SEAFOOD Mrt. 12-10-36 Do Your Christmas Shopping Early And Patronize Our ADVERTISERS Sea Mullets Speckled Trout Gray Trout Croakers 7c j 4c 1 and 2c . The Best Advertising Medium Published In Carteret Co. f READING TO THE MIND IS WHAT EXERCISE IS TO THl PY WATCH Your Label and Pay Your Subscription 1' v 9mm ;i VOLUME XXV EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK THE BEAUFORT NEWS THURSDAY DECEMBER 10,1936v5c SINGLECOPY " NUMBER 49 ' BiiaMeeaeaeitjMaeeeaeaeaeaiieaeaeaeaea ,,imi , k a, BiamM 'j wamm,lmmmmilimmmKmtmammimmmMmcmmimmmm A ' Startling Change Made Here Monday Startling News in Offing Has To Do With A. B. C. Set-up All sorts of rumors have been float in,' around the streets of Beaufort during the past few days about the ABC set-up m Carteret county. Some of these rumors have been that the whole local system would be changed the system which has to do with purchasing and selling ABC store products. Most everyone has heard that an important official of the ABC board has tendered his resignation, but that news cannot be classed as official un til the Board of Commissioners re lease same. The commissioners will meet again Monday. In the meantime The Beaufort News is reliably inform ed by a person close to the ABC board that while a resignation might have been tendered by the official that the resignation has been with drawn. Apparently the whole flare-up hinges around politics. A certain politic! faction seems to be spread ing news that ABC monies have been mis-appropriated. But no one has given any proof that such is the case. The whole story is in the making and readers of The Beaufort News will be given details, in detail, as the news breaks. Representative Seeley Receives Bible Today Fred R. Seeley, Carteret county representative was sworn into office in Raleigh to day when the special session of the N. C. General Assembly, called by Governor J.C.B. Eh ringhous a few days ago, con vened. Along with other repre sentatives from the 100 coun ties, the Bible on which Repre sentative Seeley placed his hand while taking the oath of office will be presented to him. Usu ally the Chief Justice confers the oath of office. The special session is for the purpose of enacting certain So cial Security Legislation, neces sary before this State can share in two and a half million dollars of Federal money to be used for that purpose. Representa tive Seeley was elected in the General election November 3, by an overwhelming majority. He left for Raleigh Tuesday. Carteret's last representative to the General Assembly was Tom C. Wade. TIDE TABLE Information as to the tide at Beaufort is given in this column. The figures are approx imately correct and based on tables furnished by the U. S Geodetic Survey. Some allow ances must be made for varia tions in the wind and also with respect to the locality, that is whether near the inlet or at; the heads of the estuaries. High Low Friday, Dee. 11 6:31 a. m. 12:00 a. m. 6:37 p. m. 12:45 m. Saturday, Dee. 12 7:08 a.m. 12:42 a. m. 7:17 p. m. 1:27 p. m. Sunday, Dec. 13 7:43 a. m. 1:22 a. m. 7:56 p. m. 2:09 p. m. Monday, Dec. 14 8:20 a. m. 2:00 a. m. 8:33 p. m. 2:47 p. ni. Tuesday, Dec. 15 8:57 a. m. 2:37 a. m. 9:13 p. m. 3:24 p. m. Wednesday, Dec. 16 9:36 a. m. 3:13 a. m. 9:54' p. m. 4:01 p. m. Thursday, Dec. 17 10:16 a. m. 3:53 a. m. 10:36 p. m. 4:39 p. m. :: A Picture Story Of North Carolina Fisheries :-: in mil luminal "V'fTiirfrl It' rH nrr urn -mi iniiifri?itfihmMihii4H..tff f?X.'1fe-i-- t--T-rr- ,ir1l i . - ' H ?vi fcskr PP-rr t ...) Fillets Might Bring Organization Fame Preparation of North Carolina fish into fillets for markets and consumers everywhere may bring fame to N. C. Fisheiies Inc., as time marches on. Much criticism was directed at the government sponsored self help organization during the early days of its establishment, but a 'big brother attitude to the independent dealers instead of competitor' may be bringing about a change. In the picture story above: (Upper Left) John Sikes, executive president and general manager of the plant sits at his office desk. (Upper Right) stack3 of frozen fish which will be made into fillets in the cold room of the plant. In thi3 picture leaning against the stacks of fish are sea mullets, shrimp and mackerel. (Lower Left) Icing a solid car load of fillets consigned to a firm in Cedar Rapids, Ohio. (Lower Right) Ivey Gaskill of Barkers Island, a fisherman mem ber of the board of directors of the N. C. Fisheries. (Eubanks- .News Photos). ' New Theater Opens In Atlantic Monday The first show to be presented in the Atlantic theater will be on Mon day night, according to Miss Helena Mason, Beaufort News correspon dent who writes of the new build ing just completed. The theater is built of modern style and design, equipped with elec tricity and excellent sound equip ment for talking pictures. Comfort able seats are a feature of the new building. Present plans are to give shows each night until after Christ mas, at which time it is probable that shows vill be presented only on Friday and Saturdays, unless the patrons demand nightly shows. At lantic is mightly proud of her new ihoate . . . BOXING SHOW HERE TONIGHT Twenty five or more rounds of boxing plus a battle royal will be. presented in the Beaufort School Gymnasium tonight at 8:o'clock. If the bouts tonight prove sucessful others sponsored by the B H S. Athe letic Association wil be presented from time to time during the winter, it was stated by an official who is helping with the promotion. Headliners tonight wil be Joe Tay lor, Morehead City vs Clarence Peta way of Beaufort. Others in the line up will be Lawyer Hardesty, Beaufort vs. Rocky Lighting More head City; Otis George Morehead City and James Henry, Beaufort and other good bouts. General and ring side seat admission charges will be to fans attending the show. Five Coastal Boys Join The U. S. Navy Five young men in Carteret and communities of the Central Carolina coast have joined the U. S. Navy re cently according to a news dispatch sent out by the Navy Recruiting Office in New Bern. The recruits are: Robert Louis Smith, and William Chhurchill Gorham, Morehead City; Byron Keith Freeman, Atlantic: Charles Fatio Gray, Buxton and Roscoe Miller Willis, Hatteras. Th3 New Bern recruiter desires more applicants to fill quota for this dis trict. Persons wishing to join the Navy may get complete information by writing U. S. Navy Recruiting Station, P. O. Bldg., New Bern. ATTEMPT CRIMINAL ASSAULT A 15-year old Bogne Sound youth has been arrested for criminal as sault attempt Cccttintj The WATER FilOM Bj AYCOCK brown IF KING EDWARD VIII had wanted to marry ons of the Selasio girls, late of Ethiopia it would prob ably have been alright with Baldwin the Premier . . . Seems that a prac tical plan for Britain would be to eliminate the proposed million dol lar cornation and use that money in buying food for some cf her starving subjects . . . Speaking of abdicat ing, there is a fellow in Morehead City who is liable to abdicate his job pretty soon. IF THE PEOPLE of any Carteret county community want to raise an other $15,000 for an enterprise, in cluding a thousand from ABC prof its, the best way to spend it would be through a well-planned publicity program. Give me $5,000 a year salary for three years, or any person who knows publicity as for that mat ter, and the $15,000 will result in in dustries fighting to locate in the com munity receiving the publicity. AS THE BEAUFORT NEWS is the only newspaper in Carteret county, this newspaper is bound to be the one accused of one-waynes by a contemporary. If the contem porary couiq give us some sugges tion how to squeeze important news stories in eight pages crowded with advertising the suggestion would be appreciated. We have had that trouble frequently and it is what some call one-way newspapering. UNINTERESTING COURT Judge N. A. Sinclair presided over the December term of Superior ourt here this week. Only unin- teresting cases were on the docket. J Newport Farmer Tired of Cooking His Own Biscuits; So He Calls For A Wife WTanted: A wife. That was the statement sent out yesterday by Henry Simmons, 60-year-old farmer of Newport, route two, who is tired of "cooking his own biscuits." Simmons wrote to The Tribune: "I am a man 60 years of age. Got a good farm of 35 acres and don't owe one penny on it I am fixed for a contentful living if I can find some good woman that likes farm life. When you read this, if you want your name changed to Mrs. I FIRST AND LAST DIVIDENDS PAID The final order in the matter of the liquidation of the defunct Bank of Morehead City was signed by Judge N. A. Sinclair here MonJay. Hush Davis, liq uidating agent in New Bern by telephone today told The Beau fort News that the first and final dividend checks amounting to approximately 20,000 or 33 percent of total deposits were now being prepared and would be mailed to depositors around December 21. That will mean Christmas money to many. The Morehead bank is the last in the county to be liquidated. It closed March 1, 1933. SCHOOL TEACHERS HEAR C. A. ERWIN An intensely interested group of Carteret county school teachers and school master? and P.T.A. officials heard Clyde A. Erwin, State Super intendent of Public Instruction speak at a banquet given by the school Masters Club of Carteret county in Morehead City last Friday night. He traced the educational growth of the state and the importance of educa tion in the fulfilment of our demo cratic ideas. Represenative Fred R. Seeley talk ed briefly and stat d that he intend ed to give the scl- 1 program the loyal support which his constituency so evidently desire. Special musical numbers and other amusements were presented with the banquet. Christmas Light3 Tonight Beaufort's Christmas street lights are scheduled to go on tonight, by order of the Board of Aldermen at Monday meet. Henry Simmons, write Henry Sim mons, route two, Newport, N. C. uon t wait, because this chance only for the early bird." is bimmons, whose wife died about three years ago, has been living a lone and farming part of his former holdings, some of which were dis tributed among his sons who live nearby. "I'm still able to tie my shoes and comb my hair," he said. iNow, I don't want any sixteen- year-old girl for a wife. I want a real woman, one about 35 years of age." I W. P. Smith Elected Chairm an Underground Chamber Of Refuge Is Wanted An underground chamber o refuge, similar to those in some European cities, is a proposed project for Beaufort to be constructed with Federal mon ies during the next few year3. This was one of several propos ed projects discussed by a group of civic leaders in Beau fort at a meeting Wednesday morning. A bridge and cause way connecting Harkers Island with the mainland at Lenox ville Point, placing that island only a few miles and a few minutes from Beaufort was an other proposed project discuss ed. Someone in the group laugh ed when the underground chamber of refuge subject was mentioned and said: "But the United States went go to War'' Many people were saying something like that back in 1916. Jack Neal and Party Off On Hunting Trip JackNeal of Carteret Hardware' Company, Dr. Herbert F. Prytherich of the Fisheries Laboratory,, Rows Metcalfe of Perquimans Plantation Conn, and George De Voe of New Milford, Conn., sailed this morning for a duck and goose hunting trip down in Core and Pamlico Sounds. They expect to remain for two oi three days, A few. days ago Blythe Noe of Noe Hardware Company and a party returned from a hunting trip down the sound, but their luck was poor. Weather conditions since that time have made hunting more favor able for migratory waterfowl, accord ing to local reports. County Social Council Will Be Organized In Carteret At Early Date Carteret County's board of pub lic welfare at a meeting here last Thursday approved the organization of a County Social Council. This Council will be organized oin the near future, probably after the Christmas holidays, it was stated by Dr. S. C. Maxwell, chairman. Miss Vnginia Crawford of the State Board of Charities and Public Wei fare and Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Hen derson of the county department met with the local board members, Mis Lillian Duncan, Rev. Frank Hall and Dr. Maxwell. Following a lengthy discussion of the Social Security and old age pen sion developments the following res olution was passed: BE IT RESOLVED: That the Car teret County Board of Public Wel fare hereby record its approval of the organization of a County Social Council, to be composed of represen tatives of the civic, social, education al and religious and governmental organizations and agencies through out the county, for the purpose at discussing problems pertaining to the public welfare and l.eeping the public informed regarding the work and needs of these agencies; and t' the Board proceed to sponsor such an organization. The Board decided to call a full meeting of ail persons interested foi the purpose of organizing a County Council of Social Service, which will include and who are hereby invited to participate, representations from. bupt. of Public Welfare, Members of County Board of Public Welfare, County Farm Agent, The Home A- gent, Supt. of Schools, Judge of Juvenile Court, Red Cross represen tative, uoy bcout representative, 4-H Club, Chairman of County Commis sioners, WPA representative, Rural Resettlement representative, Federal He sing representative, American Legion representative, American Le gion Auxiliary representative, Rotary Club representative, Womans Club representative, Parent Teachers As jciation representative, Ministerial issoca'- ion, Social Service Chairman .'rom feach Church. Approve Street Repairing proved the proposed improvement of certain streets near schd houT of Board Tongues Wag; Many Wonder What Next Move Will Be SCHEME OF SOMEONE OUSTED DR. BONNER Bonner Had Spent Much Time On Plan To Liquidate County's Debt Startling things happened under the dome of Carteret's courthouse Monday things which upset the political dope of this county and set many tongues to wagging and won dering what the next move would be. Dr. Kemp Plummer Bonner who has been criticized frequently during the time that he has served as chairman of the county board was de moted by the vote of the con missioners to vice-chairman and W. P. Smith who failed in business, but succeeded in pol- . itics was named chairman of the Board. . , Several different factions of the Democratic faith have been accused for this change of affairs. Some think it was the efficient scheming of a Beaufort faction. Others have hinted that it was tV vl.hes of a" person down Er.rt who has quite a political following. Luther Hamil ton, whom Wade Lucas of the Rale igh Times first called the Kingfish of Carteret was jolted by the new when it reached him in the court room above the Auditor's offie where' the' D'oard "was meeting ani where the electing was taking place,. A person who has voted the Demi cratic ticket in Beaufort all of hi life, who has no love for Dr. Bonne and less for Luther Hamilton com menting on the change in the chair manship made no secret of the fact that he doubted seriously if thd change was a practical one for the government of Carteret county. Up around the courthouse various officials were asked for comments. Many of them looked rather sad-eyed but none of them commented. County Attorney Luther Hamilton and Ex-Chairman Bonner had with the help of Beauforc's outstanding attorney J. F. Duncan worked on plans for re-financing Carteret which is head over heels in debt, but out of the water at anyrate as a result of the indebtness. Ribbons of asDhalt and concrete which reach to almost every community in the county is what put the county in the red. -but people are driving automobiles over paved roads now instead of sailing sharpies over the sounds or wading; through the mud. This newspaper is not trying to throw any bouquets at the present or past Democratic administrations, but this newspaper is reliably inform ed that Dr. Bonner in the role of statesman or what ever you wish to call a county official had practically completed the re-financing plan and had on numerous occasions met with Local Government Officials in dis cussions of the debt liquidation. He Chairman Ponner, had a keen know (Continued on page eight) HUH'r don't He who imagines he has nowkdge enough has none at all " DECEMBER tortswiili 10 Firsj United States labor trike. New York sailors. 1803. 1 James II flees from the tngiish throne, 1638. -Arthur Brisbane, noted editor and columnist, born. 18f 1BS& Caxton produces the first printed job in England. 1478. 14 Alabama is the 22nd State to be admitted to the Union, 1819. 15-Sioux Chief Sitting Bull .G3 kiUed in a scirmish, 1890 A Ti... r j i m . - . w wvi lu-ianraa oostoo 51 ) - . . saw X. is- fig tM V V if 12

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