PAGE TWELVE THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. Fruits were served, and everyone declared an enjoyable evening. Ev ery rural girl and by who is not in school is invited to join the Service Club at the January meeting, th first Thursday night in January, at the Home Agent's office. 1 ; tftif. C:i. firte lV.'..IW.i.i.v -:- County News -:- Items for this column should reach The News office each Tuesday. If your community is not represented write up for instructions and supplies. it m sse mm mn ra H"M"H"W"i t t -S"H-HH5" LENOXVILLE Miss Ellen Lupton spent a short while here Saturday with her mother. Mrs. Nacy Barker and son Larry of Oriental spent a few days last week here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pittman. Mrs. G. W. Goodwin of Roe and daughter Mrs. Joe Rose of Atlantic epent Sunday night here with rela tives. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Monnie Dan iels Saturday, Dec. 4th a daughter, the infant has been named Fannie Ealine. Mother and baby doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter Hill of Beaufort were in our community a short while Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Simpson of North River road and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Styron of Beaufort were visi tors here Sunday. Miss Mary B. Brooks and sister Sarah visited Mrs. Monroe Simpson last Wednesday. Mrs. Mack Hunnings was called to Otway last Monday on account of the death of her sister Mrs. Clarissa Gillikin. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Garner of New port R. F. D. spent Sunday here with Mrs. Garner's parents Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Goodwin, f Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Garner spent Sunday here with friends. Mr. Allen Garner spent Sunday here with his grand-parents. ' Mrs. Clarence Rose and two chil dren of Atlantic spent last Thursday here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pittman. Mr. and Mrs. Ptrwood Morris and children of Long Island, N. Y., spent a few weeks here visiting their par ents and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis of Morehead City spent the week end here with Mrs. Lewis' mother, Mrs. Alex Golden. Mrs. James Simpson of Bettie, spent a while here with his daugh ter, Mrs. Ralph Morris. Mrs. Warden Gillikin and Mrs. Mervin Nelson, were business visi tors at New Bern, Saturday. Mrs. Calvin Salter and children of Fort Macon, spent the week end here with, Mrs, J. W. Salter. Trawlers Ride Out A Storm In Bight Of Cape Hatteras VENOLIA ATLANTIC Rev. W. B. Sprinkle held his regu lar services at the Missionary Bap tist church at 2:30 o'clock, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Dickinson of Beaufort, was here a short while Saturday evening. Mrs. AY. B. Robinson was a bus iness visitor at Beaufort Saturday. Mrs. Eben Salter of Sea Level was a visitor here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. T. AY. Nelson, are spending the winter at Tampa, Fla., with their son, L. D. Nelson. Miss Lettie Nelson is spending some time at Reidsville, with her sister, Mrs. Joe Amos. Mrs. Robey Fulcher was a bus iness visitor at Beaufort Saturday. Mr. Thurston Hill who has been working at Norfolk is spending his vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iredell Hill. Mrs. Julian Saunders of Beaufort, spent the past week here with her mother, Mrs. Amelia Mason. AS'e are having some rough weath er at this writing. Mr. AY. R. Roberts is repairing and painting his house. We are going to have new neigh bors in our community. -Air. Thurma 1). Garner and wife. .Mr. Cornell Garner is repairing his house expecting to move in af ter Christmas. AVe are glad to have them all in our neighborhod. Mrs. V. R. Roberts and Mrs. Mag gie L. Garner spent the week end in Raleigh visiting relatives. Mr. E. J. Garner is having a bs.l day to kill hogs. Mr. Johnnie Russell was a welcome visitor to Mr. C. Gould's Sunday night. Mr. Curt Garner and some other men went out hunting Saturday morning and killed a fine buck. Mr. C. Gould and family attended church at Hadnotts Creek Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Cannon spent the week end at Goldsboro.. 4-H Service Club Holds Dec. Meeting A fleet of 10 "irginia trawlers ex perienced one of the roughest blows of the current winter last Wednesday night in the vicnity of Cape Hatter as, it was reported in Morehead City Sunday by Capt. Felton Forest, mas ter of the dragger Janet of Hamp ton, A'a. The wind was from the northwest so the protected waters in Cape Hat teras Bight offered a fair anchorage, but members of the Janet's crew and seamen aboard other trawlers in the vicnity stated that the weather was plenty rough. Throughout the night, the crews were fearing thatt he wind would shift to the southeast and if that had been the case the vessels ot the fleet would have been in a very precarious situation. On Diamond Shoals, a short dis tance away from the spot where the fleet anchored during the blow, the late Anne Mae of Hampton, anothei trawler was lost during a gale back in 1931. For Building Purposes HAS WITHSTOOD THE TEST OF TIME WHEN YOU PLAN TO BUILD PLAN TO BUILD WITH LUMBER An Early Home of Old Beaufort In the sketch by Miss Geor gia Neal is shown the Er nest Duncan House on Front Street in Old Beaufort. This house, built, about 150 years ago is constructed of Lum ber, which proves that in this climate Lumber is the ideal building material. The 4-H Service Club held its reg ular monthly meeting Thursday night. December 2nd. The meeting was called to order by the president, Annie D. Foreman. Recognition of the president, was given the seven new members and The Old Topsail Trio, which furnished Hawaiian mu sic at intervals during the evening. An election of officers was con ducted and the following were chos en: President Virginia Stanton. A' ice-President Arnicia Wiley. Secretary and Treasurer Madie Dickinson. Reporter Annie D. Foreman. Miss Madie Dickinson, recreation al leader, conducted a series of games, after which the "Big Apple" was enjoyed by the twenty present. Valuable Fishing Rig At Carteret Hardware Attracting Attention Attracting much attention irom persons passing Carteret Hardware Company during the past few days in a fishing rod and reel and accessor ies. What also attracts attention is the price tag which reads "$475.00 Complete." J. H. Neal manager of the firm stated that the rod has been sold and that it was a special order placed by one of his customers. The rig is a product of Edward A'om Hofe, famous throughout the world as the makers of fine salt wa ter fishing tackle. The reel, which is built into the seasoned hickory rod is a size 14-0 capable of holding 1,000 yards of 39 thread line. It is the type of rig used by big game fisheimen in waters where marlin and. other huge fighting fish of the ocean are found. Someday someone will catch a marlin off Cape Lookout in the Gulf Stream and such tackle as that now on display in Carteret Hard ware Company's window is likely t ) become quite common in these parts. A Complete Line of Lumber And Building Supplies mm LIU Mm AND BUILDING SUPPLY Corporation Woolsey Paints-Sash-Doors-Lime-Cement-Plaster Corner Pine and Live Oak Streets BEAUFORT TELEPHONE B 457-1 NORTH CAROLINA ONLY 13 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS SHOP NOW I Give Useful I This Year! S Gifts A Christmas Gift Every One Will Enjoy -An RCA:Victor Radio No Finer Christinas Present For The Home Than Frigidaire KEEPS FOOD SAFER ...FRESHER. - I P ," HMlEIWt M0DEL8SX I.J5 Installed EASY TERMS 1 mm. m mil I II III I I I 8 Tube, I A EMy-RMdii,tDfa 1 I Bty-Ton. Cabinet I I ,niie Speaker I I Police Calls I I ?0mM Broadcasts I (JPeriieterodyne I The very set you've wanted t a price you can easily afford ! Stunning Beauty-Tone oabi net. True lifelike tone. Amasingly perfect recep tion ! A value you can't beat ! LONGER. WITH THIS attd Tfanrei it Vi v i til' if. Thi Food-Safety Iodicaior is PROOF of Frigidaire's GREATER PROTECT 'ABILITY, la ill Deluxe aud Mister models, it's right on the door, always in sight. U provit, without even a look inside, that Frigidaire maintainj SAFETY ZONE COLD. This keeps food scfer, fresher, longer. .. saves on food hills even in the hottest weather. Frigid aire also provides MOIST Cold fur vegetables. . . EXTRA Cald for meat! . . . FREEZING Cold for ice cream and frozen desserts. Cor in. See the PROOf. ne xnoncnot Useful Gifts For Housewives Electric Irons . . . $2.49 up Aladdin Lamps .$4.95 up Aladdin Lamp Shades $1.50 values, only .$1.00 Carving Sets (3 pc) $2.43 Attractive Garbage Containers . . 93c and up Cast Iron Cook Ranges $11.50 up Scissors . 35c to $1.25 Door Mats $1.10 Kitchen Sinks . . $3.95 up AND MANY OTHER USEFUL GIFTS See the many Suggestions for Everybody - Now on Display at CARTERET HARDWARE COMPANY Useful Gifts For For Men Fishing Rods .... 79c up Fishing Reels . . $1.50 up Shot Guns $9.95 up Rifles . . $4.50 up Hunting Knives ..85c up Hunting Coats . . . . $5,50 Pants, $3.25 Caps 98c Hunters Boots .... $6.00 Ammunition .... 95c up Coleman Gas Lanterns $5.25 and $8.50 Renins', on Pocke' 'Cnivas . . . 35c up FrrU Brand Oil Suits l. GREATER ICE-ABILITY I. GREATER STORAGE-ABILITY I. GREATER DEPEND-ABILITY . GREATER PROTECT-ABILITY . GREATER SAVE-ABILITY ""5E2 Ulefot-Mim. Cirta Current Coat ta th Bom I See aa electric nwcac prttt it, r you buyl Meter-Miser don SUPBR-DUTY at amaiing saving, because it's ibt itmpUst nfngtraut ' HKUi f $123 PRICES At LOW AS .50 lorence OIL BURNING HEATERS OIL COOK RANGES OIL CONSOLE RANGES Useful And Health Building Gifts For The Youngsters BETTER BUILT WHEELED TOYS Wagons (all sizes) 98c $1.25 $1.75 $3.95 Velocipedes (All sizes) $1.75 to $6.49 Union Hardware and Winchester Roller Skates $1.49 and $1.75 Daisy Air Rifles (Single shot and Repeaters) $1.25 up Footballs 98c to $1.95 Basket Balls (Regulation) $3.49 Daisy Air Pistol $2.50 Winchester Flashlights . , 89c CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHT OUTFITS Carteret Hardware Co. i ft 1 1 1 P ft I 5 n Hi 5 'HiaiDAIRK 19 MAQf QNW BY QKNBMAl MOTOfft Carteret Hardware Co. Carteret Hardware Co. I'm Incorporated BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA Incorporated Incorporated BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA