fighting Pilot" with Richard Talmage mmt CK-pter 5 "Law of Wild" 'tton and Comedy Oc Night 10 25c to 6at FREE DELIVERY THESE PRICES ARE NOT WEEK-END OR ONE DAY SPECIALS JUST SAM. PLES OF OUR REGULAR PRICES ON I VJUAJLI1 i iOODS. STAPLE ITEMS Metropolitan Flour, (superlative patent) 6 lbs .35c; 12 lbs.. .65c; 24 lbs.. .$1.25 Pihsbury's Flour, 6 lbs. . . 40c; 12 lbs. 67r . 3 lbs. $1.29 I Carolina riour, llbs. . . 50c; 24 lbs. ... 85c Chase and Sanborn's Coffee, lb. 31 c Break O' Morn Coffee, lb ' . 21c Sugar (any quantity) lb 05c Cloverbloom Tub Butter, lb. ........ 38c Jewel Shortening, 4 lb. pkg ! . ! 60c Pure Lard, lb jgc Rib Side Salt Pork, lb 21c Fat Pickled Pork, lb i7c SWIFTS PREMIUM Hams (whole or ) lb. ... 25c OTHER VALUES Checker Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs 15c Post Toasties, 2 pkgs. 15C Post's Bran Flakes, pkg qc Grape Nuts, pkg. 20c Large Lemons, doz 20c Florida Oranges (200 size) doz. . . . . .25c California Oranges (200 size) doz. . . ,30c Bananas, lb Q6c Winesap bulk Apples, lb . 06c Jello (all flavors) 3 pkgs . 20c We carry a complete line of Cold Meats, Shefford's Cheese, fancy Vegetables and Fruit, Beech-Nut Crackers and all varie ties of flower and garden seed. 60 MILE Bicycle Race! Sponsored By BEN'S BICYCLE SHOP BEAUFORT, N. C. Beaufort to Atlantic Round Trip EASTER MONDAY April 22nd. PRIZES: Any Bicyclist May Enter 1st. Dayton Bicycle; 2nd. 2 Tires; 3rd. Set of Lights ENTER NOW-SEE BEN JONES BEN'S BICYCLE SHOP Beaufort, N. C. 1-1934 FORD TUDOR SEDAN . .475.00 1-1930 FORD PICKUP 175.00 1-1931 FORD TUDOR SEDAN . .225.00 1-1931 FORD PICKUP $200.00 1-1933 CHEVROLET COACH . 425.00 1-1933 FORD TUDOR SEDAN . 425.00 1-1933 FORD FORDOR 450.00 1-1933 FORD PICKUP 350.00 1-1931 FORD TOWN SEDAN . . 275.00 1-1930 FORD COUPE 225.00 AND MANY OTHER TO SELECT FROM Loltin Motor Co. Support The Chamber of Commerce 4 J&Mi4sM&Mj nVHO PLAN TO BUY NEW ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR THIS SPRING!! The performance of the refrigerator you buy will be of greater Importance to you than any other feature. Look to the mechanicm ... it determines how long and how well a refrigerator will serve you, and at what co$t. performanct protection onfthis famous sealcd-in-stcel mechanism for only 5 . . . five full years for only $1 a year. G-E Sealed-in-Steel Rlethonism fears no reckoning with time Hundreds of thousands of owners have been amazed at the seemingly ageless dependability of the G-E mechanism. Monitor Top refrigerators in use in homes for sis and seven years have been cut apart at the General El .trie Research Laboratories and found to be in such first class condition that it is impossible to place a limit on the years of service to be expected from this matchless mechanism. You Pay No Penalty of Price in Buying a General Electric Modest homes by tens of thousands . . with incomes of 20 to $25 a week . . are served by General Electrics because G-E refriger ation is lowest in cost and thousands of homes with unlimited incomes are also equipped with G-E's because they provida the world's finest refrigeration service. It Costs Less to Own a General Electric The dependable, trouble-free performance ol General Electric means more in savings, in convenience, and in protection to health than all convenience features combined. I 5 Years I Performance Protection I for Only 1 a year In addition to the standard 1 year warranty, General Electric iv fou 4 more feme ThCM Mechanism that defie time. Now fn afl 3 typos of refrrgeratom MONITOR TOP . FtATOP UFT0P You cent btfv a 1935 G-I refrigerator ton OTtfe as - $5.00 DOWN with monthly payments as low as $3.31 Tide Water Power Co Support Tha Chamber of Comn

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