PAGE SIX THE BEAUFORi NEWh BEAUFORT, N. C County Items for this column should Tuesday. If your community instructions and supplies. OTWAY We sure are having some warm weather at this writing. There was service held at the Dis ciple Church Sunday by the Pastor, Rev. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lewis of Richmond and daughter Doris spent Labor Day with his parents Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Lewis. Messrs. Guy and John Lewis who nave been spending the summer months with their grand parents Mr and Mrs. 0. W. Lewis will return home Tuesday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lewis of Rich mond. Mrs. Floyd Lawrence, daughter and son left Monday for Washington, N. C, where they will Fpend some time with her sister there, Mrs. Jordan Hardesty. Mrs. B. B. Lawrence is still on the sick list. Miss Olga Lewis left Tuesday for Raleigh where she will enter bus iness college there. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gillikin of Williston and son spent a while with their cousins Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dowty and children. Misses Angus, Eunice Lawrence and Madeline Gillikin of here and Levi Beveridge of Beaufort motored Onslow County at Brown's Inlet Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Paul and daughter of Grantsboro spent last week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dowty and chil dren. Mrs. R. L. Gillikin nad children, Audrey and Vincent of Norfolk who has been spending some time wih her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Law rence left last week end. We are sorry to say that Mrs. W. C. Dowty hald the misfortune of get ting her leg broke. We hope she will soon be ablet o walk again. LENOXVTLLE i Mrs. Crissie Sadler is somewhat improved at this time. Miss Vera Pake who spent the past three weeks at Port Monmouth, Tuckerton and Jersey City, N. J., re turned home Sunday. Misses Ellen and Callie Lupton spent Sunday at Norfolk and Manteo. Miss Ella Grey Pittman is spend ing the week at Atlantic with her sis ters. Mrs. Ida Willis of Beaufort spent Sunday afternoon visiting relatives here. Mr. Allen Lupton returned home (Sunday morning from Port Mon mouth, N. J. Miss Mary B. Brooks visited Vera Pake Monday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Tommie Simpson vis. ited relatives here Sunday. Miss Mildred Daniels and brother, Ralph will leave Tuesday night for Morganton where they will attend school. Miss Jackie Simpson spent Friday here with Sheila Pake. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Willis of North River road spent Sunday here with Mrs. Willis' parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunnings. Mr. and Mrs. Martee Lupton of Cedar Island spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lupton. Mr. Oswald Goodwin of Lola spent the -'eek end here with his aunt Mrs. James Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Goodwin of Roe were visitors here Monday. Mrs. Charlie Day and daughter Mary are spending this week with relatives at Cedar Island. Mr. Clifton Lupton of Lola was a visitor here the past week end. Mrs. Hugh Goodwin of Roe spent last week here at the home of her brother Mr. and Mrs. Guy Daniels. Mrs. Sophia Lupton and Mrs. Jas. Willis spent last Thursday at More- head City. Mr. William Wade and Mr. Roy Dickinson were visitors here Satur day night. ' CORE CREEK Mrs. W. T. Yates of Durham spent the week end with her uncle Mr. Ray Dickinson. Miss Irene Sabiston, Miss Hilda Sabiston 'spent the week end at Myrtle Beach, S. C, with their broth er Mr. Douglas Sabiston. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dickinson, Mrs. W. T. Yates, Miss Madie Dickinson, Mr.. Raymond Dickinson spent Sun day afternoon at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dickinson and eon Lycurgus spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eubanks. Mrs. Dewey Hardesty spent Mon with her mother Mrs. J. H. Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Murden left Sunday for Georgetown, S. C, where v News reach The News office each is not represented write us for Miss Florence Dickinson spent Sun day with Miss Delphin Eubanks. Mrs. T. P. Tosto spent Sunday af ternoon with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sabiston. ATLANTIC Mr. Melvin Robinson Jr., is home spending a while with his parents Mr. and rMs. Melvin Robinson. Mr. Clayton Fulcher Jr., left Sun day to attend Elon College. Miss Fannie McWilliams of Ocra coke spent a few days here with Mrs. Wallace Morris. Mr. A. G. Willis returned home Saturday evening where he has been at the Marine hospital at Baltimore for treatment. Miss Evelyn Gray Lupton of Roe was a visitor here Saturday evening. Mis. Ebon Salter of Sea Level was a visitor here Friday evening. Mr. Foster Hamilton, wife and children of Norfolk spent the week end here with his sister Mrs. Alex Golden. Miss Neta Gillikin has been spend ing a while with hre mother, she now has returned back to Norfolk wher she is working. NORTH RIVER Mrs. Ratcliff who has been visiting at the home of her son John left Sunday for her home in Greenville. Miss Alice Carawan and Miss Chris tobel Morett of New Bern spent Sun day here with relatives. Mrs. P. B. Beachem returned home Monday after spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. G. L. Barker of Oriental who is sick. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Willis spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Hunnings of Lenoxville. Mr. Clarence Beachem attended the circus in New Bern Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Warren and small children spent Sunday with rel atives in West Beaufort. BELLWOOD Mrs. William Rose and son Carlton ant! Miss Pauline Nelson of Beaufort visited Mrs. Julia .Salter Sunday. Mrs. Louis E. Willis and babv Va- rina Jane, came home from Morehead City hisptial last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. PiDer of Bal timore are visiting Mrs, Piper's sis ter Mrs. Leslie Gillikin over Labor Day. While here they are enjoying Gulf Stream fishing. Mr. B. B. Renitz of Macon. Oa.. is here visiting his sister-in-law Miss Lottie Davis. His wife being the for mer Miss Haddie Davis who is well known here. This is Mr. Renitz's first visit to Carteret County. He is do- CONSTIPATED? Thousands have obtained quick, pleasant relief with Duffy's Ant Bilious Pills, a prescription pre pared by Or. Charles Duffy of the British navy 6ver 12S years apo. LarBe package 25c. Trial DUFFY'S BfL PILLS E J Dr. W. S. Chadwick MEDICINE & SURGERY Office Hours: 9 to 12M 3 to 5 P. M. and by Appointment Office over A. & P. Store Front Street Office Phone 424-1 Res. 372-1 B. A. BElL Your Jeweler for 25 Yr Repair work efficiently and rromDtly Done NEXT DOOR F'OSTOFFirP Support The Chaober of Comme-ce D. W. MORTON NOTARY PUBLIC Fire and Casualty Insurance DR. J. O. BAXTER NEW BERN, N. C. Practice Limited to the Eye Only ing some Gulf stream fishing too while here and fays h-j hopes to vis it here again. Mr. Nirma:i P. Gillikin is in New l.KV.t t .i-tk visittnK 'lis un.le W. ii. lUivi.- on Hu'ad Stnvt. Mr. Lester Gillikin accompanied a p.uty of picnickers from Richmond a ml Otway over to the Beach Labor Day. Miss Ca Lewis of Otway was here Monday for a short while. Mr. and Mrs. A.bram Davis and family of Morehead City and Miss Caroline Davis visited Mr Davis' mother Mrs. Sabra Davis Sunday. Mr. Alonzo Hell of New Bern spent the week-end with his mother here. Miss Lydia Smith had as her guest over Labor Day, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Moots. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lee and Miss Nellie Stewart all of Nor folk, Va. Mr. Walter Moore Howard Lewis and Leslie Guthrie were Saturday night guest of Miss Victoria Smith. Bertha Smith and Sela Davit. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Chadwick and Mrs. Leslie Gillikin visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Willis at Marshallberg Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hancock of Jacksonville, Fla., vitited Miss Lot tie Davis and Mrs. Gillikin Thursday afternoon. The Hancock's are return ing to Florida from an extended tour of the New England States. Mr. Hancock. We welcome them back home and hope they soon re turn again. MISS DICKINSON HOSTESS Miss Madie Dickinson was hostess at a delightful party Wednesday night at her home honoring Miss Marguerite Dickinson cousin and house guest William Dickinson ol Atlantic City, N. J. Contest games were played then the guests danced. Flowers were used throughout the rooms in beautiful arrangement. Punch and cake were served by Mrs. Ray Dickinson, mother of the hostess in the dining room. Those attending were: Misses Mar guerite Dickinson, Thelma Dickinson, Opal Merrill, Virginia tanton, Irene Sabiston, Hilda Sabiston, and Messrs. Sammy Merrill, Bob Howard, Leo Simpson, William Dickinson, Ray mond Dickinson, Gordon Becton, Ray rowcUL...KJbtiticHluLbu (or ECONOMY and SATISFACTION use Double Tested! ' Double Action! ffjp BAKING POWDER Sunt Price Tbdayx45YeanAqo 25 ounces for 254 Full Pack No Slack Filling ORDER -BY- MAIL For the convenience of customers living in out lying Communities and on islands along the coast, we have established a Mail Order Department. If You Are In Need of certain wearing apparel Order from FELTON'S We will mail on approval. We Feature Everything to Wear for Men, Women and Children Be Sure to give Sizes, Colors and Approxi mate Price you wish to pay for article. Felton's r at! 11 f tt I Press Gleanings HOMETOWN BOY IS MAKING GOOD The latest addition to the staff of The Sanford Herald is C. E. "Char lie" Weaver a native of Beaufort, where the beach seasons are good and the fishing is better. Weaver was born to Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Weaver on March 2, 1916, and when he got so he could walk around good he showed a preference to prin ter's ink rather than medicine or fishing. He's been in the printing business, therefore, from then until now. According to the way he feels about it after two weeks here, there's still nothing like the business and there's nothing else he particularly likes to do. When he was a child his ambition was to be a printer, when he gre wup he became a printer, and now that he's a man he aims to con tinue as a printer. In other words, he has been thoroughly bitten by type lice. Built like a football player, Weav er is five feet and 10 and one-half inches tall and weighs 176 pounds. He has brown hair and brown eyes. In August of last year he was mar ried to Miss Hilda Lewis of Marshall burg. They are now living at the home of Mrs. Ben May on Carthage street. After working on Aycock Brown's Beaufort News in Beaufort Weaver worked in Durham. From that place he came to Sanford to take over the business of fixing type and slugs into ads and filling up the pages of The Sanford Herald. From "Who's Who" in The Sanford Kerald. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEWS mond Dickinson, Nick Simpson, Har ry Bell and Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Hayne A C. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate B ought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES. GOOD SERVICE Hill BldK. Beaufort, N. C. Dial 415-1 7 BARBOUR'S MACHINE SHOP GENERAL REPAIR WORK ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE WELDING J. O. Barbour, Mgr. BEAUFORT, N. C. Day Phone 331-1 Nite Phone342-6 GEO. T. WOOLARD Subscription Representative -of the BEAUFORT NEWS Give Him Your Next Subscription or Renewal ALSO HOME DELIVERY The Most Exacting Demands for Beauty We are ever on the alert to improve our service. Thru the journals of our Erofession, and thru mem ership in state and na tional associations, w e keep abreast of the latest developments in mortu ary work. This means that the people ve erve re ceive the advantages of new ideas and discoveries as soon as they are avail able to residents of the largest communities. We always aim to keep pace with progress in making funeral rites iust. as beau tiful and impressive as possible. Phonal Nifht 375-6 Day 375-1 Millions prefer this "flavor that is different" O It's a skillful cross between mayonnaise and old-fashioned boiled dressing with a special piquancy allits own! Miracle Whip is totally different from all other dressings smoother, fluffier, more delicious. Try Miracle Whip soon! MIRACLE WHIP CONTAINS MORE FAR MORE-OF THE COSTLY INGREDIENTS! Complete Banking Service TIME TRIED TESTED SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT $2.00 and Up COMMERCIAL SAVINGS -TRUSTS Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation First-Citizens Bank and Trust Company BEAUFORT:-. :k IT COSTS LESS TO DRIVE h this BIG, ROOMY, FULL POWERED car IS AMAZINGLY ECONOMICAL TO OPERATE It's the biggest of "AH Three' lowest priced cars, and it's Um biggest, roomiest Plymouth ever built wider by three inches than the old standard width, and engineered to give you a new Hushed Ride, an experience in riding com fort heretofore impossible in low priced cars. Yet it costs less to operate . . . owners report IS to 24 miles per gallon of gas and surprisingly little oH consumption. And all the famous fea tures pioneered by Plymouth Safety-Steel body, Hydraulic Brakes, Floating Power, plus the sensational "Hushed Ride" make this 1937 Plymouth the biggest value in low priced car history. Owners you know right here in town will tell fOM Plymouth stands up best. That's one reason why Plymouth owners find their cars worth up to $100 more than either of the other two when they trade theirs in on new cars. tee and drive the big, beautiful 1937 Plymouth. Ve have one waiting for you. Come in today. PAUL'S GARAGE NORTH CAROLINA they will spend a few days.' Adair & Rice BEAUFORT, N. C Mr. and Mrs. Joe Savage from auwryimng 10 wear j Norfolk spent the week end with BEAUFORT, N- C Mrs. Savage parents, Mr. and Mrs. J iSSeasBBmammm FRONT STREET BEAUFORT, N. C. lH 1 1 H I H I' 1 1 i H U M H m