Shop lEarlv! ONLY 26 MORE SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS SZ PLAN NOW TO ATTEND C. OF C. BANQUET ON DEC. 8 HE WHEN DISASTER STRIKES THE RED CROSS HELPS JOIN TODAY yume XXVII Carteret County9: 8 Pages This Week Retired Coast Guardsman Enjoys Life In Trailer r I- '- v - - If if w vXcX- uTVr !' ".'". yjpaya OWesf NewspaperEstablished 1912 The Beaufort News, Thursday, November 24, 193S. ' M 5c PeVpy fx Nnmber 40. y twins , 3gmr juts V J. J .. ' CAPT. AND MRS. A. W. STYRON CAN NOW MAKE THEIR HOME ON HIGHWAYS Pictured here it the trailer home of Capt. A. W. Styron, retired j cottguardman of Cedar and hii wife, Mn. Styron. At prei ent time their trailer is located in Lenoxville community near Beau fort where both have a number of relatiyei. Recently they spent several weeks on Harkert Island, renewinj old friendships which they both knew when Capt. Styron (pictured at right) was stationed at Cape Lookout Coast Cuard Station. Later they will probably go South to Florida like they did last winter. Capt. Styron was retired from Coast Guard service a few years ago when he was in charge of Ocracoke station. In ill health at the time, he did not do what many retired service men have done, tit down for the rest of hisjife. In stead he started moving around and his health improved. Today he is the picture of health. The Styrons have a beautiful home on Ce dar Island in Lola community. (Eubanks-News Photo) FISHING BOATS GO AGROUND ON SHOALY SWASH Wallace Channel Route May Be Improved At this sc-isnn of the year or any season for that matter if ii rnt considered news .town in the vicinity of Ocra coke Island tor a nsn or irmo-Vir linnt to co affrouiid on the shoaly bottom of the Swash which serves as a ucwx.n between the Island Channel and tho waters of ramlico bound, bev el al menhaden laden vessels have grounded there recently and it on v tn shift the cargo to free some of the vessels. FVemientlv the Ocracoke Coast r.rA hnve lnhored for hours in ff,.fa fn rofloat vessels which koim i,nnA nurround on the Swash, ...... s. , rinKr th wrek tne narue asuu, one of the Smith Boats under the .,m,nj nf rnt. Charlie Mason, went aground on the Swash and Chief Of U. S. Army Engineer Corps if I! f.f w"51 s v -i V IB if Norris And Willis To Succeed Holland kjia IHR r.FNFRAI. Julian L. Schley, Chief of Engineers U. 5. Army, who win visit Eastern Carolina next week aboard the U. S. Yacht Fal con is pictured above. It will be the most extensive inspec- . aa J - f iyn ft. ka us Aver maae or IjlVRI f mmv -- the waterways of Eastern Carolina. Starting from Nor folk on November 28, (two A.,,. o.lSav than announced the vessel was only partly loaaea. . --j : v,hkh It was necessary to shift the cargo last week) the party wnicn Fishing And All Outdoors By AYCOCK BROWN THE BEAUFORT NEWS AND MAGAZINES OFFERED AS AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT to free the craft which then pro n-a.ioH tn trio factory nere in Beaufort. Ro,.mip it. Is anoarently impos sible to bring about the improve ments which would always assure ,.( nnvimitinn of fishing and freight boats through, the swasn, ill contact their Representatives in Congress and the Senate asking that the route through Wallace Channel be ,!,., lo-o.t tn sufficient deptn to ui "ft"-1 . , U-time naviiration ot tne Hen and other boats ...v.;,.v, u-nulil use the route. Wal lace Channel is located about three or four miles south of the bwasti and is near Portsmouth and Bea con Islands. In the old days many seaeoine sailing vessels used Wal lace Channel as an ..nchorage iViilp discharging cargoes to light ers for shipment to river ports. 1 HAD PLANNED to go to Cv- .icoke today for a bit of Roose ion! in!? with niv camera but last inii'.e things prevented the trip. . Baltimore Sun photographer is eiv tins week-end. however, get-: :ng shots of goose hunting on the i lun il. And on the subject of Oc iok would like to say that my favorite "guide-of-the-week" is Havid (iaskill who sent the goose iressed and ready to cook for my Thanksgiving dinner. An SPK AKINf! of guides Tom Tosto who has attended to the lenison matter for me this year is Tiaking a sort of record with his log Jack. Guiding a party near he old New Bern Road this week another fine buck was killed...Par- Ues who hunt deer with Tom Tos o and his dog Jack usually bring Ume the venison. EARLY WEDNESDAY m y friend John Park, Jr., in Raleigh irea asking me to arrange a footing triD for him on Davis Shores to start early this morning (Continued on page 8) Annual Christmas Seal Sale Starts In County Friday Tii a nnnnsil PViristmas Seal Sale officially starts in Car teret County on rrulay, wun ato j (i Allpn aerain in charge with the exception ot the sale in Moreneaa iuy. schools of the county will serve as committee in their communities, Mrs. Allen stated. Each year Carteret responds generously to the Christmas Tu bercular seal sales. Three fourths of the proceeds of the sale will be used for health work in Carteret county, it was stated. Statistics on the tubercular sit uation of the country reveal that 200,000 persons in the Southern fnnforpnpp Area (14 Southern States) have tuberculosis. There are 24,000 tuberculosis deaths ev- (Continued from Page 8) Read Special Offer On Page Three Of This Edition What's the Answer? Br COWARD flNCH iIHY DOES A HEM CACKLE AFTEC LAVING AN EGG? IN EVERY form ot animal We 1 there i specific way of ex Pressing Joy when that animal has Performed the mission for which he a created. The hen cackles to notify Uie chicken world that she m discharged this duty and shouts tt Joy that the attendant discom rt In the laying of the egg is over. She Is proud of herselfl Weitern Ntwipapcr Union. a nrT TU AT Wil l. CONTINUE. rUK itAK For those who wish to solve their Christmas gift nrntilsm in An pasv and en tertaining way this year The Beautort news is oirermg special Christmas gift offer- (SAMPLE OFFER) McCALL MAG. 1 yr ALL 5 Capper'i Farmer 1 yr ONLY P..liru T,;k.m 1 vr Fact Dige.t 1 yr $2.40 111 IS newspaper I jr mm ings combining subscriptions to this newspaper ana trom one to five magazines at prices to ridiculously low that you will save and solve in a big way (Continued from Pajre 8) (Continued from Page 8) ::::k:::::s::::::j::::::::::s55S!;' 1 C. of C. Banquet t: flans Complete t t;H51tntt2ttJ$J$?5Uw-- PUn for the annual member ship banquet of The Chamber of rnmrnnrce to be presented on De cember 8, at the American Legion Hut here were completed at tne regular monthly meeting of the board of directors on Monday iaht. This meeting will mark the election of officers. About 75 persons or the membership of the organization will be present. A roast turkey dinner at t0 cents per nlate will be served. Representative Graham A. Bar Ami tnJ Maior Georie Gillette, U. S. Army Engineer were extended invitations this week to be pres ..I . iruests of honor. Only mem bers and prospective members will attend. It will not be "Ladies Night." The first banquet of 1439 to K nresented during the late winter will be Ladies Night. Additional Policemen Will Give Needed Protection Rev. Louis D Hayman Returns To Church Here Hayman Returns To Local Pulpit SEVEN CASES IN RECORDERS COURTTIIESDAY Next Session To Be Held On Friday December 2 ilk vfeV hp s i f If Appointments Were Made On Monday In E. City t?v T.niiis D. Havman was re-appointed as pastor of .1 VT I'QOT Plf LSL l LULU at the Conference in Eliza beth City on Monday. News that he will return 10 ueau .Antinim fillinc the lO' 1UU l"""""" hio-h favor here. He has not onlv made a good pastor but ua 'm-jH.T ,i o-nod citizen m 1 1 lliww O " " Beaufort. Tn an .liHon to his ministerial duties Rev. Mr. Hayman has been , in voilth and CIVIL' .,.L- h. o. He is nresuieni 01 uic Ri.nfort Council on Kccreauon, crotarv of the Rotary Club and a member of the Board of Direc (Continued from Page 8) TOWN BOARD HAS, A BUSY St,S3l'-i,i Alex Norris and Capt. Da- vid G. Willis were named as town policemen on Monday .... .1 1 1 Wl night bv tne coara oi vui" missioners. They succeed ed Gehrmann C. noiiana who was elected Carteret County sheriff during the recent election. During the meeting the question arose as to whether two persons should be appointed as policemen or just one person. It was brought out by Mayor Hunt ley that much of niei waner Longest's time was taken up look ing after the street worn ana we recent increase in Beaufort's pp ulation made it apparent that an additional officer was needed. Commissioner ?otter argued that he thought that by paying one man a good salary that Beaufort would get better protection than it could by employing two men at smaller salaries. The Board went into executive session to discuss the applications on hand and thresh out the matter. Two men were (Continued on page 8 ) County Officials Back From Chicago W. P. Smith, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, Irvin W. Davis, clerk to the Board and James Potter, auditor, return ed this week from Chicago, where the signatures of Smith and Dayii on 4,000 bonds automatically re duced the bonded indebtedness ot Carteret County from four and half to three and a half million dol lars. Millions Of Menhaden Taken By Fleet During The Past Several Weeks U. S. B. F. Mullet Pond Is Stocked Finishing touches are being made on the U. S. Bureau of Fish eries Mullet Pond located just west of the driveway leading from Route 70 to Piver's Island. Al ready hundreds of mullets have been released in the pond for ex perimental purposes. The pond was built with federal funds for the purpose of determining if mul lets and other fish can be success fully "farmed" for market or propagation purposes in America. Similar "fish farms" in the Philli pines, Hawaiian Island. Japan and France have proved successful and profitable to owners. By "farm ing" the fiih seasonal species are always avaUable for food purpose. But So Far Catches Not Equal To Last Year Although millions of men haden have been taKeu in Beaufort and Morehead City since the autnmn sea son opened several weeks ago, the total catch is below the total for 1937, it was sta ted here this week by several persons engaged in the in- tlustrv. So far this year the total catch would probably run to 70,000,000 fish, possibly 75,000,000 including the summer catches, but in 1937 approximately 100,000,000 fish were taken. But so far this sea continued from Page 8) nnaaa U'drP tried in oeven .. Recorder's Court on Tuesday. It was the last sess ion -r.,,.f until Fridav. coruei a wu" j v i December 2, as Judge Paul Webb will be out of the coun ty next Tuesday. , In the case of Sadie Monroe Morehead City Negress charged with making her house a nuisance prayer for judgment and continued for two weeks was ordered. In cidentally by Court order Sadie is to notify all of her male and fe male night callers who allegedly have made her house a sort of nuisance, to keep away from rer doors. , ... The case of J. Stephen Smith, charged with drunkenness was suspended for thirty days and the case was remamlede io iviajui Court in Newport. Walter Fulford, Negro, siappeu i.! ........huiii t. As a result he was m a. " . in court to answer charges of as sault on a female, lie drew a (10 days suspended sentence. James Worth, whom Court at i. .u oniilil well be named James Worthless, was charged with stealing a bicycle. He was given a six months jail sentence, suspen ded upon condition he pay Micajah Adams $10 and one half costs in the case and $20 in a former case which involved drunken driving. He was placed on probation for ... ,.Dq Worth was under sus pended sentence since February on (111V1IIS .... nnvis was found not guilty of transporting whiskey, but guilty for offering same tor saie. ne is a Negro. A sentence ot yu uays at the County Home larm was vr dered. In the case of Alfred Pittman, charged with violating Chapter 279 P. L. of N. C, it was ordered that attorneys for boh sides pre pare briefs and submit to the Judge in Chamber. The case in volved operating taxi without proper insurance. REV. LOUIS D. HAYMAN popular pastor of Ann Street Methodist Church was re-appointed to serve for another two years in the local pulpit. Tk. Ran Mr. Havman has not only been active in relig ious circles here but ne nas taken part in many civic ac tivities. . . He is president of the County Council on Recre- .,..- rv nf the Rota- rr rink and a leader in the vnnth movements of the He is a native of Roanoke Island and his hobby is fishing and boat t-lo S mn pvnprt navi gator and years ago before entering the ministry was a nilnr rufnr the mast on a vessel in the coastwise trode Beaufort-Morehead H.S. Grid Teams Tie Covering The Waterfront .By AYCOCK BROWN r Cn nil Mnrehead ucouLvii - City High School grid teams meeting s "' , . for their annual classic on Wednesday ended the game with a tie-score of 13-13. There were reports and crit icism afloat after the game that the score could have well been different, but as we get ready to go to press on Wednesday night there was no official verification to same. On Tuesday night Beaufort school grid fans turned out en masse for a pep-meetin g. Chamber Of Commerce Gladiolus i ival I HOPE THE Board of Town Commissioners, the Mayor and tha Police Authorities whom perhaps you und I halped elect to office, succeed this year in curbing tha shooting of fireworks within thtf city limits of Beaufort. Already the fireworks shooters have start ed shooting the things. What I o-Vii- was someone making a first class murder or suicide story down on West Front street Sunday night durig Church hours, due to much shooting, was in reality fire works I discovered after trying to run the story down. I am not by myself in this business of being op posed to shooting fireworks es pecially within the business sec tion. (Continued on page 8) ;it!i;niltJttt 1 TIDE TABLE H I 8 : i: it THE KING'S PET QUAIL IS DEAD The pel quail of Mr. and Mrs. King out at Pinner's Point is dead. It was the most publicized quail in the State a few weeks ago when . -.wsman discovered that for some reason or other the bird ap parently thought it was just anoth er chicken. During the late sum mer it had become a member of Mrs. King's chicken flock. It ate with them and even went in the chicken house each night to roost with the chickens. But the oth er morning when Mrs. King went out to feed her chickens she saw her net. badly mangled and partly eaten laying in the chicken lot. Mr. King believes a weasel, a mink or aa oppossum killed the pet. Directors Discuss Proposed Event 1 or 1935 Rwrnwii Roaufort and its invirons is becoming the cen o tvt.mpn'lniH trladio- lus industry, the Chamber of Commerce nere win spunsui during tne eariy buihiuci . i k):i! a uiaaioius rchuvrtii which will be given nation wide nublicity and attract many persons to the Carteret Coast. Members of the board of direc tors discussed plans for the event at their regular monthly meeting Tuesday night at which Dr. C. W. Lewis, president of the organiza tion presided. (Continued on page 8) a Information as to the tide at Beaufoit is given in this column. The ('mures are ap proximately correct and are bused on t:ibl' furnished by the U. S. (ii-o'.ctic Survey. .Some allowiin.vs must bo mnJe for variations in the wind and also with r;pect to the locality, that is wheth er near the inlet or at the head of the estuaries. ::aj:::::Ji":::::'.:::::"t"i::s!::: Fridiy, Nov. 23. 10:09 A. M. 3:46 A. M. 10:26 P. M. 4:27 P. M. Saturday, Nov. 26. 10:47 A.M. 4:24 A.M. 5:07 P. M. Sunday, Nov. 27. 11:08 A.M. 5:97 A.M. 11:27 P.M. 5:52 P.M. Monday, Nov. 28 11:51A.M. 5:55 A.M. 12:07 P. M. 6:39 P. M. Tuesday, Nov. 29. 12:38 A. M. 6:52 A. M. 12:53 P.M. 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, Nov. 30. 1:30 A.M. 7:53 A.M. 1:44 P.M. 8:21 P. M. Thursday, Dec. 1. 2:27 A. M. 8:53 A. W. 2:41 P.M. 9:11P.M.