I I t 1 lursday, June 15th, 1939. THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C. PACE FIVE J n c t n 1 a n it t r 0 0 it a 1 Da 5- "A LOT OF LIFE" ho has not waked to hear a mocking bird His rousing music spilled every where 'ho has not felt clean earth beneath his feet, Or smelled sweep apple-blossoms ) on the air; 'ho has not known the thrill of looking at Tall corn, majestic in the sum mer sun, as missed a lot of life, in spite of all The other things he likes to say he's done. Virginia Stanton, Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Hyde motor 1 to Richmond Tuesday. They ere accompanied by Misses Lena uncan, Mildred Jones, Gladys hadwick who will continue on to ew York to attend the World's air: iMr.and Mrs. Jim Moon and lildren of Alabama are here on a isit to Mrs. Moon's mother, Mrs. i. D. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Martin of Mt. Hive spent the week-end here ith his sister Mrs. Robert Tillett. Miss Virginia Vaughn and Enoch Barnes of Washington wer-j week-end guests of Miss Elizabeth Thomas. 0 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allen of Kinston were visitors here Sunday o Wm. L. Hatsell was a business visitor in New Bern Tuesday. o Mr. and Mrs. Halsey Paul and children and Mrs. D. M. DeNoyer and son Bill left this week to at tend the World's Fair. Mrs. Fred Morrison and little daughter, and Mrs. S. P. Hancock of Lynchburg, Vs., are visiting Miss Ella Davis. ...all-EE . iud HUM 1 n 1 rii- mm $149.50 VALUES! VALUES! YES, the biggest refrigerator values in all Kelvinator's 25 years! Sparkling-white, stream lined new Silver Jubilee Kelvina tons with nearly 14 square feet of shelf area ... 6 cubic feet of space! Built by the oldest maker of elec tric refrigerators . . . powered with Kelvinator's new Polarsphere that uses current only 20 of the time . . , gives safe, sure protection all the time. Yet they're priced at a sew low! Take advantage of these big Silver Jubilee "buys" ... Come in Today I , Mrs. Rosa Bland and son of Norfolk spent Sunday here with Mrs. M. S. Snowden. o Miss Irene Smith of Raleigh, spent the week-end he 'e with her sister Mrs. B. H. Noe. Mrs. U. E. Swann has returned home from Macon and Warrenton, where she has been visiting rela. tives. o Miss Georgia Ann Maxwell of Atlanta. Ga., is visiting Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Maxwell. . o Miss Anna Gardner of Macon is visiting her aunt Mrs. U. E. Swann. o Mr. Calvin Dickinson of Wil mington, spent the week end here with his grandmother Mrs. Lula Duncan. o Mrs. Dorothy Dockey of Char lotte and Mrs. W. W. Whitehurst of Wilson are visiting Mrs. Lula Duncan. o Mrs. Claud Guthrie and daugh ter left Monday to visit relatives in Maxton. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Webster of Wilmington spent the week-end here with Mrs. Webster's brother, Mr. A. M. Fulcher. Mrs. Milton Lipman and son Daniel are attending the World's Fair. o Miss Beulah Richards left Fri day for Baltimore where she will be for several weeks with rela tives. Mrs. Lula Jurney of Mt. Olive was a visitor here the latter part of the week. o Mrs. John Jones and children and Mrs. James Noe and children motored to Norfolk the week-end. o Mrs. Francis Hatsell who has been visiting relatives in Davidson has returned home. Mrs. Julia Pake, Mrs. A. Medin and Mrs. Charles Pake and son are visiting relatives in Florida this week. Mr. and Mrs. Windley Respess of New Bern spent the week-end here with Mr. Respess' mother Mrs. K. J. Respess. Mrs. Augusta Medin of Jersey City, N. J., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Julia Pake. Rev. and Mrs. C. T. Rogers of Roanoke Rapids visited friends here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Moody Clemmons of Raleigh spent the week-enc! here with his brother, Mr. F. R. Clemmons. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Clemmons left this week for a two weeks stay in South Carolina. Mrs. Nat Pake of Raleigh visit ed her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Longest Sunday. Mr. Jack Neal and Rufus Sea well motored to Savannah, Ga., Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Neal's uncle Ben. Mrs. Chas. Skarren and son have returned from Washington, D. C, and New York after sever al weeks stay there. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lincke and son, Paul III, of Kinston, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lincke, Sr. on Front Street. c Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Mitchell and two children S. L. Jr., and Miss Christine, of Martinsville, Va., arrived today to spend a short while with Mrs. Mitchell's parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lincke. o Mr. and Mrs. Fonnei Simmons and party, Messrs. Lawrence, Le on and Jackson Garner, of Newport were the guests of Mrs. Sallie Hutchens Sunday they also visited Harkers Island. Mr. Jack Sumrell and two boy friends of Rocky Mount visited his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Lincke Monday and Tuesday. Prof, and Mrs. M. A. Hill, and Mr. Hill's mother, Mrs. Sadie Hill who has been visiting her son at Chapel Hill, arrived here Wednes day to spend the summer on the coast. Mrs. Alvah Nance and sons, Frank and Terry of Paducah, Ky., arrived here last week and will pend the summer with Mrs. Nance's parents Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. George Piver, Mrs. Hattie Parkin, Miss Ola Dud ley attended the funeral of Miss Gladys Clark in Greenville Sunday the guests. Table prizes of attractive hand kerchiefs went to the following high scorers: Mrs. Robert Tillett, Mrs. Graham Duncan, Miss Lucy Holland, Mrs. Seth Gibbs and Mrs. Lucas. Guests coming in for refresh ments were Mrs. F. R. Bell and Mrs. Ed Potter, with Mrs. Potter cutting visitor's prize. CHADWICKS RETURN HOME WEDNESDAY Dr.and Mrs. W. S. Chadwick and daughter Mary Sue motored to Richmond Wednesday to visit her son Lawrence who has been a patient in the hospital there for several days. He was able to re turn home with them this week. Former Residens of Davis Celebrate Silver Wedding Anniversary In Washington Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Wade, 817-30th Street, S. E. Washington, D. C, will be glad to know that on June 3, 1939 they celebrated their Silver Anni versary at their lovely home. The celebration was in the na ture of a banquet and served two purposes, that of House Warming and Anniversary, since the couple have only recently moved into their present home. There were forty-five guests present during the course of the evening, many of them old friends who have known the couple for years, others were new friends they have made since coming to live in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Wade have two young sons who celebrated with their parents on this memorable occasion. Mr. Wade was a most considerate host and seemed pleas ed to mingle with his many friends. Mrs. Wade was charming in blue chiffon, looking very much like a bride, she wore a corsage of yellow roses, a gift from Mr. Wade. The house was beautifully dec orated with silver leaves, and cut flowers. The lawn was brilliantly lighted and refreshments were served during the evening from long tables. The large wedding cake held the place of honor in the center of the dining room ta ble, the only other decoration be ing large vases of roses. At eleven o'clock the host and hostess served the wedding cake and a delicious ice course. There, were many lovely and useful gifts presented to the cou ple but the most appreciated was the good wishes and congratula. tions heaped upon them by their many friends. cause of failing health she had been unable to prepare and hold a reception for her many friends as in previous years, but was in deed happy to be able to serve to all who haJ called during the day and evening, cake, which had been made by her very hands. Many friends called during the day, and many cards and gifts were received by this aged lady who is dearly beloved by her church to which she is so faithful, by her neighbors, to whom she has meant much during the passing years, and to the citizenry of Beaufort, who were proud to hon or her on this, her 80th anniver sary. Her daughter, Mrs. Charles Case and granddaughter, Miss Evelyn Norcom and Mrs. Julian Hamilton, served punch, cream and cake to those calling throughout the day and evening. voted to Program Planning and a report of the World's Fair tour. A plate lunch is to be served by the Curb Market women at the noon hour and a recreational hour is to be featured in the afternoon. All club members are invited to attend. Club Members Met Despite The Rain Twelfth District Club members representing the Home and 4-H units of Carteret, Lenoir, Craven, Onslow, Jones and Pamlico met on Atlantic Beach today. It is quite likely that a few stayed at home, but judging from the huge crowds which were thronging The Casino, convention headquarters, at 10:30 this morning, nearly 2, 000 persons were present. Fea tures of the convention was the principal address by F. H. Jeter, State Agricultural editor and the picnic spread. Home Demonstra tion clubs had their meeting this afternoon. 1 ie 4-H clubs met during the morning. Bank Will Close Wednesdays 12 Noon It was anounced today that the First Citizens Bank would close Wednesdays at 12 o'clock, giving a half holiday through the summer months, along with other business houses which will close at 1 o'clock BIRTH ANNOUNC MENT Mr. and Mrs. George Broda of Portsmouth, Va., announce the birth of a daughter June 8. Mrs. Broda will be pleasantly remem bered here as Beatrice Norris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Norris of Beaufort RFD. Jacob Miller To Attend Furniture Show Next Week STOPPING AT THE ANCHORAGE Judge Causen Williams of San ford and Solictor D. M. Clark of Greenville are guests at the An chorage. Jacob Miller, owner of Miller Furniture Company her ewill at tend the Southern Furniture Ex position in High Point next week. He leaves on Tuesday and expects to return to Beaufort on Friday. While in High Point he will in ad dition to buying stock for his firm here, fill some special orders he has from customers. , '-y-. Summer Council H. D. Clubs Will Meet On Tues. 22 The Summer Couty Council of The Carteret Federation of Home Demonstration dubs will meet Thursday morning, June 22, in the Home AgenVs office at 9:45 o'cloc. Mrs. Will Norris, presi dent, is to preside and Mrs. Leslie Gillikin is to act as secretary. The morning session is to be de Filled Promptly By Registered PHARMACISTS And Delivered To You At Once In Our Store You Will Find Cool Comfort Courteous Service Efficient Fountain Employees MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY JOE HOUSE DRUG STORE DAY PHONES 333-1 or 910-1 BEAUFORT, NIGHT PHONE 346-6 N. C. li :::::::::::::t:::::::::un::::: MISS KATHARINE DAVIS AT GREENVILLE Miss Katharine Davis, daughter of Mrs. Leslie C. Davis is at Green ville taking a beauty course. Miss Davis was a student the past year at the college there. MR. R. K. DAVIS ATTENDS CONVENTION Mr. R. K. Davis is attending a conveitnon of the Jefferson Stan dard Life Insurance Co., in New York this week. TROV JOHNSON RECEIVES LICENSE IN PHARMACY Mr. Troy Johnson has received his license to become a registered pharmacist in the state of Nevada. Mr. Johnson has not yet decided where he will locate. MISS AMY MUSE ENTERTAINS AT CARDS An outstanding social event of the season was a lovely party giv. en by Miss Amy Muse last Thurs day afternoon. Quantities of sum mer flowers were used thoughout the home. Guests, when arriving, found their places by blocks of cake with their name iced upon them. Although it was the regluar meeting of the Book and Bridge club, Miss Muse was hostess to a number of other guests. Cold drinks were served during the af ternoon with delicious ice cream and cake served on the arrival of &m imwMjm m Mwwmmmm Come in Today See These Amazing If CI Ulf I ATflDQ bow the Pressure Pilot on the iibLf IIIHI ViW W-krif. W Wrimrer unfail. tngly selects the right-pressure for each doth. Don't miss it) Come in today! tmroaiEii who see this mar vv relou 1939 Kehrinator Electric Washer at work cant bdp exclaiming about it For It's new. revolutionary . . . and It's offered now at sensational Silver Jubilee savings! Come in and see for yourself. Watch how Kelvinator's ex clusive Fin-Flex Agitator cleans clothes to snowy whiteness. See AS LOW AS S4.50 Per mo. Mode i,hitrmtd 9-C Art MRS. H. D. NORCOM HONORED ON 80TH ANNIVERSARY Mrs. H. D. Norcom "Miss Cal' as she is affectionately called by intimate friends, was given a sur prise birthday party Monday ev ening by her neighbors who know her best. A beautifully decorated basket laden with gifts, cards and flowers was brought in and placed before the honoree who, assisted by Mrs. W. E. Adair, opened the gifts and thanked each one person ally for her remembrances of her. The many cards with fitting senti ments were read by Mrs. Windley. while Mrs. Ipock read a card of greeting from "your neighbors on your 80th birthday anniversary." Mrs. Norcom then told how 61 years that very night she came to this home a bride and felt that it was most fitting that she should be celebrating among her neigh bors a similar anniversary after all these years. She said that be- HALF AND HALF NOW YOU CAN GET WHOLE WHEAT AND WHITE BREAD SLICED IN ONE PACKAGE ASK FOR HALF AND HALF One half of the Loaf Is 100 Whole Wheat and the other is white A PRODUCT OF BETT'S BAKERY Bakers of Better Bread Since 1929 Evening Glamour FOR YOU! Iff SPECIAL OFFER 49- Sal FR in A V X, 6 SAT. ONLY! 49c Sale THIS COUPON WORTH $4.51 TOWARD THIS PURCHASE This Co .ion and Only 49c Entitles Bearer to One of Our Regular $5 CROSS NECKLACES In Plain or White Facsimile DIAMONDS Or Your Choice of Ladies' or Mens Rhodium Finish Rings with Dentelle Diamonds Unlimited Guarantee EASTMAN FURNITURE CO. i FRONT STREET BEAUFORT, N. C. Bring this Coupon and 49c to our store and receive one of our regular $5 Cross Necklac es or ladies' or men's Rings. You save exactly $4.51. This 49c merely helps pay for local ad vertising, express, salespeople, etc., nothing more to pay. NEW STREAMLINED DESIGNS These beautiful Cross Necklaces and Rings are the new fashion sensation now being worn morning, afternoon and evening. Variety of styles, including engagement, wedding and dinner Rings and plain or fancy designs in Cross Necklaces. 14-K Finish t This offer made possible by the manufacturer. Limited supply for this Special Sale. We reserve the right to limit quantities. This Coupon is good only while Advertising Sale is on. GUARANTEE GIVEN WITH EACH ARTICLE This is an Introductory Offer and the Articles will be $5.00 each after this sale BELL'S DRUG STORE BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA t Let Us Keep You Beautiful You'll like our complete beauty service, make it a habit to stop in regularly. Four skilled operators! For Appointment Phone B-379-1 Permanents $2.50 Individual stylet to suit your features. Complete with sham poo and trim. Oth ers to $10. Manicures by ex perts 50c Shampoo and Rinse, now . . . 50c New Beauty Fac ials 75c Finger Wave 50c Done by stylists who know their bus iness. A refreshing shampoo included at this price. BEAUFORT NORTH CAROLINA BEAUFORT THEATRE Dial 483-1 Sunday and Monday June 18 and 19 A Human Study of Abraham Lincoln Hitherto Rarely Disclosed Henry Fonda, Alice Brady, Arleen Whalen in "YOUNG MR. LINCOLN" also News, Cartoon Tuesday, June 20th Jane Withers, Arleen Whalen- "BOY FRIEND" -in Wednesday, June 21 JACK POT $30.00 Kay Francis, William Gargan in "WOMEN IN THE WIND" Thursday and Friday, June 22, 23 A Great Picture, Lavishly Produced with a Bril liant Cast and Enriched with al lthe Beauty of Technicolor. Brought back by popular demand Loretta Young, Richard Greene in "KENTUCKY" Saturday, June 24 DOUBLE FEATURE Peter Lorre, Jean Hersholt in MR. MOTO ON DANGER ISLAND' also Buck Jonesin "CALIFORNIA FRONTIER" COMING NEXT WEEK "Rose of Washington Square"