3 'f VG TWELVE THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. C Thursday, Dec. 14th, 1939. How Other Lands Mark Christmas I welling Mil of the world, Arner trti has created its Christmas traditions ti.m countless customs brought across the WfiJ from foreign lands. In these f. t winy duces the Yuleli'je symbols ol bygone ages still endure. Here are a jew of them : F GLAND: Christmas to rural Englishmen 1 m;n ....j EDWARDS SPEAKS (Continued from page P) One thintf v-f art- mtt interest ed in and I am sure you trer.tiemen will he ;i!m, is to secure the loca tion Iv.-te of som. lavue industry that will make the railroad and at the same time double the popula tion of your city. Although I have had very little time to devote to sueh matters, I have made some study of your resources and the possibilities for some large indus try that could prosper here and ac cording to my preliminary survey here is the most ideal spot in the entire South for i; large paper means not only the observance of Christ's birth, but also a parting of the ways between the old year and the new, Preparations are started for (he next year's farm work, which br-'ins right after Christmas. Throughout the Island such trap pm s as the holly and mistletoe re main undying traditions, nor is any Christmas complete without the Yule log burning. On clear frosty nights the carol singers raise their vo:ces over the countryside. To many Englishmen's despair, such American customs as the turkey din ner are gaining a foothold. GERMANY: Two years ago storm troopers in Berlin lit bonfires in the public squares as a revival of the pagan custom cf celebrating the winter solstice. But this distraction will net stop the Christmas-loving Ger mans from decorating their trees in every town and village, and joining in the famed Christmas hymn, "Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht." ITALY: Most Italian families celebrate Christmas eve and spend the follow ing day quietly in their homes. Here it is a feast more for grown-ups than for children, whose merry making day comes 12 days later, on January 6. On Christmas eve fami- in I I tnlieve that it the right efforts are put behind it such a plant can be located here. I was instrumental in locating a 10 mil lion dollar paper plant in Panama City, Florida on the railroad I ope rated there and it had the effect of doubling; the population of that town and nivinp the railroad about 100 tar loads of traffic per day. Here you have everything that is needed for such a plant: Abun dant supply of law material, the cheapest possible means of trans portation of the raw material to the plant. Pulp wood can be brought in here from 20 counties by water and as far back into the interior by rail as they may wish to go. For outbound movements they would have ocean shipping;, for export or coastwise, the Inland Waterway and by rail. We have a proposition to make such a plant that cannot be dupli cated by any community which makes me confident we can lani an entrpri.se of this kind. There are two things essential to such a plant that I have not yet investigated, namely: An abun dance of fresh water and a low tax rate. The mill I referred to as having located in Florida was granted a 15 year tax exemption and they dug 0o wells for their wa ter supply. Merrv Christinas! By Helen Morton I presume the water is avail here and the tax mutter can fixed by legislation. able be What I want to bring out here is first make an extensive survey as to what kind of industry can pros per here and then get organized and keep everlastingly after it un til it is landed. We pledge you gentlemen our wholehearted support in any pro ject that you may initiate for the betterment of this community. ACHING CHEST COLDS 1 ' 'I Need More Than "Just Salve" To Relieve DISTRESS To quickly relieve chest cold misery and muscular aches and pains due to colds it takes MORE than "just a salve" you j J?!mine' soothing "counter irritant . like good old reliable M usterola Used by millions for over 30 years. Musterole penetrates the outer layers Of the ski and helps break up local con gestion and pain. 3 strengths: Regular, Children s (mild) and Extra Strong, 40. MARINE HARDWARE VALSPAR Paints Enamels Varnishes and KIRBY'S Copper Paints Complete Marine Service BARBOUR'S MACHINE SHOP Beaufort N. C. DELICIOUS Roasted Oysters -AND- i, ITALY -Children of the Italian Alps at Christmas Time, praying before a uaysiile shrine. lies gather around the "ceppo" or Christmas log blazes. At nine p. m. bpgins the "eenone," or big supper, at which no meat may be served. Gifts for children, which come on ".jipb.any, are brought not by Santa Ciaus but by an ugly witch whose 'name is "Befana." FRANCE: Exchange of gifts comes not on Christmas but mostly on New Year's day, which in France is the big family day for reunions of cousins, aunts and uncles. Santa Claus is "Fere Noel," who leaves his gifts in wooden shoes. Christmas eve is int spent at home uat in revelry and feasting. ItELGWM: Neither Santa Claus nor Pere Noel :slt children here but St. Nicholas akes the rounds, surprisingly, on December 6! A quaint Eelgian cus m is the putting up the chimney '. a few crrrots for the little donkey n which St. Nicholas makes his . isits. WSHA: Th s anti-Christian nation forbids rlebrntion of the Yuletide but n: ngrr con. pels foreign residents to port their own Christmas trees ;,ikinp an about fare the Soviet :ivemment uses tnis emblem of 'olriliood for its New Year's relo cations when Dadja More., or Un le Frost, appears with gifts for :.'od children. ''Ol j AND: This Christmas celebration lasts .intil February 2 and is preceded Hy fasting which is not broken until he first star appears on Christmas .'ve. In all homes the tablecloth is placed over a layer of fragrant hay in commemoration of the manger. HUNGARY: St. Nicholas leaves boxes of candy for children early in December, aft er which the youngsters must be on their good behavior. They write let lers to the angels, who, they be lifve, bring the presents. If they find bits of tinsel on the floor, they claim this is angel's hair and proof that the angels are everywhere, ob serving which boys and girls are good. BARBECUE Complete Restaurant Service Dine and Dance STANLEY'S Grade A Cafe and Cabins Route 70 Near Morehead City TT WAS enough to make one hate Christmas! Betsy was so tired that she could hardly stand. This counter in the middle of the aisle had become a nightmare to her. The crowds hurrying by, pulling the neckties off as their coats brushed against them, fingering them over and then tossing them back on the table carelessly. Still, it was good to have a job, even a temporary one. For she had been without work for a long enough time so that she had "eat en" and all her possessions she could borrow money on. No time to be standing here think ing, though. That fat woman looked as if she was going to buy several ties. "These are very nice, madam. And so reasonable; 35 cents a piece, or three for $1.00. This is an ex ceptionally pretty one," and Betsy showed her a navy blue. But the fat woman dropped the ties and has tened away with her friend, leaving a pile of ties on the floor. Wearily Betsy leaned over ana began picking them up. "Let me help?" a friendly voice asked. Betsy looked up into a handsome face, curly brown hair, deep blue eyes, and a mouth that curved into a smile at the surprise in Betsy's eyes. "I want to get some ties for my family, I've been up here the past few weeks, and so I don't know what the kids want, but I think it'll be safe to give 'em tics. Socks are so commonplace." "Your brothers?" Betsy asked as she held up one or two she liked particularly. "Yeah. Three brothers and a sis ter. She's about your age, I reckon. What does a girl like, anyway, when you've only a little to spend?" He looked imploringly. "Let's get the brothers fixed up first, and then see about her. How's this for the 17-year-old?" Betsy in quired. "Fine. You know, I'm tickled pink to be able to do anything for the family. I struck a bad spell, was down with flu for three weeks, and lost my job. I just got another last week. But I'd have hated to have the day go by with nothing from the big boy." His face was shining. "I'll have them wrapped as g.fts. Then you go over to the counter there and select something for your sister. Here, I'll take you over ar.d get a girl from my home town to wait on you. She'll help," and Betsy went along with him. "You're not a city girl, then? No wonder you were so helpful. I'm 1 1 SANTA SAYS. Shop and Save at ARTIN'S This Christmas M USEFUL FTS for EVERYONE ESPECIALLY FOR THE LADIES - y Silken Dance Sets Panties and Bra's Satin Slips Glamorous Gowns Paia g mas Frocks and Millinery QT TIT A PI IT P ICTC rnD iwr a mtc i ft.'.-? j , l Iks WUhJ 2? Presents That PLEASE GIFT Hose 59c up PURSES" $1. Handkerchiefs For men and women HOSTESS ROBES $1.25 and up 9 feP5! ft GIFTS FOR CHILDREN Towel Sets Blankets Bridge Sets Table Cloths NECKWEAR FOR MEN AND WOMEN ? BEAUFORT THE GIFT STORE NORTH CAROLINA f .r Ski-Suits $2.50 up SWEATERS, SHOES AND ACCESSORIES ShopwiTnConficI Furnish with Pr This FIREWORK e,1Ce MlA l1" get some ties foe my C h :4?, V.L ct MILLER'S D0LLS-ALL KINDS DOLL BABY SUPPLIES TO PLEASE LITTLE LADIES For Boys and Girls Velocipedes Wagons Skooters Desks Chairs Rockers and other Gifts m 'Li la.iu: - W.'iere it all began nearly 20 cen lurivs ago, worshipers reverently hail each Christmas at the church i f Nativity which is built over Christ's traditional birthplace. It has ren.ained unchanged more than 1.5U0 years. There pilgrims gather from all over the world to intone "Gl ry to the New-Born King." t X II G-E ELECTRIC GIFTS MILLER FURNITURE COMPANY BEAUFORT NORTH CAROLINA these sophisticated girls the shops. That be cause I've been here only a few months, and in my home town ev eryone knew everyone and it was, well, it was different. Say, you don't think I'm getting fresh, do you? I'm just so homesick." His face was red with embarrassment. It was Betsy's turn to look trou bled. "Sure, I knew how it was I don't chatter away with every cus tomer this way, either. I'm like you new here, and lonesome for my own people. I was hating Christmas time, with so much confusion and no real Christmas spirit. So I'm glad you told me about your family." She turned him over to Marie at the women's wear counter, and went on with her tie selling. They seemed prettier, fresher and more attrac tive, than they had before the curly headed fellow had come along to buy some. ONLV a half hour off for supper, then she'd have to work until the store closed at nine. Christmas eve meant lots of last minute gifts to be bought in this big city. As she turned away from her counter to go out to eat, friendly voice sounded at her shoulder. "If you're going to snatch a sand wich, do you mind if I go along and we learn something more about each other? Your friend told me you'd have just a little while for lunch, and I want to get acquainted, if you'll let me." U wasn't Just a -piCK-up." 'ihii was a Tioirresicir boy, wanting to talk with a small town girl who knew his language. There was just a moment's hesi tation before Betsy said, with a grin, "Sure enough. Lead me to the lunch counter. You're no more lonely than I've been. As it is, I really feel like I can say 'Merry Christmas' when tomorrow comes." Any person shooting FIREWORKS of any kind within the downtown business section of Beaufort, on Front Street between Orange and Queen Streets and extending 200 feet on both sides of Front Street be tween Orange and Queen Streets will be subject to ar rest and upon trial and conviction will be subject to a MINIMUM FINE Of $5.00 This ruling also applies to those arrested and convicted of throwing Fireworks or Firecrackers on Porches- in Doorways or Automobiles, at or under the Feet of Individuals in any section of Beaufort. X x i-j. 1 W ca r m n m &j Even tlie smallest pieces of Fireworks can destroy the sight of an eye or start a fire ! ! TAKE WARNING ! ! ! THIS RULING WILL BE ENFORCED BY THE POLICE OF BEAUFORT. Signed: GEORGE W. HUNTLEY, Mayor Town of Beaufort, N. C. ft ft 1 1 a ft m 1 r n ft 1 s LA r