THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1935 PAGE FiVS Personal Notes TELEPHONE 16 WORRY Today is that Tomorrow You feared so, yesterday. And cares you tried to borrow You find have slipped away. Remember how yon fretted At things that might befall? And what was it, you netted? You aged yonrself that's all! ,We have enough of trouble From which we cannot flee, So let's not make it double Through cares we think we see, Lets not in fear be sinking Be brave, and don't be glum. But sweeten life, by thinking Of cares that will not come. Selected. jNoe presiding. A most enjoyable social meeting j preceded the business with Mrs. Bloodgood and Mrs. Will Arrington as hostesses. Mrs. J. G. Allen, president of the twelfth district, announced the state council meeting will be held in New Bern Oct 8 and 9th. She called spec ial attention" to the twelfth district meeting to be held in Vanceboro, Sat Jurday, Oct. 19, and urged all club ; women to attend. She stated that her MRS HARDY LEWIS ENTERTAINS; ff k, f J!!! 'i.v.f.0 -Jlt : tf"j Avt uuu una jcoi la me uigaiiizauuii Mrs. Hardy Lewis, Jr., entertained a number of her friends at a series of a Junion Woman's Club. Recommendations of the club board Mrs. Hayne outlined a four-fold program for each monthly meeting of garden end civics department with a discussion of trees, shrubs, flowers, and papers on garden work. The library report for the past year was given by Mrs. Stubbs, li brarian. This showed considerable growth and quite an increased patron age over any previous year. The following committees were appointed: Membership: Mrs. J. G. Allen, Mrs. U. E. Swann, Mrs. Graydon Paul, Mrs M. L. Davis, Mrs. S. E. Hayrie, Mrs. J. S. Gutsell, Mrs. Loftin. Ways and Means: Mrs. C. L. AS Tfati hV f ha aa.of at, an1 Ananfoil I Paom ltfia V T? T3 . .1 1 1irMH TT al'XLZ ThUrS1by foiiow.7 irO.M; Robert FiZ tilvr f I L Monthly business meetings to' Safrit, Mrs. Seth Gibbs, Mrs. Larry Eight tables were arranged for be heId on firgt Thurgd of each Moore. play. At the conclusion of the game month in the Hut , Prornm rftmm!tf fnr Mm. nn Tnaafait n ft U . " " ..v , w t ... went to Mrs Howard Jones, who re- designated as "Club Day" on which ceived a white vase. Second high'. 00 f ,.,,. 'l. u ' .went to Mrs. John Jones who receiv-,nnt Slw.y, oa mootinM , ,. ed a bulb bowl. On Thursday high d cWc. dept. score which was a hanging basket, 3 A social hour to be observed went to Miss Lottie Sanders, and sec- at each reguar business meeti 4. Dues to remain the same. Miss Mary Catherine Holland spent last week-end in Wilson visiting friends. Miss Rose Felton will return home Friday after visiting friends in New Bern. Miss Louise Robinson of Spring Hope spent the week-end in Beaufort as the guest of Miss Mamie Wolfe. Mrs. Agnu Lewis and daughter of New Bern spent Sunday here visiting Mrs. Murray Thomas, Jr. Miss Eleanor Ramsey who is em ployed in New Bern spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Ramsey. Mrs. Richard Felton returned home Wednesday night after visiting in Concord. lir. Hugh Overstreet spent last (week end at Burgaw. Mrs. Overstreet Returned to Beaufort with him to Bpend a few days. Mrs. Sam Thomas spent last week end at Burgaw visiting Mrs. Hugh Overstreet. Capt. and Mrs. Elisha Tillett of Ocracoke are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tillett. While here their son will undergo a tonsil operation. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Bell returned home Wednesday after taking Mr. Bell's mother home at Elizabeth City. Rev. C. T. Rogers is holding a re vival at Maysville this week. Friends of James Noe, will be glad to learn that he is recovering from burns received about his face and body on Monday. . Mr. William F. Gibson of Patter son, N. J., is the house guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. R. Henderson. Benjamin E. Spencer and George O'Neal passed through Beaufort last Saturday from Fayetteville where ond high score was held by Mrs. Hugh Piner who received a bon bon dish. On Friday at the end of the play Mrs. John Ratcliffe was found to hold high score and received a cookie jar. Second high for the day went to Mrs. W. I. Loftin who receiv ed bridge cards, ber: Mrs. F. R. Bell and Mrs. C. H. Pope. Some phase of club work not carried on by departments is to be presented at each monthly meeting. Social committee for November: Mrs. C. L. Beam and Mrs. G. D. Hill. Welfare committee: Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Hyde. Two new names were presented All members asked 'for membership and accepted. All urged to join early and thus receive the bene- ap-'fit of the entire club year. I Vera II. Stubbs, tne one dollar per year, payable to Mrs. Hugh Jones, treasurer. to pay early, so that obligations of : prospective members were the club may be met at once. 5. Publicity chairman to be pointed. 6. Music one. Six cars have been promised. It is hoped that these will be filled to capacity. A telephone call or card will reserve you a ride. Flease noti fy Mrs. Blythe Noe if you can go. Mrs. Allen has much tiine. thought and effort to make the 12th District outstanding in club work in North Carolina. Let us show her our appreciation. You can do this if you go to Vanceboro Saturday October 19. lou will come back with a irreat inspiration to make this year the best clun year ever. Think about it Talk about it Plan to go, and bt there. tried before Justice port. Gould of New- WATERFRONT (Continued from page one) The hostess served a delicious con-' ,. "i c. ' uu". m, u e. Publicity Chairman , , , oi-uuuis tu ue I'uuunueu unaer tne ui-i - gealed salad course. Irection of Mrs. Florence Brooks, and i r ZleSTenW"?: M" H?ward,more supplies to be added to those VANCEBORO TO HAVE oviiKs, Kirs. j. u. Alien, mrs. narryinow jn use Saunders Mrs. James Caff rey, Mrs. I 7. Thre; Apartments to be active Claude Morning, Mrs. J A. Piver,'thi8 year: music with Mrg Qraydon Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. Horace Lof-,Poi BnA m t; pi ; tin, Mrs. Will Skarren, Mrs. C. D. """T " Tw" a ' Jones, Mrs. Gerald Hill, Mrs. C. L. Beam, Mrs. Haisey Paul, Mrs. Hugh Piner, Mrs. Larry Moore, Mrs. Chad oin Carlton, Mrs. Paul Jones, Mrs. Charles Skarren, Jr., Mrs. Robert Safrit, Mrs. Milton Lipman, Mrs. W. A. Allen, Mrs. Clarence Pope, Mrs. Thomas Taylor, Mrs. W. I. Loftin, Mrs. William Longest, Mrs. James Wheatly, Mrs. Lawrence Fenwick, Mrs. John Ratcliffe and Misses Mil dred Jones and Lottie Sanders. garden and civics, under Mrs. S. E Hayne and Mrs. Leslie Davis; book club, Mrs. Swann and Mrs. Robert Safrit. Each member of the club is asked to join one or more depart ments. 8. Community club and its depart ments to continue to serve the Ro tary Club every other month as at present Mrs. Graydon Paul talked of plans for the music department, emphasiz- DISTRICT MEETING The annual district meeting of the twelfth district of women's clubs, in cluding the clubs in this section, wilt be held on Saturday, October 19, at Vanceboro with Mrs. J. G. Allen of Beaufort, district president, in charge An interesting program is being arranged for the occasion, and it is hoped to have a large attendance from all the clubs of the district. Mrs. George E. Marshall, of Mount Airy, and other state and district leaders are expected to be in attendance. All local club members are urged tion he barely missed one doe and struck a buck but he did nof have any knife along with which to kill ine tieer so it eot awav . . .A coun n Of hunters from Pennpsvlvnnin Vinvo I killed two 'four sprig' bucks this' week out in the Open-Grounds, Their ; guide was Charlie Simpson . . . . Eugene Moore, game protector for Carteret county has arrested three personis for hunting without licenses and two for IdlliTio a rlno Tlio 1., " " WW. J- ' V. IU I j were fined ?5 and costs each when ! SPECIAL NOTICE While at- IRENE'S BEAUTY LOST ONE BROWN POCKET Book with Identiticr.tion card and class ring inside. R ,?.; J of returned to Charles Noe. N & L Electric Ser-; vice Station, Ann St. I 'CARTERET CAVIAR" Mullet Roe for Sale, 20 cents per pound. A real delicacy. Carteret Fish Company, Beaufort, N. C. SHOPPE Make an Appointment for a Free Facial GIVEN AT NIGHT ONLY IRENE'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 142-W BEAUFORT, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT The first meeting of the Civics and Garden Department will be held at the Hut, October 17th at 3:30. All members are urged to be present. Any one interested in joining this department please attend this meet ing. Join early and get the most out of club work by attending each meet ing. A most attractive program is planned. Any suggestion for civic im provement will be graciously received at this time. --.-- Mrs. S. E. Hayne, Chm. ing the choral club and public con- to attend this meetiner. There will he certs to be given during the year. a way for you to go if you haven't e r j c s CHURCH MEET IN NEWPORT MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs. Charles Harrell entertained at a miscellaneous shower Wednesday afternoon at her home on Orange Street, in honor of Miss Pauline Lew is of Otway who will be married Oc tober 15th. The guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. Thomas Willis and shown in to the living room. Everyone was seat ed in the living room when Miss Lew is arrived with her grandmother, Mrs. O. W. Lewis, Miss Olga Lewis and Miss Annis Lewis all of Otway. The shower was a surprise to Miss Lewis and even after she had been in the rcom a while she did not notice a table filled with gifts. After being told that they were fov her she open ed them and thanked each of her friends for the many beautiful and useful gifts. The hostess assisted by Miss Eliz abeth Ramsey and Miss Olga Lewis served delicious punch and cake. m. A fine program has been arranged, and all churches in the county are asked to send a large representation. Mrs. Gertie Matthews, district sec retary will be present, and Mrs. I. N. Moore, chairman of the zone, will preside. Vera H. Stubbs, Sec. COMMUNITY CLUB On Thursday afternoon, Oct. 2, the Community Club held its first meeting of the new club year in the American Legion hut with Mrs. B. H. The Carteret County Federation of Methodist women will hold its fall I zone meeting in the Methodist church tney nave Deen empioyea, Douno wr XNewport, fTiaay, uct. 11 at 10 a. their homes on Ocracoke Island. R. W. Dunn of Ashland, Ohio, who has established the Dixie Dairy Pro ducts, Inc., in Morehead City has leased a homeplace facing Bogue Sound and soon he will, be joined there by Mrs. Dunn and their daugh ter Miss M. C. Dunn. Mrs. Clarence Whitehurst and Mrs. W. E. Adair spent Wednesday at Wake Forest witr Mrs. Adair's son iWilliam Adair, Jr., who is a student at Wake Forest College. . Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Payne of Wash ington, D. C, have been spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skar ren, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Payne are the parents of Mrs. Skarren. Mrs. W. A. Allen was a visitor in Kew Bern Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Daniels of Roanoke Island is spending the week here Visiting her sisters Mrs. Roland Da vis and Mrs. William Hatsell. Mr. D. W. Morton was a business visitor in New Bern Monday. Dr. H. M. Hendrix, Mr. W. H. Tay lor, Dr. C. S. Maxwell and Aycock Brown spent Monday afternoon in New Bern on business. Mrs. E. S. Jarman and son Chas. of Trenton spent last week end here visiting Mrs. John Rice. Mr. R. B. Wheatly, formerly of iBeaufort, now of Wilmington is in (town for a few days this week on business. Mrs. James R. Wheatly is spending a few days in Trenton visiting Mrs. E. S. Jarman. Mrs. Sallie Shelton has returned home after visiting relatives in New York and other notrehn cities. Seabreeze THEATRE WEEK OCT. 14 MONDAY AND TUESDAY Lew Ayres, Claire Trevor "Spring Tonic" with Zazu Pitts Adm. 10-15-25c 10c WEDNESDAY ONLY 10c BARGAIN DAY Frankie Thomas "A Dog ofVlanders" with "Lightning" the Wonder Dog Com Early and Avoid thm Ruth THURSDAY ONLY NOAH BERRY in "Mystery Liner" Adm. 10-1 Sc FRIDAY & SATURDAY BUCK JONES in "Outlawed Guns" AUo Lat Chapter of "Call of Savage" Adm. 10-15c The NOTE Beginning November 1, our pro gram goes back to three changes a week. Monday and Tuesday SPECIAL PICTURES I0-15-25c Wednesday and Thursday BARGAIN DAYS 10c Friday and Saturday A GOOD PICTURE A GOOD PRICE 10c-15c dmythinq to 6dt PHONE 45 OR 6 FREE DELIVERY i CONSERVATION OVERHEARD MRS. SMITH: "I TRADE AT JONES' BECAUSE THEIR SERVICE IS DEPENDABLE, THEIR STOCK COMPLETE, AND EVERYTHING IS REASONABLY PRICED." MRS BROWN: "AND TOO, THERE IS ALWAYS A POLITE CLERK ANXIOUS TO TAKE YOUR ORD- Popular Brands, Cigaretts, pkg 12c Kruger's Beer or Ale, can 14c White Rose Cocoa, 2 lb. can 19c Postum Cereal, pkg , 25c Instant Postum, larg can 50c Maxwell House Coffee, lb. . 30c Sanka Coffee, lb 50c Pure Rio Coffee, 2 lbs 23 Economy Soda Crackers, 1 lb. pkg. . 12c Graham Crackers, 1 lb. pkg 15c Quaker Whole Wheat Biscuits, pkg. . . 10c Whole Grain Rice, lb 06c Hominy Grits, lb . 04c New White Beans, lb. 05c Black Eye Peas, lb. . . .07c Small Lima Beans, lb 07c Dried Peaches, lb 12c Armour's Pork and Beans, lb. can . . .05 c When You Buy 3 Packaged At ML get one ricg. nocosate WITH EACH 25 CENT PURCHASE WE WILL FOR A LIMITED TIME GIVE ONE TEN CENT PACKAGE OF STANBACK HEADACHE POWDERS AT NO AD DITIONAL COST. Your Prescriptions Are Carefully Compounded Here JOE HOUSE DRUG STORE Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Front Street Phone 29 3 Pudding for 1 cent TRY LIGHT WHITE FLOUR '12 lbs. .... . .55c 24 lbs $1.05 Men and Women Call the New EATS "good lookers" "Z J ' (Ji There's enough variety in the season's men's headwear styles to please all kinds. Drop in and select yourj. Richard Felton & Son "Everything to Wear" BEAUFORT, N. C. -i m

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