THE BEAUFORT NEWS BEAUFORT, N. 0. Thuridayi February 6, 1941 PAGE THREE THE VOICE OF HISTORY FACTS YOU NEVER KNEW!.'.' By Bob Dar. SANKINCENSE.USED IN THE WAKING OP INCENSE, WAS ONE OF THE WORLD'S MOST SACRED AND VALUABLE COMMCDIflf S 2000 VFflP ArVI MM WHO HANDLED If WERE STRIPPED AND SEAECHED TriEV LEFf WORK, LEST THEY MAY HAVE STOLEN SOA'.E AND POWERFUL KINGDOMS ROSE AND FELL IN WE STCC-dlE i TO COWKOL THIS VALUABLE TRADE. I 2r W ViblHE -IFE OP THE AVERAGE PARROT ' " T'i Ef W I I (WIS HEEE OLD AGE PENSI'O i ' gefSl; 0F the PEOPLE, t ilk ' - I rofi the peop-le' j Pik -x.f AND By THE PEOPLE ll 'PM' SHALL NOT PMISH ! A " ,M i , THE ! fat- 1 T ATLANTIC SCHOOL NEWS The Senior class of Atlailie will present a three-act comedy "It's ! Long Lane'" Thursday, February 0,'in the Atlantic auditorium at 7 :00 o'clock. The story concerns the struggle of a young business girl, played by Blanche Daniels, to hold her orphaned family togeth er, and to find a place in the sun for her younger sister and brother. Other characters in the play are Mary Salter, Sadie Fulcher, Lida Morris, Alma Smith, Lionel Lup ton, Joe Mason, Garland Morris, and Robert Gaskill. Both of the regular basket ball games of last week were postpones because of illness. First Grade Washing our hands at school is fun. We wash our hands before iiid-morning lunch; we roll up our sleeves, rub with the soap, chen wo rub again and again. We make soap bubbles with our hands and when Bernard turns on the water, we chase away the dirt. We must wash our hands beforo we eat, before we read, and befort we sleep. Second Grade The second grade has been mak ing hook reviews. These are tak en from the Modern Wond-r book. They have organized a reading club". The Robin My Book is about a robin. The robin builds his nest in spring. A robin has four eggs. A robin is a pretty bird. A robin likes worms. Bernard Nelson. The Elephant The circus has elephants. The elephants do tricks. The elephants work. The elephants are funny. The circus elephant is happy. Martha Daniels. The Policeman My book was about a policeman, The policeman made a man stop. He stops many cars. He helps people drive carefully. William Salter, KZ-1 " Copyright 190 Lincoln NH'sr Fr.tur.-i, Inc ill M l3pl,- W VaVaRS.BEULAH LOUISE HENRV IS i 1 jf-4 jljNK IS OBTAINED FROM,AM0Nj OTHER l 1 -Ml tjMl A(A THE WORLD'S MOST PROLIFIC i 4- SOURCES)OLDIRON...INKISSAlOTol YEfiWA ZIWEMALE INVENTOR.... 52 J :ferlT7 H ME BEEN INVENTED BY T'lEN CHEN V (-fldkl Z2 Xv-VvPATENTS ARE ISSUED 1 ' U3000-2OO0B.C.) AND CHINESE MANUStRlPfsU JJ ' NAIE ' ' 8 U OVER 1500 YEARS ARE AVAILABLE EXPLAIN-l I ""w Jir-' j UiNG METHODS OF PREPARING INK. j Third Grade Sambo and the Twins Helen Bannerman. I like this book because it is about Sambo and the Twins. It is a very good book. One day Sam bo's mother called him. He asked her what she wanted. He ran in He saw two darling little black ba bies. They were his littb broth ers, lie loved them very much When they grew older he fed them and bathed them. Lillian Morris. Grade 4 The boy:, an.! girl.-! in the Thiid and Fourth grades have been studying about birds and animals. We have studied about the hum ming bird. A good way to feed the humming bird is to take a small bottle, then a piece of bright paper and put it around the bot tle. Put sugar and water in the bottle. Then put the bottle in a bunch. When the humming bird sees it, he will think it is a flower. So he goes down to get the sweet nectar which he thinks is a flower, when he begins to drink the sweet, ened water he likes it very much. Every day he will come to the flow er to get nectar. We have stud ied about other birds, but I think the humming bird is most interest ing. You can make a cafeteria for other other birds too. . Animals get their food in other ways. Elsie Hamilton. NEWPORT SCHOOL NEWS POTATOES REMOVE FROM THE SOIL MORS POTASH THAN NITROGEN cutd PHOSPHORIC ACID t COMBINED! the first requirement in growing profitable potatoes is plenty of potash the most important nt food for producing high yields, more No. l's, and good quality. For instance a 300-bushel per acre yield uses 125 lbs. of nitrogen, 35 lbs; of phosphoric acid, and 170 lbs. of potash Experiment stations and successful growers have found 1,500 to 2,250 lbs. of a 5.7-7 anal ysis per acre a profitable application. Ask your county agent or experiment station how much available potash your soil contains and how much to add to carry your crop through to more profit. Then make sure that your dealer sells you a fertilizer containing enough potash to supply what you need. You will be surprised how little extra it costs. Write us for our free illustrat ed booklet on how much plant food crops use, AMERICAN POTASH INSTITUTE, INC. INVESTMENT BUILDING WASHINGTON, D C. SOUTHERN OFFICE! Mortgag OuutntM Building, Atlanta. Georgia fission First Grade The First Grade has been read ing about Top Not Biddy and her chicks. So the children decided to bring a hen and some eggs, anJ hatch some chicks at school. Dur ing this free discussion the children tell all they know about hens and chickens, the teacher supplement ing their knowledge. Facts About Poultry The children learned these facts. 1. Thata hen lays eggs, which furnish food for us. 2. That she sits on a certain number of eggs (usually twelve or fifteen) three weeks, then the chickens hatch. 3. That "biddies" are white, yellow.or black. 4. That at first the chickens are fed by the owner. 5. Later they"scratch" for food, finding bugs, worms, and seeds. These children are planning big on having chicks hatched before Easter Today we watched the snow and talked about why rain turns into snow. We made rhymesabout the snow. The following rhymes are some of the best: The snow is falling all around. I see it on the ground. The snow is falling fast. I can rot hear it pass. blue. We honor our flag. Ernest Garner. Fifth Grade At a meting of our Book Club on Friday afternoon we elected new officers. They were: Presi dent, J. C. Jones; Vice President, John Bell; Secretary, Keturan Gray;. ind Treasurer. Joan Garner. We have been bringing money to buy some new books for our li bra ry. In art we have been cutting MX.wi'l.-ikes and making Valen tines. Some of us are making valentine pin cushions to give to our mothers on Valentine Day. Lionel Garner, Reporter. Second Grade Last week we drew a snowman and made up rhymes about him. The following rhymeswere made. A snowman is not made here to stay, Put him by the fire and watch him go away. Alton Jones. A snowman is a jolly old man, He is made of snow and is white as dough. Geneva Rhue. Mr. Snowman, big and round, Is the thrill of every little boy in town. Terry Garner. Third Grade We have been studying about flags. We are going to give a chapel program about the first flag of the United States, and we have written some stories about it. These are some of the best ones. Our Flag The colors of the flag are red, white and blue. Red stands for bravery. White stands for peace and purity. Blue stands for loy alty. The flag has thorteen stripes and forty-eight stars. The thir teen stripes stand for the first thirteen states. The forty-eight stars stand for the present forty eight states. Betty Jo Hill. Our Flag Our first flag had thirteen stars and stripes. Now our flag . has forty-eight stars and thirteen stripe. Our flag is red, white, an 1 Sixth Grade The sixth grade enjoys theii regular monthly birthday party, Friday, January 31st. Those hav. ing birthdays were Marion Smith, Robert Oakley, and Lee Garner. Chocolate fudge and sea foam candy was served. The boys and girls have been studying and writing poems in En glish to respesent different sub jects in the sixthgrade. Thefol lowing poems illustrate facts in Health, History, and Citizenship, and Geography: My Teeth There are thirty-two soldiers which are gl owing in a row, Up and down, up and down, up and down they go. They chew and grind the food J eat, But they stay still when I'm asleep. My tooth brush and paste are my best friends, They keep my teeth shining bright, They brush them morning, noon and night, To keep them looking clean and bright. Lois Murdoch. Newport High Vacation time will soon be here Our teachers will depart, We hate to see them leave us They're such a faithful lot. How we like the Newport High With its banner toward the sky. How we study night after night, To try to improve with all our might. The ringing of the bell we know ilings out its song, "It's time to go." It's time we start on our way to school When we get there we obey each rule. Now the years have passed, we girls and lads Look to the bells past peal to the sky. The things weregret in the grade;. Is leaving good old Ne.vpoit High. Florence Winberry. Jean Garner Repoitew Senior Class Debaters Win In Preliminary In the preliminary debate on Friday afternoon in the auditori um, Harvey Garner, James Mur doch and Bernard Quinn won out for three of the debater's place ir. the annual high school dl;.U The other speaker to win fourth place was Leon Mann of the Tenth grade. Seventh Grade The Seventh Grade pupils aro delightc' to have Lawrence Pelle tier with them again. Lawrence was with this group in the Fifth grade here. After an absence of over a year, he now comes back to join his group in the Seventh grade. He has been in attendance at the McClellanville School in South Carolina. Charlotte Mann, Sec. Best . The Bushnell club has ..-n awarded the 4-H Club iKinoe,- f ,:' being the most outstanding cin'i in Swain County in li'140, rejo;t H. It. Clapp, farm agent of the N. C. State College Extension Service. Increase One hundred pounds of sulphate of potash meant an increase in in come of $40.50 an acre from the sale of tobacco over that land not receiving the treatment for Jesse Howell, 4-IT Club member cf Yan cey County. Hcllyridge Reads Now Being Bui" Construction of loads betwe( 1 Camp Davis and the firing rar- on the coast has been started a contractors are rushing the w with a view to completing the an aircraft firing center for occu pancy a.'ound March 1". The frames of scores of buile ings were visible for the first tin: this week. Preliminary work hr. not Wen very notice;. h!e hecaus it conci ! ns mostly road buildinj. (hair, ing and laying i'o nidations. The filing ranue will be locate near the Inland waterway on tk coast several miles from the cam itself, which is adjacent to Holly . ridge. Largest Wilson County is the greem this winter it has ever been, farmers planted their largest ac age of winter cover crops last fa reports Assistant Farm Agent J. Marsh. HOLD EVERYTHING! For The New 1941 n E Refrigerator Newly Created Models And Prices That Will Surprise You On Display Soon At MILLB fj Beaufort FURNITURE CO North Carolina r--- "'fl '"' if Mli' if - a-i t -Ttiif aatoiaM mmmM. IS litiwuis mum FLUID DRIVE DODGE AND NEW PLYMOUTH HAVE BROUGHT US "CREAM" OF USED CAR CROP IN TRADE BEFORE BUYING YOUR NEW CAR LET US DEMONSTRATE THE NEW 1941 ' FLUID DRIVE DODGE AND THE NEW 1941 FLOATING POWER PLYMOUTH IPAUJIL9S (EAMA(EIE DODGE AND PLYMOUTH CARS AND TRUCKS BEAUFORT NORTH CAROLINA