PAr.r two THE BEAUFORT NEWS THU pf) Y. ; JUNE r4, 193o Fishing And ' pnjTPA iiy AYCOCK BROWN j v-K-S--: rce in my candiaac;.- 1' -r Sheriff. I am 4. a veteran of the Uo.'.J war ana X wa3 gassed ;iurh.g t-e Arrogonne ? Forest drive. Your support at the T,,.o Primnrv vvt'! he doon'.v annre- The Rate For Publishing Po- citeil. one) IN OUR COLUMN "Covering the v advance, $ iuLcil Notice is 43 cent per .j. mvv.ble in X . . . X PFfOBnS?'5 JUDGE IN OUxC UUli"i' v;uits iio - .' Waterfront," published or.e year 4. www4! x vih to announce my candidacy S0 this veck aid the foUw. . tviTHOR W AL i for re-nomiration a. Judge of Re- "This action of the coast ha, some- WITHDRAW AL I in tUe Democratic thing to offer Gull stream argu-i-. To Democrat Voters ot , p.. of Juae Gt;i. Kot only are the dolphin and amoer- Carteret County: . , f tve fatarc a.5 I have in the jack out there and i.-aoy to I hereby announce ;y , 8tliv6 c,,,3tly and sin- tour lure, but the Gull Stream to a9 a candmare tor the cilu. 0 I j :,,.....ce of so,ne Nearer Beaufort Inl,t tnan eitner Coun,y Co.mon To ; tj, 4 t0;nM,t, in lhii ira. Oeracoke or Hatteras Duets, x. e , f,ien li who Inve o , nti, i..u . j , e. stream is perhaps nearer kne v me to rua roi ui ., , ; . , th;. of the voters of the north of Soj-kera Florida, . ,,.., .". 1 wish to ekpress my j?---"- lut Care Uattera is n-.t liattera t..:, Ic :s necessary f"r I-lct through which )oats iiava t 1 . J-'.i announcement becitae ; ,Wn taking blue wat.'f :.i-- .... t t:u:t with my work as a phy-i-cvt 01 tUt point. From liav;r...; I wilt W unabb to si-rvc vi kt f Diamond Lijrhtohij. L appro::- h ,ct.r iwrets of Cntewt c-.n.,v T i'natelv SO miles, and the ,ii,-.: t r .,,!. lies at' the de of the Gul:' Htr ; .Smcrrely. From Beaufort Ir.lct. (sea t DR. L. V. M- the tide rip that mark tlto ' , - - - edg'e 01 tr.e uuu. - 1-2 miles. You are' vithin th-; C i-" ' Stream before you 1oj si&'at ct .... Caj Lockout Liht. , , -, ' IuLI:ilV-"Ai 1'AUL WiiDC. FOR SKE31FF T; P. tn Voter of C ivt.'t -t C .!!-: 1 h.-wbv s-.ii!i'-:ic aiy.vll! a oandi- ik- far f.i't' 1 'in'-iution tr th.; oilica iti :.: if :' -.;t t Ui.j Rcpublioaa vi.t.v; in .iiiiuaiy of Juna U. ?! '-:n .:t'viUv your J4vl . if. TLiOM.VS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE i Carteret County: I hereby announce myself as I, htivly ar-nouncs myself a can- candidate for Carteret County Rc-p-'. i'.idate for re-:)omiuation Register of vel-i;ve to the St.. I-i.b' ure ; leds, subject t; the wishes of the sis',j,ct to the action the Dc-:r.o-; Demovia.ic voters in We June l"n-ci-- ic voters in the June Primary. mary. Yo- .upport will be appreciated, i Your suppxt will be grcat.y ap- FRED R. SZELEY. pr.:iated. r.,frt v r Respectfully submitted, Eeaufoit, N. C. . iry IN W. DAVIS. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ! I hereby aimoun.-e vuyse.t as r. candidate for the r miration f'-r County Commissi :r '"v.jjct to t;.s action' of the Der.-.JCf:f.:j votors in the Jane primary. Ycu:- s4.:ppo:-t will be appreciate i. FOR SHERIFF tl1-' Democratic Voters of Carteret County: I wish to announce that I am a ... ,. . .1. . .'V,. F t'..n-rt (IT Ca;teret Ccunty: Havhiu been urged to do so by my friends thiouyhout Catteret county, I hereby r.r.nounce my can didacy for the office of Sheriff of Carteret county subject to the voters of the June Primary. Your support will be appreciated. C. T. JARVIS. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER To the Democratic Voters of Carteret County: I hereby announce my candidacy for rc-ebctbn to the Board of Cout:- I ty Commissioners subject to the ac- e.i.niiJatc fur th; c.ace 01 ui ty Commissioners subject to the ac- n ! C:rtc-r-'t County su.,)t to the ac-, of (he Democ;.atic Voter in the i tu,n of ti.e voters in tee Democraao Trimary. Your support will be V. Z. MeCAEE Penary in June, our support wiu dated. I C. A. CLAWSON, ;A30 be apyrecr I PR s:-ESi-F T Th L.::iuciauc Voters of r v,.t Ooimtv: I '! -.i.,y a::r,','i.nca myself a can- FOR CORONER : - 'e-Horrnati.r for Sr.:iff.; j0 the Democratic Votars of !' , ; to the wishes of the De:;o-; t'a."!Vt County: voters in tho Jane Primary. : j he.-eby simouiKe myself as can ' Your .-upn,.rt will be srreatiy ap ai-U'.;: for re--h-..ti )n to the office of r, t, for Carteret County sub- Re.vctfull- submi'.wd, i t t- t'-,; ?ti m of the vcters at! ELUEUT M. C:iADV,'ICii. the -luao Piiirsaiy. Your support wi.l he a-);-o;dated. FOR 32GISTER Of DEEDS , GEORGE W. DILL Thv Di-iVvH-r.itic W.-r. 01 VOTE FOR WILLIAM F. WARD New Bern, N. C For One ?f Tk? STATE SENATORS .' NATIONAL HOOlv-uii bui-. cast from New York City lasc iv.-; tiny uiffht announced for Ei;;eva;vr , , Club that the r.rst week ia Jur.o1 would stait the " ilf Stream fi&kig ' off in thise are... During the same . broadcast, a rep. -t was given 0:1 Drum Inlet and tho marvelous char.-, r.el bass fishing there- rece.r:.;'. ; Nothing like advertising your 1h-. ' ing and your famously healte Gulf Stream climate. We have just: ; what jniilions of mortals in the woti I are looking for here in Carters: 1 and that is good fishina and a health, ful climate thanks to tiiii current , of blue water a few mii'M off shore which moves continuoiKy nort.1-1 eastward. ! . .. , ..:.,,,,ny .e:;nis- ' ; ,,' ., , y.-,r,- 1. rl .:: rve 1 - ' " ., Y.v.-. 'V- toiu'de: ' ' ;.'i-.-i.v.i in me. And altno I fn ,vd of my nomination I think it ro withdraw at this tim Very truly yours, C. M. (Kid) HILL. F03 SHERIFF 3 : . 3 ii Voters of "TCI '!Sf Til- 1 V FOR CORONER ' , t'ie D?noei-atic VoVrs of r , iei-ph Countv: Tin- ijs to apnouiu'o th it f am a vuhi.'li t r tho office of :.wt i - t -ret , .vmty .w;i? t ! the ',- A ONE PARTY WENT to the C,u : stream last Min'iay nut, hj u.. ' . , , taken. They ,..i.,i oot ab-Kud th.. .fu-,.f i am f ' ' jV... V If i schooner Fiyir.,-; Dolphin f-.r 1 - - , ,' , , v. . , ..1. . r 1 ;' . 1 ; . ' r i i m n 1 . . . .1 ' . - -. -vom i t 'v. .1 Jl ,1 11). ' .i : ti. 1;.. '. yetti i" . .Simmons, Her- 1 1 ' . '..! to:' ' ' '!"?'' :,r. i-'oi- this ! t v f! , 1 - ivf'i! for ; .,1 viirt of alt voters. I Or 't. " t""'l ! 7. ii': V :r;:;l:.::ii t ; it tv lie ii- ' '.;-e'.'.).; S of 1 th.- ,(r .rr, - C, : . eounty, subject i " . ; !,.-,;i''b'!r"iii vot .'::eri:y. Your "- ip- f i m e?i'iitad. ),!.!, ii. PRiDGE, num Carro-.v and myself with two or, "; thivt- K'-'ide jriI the crew ,f I.uthcr M. Werner cruised to t.K. Gulf Streum and sti.ick fish plenty; of f.nh . . . Amhe-j-iek and D-;phi 1, the fastest f:.iii t-hiit swims. V.'-n :. ! tuning primarily for mariin swor i liK k.iowinjr thry ve 00 1 1 1 : ;t ; ' otiiy ..( ei'.i'ii s.iike - ' nut. Mit whoa i Luther i-i. v.':,-, tier -riled berk to her whai t i;i vi't hear City that night wc iiid hiv.-; in four iimberjack, weisfhiritf up t 1 t ' ' pour.: and nine dolphin, thu iar -st tippir.p the scales at 13. And an 18 0 pound dolphin is a strenmlnie l .1-. :' colored beauty which kivsi 1 f ?..! a;:'.i i'uricui ;i,'iit. ! THRUlE BOATS WILL l. aviii-1 abit- .'or the Guif Stream tishiaif this: si-:i: o.i. Hoc-- in b! I i";.-h boat ' i;,i'vin" under the rue..' , jvii'.'.ii of Ca;r:. Guy Lawn . , . ,m at Kcfj-cv.iiter ' -i i t, i'tie t'tyine,' ';.' . phi and Tin Uuceatioer, both foe: ii.v:!!:.iry enfts, which wi;l ': :': yor. off :hv:'i ami b:in' y-oi hie':. Tlit ! 3y'.n D-dpbin is tli; foi ' l.vt ,V. VciTier. i''or I'urtiwr ic - fo; ;:i;.tio.! about either of the above j t ,lmn. ...II Li r-n-io.-.if-: lo.TOVfi', Beau!'. rt (ft 421-1 ) or I mv .Mndidacy for eleetion to the r',r. , .'.-..: .- 1 :!.: 1 :'. 1 1. 1 1 will- u-t. I -n:itf fiom th v Seventh Sen- LEGISL.VniRE To me t"ie::i.r-ric 'tv;: , ,,! T- - of Ohho- afSli itbu'.s. This iij ..itio'it. my iuc ::pf u : .vour supp o't at tho itan!.y. Jan Jth. tor a riuwc r. r.-pn-nt yosi in the next. Gcnvrrtl i.rr.bly of ort't C-: !:. i. C-nue on r-nd'ive me a handi'r" $ roaj-iri'.y ar.-? )).!:- ::s- 1 ' i if'od, and I will aittca you ii ill ::ever rejrffc iot,ero:t if my 5ntr f-.riti toy e'.::l. ii e' s' iTotviv.. b :' . e -e:i with you in ev.ry walk )t: ::fi. for tiie past: ;-::'. ' t i r o nia.i ktunvs your want or '!! hi-twr tba ' t. -f-d 'i: wtil do mm-e or fllit b o'd l'o'- .(.- i s ii. :r t vilL 'n.i if i in? t-id, w'deh I be!i"ve ' wilt, - . : inur-!l'i I Iwavu f'r Raleig'I: witii .your tt u:--t in rry b. ads, s'oail fei tlmi. t :wi sur-iund-'H by .1 county of w.-il '.v.shen, nul you sh ill evjr bt uppermost in ray .rnjid. JUKE fi, DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY 4 .-.Cw-i!-?.- . .-'.-ifcafc?5c'jlii ...-..u:,..''-.....- , 'I . . n "I (A ';; al -1 "rei -iveioeio..; Line- Up ofCaiulaSates K.v is a .-.nroda-tion of the State and Co.-r.v;ional ballot tint the nature of the Chairman of the. State Board of Llec v hi,!, ,i;W,, K the bottom of -the bailor to he distrib ute f 'at the poiis, is omitted on the specimen. The order of the names is routed ?o that each candidate appears hrt on an eo.u-il number of bllots. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY 3ALL0T UaJtwl States S?natorf Stats Officers and Congrei'maw Ph:inkiiiv vi;( ::-t a ivi.n,"' .or yoi.r i yti sii.')ort. otli yo tii's truly, j j rvi, 3. LEE ll A (,lifc!.:l Aiv!; k . .oCt, J., INSTRUCTIONS I. To vM for a. eandidato'on the ballot m-irk ;i cross (X) mark ' in the pi:rra it the left, of his name. I. If you te .r or ,1'iface or wromrly m-irk Huh b.illot, return it to tho. iT-f.tar and another. Foe United States Senator (Vote For One) ,K) JOSIAii W. UAILEY ( ) RICHARD T. FOUNTAIN ( DAVID L. STRAIN 1 ) WILLIAM II. GRIFFIN VbVY GC-rwUSSlONES I A ') e Voters of If ; 'XfkflT7i:yA Don't Paint, Ymir i'Zrl-teaHWWW- lt tt. tt.t- to : II iie i' 1 ,!;,'!? ) .':ia-!'f :'; mrn : Demo-1 '.' Mitt v ,1 ?S.;f' House Par Pint MARINE PAINT FROM PAUL'S MACHINE SHOP "Marine Ouftfittaru" C. ;;t thu riei mo ot avinouncmy VE BUY. JUNK 1 rates etc. t1rttiV"-'ffy'-i T t''fftn,WliiitTiliiW(iff1 VOTE ,FO J V O tlw- atorisl District, subject to the Pern- ti, nrimarv on June otn, tildo. If nominated, and elected I pledge j my best eff orts in properly represent- j in? the people of my district. JOHN D. LARK IN, Jr. For Governor (Vote For One) (X) CLYDE R. HOEY ( ) Dr RALPH W. Mc DONALD ( ) SANDY GRAHAM ( ) .rOKN ALHERT McRAE For Lieutenant Governor (Vote For One) (X) WILEINo P. fiORTON ( ) paul grady ( ) george McNeill ' For Secretary of State (Vote For One) ( ) THAD KURE (V) STAGEY W. WADE ( ) M. R. 'Mike' DUNNAGAN For Auditor (Vote For One) ( ) CHARLES V. MILLER . (X) GEO. ROSS POL ( ) BAXTER DURHAM ( ) VvTLLARD L. DOWELL ' For Treasurer (Vote For One.) (X CHARLES M. JOHNSON ( ) HELEN R. WOHL For Sitperintemdent ot Public Instruction (Vote. For One) ( ) GILBERT CRAIG (X) CLYDE A. P1RW1N ( )A. B. ALDERMAN For CojimtttJs3iott3r of Agraculture (Vot For One) (X) W. KERR SCOTT ( ) WILUAM A. GRAHAM N C n ;l d; K !!-; s s FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce "myself a3 a irrdilit? ?-r R presontative for i'te: et (V :.'; in tin; State Legifv- ..a:!-. t t t!w action of the lV.M..eratic voters ia the June Pri mary. Vour support will be appre ciated. M. S. LEE bit-1 Ik 1 fl it 4 v. ' , ' - V- ft 'AH FO COUNTY COMMISSIO.'IEK I To 'ITie Democratic Voters of Carteret County: 1 here announce myself 1 cjmli-d-ite for re-noiiiin;'tion foi County Commissioner subject to Lie voters in the Democratic primary Jnue nth. your support will be tre-atty ap preciated. Respectfully submitted, EDWARD H. FULCHER. For Member of Congress THIRD DISTRICT (Vote For ne) (X) GRAHAM A, BARDEN ( ) CHARLES U A3BRNETHY JR. 11 Protect Your Valuable Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent $2.00, $2.50, $2.75 Per Annum COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE Lmii'I'hj""""" r r- " To the Voters of Ca-ie'-rffc County ' I wish to take tbis opportunity to j announce myself as a candidate for th office of Sheriff of Carteret ! County abjct to te approval ot the "Republican Voters of Carteret t Coast? is the p.-ir iry elation to held Jun Sth,. i. 3 -. 1. , Respectfully submitted ! J. H. DAVfS Soldira- Ba, -V Carteret omty: . will be paid ia Omoret Loun-: f hereb announ;,e m7i.,i as A ty June 17. He alao voted for, candi(Jate for the offi of Sheri!f of ana JupporiM i re;.i-ia v Oo-tt-t o.ountv. subb-'et t ) the velts Uld As-! .'ci-.t.i Ji t.nn n. vot.-r. in the June Pn which was pa.;!. Ly Cong- COMMERCIAL "- SAVINGS - TRUSTS U. S err Carteret Cotmty TIME - TRIED TESTED - -- t - - . - r mary. tour support win oe aytoe. ress and is now n tores n (, over half of tha Sttes in the ! ' ' E,ARL johNSON. U. S. and I be nt o-peratioA i m N. C. wor-m appro v-id by tat Lei3:atior. I 5 tPciltieai Advertisement) FO!? SHERIFF To th? Demoerati ' Voters of Carteret Cour.ty: & Tnisi Oonrpm-u MANY PEOPLE SAY: "WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE CANDIDATES. WE DON'T KNOW HOW WE WISH TO VOTE" Here is a condensed statement of "our reasons f or supporting the candidates marked.. , JOSIAH W. BAILEY: Six years experience. Especially favorable to this section. CLYDE JL HOEY: High moral character. Safe, sane, with exalted ideals for the office. . WILKINS P. HORTON: Splendid man, anxious to serve all and has helped this section before when in tho Stute Senate. STAGEY W. WADE: A Carteret County man who lias iriven satisfactory service in every position he baa held. GEORGE ROSS POU: Well known and well equipped for the job. CHARLES M. JOHNSON: Hi3 handling of - tho. Treasurer's offiee has raised the credit of North Carolina to ,thd highest point, it has e-ver been. CLYDE A. ERWIN: Has made a good record for short time in office. . W. KERR SCOTT: Thoroughly posted on Farmers need and will make the Department of Agriculture a real help to every u'Hitiorl. GttAHAM A. BARDEN: Two years experience gives knowledge- of detail that will surely secure results. Favors old age pensions. Has worked for Carteret County on waterways and1 the Kaiiroad into SK'.'.ulort. fcnows wiws we ne&u ami oe- ; -s eaborwment. on (Ihis Space contributed by Friend of the Candidates Named) a 1 i did support that has been promised &2gB3&TEmmMBT!aa:

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