THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. Thursday, October 7, 1937 " CAUu uiuui gp hi - - - ,- " f "" mma REPORT GIVEN ON FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS OF GIBBS' FARM Federal Biochemist Made Tests Over 3-Yr. Period Press Qleaninqs to find a cook that is a cook and a fish that is a fish and begin his edu cation for the greater glory of North Carolina and the greater development of the State's fishing industry. p. s. And when Mr. Dunlap sits at the head of thet able as student, the-editor would like to be some where near the bottom as simple eater, untutored and uninterrupted. (News and Observer). Ammoniated triple superphosphate potassium chloride, ammouium sul plate and urea, with an acidity eq uivalent of 750 pounds of calcium carbonate per ton neutralized with dolmitic limestone produced an av erage of 171 bushels of Irish pota toes per acre over a three year per iod on the Tom Gibbs farm, accord ing to a report furnished the County Farm agent here by J. J. Skinner, senior biochemist of the soil fertility investigations division of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. This is the greatest quantity of bushels pro duced following the use of a series f fertilizer used in the test over a three year period. On soil in which no fertilizer at all was used over a three year period only 94 bushels per acre was realized. Ten different compositions of fer tiilzer was used in the experiments by Mr. Skinner on the Tom Gibbs farm during l'J35, 1930 and 1937. The fertilizer analysis number, com position and the average yield of potatoes per acre follows: (7-6-5) Superphosphate, amnion rum sulphate (87. N) cottonseed meal (12.5 N.) potassium sul phate, acidity equivalent 680 pounds caco per ton 122 bushels. 7-6-5) Same as above composi tion with calcium limestone produc ed 133 bushels per acre. (7-6-5) Same as first composition but neutralized with calcium lime stone and with magnesium sulphate added, produced 146 bushels per ere. (7-6-5) iSame composition as first but neutralized with dolomitic lime stone produced 144 bushels per acre. (7-6-5) Superphosphate, ammoni um sulphate (87 N.) urea (12. f) potassium sulphate; neutraliz ed with dolomitic limestone, produc ed 149 bushels per acre. 14-12-10 Amo-phos, ammonium eulphate (2-3 or remainder of N), urea (1-3 of N), potassium sulphate; acidity equivalent 707 pounds Co C03 per ton, a fertilizer containing no calcium of magnesium produced 128 bushels per acre. (14-12-10) Same as foregoing composition but neutralized with dol mitir limestone produced 156 bushels. (14-12-10) Same as above compo sition but with calcium sulphate ad ded equivalent to calcium produced 151 bushels per acre. (14-12-10) Ammoniated trpile superphosphate, potassium chloride, mmonnium sulphate and Urea, with cidity equivalent 780 pounds cal cium carbonate per ton produced enly 126 bushels per acre, but this fame composition neutralized with clolmotic limestone produced the top yield of the experiments of 171 bushels per acre. In a letter to the county agent rel ative to the experiments on the Tom Gibbs Farms, Mr. Skinner wrote: "You will note that fertilizer which contained limestone have given larg er yields than acid forming fertiliz ers. It is also of interest to note that double strength fertilizers, No. 6-10, have given as large or larger yields than the single strength fertilizers, No. 1-5. FISH IS NOT FISH 'Fish is fish," says Frank Dunlap, iState highway chairman, of the big hauls pulled in by convicts which are being used in feeding the inmates of State institutions. Mr. Dunlap is wrong. Entirely wrong. Pigs may be pigs, but to say that '"fiish is fish" is to confound the pompano with the croaker, and the flounder with the eel. But Mr. Dunlap's statement is not unfamiliar in North Carolina. Too many other inland citizens have tak en the sad and ignorant position that fish is fish. The State's fishereis have suffered from this indiscriminate lumping together of the best and the worst Old Ocean provides. That may be the reason so many North Carolinians fling all fish into the frying pan. And, indeed, the flavor having been fried out of them all, it is no wonder that thousands of eaters, who ought to be making markets of themselves for our fish ermen, believe that 'fish is fish" and eat none. Something ought to be done about the sad case of Mr. Dunlap. The State Board of Conservation and De velopment, the North Carolina Fish eries, Inc., or the independent fisher men, or all of them together, ought SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS $1.50 A YEAR .J J- .JJ-J--J 5 5 O. H. Johnson. M. D. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat GLASSES FITTED Office Honrai Morehead City 9 to 12 A. M. Beaufort 2 to 5 P. M. PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE CARTERET D. W. MORTON NOTARY PUBLIC Fire and Casualty Insurance B. A. BELL Your Jeweler for 25 Years Repair work efficiently and Promptly Done NEXT DOOR r'OSTOFFICE Support The Chamber of Commerce Dr. L. W. Moore GENERAL PRACTICE Office Potler'i Emergency Hospital OFFICE HOURS: 9-12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. and by appointment Phone: Office 443-1 Re.370-1 Ambulance Service Day or Night BELL & JAMES FUNERAL HOME 7th & Bridges Sts Phone M 448-1 MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. 4tml8 JAMES DAVIS NOTARY PUBLIC At Firit- Citizen Bank BEAUFORT, N. C. Calvin Jones NOTARY PUBLIC Located At Loftin Motor Company Fo Mo S&eEeug RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR Residence 301-1 Attend Carteret County Fair Week of Oct. 11-16 BEAUFORT, N. C g t'v. u'r:ii T . - a S A good Menu For Sunday Nite Supper A Cold Winter evening Cup of .good Hot Coffee : . .. x Plenty Butter .'.V Lots of Betts Better Hot Rolls And They are Really Hot at - 5:00 P.M. Each Sunday MAKE IT A HABIT Hetts Bakery BEAUFORT Complete Banking Service TIME TRIED TESTED SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT $2.00 and Up J ITS U Sponsored by CARTERET POST 99 AMERICAN LEGION 6 Big Days 6 Big Nights October 11 through October 16 AGRICULTURE, HORTICULTURE, POULTRY, HOME AND SEAFOOD EXHIBITS AND ON THE MIDWAY 1Q) vLJsil COMMERCIAL SAVINGS -TRUSTS EXPOSITIONS 10 RIDES 10 SHOWS AND OTHER ENTERTAINMENTS Attend Carteret County Fair Week of Oct 11 - 16 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation First-Citizens Bank and Trust Company BEAUFORT NORTH CAROLINA TWO BIG FREE ACTS DAILY $20 Cash Prize Each Day $50 Cash Prize Saturday Free Fireworks Every Night FREE BICYCLES on White School Childen Day TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12 FREE CASH PRIZES on Colored Children Day WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13 (Children Admitted to Fairgrounds Free on Designat ed School Pays) FAIR GROUNDS BEAUFORT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD ADMISSION APUfcTS 25c CHILDREN 10c