Thursday, April 20th, 1933. THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. PAGE SEVEN t i i f I t I I : ''It Public Notices Minimum rates 25 cenU Must Be Paid in Advance "4481 D 1 A DIAL WARRANTY DEEDS, DEEDS of Trust, Mortgage Deeds, Chat- tie Mortgages and blann rto. for sad le at the News ottice. BROOMS FOR SALE. WF HAVE a new shipment of our Long Mop Brooms, like we have been selling. Missionary Society of Ann St. M. E. Church. Call Mrs. Win. Hatsell 454-1 and one will be delivered to you. The price of these brooms is CO cents each. FOR SALE THE CABIN CRUIS er "Greensboro" with all equip ment. Now in commission. May De inspected at dock at Morehead City For information address The High landers Club, Care News-Record, Greensboro, N. C. - 2t 13-20. APARTMENT For Rent. 2 large rooms apartment with private bath. Apply 114 Moore St. Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Annie Morris, deceased, late of Carteret County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to ex hibit them to the undersigned at his home at Stella, N. C, on or be fore the 23rd day of March, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of March, 1939. Jasper Morris, Administrator of Annie Morris. E. W. Hill, Attorney. Mar. 23-30-Apr. 6-13-20-27. I PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS I North Carolina, if Carteret County. .' In the Superior Court, fe Victoria Rawls I Vs. I Ernest Rawls. To Ernest Rawls, Defendant: J3 The above named defendant will as above has been commenced by the plaintiff in the Superior Court of Carteret County to obtain an absolute divorce on the grounds of separation for.more than two suc cessive years; that the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Carteret County, at his office in the Court-house at Beaufort, N. C within thirty days after the 29 day of April, 1939, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff which was filed at the time of the issuance of the sum mons, or the plaintiff apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This 28th day of March, 1939. L. W. HASSELL, Clerk Superior Court. M 30 A 6-13-20 . NOTICE OF SALE OF LANDS In accordance with the provis ions of that certain deed of trust executed by Morehead City Prop erties, Inc., under date of June 5th, 1935, to Claude R. Wheatley, trustee, as registered in Book 80 at page 2C1 Carteret County Reg istry, and at request the holder of the notes secured thereby, under signed will, on Monday, May 1st, 1939, at 12 M., o'clock, at the courthouse ? door of Carteret County, in Beau '(: fort, N. C, offer for sale, and sell i for cash to the highest bidder or J"! bidders, the following properties :,,-. as described in said deed of tdust, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, in block U; Lots 11 and 12, in Block J; Lots 1 and 2, in Block O accord ing with map of Money Island Beach, made by Brooks, C. E., in June, 1935, duly registered; with all improvements on said premises. Dated and posted this March 30th, 1939, 3 :00 P. M. j Claude R. Wheatley, Trustee. Apr. 6-13-20-27. Cor n Only about 9 per cent of the American corn crop, usually run ning from 2 1-2 to 3 billion bushels is used in the industrial field. One-half enters the food market NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND j Uackr aiiJ by virtue of the pow ! ci' of sale contained in a certain ; mortage deed executed by Robert ! Cani-'i and Pearl Came!, his wile, i to Pelletier &. Weeks, said mort i gage deed being dated May 2nd, ' li2S, and recorded in Book CO, j page 247, Registry , of Carteret j County, default having been made i in the payment of the same, the ( undersigned mortgagees will offer ! for sale at the Courthouse door, j Beaufort, N. C, on the 29th day of May, 1939, ' at 12 o'clock Noon, to the highest j bidder, for cash, the following d I scribed real property, Viz. : Two acres of land at the C. C. Jones place, and being the land on which Robert Camel's home is now h eated. This property was de visjd to Robert Camel umler the will of Lennie Camel. This the 27th day of March, 1939. Pelletier & Weeks, Apr. 6-13-20-27 Mortgage NOTICE! North Carolina, Carteret County. Entry-Taker's Office Entry of land No. 23U7 To: Irvin W. Davis, Entry.Taker of Carteret County: The undersigned claimant, be ing a citizen of the State of North Carolina, in his own behalf and in behalf of his wife Clara L. Mc Clamroeh. George Watt Carr and wife Amy Winston Carr, each and the State ot Oil ,w..S -- ---- - . .. North Carolina, hereby sets tortn q n h hnWS that the following tract or parcel of land, to-wit Lvins and being in Morehead Township, Carteret County, North Carolina, fully described as ioi lows: Beginning at an iron stake on a point of marsh on the North side of a creek leading from Tar Land ing Bay to Fort channel (located N. 5-30' E. 2170 feet, then N. 63 15' E. 782 feet, then X. 24-30' W. 98 feet from a stone monument on the north side of X. C. State Road, being N. C. State Park west line), and runs with the creek X. 80-30' E. 271 feet to a stake, thence X. 69-00' E. 1412 feet to a stake on the west side of the mouth of the creek, thence along the marsh 61 30' W. 816 feet to a stake, thence X. 15-15' E. 300 feet to a stake, thence X. 74-00' W. 585 feet to a stake, thence N. 59-00' W. 300 feet to a stake, thence S. 50-45' W. 300 feet to a stake, thence S. 36-30' 600 feet to a stake, thence S 25-30' W. 650 feet to a stake on a point of marsh, thence N. 56 15' E. 750 feet to a stake, thence S. 63-30' E. 250 feet to a stake, thence S. 57-30' W. 760 feet to a stake, thence S. 54-30 W. 430 feet to a stake, thence S. 54-30' W. 430 feet to the beginning, contain ing 41 acres, by estimation, is va cant and unappropriated land be longing to the State of North Car olina, and subject to entry (not be ing within one thousand feet on either side of the centre of any canal or channel improved by ex cavation and deposit within said one thousand feet distance) : and the undersigned claimant, in , be half above stated, hereby makes entry of, lays claim to, and prays for a grant for, said lands. This Cth day of April, AD., 1939. Roland McClamroch. Witness: Margaret Jordan. Filed April 13th, AD., 1939, at 4 P. M., o'clock. Irvin W. Davis, Entry Taker. Entry of land ; Name of claimant, Roland Mc Clamroch; Number of acres claimed, 41; Number of Entry, 2397; i Date of Entry, April 13, 1939. BILLYHS UNCUS , I 'I J 1 ii fiS .ff" ww V v7T.. tJi.' Sv -wow couuo anv- S VVLVAU. AH AN UP TOWN TVE. fcfvT? I " UIE. I I k 7h o Jni S T I I'LL L; cnt. to V ( AND RC3BERS.IM WOOOE.W-6AT) BUS- WELGONUfc ) NW 3j Irvin W. Davis, Entry-Taker of Carteret County, N. C. Apr. 20-7-M:iy 4-11 Newport Junior- Senior Cruise The annual cruise of the New port Juniors and Seniors was made Saturday April 15th, on Capt. John Dickinson's good ship Idle On- Leaving Beaufort around 9 A. M., the cruise this year ler to Cape Lookout. Destination was finally reached after encounter ing many sand bars on the way ne cessitating many by-way excur sions. Despite these delays a tempting lunch was waiting upon their arrival. After this, games, a tour of the Lighthouse and oth er places of interest was made. Capt. Dickinson stated that this was nis tourtn tn ) wnn classes from Newport. He said that ht alwajs looked f rward with pleas uie to take out classes from this school as they were orderly am well behaved. Those enjoying the trip were Seniors: Billie Roberts, Leon Ow en Garner, James Garner, James On! n n . Retrinald Lewis, William Mcfabe. C vde Garner, Welvin Garner, Edgar Hibbs, Monroe Gai ner, Marie Pringle, Clara Watson, Gera'.dine Worlhington, Ide'.l Gar ner, Ada Gray, Lucille Gould, Maagie Cannon, Lala Mann, Viva Lee Murdoch, Anne Garner, Myr tle Williams, Doris Bell, Dorothy Gamer, Elizabeth Lilly, Annette Bell, Barbara Elliott, Margaret Rowe. Juniors: Jack Bell, Bobby Gar- r. ner, narvey uarner, ai..uii vii- ner, Bill Gould, Gerald aiuraocn, Roland Murdoch, Vernon Tolson, George Rhodes, Billie Bell, Quin ton Haskett, Arlene Garner, Bet ty Garner, Catherine Garner, Ja nie Lockey, Mary Culpepper, Elsie McCain, McColla Elliott, Lilly Dale Garner, Joyce Garner, Row ena Winberry, Thelma Oglesby, Virginia Walsee, Mary McCabe. High School Faculty and invit ed guests: Mr. R. L. Pruit, C. S. Long, Jack Richards, Lucille Par ker, Minnie Johnston, Matilda Gaskill, Mrs. C. S. Long. FISHING & OUTDOORS (Continued from page cne) them off beyond the whistle buoy Proof that they are off there in the Gulf was that catch of Hugo Rutherfurd, some 60 nautical miles to the northeast of Lookout Whis tle buoy, last summer. If Capt. Mel Eldard and the Bonoff party are big game fishermen, I believe, if they properly exploit that ledge of the Continental Divide, or Hun dred Fathom Curve, about 15 miles due east of the Whistle buoy, which is less than 30 miles from Beaufort they will make piscato rial history. . THANKING CAPT. Willis .. for sending me the dope about the foregoing party I sent him a scale from the Silver King which was landed by netters just south of Newport river bridge last Satur day. I autographed the scale and gave the date it was caught. My friend, the late Kalbfleisch who fished, so consistently at Ocracake for many, years, used to send his friends autographed scales of big channel bass. And that is an idea some of you guides can use in your letters to prospective parties. Send them a channel bass scale f osibly from a 50-pounder and write that fact on the scale like this "scale from 50-pounder land ed in surf here recently." It would be a splendid buildup and help put you across, especially if the party happened to be new on your list. Those commercial fish ermen catching a tarpon in New port river sort of made news in the Carteret sector. The oldest resident could not remember a sil ver king or tarpon, being landed in the river during former years. AMAZE A SCIENTIFACTS Cigarette dust- EvERY PUFF FROM A CIS -ARETTE CON TAINS FOUR MILLION jj O? OUST. VVNU THERE ARE tarpon galore in the waters of North Carolina's oast. The reason so few are landed with rod and reel is because no one fishes for them with the nroner tackle. Less than a dozen have been landed with rod and reel on the North Carolina coast dur- ir.2 the cast 12 years. That is my observation, if I am wrong, I hope someone pops right up and tells me so. I would be glad to know that I was wrong. The late Dr. Dave Taylor of Washington landed a beauty down in Pamlico sound during 1927. It was the first one, insofar as I know that was ever landed with rod and reel in North Carolina. AFTER THE September (1933) storm tides receded Phil Mayer of New York was walking along the Gut at Springers Point on Ocra joke, found several very small tarpon (about 2 inches in length) .vhich had been left high and dry jn the shore. There was some question in the minds of many, even the icthyologists at the State and American Museums about how the f ingerlings of Silver kings hap pened to be there. If I recall correctly, it was assumed that those young tarpon had been washed in from the Gulf Stream. After giving the matter serious thought and study, I am on the verge of believing that those fin gerlings were spawned inside th sounds or rivers feeding the sounds on the North Carolina coast. You who recall those abnormal tides, will remember that the water as it receded at any rate came from the direction of the mainland. What a scoop for the icthyologist who discovers that these stray tarpon picked up in nets frequently on the North Carolina coast have spewning grounds in the rivers which feed into the sounds. LINDSAY WARREN wrote a bout the swell time he and Her bert Bonner had down at Oregon Inlet last Wednesday. They land ed 10 drum. Congressman War ren is tops when it comes to catch ing channel bass. He has made some of the best catches ever made on the North Carolina coast of these bulldogs of the surf. Inci dently, Congressman Warren has brought some of the nation's most noted (past and present) anglers to our coastland. Back in 1931, I won't foreret it, he came to the M INUTE BY ARNOLD 1 " Prints I A HUMAN HAIR UNDER A MICRO SCOPE MARKS A PERSONS IDENTITY. ALMOST AS FINGER PRINTS. Corn sugar to starch Sweet corn should be eaten s,o0n after it is taken from the stalk, as over half its sugar turns to starch CO IN THE FIRST 24 iiniine (Copyright, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Service. coast with the late Senator Joe Robinson of Arkansas. They had been fishing off in the graveyard of the Atlantic all day long and had arrived at Pamlico Inn dock just in time to see an Ocracoke square dance get underway. The late Simie O'Neal came up to shake hands with Congressman Warren who in turn said, "Simie, I want you to meet my friend Senator Joseph T. Robinson, of Arkansas." Simie extended his hand and said 'Howdy Joe" and then continued his conversation with the First Dis trict Congressman. SEVERAL PEOPLE have asked me who made that beautiful pic ture which illustrated my fishing column in the News and Observer NOTICE i Notice is hereby given that the Registration Books for the coming Town Election for the Town of Beaufort, North Carolina, to be held May 2nd, 1939, for the election of Town Officials, the said Registration Books will be open for the registration of qualified persons who have rot already registered, on the following dates, from 9 o'clock A. M., until sunset, at the Town Hall. SATURDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1939 SATURDAY, APRIL 29th, 1939 Will Be Challenge Day Any persons desiring to register on other days between April 8th and April 22nd, 1939, may do so at the home of the undersigned at 209 Moore Street, Beaufort, N. C. CANDIDATES MUST FILE WITH REGISTRAR Before 4:00 P. M., April 22nd 1939. JOHN D. BROOKS, Registrar. last Sunday. If you saw it and if you are interested, the photogra pher was Fied Steadman of High Point, who from my way of think ing has some of the best action pictures of fish and fishing ever made especially on the North Carolina coast. GET SET FOR the opening of the first annual state sponsored surf casting contest which begins on May 1. Entry blanks for your fish, (blues or channel bass) may be obtained from The Beaufort News office in Beaufort or the Dare County Times office in Man teo. They will also be available at most of the inns along the coast and especially at the official head quarters of each district. IF YOU WANT some really fine fishing, be on the lookout for the 'tide runners", which some of you are already calling ultra large trout or weakfish which usually show up about May 1. They will be making their appearance in the vicinity of bridges on the Carteret coast, (Beaufort channel and Xew- port River) and in the vicinity of the screwpile lights of Pamlico Sound. The time to catch them is on the flood tide and for the first two hours of the ebb. You will probably be using shrimp for bait if you fish in the vicinity of Beau fort channel and Newport river. but if vou make the trip out to - -' RESIDENTIAL Residence BEAUFORT, N. C, Bluff Shoal light, Hatteras Inlet ight, and possibly Croatan light, take shrimp only for the purpose of chumming. As your fish ap pear, and they will appear when conditions are favorable, use a chronium plate squid, about two or three inches in length with a 4-0 or 5-0 hook. If you don't have the most elegant sport you have ever ever had with f ishJif they are biting and show up in the "tide runner size" then you had better get a tarpon rig and go after silver kings or maybe a marlin. SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWS $1.50 A YEAR Norfolk - Southern RAILROAD Lv. Beaufort (B) 6:45 a. m. Lv. New Bern (B) 9:30 a.m. Ar. Greenville 3:07 p. rn. Ar. Wilson 4:27 p. m. Ar. Raleigh 6:20 p. m. Ar. Washington 11:20 o. m. Ar. Elizabeth City 3:02 p. m, Ar. Norfolk 4:50 p. m. Travel for IV2C per mile The economical way. (B) Highway bus Beaufort Washington. to iyP.MMfura 111 I lira lin CONTRACTOR 301-1 and one-foprth goes back to the farm in the form of feed.