Thursday, March 31, 1938 THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. PAGE THREE I . :. t ! County News -:- Items for this column should reach The News office each Tuesday. If your community is not represented write up for instructions and supplies. t i NEWPORT Rev. C. S. Boggs and wife and son left Monday morning for Farm er, N. C., to visit relatives. Mr. Wilbur Gamer entered the hospital at Morehead City Monday to undergo an operation for appen dicitis. Mrs. Corrine Morton and Mrs. Alvin Garner and daughter spent Friday here visiting relatives. Miss Louise Morton is here on a visit to friends and relatives. Mr. Elbert Mann, of Greensboro, who recently was discharged from the hospital there, is home for a few days recuperating. School Item Following is the honor roll for the sixth month of school : First Grade: Murry T. Lewis, My ron Lockey, Bettye Jean Edwards, Cleo Garner, Judith Mann, Peggy Man, Rachel Murdoch, Shirley Rhue, Vernon Ray Skinner and Ethel Gar ner. Second .Grade: Marjorie Sutton, Thelma Inez Mann, Elva McCain, Jean Mason, Janice Murdoch, Bet tie Lee Higgins, Adeline Garner, Frederick Williams, Howard Lock ey and Gerald Mann. Third Grade: Leonard Gould, Ja son Mann, Vincent Rhue, Fae Has kett, Carolyn Hunnings and Alber ta Murdoch. Fourth Grade: Virgil Lewis, Law rence Pelletier, Dora Lucille Bell, Janie Dowdy, Lillie Mae Graham, Amanda Sanderson, Charlotte Mann and Ramona Wilton. Fifth Grade: Alson Higgins, Myrle Mason and Fay Collins. Sixth Grade: Nathan Garner, Ray mond Heath, Charles Hill, Max Mc Cain, Met'a Bell and Dorothy Gene Garner. Seventh Giade: Leon Mann, Jr., Mary Emily Mann and Kathryn Ed wards. Ninth Grade: Billy Bell. Eleventh Grade: Dorothy Bell, Olene Garner, Patsy Perkins, Beu lah Small and Naomi Williams. paid New Bern a visit f riday. Mr. Effron Smith and Edmond Russell of Norfolk, Va., spent Fri day night here with their wives. Mrs. H. E. Russell and Mrs. E. S. Smith were visitors in Washington Saturday. Mrs. Hubert Meadows and two children, Bobbie and Donald Allen, of Swansboro spent the week-end here with Mrs. P. M. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Guthrie and children Billy, Curtis and Francis of Newport RFD, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Guthrie's parents, Mr. Mrs. P. M. Russell. Mr. Joe Kirkman of Swansboro was the guest of Miss Eva Mae Weeks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ross and son Chestly, of Vanceboro spent Sunday here with Mrs. Ross' parents Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Colie Guthrie of Broad Creek spent Sunday here with Mis. Guthrie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Russell. Mrs. P. M. Russell and Mrs. Hab btu Russell are both sick at this writing. We hope them a speedy re covery. Mr. Robert Lee Littlejohn of Jack sonville was the guest of Miss Lucy Grey Smith Sunday. Mr. Westley Guthrie Jr., left last week for Savannah, Ga., where he will meet one of the M. and M. T. Co., ships that he works on. Mr. and Mrs. Eston Miller and Miss Beulah Stanly of New Bern spent a while here with Mrs. Cora Russell Sunday. Mrs. Cora Russell and children, Ira and June, Mr. and Mrs. Miller and Miss Stanley spent Sunday visit ing in the Eastern part of the coun ty. home of Mrs. Virgil Styron. Choco late candy was served. The whole community took a part, and every one reported having the time of their lives. Rev. W. B. Sprinkle will hold his regular apopintment at the Baptist church the first Sunday in April. The Ladies Aid of the Free Will Baptist church met at the home of Mrs. Allen Willis on Monday night. Lester Babbitt left Sunday for Mt. Airy where he will play League Base Ball for the Summer. He was accompanied by Claude Brown of Marshallbreg. Two car loads from our communi ty attended the Free Will Baptsit Woman's Auxiliary Convention last Thursday. The Convention conven ed with the church at Cash Corner in Pamlico County. Kermit Murphy who is in college in South Carolina spent several days here last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy. Mrs. Hilda Murphy was called to the bedside of her mother at Straits last week. She has not been able to return yet. Mr. Elmo Murphy who has been working in Southport for "the Win ter spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Murphy. Mrs. Allie and Evelyn Willis and Mrs. Claudia Davis spent Monday in Beaufort. The Gladys Memorial class will meet with Mrs. Alice Willis on Fri day night. Misses Irene Willi, s, Mable Davis and Mary Chapman Davis are program committee and they will render a very good pro gram. Mrs. Charlie Hancock and her son, Sterling, of Harkers Island spent the week end here with her daughter, Mrs. Ion Lewis. Mr. Ion Lewis is in the coast guard station at Fvt Macon spent a few days here last wek with his family. Mrs. Orpha Willis is still on th.. sick list. She has been confined to her bed for the past several weeks. WIRE GRASS Several of our farmers attended the meeting held at the Court-house in Beaufort Thursday night for the truck growers. Mrs. Martha Hunnings of Newport spent Wednesday night with Mr3. R. T. Dudley. Mrs. M. M. Eubanks and children visited her sister Mrs. James White hurst in Beaufort Thursday night. There were several from our com munity who attended services at the Christian church at Russell's Creek Sunday morning. Mr. Roy Eubanks of Beaufort spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Eubanks. Those who attended the County Council meeting held in the Home Agents office in Beaufort Friday were Mrs. W. B. Norris, Mrs. L. L. Springle and Mrs. H. W. Styron. The Womans Missionary Society of Tuttles Grove Church held its reg ular meeting at the home of Mrs. C. T. Eubanks Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. B. Norris, president, opening of the meeting with devo tional exercises. The secretary being absent there were no minutes read. Roll was called with eight members present. After the business session the meeting closed to meet with Mrs. W, G. Dudley in April. BETTIE RUSSELL CREEK NORTH RIVER WILLISTON is em- service time LOLA Mr. W. S. Goodwin and Earl Dan iels made a business trip to Beau fort Saturday. Mr. Luther Lupton who is em ployed at South River is spending a few days at home with his family. Miss Mary E. Salter of Atlantic spent the week end with Miss Irene Cherry. Mr. J. W. Goodwin as a visitor at Roe Sunday. Capt. and Mrs. A. W. Styron, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin and Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Day were visitors at Lenoxville Sunday. Misses Lila Belle Smith, Verna Daniels, Irene Cherry and Millie Day were visitors at Roe Sunday. Mr. Martee Lupton who is employ ed at New Bern spent the week-end at home with his family. Mr. Clarence Lewis of Stacy was in our community a short while Mon day night. Miss Esther Styron spent Sunday at Roe the guest of Miss Blanch Daniels. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goodwin of Roe spent Sunday here with Mr. Goodwin parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodwin. Mr. Henry Goodwin of Morehsad City was in our community Monday. Mr. Norwood Fulcher who ployed in the Coast Guard at Ocracoke is spending some with his parents here. Mrs. Grady Willis, the teacher here gave a Tom Thumb wedding program last Wednesday night. A very large crowd attended and ev ery one enjoyed it very much. Miss Annie Willis gave a birthday party at the home of Miss Edith Taylor Saturday night. Every one enjoyed it very much. Mrs. Stacy Willis and children Travis and Hilton spent the week end at Straits with her sister, Mrs. Thelma Chadwick. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gillikin and daughters, Miss Hilda and Lucille of Smyrna spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. H. T. Piner and Mrs. J. A. Wade. Mrs. Olive Willis is spending some time at Straits with her daugh ter Mrs. Thelma Chadwick. Mrs. Rose B. Neely of Wilming ton, Del., who is down here for a STACY Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Peterson and daughter spent Sunday here with Mr. Peterson's sister Mrs. L. L. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray of Russell Creek spent Sunday after noon here with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Blake. Mrs. P. B. Beachem and Mrs. Riley Beachem spent Sunday after noon at Lenoxville with friends. Mr. Jesse L. Willis of Washington spent the week-end at home. Mr. Jason Johnson was a visitor at Lenoxville Sunday. Mr. William Ipock of Wasihngton spent Sunday here. Mrs. Thelma Whitehurst of Beau fort spent a few hours at home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. John Chaplain cf West Beaufort spent Sunday after noon here with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Blake. H. D. CLUB MEETS The Women's Home Demonstra tion Club met March 22nd with Mrs. I. T. Fodrie at 2 P. M. The meeting came to order by sineinc Dreaming. The minutes were read and roll called, nine members and one visitor were present. The major project was "Low Cost of Feeding the Family." Sever al suggestions for Good Buying Practices were given by our Home Agent. The club is now having a contest "To Improve the Exterior of the Home." The contest began January 1st and ends April 26th. Several new games were played and afterwards the hostesses served chocolate cake and fruit salad which everyone enjoyed immensely. The meeting adjourned to meet again April 26th with Mrs. C. A. Merrill. Rev. W. B. Sprinkle preached at the Baptist church here Sunday af ternoon. Miss Alma Willis of Davis spent last Thursday night with Miss Bea trice Pake. Misses Theresa and Pauline Law rence, Virgil Salter ' and Beatrice Pake, Carl Willis, Billy Pake and Harry Gillikin, members of the senior class at Smyrna High School attended the Junior-Senior Banquet Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Preston Mason and Gaston Smith of Atlantic were vis itors here Sunday aftrenoon. Wm. Wells and McDonald Gillikin of Southport, were here Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Ben Lawrence of Marshall berg spent last week here with rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Willis of Davis spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pake. Oscar Peterson of Manteo and William who is in the army at Fort Hoyle, Md., spent several days here after the funeral of their mother, have returned to their work. Mr. T. E. Peterson has moved in with his daughter Mrs. Martin Law rence. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and baby of Atlantic spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Salter. 4-H County Council On March 26, The 4-H County Council met at the office of their Leader Miss Clark. The meeting was called to order by Hilda Carraway. The group sang, "We're On The Upward Trail" af ter which we all repeated together the club pledge. Harkers Island, Camp Glenn, Mer rimon, Core Creek and Beaufort were represented. Seventeen of the members were present. Doris Johnson was elected recre ation leader. The 4-H Club May Day will be on May 21st. It will be an all day session. The Ladies of the Womens Club will have a flower show. Each club will put on a stunt. The club having the best stunt will be awarded a prize. The Harkers Island club put on a team demonstration, "Stand up to the World." The performers were Doris Johnson and Bill Sparks. We had an Easter egg hunt, play ed games and sang songs. The Coun cil will meet on April 23. Hilda Carraway, Reporter. W. H. Liles of Wadesboro solved a cultivation problem by cleaning up woodland corners and blasting rock outcrops to increase the efficiency of fields on his Anson County farm. ' CJ wrr -' Alcohol 20 to 21 by Volume, WIDMER'S WINE CEUAttS, Widmer'i famous Old Fashioned Apple Wine fortified with Apple Brandy fast be. coming a leading taste favorite everywhere. NIW YORK STATI IDUlrocr's HILLSIDE FORTIFIED APPLE Wine I N C, NAPLES, N. Y. NOTICE MERRIMON Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Perry and fam ily have moved to Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Roy Carraway and little son Roy Thomas who have been spending some time with her moth- A vicifina. w aicto, ,t, i,.,.! er near Beaulort returned nome been ill but it much improved now. Mrs. Lorina Piner is on the sick list, we're wishing her a speedy recovery. Mr. Nimon and Lonnie Gillikin made a flying trip to Newport Sun day morning. LENOXVILLE Rev. J. W. Alfand of Kenly spent the week end here filling his regular monthly appointment at the Free Will Baptist Church. Mr. Belvin Willis returned to his home here Saturday after spending the winter in Greenville, N. C Miss Victoria Gaskill spent the week-end at Lukens visiting rela tives and friends. Miss Letha Fulcher left Saturday for Long Island, N. Y., to accept a position as Supt. of a private ward in a hospital there. Mr. Calvin Mason of Davis visit ed his father Mr. J. O. Mason Sunday. Miss Gertrude Mason of Morehead City spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. Webster Mason. Mr. Luther Lewis of Davis was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Daniels and daughter Geneva Carolyn and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Fulcher spent the week end with Mr. Hubert Ful cher and family of near Wilson. Mr. Meardie Pittman of Cor Banks C. G. Station spent the week end at home. Mr. Floyd Hunnings returned home Saturday after having spent the past few weeks in the hospital at Norfolk. Capt. and Mrs. A. W. Styron visit ed relatives in our community 'Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Day of Lola visited Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Goodwin Sunday. Miss Ellen Lupton went to New Bern shopping Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin vis ited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. William Willis and children visited her mother here Sunday. Mrs. Roy Dickinson was a Sunday visitor in our community. Mr. Guy Lupton is spending this week at his home here. Mr. Jimmie Lupton has been on the sick list the past few days. Miss Grace Springle vistied her grandmother Mrs. Lueretia Sadler Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Gillikin vis ited her sister Mrs. Mack Hunnings Sunday. Mrs. Warren Willis and brother Floyd Hunnings end cousin Larry Hunnings visited relatives at Croa tan the past week end. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Spehherd and little daughter Joyce Ann and Mrs. "Hunk" Taylor and little daughter Bonney Ray of Durham arrived here Sunday morning and spent the day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wallace. Miss Hilda Carraway attended the 4-H County Council meeting in Beau fort Saturday. We are very sorry that Mrs. J. W. Adams is on the sick list. We hope she will soon be better. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Williams and Mrs. Geo. Martin spent Saturday in Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pittman and little daughter Gene Carroll spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Martin. Mrs. P. F.' Carraway and sister Mrs. H. D. Carraway spent awhile Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Salter. Quite a number of the young people attended the Music Recital in Beaufort Friday night. Mr. Jimmie Lee Merrill held ser vices at Live Oak Grove Church Sunday morning and Sunday night. Mrs. Beatrice Lovin of Raleigh and Mrs. Fannie Olson of Beaufort vis ited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. WMllie Dail and chil dren of North River spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Russell. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Springle and L. D. Springle Jr., attended the Spring Recital given at Beaufort High School Friday evening. L. D. Jr., took part in the toy band. Mrs. J. J. Skinner of Ernul is spending a while in this community visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Russell and son George Miller attended the Spring Recital given at Beaufort High School Friday evening. George Miller took part in the toy band. Mr. and Mrs. WUlie Savage of North River spent Sunday afternoon visiting relatives here. Mrs. John Worthington and daugh ter Ruby, are spending a while with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Worthington. Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Fodrie spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Eslie Fodrie. To Taxpayers OF BEAUFORT TOWNSHIP The Books will be opened at the Court-house during the month of April from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M. (Each day ex cept Sundays). You are hereby urged to visit the List Taker and make a full and complete return of all property, Real and Personal, as the Law prescribes. Names of those failing to list during this period will be presented to the Grand Jury, and will be dealt with according to Law. D. W. MORTON Tax Supervisor Beaufort Township CARTERET COUNTY . BOGUE Mrs. Edmond I. Russell and Mrs. Effron Smith and Miss Nina Taylor DAVIS A surprise kitchen shower was given last Tuesday night in honor of Mrs. Will Dudley, who has just mov ed into her new home. A very large number were present and she receiv ed some very beautiful and useful things. The shower was given at the Saecicdl&ii. nrhxrTnake, rioUusuf Aut oatcuvcf (or ECONOMY and SATISFACTION use Double Tested! VoubleAdion! FfVf BAKING POWDER , Sine Price Today as 45Y?ersAqo 25 ounces for 254 Full Pack . No Slack FiHind & i&tjtisEWiWMiiii ill First Get Our Prices on LUMBER AND MILL WORK The chances are we can save you money no matter how large or small the job. PITTSBURGH PAINTS Paint UP and Clean up We have a Complete Stock When you Paint or Repaint this Spring PAINT Products Now We Carry Complete Stocks of Doors-Sash, Brick-Shingles-Cement-Lime-Roofing and all Building Material Scarboro-Safrit Lumber Co. Manufacturers Wholesale Retail BEAUFORT, - NORTH CAROLINA

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