PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU R3DAY. DECEMBER 26, 1935 Legal Notices SALE UNDER EXECUTION; NOTICE One of the most c-.pulsr ways of propagating deciJuous shrubs is set- SALE OF VALUABLE FARM ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE PROPERTY North Carolina, tnuer and oy mi oi we .uiuui- wrierei uuuiy, 'tir.jr out cuttinps of stems rix liy comerreu upon me in a ueeu ui navmg iiuaimeu as lunuiusuaiui Trust executed by Joseph L. Gillikin of the estate of W. W. Lewis, de and wife Earldine Gillikin and E. E. ceased, notice is hereby given to all inches ! ultari; o eight ong, said J. G. Weave:, flori t at State College. Gillikin and wife Sarah A. Gillikin, persona, firms or corporations having Bv virtue of an execution directed on tne zutn flay oi reooruary, woo, Claims agaim xne estate 01 sa.u ue- fhou,d be the undersigned from the Super- and recorder in dook .no. u ac age ceased to present me same to uie or . .j. i -. in tha io. xtecorus OI cintrei county, unue imh ntu, uuiv vciiwcu, uu vi uc- i nnrr. nt Carteret vjuunij m . . . . . . . . sure mai . .. . , . ... r T will sp nn 15th nf .Innuarv. fnrt th -ZHth rlav nt UMPmher. lyab . . entitled r. s. iJiCKinson vs. - ' ., . . .,, , ; and do not Oil lyoO, is o ClOCK. noon, at me tuuii- uuierwise una iiuncc win uc pieaucu to ior action m-..l TTSan Scran and y T vnnrlav the 6th house door in Carteret County, N. C, in bar of recovery of any claims not The wood of last season's growth taken during the fall, win- spring months, he said. Be all twigs taken are alive, cut to close to a bud. When the cuttings are j... I,.,,,,,. iQ3fi at la Ji. "k ,,,., ...... v court-nouse oc Carteret County, in Beaufort, IN. c, .L::. . XJ'tZ.L Hnor of highest bidder the following landsAll persons who are arteret County, in Beaufort, N. C., to-wit: j deceased will please make prompt "7, v.;o hiArior- for rash to : WS and oeing m Laneret coun- payment. " :j p all the rieht. ty, N. C, and in Straits Township, on! This 19th day of December, 1935. title and interest which the said the east side of Ward's Creek adjoin-, irici, c,,n or,,) nil mg lands of Andrew Gillikin and Jan Comnanv defendant, has in and to Belcher Gillikin and others. On the, the foHowing described real estate, fast side of Ward's Creek, adjoining NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES ' lands of Andrew Gillikin on the east; TATE. tO-Wlt. , r i ,.i r:n:i,: u .. j; r , i rVt a 1- half nf that certain tract aim uvitucri viiiiiniu oil liic west hin a uiauunt iu knu puftci ox aaie uuil shape before they are set around the house. Evergreen shrubs are a little hard er to propagate, but the home gard ener can do it with a little care, Weaver said. In the fall, or early winter when the climate is mild, set out ever green cuttings five to seven inche: 'long. Do not remove any more fol 'iaee than necessary to insert the . 1 ower end into the sand bed. I"?!. 6 u" 1 Set them in rows four inches apart, a t Tl m V ,' "lav" a , ra.u, , with the twigs two to four inches a- mdebted to said ( stored in a cool cellar m damp sand jn the gha(e them with or peat. W n , may ue uuweu out- or .,a duri tfce following doors in well drained sand. summer. They often require 12 to 18 months to develop roots so they can be transplanted. Dr. W.S. Chad wick Medicine & Surgery Offica Houri 9 to 12M 3 to 5 P. M. and by Appointment Office In Potter Building oppoiiU Post Office Office Pfaon 75 Ret. Phon 71 Dr. CLIFFORD W. LEWIS, 23 Administrator. As soon as the soil is in good work able condition in the spring, the cut tings may be set out in the garden in rows 18 inches apart, with the cut tings four inches apart in the row. The next fall, after the cutting of land described in Book 27 at page own as the home place of E. P. Gil- tained in that certain Deed of Trust have Krow a litt,ef transplant them n-n a nA tf T V rniilrin tn Ac- "Kin, containing twenty acres more executed in mat certain weed oi l rust fendant, viz: beginning at a point on or J"-" being all the lands owned executed by L W. Howard to the un xL v ' ,trilct.nviw nf thA by E. P. Gillikin, on the east side of dersigned Trustee, under date of De J Ivio .o,t v S into Pnual halves. and beinf? the same lands conveyed book 53 at page 54 V 11 VIV tli-V iw. -i ' to a place where the spacing is wid er, so they may develop into a good n)rtftii'ovHlir with tViP shnrp trt r . V 'u v o tViPTina L. Gillikin by deed dated April Southeast corner lot -No. I, thence ' ot 1.9 f in9 nip ,,,,.: 1930 and registered in book 61 South 57 decrees to a point in the office of the north line of said tract which is locat ed 100 feet westwardly of the north end of said one half dividing line, then south 16 W. a line parallel with said one-half division line to point of beginning on shore. This 21st day of November, 1935. E. M. CHADWICK, Sheriff Carteret County, X. C. Dec. 26 and recorded in in the office of by E. P. Gillikin and wife to Joseph the Register of Deeds ior Carteret 26, County, N. C, the undersigned trus at tee will offer for sale and will sell for register of cash at the court-house door of Car- deeds for Carteret County, X. C, the teret County, in Beaufort, N. C, on said E. P. Gillikin reserving a life- Tuesday the 14th day of January, time right in said lands, to which ref-1936 the following described real es erence is hereby made. tate: A deposit of 10 per cent will be; In the town of Newport and on the required from the purchaser at the east side of Chatam Street extended sale. SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a Deed of Trust executed by A. H. Pridgen and This 12th of December, 1935. R. P. MOLDING, Trustee, Graham r. Duncan, Ajrney Jan. 8 SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author wife, Millie Pridgen, on he 28th day'ity conferred upon us in a Deed of ! . - of April 1923, and recorded in Book .Trust executed by Minnie Nelson Iwll'ru"..":. 42, Page 4, we will on Saturday, the 'and husband, Wilbur Nelson, on the!""' AaV l . . 2S d;y of D.., 1935 23d day of April, 1935, and record-) J '73 ;and on the north side of llaskett : Street. Keg-inning at an iron stake ac th coiner of llaskett and Chatan Streets, running North 2 degrees West with Chatam Street extended 8 u'eet to an iron stake; running thenci ! South 87 1-2 degrees East 142 fee to an iron stake; running thence j South 2 degrees East 87 feet to an iron stake at the edge of Hasket; V OT 1 O J . Npknr.1 ' "v""- u'"! I it eai. wiwi iiasuvett ocreet ieei 4-M X'', Dr. C. S. Maxwell GENERAL PRACTICE Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 12 M and by Appointment. 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in County, Beaufort, N. C, sell at pub lie auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: A certain parcel or lot of land, ly led in Book 81. Pace 8. we will Carteret j Wednesday, the 15th day of January, 1936 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse in Carteret Coun ty, Beaufort, N. C, sell at public auc- bidder wife to Howard, including all buildings and improvements thereon. This, 12th day of December 1935. C. R. WHEATLY, Jan 9 Trustee. Dr. E. F. Menius OPTOMETRIST NEW BERN, N. C. 95 Middle St. B. A. BELL Your Jeweler for 25 Years Repair work efficiently and Promptly Done NEXT DOOR POSTOFFICE Support The Chamber of Commerce Set Out Cuttings To Start New Shrubbery lrg and being in White Oak Town-(tion for cash to the highest Bhip, Carteret County, N. C, adjoin- the following land, to-wit: ing the lands of the heirs of Elijah! In the town of Atlantic, N. C, B. Willis, deceased. A. H. Dennis and more fully described as follows: others, and bounded and described as Beginning at an iron stake on the j DATT,T Z T follows: Beginning on Bogue Sound north side of the public highway, be- j AL,EIGH Dec- 24 W inter and S. end of the fence line between the ing the southwest corner of Guy Mor-lspnnff onths offer the home garden lands of W. S. Bell, Jr., and the lands 'ris' lot and the southwest corner of T a good PPortuity to enhance the of E. B. Weeks, (known formerly as 'the tract of the parties of the first !beauty of the home ?rounds by P the Dennis lands) running North-; part; thence running northwardly Plating more shrubs &nd flowering wardly with said fence and line to : with Guv Morris' linp sivtv if,m 'P'ants- the corner of E. B. Weeks tract ;j feet to an iron stake; thence west thence Westwardly with the said line: Wardly parallel with the highway sixty (60) feet to an iron stake; thence southwardly parallel with the Dr. H.M. Hendrix DENTIST Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. 1:30 to 5 P. M. Office Potter Building Over the p?stoffice HA CENT UY PROD U CI INVADER is welcome because it answers the two most important liquor questions, WHERE DO YOU COME FROM? WHAT DO YOU BRING? INVADER comes frem Century. In science and skill, in hygiene and sanitation, Century is unsurpassed by any distillery in the world. INVADER brings you the distilled essence of choice, de-germinated corn, mellowed for eight months in new charred oak barrels under temperature control. ON SALE AT YOUR COUNTY LIQUOR STORE to the A. II. Dennis line; thence Northwardly with the said A. H. Den nis line to Broad Creek; thence up first line sixty (60) feet to the nub ana witn said LreeK to woit Branch, iiK highway at an iron stake; thence thence Northwardly and Eastwardly with Wolf Branch to the Wolf Branch crossing or Old Dennis crossing; thence with said road Southwardly to the public road leading from Newport to Cedar Point, thence Southwardly with said public road to the planta tion road that leads to the gate of the plantation; thence Southeast wardly with the fence formerly div iding the Asa Bell land from the!Jan Smith land to a fence, it being the the. division fence in the Broad Creek farm; thence Southwardly with said division fence to Bogue Sound; thence ! Westwardly with Bogue Sound to the beginning, containing 462 acres, more or leso, lying and being situate in White Oak Township, Carteret County, N. C, about 7 miles SW from the town of Morehead City, and having such shape, metes, courses and distances as will more fully ap pear by reference to a plat thereof, made by E. H. Hill, Surveyor, in June, 1923, and a copy of which is re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret County in Book 40, page 540; the same being bound ed on the N. by Wolf Branch, on the E. by the main road and the lands of H. W. Small, on the S. by Bogue Sound, ond on the W. by the lands of A. H. Dennis. This land is sold subject to all un paid taxes. This sale is made by reason of the failure of A. H. Pridgen and wife, Mollie Pridgen to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by eaid Deed of Trust. A deposit of 10 per cent will be required from the purchaser at the ale. This 12th day of November, 1935. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORP., Substituted Trustee, Durham, N. C. Dec. 26 eastwardly with the highway sixty (60) feet to the point of beginning. A deposit of 10 per cent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 12th day of December, 1935. R. P. HOLDING, Trustee. Graham W. Duncan, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of James C. Morton, late of Carteret County, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the under signed at 53ei.ufort, N. C, RFD, on or b -fore the 5th day of December 193C or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immeriate payment. . This 2nd day of December, 1935. L. M. MORTON, Administrator of . the estate- of James C. Morton, deceased.' Jan9-36 t ... Geo. J. Brooks ENGINEER and LAND SURVEYOR I Box 477 BEAUFORT, N. C. 1- i . - - - -.- lllM.lnWlllW'WM:w,'",' LETTERHEADS Are in reality . . . Ambattadtn , . , They should bespeak qual ity .. . In Our Printshop we have ideal paper and type for printing stationary with char acter, dignity, and distinctive ness. Let us figure with you on that next stationary job. Beaufort News Printshop. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS AND AD ding machine paper at the Beanfort New office. WARRANTY DEEDS. MORTGAGE Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Chattel Mort gage blanks for- sale at Beaufort News Office. ' ... ' RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS made daily. "5end for Our Prices To day." ROBERTSON STAMP WRKS 22 1-2 'W. Hargett St., Raleigh, N. C. t f B fl H a i Banns O. H. Johnson. M. D. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat CLASSES FITTED jOffiee Hearst Morehead City 9 to 12 A. M Beaufort 2 to 5 P. M. 'V-' i VaVaVaWi LB,nB.Jk..JL Br: !sj P' 'I nnfc ,i ! i. i i ii Good quality and value in every grade of material. 20 years serving our friends and they are still our friends. Beaufort Lumber & Manfg Comp any "Everything For The Builder" Phone 66 Beaufort, - - - N, C. mi i it mm hA m or' X.-. -.:)-rf,:'i.i& ll t j J&l '--5 Mili.Ailn.- rfliil iinmrmiiriilirr'" ... f 9 vi want If ,: m Building! kA N Mi , t u h impirte to see bu!,ding with- -iV FOR QUICK RESULTS 'lZ out stoppages. Depressing to see work mmmea p vsmamm '1 ; topped for lack of material. E W. PHONE lb ... if . Only materiaU dealer, with good, fk I Mm - i fomP'ete 8lock keep the work mov 4- .15 . " H"n ucavery or CUStO- U.riiik d ..v-vao. . jrii 'tJt i vr m"Sjwi''TWr" r ffi-JM- eiWMWislSilWsWSMiwwi I'll minnnm

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