Thursday, November 4, ja PAGE TWO THE EEAL'FORT NEW.' ()!::. X. c r" - -c",-ifTmiiii'TwnTr 'tit t7-.tit rr s-yr rt Five Who Were Lurkv in War ountg ?, 7 iti'ins for this column should reach Th; 'iuosday. If your community is not rep.' .ii.-i ru.-t CAVi CI! :Ue 1 vr eacli us fc-r ions and supplies k: BELLWOOD lll".V, Mi . iiinl Mrs. Sylvester C'atlctte, im'is to our community, left d.iv for Scotland Neck, where will visit Mrs. t'atlettes' family. .! (.iiliikin of this com munity attended the Achi.'veii'.enl Day program in Beaufort Friday. Mis. Eugene Davis of Marshall beit; v;is a visitor here this week. Kev. l.uther B. Bridge rs of Atlan ta, Ga., and Capt. John A. Nelson of Gloucester, visited Miss Lottie Davis here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Iredell Wade and children of this community are vis-, iting in Beaufort this week. i Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bell of Bern visited Mr. Bell's mother day. Miss Emily Patrick of v spent Sunday after oon with cousin Norman D. ' 1 illikin. Mrs. tfenry Lei A'illis fell hurt her self vei; painfully week, she seems some bette present. Miss Mamie Willis who is employed in M.irvhead City spent Sunday here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry attended, and were received were served. ported having Mr. and Mr many beautiful tri'ls Fruit punch and cake Kveryone present re a very rood time. Warren Allimd. New Sun- j Bern her and last r at I i Mrs. Charlie Allijrood and Mr. ami Mrs. Joe Davis wore the afternoon guests of Mrs. Hettie Alligood Sun day Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Salter re turned to their home in Bay Shoie, ' N. Y.. last week after spending two weeks here with their parent.-. A larjre number of people atten led the Baptist A-sviatim held nt K . kind, N. v.. i.-.ursilay ;i::-l F.H.iy. Miss Edith Lewis of was the guest of .M s. I.. ui.,j Beis v orth, Sat'.:;-! r . the;- Statistics During Past Month in Eor.u."o;i Vicinity thcci ,i. RUSSUL C uEEK L. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Willis of Marsh allheig visited with Miss Lottie Da vis last Monday nierht. CORE CREEK Mrs, Adam Bennett of New Bern is spending a few days with her sis ter Mrs. C. E. Dickinson. Mr. Ed Hill, Miss Jewel Euhanks, Miss Thelma Dickinson, Mr. Go-don Becton and Mr. Vincent Becton vis ited relatives of New Bern Sunday. Mr. Cecil Langdale spent Sund.iv with his mother Mrs. Rosa Langdale. Mr. Will Blades Parkin, Mr. Lee Merri!!. and Miss Martha Jones all of Beaufort and, Mr. Neil Davis of Morehead City are expect ed at the Free Will Baptist chu'. h next Sunday. Everyone is cordialic invited so please attend. i Two Japanese doctors min.'.f: the North China area. Notice C captives. Can the Japanese be Mould indicai:? r lo five wounded Chines? capti". c ;t e candy and pop bottles held i--- t'-t ianipcijv? prisoners as this .-'".'.n iear i.i Beaufort e !:-red a.- partly clou.iy 'imiirnU r cloudy from sun- ,.- .' - i:.set, acoidine to the month y -t.. ..-tics furnished by the Coop . .:: UhsJi-vfl's Mt tero'.ojrical Rec ..,! of the U. S. Fisi. ries Laboratory .: I'ivei's Island. No frost was re corded in the vicinity of Beaufort. The mi.iinuim temperature during ;he month was 11 decrees, the max imum was s.:. Generally speaking the wvither i.t Beaufort duiing October was tvpical of Indian summer and very pleasant. Max. SS PAYMENTS ARii ON THE LNCREASE :t:s 1 1 . Ivey Eubank: Mr. and Mrs. Beaufort spent Euhanks parents Mr, Dickinson. Mr. and Mis. Malcolm Several of the club women of this community attended the Achieve ment Day Exercises held Friday in Beaufort. Russell's Creek club won two prizes. 1st for having 100 per cent of members handing in Year Books and 2nd for having largest at- tenuance ior year Dased on mem bership. Also the pressure cooker was) awarded to our club. Our club is planning to do even better work this coining year. Mr. BiiMiey Rogers of Texas spent a while with his brother Mr. C. S. lie Tevs. Mr. D-cnild Taylor of Marion, S. C. ."pent 3 while in this community vis iting relatives and friends.- I of 1 Mr. C. S. Riio'cra luff Viinai -f-it . Sunday with Mrs.! South Cjirnlinn veW t, ; ,ij ' liter spending several days at home.! The Women's Home Demonstra-! -i"R tlub -Tuesday afternoon with M.s. G. R. rtussell. The officers for ii1';;-! were us follows: P'-c-ident Mrs. L. D. Springle. ice-Pr?c'.jc -t Mrs. C. S. Rogers. . "5-c and Treas. I-ie L. Powell. ! Censervation Mrs. F. J. 'Vo . thiii?'- n. I lot'.-.ii. Mrs. Louise Fodrie. Home Leautification and House i'utaishL.s--M.s. G. R. Russell. and Mrs. J. H. i of spen Mr. a while Sunda I and Mrs. L. C. 1 Morehead City afternoon with Dickinson. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Brinson and Mr. and Mrs. George Mann of New Bern spent Sunday with Mr. an '. Mr. C. T. Eubank Mr. David Dickinson spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. 7,. Dickinson. Mrs. Tom Tosto spent Sunday with her pr.rents Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Sabiston. DAVIS r Oil' c .'1. inagement Mis. W. W. Seve ty alie Mrs. Polly Mr. ; and la w;r; and ?" Sun I- y W'llh '.: : Of I Pf'P.i' (I.Hi the i'j. r i'iii-m LeAis . : d Mis. Lei .loir: i V. ; in our i e ra i . ( I ;-ki ov iiimun;- I i IceS of id Mrs. ! . Pi;uUv : De.., it Lv.ul h lul R. s Mrs. I. T. Mrs. J. L. Morton. -Mis. C. A. Merrill, tieii Mis. L. D. -Jo. L L. Pow e gu.-sl Ga -i.i;: of s Mr. .icy ':-.ri- ': who i livin , Gci-.-.-gia S liter ha 1 a stroke j .y.-ns Satur.-Ky and is in a j .ondition at the latest report.' S-'.'na ?tyron left Saturday: : 'u: (le en ."int. Me dn h s pj i !.v lit the - i heno' :. !'ei' in Ivtv.' it were giv home of ,.r Miss n Willis. of the young folks Nov. 4 'n Mrs. L. Vv. Thomas. r,.ior. Mi... J. L. Morton. ,. i Jiel Jer -i . L. Powell. Kci: ,,I:s. C. S. lio'jers. orP.ojeet Lr-ii. M's Mrs. C. S. ttr.d Mrs. Lee Garner. RZ-5AI.E NOTICE. ii'.nt tj ;nise of lO'.'r on bid it -a'- made Oct', her 18th , in n-att " of "Wm. L. Hatsel, "i ..i N.vs, Inc." under !'. .c'-i e. will otl'er for re .. . .;i i i . ties, at the court rt. N. C., on afiinlay, the .'.h tciy of November, 1 937, at 12 M. o'clock, the bidding .. '-.j i.i vo,. o. LUe highest bio :' O. 18, 11:!7 being day ot Uctnhcr, V.m. W. O. WILLIAMS, Receiver. Sal This 20th d Soviet Diplomat Returns to U. S. y rx;r: w '' " ' : - - :Y' v- 1 - - -r-v:;?1:.. - :-.;;.',j-. , A -;: -Miiiiiiiiiftf iwiiiurn ir'Ulri nwi iiirnii 1 1 1 i n mmn . 11 rli".Mn 1 iiinMhuiniiiilinniiim inmn Pictured after their recent arrival in the United States from Russia are Alexander A. Troyanovsky, Soviet ambassador to the United States, and his wife. The envoy returned to Washington to resume bis official Suties. ' Size of Federal Old Age Insur ance Payments Now Being Made By Social Security Steadily Increasing WILMINGTON, N. C.( Oct. 29 The steadily increasing size of Fed real lump sum payments the Social Security Boaid is making now to eli gible individual claimants under the eld age insurance provisions, of the Social Security Act has brought the average lump sum payment in Region IV up to $17.94 as of September 30, George V.'. Jeffrey, Manager of the Wilmington Social Security Board Field Office, which serves this area, announced ioda. A t"tal of 1,287 c-'n 2 r hunn sums had been certified by the So cial Security Board for payment in Region IV up to th" close of business on September 30, Mr. Jeffrey said. Region IV embraces North Carolina, The District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. Of the total for the Region, 29i were certified for payment to claim ants in North Carolina. The average amount of the lump sum paid them was $16.10. There have been six claims liled through the Wilmington Field Office, which is located 101 Customhouse BuihliTig. Figures for the re.U of Region IV follow: District of Columbia, 120 claims certified, average payment S22.52; Maryland, -104 claims ' certi fied, average payment, $19.04; Vir ginia, 226- claims certi!iedr average payment, $13.91; West Virginia, 238 claims certitk.l, average payment $18.03. Mr. Jeffrey said: "The increasing number of claims tiled with the Social Security Board for Federal lump sum payments un der the old age insurance provisions of the law is attributable, in a large measure, to a- growing appreciation of the fact that the Board is prepar ed to certify Federal lump sum pay ments to thousands of workers who have become eligible since last De cember 31, or to the estates and rel atives of deceased eligible workers. The old age insurance part of the social security program is the only phase which is entirely a .ministered hy the Federal government. No iikuui cum use olil age with otber fart: of the Mien, as o.c! a:.e asssi'are . ut, vh( any work 1 of work- c Us: Deceiu fum payments 1 sin MIV.p le c..:. mt have not been paid be ! cia.iiis have not been tiied with I the- Beard. Lump sum payments a'-e i .:.- on.y to those eligible persons I . i.. Ii claims for the sunu due them j l,Th? Social Security Board does , 10. .h-i'-ie any fee for filing a claim. PEACE SEEKER 28 21) 30 31 1 7S 7.) To fs") at) 8J 82 68 - 70 - - 67 75 77 70 55 CO 67 73 79 76 7'' - 73 - 79 61 -- - .03 .70 --- 69 -- 67 70 m 8 y 10 11 12 10 11 ... 16 17 18 19 20 2! 23 24 25 I 26 one prog, am. n are Stat".Fi.,I..-a programs administei ed Norman H. Davis, who is Presi dent Koosevelt's "roving ambassa dor" and head of the United States delegation to the nine-power confer ence in Brussels, Belgium. For dis cussion among the conferees was the subject of Japan's current but undeclared war on China. If the amount of the clam U $100 or less it is not even necessary for a claimant to get a notary public to put his seal on the claims papers, it is not necessary for anyone to hire an agent to file a claim for him. Naruially the Boar I has to have some proof that the person filing a claim w entitled to the amount claimed, but the procedure has been made as simple ami easy as possible and Fieldi Offices of the Social Secu rity Board will give full informa tion anil imistance to any person who believes he has a sum due and wishes to file a claim." Thro Surry County farmeis have purchased 24 head of Hereford calves this fall as foundation stock for beef herds. The sharp Cheddar that spreads! . Creamed OLD ENGLISH It baa the tingle-on-the-tongue flavor of rare, sharp cheese . . ; and it's spreadable. Try Creamed Okt English in sandwiches, plain or toasted! A Kraft Product H"H"SH..K.-M..j T VPIECME, WIFE 20 Discount On The New KELVINATOR In Our Window T t t i r-v . IT ur. fc. i. Menius OPTOMETRIST Now located in New Offices McLellaa Building Phot,-, 620 New Bern -4-,i-.uv-.,!.A..i..(..t.,. . C. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES. GOOD SERVICE Duncan 132dg. Beaufort, Dial 415-1 A good Menu For Sunday Nite Supper Noe Hardware Co. FRONT STREET BEAUFORT, N. C. A Cold Winter evening Cup of good Hot Coffee Plenty Butter Lots of Betts Better Hot Rolls And They are Really Hot at 5:00 P. M. Each Sunday MAKE IT A HABIT Wetts Bakery BEAUFORT rOS S1 eufV ..95 10 rw BO ,9S .80 too! 'y urn bosin V 1 85 1 ! f plNT.; ' m'.60 taw?3'y!iWilIVfilU'(B

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