Pr EIGHT MOREHEAD NEWS MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Vernon Paul of New Born en tertained Thursday i-wning at a de lightful shower at the 1 :-n.e of hf. mother Mrs. M. S. I.e.- in honor ot her sister Mrs. Mclohon a recent bride. The entire lower floor was thrown ensuite and attractively dec covated with spring flowers and ev ergreen. Low bowls of white and yel ' low roses were seen every where. Tall yellow tapers burned in the hall and living rooms. A color scheme of yel low and white being carried out thru out the home. The chair of the hon oree was tied with a large yellow crepe how. Mr. Paul was becomingly attired in a . hue Mister crepe hostess gown. Mrs. McLohon, wore grepe triple crepe, with pink accessories. Three contests were held, prizes .were awarded to the- winner, which presented these to the honoree. Fol lowing this Master Duffy Lee Paul came in with a miniature bride and groom tied to a long yellow string with this message: Follow the string, Follow the string To see what the present, and future will bring. Tools for the butler, the waitress, the cook. There take up the basket and start out and look. The honoree followed this and found a large yellow crepe basket ov erflowing with gifts. She thanked each doner with gracious charm. Yellow fruit punch, pastel mints and cake were served. Guests numbered twenty-five. HOSPITAL NOTES National Hospital Day observ ed here last Sunday was a big suc cess.A large number of persons visit ed the institution durnig the day. The following persons have been discharged from th hospital recent ly: Mrs. B. A. Grant of Morehead City, May 8th., Mrs. Robert Arthur and baby of Bettie, May 10th, Mas ter Colby Short of Moreluad City May 2nd, Mrs. R. L. Bowers and daughter of Cape Lookout, May 11th Mrs. Katie Mae Garner of :,'fv.p,.;t. Mr 12th, Mr. Ma ;t: oast Guard Cutter Travis, M:'.y li: Mrs. W. L. Sutton ;ind son of ti- Mav 1 Itb. The following persona have ben j admitted to the hospital recently : Mr. David Garner of Newport, M:;y 3rd, for operation. Miss Sudie Mae Willis of Morehead City, May 3rd, for op-'Thursday following a stroke- ot ap eiation; Mr. Raymond Garner of poplexy and illness of only a few Newport, May 8th for operation: days. She was the wife of S. G. Mrs. Louis Guthrie of Morehead Gould prominent farmer of the New City. May 10th, Mrs. D. W. Gwynne port section. of Gloucester, May 12th., for op- Besides her husband she is sur eration: Mr. Sterling Ramsey of vived by one son C. A. Gould, a Washington, D. C, for operation: brother, Monroe Mann and a ssiter, Mr. Andrew Barnett of Ocracoke j Mrs. Lizzette Edwards and a host of admitted, May 13th for treatment. I relatives and friends. The esteem in Births: Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. ' which the deceased was held in her L. Becton of Bachelor May 11th a son. SCHOOL BOARD MET THURSDAY , - , , ! Teachers who will si-rve in the lo-, cal scnools next year were elected at ' a meeting of the board last Thursday I right. There has been some talk a-, round town or possibly criticisms fori the failure to re-elect certain teach-1 ers. Mr. Fritz made no comment oth- " er than giving a copy of the minutes for the press, and those who made, comments arouna town aia not, seem . J I i J I L . especially interested in being quot td. One of Beaufort's most prominent citizens suggested that we print a lopy vi uie tninuK.1, jib satu mey were of interest, "not especially for wnai mey contained, out ior tnmgs not contained." He probably had ref- .rence to the section, "At this point ur. iayior excused nimseit ana mr. Dill was made chairman." No reason was given in the minutes why Chair man Taylor excused himself and tht.t incidentally is the story the liih'utt s follow: Th.- Bo.-ud met at 8 o'clock with the following members present: MesM-t. Taylor, Wheatly, Dill, Hill l'aul, King, Noe and Gibbs. The following items of business were disposed of: 1. The Board placed itself on rec ord as recommending Mr. E. S. Wat- ers as supervisor or foreman on the things in general. He would like to go rymnasium. (to sea off North Carolina aboard a 2. The treasurer was authorized filing smack for a voyage or two to pay up to $15 to the Athletic As-j, ... and if ho did the chances are tociation. that the world would soon learn the 3. The selection of a Janitor was j New England coast is not the only l;ft to Kupt. Allen and Mr. Fritz. (setting for fishing stories. Paul Green The attached resolution in regard jr. says he likes Chapel Hill much to extra curricular activities and ap- better than Hollywood and then he 1-recii.tion of the services of Mr. Chas. ! asked me if I was going to put it in Lassell were duly authorized and .the paper, f.dopted. I ' , The next item of business was the IF I WAS THE CHIEF of Beau ( lection of teachers as follows: Miss- fort's Fire Department I would in 3 Louise Hudgins, Virginia Howe,, struct my men to allow a newspaper men Iroctor, Corrine Willis, Susan man the privilege- of entering build i.umley Mary Catharine Holland, ings at the scene of fires or to go ; essie Arlington, Mamie Wolfe, Ed-! within the fire-line of down town i-,h Lewis, Emily Loftin, Florence ' blazes. What v;e hava specific refer- -rooks. At this point Mr. Taylor excused 1 1 imself and Mr. Dill was made chair- ....... wct-uon continuea as Iol- lows iFrcd Lewis High School: Mildred Salter, Elea- j or . -ns, Verena Way and Lena i .'flowing colored teachers were also e4mtfl: Mnlilm T-.,,.n JPla Sparrt-, Helen Davis, Mabel GCLDEN WEDDINi 4 Mr. ar.d Mes. F. M. Goodwin On Friday, May 10 they had Inen married 50 years, this lovable old couple of Lenoxville. On Sunday they celebrated and it was one of the biggest events of it's kind held in this county in many a day. All of the children were present including, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Garner, Newport; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Day, Mr. and Mis. G. W. Goodwin, and Mrs. Dennis Goodwin, of Roe, (Ceiar Island) Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pittman and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goodwin of Beaufort. A large number of grand children and 1Jior i'ei.-n.ives were present to Cilebrate and partake of a migrty fine dinner served on the lawn. TI 'I ? r i : K'S Site i . 5 e MRS. EftHLY J. st rviees v;c GOULD e conducted 'Friday afternoon in Newport 'Mrs. Emily J. Goul.i, 73, who for died community was shown by tne laige the last rites and nflfWinW The daughter of ; late Jasper B. and Clarky Mann, j Mrs. Gould was born near Newport j and spent her entire life there. MRS. LUCREIA EVANS Rnown affectionateiy aS "Aunt Cl.issie she. !iej M.,y 10, at the home of her half ssiter Mrs. C. T. Eubanks where ghe had ma(( her home for the foul. s Mrs Evans wa3 87 ' rg 0 Funeraj services were conducted Russell-9 Cl.eek( Freewill Baptist . . -th rpv. l. u. Wethering- V, S-t ' . of Morphead City officiating. In terment was made in the family bur ial ground at North River. She is survived by one brother, . Vno-ono rtiiHlpv two half sisters Mrs, . r T Fnhank- nd Mrs. Da is Sad- and tW(J haf brotherSi r. T. and w Q Du(jiey 0f this place. Lewi Cornd, Ca,.ter Doris Best Mose9 w. Freeman Jr., Naomi Len- non, Nellie Artis. At this point the Board adjourned to the call of the chaiiman. WATERFRONT (Continued from page one) (Continued from page one) PAUL GREEN THE FAMOUS playwright and author and myself were standing on the Inlet Inn pier i last. Snndav mornini? talkiner about ene to is t,.ie faet that when thig columnist starU-d in Dr. Hendrix's house Tuesday morning to make a general survey of damage done and what the firemen had accomplished, a great big fellow with a hand about the size of a ten pound ham said "You can't get in her?, go to the win- Idow." Whereupon I walked off the porch uninterested in giving any men ): c - l a. police reporter on a city daily I was THE BEAUFORT NEWS THUSDAY, MAY 16, 1935 li'ov. ..! the privilege cf going inside ;.f the hose if 1 wanted to, and the !!emen were glad to cooperate, a newsnaoerman can give a letter story if he set s the firemen Upon motion it is ordered, that ; in action and the actual work. So Tax Collector, be instructed to j Chief Hatsell what are we going tomake daiiy settlements with Auditor! do about future cases of this kind? l0f an items collected, whether by BABY OTTERS (Continued From Page 1) , ,. ,. JBeer License be issued to the follow- it up and from all markings the bird , u,35 to April 30, ! n'oc an o I'lttTlil r!i , IWlin ll'l'- WITH; mi (,w..vv l.. lioth legs were i banded with the following inscilp- ions, 1708 A.F and "25 Pal 03." The pigeon may have been one enter- ed in a race and Charlie Manson I stated Wednesday morning that it, would be released to continue on ithe home cote or wherever it had started. And by the way Guinea Pigs are I not so numerous on J lver s Island i since the new bridire and causeway 1 has made it possible for small boys to walk to the laboratory. The f ore- i ' going story covers the natural his-' tory situation for the past week. FORT CANNONS Continued from page one) C. I. rifted, 6 inch, .1 bore and six 32-pdr. Carronades." "Under date or September 29, 1903 instructions were, issued by this of 1SSueu uy u..s ms, carnages, pro- s etc., on hand at j .atertown Arsenel, fice to ship all guns jectiles, implements. Fort Macon to Watertown Arsenel Watertown, Mass. The guns were lat- ter own Mass the guns were lat-! declared obsolete and disposed of thru gift and sale under specified ; 4 ..i. , ,ii,i rtlTS t)t miigie, tnnciuic, u, uu,u, he impossible to locate and replace the specific guns were formerly, on hand at Fort Macon. L "Under date of December 14, 1903 the District Engineer Officer at Wilmington, North Carolina was in- structed to take over the old Fort and such property as remained there. Sincerely youis, W. H. TSCHAPPAT, Major General, Chief of Ordinance" LIQUOR HILL. (Continue i fion page one) Other matters disposed of during Ithe meeting were in the following I minutes: I TTnrm inAlinn 1 1" nv!pred. th'lt. Mr. Freeman, be called to verify his figures in his bid for supplies for County Home, and that Chairman be instructed to notify Mr. Freeman that in future, bids offered shall not show any change. Upon motion it is ordere-d, that a committee consisting of Commis sioners Fulcher, Guthrie adnelCrk Board be appointea to investigate property values of Serpell Land and Timber Corp. Upon motion it is ordered, that bid of Freeman Brothers for supplies for County Home for month of May, be accepted. Upon motion it is ordered, that County Attorney is hereby authonz- eu to mane settlement 01 Newport of Fisheries Company's Tax Suits in- SEE LOFTIN'S USED CAR SPECIAL FRIDAY & SATURDAY CHARITY SHOW SUNDAY, MAY 19th. WADE'S THEATER Matinee 2:30 Night 8:45 Admission 10c 25c "Cock of The Air" with CHESTER MORRIS Also Musical Comedy ALL PROCEEDS CO TO CHARITY Wade's MONDAY & TUESDAY "Golddiggers 1935" with Gloria Stuart, Dick Powell, Adolph Menjou, Alice Brady, Hugh Herbert, Glenda Farrell, Frank Mc Hugh, With the Most Beautiful Girls in The World '. ! ! Also News Mat. 10-20c Night 10-2 5c WEDNESDAY Stranger In His House' with Jack Holt, Mona Borria; Also Comedies 10 20c THURSDAY "David Copperfield" with W. C. Fields,, Lionel Barrymoro Madge Evans, Maureen Osullivan, Frank Lawton, Lewis Stone, Eliza beth Allen, Roland Young, and News Mat 10 20c Night 10 25c FRIDAY "Case Curious Bride" with WARREN WILLIAM Also Comedy and News RIONAX GLASSWARE NITE Mat. 10-20c Night 10-25c SATURDAY "Law Beyond Range" with TIM McCOY Law of Wild" Cartoon and Comedy COMING SOON "HELLS ANGELS" Mat - 1 ZOc Night 10 25c 'vivinr liens uo to and im-ludin; on basis of payment of $1,500.- no nnVable $500.00 m June (10.00 tl,. sr-,00 ()0 in August 1135. cash or checks and Auditor is here- wjU Arrinf,toni Beaufort; John by instructed to accept same a" U 'Guthric Morehead City; G. C. ingly. i Garner, Newport; Ray Hamilton, Unon motion it is ordered, that',, , , Charlie Robinson, Atlan- iltMD, a. it. mat,v, ... ... 'io h m t-.v.-iov. . ii. ineteu. l ,t' ,T 1. ..4-..U I Busy Bee Cafe. Edwards Drug More A P 's two Stores. I4 " ... , , ... Upon motion o' tkred t at Tax Lister, be instructed to Lit to'Op.n Ground property av a ... tion 25 per cent lower lor xn.m I10'.1934- ,. !t ... ..... t!,,t Cpon mouou "ji Upon motion i..n-, ii ii:iiii ill I ii ii in ,,-i Foreclosui the same to apply on i bis father's taxes. Upon motion it ,s ordered that an advance of $1 .200 03 be made to Ab- ami nn.u.Kf, . ... ! i. :.. .t;,i -;tVi simlir. of i mem in t'i'iiun" - i Carteret County for 3 1-2 year per-: iiod to April 30th, 1935. payment to !be made if and when funds are are available from the proper source. The following gootl and lawful men , T..j.. Ti,v. vtre tirawn ior juuj mtouc uu.. Term, 1935. William Mason. Atlantic; R. N Taylor, Xewport; Stacy C. Willis, J j j. Ward Newport; ow. - Joh ar , Beaufort; Albert Gaskill, ' RB,llflw(l A ' S. Taylor, Bogue; G. L. Dudley, . T M wm.J. T - " Leffe strMs ... ,.',, Km(t. M a 1"' : T, V " " o;,V " aT Nonis, Beaufort; Leon Salter, At lantic; S. J. Cannon, Newport; J. W. Humphrey, Beaufort; K. B. Arthur, Morehead City; D. B. Wade, Jr., Morehead City; Abbott Morrif, New port; Walter M. Willis, Marshallberg; V. S. Salter, Newport : E. L. Weeks, Bogue; E. D. Sharp?, Morehead City; Geo. W. Finer, Morehead City; H. C. Taylor, Sealevtd; Johnnie S. Lock- I I11 'IlIIBSBIIiSKi! t EVERY MODEL GIVES A COMPLETE REFRIGERATION SERVICE The Super Freezer makes possible a Complete Refrigeration Service. It provides the right kinds of cold for every purpose all in the same cabinet. There's fast freezing lot making ice cubes and desserts; frozen storage for meats and ice cream; extra-cold storage for keeping a reserve supply of ice cubes; moist storage for vegetables and fruits; and normal storage below 50 for foods requiring dry, frosty cold. Here's greater economy, too. Mfl SJ 'jm jjIgaL v?1 fms d ntrrmr Uthi mJ plenty of 14 vpr rreetir 5 TEA ONE YEAR WARRANTY WITH 4 YEAR ADDITIONAL PRO TECTION AVAILABLE BEAUFORT, ey, Newport; Matt G. Nelson, More- heat City; John . Avery, lieau-! fort: Zeb c:henngton, renetii-i , Monroe- Ga.-kill, Poo; Gordie Brooks llarkt rs Island. SECOND WEEK (,ourtamj Gillikil1t Roe; W. J. TioMnfort- Robie Fuleher. Atlan Jessie Morton, Beaufort; W. T. p-' .,.:,.. W. H. Oirlesbv. Morehead City; 1 . J KoDinson, moth- , city Wilbur Stewart, Glouces- j i:.. M A tl .. 1 1 i V T ; i V," . ' . ' V y ,sewpor ; B. I .iad M o e- boad City j V . b .Kobe, t.,, Neu poi t , niesi .ncim.ii, ntMnot. VITAL .STATISTICS FOR MARCH IN CARTERET ; i Still birth; !T,iw, J lown. Leant, rt Births Deaths 5 4 0 12 7 0 15 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 .20 24 2 . Townships beaut rt Cedar Is. Harkers Is. .nauowc Atlantic Davis Sea Level Stacy Marshallberg Merrimon M. City Newport Portsmouth Straitu - May 15, 1935. SEE LOFTIN'S USED CAR SPECIAL FRIDAY & SATURDAY MODERN SHOE REBUILDERS "BEST IN TOWN" J. D. Biggs, Prop. Support the Chamber of Commerce I Operating costs are so low, and you save so much mon on ice and food bills, that your I'rigidaire pays for itself with the money it saves. KirittrutiDH tlarti auto mf.':. Ilj icben aJm:lir.t is completed S Amlemtilt n trsy lrir.t, 'r tMhf Incorporated MAIL BOX (Continued from page four) Presidential election in 11)36. Sunday at just one load, the fer ry drew over the bay hundred and fifteen women, children and men with ten automobiles and a truck, all go ing to Davis to church on "Mothers Day.' After disembarking the big boat suddenly pulled herself out of the slip and slid over the bay with out a Captain, this time leaving him on the dock, we did not realize the auzl, ,., fok f, nt ,ikp . ' unk,ss a Captain is on th, brid ... . . T when he too, must be in good spirits, ought 0 be on the ship. After the State drowns some of if)Ur people thon it wjll be just too ate gen(j ft man arounj chewing a ciear like a ?oat L'c'dar .bark- attempting to learn the probable I cause of the great castrophy. A stitch in time saves nine hundred. JIMMIE GUTHRIE, Harkers Island, N May 15, 1935. C. Paul's MACHINE SHOP Headquarters For Marine Supplies and Paint SEE US ABOUT AN ENGINE FOR YOUR NEW BOAT Address G. M. PAUL Beaufort, N. C. STANDARD MODEL 4-35 Uses less current tiisa 1 ordinary lamp bulb. Lifetime Porcelain in terior with beautiful Dulux exterior finish. Equipped with the fam ous Super Frceicr. In. terior light. Automatic reset defrosting. Auto matic ice tray release. Hydraior. Outstanding value in every respect. ONLY $122.50 rtltmt ; at itt O Tbt llydrator that cornss tcith every model ktett trails end vegetables cri:p Jnd frtsh 4' ,-..f- NORTH CAROLINA