BEAUFORT NEWS Gives Advertisers Complete Carteret County Coverage 7,500 PERSONS WILL READ THE BEAUFORT NEWS THIS WEEK f Carteret County's Oldest Newspaper, .Established 1912 VotomeXXVIII 8 Pages This Week The Beaufort News, Thursday, February 23, 1939. 5c Per Cop- N amber 8. They Were Married 62 Years Agi Celebrate Wedding Anniversary I. u 'U 1. .aHi I First Citizens Bank Here Congratulated On Its Anniversary VfV y if TVV4.! 1 PICTURED ABOVE are Mr. and Mrs. T. Murray Thom as, Sr., who live with their daughter Miss Laura Thomas, on Front Street. On Tuesday they celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary and many friends dropped m to ex tend best wishes. (Eubanks News Photo) Business Firms And Citizens Sponsor Full Page Ad T..:u fivma and nilbllC mutts r - - - - spirited citizens of Beautort are this weeK exienums " gratulations and best wishes to First Citizens Bank and Trust Company upon its fifth anniversary as an es-t-ui? Vipvp. in this ea- ition is an advertisement which carries the printed message in a full-page ad. It is probably the first time in They Are Officials Of Local Bank BARDEN INLET MAINTENANCE DUE 1 MARCH Removal Of Shoals Will Be Of Aid To Boatmen Secon 4Round Of Tou ey Tonight Will Build Super C G. Stations At Ocracoke And Bogue Inlet Soon Judge Frizzelle To Preside Over March Court Here Judge J. Paul Frizzelle will pre. side over March term of Superior nmivt. otnrHiie- here March 13. He .;n --milneo Jndce Clawson Wil liams, who had previously been as oitrnorl to thp. local SCSSiOn. Moll' dav and Tuesday of the session will hi -devoted to criminal actions. staiinor on Wednesday, civil ac tinna will be tried. Of interest on Hip pivil calendar will be the Crumn vs Phillips case which in volves Hoffman lands on Bogue Banks. FIRST PASS BOOK J. P. Betts who has made Lady Carteret Bread a household word along the Central Carolina coast was issued the first pass book when First Citizens Bank and Trust Company was formally op ,i nn Feh. 21. 1934, it was learned this week when The Beau- fort News advertising man cre ated the full page tilth anniver sary greeting wnicn acma v page three of this edition. rill lllllll.MI MM1 H MW " ""1 Cashier C. L. Beam Fishing And ? All Outdoors By AYCOCK BROWN j THE COLUMN THIS week goes places. Not only will 7,500 read ers of The Beaufort News see it but a similar number of persons will see and many will read the column as it makes initial appear ance in The Dare County Times. . This column has never tried to 'i confine its data locally, ie., to I Beaufort. Instead it has made an 4 effort to give a broad scope oi J fishing and Outdoor sports from ' Virginia line to Southport, with ' ui-w.uinr pmnhasis stressed at all times on the finest fishing grounds "olnnw the Atlantic Coast. And the finest fishing ground are those waters of the sounds toward tne mainland side and the bays of Ral ; eigh and Onslow, laying between the Capes of Hatteras and Lookout and Lookout and Frying Pan. In ' the very center of this territory, at . Beaufort is located one of the principal laboratories of the U. S. (Continued on Page 8) Announcement Made In Elizabeth City On Monday Tiv mnre nf the Coast Guard's new super-stations will be built at an early date, according to an announce- 4- in P.liSlhfit.ri Citv this week by Commander L. J. Sullivan oi tne oeveiun District. Of particular in terest to citizens of Carteret is the fact that one oi tnese ac tions, Bogue Inlet will be within the boundaries of the county, the other at Ocracoke, will be located just across the county line. The approximate distance from Beau-tnr-t nf the. new stations will be Bogue Inlet, 25 miles west; Ocra coke, CO miles northeast. At tho nresent time a new sta tion building is under construction nf Vnrf. Mnron. which will COht $53,500. Other construction work involving boathouse, equipment building, launchway and dredging .;n h,-ino- the tola expenditure a Fort Macon to over $100,000 and mnWo if. one of the most compiev, shore units in the Seventh District. The new super-stations which wn hp huilt at Bocue Inlet and Ocra coke will be patterned along lines similar to the Fort Macon station wv,pn the two new units are conv pleted it will bring to five, the to ful number of new ultra-modern stations in this district. One of the new stations, at Cape Hatteras. is to be commissioned Mnrrh 1. and a second, at Cape Hem v. is nearine completion and will probably be occupied during the summer. (Continued on Page 8) the history of a small town, that business men ana uus iness firms paid and paid willingly lor tne cost ot a page advertisement to con gratulate and extend to a banking institution such a greeting. But, these sponsors are doins it ana paying iui a most free hearted manner. was ore of the easiest co-operative advertisements The Beaufort News has ever tried to sell. As a matter of fact the advertising rep resentative did not try to sell the the merchants and individuals, in stead he just let them read the full page message, which we hope ev ery person picKing up uu& viK' (Continued on pagtt o BILL BLADES KILLED WHEN AUTO WRECKS He Was Well Known Business Man Of East Carolina Funeral services for William B. Blades, 43, werec onducted at Ccn fpnnrv Methodist Church in New Bern this afternoon at 3 o'clock with Rev. C. B. Culbrcth and Dr. E. L. Hillman officiating. He was killed almost instantly in Durham Tuesday night when the Chrys ler he was driving crashed into an abuttment at an under-grade crossing in the down town area. Ben Williams of New Bern, Miss Jane Montgomery, Durham and Miss Eula M. Lincoln of Raleigh, other occupants of the car narrow ly escaped death. Miss Montgom ery was seriously injured. Mr. Blades was widely known in Eastern Carolina. His business in terests during recent years were (Continued on Page four) To Discuss 1939 Farm Program At Meets Next Week A series of meetings to be hold in various communities nf Pnrtprflt Countv next week for the purpose of discussing the lysy larm program was announced toaay oy i. v Anthonv. farm agent Far mers are receiving mimeo graphed notices ot the pro posed meeting this week pnH The schedule follows Monday, February 27, Straits Sr.ViAol. 11 o'clock: O. W. Lewis Stove. 1:30 P. M.. and Merrimon School, 4 P. M.; Harlowe, Lionel! Pnnnor's Store. 7:30 r. M. Tnesdnv. Febraurv 28, Wild wood Lodge, 11 A. M.; Pelletier's Store, Stella, 2 P. M.; Buck's cor ner. 4 P.M.; and Bogue Commun ity Tlonso. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, March 1, Beaufort flnnvf House 8:30 P. M. Thursday. March 2, Newport School. 7:30 o'clock. "Some farmers had the impres sion when thev voted tobacco quo bis out in December that the en tire program had been done away with," said Mr. Anthony. inis, however, was not true." he added. "The only restrictions on pounds (Continued on Page o) I OF C BOARD DISCUSS MANY LOCAL MATTER To Have General Meeting Next Month Assistant Cashier Davis mi OWN IN above phe'o; e--- C L. Eeam, c .sluer and Jame Da vi,, aUtant cashier of the local . . f Fimt Citizens Bank and Trust Company, which U celebrat ing it fifth anniversary nere m. l. IlnJor their management the local branch of F.r.t Citin. Bank and Trust Company made an excellent record and pro ven a real asset to Bsaulort and Carteret County. (News Photo). Chamber of Commerce di rectors at their regular monthly meeting jvionaaj' the matter of bringing new industries to Beaufort, harbor and wa terway improvements and otner civic projects piaiui. f,.ffiotnwn nnH siirroundinE 1WL LllV t,'-' v. ..w. .w countrv. It was also deem ed that in March, the datt to be announced later, a gen eral meeting of the orgamz of r.n M71 hp HP fl at IjOIIIIIIU ,-f,r rontor nnrfitorium. an event which if present plans are carnea oui win icamic a combination barbecue and During the meeting, which was ,,.uc!iH0,i over bv Dr. C. W. Lewi.-. nres dent. Secretary a y c o iv Rmvn rear! excerots from mail re the month. An av- nno of one letter daily nan uecu irlers. most of them in New York, Philadelphia and other northern cities, diu uome t rom the middle west. These anglers having heard of the excel lent salt water fishing along t ne central eoaat as the result of re cent publicity in metropolitan news paper outdoor columns ana over (lie isifho. were for the most part interested in channel bass fishing, (Continued from f age 8J Two Carteret Girls On ECTC Honor List I C I IsmJ ; id Maintenance work on Bar Aon'a Tnlct which has trotten cVirmiv nil th southern end where it becomes a part of Cape LOOKOUt Cignt win un gin during the latter part of Morr-Vi nnrl hp rnmnleted dur 1 1 . . L' ing May, accoraing to liuui m.jtinn rpreived bv the Sec- votarv nt th Chamber of Commerce irom ongress Tiqn Hflrrien lastlnaav. Congressman Earden in a wire emoted a teleci-am he had just re ceived from Major George Gillette, U. S. District Engineer of Winning ton. The Gillette quotation ioi lows ! "Work on channel Back Sound to Lookout Bight will probably .tart latter part of March and hodd be completed during May" Congressman Barden closed hn mPCQA (TP bv savins-: "Think this inv.0 - T 1 information dependable. News that maintenance work is nlanned for the waterway which has already proven its importance on mnnv occasions from a naviga tion standpoint will be receiven with much interest by hundreds of fishermen and boatmen wno use the route daily. Because of its all- weather features navigation is ex pected to increase through the route as summer time sports fish ing begins. Incidentally, the route will be used by the proposed excur sion boat to Cape Lookout Fishing pier which F. M. Simmons of Char lotte and Carteret County expects to hnve completed by next summer if his present plans are carried out. 5". Becomes Ca.hiOf I Of Site. Fort Bragg Bank iju;vcooi ui I Gate Receipts Last Night hxceed seventy uouars (Bv J. W. Stewart.) nnrtprpt Cniin-tv's Annual Tourney got under way last night at tne Atlantic uyra. A record crowd was on hand to witness the three contests. All of the contests were ex citing and the best of sports manship was displayed by all teams. Atlantic and Beautort fciris star ted off the evenings play. Beau fort was clearly outplayed trom start to finish. Atlantic's girls have shown marked improvement from the first of season. Scores were' 1st quarter Atlantic 7, Beau fort 0; at half Atlantic 14, Beau fort 3; 3rd quarter Atlantic 21, Beaufort 6; final score Atlantic 23, Beaufort 10. High scorers: A. Morris, Atlantic, 10; Kusseii, Beaufort, 8. The NewDort and Morehead girls put up the scrappiest fight of the evening. The game was last from start to finish. Newport was (Continued on page j 1 & I SEASHORE BUS OFFICIALS IN TOWN TUESDAY Planning Better Bus Terminal Facilities TrK unnn nn of the best known and best liked young men to ever live in the First Citizen's Bank and TU...S PrnnninV which TOrm- IIU31 ally opened at Fort Bragg today. For the past five u rt i... hwn aasociaicu with the local branch of t irst Citizens Bank in the accouni : jsnrinM7t Proof or hi nonulantv in Beaufort was shown in a small way on t.v niffhf when the lo cal Rotary Club made him an honorary member, in oeau fcrt and Carteret County Tom Hood has many friends who are wishing him wen with his new and important duties. (News rnoio. Real Estate Transfers Tourney Winners To Be Guests At Beaufort Theatre Mm&lnen mm 5 .VICTOR. MEEKINS James M. Vvrest, owner of npoVip.vP Trnnsnortation Co- innniiv which has headciuai'- ters in New Bern, and serv es the coast with fast, effi cient and up-to-date motor oavirn wn npre on lues day for the purpose ol iook inii at available terminal sites. He was accompanied (Continued on page 5) Newport Township rj-ore H. Ban'oot ct ux to R. V. KpgI. 12 aercs. for $200. Morehead Township Mrs. Dadie Webb Wood to Myr tle Webb lots G and 7 2nd 16 blk 40, lot 14, blk 42; lot 6 blk. 51, for $1. Home Owners Loan Corp. to Vein. and Josie Nelson, lot 3, bis 120, M. City, for $1700. Baiviforl Township C. Z. Ch:irpeil et ux to R. W. Chadwick et ux, northern half of lot No. DO O. T. for $10. Ten members of each winning team in the Carteret Basket Ball Tournament will be honored guests of Manager Robert G. Lang at The Beaufort Theatre on either Thursday or Friday night, March 2nd or 3rd. Each year since The Beaufort Theatre was established Ur four vears aeo Manager Lang ha extended this courtesy to the basket-ball tournament win ners In Carteret. Covering The Waterfront By AYCOCK BROWN He Is Vitally Interested In Carolina Coast Fishing Contest Miss Eileen Pake of Marshall- herg, and Miss Marbara Smith of Atlantic, both sophomores at t,ast orn fai-olina Teacher? College were on the list of students at that institution which made Registrar s Honor List for Scholarship during the Autumn session. Manufacturers of automobiles purchase nine materials in North Carolina. They are talc, cotton fabrics, mica, silica, paper, excel sior, lumber and cottn. Death At Hatteras cnwv.HnW Uncle Hiram Austin 81 Vjanuary, knew he was going: to die. Those old men wno naw seen the fulfillment oi ail u hopes, the completion of all then tasks, their children in manhood s full estate and suriounueu Dy men holds, have no great re grets, and no worldly dreams to supa them on. nis own iifnii had been gone for nearly 20 years. And he, who had fought man a hii-.tpr battle with the sea, wno nau wrested his meat and his bread from the briny deep, and helped to save many a life in the old days in the Coast Guard, knew as young men cannot ever know, that the gentle road to the end of the jour ney, misty with sustaining hope and' faith holds greater lure than anything of worldly flavor. AT 81 HE HAD disposed of his belongings by dividing them among his children. Before the end of the year he had arranged with a :.v,k,. tn hnild him a coffin quito II t I ii UUVl to his own liking. Occasionally he would go to the workshop wneie this completed product remained, to admire it reverently, apprecia tively, and affectionately: WITH A SENSE as uncanny as that by which an unlettered but ex perienced seaman predicts the ap proach of a distant storm, he had predicted the early end of his days. A few weeks before, he had taken his beloved old fiddle, the last re (Continued on Page 8) INI "$L4 - avi?. 4 hf?K xwS'' ill fi S V 5' SOME OF THESE Sunday af ternoons when you want to take an interesting drive to somewhere you have probably never visited, I recomend Cedar Inland. If you make the trip there, as we did lasi Sunday, you will cortainly be in pressed with the contrast the sec tion offeis us compared to the rest of Carteret. County. You will probably be surprised to learn too, that the roads, although unpaved, pre in fair condition, and you will find them only about half as rough to drive upon as most of the paved roads from Beaufort to At lantic. Cedar Island by the speed ometer was just a bit more than 40 miles from Beaufort. I had been under the impression that it was nearer to 50 miles. (Continued on page 8) TIDE TABLE jj it ff Information as to tne tiae !! at Beaufort is given in this l jj column, the ngures are ap- a I'1 A " toncv, unvt t' J; based on tables furnished by H the U. S. Geodetic Survey. j made for variations in the tt JJ wind and also with respect It to the locality, that is wheth- H er near the inlet or at the ! jj l ead of the estuaries. : i HIGH FRED STEDMAN of Ocracoke and High Point is shown above with an eight foot sailfish he reeled in recently at the West Palm Beach "Silver Sailfish Derby." He is also interested in the proposed Surf Casting Tournament planned for the North Carolina coast during the coming summer, and also proposes to help sponsor a Channel Bass Derby (for boat fishermen) at Ocracoke during the coming summer. (Photo courtesy High Point Enterprise.) Friday, Fob. 2-1 LOW 5:13 AM. 5:25 PM. 11:15 PM. Saturday, Feb. 23 11:30 AM. 6:03 AM. 11:58 FM. 6:13 PM. Sunday, Feb. 26 12:29 AM. 7:04 AM. 12:49 PM. 7:13 PM. Monday, Feb. 27 1:27 AM. 8:09 AM. 1:52 PM. 8:19 PM. Tuesday, Feb. 28 2:35 AM. 9:18 AM. 3:05 PM. 9:28 PM. Wednesday, March 1 3:48 AM. 10:23 AM. 4:18 PM. 10:35 PM. Thursday, March 2 4:55 AM. 5:23 PM. 11:24 PM.

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