Mir:E.n;T riv.r',1 i:iot.ja3:h WMItt:rfg!S'M:Ha.y;H'lTI'tb""C''H-HtiiWita:::::ti tAGE FOUR ltirv-;ililir'!'i!;-iri!?;i,r!1'W!1ll"l !' THE BEAUFORT NEWS RSDAY. JANUARY 16, 1933 The Beaufort News , H0..!1' fishina," nluwffl. it!l 3 Florida L that number .1 . .. eiat ir x i. coast. I ne presence o t PubltefaqcL SYSTy.-Xbursday : at .Beau.,' of fishing boats-tff North Carolina's fort, Carteret County, North. Car..jcohst,'hovevei.bnnpg taV-suggestion 1 '"'""' K-'J-'-t'-1- ';'" thatc-there is room for: further de-' :aewejpmenc oi. twnii uareima's own Beaufort. New Inc .PubUfher ..... AYCO.CKiERQiWN.-Vf-rWitor Subscription Rate: (In Advance) ' One Year .. - Six Months Explanation la Given -w I7D A C 1 . 'uses to uyjii .muritunfna y . Un VV r A; limpjpyment 'ej, ioVe'r ' W ' nationa hiuirrt,oV4 'p.f aTjove 10 per' cent of ifie't'oln'rv,;!!!' bV fuse-! tn ti irhr. tuberculosis and tuvn- Stne' Christmas 'Seals 'orsanTzatibi). fihhig industry, si ; .ii;::'ii-;i; '' t '" nivv'ork' Difficulties bfcrthe fisherman haveijer nut me to work Ttlrs." "Please put me. in the sewing room The teller bffictf'wfftiW fieV- not yet been solved completely alpng ft the HdrtK-' X&f dHha ! WaW' ":'Jnstnn 1 Krt'now v'erc re cnarges a.nu . replies j p .Please gmP John Doe" abaxe grceJfprScifiir d doesjNiot need ease piHiae regoingfanlf i Auuusuicu uiiiiiiciyij. i ueir nitrjiL are asK is a quesnon wnicn musc answeren; Manager of the Empl by those !whd' have 'the' fall !inf orma-' "Jf 0r Carteret epuntvJ tiibn relative" froi the aid given the fish- ediWrthBnd-thjradiieiHEirthe fourth ermafi riri'd thh 6osis!fiilitteS;''-f 6r- iHtfh I hn Hirhr hf fHd 't ;i Hti f lrH tVetf' - 2oe tha ra! 13 ?i-'.uu a.-qrear;. f I V f !s L : based upon BekwfoiiL Norlfcreiua.tuf aer tree fa In i , 5 ' - I r i . v i. --in. -" i-. -i i THURSDAY, 4,.NVA?Y 16,i936j I l a rs. Lhadwd ing lnforjj egular ; ap"pohnieh alieuSS&rbrSf',j night, Suayi'iSwBfey fviffhtJiiH was accompanied bv-hryrrtfe and Misses ArgJYir.&gd Hazel Congleton of Beaufort. Mr. .Albert Goodwin left Sunday ed in the Coast Guard Service, , Z A R6a That ShouM Be Payed VNVARY 16t(j T!-r.!wt.j 5 is wofTungf rk, so (H 11,6 nSlalf requests yd 6hadwick, jijrmfirit Service Andlthis week ut tffi follow- iiii,9f Beaufort an exshrdelutaoiMiiuiiiiu" etecM&Hs : are i"Us?tiV8 studv rather io tVio ooo-li v. thatfSnflrVMufeVfe3uaie, tU -bM irif pon tWg tyPA . program. People who tt'JiaiJ!W.?l WWel tiiii diww Will serve -fn ' Jniahrwi fTinvtt mui u.t,.., hk. .aX' i ieauiori vt-KfApVIcWde-'acltset-ilSiifi fl frequestT such ai those in the foreeo- r itself. tkuLJERAnnflir'P M 'fe&iftpllcifits' to "Work 'Wed CEDAR vlSLAlUo i ev. : 1L. H.-WethWhigto-iiiHeft $is i;, day, January 10th, were postponed. The game " scheduled " MMMiW'i! Paul's and Atlantic at Atlantic vm' called off due to the conditiou'if J.he . playing field while the Smyrna Newport game was cancelled due: to' nstruction work going on the Smyr- High School Audtionum which i. ed also as a playing court for bas Ui Caacfws" "iW-wiMjeriv'" 28rd,.-1 0ia9-AHMV"; schools ar9,a4,UmtptoJn(J: suitable Havkwa dates to &iWe-sI Hs!',pffeferablv 10:We Friday .of .this week' ir ' JIln Dry, COUNTY CLUB SCHEDULE :) '. Sealevel Hoitie Deirioimtratioilj clul Mdnday; Jaw. 20th; 2 :00 P.- Ijj1' Davis"' Home Demonstration Tuesday, 5 Jan.' 21st., 2:00 P. M. I ' Newport- H'6me' Demonstration clup Thursday Jan. 23rd., 2:00 P..M. Newport 4-H club, Thursday, Jart. j::::i.ii-:::-::r:-'-'.-'r;-.4.''; Jslaji4 i-H.cljib, Jan. 22, Messrs. :Trai'veVlT3ahie1s''aiid Ajte'n.l Li t I... i i -iy."t .v?.rii ljupiun ieit oanuuiij to KO up neuse Ryer.ftsWfS) i.alA .tiK b::c ;iM frt!Wod r .iPqlfcWMId. JJutt Jft nal. .ir, ozqi ioi ... njJ paragraptraTrTo-nWsmg the Em- : iisaeavir nut fi.rrfn M .t-rJi.an -jri t ltJi0Vment. Korvi whinii Amao. ,,i0. - xne airetWtfh trf We "f ) LUCE1 FIRECRACKER e1&t!mW of ,-hfia-A-nVESLiKelS-pamtg WfcabowHhTtlrirfrffitAvi'i,) T, Chinese firecrackiei (Eafto'AyWeX'Uvant the" central Dublic- tnterasteA in 7 1 vwiuwniie uii lu riitjw tills. aitiU ,f -: week bytbeCarteret .Board of , Ti, J3 i . T' Tw" '"Wmf8'i Mrs' Chadw fTnt Emptoyment 0f- rAVrnnissionftraikirvrthft Statfe NfM"-Beaafswrt'.Ncws..te8t week. Thelfices were established all over the Highwav-aTtd--'FtfMlc'' ""Werks WWfkMhaftBu' Off the fuse: again fDnited ta,tesi:f ori the ipurpbaeas v . " . . , m i lira a Tna r nnnro turn TVrP I - nvnlmn n,,jiv, -. 4-1, J 'was me cowperawvo Gixn uaronna hiS or Brown Should be p.ed.a,at atJ Flshene8 pmtmg con t Ait-J' K&Viv&..TZii 1 H 5rKtWrt a relative -of jMrs.; Thos. it be of beiveiit to TO&'.cpasti guardsmen; ''Sit typf..Mierf station but fcvilfessurfen all weather 1nc -'an;, all -season road to ione of the tiaost inter(sL-: ing historical inn lesth Carolina;-?" SineeJsFoFb Maecrt was renovated e..CCG .tooyj last year thousMffi antb-thoHHT andsf ;totfl Me. tftltai-th placeV.ut liine'favow ablei'weafe ,mtffi,t dy stlpMvJlfW roadMt&hiESB. it semMm&Mmm: ComiftEi.n wotd-SIfaM ;t& ciproiCat6; By 'iteg' tB'Ma The f4nda.tioMMiiMt, and for Waofl'therCOBt would be 'nifeiinai.ii t- O'lltn-Tyv the State relief-'iidministfa- Jor Jt:that he had leiM-,.'. that some.- .equipment fos.V:ih'?'-' Ffeherfes' signing ' eligible1. rtetSons' ;'': fo':- WpA jobs,; but such person nist.hay.e;nrst been.-:erf4fied',..by .the renjkKtj&i as having: been. ni active reiiei "betwuen May and Nomb'er 1935. The Einplby- menti Office; ia::,ther .words, icannot assign persons.-to VP.A: job'' Unless said person ' holds k ' 'CifitetlM!i:of Eligibility:;whifch''3i;Jtei';k filaht' at:Morehead! CIty was P'OWhas-'For:CQ0;Jiioyfl) ed frcrfti a kinsman of Mrs. eretary.. O'Berry's eles.: jjj-usi-a&rdWMQ' Berry: la&teek, lam M T3'.;iii.i p. iLhtihfe:;g.Bry, lviattyiiliirw.tina's' beat's last Friday. ye,LU2VWin1 ;tnem a long .and .hapjjy Jife. i Mt:.X?"M. Da,nie1s hiadS . a "business tV ti'frl' fli&'iifhVt -InW. WViflTtfvi .'-H-CI .' Mr. Wilbur. Goodwin spent -bciyy an ceaujori, apci iureriea viiy. J : ..j ; .'.'1 S. .1,' 3VTJ-T3 TO MEET IN NEW BERN A meeting of the newly elbcte'tr Masonic.; officer? of 'fbe. Seventh' jpis trict will b'e; h'eld'at Ilie'.NeHv'-.BeiTj lodge on Friday l:' evening,' "January 17 at 7:30 d'cjockV it "was announced this week 'by 'Deputy -Grand' Master F. R.r button of Kinstcin. 'Some very important matter? are' to be dis-, cussetf and every :6fl!c'?'a "'efettd'' n'? centljfare urg'dd .to' be in' attehdahce. ' S'eveniP from ' he.re-'jrre' piartiiing-'tp. attend the' nrecting-'rr ij'umlcrstdod' P m JtVlL!..U,clNUl'. rerltviate tlBIiifc5a;,'y';!(a tfehee 3 omo .. : : --.f i What Jit i!iC!bee,tefliwnli. 1 ! Au)gdadwHiMt$Z :f't5tHM9lt 0f 'WWeSittvplfr- Chrfea1s 'a1fWeVd4nj?r- rom a trip tor1 MOireheafl- Kitv md mg mxim$Ws& T'&W'&iMffliS j charge .if. $!ft;ii Beau .fjjrfe Iewsj who, .was nee Yed when his pnrit;i9laiisp was 'not asked to bid on a jojb fdj hf Nrth -Caifajihi: Fisheries, . pa.ofeAjrjsfe;if dpi dleilftwj tjiii? a n oj!Sii4r . bad e sales.OTuncoWKOcf .ERA "T hpliPtr.4ht'i- tin od itora iog and Dublishers of -. country . .pa-':,?"s make, purchases, under a oni nera are tadav the best line of Petitive bidding system defense we wave or will have SifitiJars ago W-mW wimuw.!!vTj!Bqrriy due fe''aplehdid'i-(ftt trfi'tfce'! f4if piipiiftid We Wmtfmi&WMMMte slilt of their WftfrtfH fer ' c e ntofuie grossttkna, will bAui-ae4 filer to tWAoWuASasPhrst Aid kits, somethingjijrfbaaded at all schools. rSfTrQl Beaufort Hum sTOfWf27.50 which therERA.or. any, of its ,alfiU'1,M6.rev ."5 The ERA can buy anywhere, naytime, any how. (News & Observer.) -V."r- f 1 nf 3? M- fi t .Jiigij rf I s "' ' .y l ' OnelBeecInt IKhik faW-'ta''"-find :'ifl iffliient evidence ofhifficBftteeHH countered in the operation of rail- orfolk Southern rec- COUNTY CONFftfeiNtrfc.4'ls srr:'! ; 'Wo ;'of ''qartef&t''Co'.u'nty's 'Confer-1 ence bames' stfieduled ' for last' Fm J ii Medicated -i, VicksVapoRub : - MireKa City 1 nd " 'Carteret Cburtty W ;jii.':;iv. -t.r the ' No Hardware Coqipany. - ... '..Bv.H.'aNQE Editor 3 for some time to coni.e to pre vent the establishment jbf :ia;dic t at or sh i p . ' '.-4Si nc 1 a ir irjpe wM "T HpUpvp "that national Pro hibition will; be baiiixjj-45t and with ai'inore thorough en- . a. j-ii a ! iorcementsoian .nierica ever roada. In itMif990tt for the month of hna had hffhre!." Kishon Jas. Ixt . ..:V. . r. ., Cannon, . . ords a net losslaf S59.9fi5T)uEiiMr thp 1 Mn,. iiutMWiiUpAatiii theNatlanto 'kd: "Roosevelt has it. b covered laKIyear that 1 didn't il,,ffijiJJilia:S vAAii-J,1ia.5 have a polttttal sex appeaKW4rt!lind bee iBeay a,.c,1VrJ.lI y 1 PUU11C foXpd Goldsboro. . offi"; D?1(l A' Re.e' . , i Filing its repott fof She first half. 4i c a- jil i Vu 1"M!yM!U , month,ql ope.ratpn ,-san dinary volume the Bible." ' Hedrik Willem Van Loon. I UT 1 - J i I -every aiigie auu ssepaiate act of a woman s life, virtue or vice, chariOTor murder Js'ino- tivated by Vaiiity."-4adR port and other i-scHools-'aiso1 Wii&xii "cell ent' work. It is ihtereStirigf to 'note that even the smallest schools in the county, those alalPtlvr- oar isiaAana ortsiuutnapWiaH; seals forwarded byaaip: aemKvn.ej.ifie management or th Afrj; laXtiilaitll, "Norpj qolink railitdl show? loss o$ll,5i.381'Novem dolph Chu'rc "Got to ery day: hi Joe Lou "ItaliansliiiHave a lo1 fla i . . d old JiH akesSe la ber. Independent operation began November 16, and the report extends 'IXMW- i . ui" -.h ...i:"ti.iririf'" . ,T" OTugn iMyemjbM SQ&Jt Is.ypoinJjT Mi in CQectiiapji wi(Ub t4 i J:,WJTCH'FtR- OPENING DATE ROYAL THEATRE IOREHEAD CITYg N.rt; Cut: FIiwersi:Coraaes. Funeral pD?u arMiPtirtltd Plant VisiouriBirijeled Sho'jf". MORfeHEMllribRAL CO?: PhoneRpolf M. City, N. C. mt 8Otit;i5,0ftjSof "M.waSirixiMMse FiMurreatiMr ancaffiilriai&itiin jfig loss wlat 'Tnaii month. DOlling pome and Steam readl- There are more honeful asnects of jy.bt thelso codl ioff tiaMteMSsSri ly-.,T "WeIlr00 Pex??eJ- , loss was under that of the same month th,t thpJralM that .the Smteffighamia.. ertoffli&4-fcTte'.--r-ro TSis-ct'efc ri: - TYiissinn liapq nn nriiinH treat. ? . . m.?.nt Of creosote on their bridge ber, of course, isn't a month in which mimes?" Maiirirp R Rpn.1 j ... v.... ,. . . .. . pilings man. .UdUflCe tV. Xed-. nroduce ia (heinor i)iinnil f V.S. Inol if maw tWibtb'jmaiibailtofetJieihfHef rfktl m . x i ; . aflb Press Qlcqninqs Clothiirg r- -. ii Our Entire itock J of Men and Bovs f - ...i:;Suit8rand,Qyoa ..iiiliiIii lii VI ,MiJi . iiii iii!;.:,;:::! Greatly 1 Say "'folks i'' We Will give gold fish with each cash purchase ,-in the near,..fntiro w a teh . p ij r w i n d o ws for dates and partic Tllars. .::,::' i ".. i tr "' "La'dfes " have .''you ' seen j the " New .Per fection Oil Range in our. window? , This nice-. Range .tah. be: bought --on-easy pay ment pja.n, w po dD,wii'Vpaymeint. lSee; us for particulars. iWd wU-i know- that-: tfiev-wf8e,,; men"' came' rowHhe East, so wb'en'" ybu "begin '"to wt-e'io'or h6u'e'rlet1 us uiu, un, jfuur ma ierialg,' we will sure y aaye . you,; monej;,-. Radio listeners, let us: demonstrate one of, bur new Philco Radios. They also can, be; purchased on terms;;' ''': ';. ''; t ; ' Speaking' of RadV ios, when tjiey -need, repairs. ;.bnng, 4hfim . toj us,; we. will j see; that they, pre repair ed at the right price. --tot. Farmer it's a- bout time you we're .i -V.. WSrt As ti t.! r;.t r 1 tgetting. busy .so dont. - ffdrg'bt we:haye.jiist'::.'i- eeWtfd stock :iaf'" Pjp Ca'stfiifsr-Trac-r-M :Banas'fc'eftfK:; a,a.2t.q. a ire i !.. .srrrjis:.. i. r. d.:i Stack -to 'Hift: Jn''' :- ;:' '!.,:;,.; --Is 'Howell'-:; Much; :de.T.! . .; pends ;en the format! ..!..! tldn of -early Jiabits. Powell- I. know;, it-..:..!; When I was: a baby-sf. my mother hired" . '. woman to! Wheel, me ,. -about, and: I: have, : been f pushed,: fori ;-. Wdr.cy. eve- since; .-.u.:'. .!';;;:NOE -HARDWARE COMPANY ' Beaqfprt'NC. . i-a -Nl itrL vt:.i 11 "'CONDENSED STATEMENT i. H i.'O'-r Sf'.i ;;5 "3 1 c;' ... i a ; ftt n urn sis du70lBiaV84OT -fiiSS S.K'uTalfc'lIafcl3ttall4rsQ( iftitHitlttd ,t0 J."6 Per.Tf!ft4iPtMbH'. pectiun nave oeen ne.'uiny climbing -:fi 1 duced ,fQ,T. vol, -JINSURAHCEI 'CALLAKU'b hjbtu ANDFJLQUR,. WOODS SEED Announcihg' ifty 1 JJlAj Appointment S COUNTAGENT FOR Receiving Prerriiumf Da,Uy r f JAMES D. RUMlM RETAIL & WHOLESALE, Phone 125-J ... Beaufort, N; CS 1 if Iff I .JS B United SN I Stale Bonds ic;; , ; ' t .1. ma A WWllJ Sun Journal.) ill? till CONVERSATITrlTnA ft? Manager M. R. Beaman of the Morehead City terrruug -k steamship lines signed up in airalmy agreement that promfletl ctWnferf' aci, n ii aoes not coftjBt)e,XtlWnirt! recent freight-rate decision of the Interstate commerce commission. We have never professed Jto. hfiabl,to L . .... - argue rates with Mr.ff a;j igft, IciSR ISlILId eviuent mat ne nas out-talked the To The Editor: steamsnip lines: and muzzle him, he will in &SON 3 ti'EyerythiHgAo Wear" m "ir r rnn- x-M. i uur .'ii "i SEA33FOET, N. C. J! I r.-. -v. . Wade's loriGreensboro Saiiyigljlji: out-taiiced tne To The Editor: . .- time tnrow the enclosed subscription money to you : THE FISHING INDUSTRY 4 recent news dispatch from Beau for told of the arrival at Ocracoke of j uncertain-tOj passT ruure niieen out-oi state trawlers I be sure tb take an$ about two hundred sink net boats! would never bab foifjthe opening of the winter fishing terrible miidholes oe-::wiUi tK 'Mdd&eXrm tBe-iisfand safely and by auto until late. Spring. The road on both the marsh and fS4: ! land are in such condition that it SW! e to seu season, tach year, it is said the boats go to Ocracoke to make their baj in the channel adjacent to the island or in Silver Lake harbor. Cat chei there recently have been very good. Doubtless those out-of state ves sel; deliver their caches jto Norfolk any V1C1W.J4 ; SXi3UfiiO(int,-or Jtl tfish airpMaie,;!jyon fto driviovll tHa 'which the -'StafS Highway Commission calls a road. We Cedar Islanders look forward jjtoj n ...w - i v, iicwa CKI week. .. ''"f i YouA vytrl Lola, N.C.' ' " -ft' r n ' iJoia iA;l ill -riUEJ"' L'SiTHiTzrr ---3- L-..-, 1 - BIRTHS ing boats along the portion of the,' Born to Mr. and Mrs Rpfi II n.v ATE QWVil!.CT.r..,rryiLlS EED POTATO C3-iFBRTJLf ZJ C. G. GASKILL BROKERAGE CO. Hiram tuh Phone 61 Beaufort. N C tllEATRE ' . r' warn. f,r.wr.t. JAIN. 13--:. .-,..' ' MONDAY TUESDAY' : , , WEEK JAN. 20. " V . :.:!' -' fe,,1,with "'''?. t-j tlhank,: Million" ". eki'pwell,-' Anp , DvOt-ak, j Fred' Al len, twrWhite'triah and band- .." at. 10C-20C,,, ,;' Night lOc.259 WEDNESDAY ' WAX...gROS. A Night at the Opera! Kitty Carlisle. Allan Jones Wednesday is Jackpot Night Mat. 10c-20c Night 10c-2Sc THURSDAY i FRIDAY 5ii f j Frederic March; Merle Oberonand Herbert Marshall in "The Dark Ansel" 7 4,046,539.-O9 " l,!lr8,275.e0 CLOSE OF BUSINESS DECEMBER 3lj 1935 p-rtf IZZZ :J! i. .1. r.-i ii d and D.Ue from Banks ... tes Goveniftrtnt Bonds ':. i C1; S:;:..: ! t-.'i "t 1 f n - -i r . m. If Municipal hoM 1 )V W ' C FederaHfBank BiC;." V7;r--":vf'4"f?pl'?? ; , . i M W - f Mie. juurKei- ....... ables Securities i'i. !"' ' nE'!T, V'J.-V. i' X; i . viwu JOVWUH,a ... ' oanicing Houses, Furniture and Fixture Other Assets I. 1,583,830.98 $1,073,217.51. Capital Stock Prefred om Surplus Undivided LIABILITIES ?5o6,o6"6', j. 267.fisn.nn Hill: T-..S.". ?..T"t'. milflll --J-T in! 1 i'4)f mi.'.-i Profits -III r.yeJor.Bonds,:JiiM T ' "'Ural iU' ' :- ''ir'': !' T reserve rotJwccej ijtqa ..r--u preciation, Ktc. u.T5.W5pr0.QlV.1. 36;7k6pft,0(),,:,,.. ,:-:s 142,749 4 6. -. I.. HJ ?( cUIiMSMI- I j -p rJj t "''1 J HI I Wr-, - T " I TrLr 1"'"'ri 1" ' '1 ' Al Cl ' C'The 'tit?;stak ijiii'is oca liiraiJ' nceless Possessicfn. . Whhit , '''"-3 .U-. ,feJn:;C! I:nrn a'-r; !-;.. dy we nave the privilege .. ; serving you. Wp nm1,, AarJlr.-J - fMan. - f --13VJM HTHOH i a vi:. H K:y:;.:; , .-;;. ; ':c::;i: -:t!!isu!:ir. SATURDAY-1' - TIM McCOY in- Outlaw Deputy" Our Prescription partment a:your" Service 24 H: Night Phones 146-W and 57-J 1 1... 1... 1 .: F. R. Bell, I)ir!igiM PHONE 119 - .'! ;i ! ; BEAUFORT. N. C. - MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY A PrizGivyn ! Awajjr Eadi iSailurday Ni-Kt ugnter. 10Mbc40CKZOe ,dv ,i Uiffht 1 Oe&n. ;rj!3i:i.'5iK:i?;;;;:i!.ai3 L DnrD nn t m A

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