TTIE KEAtlFORT NEWS THU RSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1936 PAGE FIVE In The Realm of WomerVi Dial-448-l Marianne Taylor Editor r. i of Washington HONORING MISS PROCTOR spent last week end with his family and parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jen nings. Mrs. E. P. Jennings has tak en the Lee cottage and has enterea the children in school, expecting to remain in Beaufort throughout the winter. m, onrl Mrs. Georee Roberts Wal lace of Morehead City, returned to day from a three weeks honeymoon trip to Havana. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace were married on October 21. Mrs. Wallace is the former Miss Laura Mace of this city. RUTH BIBLE CLASS MEETS The Ruth Bible Class of the Ann St. Methodist Church met Monday night in the cla?s room with Mrs. C. L. Chadwick and Mrs. Loui3 Hooper, hostesses. After the brcisess hour there was a social hour, delicious re freshment being served by the hostesses. Mr. Ralph Rowland left today for Greensboro where he is taking a bus load of Eastern Carolina insurance men for a three days conference with leaders of the Jefferson Life Insur ance Company of that city. Mr. Roy Hamilton Jr., left Wed nesday for Durham where he will enter Duke Hospital for treatment. u;.. Hi" !a Ward Taylor has just A f a week's Visit Wltn remind" --- - Miss Grace Bass of Goldsboro. Mrs. Claude Wheatly, Mrs. E. P. Tovlnr and Mrs. William Potter Jr., motored to New Bern Tuesday. Chad Uzzell and father of Greens boro were visitors in town yesterday m Mrs. Marshall Fields, is the guest vit nf Misses Emma and Etta Manson, Mrs. Fields will be pleasant the city, having taught here 20 years ago at St. Paul's school. Mir nsiviil Duncan formerly of Beaufort, is visiting relatives at the ; home of J. F. Duncan. Mrs. Ed Hancock and Mrs. Charles Hatsell were visitors in New Bern Tuesday. On Saturday afternoon, Novem ber 7th Mrs. C. I. Hatsell of Beau fort and Mrs. R. S. Proctor of New Eern delightfully entertained at the hut honoring Miss Helen rroeior whose engagement to F. G. Hatsell was recently announced. The wed ding of Miss Proctor and Mr. Hat sell will take place during the Thanks giving holidays. The hut was beautifully decorated with f;'ll flowers and white tapers. The log fire lent charm and coziness to the beautifully decorated hut. The gu -is were received at the door by "liss Lena Duncan who in troduced them to the receiving line. Receiving with Miss Proctor were Miss Mildred Salter and Miss Mildred Johnson December brides elect. Presiding at the punch bowl wern Mrs. W. A. Mace of Beaufort and Mrs. William Wadsvvorth of New Bern. Misses Edith Lewis, Nellie Lewis, Louise Hudgins and Rosa Le Saied assisted Mesdames Wadsworth and Mace in serving. During the afternoon the guests were entertained with music by Mrs. Charles Hassell and Mrs. John Brooks assisted by Mrs. Otis Moore, Mrs. Joe Matthews and Miss Ruth Lewis. Many friends of Miss Proctor, who is a popular member of the Beaufort school faculty called during the evening. MRS. MOORE ENTERTAINS Mrs. L. W. Moore entertained members of her club and additional guests Friday night. High score prize was won by Mrs. Joseph House, while Mrs. Hugh Piner received the low score prize. Both received dainty handkerchiefs. A salad course was served by Mrs. Moore. A Sea Gull Told Me BY MARIANNE BIBLE CLASS MEETS The Womans Bibble Class met on Friday with Mrs. Jim Mason. Mrs. Chadion Carlton and Miss Lucille Rice were joint hostesses. There was only a business meeting Little Betsy Jones Improved Little Betsy Jones, who has been critically ill at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones is re ported to be slightly improved. Entertains Debutants Miss Helen Jones was hostess to the Debutante Bridge Club Tuesday night at her home on Queen St. Members present were: Misses Ruth Lewis, Alma Potter, Evelyn Norcom, Ethel Whitehurst, Marianne Taylor, MldreJ Johnson and Mrs. Gray Hasst. A delicious grape and pear salad course with hot tea was served by the hostess. Next week the club will meet at the home of Miss Ruth Lewis on Turner Street. That mavbe I shouldn't start this column, but I have had so many re quests from the younger readers (some people still like to be mention ed in such columns) that I will start today with the hope that I will not find myself in a ditch minus a head before Christmas. It is rumored to be true that one of our most attractive and most pop ular young blondes, who is employed at Rose's 5 and 10c store, was kept waiting at the door of that establish ment after working hours Saturday night by a personable young highway man whn failed to UP. (It IS also rumored to be true that the said highwayman was dreaming at the Russell House, but not dreaming that he was keeping the fair lady in distress). That the romance which started this summer between one of the local sheiks and one of Morehead City's irnst attractive members of the fe male sex is really beginning to look serious. A certain young lady Beaufort's Giggle Girl who has been romanc ing rather heavily for some time now, is not as carefree as usual. This state of affairs seems to be due to the fact that the other half of the team, which was once located with the Railroad in Morehead, has been transferred to New Bern. That, trouble is brewine for a cer tain young Morehead City man, who, j Having " " uvvu ' is now findine how hard it is to keep two or three girls interested at one time. It seems that most of the trouble started when a certain at tractive young nurse, a Yankee new comer to the M. City hospital, gave the old flames a right to work harder to keep in the favor of the employee of the N. C. Fisheries, Inc. That the Beaufort and Morehead members are teaming up. The Gull has noticed that a very attractive young man, also employed with the Railroad, is almost a regular Sunday night visitor at the home of a cer tain popular member of the high school set on Ann street. He hopes that the readers will Ief him and this columnist know what they think of "A Seagull Told Me " We are open for arguments pro and con. Book Club To Meet The Book Club will hold it's first real meeting at the home of Mrs. I R. Bell on Thursday, November 19. lmmm RED CROSS Continued from page one) Mrs. Bloodgood's committee con trols memberships in Beaufort, and communities east. The materials are in the hands of the workers, and the Beaufort News will publish the a mount collected in the county for Red Cross memberships as the drive Seabree ze THEATRE WEEK OF NOV. 16 MONDAY & TUESDAY The Star in "Ah Wilderness" Eria Linder and Cecilia Parker in "In His Steps" Also "Returr of Chandu" Adm. 10 15 25c Episcopal Convention and Mrs. Earl Mades spant the end in New Bern visiting fiiends and relatives. Mr weeK Mr. J. C. Douglas has returned to her home in Raleigh after spending a week in Beaufort as the guest of her Fister, Mrs. T. A. Richards. Dr. C. W. Lewis returned Monday night from Duke Hospital and Char lotte. Mrs. R. G. Lang and baby return ed from a visit in Warsaw Monday. Mrs. Chadion Carlton and littt'.e daughter, Ann, and mother Mrs. H. H. Hendrix left yesterday for Kings Mountain where they will attend the Golden Anniversary of Mrs. Hendrix parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams. Mrs. N. W. Taylor Honored The regular afternoon meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Episco pal church met at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. N. W. Taylor. After the bus iness session, other guests joined the group in celebrating Mrs. Taylor's 7G birthday. The Auxiliary and friends met in Mrs. Taylor's bedroom, es she has been confined to her home for the past two weeks. The loom was made beautiful with many baskets of flow ers, gifts of friends, and other love'y gifts were showered upon the hon oree, attesting the love and admira tion of the Auxiliary and friends for her. A beautifully decorated birth day cake with its lighted candles wa3 brought in and later ice cream and ginger ale with block cake were serv ed to the guests. A number of friends called throughout the after noon and evening. Among those attending the Epis copal church convention of the East ern District in New Bern Thursday were Mesdames Joe House, Maybelle Mace, Albert serpen and Mrs. Jack son. LET HENRY FIX THEM Friendly Shoe Shop 212 Queen Street Henry Williams, Mgr. John Pastures, Prop. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY "The Little Red School House" Adm. 10 15c FRIDAY & SATURDAY "Down To The Sea" with BEN LYON f WHLN YOU THINK OF LIFE INSURANCE AND RETIREMENT AT AGE 60 THINK OF EQUITABLE AND TOM POTTER Smyrna, N. C. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Williams of Morehead City announce the engage ment of their daugnter, Hilda Latn- erine, to Joe A. DuBois, of Morehead City, formerly of Washington, D. C. The wedding will take place in December. Charles Bacon has returned from Fla., where he was called on account of the death of his mother. " MRS. JONES HOSTESS Mrs. Paul Jones entertained on Saturday evening at three tables of bridge. The home was most attractive with a profusion of Autumn flowers. High score prize, a set of Pyrex dishes, was awarded Mrs. Hugh Pin er, while a floating prize, a celery dish, went to Mrs. James Caffrey. Mrs. Jones served a salad course with hot tea. Those present were: Mesdames Jas. Caffrey, Hugh Piner, E. P. . t-v l i i a vim. vj. i j. xjtrjuiii. naihcv i am. Rev. C. T. Kogers is in uurnam tu t. i -u. i , u v : 1 Dave DeNoyer, John Brooks, Charles th.s week where he is undergoing treatment for a bad hand. Holand Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Abernethy oi New Bern were the guests Mrs. N. W. Taylor on her birthday Monday. Mr. N. W. Taylor spent Monday in New Bern on business. We return your Clothes with a new lease on life" and we THANK YOU VERY MUCH for giving us your trade. If you like our work, may we have the opportunity of MAKING your Suit or Overcoat. We specialize in Taylor-made Custom Clothes and there is no finer tail oring in this country and none as keenly priced. PRICES START AT $22.75 Johnson-Saunders DRY CLEANING CO. TWO MORE BIG DAYS OUTSTANDING BARGAINS BUY ONE ARTICLE AT REGULAR PRICE ADD lc AND GET TWO OF THE SAME ARTICLE JOE HOUSE DRUGSTORE Dial 333-1 Beufort, N. C. 517 Front Street Beaufort . . JgLL iiCt .-.-mint '- T.1 Vnm. Friends of Harry Hendrix will be glad to learn that he is out after be ing confined at his home for the pa.-t two weeks with fever. Mr. Charlie Humphrey and Mrs. Lula Journey of Goldsboro were gueBts of Mr and Mrs N. W. Taylor last week end. Mrs. S. B. McCullen left last week for New Orleans where she will make her home in the future with her son. Mr. H. E. McCullen of that city. Mrs. S. S. Cotton is visiting friends and relatives in Richmond. A a s m All Miss Hattie Lee Humphrey spent last week end with her brother, Jack Humphrey who is teaching at Wind sor. She was accompanied home by her brother and sister, Miss Marjoiie Humphrey, a student at E.C.l.C. m Greenville, on Sunday. ! : : I . . . T II Richard Bloodgood ana vemuei j a Safrit students at Stale College have returned to naieign the week end with their respective parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Brown of Ra'- T eigh, formerly of Beaufort, have f been visiting friends in the city. , I Phillip Thomas returned Monday $ night from Duke Hospital, where he received treatment for a few days. L 1 I ention: Truck Owners! If you are operating a LONG-HAUL TRUCK, the Inter-state Commerce Commission now demands that you carry PUBLIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAM AGE, and CARGO INSURANCE. We Are Prepared to Write This Insurance For You in Old Line Companies SEE US FOR RATES G. W. DUNCAN Let US Write YOUR Insurance Beaufort, N. C. Dial 318-1 w Beaufort Theatre Program for Week of Nov. 15th Sunday and Monday, Nov- 15th and 16th William Powell and Carole Lombard in "MY MAN GODFREY" (Comedy) Sunday Show 2:00 4:009:00 Monday 3:30 7:009:00 AUo Latest Newt and Comedy Tuesday, Nov. 17th Ricardo Cortez and June Travis in "THE CASE OF THE BLACK CAT" (Mystery) 12 !C Mat 3:30 Night 7:009:00 Wednesday, Nov. 18th Mary Boland and Donald Woods in "A SON COMES HOME" (Drama) AUo Newt and Comedy Mat. 3:30 Thursday, Nov. 19th Ross Alexander and Glenda Farrell in "HERE COMES CARTER" (Comedy) Mat 3:30 Night 7:009:00 !