Thursday, April 7, 1938 THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. PAGE THREE M FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 9:45 A. M. Bible School G. M. Paul, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. 2:30 P. M. Sunbeam Meeting. Mrs. M. L. Davis, Director. 6:30 P. M. B.T.U. Meetings, U. E. Swann, Director. 7:30 P. M. Evening Worsip. ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL Rey. E. C. McConnell, Rector Service For April First Sunday Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Holy Communion & Sermonll am Palm Sunday Holy Communion 8:00 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer & sermon 11 am. Eaiter Holy Communion 7:00 a. m. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer & sermon 11 am. Holy Communion 12:00 M. Fourth Sunday 'Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer 1L:00 a. m. ANN STREET METHODIST L. D. Hayman, Pastor Church School every Sunday morning at 9:45. Easter Cantata Saint Stephen Congregational Church is presenting its "Angelic Celestial Host" in its annual can tata recital Sunday, April 17 at six o'clock P. M. The "host" is in good trim. All voices are tun ed and trained to sing the East er triumph of the resurrection Savior. Many of our white and colored friends heard our host shout last Christmas night. That same hv, except for a few modulations, ad ditions and improvements will again lift your hearts not only to Calvary, but land your hope in the eternal resurrection. In order to accomodate our white and colored friends of all churches the "Easter Glory" will be echoed at six P. M. Our ush ers will show the fullest courtesy to both races, as Saint Stephen generally does. Through the past five years and more pastor Cal houn has enjoyed and highly ap preciated the high esteem, sup port and attendance given and Professional Cards DR. E. F. MENIUS OPTOMETRIST Now located In Nei Offices in McLellan Building Phone 620 New Bern DR. W. L. WOODARD DENTIST Office: Potter's Emergency Hospital OFFICE HOURS: 9-12 a. m.' 2 to 5 p. m. and by Appointment Phone: Office 446-1 Re- 334-1 DR. L. W. MOORE GENERAL PRACTICE Office Potter's Emergency Hospital CFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 M. 2 to 4 P. M.- and by Appointment Office Phone 443-1 Res. 370-1 THE BEAUFORT SHOE SHOP Expert Repairing at Moderate Prices News A Obserrer Agency BUS TERMINAL J. W. Chadwick, Mgr. AMBULANCE SERVICE BELL & JAMES DAY OR NIGHT F U N E R A L H O M E 7th & Bridges Sts Phone M-448-1 M. City C. H. BUSHALL Fire, Health, Accident, Automobile Insurance Real Estate Bought Sold Rented Will Write Your Bond RELIABLE COMPANIES GOOD SERVICE Duncan Bldg. Beaufort. DIAL 415-1 D. W. MORTON NOTARY PUBLIC .Fire & Casualty Insurance Director Morning Services at 11 o'clock Young People's Hour: Intermediates at 6:45 P. M. Senior Group 6:45 P. M. Evening Prelude each Sunday evening begins at 7:15. This is a 15-minute program of Orgon Numbers played by Mrs. Virginia Hassell. Evening Worship at 7:30 Wednesday evennig service 7:30 Choir meets for practice ses sion every Thursday evening at 7:30. NORTH RIVER CHURCH Church School first and third Sundays at 2 P. M. with preaching at 3 o'clock on these Sundays. Church School, only, on second and fourth Sundays at 10 A. M. PENTICOSTAL HOLINESS Highland Park, Beaufort Rev. T. O. Todd, Minister Sunday School at 9:45 A. M., Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 P. M.; Prayer Service Sunday 7:30 P. M.; Preaching by Pastor on Frst Sundays; Saturday 7:30 P. M., Sunday 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. "Prove All Things," 1 Thess. 5:21 Professional Group Of Colored Players Coming To Beaufort The Hampton Alumni Club of New Bern will present a splendid drama of the "smilin' through" type, FOREVER TRUE," in the Beaufort Colored High School aud itorium Thursday evening, April 7, at 8:00 P. M. Don't miss "FOR EVER TRUE." It is a charming and emotional story of a real people fighting against the selfish plans of two women: realistic in its delicate and sympathetic sit uations. Although we are accus tomed to worthwhile perform ances, presented professional play ers is something new here and it is expected that the auditorium will not have seating capacity for the audience. So, come on time. Special reservations will be made for a large number of our White friends. manifested bv the leading while and colored friends. DR. F. E. HYDE GENERAL PRACITICE Office at Residence, Ann Street Office Hours: 10 A. M. to 12 M. 3 to 5 P. M and by Appointment Phone 338-1 DR. W. S. CHADWICK MEDICINE & SURGERY Office Hours: 9 to 12 M 3 to 5 P. M. and by Appointment Office over A & P Store Office Phone 424-1 Res. 372-1 O. H. JOHNSON, M. D. Eye, Ear Nose & Throat SPECIALIST GLASSES FITTED Office Hours: Morehead City 9 to 12 M, Beaufort 2 to 5 P. M. DR. J. O. BAXTER Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted NEW BERN, N. C. B. A. BELL Your Jeweler for Twenty-Eight Years NEXT DOOR POSTOFFICE MACHINE SHOP General Repair . Work ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE WELDING J. O. Barbour, Mgr. BEAUFORT, N. C. Day Phone 331-1 Nite 342-6 DR. CLIFFORD W. LEWIS Office Tel. 442-1 Res. 347-1 Offico Hours: 9 A. M. to 12 M. & 2 to 5 P. M. NIGHT BY APPOINTMENT BEAUFORT, N. C. SUNDAY International SCHOOL LESSON -: By F.EV. HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. of Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. (?) Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for April 10 FINDING OURSELVES IN SERVICE LESSON TEXT Mark 8:27-38. GOLDEN TEXT "What shall It profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36. PRIMARY TOPIC What Peter Found Out. JUNIOR TOPIC Peter's Right An wer. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC Making Life Count Through Service. YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC Finding the Richest Life Through Service. "Finding ourselves" seems like a singular, almost self-contradictory, expression, but it refers to a sound principle recognized by psycholo gists as well as spiritual leaders. As a matter of fact, modern psychol ogy has begun to recognize and use spiritual laws and principles which alone bring about human happiness and efficiency. Too frequently this borrowing from Christianity is only a recognition of principles while denying the power of God, but at least it indicates that those who have contended that the best place to learn psychology is in the Eiblc with the Holy Spirit as the teacher were right. A word of warning let no one who studies this Issson fall into the serious error of thinking that some formal religious service will brin.5 redemption and favor with God. We are saved by grace through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ "not of works, lest any man should boast." It is then by the new birth that we are "created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them" (Eph. 2:8-10).. It is the Christian who needs to "find himself in service." Only as he thus yields to Christ does he really find the life worth living. The words of Jesus in verse 35 of our lesson are solemnly and gloriously true. If you save your life for yourself it will wither and die in your hands, but if you give it to Christ He will return it to you glorified. I. Clear Confession (vv. 27-30). Even those who deny to our Christ the recognition of His deity, and the devotion of life which is His just due, must, if they are at all in telligent, admit that no man ever lived who has made such an impact on human history. Even in the days of his life on earth those who did not accept Him as Christ regarded Him as the resurrected form of one of the nation's greatest leaders. Now un believing men speak of Him as the great founder of Christianity, a mighty leader, a wonderful exam ple, or an unequalled teacher. It is not enough that we stand with the mass of humanity who may thus admire Him, but who do not count Him as Saviour and Lord. The ques tion comes to us as it did to the disciples, "Whom say ye that I am?" "Thou art the Christ" this alone suffices as the foundation for Christian testimony and conduct. II. Corrected Error (vv. 31-33). Although Jesus was not yet ready to have His Messiahship proclaimed to the public. He was prepared to teach His disciples concerning tiot only 'that important truth, but of His rejection and death. "He began to teach them that the Son of man must suffer ... be rejected . . . killed and . . . rise again." Note the divine "must." While it is true that wicked men showed their hostility toward our God and His Christ by hanging Him on Cal vary's cross, yet it was to die for our sins that He came into the world. The cross has rightly come to represent God's love to the world rather than man's hostility to God. Error now asserts itself, and strangely enough it is the very one who had the clearest grasp of the truth regarding the Messiahship of Christ and boldly expressed it who now objects to the revelation of the coming death and resurrection of Christ, end lends his voice to re buke the Master for speaking of it. Satan hates the cross and the open grave. Jesus won the victory over him there. He did not want to hear of it before it took place and used impulsive Peter for a mouthpiece to object. He doesn't want to hear about it now and uses many a skillful and gifted preacher to speak against it. "The offense of the cross" (Gal. 5:11) has never ceased. III. Consecrated Life and Service (vv. 34-38). "Let him deny bimself" (v. 34). That command we have construed to mean that we should perform lit tle acts of self-denial, foregoing some comfort or pleasure, possibly for a few weeks. It does not mean that at all but does mean the re nouncing of self and self-will, and a .complete yielding to God's will. Likewise, to take up one's cross does not mean to bear some of life's little disagreeable experiences; it means again to die to self and to live for Christ Careful attention should be given to the solemn questions asked and statements made in verses 35-37. These are not the reasonings of a man they fall from the lip.' of the Son of God. What, He asks you, will you give in exchange for your oul? Improved W T Political Notices Notice Political announcements for this column are at the rate cf 53 cents per insertion payable in advance. Signed: Wm. L. Hatsell, Owner The Beaufort News. FOR SHERIFF To the Democratic voters of Carteret County: I hereby announce my candi dacy for Sheriff of Carteret Coun ty subject to the wishes of the voters in the Democratic Primary. Obediently, C. GEHRMANN HOLLAND, Eeaufort, N. C. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candi dacy for re-election to the office of County Commissioner. If re elected to this office I promise lo serve the citizens of Carteret county faithfully as I have in the past. Your support will be appre ciated. W. P. SMITH, Beaufort, N. C, FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce that I am a candidate for the office of Carter et County Commissioner, subject to the Democratic voters in the coming election. If elected I prom ise to serve faithfully the people of Carteret county. Your support will be appreciated. CLEVELAND DAVIS, Harkeis Island. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candi dacy for re-election to the office I now hold as Carteret County Representative in the North Car olina Legislature. If re-elected to this office I promise to serve the citizens of Carteret County faith fully as I have done in the past. Your support will be appreciated. F. R. SEELEY, Beaufort, N. C. FOR COMMISSIONER To The Democratic Voters: I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of Car teret County Commissionev subject to the voters in the Democra t i c Primary. If elected to this office, I prom ise to sew? the citizens of Carteret faitn fully, openly, and to the best of my ability. J. W. STEWART, Beauofrt, N. C, FOR COMMISSOINER To the Democratic Voters of Carteret County: I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of Carteret County Commissioner subject to the wishes of the voters in the Democratic Primary. If elected to this important 'office I promise to serve the citizens of Carteret County faithfully. Respectfully, RAYMOND DAVIS, Marshallberg, N. C. FOR SHERIFF To the Democraitc Voters cf Carteret County: I hereby announce my candi dacy for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Carteret county. If re-elected to this important office I promise the citizens of Carteret that I will serve them faithfully. Your support will be deeply ap preciated. ELBERT M. CHADWICK, Morehead City, N. C. FOR SENATOR To the Democratic Voters of the Seventh Senatorial District: I hereby announce my candi dacy for the office of State Sen atorial District. If elected to this most important post I promise to serve the citizens of the District faithfully. Your suppoit will be appreciated. CHARLES L. SKARREN, Jr. Beaufort, N. C. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner, subject to the Democratic Primary. If elected to this important office, I promise to give me best effort for the welfare of all the people of Carteret County. Your support will be appreciated. GEORGE W. DAVIS, Smyrna, N. C. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT I announce my candidacy for renomination as Clerk of the Su perior Court. I trust that my ser vices in the office have been such that it meets with the approval of the people and that they will give me their vote and support in the June primary. For the same I will be deeply appreciative and grate ful and pledge anew my deter mination to render efficient and courteous service in the future as I have endeavored to do in the past. Your respectfully, L. W. HASSELL, THE LAW OF PROGRESS , By LEONARD A. BARRETT "All revolution is delayed evolu tion." Forces that have not had the right of way in a normal de velopment, sud denly burst with all their pent-up fury and try to accomplish, in a brief period, the work of decades. Steam in a boiler which admits of I J5 if 1 io escape through 'S 1 a safety valve wiu suon oirrsi the boiler. Pent- up tmotions, re pressed beyond normal point of endurance, may play havoc. Revolutions lvave created sudden, radical changes in government. His tory records four. The American Revolution (1775-1781) terminated in the independence of the 13 Ameri can colonies in their revolt against Great Britain. England also had a revolution almost a century earlier when James II ruled with a policy of absolutism, disregarded all the rights of parliament, and plunged the country into serious indebted ness. The voice of the people rose in violent protest and as a result of the revolution of 1688, James II was forced into exile. The French revo lution came a century later, in 1789. The middle classes were denied rep resentation in the government. The public mind rebelled against the ruthless extravagance of the court with its heavy taxation. During the long period of oppression, outraged justice developed momentum which resulted in the adoption of a new constitution. This action in 1791 was followed by mob violence which caused the execution of Louis XVI in 1793, and the acclamation of Napoleon as dictator in 1799. The most recent revolution was in Rus sia, and resulted in the abdication of Czar Nicholas in 1917 and his execution in 1918. This revolution was the result of the conflict be tween capitalism and autocratic government control. Revolutions have covered the "good earth" with blood and tears which might have been avoided if an evolutionary pro cedure had been practiced. Where are the dictators today? Dictatorial force will soon or late, meet its Waterloo. Revolutions may be prevented by a gradual but constant correction of economic and social abuses. Sedi tions are prevented by removing the fuel, lest a spark of uncontrolled passion set it ablaze. Destructive forces always work more rapidly than constructive forces. It takes a century for an acorn to grow into an oak, but a few hours work of a woodman's axe will fell it to the ground. Constructive forces work more slowly. A cyclone lays waste a whole city in a few hours. It may take ten years of patient labor to rebuild it. Are we on the verge of another revolution? So long as popular opin ion is given the right of free speech, both on platform and in the press, so long as pent-up emotions are not repressed beyond the point of endurance, so long as people find "some high principle which will give coherence and direction to their lives," a revolution is not probable. Evolution and not revolution is the law of progress. Western Newspaper Union. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to our friends' for their thoughtfulness. and kind services during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Ida Mason Gilbert. We especially ap preciate the beautiful flowers. The Family. Cooperative orders of shrub bery through the county agent's office in Orange County have re sulted in improved plantings of home grounds this spring. It's a Wor.derful Way to Soothe Itching Skin Soothing, cooling Zemo usually re lieves distress of itching skin. For 30 years, this clean, reliable skin lotion has been the favorite with millions. Excellent for the itching of minor skin irritations. Buy soothing, de pendable Zemo today to relieve the itching of Simple Rashes, Pimples, RingwormTand Eczema. Tested and approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau. All druggists', 351, 60ff, SI. Norfolk-Southern RAILROAD Lv. New Bern Ar. Greenville Ar. Wilson Ar. Raleigh 9:40 a. m. 3:07 p. m. 4:27 p. m. 6:20 p. m, 11:20 a. m. Ar. Washington Ar. Elizabeth City 3:02 p. m. Ar. Norfolk 4:50 p. rn. Travel for 2c per mile. The economical way. Howard Watson of Wilsun County is using his 210-yard to--bacco plant bed for demonstrating the use of sprays and chemic';)s Call 371-1 I Wrecker Body and Fender Repairing Frame; and Wheel Alignment Glass For All- Cars Duco Painting Service Goodyear; t: : 4. A II C, f I Loftin Motor Co. BEAUFORT, IFo Mo SeeEeuu RESIDENTIAL Residence BEAUFORT, N. C. hah 5? You're covered with comfort not confusion when you're covered with Hanes! Gentlemen, this is underwear that can't bunch or hind . . . that refuses to get all snarled up, so you don't have a minute's peace. Take a Hanes Undershirt. It has a tail long enough to tuck away so it stays away. Instead of a tangled wad at your waist, you're as neat as the well-known pin. And we won't even mention the trim fit across your chest as well as under your arms! Look at Hanes Shorts. There's no trouble finding a seat when you step into a pair. And the legs are long enough and wide enough so they won't crawl and roll. Gentlemen, here's a short-cut to comfort. Get under cover with Hanes! FOR MEN AND BOYS FOR EVERY SEASON SEE YOUR HANES DEALER TODAY r. H. II4ES KNITTING CO, WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA IT'S A KNOCK-OUT1 HANES UNDERWEAR OLD IV I If FELTON'S Mil I iSll WE HAVE I T I ' fjlllll H III Young Man's Shop in th ' rvIl diseaw:. 1 . " ben left in the center and at each end. Loftins Service NORTH CAROLINA IT 3 CONTRACTOR 301-1 SHIRTS AND SHORTS 35etO 85e NEW! COLORS! HANES SPORTS Another MANES Innovation! This now-typo under wear r.o.y com I eoloroJ pattern of bluo, green, or brow . . . at woll as plain whit. Perfect construc tion for active mtn . . . HANES Sports ar gently supporting. Con vtnitnt fly-tront that stays cloud. Genuine "Lastcx" yarn waist-band.. Shirts to match in whlta only. SPORTS & SHIRTS 35c to 50 each HANES SAMSONBAK UNION-SUIT A luxury garment at tine, preihrunk cloth. Generously sliod ... boautifully mad. Fat. ntod Tua-o'-Wor lalf guaranteed to stand any strainl A lot of guilty ... coolness ... com fort . . . and wear. Only Other HANIS Unlee. Suits, 7$0 and up w I I I i 1