5 '(' SEAFOOD MRT. 5-28-36 Sea Mullet 2c Blues 5c Trout 2He Croakers lc Soft Crabs 50-60c Hard Crab 2 We CANDIDATES OUT Get Your Ad In By I Tuesday Night For Our Last Edition Before Primary jtJLBl The Best AdTertising Medium Published in Carteret Co. ( READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THE BODY j WATCH Your Label and Pay Your Subscription PRICE 5c SINGLlr $ Y yOLUME XXV EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEKTHE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 28, 193b NUMBER 22 jrgest Log Auditorium n U.S. Nears Completion Where Rotarians Of Three Cities Dine Tonight ; g OFFERED VARIETY HERE THIS WEEK Well Worth A Trip To See Work Underway At Lenoxville Much progress has been made during the past few days on the lar. gest log auditorium building in the United States, which is rapidly tak ing shape at Beaufort Community Center on Lenoxville road two miles east of here. Already several hun dred logs have been placed and the wall structures are piactically com pleted. It is hard to realize the vast ness of this unique structure and it is well worth a trip there by anyone to see for themselves, what is hard to describe in a news story, without illustrations. But the log auditorium building to be constructed of logs is not the only unit of this WPA sponsored recreational center which will be for the use of all Carteret citizens and the State at large. Under the dir ection of Phillip Ball, a nine hole golf course, with the tee near the audtorium building, is being con structed, leading northward from the Lenoxville road. All fairways for the course have been cleared and grass seed and fertilizer has foeen aquired and will be placed on the course at an eraly date. There is a possibilty that the course will be completed by autumn, providing an asset for not only the recreatonal minded citizens of Carteret, but also to the golf-minded visitors to this secton of the coast. (continued on page five) MANY FAWN BAKE IN RECENT FIRES It is hard to tell how many but large numbers of fawn have been baked alive in Car teret forest fires recently. Many quail too, have been destroyed. The parched carcass of a fawn was found by Game Warden Thomas today. Speaks Here Sunday Plan Consolidation Of Banking Liquidations " On or about June 1, in the interest of economy, Carteret county bank liquidations will be consolidated with the New Bern liquidations,, it was stated this week. Hugh Davis, liquidating agent cf th3 Eastern Bank and Trust Company, in New Bern will be in charge. The Marine Bank liquidation was closed during January and paid 78.3 percent, and it is expected that the Bank of Beaufort and the Beaufort Banking and Trust Company will be closed at an early date, at which time the final dividends will be paid, it was stated here today. i i umi mi in. - .: Fishing And ALL OUTDOORS By AYCOCK BROWN WHEN SOUTHWESTERS start blowing, it is channel bass time a- long the North Carolina coast. Inci dentally the prevailing wind along the Carolina coast during the sum mer months hails from the Southwest and it has been hailing from that di rection like nobody's business these past few days. As a result, channel ibass galore have been taken by ang lers in the surf on Core Banks. SOME GOOD CATCHES were re ported last week, including the 42- .pounder landed by Mrs. Rustin of Gastonia, north of Drum Inlet. Fish ing down that way last Sunday was good too. One party which included Don Briglin of Ft. Myers, Fla., Tobe Clawson, Graham Duncan, Jr., Wade (Continued on page two) "Sweet before vour own door before you foo at your neighbors " MAY .jMA 28 City ol Bon tkclaras J$J? wir on Ihi Dutch. 1671 29 "Liberty or Death Pat rick Henry, Born, io. rtX 30 United ' Statet Hall o) Fame it established. 1901. 1 .31 Start of great Jutland X World War naval battle, 1914 JUNE 1G&t 11.500 United Stales niani invade Canada. 180& r.vr- 2 - First train with vestibuled aBB U,-wlai R.iu.cud. W86 3 Center ol population now at Woodstock. Md. I 20. Congressman G. A. Barden Congressman Barden will make the rjrinciDal address at the Memorial Day exercises to be held on the courthouse lawn, here Sunday, May 31. it was announced this week by Commander C. L. Beam of Carteret Post 'No. 99 of the American Legion which is sponsoring the annual ob servance. A huge throng turned out last year for the observance when A. H. Graham delivered the address and it is expected that an even larger crowd will be present to hear Con. gressman Barden because he is not only one of the homefolks, but rep resents his homefolks in the U. & House of Representatives. St. Paul's School baid will furnish music for the occasoin and not only Legionaires but everyone is extend ed a most cordial invitation to attend the exercises. In the event of rain or unfavorable weather the exercises will be held in the Carteret county court room, Mr, Beam stated. Case Aganst Negro Which Involved Sabbath Slashing Continued Until Howard ; (Nig) Rhodes Recover Luke Maton Held On Number of v Charges Will Be Tried At June " Term of Superior Court The Main Dining Room of The Hotel Atlantic Beach Places have been reserved for 100. Rotarians and Their Rotary Anns. who will attend the inter-city ban quet to be presented in the main dining room of Atlantic Beach hotel tonight starting at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Herbert F. Prythereh of Beaufort will deliver the address of welcome, Roy J. Hart, New Bern, the re sponse and Rev. W. J. Stewart, pastor of the Northern Methodist Church, Morehead City will be the princi pal speaker of the evening. The Rotarians will be greeted at Atlantic Beach hotel by Bob Connell, direct ing operations of the hostelry during the current season. He was formerly connected with The Palm Beach Plaza. In the nearby Casino tonight Miss Eloise Freeman of Morehead City is being honored at a birthday party to which over 200 persons have been extended invitations. Many Forms Of Recreation To Begin Here Next Monday BANKING HOLIDAY SATURDAY, MAY 30 The First Citizens Bank and Trust Company! in ' Beaufort, like other banks throughout the nation will close on Saturday, May 30, in observance of Na tional Memorial Day. We are printing this in bold type, with the thought in view of letting all patrons of the bank know about the Saturday closing, so that they may transact their banking affairs be fore that date. Near Scene of Good Fishing . . . ,,. . .. - ; t. - " , li"'f" i l I .-;,-, v J: fit t f ' - - " - : i - i'WA' 4 r p. ' ' ' . r, V V Recreational Program Sponiored By NYA For Both Adulta And Chil dren la Under Supervision Miaa Elizabeth Huntley A diversified program of summer recreational activities will "be started" on Monday, June 1, for the residents of Beaufort and vicinity, enabling persons both young and old to use the natural and created facilities to the best possible advantage, it was announced today by Miss. Elizabeth Huntley, supervisor of the NYA in Carteret county. Activities gene rally will be centered at the Beau fort school gym and play ground, with water sports along the water front at the Inlet Inn Dock, Sponsored by the NYA, the local program will be under the direction of W. C. Carleton, who has had a world of experience during his teaching career making him well qualified for the work. Arrange ments have been made for such re (Continued on page eight ) Legion Speaker COURT When Howard (Nig) Rhodes re covers from several knife wounds, is discharged from the hospital and can appear as the prosecuting wit ness, Herbert Bond, the alleged wielder of the knife will be tried in recorders court on a charge of as sault with a deadly weapon. The case was on the docket Tuesday, but Nig was still in the hospital, and as a re suit it was continued. The 'Sabbath slashing took place n the colored section of Beaufort, but no one seems to know much about what was the cause or if they know, they, (the colored citizens) are doing very lit tle talking about the event. Continued also was the case a gainst Luke Mason, charged with public drunkenness, disorderly con duct, assaulting his aged mother and father etc This case will be tried in Superior Court in June be fore Judge Spears. The arrest of Mason on Front street last Saturday afternoon eaused quite a sensation according o all reports. He is said Continued on page four , ... in i Braa i ,,, , ,MI W Kemp's Protege to Play Johnny Long protege of Hal Kemp, will play the opening dance in The Casino of Atlantic Beach, Satur day night, starting at 9 o'clock and ending at 2 A. Mn it ha been aa nounced by the mannf enent. The Lighthouse At Cape Lookout lore varieties of came fish are to be found almost within r stone's throw of this famous lighthouse, than any other area along the coast. Some of the species are: CeroV Spanish Mackerel, Bonita, Blues, and Hatter- . as Blues, Weakfish, Kingfish, Hard- : " " heads, Sheepshead, Sea Bass, Chan nel Bass, Amberjack, and a few miles to the eastward in the Gulf Stream, Dolphin, the fastest fish that swims. In the same vicinity of Cape Lookout Light is the t. S. Naval ra dio compass station, a coastguard station and the uncompleted govern ment breakwater. No wonder Cape Lookout or Cape Lookout Bight proves to be a mecca for visitors to the Carteret coastland. Cape Look out Light 169 feet high, the tallest on the North Carolina coast, still in active use, now that Cape Hatteras has been abandoned. The first light house at Cape Lookout was built in 1812 the present structure in the 1860s. f NANNIE GOAT IS MOTHERING CALF John Chapman who Uvea a bout three miles in the country has a goat named Nannie and a young calf. They are very friendly, theae two animals, so friendly that Nannie has prac tically adopted the calf, which she allows to suckle her udder, whenever the calf is hunarry. The Beaufort News was told T the story by John ' Johnson V courthouse ard court green custodian. Wc hope at an early f date to have a photo tv's strange companionship between T goat and calf. ? Pblitical Round-Up ' '" Josephus Daniels Jr. "The Legion does hot stand for political organizations; It shall be non-political and non -partisan Tha American Legion does not toleratt politics, and the department of North Carolina is free from it and will fight to keep free from it "thus spoke Commander Josephus Daniels Jr, who made the principal address at the Legion Hut last Friday when nearly 100 members from Bayboro, New Bern, Newport, Morehead City and Beaufort gathered for a District meeting. The meeting was presided over by Commander C. L, Beam, of Carter et Post 99. A delicious banquet fea turing baked beans was served. A number of Legionaires present other than Commander Daniels, made brief speeches. HEALTH ROYALTY WINNING HONORS New To . Ferry Schedule Harkers Island On account of the increased a mo'uht of traffic to Harkers Island, the Highway Commission announced this week that an extra schedule will be run each day starting Sunday, May 31. "It is being made for the convenience of people going to and from the island and will cause little change in the present schedule" says Roy J.. Hart, district engineer. The new schedule starting Sunday follows: leaves Island: 8 a. m., 12 m. 3 p. m., and 6 p. m.; Leave Glouces ter: 9 a, m. 1 p. m. 4 p. m., and 6 :30 p. m. The Harkers Island ferry has rec ently undergone repairs, Covvrina The Waterfront By AYCOCK BROWN - CAPT. GEORGE J. Henning, skip per of the Buccaneer of New Orleans which has been laying at the Texaco wharf all week believes in two years of work and two years of play. It is according to the Buccaneer's skipper' a sure way to enjoy life and not grow old while still young. The Buccaneer is a dandy craft, plenty of room, a good engine and plenty of yardage in her sails. On, the day that she signaled the coast guard to pilot her through Beaufort Inlet to the Texa co wharf, the engine was temporar ily out of commission. (Continued on page four) f Most of tho people standing "on the square feet frontage of Front Street seem to be -very McDonald minded . . . And Tad Davis, his Carter et manager, who heard the speech the former resident of Illinois made in Memorial Auditorium, Raleigh, Tuesday night, said that he learned for the first time that McDonald was a graduate of old Trinity-(now Duke)' university'. , .-.That sort of local izes the fellow at any rate . i TEven M. Leslie Davis who seems to know such things as "wheie prominent persons attended school, said he had never heard that McDonald was a Trinity man . ! Captain James R. Morris, another important politician of Carteret coun ty who is said to be all for' the Illinois Scotchman was also present at the fiiesta in Raleigh Tuesnight Speaking of Scotchmen one would never think that both Graham and McDonald can trace their ancestry right on back to the immediate family perhaps of Mary Quenn of Scots anyway the land she ruled . . . One would not think that either candidate has Scotch blood in their systems considering the way they are spending money to get the nomination ... A candidate can, leg ally spend only a percentage of the salary an office carries, ; in getting (Continued on page eight ). Both King and Queen of Car teret To Compete in 21 County Event Friday Delance Willis, 17 year old youth of Bettie won the distinction of be ing Health King at the 12th District meeting of 4-H clubs held in New Bern Wednesday, Miis Bertha Chad- wick of Straits who had previously been chosen Health Queen of Carter et county, tied for first honors for the District. On Friday they will go to Wilmington where they will com pete for health honors among 4-H members from the entire District composed of 21 Counties. Six counties, Carteret, . Craven, Onslow, Jones, Pamlico and Lenoir, were represented in the meeting at New Bern Wednesday. Both of the Carteret contestants are students at Smyrna school and they have the distinction of being the first winners of this county to ever make such a good showing in the Disthict. Miss Helen Dry, Home Demonstration Agent, under whose supervision the health contests are held will accom pany the Carteret representatives to Wilmington. Miss Chadwick and Mr. Willis were crowned king and queen of health in Carteret at the 4-H Club rally day on April 30,. ' . . TIDE TABLE Information &k to tne tido it Beaufort is givSn in this coi tmr.. Tha figures are appro" imately correct ar.d based oi cables furnished by the U. S Keodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be mads for varta ions in the wind and also wltf respect to the locality, that it whether near the inlet or at he heads of the estuaries. High Tide Low Tid. Friday, May 29 2:45 a. m. " ; 9:06 a. m. 3:36 p, m. 9:46 p. m. Saturday, May 30 3:50 a. m. 9:55 4:29 p. m. 10:37 Sunday, May 31 4:45 a. m. 10:42 a, m. 5:14 p. m. Monday, June 1 tr n n - - o:au a. m. 11:26 a. 5:55 p. m. 11:27 p. Tuesday, June 2 6:11 a. m. .12:14 a. nv 6:35 p. m. 12:12 p. m, Wednesday, June 3 6:52 a. m. 12:58 a. m. 7:12 p. m. 12:54 p. ov Thursday, June 4 7:30 a. m. 1:40 a. m. 1:51 p. m. , . . 1:34 p, nv a. nr. p. m. m. ra. 4:

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