BEAUFORT Gateway to The Sea Demand Forest Fire Warden Service f WniNG TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISER T-Jt BODY j WATCH You, UM .nd P., Your Sub.crip.ion 1 t ." L Best Advertising Medium Published in Carteret Co. T,IC PPu,T ,rwS THURSDAY. AUGUST lttVffi PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY 1 . a-Z I.' 1 NUMBER 31 arents With Weak Minds Producing To Many labies, Says Mr. Babson .re Led Statistician Predicts iThere Will Be No Further ISpiritual or Material Growth lit.1 Humans Catch u p, I With Machines HOEY'S COMPETITOR Female of The Species Slays Her Husband and Becomes Black Widow r?., Qnim(l MrArJh "VlgUC e Are Selling At Lc Prices This Sea klKS "HOTHOUSE" REFORM H, Standard is Far More Impoi-j Aant Than Wage Standard, . Gold j h Standard or Our Living Standard; , .'Alert Minded Parent. Have Only! V '. .i i IILCI- Weak I ' ? One or two nuaren "- Character, and Unbalanced Mind. 'i . L ka J Jlave From Three to r..g.. Says. IUBSON PARK, Mass., July 31 bnr greatest need today is not more Pods, higher wages, bigger profits, W further legislative reforms Rath r. it is the strengthening and re building of our national character. . ...... iff,r vonra we have con- wor me last ii-j. j.---- - .10 . 1 au ntia rtnmpriT. ui uui .,wfa hp mane inc tah' .cenirawu u.. --- men,- ....-. --- ( nou naulv as . Whines with the result that the de- address for Carteret Post J J , telephoned to find out. 4elopment of our machines with the j Amcsl.ican Legion and later addres- 14. l,of trio rlfiV elonment of our. , a nnvntion of Business and . ,rOTJi TDfiTC A resins uio T , . . Unar, riPcrlfiPted. 1 led L $hjssw4 .s " Nil Seven Black Widow spiders were captured early this week by Rev. Mr. Fen wick and Josepn rraix, uie miwi a Harvard medical student who is in Beaufort making a sanitary survey of the town and adjacent waters. They were found between the rocks sur rounding u pool on the lawn of St. Paul s rectory. , rri. tv, Vinrpnu of fisheries laftrn m - laboratory they were placed on dis- l fVivoo AT JfiClJ in. "I' M , Two were masneu to death while being capturea anu .rickets Dlaced in the jar uemunauuu two more. That goes to prove a cricket is more deadly to a black widow than a black widow is to a c ticket. . Black Widows derive their name j v, that, the female of the ilium tuc --- . ! species is more deadly than a male. tho females kill their mates. Of course at the labora l ni-a fomnlps an d the other a tiny male. The females reach a much , tkor. tViK males, probably larger " " - ... , ,i tn t.hH fact that each 'black widow' lays hundreds of eggs. The t i 1. T"U mo OS females are very Diacs. n n.-o are greyish brown wtM a marKing al most white shaped like an hour glass. Dr. Hyde also caught a black widow a few days ago and placed it in a jar. The following day she had Just whether Graham is no stranger m haye hatched or not we do He made the memoi uu - Hyde was not in Lt. Gov. Sandy Graham Sandy r....,lmia mid cantaloupes by the truck loads, boat loads and freight car loads nave movea out ui t. n torritorv this year and llu consider the seas- on as being tare. L,ocany me u.c."". are dirt cheap. Some of the local v,v,fa coll rnntalouoes at two for five cents and melons at "ve 1- v. Cenvs eai-ii. The Bogue Sound melon counuj i r v,rMi(rVinnf thp. land as the f ,iBlipiniis melons. Hundreds miiic , , f ,.p Hovntpf) to crowing met ... a ;f ; thp nvincinal source 01 ons an " 10 : ,,,.:no- tVip summer months incuiii in tVlMt. sspi'tion. 1U1 Ilianj i" . JCjVCI J'Wll- on quenches the thirst but few peo- pie know that it contains u onrl sihout seven per cem. 11M"1" ... ovhnhvHratps. The writer did ceiiv. fcv.-j - - not learn wnat tne omer one - Us food values wcia. u , j? nlQvxr imnnrtance: lt are 01 a n.uuuij ...-t , iirt r.olnvipj to the rjound nas some "In South lAfrican desert country Koqo "Mrink" the fruit to man a" : quench thirst; m Russia me """" ., . . r .i. l'.fnn1 mivriAQPtS. rha TTo-vrvfinns USG it to tone Willie J&ji' down high fever. Even the seeds are crushed to make a . medicinal tea, according to an article in a recent ed ition of the New; xorK nmes. iquor Store Receipt Averaged Over Dollar Wednesday Per Hinute COMING TO VISIT a convention of Pinfpssional Women at Atlantic humans has been neglected. 1 k .professional Women at very strongly that unless the educa-; Beachi Sand y is telling the world, 0 xi- inmin patches up with the v,.fV, rnrolinians anyway, that ne ib f humans catches up with the improvement of machines, we can !: never hope for further spiritual or "material growtn. j Pyorrhea of American Character ? Business is now three per cent a- 'Tove last July, but there are still ap-j -proximately as many without jobs to . day as a year ago and the number j on relief has actually increased. How t can this be? It is that Americans no ' longer want to work? Within three Centuries we have converted a vast -wilderness into the most prosperous 5 Jiation in the world. Yet, since the ' Pilgrims landed at riymoutn m ll 0 - . . . i 1lfrtPl OCHCU. kJ..u j . North Carolinians anyway, that he is a candiiate for tne omce 01 v. nor. ATI YSTA TROTEA HAS A NEW HUM 4 MIL WAYNICK AND PARTY SEE ROADS Group Came Into County j Tuesday to Take Look Cedar Island Routes And he seems to be enjoying life . , ;.v, t thp U S. Fisheries in tne nquuiium Laboratory. Atlysia Trotea, in case you do not know, is me wC - name for a '"sea rabbit" or 'sea hare or whatever you want to call the cur in.b;nV and iellv-like lump of lint- oinoiiv is causrht along our 1. Ti,.tt m fnnr have been caught fuasi. xiiico , on ; in the surf along the beach this sum- At i nr AI. ANGLERS HAVE GOOD LUCK. Beaufort anglers or visitors to our town have made some exceum" . i.i,, r.f fii rpcentlv. Cei'O gooa catiit-ia and mackerel are running out there beyond the bar and turxner ou, . the blue waters ot tne uuu uuipuu. urn nlavinfc'. Twenty three dolphin whicn piayeu ...j. -t,n. Ko-frtvp Inst Thursday will OUb 1llCI C - , hpnause they were lana- uiay c 1 l... t..v Toq1 anH a rjartv ot Charlie Manson Purchased First Drop of Liquor bold Legally in Carteret County Since the Late Gay Nineties; Store Opened 3:19 P. M. And Closed at Six With To tal Sales $166.95 WILLIS IS MANAGER Officer John Davis wa First Colored Man to Make Purchase While an Unidentified Summer Resident of Atlantic Beach Was First Woman To Buy Any and She Bought Plenty Carteret's ABC Store No. 1 aver aged $1.00 per minute in receipts for legal liquors, wines, gins, brandies j i.i,M hoirornerpB on the opening aim uuici ww.wp, - day Wednesday. The store opened at 3:19 o'clock and at 19 minutes and 130 seconds past three Charlie Man- Senator Reynolds is expected to I son ocai pay uarterei county - , . . t u the store at ,0i. ,vi To w be accompusneu - week en. 1. 11- "' - tj 1 nn r,pv nint. lA.vw i a J Senator Bob Reynolds T' . 1 i- nH by Sen. tor Shcnnan .uintoi ui i"". fhev will stop at Eyewater Club and they are on no particular business, just vistiing around, seeing uie i ious folks the popular N. C. Senator serven m Congress. FRITZ NO LONGER HEAD OF SCHOOLS Th total sales for the afternoon amounted to $166.95. The biggest t 1 - TliivttQTVI purchases was a laay irom who is spending the summer at a cottage on Atlantic Beach. She and l-.. nJflTIU Will cht. a heavy card- ! board box full of beverages amount ing to several dollars dul as some persons around the street as sumed. Officer John Davis, custodian of the law in the Out Back section 01 ceau- Roads in the Marshallberg-Smyr-na area were viewed on Tuesday by r nr ,Ar nViuii'mnn S. H. r,nr standard of character has utter- Capus w. vayiu, - fatd to match the progress of our'd P. W Commission who was ac jy xttiicu ,. . ... . . lnst nmnaneA n Carteret by James a. Rocky Mount. This committee is mak- .,r forefathers to build America. I (Continued on page two) ed by Jack Neal and a party of " A t who agsists the locai Police De friends who hshed aoa raldwell Dis-! partment Thu Rn Driver Has t . ( 1119 " " I Covered Much Asphalt And he has never had an accident. ' "? G W. Smith, native of Goldsboro, I ? a driver on one of the busses of f' the Seashore Transportation com- f3 .Hn.nfQQ irt onrt nut. of Beaufort " has driven over a million miles witn- 1 out an accident. He had Deuer snu "? on wood if he talks that around very t much. . . , Mr. ci!tli m hpen dmvine duss- ... i , I,,, i. , -" 10 upan or more. Before he , me;. . . , , tVipw are deen purplish in coioi, w hit like crane jelly). Dr. Prytherch says they are members of the jelly fish family but absolutely harmless to humans as they do not nave n.uao stringy looking stinging mass nonius along behind. The one at tne lava tory may be seen oy any one mol ested in strange looking things from the Sea.. Mr. Thomas, secretary to Dr. Prytherch who helped us oui on the getting the correct name ui thing this morning, stated that a scientist named Kand nrst menuneu a onH that thev are numerous the West Indies and along the coast of Florida. KOCKy jnuuin.. -;- - , . ing a study of the road problems in the East. .... tu They were scheduled to see Cedar Island too, but it could not be learned definitely if they did or not nQntlw alinned into the as tney ani""'"-'-' ' r . , . v , and out again without such interested persons as the Be?"f or ' LIEyT SNOWDEN RETURNS chance to contact them. If they start (Continued on page eignw M. Werner, the schooner cnaneieu by Edgewater Club for the season. rri in..nnit ticn trwit-n wcitLuu ine larger ; " , it ia mute nrobable that uuuuua v - . j 1 . falrOTl many more wouia nave uccn but some of those aboard just' could (A. it ' Tlint is thev became sea- 11 i, taivc v. v sick. Included in the Gulf Stream par- ...oyo heciiipa vir. rseai. mi. o" Mrs James Herrman and Lou Mar hart, Dayton, Ohio,; Dr. Frederick George Walton Smitn, ionuon tiis land; Joseph Pratt, Boston; and Mr. and Mrs. Christopher jones, i Eleanor Jones and 1 nomas nuuu w Beaufort. One morning this week JacK iNeai, Jpr, Keicnation IO rtccep riorc who assist ""- .nders Ketiffoat 1 ! rtment was the first colored man Position With Uldweli U p h a bottle of any beverage. ..-. -4t AC T,urt! No SUC- L ' . . , . ...ul. it. Longest and Rose Open A Radio Repair anop Jack Longest and Carlton Rose 11 years or more. Before he d this week the opening of became a bus driver he was a truck R Ra(Jio They wm cater driver. Not many drivers can Doasi TO U. S. S. WEST VIRGINIA Lieut. Ernest Snowden left rrirt of 45 Teachers; No Suc cessor Yet Named Mr Robert L. Fritz, Jr., for ten i ve'ais Superintendent of the local chools just hanaeu nis i6""" m ni.n:.wan At 1 HI.. XT VJ (IV 111 . V jliail III v. 10 Ml. 11. " J--- the Board. It is with much reluctance that Mr. Fritz decided to leave Car teret county but he feels that there is a greater opportunity in his new work. .... . . We did not learn just what brand it was he purchased but recall its was some brand of corn whiskey. (Continued on page eight Prospects Good For - . Rural Electric L.ine Indications are that a power line During Mr. Fritz's administraiom wm be constructed soon of ten years, from 1925 to 1935 the Beauf ort through the rural comma, city schools made much progress. !nitieg and on t0 Atlantic. Naturally une muii.ius W"o he accented the work in lvo fhat w mean bigger Dusiuea Lou Marhart, James Herrman ana , dr0Pped , ,. ,rofo pnwPr Company, as reve William Potter went out beyond the h accredited list. Within a wiU be obtained not 0 u 1,0 Piwo. p and returnine lrom lnt aLl-ICU , , , , . "ue u.., William Potter went out oeyoi.u - accredited list. Within a inlet aboard the Piggie and returning om the acCr itimfir.b!lklafL oTm "t" ar and the accredited rating re-estab- eaten 01 iwu teio , T iiioViod Mr and Mrs. Sterbe of Raleigh who a"fa- , . rp.Al(irt. .... TrTftitao I xie naa Deen unaiuiuvw'j 11 is uiiuexovw w Wn stooDine at the old uavis nouse iu torm apveral L .oio thp electrical line 1 " , . . a. 1 pi Tor nia eievcuw will suuii uwv.- v Dnnii. ' 1 JJ Oil in AT1P after- eu 1"L . .. . ... ,. T, l A-nna. ijieui. tiinesi, kwvnuvn .v.. tttj months ago. 11 is rauiei uhh" fort Saturday for Washington, D. C.jnoon of fishing this week and Wed- exception his elections . . , . i. f ,Hio j wninff Cnrdon West and!"'1-" ? . u. where he Doaraea a piane "i ieuj ..w...6, (Continued on page Jigm-; iiaewater mn" v..., , .:u Ktainpil not. onlv from nue win vw... ---- - . the electricity purchased but also the possibility for electric appliance sales will be better. It is understood that iioe vvaier where he boarded a plane for tneinesday morning, uoruo.i .r. . -.-... 4.. v,:, kottipahin. the Aihpvt Fnlford of Warsaw with C. J. west uuaaL jwiii r 1.. tt c nir, Virginia Hp was called r.askill. Elbert Dudley and Hugh if ,tj .cf the splendid record h ? has made. TIDE TABLE f nf Arm flnn as to toe tide t Beaufort ta Kren in this co. Ths tionirpn are buuw Jinu- - - imately correct tnd based o KnrftT. soma wivw- t.a mad for Tana- ances - . . 1- nrlnJ and alSO WlU t in ha lneailtT. mm i rcBiivk ... . - whether neat the inlet ot at -he headt of the ntnanm home on account of the death of his f .ii 4a. iota Main S. Snowden. latnei. uic . ,w. - , ... i. 1 L t 4.. prominent farmer 01 carters 1, raumj. ABC STORE NEWS annouiiireu i."i - - v, t t? Pio Lab. They will cater to all kinds of radio receiver repair- in'j anu auauiuvw.j 0 ... inh thev do to be perfect. Their la d- m,. .a arc Store No. 1 oratory is in the Independent Motoi -I 'Tiol .56. The last pur .... . 1 nT 1 9TT1I1 II II LCU vU w. Service building at tne uoiuet " . t d wag one 0f four women T.pWnvvine Road and Atlantic High- chaser tooay w thpap vountr men are in a roru v-o. .,, dions'and"their estab- quart Shipping . ' - ... j ; hoqii- rwniHR.c.v wv"v lishment will answer a nu ... - iRaturday morning, it fort where no similar shop is loca - not open by gk eo. Give the boys a nnK ' . : r . nfflciftl for Control Board. radio goes off the air. Udsiui) ... w " Piner aboard the boat Piggie, landed on nb-,T.i an, fnnr ppro. The fore- iimi.ic'' . going include only a few of the ex- t.;,iQlUr crrvnr. fatchps made bv lo- ceJi,."j. . - cal anglers or their guests during the pass week. SEWING ROOM RE-OPENS IttllilUWilWWV w. Mraninff rlflTlPPS TYlOre DOPUiar f riuujr - TTnrW thp Runervision 01 Mrs. Ada ,v u T.uMrv Number draw- 1 - xnere win uc jwj r Aiipn. thv Reaufort Sewinff room I. ..u f ai tlip vniincr ladv or f 7 , micT Wit" ico j " - 1 .Tnlv 31st. This work 1 1,of ; i1I(.vv. Freddy. 0 - . young umit v". - ; is making much progress xowaru Johnson and his University or iNortn . nlnthinc Carteret County people who ,. aro navntr for the Will DVUll VJw--- running to Atlantic Beach. Arrange ments have been completed it is possible lor a mucu nignci ." age over the line running to the becah and persons in tne summei iwaltzers win tum -r;;d" "the "notels al30 wili In CaSinO-by-theOea offer a new field for electrical appli ... tvof hprptnforp could not be A Waltz contest will be presented ; uged with any success due to the low in the Casino by the Sea on Atlantic ! voltage carr;ed by the line in the Beach, Friday night and prizes will go to the winning couple, Mr. Cordon j . announced this week. 10 Hie ... are on relief. AMMIE WILLIS GETS MESSAGE FROM AIR gggig0yB9HIWiBffiV9K Low uae High Tide Aug. 2 9:58 a. 10:05 p. 10:34 a. 10:40 p. Friday m. m. Saturday, Aug. m. m. Sun-ay, Aug. a. m. p. m. 1 p. 11:15 11:47 11:54 12:27 12:37 1:15 1:27 m. Monday, Aug. m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 m 6:06 a 3:53 4:08 3 4:25 a. m. 4:47 p. m. 4 4:56 a. 5:28 p. 5 5:29 a, 6:05 p People 'around Davis have got Slivered in many ten iiLvoowfc, ' different ways hut last week was the first time one had ever been j a .nt nf a nlane. A U. c a, nlane flew back ana th prnaa the village ana nn- note. The note read "How are the drum biting if good, wave if not, sit down." a .v;n Willi, rpr-eived the mes sage and answered. Naturally he waved. Because during the sum mer months unless there is a etnrm nndprwav. the drum are always biting at Drum Inlet. Tuesday Was Assault Day In Recorder's Court Here with as saulting Elsie Eborn his spouse with vif. Hp haH made continual threats against her so for the next three . . ... i 1 xl 4. jnv months he wiU make nis mreais xiu... n-l.An AAmrt a jniDun v.ou.f. Justin Bell was fourd not guilty of assaulting some one, whose name we failed to get. ".n; o,;tv. thp Vnifer who did a Ulll.J .J11V1, v..w good job of butchering the hand of Leslie Hancock on tne oeacn iw nio-ht was e-iven GO days in .nvi thp courthouse lawn Ittll, I-" u. V"- under the supervision oi me upC. rAi.n1iria Via nr. nrA nlavint' for the dances now and he is featuring Miss Grace Wood, a very torcny, win. singe;. "CARTERET 'KINGF1SH' MAY RUN" SAYS LUCAS Covering The WATER FRONT By AYCOCK BROWN Biggest Scrap of All Was in Salter rath Ana me wc...- dants Were Given iuspenaea Sentences; Knifers must Serve Time on Koaas or Courthouse Lawn; Australia Was Not Tried This week rr.1.. ..:nn. f Snltpr Path was a- II lie vuiasc - train represented in Recorder's Court Ion Tuesday wnen iia .vuhb - - total of 12 months in suspenucu i . . h owi r .a l.i r was u.vvr. IienireB anu -'- " - , six month sentence. Ira was charged m. n .n k m. ' :UJ W.Jne.daV. Aug. 7 p. m. m. m. 6:52 a. 8:02 p. Thursday, Aug. 8 m. m. Dme citrrrrn; FLEMING v--- - ....-.-. tf n l MV WITH TIDtWAltR vurarn . Joseph A. DuBois of Washington, - i .,,wl 4t Ppnnfnrt.. He is D. Vj., naa iiiuyc v I connected with the Tide Water Pow- ' ,. T.I Tl : , ,.TVt T CO., SUCCeeaing JOnn rienuns .... ... . .. Hir. f u- 7:48 a. m. formerly held the position six month sentence. Ira was charged , unuer uie mh-; . -; . with destroyir.g.the personal pr oper- , enoei u. . - pay tt ti7;ii; v. f n ror fi u it i. ii i i ii i ir r,i i . u - -w -- - - y ot narvey vu r m.. . bi0 wh;le an inmate of LllC In a joint warrant he ana uemu were charged with attacking witn a deadly weapon one Elsie Willis. Far ther down the docket it seems that Elsie Willis was charged wuh assault with a deadly weapon but the case v,s.3 nol prossed. on the jail was not explained judgment docket;. The foregoing scrap was ths only thing of a fighting nature occuring on the beach last Saturday evening , (Continued on page eight fue. ion cTr.BE nnened Wednes- day afternoon at 3:19 o'clock. Twen- . ,nnA utor Charlie Manson liy seven bc-. --- . . ! bought the first drop of liquor that has been sold legauy ... County since the Gay Nineties. Mr. Manson makes no secret of the fact 1 ... vp vAtPii 'against control dur- t... statP ranital political ing the recent election. wane uui."i . . i -observer a, author of Affairs of, piNT & f State" for the nar.ot j ---- which retail3 en.r rmicrh nlS COluinn viu 14 . , u:i. Will v.. - - o - Sunday: . ... .!U "Car iret Luther i"'""" generally conceded to be the "kingf h" of his home county, is seri -jsly toying with the idea of ruling for concress again from, ' e Third District . . Gradam "Hap" Barden beat Hamilton by some 1,400 vote, last year and the Morehead tenor singer wants another fling at the tcga Charles Laban Abernethy wore so long It will pay the politicians to watch the doings in the tempestous Third . . .Ons low's Senator E. Summersill, who is winning his fight against asthma, may also giva Barden something t work about next year. Uld uscar iw : . , r. . for one dollar. That is a bit higher than many brands in tne sio.e some sell for as low as 75 cents a pint. Some of the old timers around , . iViat the last liquor town leu me - . sold legally in Carteret was um-a . 1897. They voted for local prohibition the previous year. AT THE TIME THERE were three or four bar rooms in town. James Smith and W. H. Smith each operat ed places and so did W. F. Dill. time a physi- cian from Kentucky operated a bar .. T llArnl V. IPrl in the old Virginia vm nvCi was a three story structure near the intersection of Front and Turner streets. J (Continued on page eight) 9 :03 p. m. 1 Bois now has. 2:15

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