's'eaFOOD MART 3-5-36 Roe Shad $1 Buck. 30-40c E.callopt $2.60 e1- jack. 1 1-2 & 3c Piinov Drum 3 l-2c THE BEAUFORT NEWS IS NOW THE ONLY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN CARTERET COUNTY Croaker, lc; Trout 4 & 5c The Best Advertising Medium Published in Carteret Co. READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY j WATCH Your Label and Pay Your Subscript! ion VOLUME XXV EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NFW THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1936 PRICE 5c SINGLE COPY NUMBER 10 0 11 5ra. A - JT 'na. v- -J i i ' i FUR County Gove rued Illegally To Meet Friday Night Every Member of The Beaufort Organization Requested to Be Present at I his Annual, Meeting to be Held In Club' Rooms of Business Associa tion j WILL ELECT OFFICERS During Past Year Under Lead ership of Fred Seeley Cham ber of Commerce Has Estab lished Vegetable Cannery, Continued Efforts to Secure Harbor and Fought For Con tinued Rail Service The Chamber of Commerce of n.,fni.t ;WVi ws organized on February 19, 1935, wiil have its an nual meeting in the club rooms of j the Business Association (Old Top-, sail Clubrooms) on 'Friday night at ' 7:30 o'clock, it was announced this1 week by Fred Seeley, president. Ev ery member is urged to be present, as an important feature of the meet; will be the election of officers for the coming year. The incumbent officers are: Mr Steley, president; Seth Gibbs, ls- Smithf-eid at their meeting in the Leg vi nresident: Dr. C. S. Maxwell, i t.j H nut. On,i viro nresident: Paul Jones old' vice-president; Wiley Taylor treas- urer; and the following directors. Dr. Chadwick, Dr. Lewxs, Jack Neal.p Blythe Noe. J. F. Duncan, J. r. ueus, ,e haye the ;dea that leg. G. M. Paul, Roy Willis and U. E.iislator3 do nofc need the assistance of Swann. 1 the clubs back home, but such co- It is the general opinion of Beau-; . . of civic organ. fort citizens that the Chamber ot:ii!ationg help3 more than anything Commerce has been a worthwhile as- q gecure needed illation, set not only to the town but to east, Fjfty five Rotarians not includi and north Carteret county. One of the'the guest3 were present at the mei accomplishments of the Chamber of;. m R th L j and Miss a accomplishments of the Chamber ci;. Commerce and the president was i"-.anne Taylor presented musical num (Continued on page eight) ,bers. Pvoba Lee King did a bit of 1 elocution which was enjoyed by the . . . Rotarians. Tom Hood had charge of County Board Appoint the program. T ..,n.Ui'n I ir Takers1 Senator Grady's speech was the Township List i alters .ght of the program. He is quite " . well known in North Carolina and llie board of county commissioner ident pr0Jtem chairman of in meeting Monday appointed wwj-Committee on Ruie3. 0f the State shiD list takers as follows: Marsha l- . .g incidentally a berg, Earl Davis; Straits, er'u Whitehurst; Smyrna, George VV. ua-; -is; Porthmouth, Mrs. Abner Dixon, ( Cedar Island, T. L, Gooding, Hunting, Quarter, Joe Lane Salter; Memmon, i Hugh B. Salter; Beaufort to DB suof a political nature Citv. Charles V. Webb; Harlowe, to U1JCU U Ml ' u y,aA. Newnort. W. H. Bell; i irr ' - ir i White Oak, W. F. Taylor; Harkers ' l3"!hi3 nddres8 here Tuesday night. Gov. land. Clavton Guthrie. W, G. Dudley j Hoffman of Lindbergh fame b in Beaufort is supplying for Mott rhaHwick who is out of the county at present. nnn.iltlFUT tt ANfcTFR IN COUNTY FOR i DAYS W. B. Tyer, vice-presh. ' of T'ria First Citizens Bank and Ti. : Com panies in North Carolina is in "ter et county for a week or tn days the idea in mind to furtli.r the ser vices of the First Citizen bai.Ks in thii county for the citizens. During tno early part of the week he was at tho Morehead City institution, coming to Beaufort, to the bank operated by L. Beam and his staff. 'He who rises late way trot all day and not oi-crta his business. ,'S The Boiton Kanicre -S j.iitish kill tnr x. i ;;o. --ne'ri Phillip R. Sheri , oi CivU War fame lni, 1331. Jhina leasei Port Arthur To RossJ for S3 vr 1898 8-RebcJ Merrimic mita between rw Brooklyn, I81t SI ' tifFs'1 I'M! ADDRESSED ROTARIAW 1 Vjf Senator Paul Grady Roaufoit and Morehead City Ro- Itarians heard a brief but interesting "Itollf I Spnatm- Paul D. Grady of , , , ,.- m.nnmi co-opera f dvic organiza- in aiding legialato t0 get im. b5U d int0 law To0 3ing meet Mias Ruth Lewis and Miss Ma,.;. candidate for Lieut. Governor at the ent time but no one present would ever haye thought he had anything to politicgi judg:ing from his fh which wag f ree from anything Rpnator Gradv was asked this week to address the New Jersey Legisla ture on Social Security the topic or the big.sh0t of the Jersey Legislature ,t ni.B hin. fovprinef The V.WTEl FKOXi By AYCOCK BROWN SOMETHING DIFFERENT about the Twin City He rata that you have probably noticed but failed to figure out, is the fact that there are seven instead of six columns. Formerly the Carteret County Herald had six col umns. The Twin-City Herald is a nent little sheet. With its birth as a daily last Monday, we, The Beaufort News have tho distinction of being the only weekly published in Carteret county. iThe Beaufort News was born on Feb ruary 5, 1912, making it 24 years of age, five issues ago. TWIN-CITY HERALD uses the Pi-p news service. I have been their coastal correspondent for about eight years. You probably won dered how news you have heard over the radio in the early evening happens fr, hf, minted in the Herald by the same time. Editor Utley receives the news by telephone from Kaleign at 1 P. M. It comes by leased wire and is called in newspaper circles, 'pony service.' The man at this end takes the news down at the rate of about 150 words per minute. Carl Goerch editor of The State is one of the fast est 'pony receivers in North Carolina, Mr. Utley says. SOME OF THE most beautiful rec ords in the courthouse were written in long-hand over a hundred years ago by scriveners using goose liuill (Continued on page four) I I Capt. Charlie Smith And Crew Caught This Seal This harbor or hairy ?eal was captured several days ago by Capt. Char lie Smith of Morehead City, and his crew of fishermen near Old Top sail Inlet. It was brought to the pool at the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries where the above photo was made during the l-ecent snow. The seal is quite gentle and many people have been to Piver's Island to see the lit tle fellow do all sort of antics in his new home. Last Friday while returning from Bogue Inlet coastguard station along the surf Capt. Tom Lar.ttt and Surf man George Moore caught another seal. It was also turned over to Dr. Prytherch, but apparently someone had previously shot fee animal because it livL'd only a short time. A ra dio newscaster announcing the capture of Capt. Barnett's seal said her name was Alice. Dr. I't-ythorch sent tho body of Alice to the N. C. Fish eries Freezing plant where it v:&a frozen and on Tuesday it was shipped to Hueh Davis at the Stuta nvj.-i'.ni in iialoigh. AiKe wul be mount&d and be come a part of the stal coilction Tlmriiian W illis And His Father Suing Mrs. Flowers For Slander Sale of Bank Stands Open For Larger Bid Sale of the remaining assets of the defunct Beaufort Bankin? and Trust company Monday was quits ex citing at times. The individual bids aggregated $18,236 as compared t? S18.400 for assets as a whole. Thos ; bids have been raised since the sab and are subject to stiil larger bid-; before annroved bv tna Bankine De partment and the Court. The idivid- ual bids have been raised since the sale to exceed the bid as a whole, but it might be a good idea for indi vidual bidders to call on the hquidat intr aerent. for further raises on bids for individual items. The sale stands wide open and subject to a raise on in dividual items or as a whole. Does Not Believe if -4 - Another "Bundle From X . 4 T r ..:.r Vk'-yf - r W The elderly and accompiisnea 01a genucman in tne pictures auuc "nam tins wccr. mi..6 - George Isaac Hughes. He brought fame to New Bern when at the age of tcret county officers, according to in nA k f.M.n- nf a fViilH. With Vim in tno nhnvp nieture is i'fni-mntion received by Clerk of Court i? 1 11c uctauic wic ia."v ' Mrs. Hughes, the former Mrs. Carl name was Libby Hill. In the lower Bern who discovered a lew aays ago mat ne naa a iamous ciuzen m i. 1 L - 1 1 inn.nfiilafinrp TVi a rtiifa litfltt liulV hhV tuwil ill' HI llO uau which 27-vear old Mrs. Huzhes has Hughes who has been marneo. oeiore Tl tn.otliop Tho . 1 1 nicy ore vcijf tuipy vuSv.... aro used through courtesy of The does not believe In birth control nor women smoking cigarettes. Incident ly the happy couple are expecting another "blessed event" in April. ' r v .... '-. already on display in the museum. Wealthy Wihon Matron Defen dant In Suits Totaling $20, 000 For Alleged Remark Made Last April Thurman Willis, well known yacht skipper of Morehead and his father V. B Willis have started suit in su Dericr court here aginst Mrs. Fred r lowers who owns a summer cottage ! Morehead City. In the complaint filed September 23, 1D35, the plain tiifs allege that on or about April 15, 1935, the defendant made the re mark which follows: "Mrs. Watson guess who stole the things out of my house at Morehead City? It was nobobdy but Thurman Wi!li3 and his father (meaning V. B. Willis) they did take them and I have proof that they did." (continued on page five) In Birth Control "N. team Heaver." Due In April ...... ... - i Dixon of Carteret county. Her maiden picture is Mayor W. C. Chadwick of New - - in her amis is Franklin Roosevelt. Mr. A 1.1 r? A . rtfmn I nas anouier son (u-years uj. nc. nhntna ara hir Vio Moolfina and Cuts j ' Oara County Times. Mr. Hughes Commissioners Subiect To Indictment Because fa .uditor MOST POPULAR Betsy Fulford Little Miss Betsy Fulford, 3-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Fulford, won first honors in the re cent popularity contest staged at Smyrna by the farent-xeacners As sociation. She is not only one of the cutest little girls in Smyrna, but is mighty popular with everyone. Effort Being Made To Organize Local Units American Farm Bureau ThpVi inr.erest is being created lo cally for the organization of Carter et farmers into units of the Ameri can Farm Bureau Federation. Four s.-heduled for this coun ty for the purpose of organizing. The first meeting will be held in tne court tonicrht. Another meet ing is scheduled for Newport on Fri day night. Two meetines will bo held next week the first for Smyrna on Tues day night and another for Uhiteoak on Wednesday night. The time for each of the meetings i? 7:30 o'clock. Farmers who are interested in get ting a square deal and fair prices for the various products should make ev ery effort to attend the meetings and learn the aims or the organization. The American Farm Bureau Fed eration is for the purpose of organ izing the farmers into a sort of un ion, just as railroad employees, car penters, lawyers, doctors and other trades and professions. If successful ly organized it may mean that such benefits as were available during the AAA era, will be brought back again. Progress Made on VVPA Projects During Week Logs are now being cut for the Community Center building and con rtruction wiil begin within the next day or two. The building constructed principally of logs will be an attarc- tive structure and suitable lor con vDnHnna and other rratherinss when completed. Work is continuing on tho renovating of Carteret's ancient 3 an. Literally thousands of garments are v,n!T nmrl.i r.ich week by women in the sewing rooms which are supervis ed by Miss Rumley and Mrs. Mebane. Commissioners in meotins on Mon ,ur ncvp.-H to snonsor construction of a S10.000 agricultural building, grant cd bv the WPA. HOLDING MAN IN DURHAM FOR CARTERET OFFICIALS T t, faj ; riur. . , . . 1 Lawrence Hassell. It could not be de- ted here and Mr. Hassell was of the opinion that he may have jumped ("i - - - - bond for an offense in Morehead City, j . Tn MflPOTl Countv. farmers have CO j - ' 'operated to order 23,853 pounds or - lespedeza seed to be used in sou im' Iprovement work. . ( 1 . . , . fJi- Ml x" K $ SlipiMii Not Bonded Since December 1934 County Accountant J. J. Whitehursi Has Handled County Financ es Without Formality of Be ing Under Bond According To Revelations at County Board Meet Monday OFFICE AUDITED AGAIN O. O. Hewitt Who Has Been Auditing Clerk of Court Of fice Requested to Make Aud it of County Accountant's Office During Current Month Other Matters Attenaea 10 By Commissioners of Routine Nature. Mrs. Bravaldo Not Paid. On December 1, 1930, Coun ty Accountant J. J. Whitehurst was bonded for $5,000 for the purpose of protecting Carteret county while he carried out the duties of his office. That bond was renewed each year by Chalk and Gibbs, representa tive of The Home Indemnity Company, until December 1, 1Q?M Sinre that time the finan ces of Carteret have been handl ed by a man who could not or did not secure another bond. A very 'Carteret county-like' state of affairs. As a rseult the county has been eroverned illegally and the finger seems to point towards the board of county commissioners. The county commissioners Dut the auditor in of fice and as a result they should have attended to the detail or seen to it that he the auditor) was properly bonded. A direct violation of the law to permit county accountant to op erate his office without proper bond, the commissioners are subject to in dictment as a result of their negli gence. They have violated Section 1302 nf the Consolidated Statutes. and if convicted would be guilty of a (Continued on page eight) MADES CONDITION IMPROVING TODAY The condition of Earl Mades, print er and composing room employee of The Beaufort News, has shown a det- inite improvement during the past 24 hours, according to Dr. Frank E. Hyde his physician. He is still not out of danger, however, it was stated. He has been in Morehead City hos pital for the past several days in a very serious condition, the result of pneumonia. He is 25 years old and started working with The News about 10 years ago as a printer's devil. TIDE TABLE Information ak to tne tide it Beaufort is given in this coi imn. Thj figures are appro imately correct sr.d based w tabltfs furnished by th U. S Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made lor vana tions in the wind and also v;itl fespect to the locality, that i: whether near the inlet or a he head of the estuaries. High Tide Low Tida Friday, March 6 7:27 a. m. 12:36 a. m. 738 p". m. 1:23 p. m. Saturday, March 7 8:01 a. 8:13 p. 8:33 a. 8:18 p. m. 1:38 a. m. m. 1:39 p. m. Sunday, March 8 m. 2:17 a. m. m. 2:34 p. m. Monday, March 9 9:01 a. m. 2:53 a. m, 9:18 p. m. 3:07 p. m. Tuesday, March 10 9:33 a. m. 3:29 a. m. 9:52 p. m. 3:39 p. m. Wednesday, March 1 1 10:03 a. m. 4:04 a. m. 10:24 p. m. 4:07 p. m. Thur.day, March 12 10:38 a. m. 4:38 a. m. 11:01 p. m. 4:38 p. m.

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